DMC5 sucks, 4 is better

the true pros have spoken
DMC5 is bad and you should feel bad
Get back to DMC4 or DMC3

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Other urls found in this thread:

No lol. DMC4 didn't have a single good weapon. Lucifer sucks.

Will someone ban this cunt he's starting to piss me off

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Lucifer and pandora are more fun and orignal than any weapon in 5

stay mad fag

>Lucifer and pandora are more fun and orignal than any weapon in 5
Nah. Any weapon in DMC5 is more fun. Lucifer and Pandora don't feel like action game weapons, more like ants fucking.

Yeah I gotta agree, fun game, but not worth the wait. Figured I'd still be playing it but got bored after a couple week, came back for bloody palace but that was it. For a game four years in development, it certainly doesn't feel like one.

This, but Credo is still my favourite boss so I don't care what you fags say

I didn't need to be a pro to realize that after 2 playthroughs.

now fuck off

>dmc5 sucks because it's easier for me to use moves!

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Swap 4 and 5 but otherwise correct

>1 better than 4
>3 better than 5
lmfao deluded nostalgiafags are fucking cancer

5 > 3 = 4 > 1 = DmC > 2

1 purists deserve to be shot

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>lucifer sucks

Now THIS is a based ranking

Zoom zoom

t. Ant fucker

Barry, this spam is getting boring

and here is proof that it's spam

looks like the psyop is working
Yea Forums is starting to acknowledge that 5 drools and 4 rules

well done OP

I had way more fun with Revengeance

>I’ll call them zoomers, that’ll show them!
1 has aged very badly DMC only became good with 3

Unrelated but anyone here thinks that FFXV fucking sucks

DMC4 is the second worse next to 2. Nero was an unlikeable fuck and the game was a slog the entire way through due to Nero being braindead and Dante's section just being Nero's in reverse. Fuck that game. Seriously, fuck that game.

Since when did DMC threads got their own XV-kun?

Since their inception at the E3 reveal
it's litteraly him lmao

LAst i knew it the same XV-kun. Guy must be tired shitposting DMC5 and FF7R threads at the same time

it is xv kun

dmc5 is great morons

>sees entire document of criticisms
>lol no
good input

It's the same guy

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As long as you have 1 and the top you're cool

>I’ll state my opinion without elaborating on my argument, that will show them
don’t act like you’re here for a reasonable conversation, we’re all just here to call each other idiots, idiot

Im a mid level DMCfag at best and come from Ninja Gaiden Black/2. After 3 5 is definitely the best. It has the best normal enemies and bosses after 3 by miles. If these faggots are talking about combo exhibition potential they can off themselves who gives a fuck about some NEET losers who care about a few cancels where you're already far past SSS rank well doing them?

Go make combo videos for fighting games or some shit where some of that crap will impress people who can actually use parts of those combos or the combos themselves.

DMC1 difficulty scaling is awful. People defend it but then probably say more life/damage is artificial difficulty. Where yes DMC1 does add more moves it also makes it pretty much meta to use the right shit to even do remotely acceptable damage to bosses.

And yes DMC5 does this too and its a fucking gay ass thing to do too where every boss has like a full life bar of life once it DTs.

DMC4 was fucking horrible

>shitty camera that constantly forces you to change direction every 10 feet and you can very rarely actually control
>empty sterile levels with braindead annoying """puzzles""" that are frustrating solely due to the absolute shit camera
>combat is barebones trash until you are over halfway through the game and finally get some basic abilities
>most enemies are completely braindead cannon fodder
>combat feels slow and clunky because starting an attack keeps you locked in place and the jump has very little lateral movement, as a result you just sit in one spot spamming moves on braindead enemies
>style meter doesn't actually promote variety, but instead on just spamming OP moves
> movement feels very janky and awkward, you go from stop to sprinting instantly and vice versa
>same five second "le time has come and so have I" garbage on loop hundreds of times over every time you are in combat
>horrible level design and backtrack through the same shit multiple times
>S rank is based on destroying a bunch of random shit in the environment and making sure you get every red orb from them
>shitty clunky awkward jump and shit camera makes for annoying puzzles like the rotating gears puzzle which is just fucking infuriating between a jump that moves you forward one inch and a camera that makes it impossible to have any perspective on where you are jumping.
>hard to even tell if you are going the right way since you need to backtrack so much for some path that is now arbitrarily opened, and all the environments look the same
>chapter 18 worst boss fight of all time, especially with shitty camera and shitty aiming system
>constant invisible barriers everywhere

I genuinely have no idea how people prefer this clunky garbage over something like Ninja Gaiden that is very fluid and fast-paced with much better enemy and boss design

Legitimately elitist faggots who are furious more people are able to do cool shit easier.

>He's still going
Come on, Barry, this is just ridiculous.

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I prefer Ninja Gaiden for the later part of your comment but DMC games are largely faster once you understand the cancels and movement options fully especially how to move with your weapons moveset effectively. Where as in NG using flying swallow like a retard post normal isn't even a option.

