>when the gacha game is so good
When the gacha game is so good
Other urls found in this thread:
god I wish that were me
>when the anime girls aren't retarded for once
cringe, post more yuri
cringe, post /ss/ instead
god I wish that were me
That's obviously a girls room tho, so the dialogue doesn't fit
There is nothing better in this world than hugging little girls.
what about holding hands with them?
shut up nerd
He's probably just a faggot, which is why they're about to /ss/ him
sauce me brother
Nice too.
Giving headpats and blowing raspberries on their tummies is great as well.
i don't remember the name but i didn't crop it so any reverse image search should give it p easily
>blowing raspberries
welcome to the watchlist patrician-sama
Meguka not for lewd!
Is this canon?
Yuri nation.
wrong wojack numb nuts
Why yes my nuts are numb, how could you tell?
fuck this artists stuff just drools sexual energy its ridiculous
I too love video games.
>when the anime was incredible but it's gacha Is middling at best yet you keep playing because it's the only way to ever get new material outside waiting almost every 6 months for the love shows
Who /butai/ here?
shit thread, stop wasting your time and go watch Lain again so you can understand why you're still stuck here
Never even heard of it.
Watched it and found it boring
fuck off zoomer, you're not deep just because you found an old anime that explores more than "what girl do you wanna fuck"
didn't seem to understand
try Yea Forums
It's called Revue Starlight. Think Love Live x Revolutionary Girl Utena x Fight Club the musical x yuri. I highly recommend it if you want something that looks like idolshit but at it's core it really isn't.
>no one else on Yea Forums plays your favourite gacha
Damn shame
I rather just enjoy the fanart and idol pics than play the shitty fucking gacha.
lain is a video game though
yeah, but your pretensions are more Yea Forums fare.
Got your ID, Yea Forums?
>instead of being a decent waifu collecting game, it is just a gambling shitty barebones RPG where the entire balance is revolved around owning the rarer, less common units
>people spend hundreds of dollars just to get a ultra rare unit "5 star unit" of a character they don't even care about simply because they are powerful
gacha is a scam.
got it before any legitimate business dropped the place and now only autism krugerands are acceptable.
of course
Sauce please?
The story content is decent enough and you can just auto everything, it's just not that engaging.
Fuck MayaKuro tho. I love the ship but I'm tired of it's stranglehold on revue art.
>scat and piss faggots
boku no pico
Delete this
onee-shota onee-killa
Who pancake here?
why are they all blushing?
delete me homu please.
Why did they steal ghost touhou?
I played it for one or two weeks before dropping it like every other gacha. And I agree, I really wish for more Junanna
the fuck are you on about?
>always anal
>so the dialogue doesn't fit
In the original I think they're talking about penis sizes or something, I forgot
Absolutely fucking BASED
Cute pussies are just for show, who wouldn't want the tighter and better hole
but literal shit goes through there
Hang yourself scat faggot
just clean it out
>tfw there’s a higher chance of Trump announcing he’s gay on live TV then this ever happening irl
Anal kino.
ah, so this is why people play gacha
Imagine if the 3 older ones all had dicks
They are hardly similar. What the fuck are you even on about.
Touhou fags are the worst.
if I wanted to fuck someone's ass I would just become gay
that's from a straight up porn game.
The Phantom of the Opera was amazing because it was just "Nana is so fucking gay for Junna she literally rewrote it to show off just how much she loves Junna.
>not being a fap addict for all the popular series
What is this?
What the hell, this looks like the artist for Prison School.
HEY! *pulls out katana and slashes the three men* What were you going to do to this girl huh? Guess I'll never find out because you're dead. you brought this upon yourself. *puts katana back into scabbard*
I finally have an excuse to post it
Different neck design (cross stict to button) differnt sleeve cuff (rolled vs puffy/frilled), different hair style.
The only thing similar is the juliet sleeve and the colour. You're grasping at straws.
And we still didn't get much art out of it. As much as I love Kuro and Maya they really are overpowering compared to other popular chars from idol shows.
The only good GACHA games are rhythm games.
Reddit fetish.
I like yuri.
