What’s objectively the best d-pad of all time?

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My dick

PS Vita


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Sega saturn


PSP Go had the nicest D-pad I've ever held. It's more clicky than most, but it feels pretty damn nice.

Not steam controller, that’s for sure, also my dick


For me, it's the switch pro controller

That must be why Tetris 99 recommends to disable hard drops when using the Pro Controller, it’s so precise and absolutely never registers wrong inputs because it’s a poorly designed piece of shit d-pad that makes the 360 d-pad look good, no sir not at all.


Circle D-pads.



Ironically? SNES
Unironically? PS2

PSX had better d-pad than PS2.

Came here to post this because it's the best one I've used in quite a while. It's a little small though.

Sorry the truth hurts sweetie.

Gameboy Micro. No others need apply.


It's not exactly a d-pad but its the best one.

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Saturn, next.



boom boom

Saturn or Genesis when the controller is new. A very close second are playstation Dpads.

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It's clicky, actually fucking clicky, as in you can physically feel the direction you're pressing.

>muh tetris
Works on my machine
Also isn't that an off brand one he's holding



DS Lite


23 years later and still as good as new



The switch dpad is at least fixable with a bit of tape, but nothing can be done about the 360 pad

that's because the dpad is on the least used prong

Eh it's okay. Kind of mushy.
Yup, steam controller'd touchpad is a joke if used as a d-pad.
Diagonal issues.
Mushy, requires too much force to send a signal.
PS1 and PS2 are both mushy, unresponsive shit.
It's not bad, but it isn't perfect. Height is good, would prefer clicky.
SNK's miracle clicksticks don't count as D-Pads
Not bad but enjoy your carpal tunnel.
Large mushy unresponsive shit.
Okay you are actually retarded.
Not bad but it's in the wrong fucking spot.

The best D-Pad is the GBA SP. Low profile, tactile, immediately returns to neutral, and clicky. Runner up is DS4, a little larger and mushier but has a very responsive dome that springs back very fast.

It's pretty good but not in the primary position.



SNES, NES, Sega Saturn, Xbone, and one that people usually forget, the wii classic controller.


8bitdo sn30 pro+
Also, what do you guys think of the xbone controller dpad?

Xbone is literally the best pad as of late. I literally use this controller on all my systems.

D-pads suck and are old technology. I always prefer the stick. What are some instances in where D-Pad is necessary, and how often do you come across these instances if you aren’t playing obscure indie titles?

The xbone pad is great but I hate the buttons. Wish I could have the DS4 with an xbone pad

Fighting games and 2d games, dpad is king. It is good to have a controller for everything, if you dont want to buy an arcade stick for fighting games

Do you actually prefer the dpad on xbox one rather than the ps4?

Of the two I have only held the ps4 controller and I thought that its dpad, while good, it wasn't as good as the ps2 controller dpad

What controller dpad do you guys think is best for fighting games?

if you use an analog stick to play 2d games that's just fucking disgusting. also, scrolling through menus and items with a dpad is smooth.

i don't mind the buttons either. i like the clicky sounds they make.

this one obviously
that said I would never pay 180 euros for a controller

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>fighting games
>2d games

no wonder i never use D-Pad. I’m not a competitive person and I rarely play older titles.

How the tuck you put that on a portable on not used it on the dualshock 4?

I liked the d-pads on all the DS and 3DS systems.

Once you set the Pro Controller option in settings you almost never get misdrops
t. 20+ wins in Tetris 99 with the Pro

Actually a piece of flat plastic under it helps a lot. Pringles caps work great.

Fucking idiot zoomer

Piss off you don’t know what you claim

the Wiimote

I used to be constantly searching for a good dpad for your exact purpose, and went through almost everything out there. Unironically just use whatever came with the system. Don't listen to people recommending the Hori fightpad or any other fightpad. Wasted so much money that way. Eventually I just built a stick and now I can't go back

2d games are not necessarily older bro, they are still being made

Thanks for the advice bro, but I am mostly a pc and switch games, so I have to get a controller either way.

Btw, do you think the xbox one dpad is better than the one on hori comander or whatever it is called?

Yeah, because it disables diagonals entirely.
Try and play a fighting game or a platformer with ducking like metroid and you're gonna pull your damn hair out.
Just recently I was using the pro to play Astral chain, which uses up and down on the d-pad to switch weapons, but left and right are camera mode and a notepad which I constantly accidentally pressed while trying to switch weapons.

Wii U gamepad

Definitely. The Xbone pad was the closest I got to my ideal which is the DSi/3DS pad

I remember getting blisters from that the day I got it.

Same, lmao. First fucking day.

Zoom zoom

>tiny piece of shit

Cool, that is good to know

couldn't you at least have done a proper peenus weenus post?

The best console dpad I've used personally is the snes controller's. I've heard very nice things about the saturn tho.
Best handheld is Vita, followed by the Phat DS.

Saturn Dpad isnt mushy you stupid ass motherfucker. Bitch you never used one. The only thing mushy is your brain

Anyone who says switch pro must not use dpad a lot or are too dumb to notice wrong inputs. I have the old and new one and shit still hasnt been fixed. Thats why i had to get a 8bitdo snespro just so i could play platformers and games that work better with the dpad. Switch pro controller is a good controller when youre not using that joke of a dpad. 70 dollars and they cant even get a dpad right.

DS phat. Clicky, but not overly stiff so it doesn't tire your finger muscles out, and the perfect size to roll your thumb over, along with that indented shape to prevent losing your grip as might happen with DSi.

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Original DS Phat clicky d-pad master race

>gba sp

Sony is not smart

Durrr 2d games mean older games durrrr. Oh fuck right off zoomer. Also who cares how old a game is if its good? Fuck id hate being a zoomer and missing out on good games.

DS Phat Clicky-mind

Nintendo DS Phat
It pisses me off that Nintendo went with the dog shit DS Lite design for everything afterwards.

When it comes to softer and/or console controller dpads, I also think people overlook the concurrent-with-DS Wiimote dpad. It's a little stiff at first, but after breaking in the controller it's a joy to play NES games with it. It's probably ignored because that's pretty much all its capable of aside from some Wii games that insisted on using sideways Wiimote (and when you're using Mote+Nunchuk the dpad is pretty much just a set of secondary face buttons a'la N64 C buttons rather than a dpad's traditional role). But that has little to do with how good the dpad itself is, huh?

Hello my brothers.
Also great, same with wiiu pro.

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The Neo-Geo Pocket stick.
Followed by the Sega Genesis/Saturn pad.

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SNES or DS lite

MIDI keyboard is best

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Not a dpad dumbass

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SNES. Hands down. No contest.

What game is that bro?
come on dude...

Literally too small

Saturn is perfect. So is Neogeo

Tell me about it

Kb is best because u get to use more fingers. Thumb moving around dpad is slow af

I cant believe you use a keyboard over a controller for fighting games.

I never tried it, but it seems so bizzare

This. I love it. I'm mad as fuck that the DualShock4 doesn't use the very same d-pad. The fucking PS5 better go for a Vita style d-pad or I swear to fuck.

sega saturn controller. Not sure why they didn't use it on the dreamcast.

SNES would be second after that.

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Is the model 2 better than the model 1? Because I really have to agree with the other anons who said it was mushy feeling.

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There are so many saturn models... I dunno which one they were talking about

I like PS2's the best.


Why? It is too imprecise and mushy

Wii U Gamepad is way fucking better than the Pro controller, which is jagged and one of the worst controllers ever made.

do you mean the wii u pro controller or the switch pro controller?
