Has any other studio fallen THIS hard before?
Has any other studio fallen THIS hard before?
>will sell 15 million copies overnight and win every award that exists
Keep seething, incel.
Termites got into them and that's gg.
Sucks, could have been so much more with the asian and white 80's aesthetics.
Why is the alt-right too stupid to make videogames?
Jesus fuck what happened
That's the 1 Million Dollar question user.
filled their studio with western devs after the success of witcher 3
>every announcement just makes it worse
Make it stop
CDPR is a soulless fucking studio and their games have only one purpose: make as much money as possible.
They literally have to because they are funded by the government.
They have to make the game as generic and appealing to normies as possible
What the fuck do you mean what happenend? Many games do this when the player picks the gender of the main character. Even FE Three houses does this and the Pokemon games as well.
Twitter culture infected everything
Every single time. I wonder if they accept money from investors pushing the shit on the grounds that they gotta let in the diversity hires to make changes.
CDPR got woke
sadly, they won't go broke for their hubris since their rabid fanbase from the Witcher will gobble it up regardless of how intellectually insulting shit like this is
What other games did he fixate on? Is he FF XV-kun?
>Tfw Twitter culture is so strong it effected games back in the early 90's
>Money is evil and not the root of success
>RESETERA BAY BAY! Just look at the money!
Well? Which is it trannyfag?
I guess they are too busy
>popular = good
based retard
Its just ebin shitposting.
sounds like just an excuse to do less voice acting
I miss video games
Wow, so OP is full of shit?
Pls think about it my good user. If 2019 is THIS fukt then 2077 has to have batshit social politics especially in LA the heart of degenerative thinking
It is but Yea Forums and sjws have to see every thing as political funny enough Fire Emblem does this but no one bats an eye
Too many promises. Developer communicating to consumers through social media is a mistake.
I wish I could rejoice at this being a proof they nailed the "humanless dystopian shit hole corporate globalist hell" setting, but we all know they do it for the tranny points
This is just scapegoating for that fact they've been stripping features left, right and center.
remember the whole gender removal thing? where they simply renamed gender to body type and everybody freaked out about it?
But this is the future in america
Good times.
Is there any fanbase more cucked then Witcherfags?
Can you just SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT CP2077 FOR FIVE FUCKING MINUTES. EVERY DAY you make these threads, EVERY DAY it's the same fucking thing. I'm so sick of seeing your autism being dumped. You aren't funny, you aren't interesting, you are boring as shit. We get it, CP DID A THING.
>implying that avoiding 'he' and 'she' in dialogue doesn't save them a few extra shekels in VA expenses
They're just being Jewish, man.
Pretty sure they did that before/during witcher 3
They can make games, they just can't put their political viewpoint in them like the leftists because if they do, the socjus mob will harass them until they're removed from all social media, can't release their game anywhere, they've been blacklisted from the industry, and both their private and public life in general is completely ruined.
user by this logic many Japanese games are for trannies and so is every Fallout game.
thanks, i'll pirate the gog version
>trusting tranny mods
Most games where the player can choose gender aren't like this already? It streamlines the entire project
Seems like they need to make games that are good other than ones where the only thing you do is shoot blacks and gays as Jesus
Yes they are but Yea Forums needs a boogyman right now.
That still doesn't explain how "Leftists" and "SJWs" attained all this power in the first place. How did we go from bikini Samus and cleavage Lara Croft to Mass Effect: Andromeda.
This only shit. They're saving money and reaping goodboy points at the same time
Why is this really news? Most games do this as a budget cut nowadays, but nobody saw it as a political statement.
maybe they don't refer to your gender because they don't want to record their lines twice?
>get bullied by left
>just lets it happen
right is at fault
>Doesnt give you dialog options to purposefully call someone by the wrong pronouns
Damn member when rpgs used to be fun?
Please, someone add "THEY DONT NEED TO CALL ME A MAN OR WOMAN" to the list.
>Yea Forums suddenly hates trans players
What happened bros?
They do, but the Judeo-game instrustry goes out of its way to shame, hide, and deplatform them.
Name some games where you don't gas jews shoot blacks and gays and has actual gameplay. I guess you can count Rape Day if you wamt considering Yea Forums threw a shitfit about that game not being on Steam.
Could you name some and give an example of why you chose them?
Bonus Difficulty: name some that actually are good and made it in the industry.
They're gonna always refer to you as "V" in conversations so they don't have to record more lines based on having a dick/vag and trying to make the idea of it be some revolution for gender faggotry for retards who won't buy this game, that's it
>All this leftists on Yea Forums
When did this place become a replica of reddit?
I knew Ruiner was bad but I didn't expect it to be a literal cancer cell.
Who cares, you'd probably barely notice it. At least it's not like a customisation option where you pick your pronouns
that's indocrination of children desu
keep the tiny brain mind
They just fucked over Russian translation, lmao.
Most western gamedev is on the west coast or centered in California. And since California is by and large the most liberalism-poisoned state in the country, it was inevitable social justice's toxic ideology would spread like an infectious disease across the populace, including people employed at game studios/publishers. Generally, most studios already had pozzed people to serve as their patient zeroes and initial infection vector into the rest of the company.
The MO is always the same. Regardless of whether there are already patient zeroes in the company, the first step is taking over HR and other positions that facilitate removing non-ideologically conformant people from the company, and replacing them with people who are. Once you do that, it becomes very simple to squeeze people they don't like out of the company, and the industry, by sheer numbers.
That's how they took over gamedev, and tech for that matter.
When the alt-right learns to make a proper video game instead of shooting people IRL, then we can talk.