>Love doll
God the plot of this thing was so retarded
Sorry, I don't have any of those, you'll probably wanna try looking there.
Upvoted, /ss/ir. I wish I knew how to give you Yea Forums Gold too.
>I wish I knew how to give you Yea Forums Gold too.
I hope Hiro adds something like that in the future.
I really want kyubey to knot me after fucking Madoka for six hours.
but they're related. that's the most forbidden love.
Cause you posted a wojak
>shota shitters need to shit up threads of others
Definitely reddit.
That’ll be next year’s April Fool’s joke
Much better than pretentious anime.
source? nothing for yandex or iqdb.
Is this a Yuri thread? A Shota thread? A scat thread?
No such thing.
anal thread
Oh fuck off, it's first page on google.
it's anything you want it to be bro
Wait a minute, why are you faggots on Yea Forums trying to meme that masturbating is bad? It lowers the chance for you to get ass cancer. And you can finally focus on whatever instead of thinking about sex. This is beyond retarded, do you understand how gay your new forced meme is? And why are you typing cum as "coom", that means nothing at all.
Yuri Futa Anal thread
when I fap now my balls and dick really hurt so I don't now. I can't even get natural erections anymore. I'm going to die soon of dick aids.
Too little increases and too much increases the risk
based and bandpilled
>tfw just got 4 star perm kasumi from the 1000 rolls
I don't know if this is the game calling me a casual because I can't clear lv 28 songs or not
>why are you faggots on Yea Forums trying to meme that masturbating is bad?
It's a whole bunch of transtrenders that have lost the ability to use their cocks that are waking up to the fact that they're not women, will never be women and that only their insular community of transchasers will see them as female being jealous that they can't participate in their favourite hobby anymore.
After I fap I start thinking about the next fap
I vote for yuri thread.
Think you got kidney stones or something dude. And of course you can not get erection if you have just masturbated you retard, you want to go around in the street with a hardon? Or you mean you get no morning wood? Then again, you might have kidney stone. Go to a doctor.
I thought exhentai is down now?
Nah we got a decent amount and the rerun gave us even more. Plus Phantom Nana is still a really liked unitnso she gets new art every once in a while. But yes, mykr overpowers everything almost too much.
>And of course you can not get erection if you have just masturbated you retard
i didnt say that. I can not fap for weeks, and still never get a normal erection.
It came back the next day. Moved to another country.
maybe it's because i dunno you cut off your dick in your mental delusion or something you fucking retard
redpill me on FGO, almost every person I know who's into anime of some sort plays it
You can not increase the risk by fucking cumming. What dumb propoganda did you eat up?
Kind of makes sense, but they might have bigger problems than making memes.
It is bro. We killed it. It'll never come back. RoRo fight the POWA
>they might have bigger problems than making memes.
So does Yea Forums. It's all a matter of distracting from the actual issues and being passive aggressive about it.
Addicted to pleasure I guess
Low sexdrive? It can happen and is normal. A lot of people want that. You can just take a viagra pill if you want hardon for normal sex.
i blame sitting down for 12 hours a day for like 10+ years.
It's called a dedication to duty.
Boring repetitive jewshit. Don't bother playing any mobile games unless you're enough of a sperg to not need any sort of explanation to get into it.
Fate is an excellent series. FGO is basically a way to interact with your favorite characters and even new characters. Ultimately it's just gacha but Fate is the most popular thing you could possibly turn into gacha.
But we are all addicted to pleasure you faggot. But we got good control, hence not everyone going on the street and raping everyone. I mean, I rather think about food than porn after I masturbated. Do you not? What about games? Are you telling me you are 24h 365 days only got porn in your brain? Do you not ever climax during your sessions? Try that out like normal people.
If you are trying to meme, is just doesn't work.
>A 2008 study found that frequent masturbation was only linked with a decreased risk of prostate cancer in men over 50. Researchers in this study found that men in their 20s and 30s who ejaculated more often were actually at an increased risk of prostate cancer.
Enjoy your cancer
>Fate is an excellent series.
The writing is everywitch way depending on who is doing it or who is translating it.
>nooooo stop desiring pixels that are move female than I'll ever be!
