After all Sony had reason abandoning the boat
no, they just didn't have any game to show
shit name for shit event
Exactly this. I don't understand why people put so much thought into trying to find a reason why Sony didn't attend E3 this year.
Aren't they already that?
That’s just vidcon then
lololol even publishers are cutting out journos
they don't want them writing intersectional feminist critiques of their games
>no, they just didn't have any game to show
When did that ever stop someone from going to E3? Just look at the past 10 E3s of Nintendo and Xbox. No games.
How about you just don't try to deceptively manipulate me and I wouldn't need to be so guarded and pissed off?
Fuck sake. Nobody even tries to hide it anymore. Its a battle of the brain-washers, and they are coming for your mind. May the best snake-oil salesman win.
>Be third worlder
>Always wanted to attend to one E3 in my life time.
>Now ,I can't
Fuck this gay earth
E3 is always a fun time, but I honestly don't get why all the major publishers didn't go the Nintendo route years ago. Literally nobody unironicallly likes the conferences so why waste all that money when you can just put out a video with all your important announcements?
Because the issue is that Sony has shit to show but nothing of value for the PS4 in the rest of its lifetime beyond Death Stranding
So they're just sitting on everything until next year when they'll have the PS5 to reveal and be able to say "hey, this game is running on the PS5"
Doesn't matter I'm still getting a PS5
Even stranger was all these so called rival corporations agreeing to meet up and then spill their fucking guts out in front of a live audience for no other reason than hype. None of these companies need the other one to do that on their own dime and time so why fucking bother?
>Oh look microsoft is shitting the bed and revealing their road map for the next 5 years
>durrhurr let's go do the same thing hurr
None of this ever made any sense. So whatever.
is there a more cancerous word? "community manager" is up there as well
I despise the word "influencer"
Influencer is just a word for e-celeb. That being said E3 has always been trying to manipulate you, it’s what ads are supposed to do.
>Its a battle of the brain-washers
It always has been. Sorry you're just realizing.
They're all trying to catch on now, but Sony shat the bed with it so hard they couldn't recover for pretty much the whole year after their state of VR release.
Because that's the point of a press event? Positive publicity?
"Culture" has been turned cancerous by zooms over the past few years too.
Read my post again you stupid cum gargling faggot.
>Nobody even tries to hide it anymore.
As in, at least it was subtle. Clever. Crafty. At least it was semi-interesting or even sometimes, engaging. Now it's just blatant bullshit.
Suck a fat steaming pile of shit and choke to death you low IQ piss ant. Sometimes I forget the petty shithole I'm posting on, a place where I could mention a boil on my ass cheek, and you would chime in to remind me how your boil is superior, and likely on your own ass first.
Because if they all get together, more people will be watching all at once, what with the press and the event now being open to the public
E3 was supposed to be for shareholders.
>white hand
>multiplats on console
>Achtully it's the others have that no gaems XD
Sony was already coming out of a bad E3 where MS snatched most of the multiplat announcements and trailers. They already found themselves forced to get "artsy" and use time fillers like music shows and moving the live audience around like cattle to compensate. Last year it was basically a waste of everyone's time and money, so why not skip at that point?
Remember that it's not just E3, they cancelled their own Sony show too (Playstation Experience? Can't remember the name). In a way good on them, it's probably a safer financial decision, and it's only temporary after all
I can understand influencer as a great metaphor of cancer but
>community manager
is simply containment, censorship, inhibitor of growth, anti-cancer, anti-participation.
less cringe
They're trying
Sony State of Play, Inside Xbox, EA Play Event, etc
They're all TRYING, but they don't get that you leave the in-depth gameplay shit for the actual E3 duration and you spend the press event announcing new shit
It will never be like classic live conference E3 again. At this point, I prefer Nintendo Direct style instead of a bunch of retards walking on stage to show their CG trailer of a game that will be released buggy and full of social controversies.
so another comic con?
fuck this
The mental gymnastics snoygros do to do not accept they didn't have fucking games to show is astounding.
Seeing things in person and getting face-to-face time with representatives from developers and publishers is essential for networking, which helps future games get made. It's more than just a real-life commercial to convince consumers to buy new things.
sonyfags before e3
>Sony always wins baybeh! They'll have the best E3 of 2019 you know it! #4ThePlayers
sonyfags after e3
>E3 literally never mattered lmao xD. Sony are better than E3 anyway. It's beneath them. We're getting State of Plays now anyway. Directs always sucked and still do, but State of Plays is where it's at! Just you wait!