DMC4 was pretty ass though but atleast it has Credo. But nothing in DMC besides Vergil 2/3 can match Ryu clones.

Start with that so I don't have to read this garbage for a post

As someone who played through the entire series for the first time recently 1 is my second least favorite besides 2
>barely any story
>only one good boss, Nelo Angelo
>stiff basic combat compared to the sequels which improve and expand on it in every single way
>Resident Evil lite level design with annoying key hunting and puzzles(though to be fair I disliked the level design in every game until 5)
It took 3 to make me like the series I almost dropped it after 1 and 2

>executing every basic technique is extremely easy
What did he mean by this?

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>other people can do cool shit and this makes me upset!


Credo is easily the high-mark of the entire game, to the point where taking him out would bring the entire game down a point or two in most peoples' eyes.

Probably bitching about how JC isn't as nerfed as it was in 4.

What I don't get is how crapcom shills defend nu-vergil. He obvously looks fucking bad compared to other characters (even lady with her manjaw)
and every day these fags just talk about how they want to be buttfucked by him

3 > 5 >>>> 1 = 4 > 2

DMC4 has good gameplay and weapons and great level design, although repeated.

DMC5 has great gameplay and weapons, but just okay level design. Half the environments aren't distinguishable from one another and most of the time you're just running down a straight hallway.

>if someone likes something I don't he's a shill
Also this is the best version of Lady you massive virgin

IMO, it's the hair. They should've just given him a new style completely.

Vergil looks fine (didn't care much about him anyways) he just needs a less animu haircut.

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>Also this is the best version of Lady you massive virgin
why do you lie user

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Trish got nerfed harder than Tifa. And she looks fugly too.

Still mad about Dante's overall design and battle music.

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the hair gives him a weird 5head


And it also looks fucking awful.

desu dante 's design is eh-ok for me, just wished that he didnt have muted colours, and also somehow he looks a bit manlet-y compared to older designs

Attached: DanteDMC5.png (1936x4662, 2.66M)

I blame the model for how ugly Trish turned out. And Tifa doesn't look ugly you autist.
I like Dante's design in 5. Just needed some accessories like a necklace or something. Subhuman is bad, though.

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>Ryu Clones
>Literal input reading bullshit
Ryu clones turn the game from a action game to bad 3d fighting game


>lady with her manjaw
I will never understand why Yea Forums is obsessed with women having pointy jaws.


>all these faggots sucking DMC1's dick
1 is clunky and shitty. DMC2 is more fun to play and even I'll admit DMC2 is utter dogshit.

Monty Pythons

Flying Circusssssss

The muted colors are awful for so many reasons. Personally, I like it but it feels too simple for Dante. It really feels like he should have something more on his chest or torso area. It doesn't look busy enough for Dante considering what he's worn canonically since 1, and it needs something red to break up the black.

If he's talking about regular moves like calibur or such then he's retarded.
If he means enemy step and gravity in general, then I agree that it is a little too lenient, but that's a complete non issue for 90% of the playerbase, and an improvement on 4's ridiculously small hitboxes.

Attached: DMC4.png (912x750, 994K)

DMC2 is objectively more clunky and less fun to play than DMC1, even with being able to run and jump on everything.

I'm talking about her breasts when it comes to "nerfed" you fucking nigger. Yea Forums bitched about Tifa's tiddies being smaller but Trish got a huge reduction after DMC4 and MVC3 Trish.

Her model overall is bad, she need a sandwich. DMC5 Dante is dry as fuck, it's no wonder he hasn't appeared in any crossovers meanwhile DMC4 Dante is appearing in more shit now as the "older" Dante.

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>4 is better

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3+ only improved how flashy your combos look, 1 is still the best overall

What new meaning has Yea Forums attached to the word "objective" that could make this post true?

>not blasting Subhuman at full volume while you Royal Guard and Quad S everything

>What is aesthetic consistency?

Oh no they don't use the hyper realistic design in the cartoony crossovers why is that????

>DMC2 is more fun
weak b8

His face and Trishu is my only gripe with the realistic art style. I always thought he'd look like Patrick Bateman

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>hyper realistic design

So that's your excuse lmao. DMC5 Nero is in Teppen which has an anime artstyle. Go fuck yourself .

I dont care about some noname faggots.
Bayonetta2 is better than 1 too. Eat my shit niggers.

Honestly what kind of sad fucking life do you live to try and push this hard on something like a video game.

5 is a straight improvement to 4 the same way 3 is a straight improvement to 1

He looked better in concept arts desu

Attached: DMC5_Vergil_Concept.png (1357x1920, 2.05M)

>mobile poster


>I'm talking about her breasts
That's a pretty gay thing to focus on, when there are bigger problems than her breast size. Also they were being loyal to DMC1 more than the bimbo in 4. And Tifa's breast size is just fine.
>DMC5 Dante is dry as fuck, it's no wonder he hasn't appeared in any crossovers meanwhile DMC4 Dante is appearing in more shit now as the "older" Dante.
He appeared in that gacha SMT game or whatever. And I hope you aren't saying that 4's design is "good".