I wish there was a good Madoka game I could play
I hope it's asymmetrical docking.
I'm not meming, I just fap several times during a day, idk how that's hard to imagine
stop looking at porn you fucking idiot
yes hentai is porn just stop actively looking for it
>The writing is everywitch way depending on who is doing it or who is translating it.
A person who is 14, 17, and 20 can all read the same route and get different feeling from it. To like fate means liking chuu2, and that's not everyone's cup of tea
I do too, and so do most healthy adults. We just do not think about fapping after a fap. Can you not climax?
>when the gacha game is shit but has good art and additional lore for its main series
if you can't get hard from imagination your dopamine is fucked and you have low t
>look at just semi cute images or even barely lewd at all
>don't even touch my penis
its all over for me lads
I'm pretty sure I climax, I said addicted to pleasure because after the pleasurable act of climax I want it again, at least that's what I think.
Some gacha games need more yuri
why do you keep spamming this madoka thread on Yea Forums?
fuck off back to your magia record general
Here's Mami.
>have to look at porn for half an hour to even get it up
Gacha sucks.
You have no self-control.
You enable things to become worse because you have a strong tolerance for interacting fecal matter that you make a dungbeetle look like a germophobe in comparison.
Stop watching porn.
>niche gacha
>female villain from event
>canon implied futa
>only some art gets made
>gets forgotten
I mean there's not enough porn of this gacha anyways but for her to be completely forgotten hurts
I was meaning more along the lines that the fate series has been written by multiple different people depending on the property. And again depending on which jackass you let butcher the treanslations. Fate/Stay and Fate/Zero are two very separate works while still ostensibly the same story because of the facinations of both authors.
>canon implied futa
filename dipshit.
nothing makes me wish i was a cute girl more
nothing makes me wish i was a cute boy more
what are you requesting? more /ss/?
the gyaru in foursome /ss/ doujinshi is always best girl
>wants to lose his penis
This thread is extremely low quality and obviously a stealth ecchi thread which does not belong on Yea Forums.
Shota niggers tend to ruin things.
god PLEASE let me be the girl on the right
but i'll gain a cute vagina
I wonder if moot still wishes to be a little girl as well?
Futa is a thing you fucking homo
>implying Lain is a rejection of the internet or its culture
foolish zoomzoom
I think he just wished a girl would like him a little. Dude has an unhealthy amount of stalking material compiled on him and it all shows him to be a bit of a no hoper.
>moot's bf makes him feel like the little girl every night
wew lad
Futa is FUCKING gay
>I literally want my dick replaced with a vagina
Fucking yurifags
>those animations of futa pharah fucking mercy by nyl2
The statement from moot is just a meme, but I get the notion you're making.
yurifags are the ones that ruined a perfectly good /ss/ thread
don't forget my chest with big, heavy breasts
and my narrow hips with wide, childbearing hips
There is always that fangame, Grief Syndrome, which you can play with a friend too.
>enters a futa/yuri thread and starts posting his reddit fetish
>tries to claim otherwise
>Actually thinking Magia Record is good
>Thinking any gacha is good
It's as predatory as FGO and a total slap in the face for PMMM fans who have been patiently waiting for so long for anything new in the series. The fact that the next anime after 7 years is based on the gacha is an absolute insult. If you support this money-leech then you are part of the problem and are helping to kill such a fantastic series.
The piss queen is all about them pancakes!
I started this thread tho
What kind of children will they be used for though
>yurifags can't even write properly
>he doesnt want to be turned into a girl
my wife Aya and her girlfriend
>tfw ghosts haunted and abused the shit out of me growing up
>but I know now that theres shit after this life
>mfw I might get reincarnated as a cute girl in my next life
And this ladies and gentleman is the true mind of a tranny who lets their fetishes control their lives.
You'll never be an anime girl, a girl, or cute.
>he wants to lose his penis
Genderbender truly is one of the gayest fetishes
How could you start this thread if I'm the OP?
they'll be used by cute girls
Or maybe you'll be a ghost to and haunt some other nerd.
not him but can i be a cute girl ghost?
Only if you kill yourself in cute dress
i know, that's why it's just a fetish
but I'm the OP.
