>durr hurr im a battlefield player, im so tactical, no no no im not slow and stupid, im tactical and smart, because barely moving and soundwhoring is a lot harder than constantly moving around the map, constantly checking where my teammates are and predicting where enemies will be, having to make fast decisions regarding your own position and moves, having to react to enemies as fast as possible (instead of just literally listening to their footsteps and then prefire, durr hurr so difficult and tactical)
Durr hurr im a battlefield player, im so tactical, no no no im not slow and stupid, im tactical and smart...
Who are you quoting?
But seriously, everyone knows that Battlefield attracts losers who fell for the military scam and shitters in general. Why opt for fast-paced gameplay when you can lay prone in the hills or sit in a tank with 5 beta males who will sit and suck your dick every time you get pelted with a rocket?
>Why opt for fast-paced gameplay when you can lay prone in the hills or sit in a tank with 5 beta males who will sit and suck your dick every time you get pelted with a rocket?
And that's okay. Why are these fags trying to ruin cod though? This isn't siege, this isn't BF, this is fucking call of duty, your run and gun casual arcade shooter, why the fuck would anyone need another slow-paced tactical bs when there are other games that do it better?
I fucking hate reddit
why the fuck do you use reddit if you hate it?
They've always been around, they just stick to hardcore. My guess is they want to turn core into hardcore so they don't have to wait 20 minutes for a lobby 3 months after launch.
God my spine broke in half from that cringe.
If those faggots want to be "tactical" then play a game focused around it like pic related.
I fucking hate reddit with a burning passion.
Because cod devs choose reddit for communication, and I want to know what's going on with the game and if I should get it.
I shouldn't be reading these comments though, you're right about that.
>Ruin CoD
O I am laffin, there was nothing good about CoD that could be ruined
>ruin cod
Kill yourself nigger.
>implying battlefield isnt just as arcadey and run n gun as CoD
you people are cancer, cod is bad and has been since 3, battlefield hasn’t had a good game since 2. The only reason I can imagine people started to talk about it here is because the original users have all but gone. No joke everyone would think you were trolling a few years ago, there would have never been a remotely civil discussion on this.
>arguing with Σοylentfield retards
I remember this Σοylentfield Vagina thread a while back, I was trying to argue with a blithering mouthbreathing fucking retard about how screaching against 3D spotting because of MUH REALISM was fucking retarded when he considered the scope-glare a good and realistic mechanic. These people are fucking worthless subhumans. Their franchise falling appart at the seems and all they ever gave a shit about was bragging how they kicked dropshooters off their servers.
The oh so superior Σοylentfield playerbase; BF3 was the first time I ever experienced genuine racism in a videogame. BF-fucking-3 of all places, and not the MOBAs or the "CoD kiddies" where we'd curse at each other like you wouldn't believe. Fuck them.
Name one reason what is wrong with talking about cod
You have it reversed. CoD players call their games military sims.
>CoD players call their games military sims.
Yeah, sure. Literally no one has ever said that
Never heard it. You sound like a buttmad Battlefield player or probably some RO incel.
based game
I've heard it on numerous occasions.
You have it reversed. You're the one who's mad.
>Battlefield is realistic
I don't get those people either. It's realistic if your point of reference is Call of Duty, but even then its perhaps one of the most unrealistic, over the top shooters going.
Shit, actual military simulatiors like Arma are very obviously unrealistic once you play them for a while. BF fanboys are the worse.
>not just going balls to the walls apeshit in bf
I stopped playing at 4, but bf for me has always been charge right into that shit
You have it reversed. You're the one who's mad.
You have it reversed. You're the one who's mad.
>plays CoD
>thinks he has the right to judge other people
OP is a fag as usual.
people who play "tactical" fps games that aren't singleplayer shit like SWAT are always neckbeard LARPing armchair tacticians who couldn't keep up with tommy zoom and adderall andy in real shooters. battlefield isn't tactical at all, I play that shit like cod and go 50-5 every match anyways because it's not realistic in any way and you're better off just gunning kids down than you are trying to breach and clear like an autist
sprinting simulator
actually CoD players call their games military-tactic-role-playing-puzzlers, I hear it all the time
Ah, the zoomers are here too.
Thats every military shooter these days that isnt strictly a milsim or squad. Even rising storm and insurgency have gone down the path of unlimited, very fast sprinting. Soon being able to reload while sprinting wont be considery arcadey anymore. You spend vastly more time sprinting in most fps these past few years than any other movement or action.
"Realism" in most games is just a thin veneer to impress boomers while having no real depth to it. Strip away the veneer and all these shooters look and play the same.
Good battlefield gameplay involves being fast and pushing the shit out of objectives with high dps guns though, these people are just retards.
Assmad shitter lmao
If Ready or Not turns out to be hot garbage I'm going to hit a new level of despair. Swat 4 is my all time favorite FPS and I've been itching for a game like it for years.