Attached: trish-dmc1-3.jpg (700x740, 58K)

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I guess they had to make a compromise since V had to look somewhat similar

Everything does.

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>3 is a straight improvement to 1
3's bosses and enemies were overall worse than 1's. level design too. it only improved the flashiness.

also they literally designed dante to look like a gay boy band member.

git gud

Attached: DMC-5 (18).webm (853x480, 2.81M)

I'm entirely convinced Vergil's hairstyle is V's long hair pulled back. He really doesn't look bad, it's just the most jarring because we haven't really seen Vergil's face since 3. Even 4 was kind of a hackjob model that looked like either a Nero skin mod or a terrible rip from MVC3.

>give rebellion and sparda cool redesigns
>only get to use rebellion for one mission and sparda for two
>stuck with an ugly slab of rock until the next playthrough
What were they thinking?

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The difference is dmc4 vergil looks good while in dmcv he looks fucking terrible.

Attached: DMC4SE_Vergil.png (307x500, 137K)

>Somebody didn't play DMC3 or beat DMC5's tower

Virgil's hair is literally Dante'a flipped up.

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whoa he used 6 weapons in the air on an enemy that wasn't fighting back

Soo fucking slow.

Half of the bosses are as bad or worse than 1’s the other half are miles better
>Agni and Rudra
>All 3 Vergil fights

cerberus and nevan are tedious because of their regenerating shields

>The difference is dmc4 vergil looks good

Its not the biggest problem but it is nevertheless. DMC1 Trish looks ugly and the devs know this too and blamed the hair for her shit model.
DMC4 Trish updated her look and MVC3 Trish gave her DMC1 look a straight upgrade. Fuck being loyal to Kamiya shit no one cares about him anymore when it comes to DMC shit.

>And Tifa's breast size is just fine.

And yet people's first reaction was that she's nerfed. Still, Tifa came out better than Trish who looks like a trainwreck. She's no longer attractive or as you say "a bimbo".

>He appeared in that gacha SMT game or whatever

No new artwork or anything. It's a fucking gacha.

>And I hope you aren't saying that 4's design is "good".

No I'm not. But clearly Capcom likes it more since they're pushing that Dante in more content after DMC5 boomer Dante.

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>hates actual level design amd prefer bland hallways with no exploration
>would unironically play DMC if it was just the training room for $60
Terrible taste and opinions

>I’m not considering Stylish play in the equation
You're playing the game wrong then.

>I love sucking cocks
Wow really user?

Damn, how could I ever refute that argument.

He really doesn't look good at all you fucking piece of shit. His model looks incredibly rushed. Like I said, it looks like an amateur level mod or a rip from MVC3 that didn't go well.

His model in 5 has a ton of attention to detail and really captures his dower expression and stoicism. The biggest issue may be his hair, but like I said I'm pretty sure it's V's pulled back is the idea.

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Still good bosses better than anything in 1

he has a fucking neanderthal brow man

Dante's pullback looks different in 5 though. It is cute that he does it to mock Vergil.

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>muh guard fly
DMC4 was pretty fun all things considered, and DMC3 had a lot of cool broken shit they took out of later games, but DMC5 is still easily my favorite DMC game. Nero and Dante just feel so complete and polished and fun to use and even V feels good in co-op.

My only problem with DMCV is that they have such an amazing co-op system there and ready to go and they did almost nothing with it. Running through mission 7 as V on DMD to help Nero's get through was so much fun.

I’ll take 5’s hallways over shit puzzles and annoying backtracking anyday
It lends itself better to an action game and gives a good sense of progression since you’re always seeing new areas

>Its not the biggest problem but it is nevertheless
Eh, I'm more of an ass man. Small breasts and big butts are the best body types.
>And yet people's first reaction was that she's nerfed
we're talking about Yea Forums where everything is shit. And her breasts seem fine to me.
>No new artwork or anything. It's a fucking gacha
It's still something. And proves you somewhat wrong.
>No I'm not. But clearly Capcom likes it more since they're pushing that Dante in more content after DMC5 boomer Dante
I don't think Capcom chose which design to use for Teppen. And the SF5 skin was before DMC5 was out. While on the other hand they used DMC1 Dante for the MH:W skin.

>Eh, I'm more of an ass man. Small breasts and big butts are the best body types.

Same. And DMC5 Trish has no ass. They at least tried with DMC4 Trish.

>While on the other hand they used DMC1 Dante for the MH:W skin.

DMC1 Dante is kino. Fuck his DMC5 look.

>DMC1 Dante is kino. Fuck his DMC5 look.
For me it's
Costless 1 > Diesel outfit > 5 > 1 > 2 > 3 >>> 4

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>It gets bigger when I pull on it

Dmc5 is boring

Darn looks like I had fake fun when I played it. Time to burb my copy I guess.

