Gamestop stock "on the path to nowhere", set to close 200+ stores

>Between 180 and 200 underperforming GameStop stores are set to shutter before the end of the fiscal year, and more could be on the way.

>GameStop has blamed online shopping and digital sales of games for much of its sales misfortune in recent quarters. The company posted dismal fiscal second quarter earnings last week and slashed its same-store sales forecast for the year.

>On that earnings call, the company announced it would shutter up to 200 of its 5,700 global locations and hinted at “a much larger tranche of closures over the coming 12 to 24 months.

>GameStop did not immediately respond to CNBC’s request for comment.

>According to data analysis by Thinknum, this is a good move for the company. For every GameStop location in the world, there are two other GameStop stores within 5 miles, Thinknum reported. And, on average, there are 6.2 other locations within 10 miles of that store.

>Shoppers still like to go into GameStop locations to buy gift cards, used games and merchandise, but much of their new game purchases happen online. Fruhlinger said that even if the GameStop closest to these customers closes, they will still have a number of options within a five-mile radius, or at most a 20-minute drive, to choose from.

>He foresees GameStop closing a number of locations in urban areas in which it has a massive density of stores. In New York City, for instance, a GameStop store on 6th Avenue in Manhattan has 35 other GameStops within 5 miles.

>“Some people still think this is a natural cycle as the console generation ages,” Fruhlinger said, explaining that some believe gamers will readopt old purchasing habits and return to stores when new gaming consoles from Sony and Microsoft are released.

>“There’s nothing natural about closing 200 stores,” he said.

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oh no my video games pawn shop is closing

So fucking glad I quit my SM gig at GameStop back in 2014. It was pretty fun up until then but the writing was on the wall. Idiot decisions made by greedy idiot management.


Bro, what about the SHIELD and Circle of Life bro. Please bro, trade me your games bro.

>Go to Gamestop to see if they have a fire emblem amiibo so I can go to the holy tomb
>They have none
>What they do have is a wall of funko pops

Well deserved failure.

I fucking hate that funko shit, why people like them so much.

Maybe if they actually stocked new games, people might buy them?

>“Some people still think this is a natural cycle as the console generation ages,” Fruhlinger said, explaining that some believe gamers will readopt old purchasing habits and return to stores when new gaming consoles from Sony and Microsoft are released.

Yes, I'm sure the new consoles, with even more online integration, focus on digital downloads and heavy promotion of their streaming libraries is going to encourage people to go to a physical store for their game purchases.

Gamestop has to sell these devices to make money, but every one they sell is just setting another customer up to buy everything digitally.

It's like your only source of drinking water comes from the same place you piss in. You have to drink it stay alive but every sip is going to poison you little bit more.

>food analogy

>In New York City, for instance, a GameStop store on 6th Avenue in Manhattan has 35 other GameStops within 5 miles.

Makes sense.

They're actually going in the opposite direction. They know people can get new games cheaper at amazon or download them digitally for convenience. Instead they're going to shift focus onto retro games.

they should had changed their business fully into retro store instead of selling cardboard discs in jewel cases.

GameStop has been “about to close down” since the early 2000’s. Let me know when something ACTUALLY happens.

Game stop needs to start renting out games. That'd the best thing they could ever do since no place rents out games anymore.

I hope this happens to GAME here in Britbongland.
They're basically the UK equivalent of Gamestop on top of having bought out Gamestation, the bastards.

Meanwhile my local gamestore chain is doing fine.
Maybe sell more video games and less faggot merchandise.

The only Gamestop in my town closed down in 2012, while GAME survived. Only later, during Chistmas, I realized what I had lost.

>GameStop store on 6th Avenue in Manhattan has 35 other GameStops within 5 miles.


bankrupt by 2020

I was outright told once I couldn’t purchase a new game, I can’t even remember what it was, because I didn’t pre order

who cares

>gamestop is now going to become a fucking daycare now
anyone that is still working at gamestop is reading this I urge you to jump ship IMMEDIATELY

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this won’t work. I had a local mom and pop game shop with almost an identical layout where they had TVs/consoles available to play. They did parties, allowed people to pay for “rent” time where they can basically play any game for a price, and even with all of this it went under. Nobody is interested in leaving their own home to play video games

This, unless its a local for fighting game or just a bar with couple of arcades to appear geeky, nobody will go.

My local mom and pop does this and they make fucking bank

I walked into a GameStop that had two floors and half the bottom floor and nearly all of the top floor was funko shit


They're barely a game store anymore

Walk into any GameStop nowadays and it's full of pop culture dust collector junk with the actual video games pushed farther and farther into the corners. They deserve to fail.

>they still have the funkos

God damn it I was planning on getting a job at GameStop too.

don't get a job in retail, its not worth it getting paid peanuts because some boomers hate high min. wage, and then get the same boomers yelling at you for half an hour because they are not reading the ads where it says how they can save that dollar.

They better stock up on card games and fightan games. Hmm, but then you'll have a lot of minorities and smelly autists.

What can they do in a world where Amazon exists?

>be you
>walk into gamestop
>look for newest game, dont see it on shelf
>ask some 35yr old soi-chan about new game
>asks if i preorderd it
>why the fuck would i do that?
>only have one copy left for non preorders
>say thats fine
>game has no shrinkwrap and is gutted
>ask for a sealed copy
>get strangest look
>do 360 and leave
>walk to best buy and buy game
>Gamestop wonders why its going under

Fuck gamestop
although when they did that trade any game in and get an addition $5 i ended up with well over $200 trading in old shit ill never play/pirated/got on PC so that was nice

Gamestop's online store is absolute ass so that wont be doing them any favors

>sister heads out to gamestop to get Halo Reach
>comes back, cashier gave her pre-order bonus shit for no reason other than to quench his thirst
I wonder how often this happens at GameStop.

lol westacucking hellscape. absolutely soulless.

what if they import and sell a bunch of japanese merchandises.

They already do, actually.
Most of it's alright.

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This empty Gamestop is fucking spooky. I was half expecting a jumpscare.

I'm going long on Gamestop. $10 Q1 next year.

Christmas season will increase the stocks of all gaming related companies. Removing excess stores is a good thing. It's only food companies that can have stores that near to each other. When they see losses get significantly lower and profits higher in Q4, pundits will all say buy buy buy.

And why is OP so angry at gamestop that you have to make a thread every few hours? Did you get raped there or something?

Your story never happened because you weren't asked for disc insurance

imo they should sell and push stuff like that. seems they rely on casual garbage like funko shit, and dont develop a niche/actual geek market.

>for no reason
guess it depends where you go, but yeah that guy was probably thirsty

Though I used to know a few guys who worked at one that would do this for a lot of people, they'd ask if we wanted the bonus if we missed the pre-order and would typically include it for free. One of them even included free strategy guides when they started to pile up too (or at a heavy discount)
I'd like to say they did pretty well since their specific GS was always well known around me, store was always packed when I went

Then around the time DS2 came out I went to see if they were giving out the special edition for cheap and found the manager screaming at one of them over some shit
Found out they replaced every single person who worked at that GS, besides the manager
It closed its doors within 2 years

that's what they get for selling funko pops

Yeah I gave them the benefit of the doubt until I walked in there myself and interacted with them.
Sucks to hear about your GameStop though, sounded like cool people there save the manager.

user I'm a skill-less uneducated shut-in neet, waging at retail is better than what I'm doing now.

>200 shops closing
>200 of 5600

Wow its fucking nothing

Imagine shifting onto retro games when before your company destroyed games from past gens

I recomend anything but face-to-face costumer assistance.

Unpopular opinion: I like game stop

no one even goes to gamestop in manhattan except illegal mexican beanerd

200 in the next THREE MONTHS

Get yourself a warehouse job. Just as mindless as retail, but you're not dealing with idiot costumers, you're just shuffling boxes around. Pays better too

>"G-Gamestop's back, guise. H-home..."

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Based. Warehouse or "Security".

I'll kill myself before I work at a warehouse.
I'm not looking to make much I just want to do something to get out for a while and the gamestop near me gives a flexible schedule to work around.

lmao you will wish you were dead if you work one day in retail

This is why I regard consolefags the same way I regard "Gokufags," since the vast majority of console users and DBZ fans are spics and niggers.

Thing is you're a nobody so it doesn't really fuckin matter to anyone but you how you regard anyone or anything

I worked retail for two years before becoming a shut-in, I'll be fine, and if I'm not I'll kill myself. It's not complicated.

You'd be surprised at what you can achieve. The model of playing games through parties is actually effective, especially if they charged a rate for time. One arcade removed all their cabinets one time and put consoles for time period. Granted, they had soul calibur, original smash and less modern games yet they did pretty well.

Those Gamestops will smell worse than Barcades.

>Thing is you're a nobody

Dat projection

>water is food!

Nobody is going to buy retro games from fucking Gamestop.

If I see any of you faggots being nostalgic for fucking gamestop in ten years I'm gonna be a little upset.

Hey man I checked your digits. Impressive. Very nice.

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>hike up the prices of used games
>don't even bother checking the condition of said games
>throw out original cases and manuals because space
>'new' games are literally opened copies that are resealed behind the counter
>hike up the prices of used games again
>membership program with a yearly fee set up to give "discounts" on used games and used games only
>start removing older gens, leaving only 7th and up
>put them back up online at scalper prices
>plushies, keychains, shirts, and figurines from anything even remotely video game-related start taking up more shelf space than video games
Oh no, not GameStop.

