Fucking microsoft just let go only interesting new IP they had on Xbox One.
Fucking microsoft just let go only interesting new IP they had on Xbox One
They weren't doing anything with it and neither will sony.
Hopefully the sequel has less "humor" since the only way you can play the game is by muting the voices and just let the music and gameplay do the rest
here OP, let me bump this shitty thread
Phil Spencer doesn’t like keeping things that aren’t true first party IP’s. It’s why he let Cuphead and Ori on the switch. Same thing happened with Titanfall
If they own the rights, I can see them making a port and probably having that be the end of it.
This game was garbage and didn't do anything right
i hope SNOY rapes it to death
They cna't port it. MS pwns the first game still, just not the IP. It's why it was XBone only since Sony wanted the full IP rights.
It was never Microsofts IP. Insomniac always owned it in full, Microsoft just funded the project and got exclusivity in return. Like how Nintendo is paying for Bayo 2 and 3 even though Sega still owns the IP.