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What do you gain from spamming this my man

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cheer up crewcut

Misspells truly do lead to some hilarious hijinx
Have a birb as well

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dmcfags hype him up but does the soldier guy do anything past the intro

How do you burb a copy?


The amount of hate 4 has gotten in the past year is so fucking bizarre

>gaining altitude instead of reaching the ground faster
worse than osakashit

Feed it to Griffon

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balrog kick mode kicks it up

He's going to be the main character of DMC6. With his own devil hunting business.

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What the fuck is it with DMV "pros" and their dumbass autistic idea that staying in the air should be hard? Making JCing more lenient is objectively a good design decision, especially when it comes to building a bigger player base.

I understand complaints about the lack of inertia and reversals. Those are valid and I agree with them. But what is it with these dumbass tryhard motherfuckers trying to make the skill floor and barrier of entry into the game harder? There's is nothing wrong with JC being easier unless seeing a more casual player endlessly stringing aerial rave together triggers your autism

helped evacuate residents of redgrave

I hope I can git this gud eventually.

>JC is too easy and the gravity is too lenient!
These are objective improvements over DMC4's nerfed JC hitboxes and super gravity that made you fall like a rock.

Except 5's areas all look the same. There is literally no excuse for any action dev to make bland, linear levels when DMC1 and NG did it perfectly two generations ago

All DMC games were made in Osaka tho.

>My only problem with DMCV is that they have such an amazing co-op system there and ready to go and they did almost nothing with it.
It’s even worse when you realize modders have co-op working fine on most missions on PC. Maybe when it came down to cutting content the co-op was left behind. We can only hope the inevitable Special Edition next year has more co-op.

What the fuck is your problem, why do you keep nitpicking dumb shit when it's clearly a good game


the I meant the osakashit as it, the team that makes the KH games BBS onwards knows as team osaka

Because 4 is the worst DMC game when not including DMC2. I remember playing it on release once and not once did I feel it satisfying or fun to play. I didn’t come back to it until years later for another playthrough of it. Just one was all it took to burn me out. All of the shitty puzzles, Nero’s shitty introduction into the series, the story, Dante backtracking through every level and the final boss being an absolute atrocity only being rivaled by arkham 2, which at least had a cool cutscene prior to the boss fight. The departure of the atmosphere 3 had before it - which wouldn’t be as bad if it didn’t have all the other glaring issues.

4 is so awful, I am actually surprised that combo autists bothered to put thousands of hours into figuring this game out.

DMC4 is just a poor man's DMC1.

I had a dream I was hanging out with all the different Dantes, why did I have to wake up fuck

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It's the perfect game for newcomers- easiest difficulty in the series after 2, moves have huge execution windows, amazing modern HD graphics, and a very generous ranking system.

For anyone who has been through the other games though, DMC5 feels lacking.

1 > 4 > 3 > 5 > DmC > 2

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3 > 4

DMC1 design shits on 5 and 4.

reminder that Barry couldn't even platinum his favorite game FFXV

Was Donte there?

3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > 2

you are only a casual if you give up

5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2

Haven't played DmC yet.

That's just your opinion. I hate 4's design so whatever. And I don't like DMC1's coat.

Attached: Diffrent coats for 5Dante.jpg (1431x2116, 1.18M)

I played it on release and easily thought it was the best. I don't think any of the annoying parts in 4 are worse than any of the annoying parts in 3.

3’s annoying parts don’t start showing themselves until DMD. 4 had a constant stream of annoying shit starting from the first play through.

>modders have co-op working fine on most missions on PC
Wait, really? With what kind of setup? Is there a lobby system or is it just forcing the drop-in drop-out play?

4 combofags complain that the game is easier and then when they fight any of the bosses they use gold orbs because all they're good at is comboing potato sacks in the void.

>Hating the design that started it all
Zoom zoom

Dante looks so gay in that outfit.
Your pick related, 1/coatless and 5 are the only good ones. 3 is ok only because Dante is half naked there.

Can you read? I just said I didn't like 1's coat, everything else is great. That's why I prefer the coatless variant. Take your zoomer autism else where.

>Dante looks so gay in that outfit.
Nothing is gay about it but the scarf and it's not that apparent. I just like casual clothes is all. Tony Redgrave's costume is nice, but it never was in a game so I can't count it.

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It's just Barry being autistic about Kingdom Hearts

It's the only game he's platinumed, though

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This, but the other way around.

skimmed by your epic shit and closed it on the second page, what the fuck is this shit? X enemies were a "pain" to fight? epic fucking "criticism" dicklet. go post your fanfiction elsewhere. who the fuck are the "true pros" in this singleplayer shit who claim to know anything about it? literally all DMC4 "pro"'s are fucking downies who took 10 years to figure out some tech that a group of 5 mediocre fighting game players would have cracked and optimized in 2 months, probably far less since they would have figured out the tech first before trying to go for epic shit

is this supposed to be a joke? looked like fucking shit, what the fuck

yes your outfit is crap dante

DMC 5 is just DmC 2.