I think it depends on how they go about it. A lot of retro stores check ebay prices and hike up their prices accordingly, if Gamestop was dumb enough to sell shit like Panzer Dragoon Saga for 60 bucks, I might take a visit.

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this is what they deserve for selling me an opened box at new game price

This looks less like a store to buy games and more like a showroom where you're supposed to try out furniture and discuss room layouts with a salesman.

This is karma for that 1 time I paid $60 for a ps2 game, sold it the next day to them and they gave me $7. Eat shit and die jewstop.

A lot of their retro stuff is old stock but only shit that's incredibly common like N64/PS1 games that sold millions. Good luck finding rare print niche games.

>do 360 and leave
Every fucking time. Get out of school before posting in here.

Here is the only way how gamestop can maybe stay relevant again.
>only have collectors editions as physical games
>have their own online gaming launcher (like Steam but completely owned by Gamestop)
>only sell digital codes in their stores for their Steam like online store
>maybe have extremely cheap snacks (which taste delicious) to get even more people in their store. But again, they have to find a supplier and the price has to be cheap but with a profit margin

But here are the huge problems which make my idea pretty tough, even for Gamestop
>collectors editions
Have fun getting enough collectors editions from publishers. I sometimes even have the feeling that most collectors editions aren't even profitable and are only there to promote the game. Or maybe they don't want to create many collectors editions because they fear that then they could lose their value.
>Gamestop launcher
The Epic launcher was already targeted by pirates to legitimate their illegal business. The Gamestop launcher has to fight through this shit again.
>only selling digital codes
The idea is that people go into the store to buy collectors editions. The digital codes is more something like "maybe I buy also a digital code because I'm already here". This all would be useless if they don't get the amount of collectors editions they need
The same with snacks. You don't go into a Gamestop to buy snacks. The snacks are only they to give you one more incentive outside of collectors editions to visit the shop.

You see, the only way Gamestop can compete is if they have something others don't have and this is only possible with collectors editions. But if you look at Amazon you will realize that something is wrong with collectors editions. Why is Amazon so fast out of stock? If collectors editions would be printing money then why isn't Amazon able to have "unlimited" stock?

That's how Gamestop sells in business. Someone buys a game for $60, they trade it in for $10, then they resell it for $50 as a used game. I think what killed Gamestop ultimately is that gamers got wiser and decided to sell on ebay rather than gamestop.

Just don't let kids in some days and just let us organize small events for fightans.

Happened to me too.
I walked out walked and to the Walmart a few stores down.
I walked out with the game in hand just like that.

How about putting GBA, Gamecube, and PS2 games back on the shelves instead of fucking Rick and Morty Funko Pops?

Literally trying to be Geeky Toys R Us

That would actually sale
Just go full weeb
Ironic weebs eat that shit right up

Nah, there's no way for them to stay relevant because there's no reason for them to exist anymore. The current console generation is literally empty boxes being sold to you with a code to go home and download the game. There's absolutely no reason to go to Gamestop anymore. Them trying to turn themselves into a Steam competitor that still has a physical location is stupid, and if they get rid of the physical locations entirely, there's no point in calling themselves Gamestop as it's now an entirely different business.

They stop selling "new" games the instant they started taking them out of the boxes

they already destroyed all of their stock of old gen games

I had a security job at this factory that closed down
I literally would show up and play video games all day.
No one ever came by not even a crackhead
When I say I beat every game I owned I really did.
I burned though 35 games within 3 months

You can pre-order nendos, figmas, and all kinds of statues already though I agree pushing harder is a good move.

Isnt that what they are doing right now with their retro cafe stores? Doesnt really matter anyway. Anyone looking for a specific old game will just go to amazon or ebay.

What if instead of funko bobbleheads, they had 2 and 2/3 walls of all the sports games they've ever had traded in

I literally sale my used games on amazon for 30$ plus free shipping
I get double what Jewstop would’ve given me

>go to mom and pop store
>they use gamestop to cite retro game value

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>This is karma
Fuck off redditor.

Oh yeah I so want that used copy of Fifa 15 PS3

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Last several times I went to Gamestop was to buy new games, and every time they were sold out

What a fucking chad

Dont fuck with me. I am a gamer.

If Best Buy could turn things around, and they did, then GameStop could. I don’t know how but I’m not a highly paid CEO.


Rot in hell

How are any GameStop’s even in business still? Literally who shops there?

brown "people"

Yes, I'm sure people will be lining up to buy 5th/6th gen games in cd sleeves

i mean, they should display them. people especially kids give attention to such cheerful and colorful looking things. funko shit is absolutely soulless. its not even toys for kids. its for adult children.

I'm inclined to think they don't, given the pile of the things gathering dust anywhere that sells them. I think it's more likely Funko just has really slick marketers and tricked the retailers into buying tulip bulbs.

>we are failing because of online sales
Fucking idiots dont they realize they have a website too? They just want a scapegoat without admitting their business practices are fucking trash.

Reminder that Michael Burry, the guy who made billions from buying credit default swaps in the 2008 housing crisis, says its worth it to hold onto GS stock since apparently their balance books are in decent shape

My gamestop has a statue cabinet. Last time I went they had DBZ statues in them, I reckon those sell the most. Also a bloodied Batman wielding a chainsaw.

People seem almost genuinely excited for the possible "end" of Gamestop, but even with as bad as they are, what is the alternative? Walmart? Target? Best Buy? Like them or not, Gamestop is the last, major dedicated "video game retailer". I cringe every time I go to Gamestop and I see the endless Funko Pops, useless "gamer merchandise", and the endless stacks of used pawn shop games, but honestly, what is the alternative?

Can't wait to go to one of their liquidation sales and offer them $5 for a stack of brand new games. I have waited many years to get my revenge.

genuine question. How do you “buy stock” it’s so piss cheap right now that even if nothing happens it wouldn’t even matter

>what is the alternative?
Buying cheaper games on Amazon? Are you stupid? Gamestop is going under because their prices and practices cant compete with modern day online retailers who are beating them at their own game.

>implying they wouldn’t sooner destroy their entire inventory than sell something that cheap

whats the point of a dedicated video game retailer if they are the worst at video games

Your new is showing.

I'll drive over 25 minutes to a G2K store than go to fucking Gamestop.

the problem is that there is no way to make a profit from brick and mortar game sales anymore.

it's not specifically just the convenience of amazon, it's that they CANNOT price their shit competitively to make walking into the store more worthwhile. that's why they are trying to convert their remaining profitable stores into hangout lounges instead; they already have broke kids hanging out in there using the demo kiosks while their parents shop elsewhere, why not just advertise that and sell them merch or get them into a game on a proper couch and TV that they might walk out with a copy of as a result?

They make ALL their profits from used copies of games, which is why a used copy there is only $5 less than new unless it's several years old. they're trying to get a cut of each new game sale while actually making their store profits from used copies. but the used copy discount is still so insignificant it's again not worth the walk to the store.

if they could make the store feel comfier and less sterile/corporate, and have competitive pricing, they'd be more popular.

They were days away from doing that and then cancelled the whole thing

>last memory of gamestop is chatting up a girl with a pixie cut, yoga pants and perfect ass on FFXV's release
>gamestop guy was literally the perfect wingman and provided the assist in getting her number

Good night, sweet prince

The company i work for has us donate products to thrift stores so they can get a tax write off, and its a corporate shithole. the fuckers running these stores need to wake the fuck up.

user, Blockbuster and Hollywood Video are dead for a reason.

>go to mom and pop retro store
>they have everything
>except its all 30% more expensive than it would be on ebay

literally because their computer systems couldn't handle it and it was too expensive to upgrade every stores computer.

Thank you, sir.

Imagine having this in an inner city where your counter top is open to the public from both sides.

How? What did they do that brought them profit?

the alternative is online shopping. amazon warehouses are being built all over the place now so you can get your package really fast.

>FUCKING GAMESTOP pushed all but one of the local ma and pa game stores out of business
>last surviving game store is shuttering up at the end of the month because the surrounding stripmall and transit hub remodeled and now he gets zero foot traffic
>gamestop is ALSO shuttering and turning its few remaining locations into nothing but funkopops and unsold Think Geek merchandise

where the hell am i supposed to buy physical videogames in this day and age


Digital distribution is killing all physical media, my zoomer relatives consume almost everything on the nindy store and pc. The era of cds is over frens

>GameStop has blamed online shopping and digital sales of games for much of its sales misfortune in recent quarters.
I buy anything not indie physical but I'd never buy anything from GameStop. They were cool as a kid cause you didn't have the internet to know about every single relevant and irrelevant game ever, so looking around a GameStop or blockbuster was exciting, now I just see a bunch of games I already know exist that I don't care about for absurd prices.

>ma and pa stores
kek. Future is online stores. Get used to it, boomer

>boomer wants to play some nostalgia
put cartridge/disc in console and play it
>zoomer wants to play some nostalgia
***this service is no longer available***

new games: any major retail store
old games: online

>'new' games are literally opened copies that are resealed behind the counter
This right here is why I never shop at gamestop. If I can't even be guaranteed the product I'm paying $60+tax+gamer license registration isn't what it's listed as why in the F would I shop there over some other store?