Yeah most have never been subtle or crafty about it. Turning 13 sucks I'm sorry.
kinda a shame that everything sony would show at their state of plays gets shown by other companies in their other conferences. FF, nioh, yakuza, etc
>All that money wasted on Snoy instead of investing it in education
Geez, I wonder why you fags can’t leave the minimum wage zone .
So any bets that Gazi "Black Hitler" Kodzo and Anita Sarkeesian will be the celebrity hosts for Sonys conference next E3?
>I like this brainwashing program because it's more "subtle" than the other brainwashing program.
>more consumers
Yeah i can see where they are coming from. When all you have are pretentious movies you better hope as little as possible people play it before release and instead listen to what your paid shills tell them
Too bad their directs suck dick.
what a fuckin weeb
Good. Fuck E3.
>As in, at least it was subtle. Clever. Crafty.
It really wasn't. It never was. E3 as most people know it from the "hype" era in the 2000s was a giant billboard. Every livestream, article, stage show you saw was a super flashy advertisement to get you, the common consumer, interested in how to spend your money. It also served as an assurance to partners and other companies why you should invest in that platform holder (hence all the numbers--they weren't for the home audience, but for the businessmen in third parties)
I really hope you're just trolling, but E3 and every other show like it that focused on a home audience experience has always been one brainwashing so you can spend money.
>t. actually a marketer in the industry
>no, i don't bother wasting my time trying to get Yea Forums's jew gold. You all do that well enough yourselves.
A necessary step, I think, since the internet is a lot of white noise at times when you're looking for discussion.
A good community manager won't just only supply the good news internally. That's unrealistic. A good CM also includes challenges or risks that the community is saying. Sort of like being a scout for the whole team. Unfortunately, that's usually all they can do and it comes down to the decision makers if they want to use that advice or charge through it and ignore it. Usually, the people complaining are seen as a vocal minority and routinely ignored. Ironically, you've seen the results of that pig-headedness quite a lot recently.
>Fan and inFluencer Festival
Press F3
is this the fall of vidya
What the hell is wrong with E3 for them to think that it has to change?
>Ban people from attending the event to make it journalist-only event.
>Journalists lose their influence to Lets' Plays and game streams.
>E3 becomes a Streamer-only event.
It just keeps getting worse and worse.
unironically e-celebs hate the term influencer, they feel it labels them as nothing more than marketers and shills
>"fan and influencer festival"
>in other words, it's going to be about e-celebs and their paypigs instead of games
apologize to sony.
you spergs shit on anyone else for even trying it while forgetting how mediocre most nintendo directs are.
They are doing it because Sony left, doubt the intention was there before. Sony left because they went too over the top and knew people were going to shit on them if they didnt hit those heights ever year
>E3 becomes a Streamer-only event.
>It just keeps getting worse and worse
How so it's way better than journalists who can barely beat the games they play
It all keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling dooooown
>Influencer festival
So what, are we gonna watch BigName Streamkun pipe feed us new releases instead now?
Those Gamer passes? The one's that sell for $250 a pop? That's why. By making more slots available, they feel they can sell more. Though, I wonder if they even came close to selling out last year
The only people that like the word influencer, even in marketing, tend to be the boomer and gen x managers. It's a nonsense word otherwise because it always begs the question, "...what do they even influence?"
Then you get the sad shits that actually buy into the word and think they can get free stuff because they have 100k+ followers on Instagram. Look around--the story is way more common than you think.
they are sellouts to begin with, no difference
can't wait
e3 wa mou shindeiru
>People who barely play games and get paid to overblow and overhype shit games
>People who barely play games and get paid to overreact and overhype shit games
I don't see a difference
When this was happening to anime conventions or game shows it was really heartbreaking since those were the only places I could have some fun with random people but to E3, who cares?
I'm thinking twitchcon kind of shit, it's ecelebs masturbating together walking in an empty con especially made for them and the "fans" who paid their 400$ ticket. The only "influencers" we'll see on stage will be paid actors working for each company, reading a script and pretending to be gamers like they already do on youtube.
Movie conference here we come! They are "comicon"-ifying the event.
Is Sony even having PSX this year?
Or are they waiting for the PS5 reveal event next year?
