Thoughts on Ape Escape

Also Ape Escape / Piposaru thread

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What if two monkeys were in a trenchcoat. I think that would be a good idea

>Coziest series of all time.
>Fucking died on the PS3 like a bitch.
Bring it back! PS4 has no games and this would double console sales!

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>PS4 has no games
Astro bot :^)

It's fun how the simplest ideas make for the best ideas in games like this.

Sarugetchu. Now that was a great game.

Saru saru saru saru saru getchu?

Piposaru? Isn't it saru getchu?

With the recent revival of older platforming series, do you all think that maybe it has a chance at coming back?

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God I hope so. I hope they bring Spike back. Kid me was pissed I was stuck with jimmy in ape escape 2. There was work on Ape Escape 4 back in 2016 but it must have died in development

Rate my sequel gimmick idea

>Overhauled and improved platforming and stealth
>No stun club
>Capturing monkeys is entirely a game of outsmarting or outmaneuvering
>Instead of traditional generic boss fights, boss monkeys exist in normal-ish levels and patrol around, like The End from MGS3 or Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors
>Open ended ways to approach every encounter
>Smarter, reactive AI

Klonoa crossover when?

Inb4 he's older.

>Kid me was pissed I was stuck with jimmy in ape escape 2
You know now that you could play as Spike after you finished the game, right?

>tfw still waiting on Sly V

Don't know, but hopefully it's better

Please don't ruin the art style again

The cartoon/movie or whatever is the worst offender

I pictured two seperate monkeys in school level wearing black trenchcoats when I read this but then realized you meant something more wholesome.

Imagine the backlash if there was an uzi sunglasses pipo in a school level though.

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Sony are assholes for releasing new merch but never funding a new game. They always do this shit. Release interesting concept/art or work on a creative idea but they never deliver. The handful interesting ips they have are all dead and will only be revived for a cheap remaster.

They dindu nuffin.

A school level in general is a good idea

Died on the ps3? Didn't it die before that

>a cheap remaster.

user, a "remaster" on the likes of Crash and Spyro of the first three games i.s literally the BEST thing we could ask for.

Pink > Yumi

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If sony were smart

>Ape Escape as psv launch title
>Ultra-realistic locations with cartoonish apes