Walmart only carries FIFA, COD and Skylanders

I got over $550 for crap I couldn't sell at my store. Not the runs I used to have three years ago, but it was a good last hurrah. Got a V2 Switch, Got a buy two get one free with sixty dollar games. Used a Fifty Dollar Power up rewards reward so I only payed Seventy to Eighty in Store credit for Three Sixty Dollar games.

I hadn't been using my points since they started it. And hadn't been worrying about it, but then noticed that Gamestop will cancel out your points if they see your account not have any activity for Twelve Months. I would have had well over Thee Hunderd Thousand Points but for the last six months Gamestop started giving me Five Dollar Instore Rewards for 5K a pop. Oh well, at least I still had well over Two Hundred Dollars in Reward Points.

Now since Gamestop looks to be on the way out and fast. They're doing everything they can to survive until Christmas. I've decided to cash out every thing I could. All My Points and the Rest of my store credit.

I thought about blowing the rest of it on a Tobii Eye Tracker, but decided I'll get the Razor Kyno WebCam and take a gamble with getting Six Button Genesis Controllers. I have at least Six of them on the way.

Fucking Hell it's going to be weird with out Gamestop, but with the way the Market's been. It's not like I could continue to take advantage of them anyway. New Games As Physical Media is a thing of the Past.

Notice how Gamestop NEVER did anything to prevent this? Nothing. They helped kill their own business just like Toys R Us did by donating to Planned ParentHood.

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Somehow, I still have three gamestops in my town, two of which aren't even a mile from each other. How they're all still operating is beyond me, since I know that all three of them are pretty deserted.

Amazon has the largest selection. If you don't want to order your games online, your best option is probably Best Buy.

It's better than it had been. Quite a bit better, I just spent Hundreds of Store Credit and Points on it in the past Month.

I dont' think that's what he meant. That's just more Clutter Crap. I don't know. I've had a Complete in Box Chrono Trigger for Super Famicom for sale for AGES... Gets a bit of attention, but it just continues to sit there. I've sold a little bit of Japanese stuff. Not much though. Although this area isn't exactly good for it anyway.

>GameStop store on 6th Avenue in Manhattan has 35 other GameStops within 5 miles
What the fuck

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then go to target. they got all sorts of games there. my local one still got weeb shit like xenoblade chronicles 2 and neptunia.

The Target here also shut down. In its place is a store that only sells $600 coffee machines and Egyptian cotton bedspreads.

they survive purely by drug addicts that trade in stolen shit or midnight launches for big AAA titles.

Nah, asked a mate who works there, he told me they sell like crazy. I don‘t understand it at all, these heads are massive, yet lack facial features or expressions. There are lots of high quality figures available, but people seem to prefer funko shit.

You might be right. It is a Gamble though, they could close up shop out of the blue if their plan doesn't work out golden for them.

Man I can't imagine that their stock was worth Sixty Dollars at one point. We're back to 2003 and Prices. BTW What happened in 2003? Or was that just soon after the company went public?

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normies have god awful taste. the same people that buy funko pops are the same ones that only watch capeshit movies, bangs their head to dubsetp, and uses iphones because "android don't have blue text bubbles"

>Go to Gamestop
>Ask for a new copy
>"no problem bro"
>Cashier takes a new copy
>Rips open the plastic
>Takes the game and rubs it on his shirt
>Takes the bonus from inside the case
>Slaps a sticker onto the plastic
>Grabs a hair dryer and bonds the sticker
>"That'll be $63.55. Would you like to join our rewards program you can save $5 on all new games."

>bangs their head to dubsetp
Dated reference, old man. Everyone listens to trap now.

>tfw this is my local game stop

Only five miles?

Up here in canada we've got EBGames within 2 km's (1.2 miles) of eachother.

Dude. Gamestop is incompetent. You can't buy expensive Retro games from them and not receive Chinese Counterfeits.

>listens to trap
fuck I've been doing it wrong this whole time

>he doesn't just preorder games

I usually need to bang first to hear the trap moan.

Thank you, Sir. I mean Ma'am.

mumble rap is just as bad. even worse if they got beats headphones but they are using a phone without a dac or they pirate their music from youtube dl at 240p

There's statements from George Sherman that they're looking at a larger, unknown number of store closures through the following year as well.

So yea, 200 stores is just a preview. There will be even more closing by the end of fiscal 2020.

Is this a copypasta from somewhere? That autistic proper capitalization makes me skin crawl.

For having worked there for well over 7 years in the early 2000's, this is just the result of excessively bad managing and terrible decisions piled unto more terrible decisions. It's basically old suits having absolutely no idea what they are doing and blaming it on anything but them: mostly their employees.

They've been continuously supporting bad practices and treating customers like idiots. They kept hiring sales persons and hot girls over people that actually knew their shit and could help people. And when they had those good people, they bullied them away since they thought anyone could be replaced with the pile of Resumes they kept getting every single day.

On WoW Classic' release, I went to a local gamestop to get a subscription card. Struck up a conversation with the completely clueless sales associate who basically just blurted out marketing and pre-orders opportunities. I asked for a time card, he went in the back store and came back saying they were unfortunately all out. I pointed to my immediate right (literally 1 feet away) amongst the pile of shitty boardgames and random curiosity, there was a display for gift cards.

See this is only a small amount, like a 20$ sales. Maybe he didn't want a transaction added to his daily summary that couldn't get a warranty or a pre-order out of. Maybe he just didn't know his shit or maybe he simply didn't care. Whatever the reason, it wasn't online shopping that caused it.

Get your shit together, Game Stop. Get some new blood to replace the stale old dusty suits that take the decisions and hire people that are useful to customers over people cramming shit down their throat, ensuring they buy from amazon next time.

>have their own online gaming launcher

LMAO... Fuck No

>only sell digital codes in their stores

That's why they're dying in the first place.

Dude... No.

Dude, they would be FUCKING them selves doing that. Do you realize that Gamestop puts down JACK SHIT prices for games they don't have in stock.

Morrowind for Xbox for $2.50

LMAO... No. I'm telling you if they went hard with that pricing scheme. In the end they would just fuck them selves.

What the fuck lol. You must be really young. Work retail for a while and when you realize how little 11 an hour is you'll regret not working a warehouse job. I worked at a Walmart warehouse for a few years and there's a lot of cool people who loves to chill and talk and some jobs have it so damn easy like chillin on a fork lift all day, even the hardest job wasn't that bad on some days and you'll make at worst double your retail job. It's not gonna be a life of luxury but when you get double what retail pays per paycheck you'll be happy. I imagine most ware houses make you work 5 days a week but the wally warehouses have schedules for 3 days a week

It also doesn't help that old employees that know their shit got fired for the slightest fuck up because it's cheaper to hire in a new employee at a lower payrate than to keep paying the senior employee wage.

I have yet to see a decent non-autistic OCD argument against gut copies. It's LITERALLY still new and the codes or anything important will be with the disc. The newer stickers they use also dont leave any residue.

>but the employees can checkout the games!
Nigga none of the niggers there are playing your neptunia garbage that was going to have its SKU converted from new to used sooner or later

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The circle of life phase at Gamestop pretty much killed them and they never recovered from the negativity behind it.

>On WoW Classic' release, I went to a local gamestop to get a subscription card. Struck up a conversation with the completely clueless sales associate who basically just blurted out marketing and pre-orders opportunities. I asked for a time card, he went in the back store and came back saying they were unfortunately all out. I pointed to my immediate right (literally 1 feet away) amongst the pile of shitty boardgames and random curiosity, there was a display for gift cards.
I bet that display was filled to the brim of unsold cards, you were probably the first that bought one since they put it up, it's no wonder he knew jack shit about it. Last time I went they had fucking Shell gas station gift cards.

What does the average Gamestop work day look like now? I'd imagine that they only get about 10 real customers per day and its just empty most of the time with the occasional druggy trading in stolen shit for weed money.

Retro pricing is actually one of the only things Gamestop got right recently, they were usually going at like around 30% of what I commonly found through collector's markets, but you were dealing with the problem of having absolutely no clue what state your item would arrive in. Cartridges of course would never have a box but I couldn't realistically expect that but disc games were virtually always arriving in sleeves which is a nuisance.

So I guess it kind of balanced out.

>It's LITERALLY still new
Why the fuck i gotta check every single """new""" disc to make sure there aren't any scratches on it then

They really have no clue about their own shit. Last winter they had some days at which they reduced yugioh stuff to 5€. One time they sold the yugioh 2018 mega tin for 5€ instead of 20€. It was impossible to make a loss at this price so I took some trash bags with me, bought all of their stock from the local stores, put it in the bags and carried that shit home like santa.

The alternative is whoever uses the vacuum to make a new chain with fair prices, a good selection of games who actually knows how to present games and not merchandise. Why the fuck would present games with the cover to the outside? It's a fucking pain to browse. And in all likelyhood, it's gonna be a some overpriced normalfag shit anyway.

>you'll regret not working a warehouse job.
Only people who have never worked at a warehouse have said this.

I stopped going to Gamestop because I got sick of their bullshit. Guess that's what happens when you're employees keep trying to sign me up for shit I don't want.