>abused the shit out of me growing up
hot kind or the bad kind
Is it bad if I was disappointed the one on the left wasn't holding a cig
Based election tourist constantly has trannies living in his head rent free.
cute things are so cute
No you're not, I'm the OP.
>Futa on loli
Goddamn I've fapped to that so much.
Yea Forums is garbage and has been for 9 years lmao
What happens when the loli is the one that's lewd?
Yuck. If I saw that I'd beat them up.
That loli is actually male and that makes it hotter.
this is my thread nerd
like moaning in your ear and terrifying you as a 6 year old
it wasnt a girl ghost
oh that sucks then
Fuck off, redditor. This is a /ll/ thread.
>Fate is the most popular thing you could possibly turn into gacha.
Why is their no dota gacha
fucking patrician
>chapter 44 of bloom into you
/ll/ is for losers
Isn't that a good sign because it means you aren't desensitised.
Mah nigga
I am OPartacus.
Made me check. I'm not disappointed.
>shota shit
Even the name speaks for itself.
>not enjoying both in equal measure
>this little dork is more proactive and managed to bang her crush faster than most romance MCs
So I can jerkoff all i want now I just gotta wank even more when I turn 50 to balance it all out?
Is that you, Demo senpai?
Here's the best ss doujin.
Did they finally fuck? Nice. Is the manga over already in Japan?
Any games with /ss/ btw?
I see you Macross bro. Freyja's cute, but it's Mikumo for me.
One more chapter coming later this month
Link the video. It's been too long since I've seen it.
>tfw the live action movie adaptation of this was a full blown lesbo sex scene
People who don't want rec threads are moe shitters who are afraid people might actually be exposed to good shit instead of the surface level popular moeshit.
fuck I forgot all about that one
fucking source?
Incest is degenerate.
Shotas belong in loving relationships with gyaru. This is the law of the land
that's the fun part of it. if it wasn't degenerate it'd just be sad as fuck.
Me too, by far Mikumo is my favourite. I've not got any of her costumes yet. Got pic related from the gacha though so that's something.
I think there's supposed to be one more chapter, I'm not sure but yes they finally fucked in the latest chapter.
I was actually really surprised because I'm extremely tired and misread 44 as 77 so I thought they were fucking in the middle of the manga.
I never doubted they would end up fucking, they were both complete sluts for each other but that little hiccup did worry me a bit.
Haha its a shotababa
based post
Nice. But what the fuck am I supposed to look forward to after this ends?
selfcest is literally the hottest fucking fetish
not that user but there was an archived /r/ thread with sauce
[VOLVOX (Chirima)] Hagure Boshi | Mother and Son Lose Their Way (Dragon Quest V) [English]
Mega cringe
For me, it's Yuri.
did that bitch in citrus finally fuck the other bitch? or did it get cancelled?
Brown tomboy childhood friend bros WW@?
No clue, I know they're dating and there's a second manga, but I don't want to read through that forced drama shit again.
we really need more of that
Sex? Not until every cent has been wrung out of it and a desperation ploy is used.
Those tits look so soft.
>tfw no tomboy childhood friend
>Chapter 2 NTR
tis the thinking mans fetish after all.
There's Hino-san no Baka but honestly, there's no way they are fucking. If we're lucky they won't get a shitty open ending and actually end in a relationship but never underestimate retarded nips.
They got fucking married and it ended. There's a sequel out but I haven't read it yet.
>anime comes out
>manga still doesnt get translated
b-b-ut muh fucking muscle girl on loli ;_;
>They got fucking married and it ended
There wasn't any more NTR bullshit, right? They tried to pull that shit twice and it got old really fucking quick.
>halo with controller
the girl in that doujin is kind of a thot though
good if you like femdom, i guess
Man I formatted my PC and I just can't access sad panda anymore. What a hassle, guess I'll try to search it on ex
>it still fucking hurts
So not only were you self inserting, you were self inserting into a shota?
>If we're lucky they won't get a shitty open ending and actually end in a relationship but never underestimate retarded nips.
I'm fairly expecting the manga to turn into nothing by this point. It's been jerking around the same joke for far too long.