>Go back to 4
>Nero doesn't have Overture
Literally unusable wtf

Not gonna lie but the way Yea Forums memes the soldier guy was glorious. Some people who didn't play DMC5 yet thought the guy is in the maincast.


Attached: DMC4 “Heavenly Stage”.webm (853x480, 2.77M)

I think Trish is cute in DMC5 but her MvC3 version is the best shes ever looked. she needs a new outfit though

Attached: Trish render DMC5.png (2099x5846, 2.6M)

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I wonder why they don't give her a new look when in her DMC4 taunt she says she needs a new look?

I guess she's just a poorfag like Dante, but Dante at least spends money he doesn't have to wear different shit.

Sure, Dante is more technical in that game but fuck, his moveset is so fucking terrible.

Now you have a point with this but to be fair, that's a mod.

Amazing. The same combo we've been watching for a decade.

That was the whole point meming someone who was basically an npc. It's been done so many times.

It's not modded, all he has is the super costume



Attached: DMC1 BerNSeq.webm (480x360, 1.37M)

He evidently isn't.
You know why? It's because Gunslinger in DMC3 fucking sucks.

maybe if youre retarded, it was at its strongest in DMC3 outside of rainstorm which is extremely good in 5

Attached: DMC2DanteCombo.webm (640x360, 2.44M)

>it was at its strongest in DMC3
Maybe if you're retarded

I genuinely don't understand how anyone could consider 4 better than 5. Maybe, MAYBE the art design because of Mt Framework (which fits better than RE Engine), but of the 3 recent "Capcom Revivals" (Re7, Re2make, and DMC5) 5 is easily the best.
Come on now. Really. I like 4, but 5 crushes it.

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Chasertech is a furry pedophile.
DelusionaryKiller is a wifebeater.
VASHTSB will be dead by 40.

Literally none of their opinions count, DMC5 is the best in the series.

its obvious you know literally nothing about the game, its the only version of gunslinger that has cancels and retardedly strong charged shots

bu-bu-but how do i make le ebin youtube revenue if the average joe can jump cancel now it's not fairrrrrrrrrrrr

Ah, I confused Cerberus' back + R1 move with the Swordmaster neutral Style move. My bad.

I'm playing 1 and it still feels pretty stylish, just doesn't rely on drawn out combos and fast weapon switching to do it. Like I was using E&I to stay in the air longer to dodge the Shadow trying to grab me, which was neat.

It's really good but I. The ways that it's actually good is very shitty. You can technically do insane damage with Spiral. But it's not fancy.

What game will Barry go after next? Bayo 3? (Assuming it ever comes out)

Maybe this will be more your speed

Attached: DMC4 Dante Long Airtime Combo.webm (400x224, 2.83M)

How do we know its barry or is this just a meme

the game must have infinite depth and freedom since everyone is still posting the same 3 or 4 webms recorded within the games 10 year old lifespan

That's the fucked thing about the people who play dmc4, it does have a shit ton of depth and freedom, but instead of exploring it through other characters, like Vergil who has a ton of shit he can do with the unique summon swords and combos exclusive to 4, or Trish or Lady who actually require a lot of creativity to not play like a basic bitch, the 4fags have all ended up optimizing Dante to the point where they don't even try to be unique with him anymore, their autism has almost pinpointed certain moves down to the point where they just the same shit over and over again because it's "optimal", which is funny because that's the type of shit Itsuno made DMC to not be about. Freestyle videos are typically better about that, but not by much.

Attached: Devil May Cry (43).webm (640x360, 2.02M)

Why do you fags want to do the same combos for another ten years? And it's always in the void against one enemy type, I haven't seen any of the 4fags do any combos outside the void like that webm you posted.

I obviously know more about it than you do.
It's genuinely bad, that's the point. You don't really need Gunslinger to take advantage of the Spiral as cancelling does about as good of a job. JC Shotgun becomes your go-to source of damage, and you don't really need Gunslinger for that. Charged shots are fun for about thirty seconds and then you realize they still deal piss damage long-term. I guess CC on charged shotgun shots is kinda useful. Rain Storm is fucking garbage. Wild Stomp gets old by the third time you use it and has no practical application. Shotgun Stinger is fucking garbage. Kalina Ann is stupid outside of Arkham fight. The hook is kinda cool, I guess. Artemis is fucking incredible but one good gun can't really carry a garbage fucking style.
It's a wild combination of being boring AND being objectively bad. Swordmaster gives you options, a shitload of damage, and looks amazing. Trickster gives you mobility, options, about as much damage as Gunslinger does, defence, and looks great. Royal Guard gives you options, damage, defence, and a hard dick when you make it work. Quicksilver gives you damage, defence, a shitload of options, and looks amazing. Doppelganger gives you damage, options, two-player mode, and looks dumb but kinda fun.
Meanwhile, Gunslinger is a shitty Swordmaster replacement that doesn't really work.
Fuck Gunslinger in DMC3.