I like to write things properly. And sometimes I feel like using Capital Letters gives my writing personal flair.

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user, they are not a pawn shop. A pawn shop will sell you back your games with reasonable interest.

Yeah shocker that I don't want to go to stores that sometimes ask more for a used game than a brand new copy in other retail stores.

We had three in Erie PA for a while. Now they're down to one. Not sure which one survived. That was when I could buy Yakuza 3 PS3 for Five bucks a pop.

Name just two games.

>user, they are not a pawn shop
I traded in a console once and they made me take a background check to make sure it wasn't stolen, as per local pawn shop regulations.

At least we have based CEX

>brother gives me a gamestop giftcard for my birthday
>decide to just use it online because fuck going to the store
>try to preorder a game
>keep getting transaction failed
>test it on an already released game
>order works, figure their preorder system is just fucked using giftcards or something
>cancel the order
>instead of just refunding your giftcard automatically gamestop says it will just email you another one with the amount refunded because ?????
>a week, multiple phone calls and emails later, still no giftcard refund

They're legally considered a pawn shop.

>quit Gamestop about 5 months ago

An inordinate amount of busywork rearranging the store's merchandising from daily shipments. I worked for the place for several years and watched processing shipments turn from a 0.5-1.5 hour task (pretty much entirely weighted on how many accessories were in the boxes that day as those were not simply "gut a display/file cases" task but had to be arranged with other product on the sales floor/in the back) to a 3-4 hour task because every box had at least one new collectible/apparel/whatever fucking kitschy counter-bait shit they bought into that week that needed to find a place where it was at least partially visible in an already overcrowded t-shirt tower, blind figure section, funko shelves, etc. etc. etc.

The last year of my employment the only response my DM got from me when he asked what Gamestop could do better was "stop flooding my store with stuff that sits in the store for 6-8 months before landing on the clearance tower".

Ebgames/stop are horse shit anyway its all merch crap

>I bet that display was filled to the brim of unsold cards

Not really, it was about half full and not out of the way at all, it was on the counter, right next to the cash, facing the customer and not even on a display amongst a dozen other cards or anything. It was so excessively evident it was almost comical. It was WoW's launch day, too. There is no excuse for not knowing Blizzard games are on

Top tier /biz/ stock.

They put the disk into a sleeve. It can scratch them. Seen it firsthand

Yeah and discs just naturally rot too.

me in the back

Sounds like blockbuster all over again.
Can't wait for the inevitable YouTube docukino about them

Retail is fucking shit too possibly the worst customer facing work u could do besides Uber, call center call out kinda shit

Buy high, sell low.
It‘s interesting to watch this unfold as a customer. The shelves are menacing, they are far too full, I feel as if this junk could bury me. It‘s like lootcrate as a shop.

Imaging holding this shit from 2014. Must hurt like hell. Hundreds of thousands of americans did this.

Redbox does that and theyre not even a store. No one rents games from them either and the people that do just end up stealing them since redbox cant do shit about it. Renting has always been a shitty business when you can just pirate games to try them out rather than wasting your time driving to the physical location, wasting money on gas time and the renting only to drive back again and waste more gas and time.

Some States like Pennsylvania don't have Pawn Shops. They're illegal. So those residents sometimes assume used goods stores are Pawn Shops.

Online shopping, obviously. I'd bet that most game purchases are done over Steam and other similar clients

No they're not. You might think you're right. You're not. You're wrong.

Aussie here I swear we had two in the same mall and closer even
Glad they are dead I remember game and dick Smith electrics used to be right next to each other as well.

Retail can suck a fuck as soon as perpetual sales started u knew they where buggered

The kicker is they ain't even cheap and the service is ratshit

You just wait user, the best researchers are saying hold. Just hold.

How is working in amazon warehouses? I've heard awful stories but they're the only job near me that isn't retail and I'd like to avoid going back to it unless it's like a gas station late at night which is okay in my area.

They have two gamestops at the mall in Orlando too for some reason. I think the company is just really fucking retarded with how they place their stores.

dang it's tempting. They're over saturated and are losing their core market. Those things are really easy to fix. Axe some stores and listen to what people who play games want.

Although that didn't work out for rite aid

I think the company is just really fucking retarded.

For every step forward they take they fall down a flight of stairs backwards.

They do everything in their power to turn you into a human robot, including the expectation that robots don't need to shit or piss.
You wear a motion tracking wristband that both navigates you to the correct spot on the correct shelf and measures your speed doing so. Too slow and you get demerit points and probably fired.

Anyway I dunno why these tards ain't just killing their stores and putting that money into making a decent online experience it's blockbuster VS Netflix all over again I can't wait for all the hilariously bad management stories to come out once they shutter for good
It's not like they had 16 years to counter steam app stores or online anything

Wonderful news.

Yea, I wouldn't sell mys shit for less than four dollars right now either. Doesn't take a stable genius to understand that.

That said. It's never... NEVER going to hit Twenty dollars again.

I think its fine to have a little bit of merchandise but im under the impression gamestop lifted all this shit from stores that couldn't sell them, or from liquidators expecting to turn a profit on them, and instead of testing the waters they just fucking throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

One of my EBGames store has a glass display case where they display like 6-8 inch tall anime figures now. Only three at time mind you but its really out there.

What the fuck? And these are the people shitting on me for being a neet?

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I'll miss the fucking gamestop memes but let's face it these stores haven't been relevant to gaming or popular culture in over a decade when consoles went and made their own store online

On the upside hopefully once they liquidate all the good shit will go online

Pirate fag here so I don't give a absolute fuck about physical media outside of my ssds and hdd


This. Warehouse positions are some of the best entry level shit for people with no education or skillset. Its also one of the easiest jobs to climb since most of them hire from within. My first job was a warehouse and they taught me forklift, logistics, supervising, routes, machinery, shipping/receiving etc etc. Ended up getting a decent job that pays 16 an hour. Just do your time and show that youre a good worker and they'll put in the effort to teach you all sorts of trades to help you out. Got my friend a warehouse position too and the company had a position open for a desk job that paid really well but preferred to hire within and he jumped on that shit. Now hes got his own house and a new car.

>I dunno why these tards ain't just killing their stores and putting that money into making a decent online experience
They tried that 8 years ago when they bought out Impulse. They of course immediately bungled it and shit it down in 2014.

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I would happily work in most warehouses. I would never work in an Amazon Warehouse. Even if I was being paid Eighteen fucking dollars an hour. Your Job is on the line every day.

>yanks have fuckin' gamestop and not based CEX
This place actually stocks games.

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Amazon is not your average warehouse. Jeff Bezos is the greediest man alive and the entire company is under immense pressure to fulfill overnight and even same-day Prime shipping.

>instead of testing the waters they just fucking throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

That's basically what it is, but to field a point in their defense they're following the lead of other large retailers, as you wander into a Michaels, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc. and you'll find a lot of the same $2-$5 trap items you find in Gamestop these days. The problem is they are apparently completely ignorant of the physical size of their own stores? Putting aside even the issue of space to display these items properly, going into any of the aforementioned places is usually a 20 minute trip minimum, as you are forced to walk around a gigantic space, you're more likely to notice these little items as you go, or to pile up a large purchase where throwing a little toy or two for your bored kids on top of it feels like nothing. Not so for Gamestop.

I never got this, why not just ask for a sealed copy?

Remember when Gamestop spent Millions on selling Cell Phones so they could just DIE like Radio Shack?

some people gotta do what they do to earn that money. like most people you see working at amazon are single moms and low income hispanic families.

>A customer will typically receive around 50% cash or 66% exchange of Cex's selling price for the item, depending on condition.
>Cex offer a 24-month warranty subject to terms on all of the second hand products the company sells

Oh, I love Sex too, user.

What is up with the Brits and using this blatant Word Propaganda in everything? And they're completely unashamed of it.

>you will never be this chad

>the entire company is under immense pressure to fulfill overnight and even same-day Prime shipping.
well they do deliver their promise since a warehouse just opened up 20 minutes away from me and I can get packages on same day or next day.

Good fuck them
Nobody forced them to be single mothers and immigrants they chose to.
God damn
Fuck them even I'm beneath working there and I'm a 29 year old virgin neet

Because they've already opened them all.

Of course they deliver, it's just that they're killing themselves to do so.
Even the delivery drivers have had to resort to shitting on people's lawns because they don't get restroom breaks.

I've heard horror stories about how this makes the employees treat each other as well. Buddy of mine worked at one for a few months - he's a tall guy, so warehouse work was easier for him as he didn't always need a stepladder or anything to pull stuff. However his team included several tiny hispanic ladies, and he quickly noticed a pattern: you aren't individually assigned what packages to pull, your team has a batch they are left to pick out and each work themselves. These ladies knew exactly where what item was and how quickly they could gather a given order, and they snatched those up as quickly as they possibly could. What was left for my buddy were all the orders that had items on high shelves, which as I said wasn't as much of a problem for him as it was them, but it was enough to slow down his fulfillment rate.

You can imagine how conversations with his superiors about the issue went.

anyone got that picture of wojak in the wage cage?

I use Amazon for anything niche or older than 15 years, Best Buy for anything else.
No problems so far.