There's also pic related, but it's also getting somewhat annoying with the same gag being on repeat.
>>manga still doesnt get translated
Every fucking time.
delete the cookies for the site and the log into the e-hentai forums
Fellow user of culture
>wide hips and tight jeans
>can't access sad panda
>guess I'll try to search it on ex
Am I missing something here?
tomboys and big boobs dont match
>tomboys and big boobs dont match
>not self inserting
okay gayboy
I've got others, hows this?
this ones good
It's been a really long time since I read it but the last chapter just kind of resolved everything. iirc Yuzu goes to Mei and wordswordswords the arranged marriage is thrown away and they get married. The last few pages is their actual wedding, both of them wore a dress.
I don't mind the same joke being dragged around desu as long as the ending is good. And that's where the problem lies. In fact, a shitty ending just makes everything else worse.
As for other yuri manga, I can't recall reading much else. If I went through my reading list I'm sure I could find a bunch with dead translations. I know there's another lesbian loli manga but I can't remember the name.
Is this by the artist that draws top tier asses? It was either Dr.P or NaPaTa
>big boobed black haired tomboy
it's tagged as "tomotsuka haruomi | mr pavlov"
Family making!
>Asagao to Kase-san will never be finished
just fucking shoot me already
put me down like the miserable animal i am
What did they mean by this?
>when the doujins allow you to get with the best girl but the game doesn't even though you can get with 99.8% of other girls
God I wish that were me
cute vanilla
unrelated picture
no actually I was referring to pic related, my best girl of the game.
>new tiny evil still not translated
>In fact, a shitty ending just makes everything else worse.
Pretty much. That's why I hate reading ongoing gag manga.
I have quite a few manga that I'm slowly reading through, but they're mostly ongoing and scanlations are wacky, as always.
we got this in the mean time at least
she's not the best girl of the game tho also is oathing even canon
Will we ever get to witness the hilarity of "professionally" dubbed taimanin in our lifetimes?
She's the best to me. Also I don't think "canon" really matters in a game like that.
I feel like it matters if it's canon or not, otherwise you might as well just fap to doujins
I miss this nigga.
>When anons posts pics that can be reverse-searched easily
Absolutely based.
What are some games about being a pathetic loser that manages to beat the odds?
You tease.
Most monster girl games, most succubus games
9, 40, and 45!
that doujin was pretty hot
Is this pic related? Fucking love me some age-gap yuri.
>never translated
Never Ever gets subtitles, but not this
Tomboys being forced to dress girly is the best
I'm reading 202 manga but only like 22 get regular updates.
>just blurts out im in love to a highschool girl
What a fucking Stacy
Will Ogino Jun ever come back?
Nice, that also reminds that I need to re-read Fragtime. I only read it yeras back when only a few chapters were translated. Thanks, user.
When I woke up this morning I didn't think I'd be having another existential crisis
Finally a gacha thread so i can show off my jpgs i got
>mangaka says "I'll be back soon!"
>It's been over 10 years
The guy is a dumbass the women are smart or just parroting words they heard for because they are attention whores
Weebs translate
I think I've unlocked hers the most mainly due to the episode plates for "It's Show Time!" and two other ones coming up in almost every 10 pull I do. Shame that she still doesn't have her Blau Blume costume yet. Not only is it the best one of that group, but it's front and center on the Cosmic Movement thumbnail.
For the last time it's Pol doing this shit
Anyone have the images of an onee san baiting a shota with PC parts?
>time to read fragtime
>he doesnt know
>tfw playing the opm gatcha
It's so mediocre but I want my jpegs.
>Any games with /ss/ btw?
Majora's Mask, kinda.
anime was good but movie was pretentious weeb shit with style over substance.
>it's Pol doing this shit
So like I said a whole bunch of transtrenders that have lost the ability to use their cocks that are waking up to the fact that they're not women
yeah from what i saw of OPM it seems like a basic bitch chinese gacha
>this guy is a dumbass
>acts retarded
Why are anons so silly?
Why are they all looking at Nagisa?