There are plenty of Vergil and Nero combos out there. Trish and Lady not as much, but they have a decent amount too.

Attached: DMC4SE Vergil Crazy Combo 3.webm (853x480, 2.87M)

actual a more nuanced take than I was expecting, especially since the post is saying "DMC3 and 4 suck too compared to ninja gaiden and DMC1"

with that said it boils down to
>The game is too easy, but DMD enemies have "too much health and its annoying" as if he doesn't realize that you can do more damage in this game than any other game in the series (except for distortions in dmc4 to kill every boss in 3 hits) but that requires you to do moves that are more risky. Since he often complaints about jump canceling when those moves were deliberately weakened in terms of damage in this game I guess he doesn't quite realize his mistake
>"The bosses are too easy to gank by just doing this one move over and over" as if that's exclusive to DMC and not a problem with games in this style as a whole all the way back to DMC1. He mentions ninja gaiden but that's a game where you flying swallow/UT chain the boss or you automatically have a much harder time.
>"DMC5 dante is easier than DMC4 dante" ignoring that dmc4 dante was nerfed like fuck from DMC3 and 5 is just making him feel strong again or that DMC4 can kill everything in one move using distortion real impact
>"The levels are too plain unlike previous games" as if anyone actually liked dice minigames, gyro blades, reflected light puzzles, lost wods puzzles, fights where if you get hit one time you get teleported out of the fight and have to start it over or platforming with slow moving platforms

Artemis and Gun Stinger are actually OP. Get fucked.

4 is shit eat my ass to get acquainted with the taste

5 feels like an actual finished 4 to me. If it had a turbo for at least PC I'd say it's superior in every single way.

Whoeth are these people?

E&I shot cancel is the single highest DPS of anything in the game and builds style very well (keeping a high style in DMC3 actually matters because it lets you get more hits off moves and CC without breaking your controller on turbo).

a single charge shotgun blast does damage equal to a three hit sword combo instantly if all the bullets hit while being a knockdown, making it a great way to get your knockdowns in on DT'd enemies to set up a launcher

artemis is broken as fuck

gun attacks in general build DT very fast

spiral and KA are def better in royal guard though. although the spiral bounce shots are a good lazy way to deal with soul eaters on DMD if you don't or cant DTE for whatever reason

Attached: DMC-5 (17).webm (746x420, 2.97M)

That's because anons are too lazy make webms of new stuff

Attached: DMC4SE Forest Assault Setup.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

That was pretty cool

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>It's the same combo AGAIN


>Coyote-A Backslide
I fucking love this move when it's used as a combo finisher

Attached: 7051561511569.gif (250x233, 91K)

Playing Devil May Cry casually is way more fun than trying to play an offline fighting game.

So people are just straight up trying to banish DMC from Yea Forums? Nice.

Attached: DMC-5 (16).webm (800x600, 2.58M)

It's just one person, the same one that made the FF7R hate threads.

I love Rainstorm, it's basically like Nero's air taunt with the amount of momentum it gives you. Makes closing in on midair enemies that much easier and stylish looking

I miss the ''make DMC and KH fags fight each other'' arc

It's not about the combos themselves, but what you do with them. DmC has a bunch of combos too. And yes there is a limit to amount of variation that can be achieved in a decade old game. However people still find interesting ways to utilizes what's already there.

Attached: CredoFinish.webm (1920x1080, 2.76M)

>I-it's sh-shit!!!
All you worthless faggots incapable of forming a single cogent independent thought autistically screech. That is unarguably high-level play in terms of combo execution. Post your footage or shut your tryhard ass the fuck up. But you won't, because we both know you're little bitch.

Attached: 1553032110367.jpg (719x832, 110K)

Attached: DMC-5 (15).webm (500x282, 2.95M)

you are literally clueless on the topic, an insufferable retard who thinks he knows something when you obviously know nothing. Gunslinger is the only style that lets you shit out retarded burst damage either as an extension or in spots where it would otherwise be impossible because of boss patterns

This is how dmc threads are going to start now.

Attached: DMC-5 (14).webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Attached: DMC-5 (12).webm (960x540, 2.8M)

This is hitbox porn at its finest.

here. youre fucking retarded and shit at the game. im better at all DMC games than everyone in this thread combined. what now? will you pretend its not better than the dogshit I laughed at? or will you just not reply at all you fucking mongoloid?

Attached: DMC-5 (8).webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

That actually isn't anything special

Where the fuck are the mods?

Attached: 1564495575230.gif (480x360, 1.94M)

yeah from 10 down is just promotional shit i saved or cutscenes

Attached: DMC-5 (9).webm (900x506, 1.29M)

I was thinking about whether I should tell you that your argument may hold little value and can be even detrimental since such a stance can cause a situation that happened with legacy killer. And look at what happened.