>I'm a 29 year old virgin neet
Who supports you economically?

there is some geek store a 10 minute walk away from gamestop that has tons of books, tabletop figures, a huge as table to play tabletop games on, multiple tables for TCG, figurines from amiibos to huge ass statues and basically everything video game related except video games themselves. I remember buying gunslinger girls and gekkoh while being surrounded by shit like master sword lamps, big ass warhammer and halo posters and all this other shit.
Last time I went there I thought they were closed, instead they moved 2 streets into a twice as large building. And its still just as crammed as before since they seem to stock multiple copies of literally everything.

t. no fun allowed prudish evangelical

holy FUCKING this
also, they almost never gave me a preorder bonus despite always promising to do so

Dude, you don't want to work there because they're willing to hire these third worlders. And yes I'm saying being a Single Mother basically makes you a third worlder.

And no I'm not talking from your personal reflection. When a Company is willing to hire these shit stains it means they don't care about their employees. Places like this have HIGH turn around rates. They're shit to work for. Any corporation that hires third worlders should be shunned.

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>tfw 32 y/o virgin daytrader/programmer that rarely goes outside
I'm almost in the same spot as that other dude. I make a pretty good living from hardly any work.

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That's not what I meant. What I mean is New-Speak. It's not that they're using sex to sell. It's that they're using new-speak to trick you into thinking they're not using sex to sell.

What do you mean user?
Can't think of any other shops with a rude name.

fuck those gamestop stickers. sometimes they double or triple sticker it and it's fucking impossible to get it off without ruining the case. I got a metal gear solid 4 case that's ruined because some minimum wage fucker decided to put 5 stickers in the same place.

at that point just slap a cashier at the front so people can come in and pick their shit up immediately
I mean burger king has this thing where you scan coupons by displaying the code on your phone, they can work that in at amazon

Lol there's literally nobody there, no wonder they are dieing

I always raided the preorder bonuses and advertising materials when I worked there. Easily made thousands selling that shit on eBay.

They have these things called Amazon Lockers where you choose a location to pick up your package like the local post office or some other area.

There's only supposed to be one gutted copy (no plastic) for display, if he gives you the gut there should be no sealed copies left.

Christ. Why is every board the worse place to discuss the subject of that board?

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>don't even bother checking the condition of said games
I'm pretty sure they're supposed to? I was denied a trade-in of GTAIV because the disc was scratched, even though I played it earlier that day.

>allow people like chris chan to frequent stores and ruin customer experience
>uhh why are store sales so bad???

You don't understand. Gamestop is all too willing to report losses on new merchandise. They'll sometimes open up these new copies and then sell them as used after a period of time has passed. That's how they were making so much money six years ago.

Sorry Gamestop employees, I was that dude that traded in 4 broken xbox 360s but were temporarily fixed with the towel trick. Thanks for the free money though.

Dude, what do you think that is over the front end of the store at 0:11?

It's a joke name m8, its actually called "complete entertainment exchange"

>NEVER going to hit Twenty dollars again.
You don't know that. My parents have a lot of stocks in one company with stock prices that literally went rock bottom. It's peak was $10 and it went around $1. 10 years from that and it's now $10 again.

Always think long term in stocks. It does not matter if they are fucking up. You just have to know if they will not just give up.

Around 5% per year is a good stable average. Any higher than that and you're going gambling territory. I am not saying you should but it would be risky to put all in on red.

What do you mean people have to want something to buy it? I'm not just investing real money into a Slot Machine?

You seething

I'm working for a delivery service right now and even I was told to give Amazon prime parcels priority if I get any. I usually don't, but it's incredible to think Amazon can actually pressure another company simply by asking, simply to fulfill that promise. They can't even influence the delivery otherwise.

>pixie cut
You better have smashed. Pixie cuts that aren't lesbian are rare around these parts.

My buddy who worked there would give me the promo shit they were going to destroy or throw in the garbage anyways.

Ended up getting a God of War Ascension stand, Tales of Graces F poster, and a Xbox 360 demo disc.

That may be, but the Market is not suitable for GameStop to really make a come back. It's just not going to happen.

people who hate digital copies are going be left in the dust where they belong

Amazon is that big of a company. In fact, I think Amazon owns around 20% of the internet just from their AWS datacenters.

>For every GameStop location in the world, there are two other GameStop stores within 5 miles

Where the hell is this? Where I live the closest gamestop is *maybe* 7-10 miles away.

>In New York City, for instance, a GameStop store on 6th Avenue in Manhattan has 35 other GameStops within 5 miles.

Oh so that's it, they're retarded. No wonder they're going out of business.

Imagine the fucking SMELL

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I'm not that worried. I'll just be spending alot less money on unfinished games.

Even Michael Burry (who brought $10 million Gamestop stock last month) doesn't see the company having any long term future. He just wants them to wring out any value of their assets and liquidate.

Not him, but it's generally awful. Fulfillment centers are the worst. Sortation centers can be manageable if management isn't absolute trash. Otherwise, you can expect to stay later than usual just about every day. Either that, or they let people go home early and swamp the rest of the employees left.

>They'll sometimes open up these new copies and then sell them as used after a period of time has passed.

It's not "sometimes", it's a regular process they go through every 3 or 4 months. It's less scummy than it sounds, as the titles that get this treatment are ones that haven't been selling as new and end up cheaper (granted marginally). And if your local store isn't run by an idiot, they'll leave the sealed copies as is and simply put a sticker on the wrapping to indicate that it's in the inventory as a preowned item, because people fucking love it when you hand them a sealed game when they brought up a used display case.

You might be referring to the shit with Metroid Prime Trilogy and Xenoblade Chronicles reprints though? I can't offer any insight on that beyond whatever evidence you can find on the internet. I can tell you those copies showed up at stores opened with preowned stickers on them, so whatever happened there happened at the warehouses.

Craziest thing was a CoD countdown clock. Sold that bitch for 300.

That's the curse of Yea Forums, more commonly known as autism. The more invested people are in a subject, the more they'll argue about what's good or bad, what does or doesn't fall under the umbrella. Don't go to Yea Forums to talk about anime, don't go to Yea Forums to talk about music, etc. People who become strongly interested in a topic usually have similar life experiences and the board that has it the worst is Yea Forums. Instead of talking about vidya everyone would rather talk about their broken families, shitty social life, and advanced escapism methods.

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It's called insurance fraud. That's what they're doing. They're reporting losses on products they haven't really lost.

Try the same argument for anything else and realize how retarded you sound.

And if not Insurance Fraud. At the very least Tax Fraud.

I worked there when they did that to Xeno. I quit shortly after that.

Im glad i have a local game store and no longer have to put with GameCucks overpriced bullshit

>You don't understand. Gamestop is all too willing to report losses on new merchandise. They'll sometimes open up these new copies and then sell them as used after a period of time has passed. That's how they were making so much money six years ago.
SKU conversions is what you're talking about. It's an official company thing and is common. New games that simply aren't selling get delisted from the system and have their SKUs converted to pre-owned overnight. All stores with new copies remaining gut them and convert them to pre-owned. You genuinely don't think they stay new forever, right?

Usually if you see a really obscure niche (read: weeb) game pre-owned, it is just a converted new copy because it did not sell during the period that it was New. No nigger bought that and returned it lol.

>They'll sometimes open up these new copies and then sell them as used after a period of time has passed
I've gotten a good number of Vita games for half off or more because of clearance sales.

Gamestop is the single worst fucking service experience I've ever had outside of actual incompetence. I have no idea what dumb cunt marketing executive thought asking a customer 6 questions before they're allowed to buy one thing was a good idea. They only stayed afloat as long as they did because of stupid minorities and soccer moms too dumb and ignorant to shop anywhere else.

sauce me senpai

There is no net loss of product to report because when a new item disappears from their inventory, a preowned one appears. They already paid the publisher for the items, and are making less money on the subsequent preowned sale than if it had been a copy that had been traded in and sold after (because they didn't get their cut on the initial New sale).

Gamestop obviously can't control the decline of physical media for video games which has largely been what's fucked them but they need to do what shows as well provide services that amazon, steam, etc cannot like host tournaments and shit.

I wonder how many returns/trade-ins Gamestop had to do just because parents got confused and bought a Wii U game for their old Wii.

You pretty much work for them if you need a gig for a few months before you quit assuming they don't fire you because of some stupid bullshit. On the plus side, it's not like you'll suffer any consequences if you quit out of the blue because no one gives a fuck about how you behaved there, they won't even remember you.

Warehouse jobs are ok if they're not amazon, but Amazon ones are ass. Even working in retail as a burger flipper is better than it.

There's no way Gamestop isn't doing shading shit with this. If they weren't they wouldn't be opening them up. Sealed Games are worth more than Opened Games. Unless you're committing fraud.

Hell, the average parent has a hard time understanding that Microsoft and Sony are two different companies and their games aren't inter-compatible.

Nah, the internet is way too huge for that, especially if you include the deep web. Tons of data banks for research and other stuff are in it, simply because you can't access them from Google aka the consumer's web. There are also too many other giants to actually have that much of a share.

Well we're pretty much in agreement. I just like to look at things from an "American Dream" perspective and let me tell you. What Amazon is doing doesn't fit that criteria.