As long as the scanlations don't go as slow as once a year or slower, I'm usually fine with it. Problem is that I often see a new chapter pop up for a manga that hasn't seen scanlations in years. Then I have to go re-read the old chapters and then can only catch up on what's happening.
>>he doesnt know
Know what?
>Posting Madoka scat art
That one's great on her, yeah. I mostly want the Strahl one for her, she's so pretty in it and it's just kind of what fits her most for me. Leidenschaft and Edel Schwan are both really good too though.
>same artist drew this
but why
Sauce my good man?
Broken clocks (artists who touch NTR) are right twice a day.
it's not the same girl so who cares
aww damn, what's wrong with the Commander?
But user it's not just NTR it's Jannu NTR.
It's like drawing pornography of yotsuba.
older woman were made to pamper younger girls
Bullied Revenge Hypnosis by Aiue Oka
>Tanned muscular guy
>Instantly NTR
>babbles incessantly in Mogicha and Kamanberu
Bebe is better than Momoe.
I'm not really into fate, sorry user. All NTR is inherently shit though.
Maybe it's the cover of a doujin?
>Tall, faceless tanned muscular guy groping the girl's tits while she blushes, looks conflicted at the viewer and does a V sign
Classic NTR
Yeah it doesn't have anything going for it besides the "brand" and you can recruit monsters.
Gameplay is mindnumbingly boring, all you do activate skills and even that can be automated. Then the grind is awful, characters take a ton of hard to get resources to upgrade and even basic shit like exp is rare. And my god the fucking gatcha system is so fucking bad. I don't really play gatcha so I'm not sure but it has to have the worst fucking rates.
Also Saitama isn't playable. Everyday you get a base of five free Saitama X Machinas where he jumps in and shits on whoever you're fighting.
That was me with Henjyo but someone sniped and that motivated the scanlator to hurry the fuck up. Last I checked it was a whopping 30 chapters behind and it's monthly iirc.
>know what
That ended a while ago, 17 chapters and the yuri was barely there. Like three chapters I think and the rest was a comedy.
>he isn't a tall faceless tanned muscular guy
I mean even if I were I wouldn't grope my girlfriend in public like that because that's just really rude and disrespectful
yep sounds about right for a chinese made gacha game i assume it has a VIP system
>tfw no needy gyaru gf
And if she said that she wanted that kind of treatment you'd say no? That's why your women go for niggers Dunkin.
because that'd be treating her like she's a piece of meat and I don't like that
If she wanted that kind of treatment then she wouldn't be my girlfriend for much longer because that relationship is doomed to fail
>kinda like New Vegas as a game
>always detested the actual New Vegas because of how empty, small and just overall shit the city is
Are there any mods that fix it? My immersion completely breaks every time I need to enter it.
>That ended a while ago
Yeah, I know that, I just kinda couldn't find the motivation to re-pick it up.
>Like three chapters I think and the rest was a comedy.
Well shit, should I even bother then?
>200+ pages
Post good gyaru manga
Video games
Top tier shitpost, here's your you
>m:anal m:rape m:cbt
no, thank you
The gacha game has some really gay stuff
Remember Ragnarok Online?
It wasn't a shitpost?
why would it be
It looked like that reset something site post
Mother of gawd
boy, it sure is videogames in here
I don't remember but it was a fucking season pass.
I'll give you a tldr
>dude with the sister that he doesnt remember fucks her
>humans led by the giant female queen that lays eggs are aliens
>the dude's sister is actually a machine ran by those aliens who use human semen as sustenance
>they are actually really tiny, queen is giant to them
>everything was because the queen birthed another queen and the new queen didnt want them to keep messing with humans because they were causing falling birthrates
>yuri selfcest was because the new queen fucked all of her plan up and the mirror ended up with girl
One of those three chapters had an orgy between like six of the girl's future selves though so at least check that chapter out.
imagine turning yourself into an undead doll just to munch carpet
Mil is godly. Love his NTR.