>or will you just not reply at all you fucking mongoloid?
Nope. I got BTFO. That's actually pretty based. Not bad at all, user. You're still an unlikable pretentious little shit, though.

Attached: 1560033856129.png (344x380, 250K)

I agree and I'm not against all the flashy shit. Kamiya even said an inspiration for DMC was him playing in arcades and seeing everyone gather around to watch the really good players. I just wish it actually felt better to do while playing normally.

Understandable have a good day

Legacy tranny is back

Though I have some gripes with minute specifics about 5's combat (the ability to stay in the air much easier without most enemies having anti-air is the main thing), the things that disappointed me most were the lackluster Qliphoth levels, and a slightly disappointing climax. It just, sorta....ends?

I definitely think, in an ideal world without budget constraints and an extra half of a year worth of development, it could have been better. But it was as good as it could have been and does way way WAY more right than wrong. Honestly, considering I thought the series was fucking dead in 2014, DMC 5 was the best case scenario.

But what's good about not-perfect games is that it makes a potential sequel more likely to happen, and more likely to be good. I'm at the point now where I get to have fun with other anons speculating about a DMC6.

Attached: 084.jpg (4480x3400, 3.86M)

How is the full Tony Redgrave outfit meant to look? I've never seen a full render.

>UGGH POST well post YOUR gayplay


Who is this "legacy" shitter and why are we talking about him?

Calm your diapers legacy

He at least has some ground to stand on, even though he can be an insufferable jerk.
Lurk more

Ok fag. 5 threads a day arent enough? I think I'm reporting every fucking samey thread you make

/V is the son of Mundus/ niggas, where we at

i like dmc 5 so bear that in mind
there were too many meatshield combo bag enemies though and i found the boss fights to be lacklustre
i also find the loss of turbo made makes the game feel sluggish

Why the fuck do people bitch about KH3 being floaty yet give DMC5 a free pass at doing the exact same thing?

>S rank DMD
>find out that quickdrive is still in the game but it's not listed for some reason

Attached: file.png (756x1080, 1.16M)

i preferred the theory that he was mundus in a weakened state trying to cuck urizen out of the fruit and bring himself back

Lack of turbo is not the only reason it feels sluggish, lower gravity plays a huge part in it as well.

Anyone else looking forward to Michellegun's newest combo vid, seems to be taking a while? That guy was always the best DmC player, it was hilarious how little the DmC pushers failed to show that was legit good especially with Vorgil.

In other news, BlaNK has been putting out some good vids using DMC5's unique systems lately. Lots of SDT, faust and highly specific stuff.

Finally, gotta post this quick vid from
this dude, wish I could get the 0.15 stuff down but I'm a pleb:


Retarded niggas thats what you were.

the scoring system in this game is honestly fucking abysmal
getting S ranks feels like an absolute fucking chore

Considering I visited DMC threads on Yea Forums every day from DMC5's E3 announcement up until a week prior to release and never heard of him, how about "no."

lol lurk more redditor

Heh I remember when people were joking that V or Urizen is Vergil and I though "No way. I really hoe that doesn't happen". But here we are. Honestly I would've preferred that V was Mundus in the end over what we got.

>he started browsing DMC threads when 5 was announced

>le redditor XD
You know what to do.

Attached: Suggestions.jpg (651x768, 103K)

Lurk more stupid fucking newfaggot.

you dont have to do that to just travel around the map

Attached: DMC-5 (13).webm (1200x674, 2.97M)

you literally just admitted that you came on the DMC threads with le epic reddit hype wave from the announcement, go fucking back

not really, no
dmc 3 was a chore to S rank
in this game you just have to not use continues and keep an average of 5000points, which they conveniently tell you 2-3 times per level

if you have trouble, the golder rule is to build up style with low damage attacks and use the big boys at the end
style points are basically damage*current rank multiplier
remember quad S
remember breakages

Legit devil may cry 5 brought a ton of fucking tourist. Kill youeselves.
Stupid tranny game.

Is reddit paying you faggots rent?

Dmc5 sucks because each map is a floating straightlined hallway, they force you to play as V who is not fun and also anti-cool visually

Start talking about 4 combos and he'll show up.

Eat shit mongoloid lmao

Kys. It was spoiled before dmc 5 got even announced at E3.

Newfag wants to be spoonfed everything. This right here is Yea Forums problem.

Remember when if you said that V was Vergil people got mad because there's no way Vergil would look like that or act like a homo and post Cowie edits

I suppose, but I still had hope they wouldn't just make everyone Vergil.

Attached: 1528699038783.jpg (720x960, 90K)

DMC4 fans are the ultimate proof that playing anything for thousands of hours gives you brain rot


God DAMN it I knew there was more secret moves in there. I am certain you can do something special with 2 or more of his swords equipped.

Anyone tried the DMC5 clone, Devils Hunt on steam? about to try it out.