I know this guy from The Big Short, he‘s the one who saw the financial crisis coming and bamboozled banks to make mad dosh. I‘d be scared shitless if this dude bets on my demise.

if by "stay relevant" you mean "die faster", sure

/biz/ is simply full of retarded 3rd worlders, dumbass teenagers, and moron boomers that've wasted their retirement or never saved up in the first place and are desperately hoping they can "game" the market.

Did you know that GameStop employees are financially obligated to lie to you that they don't have new copies and only used copies instock. It's to build up their quota so they don't get their hours cut or win internal GameStop competitions held by the company.

how is it still like this though? Video games have been a house hold thing for 30 years and in the mainstream for over 10 at least

>tfw about to apply for a night shift part time job for Sheetz (gas station/fast food place for east coasters, I like going there)
>going to school part time while doing it

I wish I had the strength to go to school full time while working a job, but I tried that and my grades suffered hard. Plan on only taking 2 classes while working the job.

Thank you, Ma'am.

You underestimate boomer intelligence. Remember that there are moms out there that think every tablet/smartphone in existence is a iPad/iPhone and they will happily pick up a gory curse word filled game for their underaged son but throw a fit if it shows one titty.

The only thing GameStop is good for now is their early releases, even then it's not that great since you get the game like three hours earlier. Not a big deal.
but getting RE2Make early felt really nice.

Boomers hate learning.

so it's a pawn shop that doesn't pawn things. not a bad thing really

My local Target often breaks the street dates for niche stuff. I was able to get Tales of Vesperia on PS4 2 days before official release.

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This is what piracy does to the second hand games market. Enjoy paying $200 for your next rare JRPG. Just remember to blame piratefags.

It's not about piracy. It's about limited prints because they're niche games.

top kek

NEET dies alone
Sad in his home
Faps to better men
Fucking his kin

They never did that to me, but then again, I was a known customer.

The customer doesn't really matters. It depends on how the store is performing in sales. Stores that aren't making their quota will push all their shill tactics hard on anyone to keep their job, stores that meet or exceed their quota will be chill.

I always thought about that
>Rent game from rb using old paycard or a reloadable visa
>Pay $15 for $60 game
>Sell to Gamestop for $30

Would a wagie really do that?

LIE to me?

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that ride is scary, i always feel like im going to fly out since there are no seatbelts

They started selling retro games at decent prices better than ebay and local game stores, but they never had any stock beyond the first initial month that they started it. Did it not do well? I got Melee for like 40$ less than I would from other shops/online

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Sales jobs always involve lying to others. Lie about the competition to make you shop here instead of there, lie about features to get a sale, etc.

If they have Halo 2 in a reasonable condition then sure I’ll stop by.

Was this like... Recently?
Why would you pay more than $5 for melee?

Jesus, what is Melee‘s price in NTSC? PAL is fairly affordable in my PAL country but sucks.
t. Marth main

GameStop """retro""" games are just shovelware and GREATEST HITS reprint trade-ins they've hoarded since 5th and 6th gen. You will not find anything rare and if you do find something rare it will most likely be fucked up or experiencing early stages of disc rot from not sitting in a case for more than a decade.

Thank you, Ma'am (sir)

I went in to get a copy of Iceborne on the day of release and the faggot there told me they didn't have any copies because no one pre-ordered it and started to order one in without even asking if I wanted that. How the fuck can a game store not have new release games?

amazon regulary sends me my stuff1 day before release
i worked at a delivery service for a few months and could always look through the packages for the next day, got smash ultimate 2 days before release because of that

Makes me wonder what vidya will be like in ten or twenty years. All digital, and mandatory online connection? Probably censored to hell too. All these major companies hurting and shutting down stores, and people buying shit from amazon. No more malls, and less physical stores. What physical stores remain are staffed by barely english speaking foreigners. It'll probably all be shitty. I miss going to blockbuster as a kid, or mom and pop game stores.

Everything in gaming is trying to shift to a games as a service model. Need online to authenticate the DRM, need online to install day 1 patches to not play a broken game, need online to play the game because there's no single player, need online to access your save files from the cloud because they aren't stored locally, etc. All to try to stop piracy or stores like GameStop.

It was like a year ago if I remember correctly
Melee in good condition in case 60+ here

Lmfao, smash fans are retarded to pay that.

I've already paid $180 for a game before, if it's something I actually want I don't have a problem spending that much

It‘s the same price as a new game but way better and even contains all characters from the stsrt with no additional charge

How'd Best Buy do it?

sell off all their useless assets, matched or undercut prices to competitors, closed down underperforming stores, and improve customer to employee relations.

meanwhile at gamestop they're doing the opposite aside from closing down stores.

Here's your new store design bro

Before the Gamestop in my mall closed, there was that and the Gamestop right across the street from said mall.

you're right but biz is just stupid. It's literally robinhood and bitcoin. I have not seen even ironic good advice there in years.

no joke there were 2 gamestops just walking distance away in my plaza. one by the sedanos and the other by a publix. the one by sedanos shut down but the publix one is still running.

>This Connection is Untrusted
No thanks!

Bet they feel foolish for physically destroying all those old gen games so nobody could salvage them.

Vidya as you know it wont exist in 20 years. Hell, it barely resembles itself today except with maybe a few exceptions. Most games are just designed to nickle and dime you and/or be time sinks and not just something you pop in to fuck around with. Games are now designed to be second jobs, fun takes the backseat to profit margins.

They only destroyed worthless shit like those sports games that you get 99 cents for trading in. Stuff thats worth value like Nintendo games are sent to corporate so they can sell it online under their retro store.

fill in the rest where I wrote "fbook" numbnuts.

The one in town literally has cobwebs on the upper shelves of the geek merchandise. I'm not there often, but when I am I never see anybody perusing the stuff. They shoved it into a corner ages ago and most of it probably hasn't been touched since then..

it's stupid that iceborne is even a physical release, it's almost entirely reskinned monsters with the same moves but in new environments. which i guess is monhun tradition but not any less scummy especially for something sold in its own box.

Back in when they were getting rid of their N64, Dreamcast, and PS1 stuff they did destroy the merchandise as they didn't have plans for selling retro merchandise back in the mid 2000s.

I agree with you on this.

Buy now and when Christmas/new generation of consoles is announced, stock will definitely go up.

Is $10 a good price to dump at?

>Started buying from Gamestop again after Amazon killed the 20% off preorders deal
>They’ll probably close the store closest to me
>I’ll have to start buying from Amazon again

>16 dollars an hour

You missed a spot while sweeping the floor, wagie. Clean it the fuck up wagie wagie!!

if you live in japan that's how all monster games are. they come out with the no content base version then later the expansion version with rehashed monsters from last gen. it's only recently they started bringing this over to the west since previously the west only got the enhanced editions.

I'm sure even back then they sent the valuable stuff to corporate and they destroyed the shit/broken stuff.

based and redpilled

Always love it when people bet against recorded history.

They destroyed everything the employees didn't take home, if they were allowed to take any of it home (manager's decision).

I miss that 20% off preorder deal.

I used to buy all of Best Buys strategy guides when were reduced to a penny. I'd sell them to a used bookstore for hundreds of dollars in store credit but they stopped buying them because no one wanted them.

The problem with this is if people don't buy them they sit on shelves and waste space and money. It's not even an issue of the game being bad. Say a new AAA game comes out and they stock 50 copies, but only 40 sell the first day. Over the next month 8 more trickle out until the next big game comes out. Those last two just sit on the shelf taking up space. In an amazon vendor with a warehouse this isn't an issue; you can browse their stock then order it. In a retail store, however, if you want a game to be sold it has to sit on shelves, and shelf space is limited.

>go to game store
>£30+ for a game
>go on internet
>cost 10x less or its free

Gamestop redesign

Gamestop is a ironic name because you buy your games once there and stop going.

They usually just hide those 2 lone copies in the back room.
Only reason I knew the local FUCKING GAMESTOP had Yakuza Zero was because I checked their stock online and then pestered the clerk to go grab it for me.

I agree with your point, but your examples were atrocious. Those are specifically the things you don't lie about, at least directly, because they can get the company sued. You lie about trends, lie about how good a deal is, lie about X being available so that you can sell Y, you lie about your name and whether or not Bob the cashier is the manager, but you absolutely don't lie outright about product features or slander competition.

Don't lie. You're gonna miss it.

Nah, it was a tax write-off if they just destroyed everything. Several years ago somebody posted old pictures of back when they went dumpster diving in a Gamestop garbage bin in the late 2000s and there were dozens of tore apart Paper Marios, Majora's Masks, and other games that would still be considered 'valuable' back then along with purposely broken apart game consoles.

Gamestop employees casually lie about product features or slander other places all the time. Boomers and normies just never really call them out on it because they want their shit and leave.

Being this retarded.

Can't speak on gamestop specifically, since my experience was in cars, but that's a good way to get sued, or at least returns.

in the case of returns, they screw you over by refusing a refund if its a always online game or you already opened the new product. but you can conveniently trade in the product and that's how they make their money.

>Why would you pay more than five dollars for Melee?

Maybe take a class on economics and figure out how Supply and Demand works.

Nobody wants worthless PAL games.


>They only destroyed worthless shit

LMAO why would you think that? Have you not been paying attention? LOL I've found good shit in their fucking dumpsters dipshit. They threw it ALL away.