You bet it is
wrong board buddy, faggotry is 3 doors down
But she broke up with her gf after like 3 days
They probably didn't even kiss
Nagisa's meat holes
>can post something like pic related without summoning him
Feels refreshing.
yeah exactly, imagine being so fucking retarded
Love hurts, user
Luckily for her she got an upgrade that literally fell into her arms
>dump it
beat me to it
>don’t like girls that enjoy being treated like back alley dock whores
>reset site
fuck you
>groping your gfs boobs is treating her like a whore
drink some milk
The first film is better
>tfw must have fapped to every single scanned madoka futa doujin
I can easily say this one is the best
Jesus that plot sounds like a mess. Guess I'm not missing much of anything.
You mean the prequel.
Which one is this?
There's this little clickable thing that reads saucenao.
in public, yes
Saucenao is shit 99% of the time. And fucking moot ruined exlinks.
Is this the plot to fallout new Vegas? Otherwise I have no idea what you’re talking about. Can someone explain please?
Not really, it's just light teasing
I think you can upload the pic to sadpanda and it will search for anything similar, not sure if Yea Forums fucks with that though,
for the love of god sauce!
>groping her and digging your fingers on her breast while people are looking
>light teasing
sure, if your girlfriend is a floozy
Then you're a dumb gay nigger because I found the sauce with saucenao and it's on google and I never get errors when reverse image searching.
Yes, play Dead Money and you'll see. I didn't spoil anything big so just play it.
Ye I guess its your bulls job to do it instead of you
cute girl
it isn't, because i wouldn't have a girlfriend that likes that sort of stuff
because unlike you i don't like skanks
Yes we can both agree on the point that you wouldn't have a gf
>all women are whores
and i'm the incel, baka desu senpai
"relationship is doomed to fail" All your relationships with women are doomed to fail then. You can be loving and caring with your girlfriend and grope her in public. How is publicly asserting your dominance and ownership over your woman doomed to fail the relationship? Cmon man.
I hope that your friends and family find out you like little anime girls so they stay away from you all.
If you think being ok with having their breasts groped is being a whore then your the incel
here's ur last (You)
she said on pc you fucking nubbin
>dominance and ownership over your woman
i don't use this word often, but yikes
>being treated like a piece of meat in public, in front of other people
>not a whore
That post is all the evidence we need
>friends and family
To be fair when everyone in Kamihama learns the truth about Witches she's one of the girls who takes it the hardest since she sold her soul for literally nothing
I don't know much about Madoka, but from what little I've heard Homura does some fucked up shit to the Kyubeys and other characters are disturbed by it, but didn't they kind of deserve it?
At the end of Rebellion it's implied that Homura transferred the magical girl despair the Incubators have been farming into the Incubators themselves, and they absolutely deserved that.
In Magireco, three lolis made joint wishes that essentially stole a Kyubey's powers, turning it into a lobotomized shell. Then with the help of another girl they create a barrier around the city which lobotomizes any Kyubey that tries to enter the city. One Kyubey tried to follow Homura into Kamihama and got fucked up, and her Doppel can scan this Kyubey's brain for information.
Holy shit get a room you stupid faggots. Now post your favorite NTR doujin.
The left one's eyes go the wrong colour for a couple of frames
I don't like NTR tho
This post right here is why I love Reco.
when will Homura stop being a beta and fuck Madoka
Also Moemura's Doppel summons a GAU-Avenger 8, an anti-tank gun with a high rate of fire.
Hommando's Doppel summons missiles for its fourteen mini-Homus to suicide bomb with
By scanning the Kyubey's brain, her Doppel can form her time sand into any weapon that exists on Earth. According to InuCurry, this includes thermonuclear warheads
what game?
based poster
she looks like the type of girl that fucks girls half her age or the occasional office lady
girls frontline
its a shota thats actually a girl getting molested by other girls telling a scat fag to fuck off
thanks I researched "commander and 9 ; 9 is best girl and 45 anime girl" but I only got pedo sites instead
>that pic
Delete this right fucking now
oh my.
made me chuckle
what's wrong with having twitch prime? I'm already paying for amazon prime so why not get it for free?
watching ecelebs bad
I assume the problem would be paying for twitch prime on its own, not having it as a side dish with a main course as useful as amazon prime.
The fuck are you talking about. Chapter 2 is where the real fun begins.