DMC4 is a shit game. If DMC2 and DmC didn't exist it would be mercilessly ridiculed but because it's technically not the worst game in the series people pretend it's one of the best. It's not. I would rather replay DMC1.

You fags asked for Vergil and ya got em

some stuff i remember is holding down left on the dpad to drop one of the kalina ann RL
mashing melee while doing the spinning move with tomboy makes you spin faster and do more damage
dante BP taunt applies a damage modifier based on your DT gauge from -20% to +20% damage

Even Dante was Vergil, or so the tree thought.

I remember someone saying it couldn't be Vergil because Vergil isn't that ugly.

Attached: 1560181604726.png (160x194, 28K)

>the true pros have spoken DMC5 is bad and you should feel bad
>To conclude,DMC 5 is not a bad game,is still fun to play,has an high skill cieling if you consider stylish play.
That said, I agree with most of his criticisms and his diagnosis. Solid game, but they played it a bit too safe.

The threads after Vergil's face was leaked were amazing

Attached: 1553530618513.jpg (703x742, 189K)

Wowzer look how much he hit that sandbag that posed no risk or challenge so cool!

to be honest people didnt want for the to reinvent the wheel
they wanted DMC4 we actualy had a budget edition
and thats what they made

>mashing melee while doing the spinning move with tomboy makes you spin faster and do more damage
Shit, didn't know this one.

Has anyone who datamined the game come across any hidden shit (aside from Vergil having a partial movelist)?

>Newfag wants to be spoonfed everything.
I could not care less about partaking in your anonymous circle jerk fest of wasting the last 10+ years of your life on Yea Forums to recognize random e-celeb gamer #7482949. I simply asked who he was. Once. I received autistic responses like yours in return. I never asked to be spoonfed as I do not give a fuck to ask more than once.

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Another day, another desperate thread.

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>nearly a month later
>still no leaks of what Reuben Langdon showed at that convention

Fucking hell. His Wim Hoff is next level.

Attached: 082.jpg (4424x3416, 3.83M)

>still replying
sounds like you do care

trish's model looks fucking good there

>sounds like you do care
I'll still reply as much as I want to. Problem, faggot?

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b-but the funny meme song bros what the fuck capcom wasn't supposed to fuck this up

if that's how you cope then go ahead

the only fucked up thing about dmc 5 is that vergil isn't playable.

got save something for DMCV special edition

Nah the game is fucking baby tier even kh 2 has more challenge

>I died over 50 times on easy mode

Way to sound like a typical impatient button masher. 1 is fine. You’ll understand once you stop taking adderall and 5 cups of coffee

I doubt that ever happen. That’s like comparing a 2D fighting game with a open world game. Pointless

>I would rather replay DMC1.
me too because it's my favorite

Kinda lame they tell us that dev work stopped when they knew that people wanted Vergil. I mean they made a whole game bringing him back for a reason. If the main game didn't have enough budget just imagine how much budget they'll give the special edition.

The worst part is the babby difficulty curve. Bored me out of my mind

fireden doesn't let me enter threads for some reason but

Attached: Capture.png (881x171, 33K)

Objectively the most correct user who ever lived

Attached: 1557605083310.png (348x430, 118K)

>dmc2 coming out in two days
>no crapcom shilling on Yea Forums

Looks ugly with that giant cromagnon forehead

Wow. Barry is a fucking idiot.


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This is probably not him, but there's proof there are people like him on Yea Forums

Attached: v was so autistic a mod had to confirm it.jpg (1213x362, 119K)

Attached: I THINK I'M GONNA C-.jpg (1024x576, 83K)

dumb faget with no taste

Switch the powergap to between 4 and 2, and I'd agree.

You're a babby who likes babby games

Ha this happens to me.
I don't make threads about them though

>trish's model looks fucking good there

Her face model being ugly wasn't the issue. They fucked her up.

Attached: 560b849c7082a8d4766a5098eb5cd97baa73f52ar1-1080-1346v2_hq.jpg (821x1024, 88K)

>it gets hotter when I rev it

Why should I care about the opinions of combo autists

>DMC5 clone
It certainly doesn't look like it. What it looks like is a mediocre western action game.
>camera rumbles while sprinting

Attached: 1538082676279.png (319x341, 230K)

>spams gatling gun
oh yeah user, pandora is awesome. I love weapons that need 2 seconds of input to do one attack. really flows well

>What it looks like is a mediocre western action game
Sounds pretty similar to DMC5 to me

Attached: source.gif (480x264, 1.53M)

I honestly think Capcom should apologize to the actress for making her look that bad in the game. Better yet they should fix the damn model.

I had a feeling someone would say that.

Attached: 1537920949003.png (292x274, 85K)

Trish's face model looks really good there, why the fuck does Vergil and Trish look so off compared to their facemodels unlike the others

Attached: large-1552662732-d097428b4131080d0a4130db31393f0b.jpg (667x1000, 130K)

Her hair should have looked like this, it frames her face well