This is going to be the new McDonald's play place for single moms to drop their kids off at.

>n64 shit that sold millions already

>ywn go dumpster diving behind a Gamestop in the early 2000's and find copies of Panzer Dragoon Saga and Shining Force III for free.

Why live?

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Get rid of the funko reddit nerd shit and make a bigger emphasis on used games, in particular start to sell retro stuff in-store instead of only selling them online

I’m guessing children, I stopped going there once I had a debit card

their prototype store does exactly like this.

>or at most a 20-minute drive, to choose from.
Bitch please, I'll just go to the Wal-Mart that's 5 minutes away

>they screw you over by refusing a refund if its a always online game or you already opened the new product
This is illegal

God damn niggers are going to ruin this. Especially in cities where niggers and spics statistically do considerably more crimes than whites

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So is lying about features to make a sale, either user is retarded or gamestop doesn't care.

Sometimes it's not a lie, more like they really don't know what the fuck they're selling. Like there are pare ts out there back in the dau who were sold Final Fantasy 11 on PS2 and weren't told that it was a MMO until they got home and it asks them for a credit card.

It's on their receipt and refund policy. Can't get refunds on new products if they are already opened. You only get refunds if it's unopened or it's a used copy.

Not telling people about features isn't the same as lying about features. One of them is fraud, the other is sales.

>GameStop has blamed online shopping and digital sales of games for much of its sales misfortune in recent quarters.
Are they really this oblivious?
Shitty business practices are the reason they're going out of business. Plenty of people like myself still enjoy walking into a video game store, but that's the thing, theres hardly video games anymore. Every time I go in there there's fuck all for selection and yet the store has fuckin iPhones and BBT t shirts. Whenever you go to trade something in its marked down 1000% of what they're going to sell it for.
Maybe if they specialized in stocking retro and obscure video games, maybe set up a demo section like Blockbuster used to have they would still be in business.
I'm glad these fuckers are almost gone.

If a product was misrepresented by the retailer, they are legally obligated to refund the full purchase price, as they voided the initial contract.

There is one near me that does well, it's in the heart of a big city though.
It's a mix of arcade machines and consoles on projectors and TVs.

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Gamestop killed or bought all of the competition so fuck them.
I had over 5 different local and franchise choices during gen 6 era. Then GS took them all away and bought out EB games.
Fuck GS,burn in Hell.

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Oh they know. They just wont ever admit it publically or to their employees.

Good luck proving that since GameStop employees will lie and their cameras don't capture audio only video.

>Shitty business practices are the reason they're going out of business.
Not really, it's entirely due to PSN, XBLA, eShop, Steam, and Amazon providing a more continent way to get games. Brick and mortar stores are all dying now and Gamestop is actually one of the few that survived the longest. If anything what you call "shitty business practices" is what kept them afloat this long.

Renting land, paying for utilities, hiring staff, transporting stock, all that shit costs money and it's all shit you save considerably or eliminate entirely by going online only. Also why buy from a third party like Gamestop when Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo all offer their new games directly from their own store? Gamestop just doesn't have a place in the market anymore and they can't compete with a giant like Amazon for the ~20% of consumers who still demand physical games.

Their new CEO is pretty good. I think the main problem is theve oversaturated the market hardcore. A few blocks from my house there’s one Gamestop literally across the street from another. They’ll probably start doing shit like opening those hotspot stalls in the center of the mall as opposed to full brick and mortar

>everyone saying GS killed their local mom & pop game stores
>a bunch of local stores started popping up in my area the last few years and seem to do alright

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I like getting my vidya at Best Buy. They often got games in stock since everyone's going to Gamestop to get stuff so I'm often able to get sealed copies of new games easily enough, like when I got Astral Chain a week ago.

Depends on the location.
If a big city then sure.
But many people in smaller cities and towns likely have to drive 30-45 minutes into the big cities just to find a non-GS game store.

got an article for this?

aim a little higher m8

Literally just got a job at GameStop. I’m expecting to be laid off after the holidays.

I went to a GameStop for the first time in 3 years last week.

Half the store was tshirts, plushies, board games, and lewd anime figures.

What the fuck happened?

They would rather sell that shit than to admit they over charge for most used games, and give shit for trade ins.
>inb4 a GS-cuck cope replies

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Clearance sale when?

Physical >>>>>>> Digital

But good riddance. Fuck GameStop.
That said, bad weeds grow tall. Who knows?

Is there a list of which stores are closing?

There’s a shop near me called Dirty Dicks.

I can't find a recent list for the upcoming ones, I don't think it is public yet.
But I found this blog if you want to keep an eye on it over the next few weeks/months.


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newfags, i swear to god

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>tfw when I used to be a regular at the GameStop in my neighborhood
>after a while no one bothered to go through the register spiel and I could buy my games in peace
>never tried to upsell me, never gave me gutted copies, always friendly, remembered and asked how I liked past games I bought there
>got busy at work, didn't have time for games for several months
>finally get back to normal hours, go back to catch up on a couple of games I missed
>shelves are filling up with bullshit trinkets and knick-knacks
>everyone is new
>everyone is visibly miserable with dead eyes
>constantly upsell me even though I try to tell them they shouldn't bother, act annoyed when I turn down all the register gotchas
>start going to the Best Buy right down the block
>or order from Amazon and don't even have to leave the house
>never go back to GameStop
They did this to themselves. No sympathy.

Nice. Thanks man

who else looking forward to some clearance sales

i miss these days SOOOOOOO much

>went to gamestop to just browse
>find shadow of war for 6 bucks
>the case is cracked and shitty
>ask if i can get a different case
>"ah no that's our only used one... wait, actually, here, just take this new copy."
>lol thanks bruh

>went to buy FE3H
>get a used copy in case i want to return for $
>they have no graphical cases, just the generic gamestop ones
>ask the girl if they have any
>she uses the case from one of their displays and gives it to me
their prices are dogshit 95% of the time, but i've had great experiences with their staff, they're very helpful and accommodating

>TFW 11 years ago the old large Game Station had a basement with 8 Xbox360 lan connected together playing halo3 for people to play with each one named after a RvB character
>bought out by GAME and turned the basement into retro black market and took out the 360's within a month.
>Closed the basement off completely by the end of the year
Fuck GAME.

Yeah, the people who worked at the store I went to used to be great, but the new bunch were very impersonal and clearly didn't like working there. Maybe they got a new district manager who was an asshole, I dunno.

Fuck no I'm not saying thanks, kill yourself tranny.

gamestop is kill outside of burgerland i would imagine smartest thing would be to axe the euro stores after the sales rush from the switch at christmas

good ridance might see a price drop in digital sales now after a game has been out a while

>might see a price drop in digital sales now after a game has been out a while

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>pawn is illegal in penn


>buy games used
>beat them
>return them all within the week
>idk bro they just don't work
>cancel all my preorders
>for some reason they punish the poor wagie for this

gamestop can rip in pieces desu

If you think that is weird, Ohio outlawed all internet cafes. The only places to use computers are privately owned or public library.
Something to do with combating "gambling." Even though gambling is legal in Ohio now, so... fuck it. I can't keep up with their mind games.

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I remember for a while you could return new games for a full refund within a week.
Until they finally realized people were beating games for free.

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dude gamestop is fucked.

Imagine thinking that less competition means publishers will LOWER prices.

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Piss doesn’t kill you at all. It’s yummy!

you retarded?? we got Babbages, Electronic Boutique, Play N Trade, Funcoland

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Good time to invest. Company is finally getting lean and focusing on their maturing customer base. They're going to be redesigning the stores, some of which will be completed by next hardware launch & shutting down the unprofitable ones.

>make a bigger emphasis on used games


Welcome to Ohio. We're fucking retarded here.

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Good riddance.

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You have jungle jims

jungle jims and meth and really shitty chili

not surprised. don't know what it's like in Burgerland but I never go to EB games (leafland Gamestop) because Microplay has way more used games, better deals, and more dumb autistic nerd shit like action figures.

Did Gamestop ever sell anime dvds? EBGames here is australia used to.

I'm near Jungle Jims and it is based as fuck. I try some of the most random import shit at decent prices.
I would say heroin is more common than meth, but meth is #2.
The chili is okayish. I understand why someone wouldn't want to eat it, especially by how it looks.
True, but it's all I know. There are worse places in the US to live.

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Those fuckers cant even be trusted for quality control on current gen games. When I worked at my store they had so many 360 discs with scratches and heat damage. They'd get mad every time I let a customer see the disc and they'd refuse it, rightfully so.
They'd treat retro games like garbage unless it was Melee or Pokemon gameboy games.

>have their own online gaming launcher (like Steam but completely owned by Gamestop)

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>really shitty chili
Personally, I don't consider it chili.
Tastes good on hotdogs and spaghetti though

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Their trade in deals were why I only paid $140 for a switch.
Good times.

Reminder that you can use GameStop as a free rental service by buying a used game and returning it a week later for a full refund.

The bullshit they did with Xenoblade's NA release was enough for me to hope that this company burns.

Assuming they will be in business by next week.

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men and kin don't rhyme but otherwise 7/10

Brick and mortar is going to be completely killed off in the next 10 - 20 years and that’s a good thing

I know it's a meme but I remember that happening to me when I was like 11 years old which was over a decade ago. Fuck them.