The PSP game is pretty good
>this entire thread
I love videogames
If it doesn't advertise itself as NTR Z
>tfw yuri thread got jacked by /ss/
Nobody even posted the jew yet
But remember, if you EVER post yuri in an /ss/ thread or a waifu thread in general, yurifags are the one and only cancer invading Yea Forums and are unforgivable monsters for going into threads that aren't about their fetish and spamming it.
Go to your containment board and stay there.
The double standard is very real.
>He says, while still refusing to return to /h/
>yurifags are the one and only cancer invading Yea Forums
sounds about right
Wtf is gyaru
>>tfw yuri thread got jacked by /ss/
As it should be.
seething e/u/nuch
what can you expect from guys with mommy issues wanting to hog all the attention?
>Caring about the plot in pornographic drawings
Fucking retard.
>>Caring about the plot in pornographic drawings
retard, you might as well just fap to 3d then.
>real game
>while trying to hold the moral high ground against the following babby's first shooter
Zoomers are fucking retarded.
I assume there is no full image? I can't find it anywhere.
Can homosexuals and pedophiles please kill themselves?
Love is only between a man and a woman. Not with children or faggots.
I think that is the full image, or at least I found it like that.
Cope, Killzonekid.
It's cartoon images.
Homura is obsessed with Madoka's feet
>tfw like both yuri and futa on female
Feels patrician.
Wouldn't lion beat a moose irl
I love this one
Can a moose meet a lion in the wild anywhere?
A single lion vs a single moose, my money is on the moose. A squad of lions is a different matter. We're talking the different between female:"sole female$" and female:group$ here fella.
I like stuff about this but I hate futa.
Why not find out for yourself?
hey son, just popped into this thread to see how ya doin. Are ya winning, son?
Why would the moose win?
Futa on futa, now that's where it's at. All the cuteness of yuri with the hotness of 2 dicks.
I want to fuck homu until she becomes heteru
I've won two times now. Eating dinner now and going to sleep in a bit, when I wake up I'm going to win at least two more times.
why are you so obsessed with dicks user
I can enjoy futa on futa as well, but I prefer futa on female, if given the option.
Same, yuri has to be fapped to with your heart and not your dick most the time anyway
Moose at literally apex herbivores when adult and pack wolves and bears don't even fuck with them because of it. Their over twice the weight of a lion with a 40lb rack on their head capable of fucking up a car without so much as damaging itself. If a black bear says 'fuck no' to it, I'm hard pressed to think some lone lion can.
Ok when you put it like that I can see why it would win, though bears are weird, I saw that video where a bear was scared by a finn shouting perkele
Then how come my dog eats mice like no big deal?
Finns at literally apex alcoolivore when adult and pack russians and bears don't even fuck with them because of it. Their over twice the weight of a 2-pack with a 40lb vodka bottle on their head capable of perkele up a car without so much as damaging itself. If a black bear says 'fuck no' to it, I'm hard pressed to think some lone lion can.
Pretty much. Also doesn't help that most yuri porn is lovey dovey where as I need something more degenerate.
Wild animals can get scared by loud noises. Remember reading an article linked on Yea Forums how a kid in Norway scared off a pack of wolves from himself and his sister by blasting black metal from his phone.
Because bears are cute.
>Norway scared off a pack of wolves from himself and his sister by blasting black metal
Based wolves have taste
Magia sucks. They push content out of fast you have to whale, plus the game is boring FGO standard shit. Oh wow I clicked some colors I'm such a gamer too! Fuck off.
>doesn't like black metal
I feel sorry for your lacking in musical tastes.
Black bears are pussies but Meese will in fact fuck up Lions.
Animals generally don't like to fight big loud scary shit. It's not worth the risk. If a carnivore loses his eyes or breaks something he's fucked.
O kurwa
okay son. You're gonna get a job soon ain't ya?
>older women not teaching little boys how to use drugs
How is this not made yet?
I would crush her skull with my hammer, if you catch my drift.
Literally /ourmeguca/
The lastest Hitman 2 DLC looks weird
Poland has been pumping out some great Black Meme bands lately.
>he thinks i cant have a job if im jerking it four times a day
Impotent old man