We've been in the descent since 2007, when "nerd culture" became "normalfag culture" thanks to things such as Big Bang Theory, Portal, the Wii, and the internet becoming more and more widespread.
so TL:DR
>they want to make a day only for celebrities, influencers and corporate cock suckers, not public allowed
>they will invite more celebrities and influencers to shill for the products and make a shity show
>E3 digital ticket, like Blizzard shows
>more consumerism bulllshit
>for zoomers and millennials who find this type of shit good
>E3 2020
>pewdiepie lets play show
>ninja fortnite show
>>they want to make a day only for celebrities, influences and corporate cock suckers, not public allowed
gonna be surreal to see those empty alleys with a hundred people talking to their pole camera.
Yeah, pretty sure E3 is officially over. It’s just another pop culture convention now.
nintendo WON e3 2016 with 1 game that year the fuck you talking about?
ubisoft because they were the only ones that actualy showed games
Lol no. SONY literally won E3 since 2014.
sure thing
i remember shills shilling for watch dogs 2 and battlefront, were such a fucking failures in term of sales.
So, where are the games going to be showed/revealed?
Gamescom and TGS are too small
and Game awards is meh
I don't know who designed that slide, but I hope they get beaten. What a visual mess.
>E3 is now a Fan Festival
Given how shit this years conference was I guess it makes sense. But where will all the important announcements for shareholders and people of the industry go? GDC?
>let's kill a catchy name like E3 for some boring forgettable shit
fucking snoy shill
>fan festival
>full of youtubers
I hope they'll at least have a ball pit.
The business side is either done at CES or GDC these days.
E3 hasn't been relevant outside of being an all-eyes-on-me venue, and even that's been largely watered down for a number of reasons.
>Streaming makes pre-making the stuff and airing it easier, without as many potential gaffes
>CHEAPER to just do online media releases than flying staff to Los Angeles, renting out booth space, building said booth, and budgeting games to have vertical slice demos made. Add more if you're doing stage shows or activations.
>Hectic three day schedule, especially in recent years, means industry has to get all their business done within the first four hours of the first two days before Gen Pub comes in and makes the show impossible to work with. Most meetings are now held off-site as a result.
Can't wait to see MattPat on fucking stage again
we have gamescom
Is there a bigger red flag buzzword, besides maybe 'inclusionary'?
That's a lot of trash user
I doubt they'll rename themselves. MTV rebranded itself from a music channel to a SJW channel without changing its name.
>consumer expo
>industry expo
>twitch con with more games
E3 really turned into shit
When will we have another 1984 crash
Never. Videogames are too big to fail, and even then, Pokemon alone is capable of ensuring videogames never fall out of fashion due to its extreme brand power. In fact, Pokemon could capitalize on this opportunity and become THE videogame, making it even more powerful of a brand, gaining absolute control over the entire fucking thing.
In an increasingly rare move of correctly reading the future and their fans, Nintendo really made the right call by going with Directs and by jumping on that train pretty early on.
>' E3? Not a fan. More specifically, I believe the tradeshow should focus more on its fans. E3 is a declining, media press show that Sony Interactive Entertainment has no plans to further engage in unless they change the structure. '
Was he right?
Can we talk about how fucking odd the term 'influencer' is? When the fuck did that start? It's such a fucking dystopian term, man. What evil cunt decided they should be publicly open about trying to get other people shill for peanuts? Call them advertisers or sponsors for fucks sake. Not "influencers". It sounds creepy.
I just want the industry to die so it can be reborn like a Phoenix
the term has a lot of power to it that everyone can relate to. it's not even inherently associated with anything negative. "being an influence to something" is usually regarded as a good thing, as something that is exceptional. the people who are influenced typically look up to them as they have achieved what they dream of and such they are worthy of influencing them. i think a pretty good example is rappers. there are insanely popular rap songs that do nothing but boast about their style of living that they can afford thanks to their fans throwing away their money.
i do agree with you though, i don't like the word and the concept it promotes. most of the time influencers don't know shit about what they are talking about and do more harm than good.
that's fucking GAY
it just strikes me as kind of insidious
Like if someone were to explain they are there to "influence" you instead of convince or persuade you, like that it seems a lot more underhanded and intended to trick you or pull the wool over your eyes instead of making you come to your own decision.
Of course it's all just labels, but it always struck me as a poor sounding name. By this point, everyone knows someone calling themself that is pretty much just a marketer.
So why the fuck did MS go?
>t. unpaid community manager
Sick of seeing every retard attaching it to anything