You can help them die as quickly as possible by ripping them off with my method.

Also you can buy shit, cash points out for a coupon, use coupon and then return the shit you bought -- you'll have negative points in your account but it's a great way to fuck them over in a last hurrah.

britbong or what?
They rhyme in American English.

The Funko Pops point to another problem with this business model. Nowadays a lot of people just like to collect and display nerd shit and merchandise that they like. So even if someone may not ever play a game that they finished again, why would they trade it in when they can display it on their bookcase with all their other geek shit?

No, I'm American. Maybe I just pronounce "kin" weird.

They can take the codes too. I've worked with multiple faggots who did just that. They'd wait to be the ones to gut some copies for display, type the codes on their phones and redeem them by the next day.
Plus they get the cheapest fucking sleeves for those discs and yes, they do scratch the discs. I've seen it.

no they fucking don't

Where is that user who used Gamestop as bank?

Depends where you are from.
West coast fags separate the two.
But midwest and eastern have pin and pen has homophones.

if we work together we might be able to buy the controlling interest for cheap in a year and start Yea Forums's game emporium

Your parents will die one day, retard, and unless you have some sort of a plan you will follow them shortly thereafter.

You have King's Island and Cedar Point, though. Those are the only two things I miss about living in the Midwest.

>Instead they're going to shift focus onto retro games.

Not gonna do shit unless they stop putting gigantic fucking stickers on everything. I hate buying anything from Gamestop because I know it's been ruined with a giant fucking sticker that never peels off without damaging something underneath.

I loved my Electronics Boutique. It was great during the 4th and 5th gen of consoles, and then, during the 6th gen, it got bought out and changed for the worst.
So good riddance to Gamestop.

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Oh no the store that rips apart new products to sell as new, takes horrible trade in deals and lines 75% of the shelves with funko pops is in trouble

oh no

I remember buying Bubblegum Crisis collection on DVD a long time ago. But I haven't been to a gamestop in a long, long time.

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>GameStop store on 6th Avenue in Manhattan has 35 other GameStops within 5 miles.
Meanwhile DC has none within the district.

not going to do shit unless they actually determine if the game they are considering buying is counterfeit. 20+ years ago, I doubt anyone every thought that counterfeit nintendo carts would be a thing.

Gamestop is definitely not going to check for repos, they'll slap the cart on their piss colored SNES, determine it's in good enough condition, and sell it off as genuine.

And that's a good thing

I'm 100% serious. There's a gamestop in every other stripmall in the United States and vidya is sold in every Target/Walmart/Etc, did they really think they could continue the momentum they had in the 90's and early 2000's forever? There will still be gamestops but there doesn't need to be more than one per mall.

Pirated carts were extremely common back then... maybe not in the US, but in poorer lands everyone bought them.

People were freaking out about Gamestop closing "half their stores" but this just means there will be 2 Gamestops within a 5 mile radius instead of 4 its hardly a death knell.

Former employee here, yes they are retard. Whenever people trade things in they have to follow the local pawn shop laws, such as holding items for 30 days before selling them to combat theft.

yeah they closed one of the two they have in my mall it was insane
It's a shame, too, because the one they closed was the one I liked better

>Gamestop is definitely not going to check for repos
Sad but true, which is one of the multitude of reasons they'll fail in the retro game market.

Being from the US I honestly never knew that. I mean I knew that there was a counterfeit market in China but I knew of no such issues outside of China.

Why would anyone cater to a market of broke niggers that pirate everything and never go outside

I'd rather get robbed than babysit a bunch of nigglets after school every day. At least when the police show up, I'd get a reprieve from the nig nogging.

Bad bait
So obsessed that he thinks “karma” is an invention of Reddit
God damn boy

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My Best Buy looked empty as fuck when I went in there last week. All the departments were smaller and had fewer stuff compared to the last gen of games.

You must not get out much, that’s not true at all. They have a better fucking selection than GameStop actually. But what should I expect from someone trying to act like they actually leave their basement and don’t get all their info on the outside world from some circle jerk on Yea Forums lol

Context of story?

have cex

The margins on the junk they peddle now are way bigger than selling video games. They basically just want to cash in on nerd culture while they can.

One of the weekly refugee attacks in Europe

I need to buy that. I can probably find it online for cheaper.

Untrue. Sometimes I’ll pop into a GameStop just for fun to look at games. It’s still kind of nice to me to pop into a location that’s solely dedicated to video games. I almost popped into the on on 14th street today.

My childhood friend and I would go to our local electronic store and stand around the video game section for up to an hour just talking shit about video games. Sometimes you just want to be surrounded by that shit. It’s sad that entire idea is being lost

At least I have a local game store in my area that sells games(new and used) from Atari 2600 to present day and they sell movies and TV shows on DVD/Blu-Ray as well. Hell prices for used games at that store is low as well(usually $10-$20 for a used game).

And they do give you cash if you sell your games to you(and they give you a bit more than GameStop). I'll be shopping there then.

With how huge games are getting, I think retail vidya can survive by setting up a deal with publishers to sell the full game on BR or maybe returnable USB drives. This wouldn't be super profitable, but would provide a niche no one else offers.

did they force you to sell it for $7 or were you just that stupid?

I feel like I post about the same stores in these threads too often.
There is a place in my area that sells new games and has a huge catalogue of old ones, that also does interactive shit (like what Gamestop used to have) as well as rentals on most games.
If you live in the Kitchener Waterloo area, they're Good Time Games out by the Glenridge Zehrs, they aren't run by that fucking Indian anymore and won't rip you off to add more shit to the pile like Joaquim over at KW Vintage.
They are the most Soulful game store in the region excluding arguably Good Time Games.

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I stopped bothering with that place when they stopped selling PC games.

No one rents from Redbox because all they have are sports shit and CoD

also former employee here who worked in las vegas because of pawn law our stores here had to work differently and were treated like family friendly pawn shops.

get your shit together user.

No it’s not fucking faggot don’t speak for my state

Maybe if they didn't try aggressively shoving at least 3 different promotions in my face when I want to buy a game, I'd be more okay with going

>buy "new" game from gamestop
>it's fucking opened

Imagine If this was going to be a gift or something.

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>tfw Bestbuy's Gamers Club Unlocked is no more
That was such a good fucking deal.
>20% off of brand new games regardless of release date
>twice the points earned on games
I got so many $5 off coupons with points
Shit was cash. I wish I had bought three years instead of one.

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Someone I knew got hurt while in the warehouse, and Amazon dragged their heels about compensation for medical leave and bills.

Current employee here
I have taken in systems and done all the shit needed for the trade put it in a box and sold that box and hour later
If anything your state requires it to be a pawn shop

FuncoLand>Babbage's>EB Games>Gamestop

Are people really buying their games now digitally on console? The prices on digital games for console are fucking terrible games stay at 60 dollars for like three years

If they change it every gamestop store into a tranny specific restroom, it would solve half of US's problem right now.

Trannies don't want their own restroom, they want to pee next to little girls.

Working at gamestop must be comfy.

Air condition, no customers, demos and games you can put on.

Yes, laws vary from county to county user. Some have trade hold, some don't.

Retail in general is dying. 10 years from now the only things left will be grocery and big appliance stores.

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>implying even those need be separate
Half the people I know bought their TVs/appliances from Costco.

Very true. I guess Idiocacy was right.

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The gamestop I go to has imported Gashapon machines for shit like Gundam and Dragonball. pretty neat stuff like pic related

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When purchasing used goods, whit the intention to resell said goods and while operating as a business, among other considerations, there are some states which require gamestop to operate under the same guidelines that pawn shops do. This is due in part to several cases in which gamestop locations sold stolen goods withing hours of receiving them. As far as I know, it isn't a corporate policy, rather a policy imposed on locations within specified states.

Are these guys retarded? There are like 7 monitors, and to my knowledge the crts in the back only have retro consoles, how do they expect to turn THIS into a hangout when there's only one flatscreen with a ps4/XbOne? This is a business, who the hell can run a buisness off of only like 4 people, because that's as much as that couch will fit, hell that's being genorus, are there even any good couch co-op games nowadays? And how do they handle the one ps4/XbOne anyway, do they rent it? People can play games for 6 hours at a time, odds are one persons going to continualy rent it for the whole day.

>And how do they handle the one ps4/XbOne anyway, do they rent it?
It's not exactly a new concept.

The guys a faggot, if you want to write correctly go right ahead.

it's dying because the next consoles will be digital only. no more discs. the used game market is finished. now enjoy paying the game pass jew a monthly fee.

I loved it. If you live near a college town? You'll get hot college chicks working there too, and let me tell you after 10 hours of picking or packing? They aren't bitches anymore, they just hate life just like you do lol

Lex 1 and Lex 2 are both really fun and filled with country girls who just don't know any better

If you go to the large Best Buy's, their games selection may look small at first but they could have more games in the back, just ask staff if they got a copy.

CWC also inserts random capital letters for "flair"

its not bad really
i would use trade credit for it
its how i got final fight 3, at the time 120 cart only on ebay, selling @ 79.99 gamestop, for $20.

those will be like 1 every state, maybe 5 in well selling BEST GAMESTOP areas.