First thing that came to mind. This is nothing compared to them taking the shortcut of making all cutscenes first-person.
Alt-righters don’t even have guns
Go back
Is this a problem? Like, that's literally what cyberpunk is all about
who the fuck even cares
They sure as hell are making a huge amount of noise for the right to keep them though
This has been going on for weeks, this OP must be legitimately insane to post this shit every day
Not him, but Hatred is one I think
It's kind of hard to ignore them when they control your means of communication, your means of distributing the game, your means of getting money for said game, and will gladly resort to mafia-style intimidation/harassment tactics to bully you into submission, up to and including getting you fired, getting your bank accounts closed, getting you banned from various services you use, etc.
Why do they spend so little time showing off the gameplay or talking about the gameplay? Didn't they start pruning melee options?
are we gonna ignore the entire tech industry took off alongside the hippie/counterculture movements in the 60s and was very closely linked with them since that doesn't fit this retarded narrative?
>only 1 person on Yea Forums is mad about trannies ruining video games
This is weaponized mental gymnastics
>first thought is ignoring it
That's the problem retard, fight against it
Hatred isn't alt-right and you can still buy it on steam where it has extremely positive reviews
that would require them having been a dev worth following. but every retard on this fucking website is a redditor and praises tw3 despite it being a mediocre game with a story that rivals the last of us for how bland and boring it is.
Honestly, I worry this game is just going to be rushed and lazy with a day one crowbcat video. And CDPR is just saying this stuff to sugarcoat it.
Japanese games don't have the AAA budget to do each dialogs twice.
Yea because that's been working real well for the pass 50 years right?
Take some time off, go outside. Get some sun
>NPCs won't refer to you by gender
Seems about right. Fucking NPCs.
>an angsty mass murder simulator
Do you now perhaps see now why the Gaming industry doesn't like alt-right people in its ranks?
I would say you were ignoring it for the past 50 years instead of fighting it
the kek flag is in the game along with a secret skin for Vivian James
>just let the sjws win
Not on your life pal.
why is this retard so based
You don't even know what you're mad about
uhhh isn't that normal? second person pronouns are already gender-neutral
>I'm fighting back by posting about video games on a chink cartoon website
Based. I love when this happens.
Earthworm Jim would never happen today because its creator is a devout Christian and conservative.
No, I know that pretty well since I grew up in Silicon Valley, but it was never as bad as it is now. The liberals that founded Silicon Valley and the liberals demanding you let your kids be mutilated by a doctor or face losing custody because they wore pink to school once are very, very different things. One is just a bit soft but well meaning, the other is legitimately batshit insane.
Fighting back results in the same consequences, except with the added bonus of potential prison time if you're smart enough to realize words will accomplish nothing at this point because they are too far gone.
??? I'm not even alt-right
That just means they don't have to record twice the dialogue due to gender.
No, it’s because he openly said he wanted to punch gays on Twitter
Im mad about .01% of the population being shoved in the rest of the 99.99% of the populations face at every turn. Fucking kill yourselves already.
But the SJWs have already won. The industry is theirs.
And they're laughing at (You).
good thing only one of "types of liberals" actually exist
If this triggers you, just imagine playing a Japanese game in its original language. Those tranny lovers don't even use pronouns. O.M.G.!
The sad thing is this game is still going to get ripped to shreds by SJWs and trannies when it comes out.
CDPR is about to learn a very important lesson about dealing with these “people.”
Who the fuck fucking cares.
where did I say you were? did your programming short circuit there for a second?
Minecraft is another, but instead of being shamed/deplatformed it’s being deconstructed with updates.
They'll use anything they can get their hands on. Knives, swords, cars, you name it.
Imagine actually speaking a language that has gender pronouns. Just imagine how much of this pointless drama could be avoided if English wasn't such a silly language
Where did I say you should fight back by posting about video games on a chink cartoon website?
But Earthworm Jim himself wasn't Christian OR conservative, was he?
>Fighting back results in the same consequences, except with the added bonus of potential prison time if you're smart enough to realize words will accomplish nothing at this point because they are too far gone.
Then stop whining about this shit if you aren't willing to do anything about it
so you're a terrorist?
Retard-tier take. The tech industry until like 2013 was very live and let live, libertarian even. I’ll do my thing and you do your thing. It was baked into the internet, the entire ethos of it was set up that way. It really wasn’t until Obama’s re-election that things started to get weird with SJWs influencing actions and of course they went full Judeo-Bolshevik after Trump won.
His girlfriend wasn't even his own species, what do you think?
>your first thought when hearing fight back is either shitposting or shooting people
I think your a bit fucked mate
>Not noticing the prayer he does before every level, or the fact that groovy means “To love God”
Didn't they make a huge deal out of companion calling female player "Gina" because V-Gina or some shit?
t. 19 year old informed political activist
When was the last time a game allowed you to kill a story NPC outside of scripted events/choices? Even Oblivion gave you a message to tell you you fucked up and had to reload.
I was excited for this but Yea Forums has ruined it. literally wont even play it if it comes to PS+
so how exactly is one supposed to fight back if both words and actions are off the table?
I thinks that's more for memes but you dont have to be alt-right to support gamergate either.
user people were litterally killing each other over political shit.
>They literally have to because they are funded by the government. They have to make the game as generic and appealing to normies as possible
Well, that's retarded of them. Here in Leafland, the government incentivizes Canadian media producers to make products more obviously Canadian, which leads those works to be more off-beat and creative because they're already sacrificing mass appeal. The government is willing to sacrifice that money in order for our media to be more distinct from American product and, in turn, retain a cultural identity separate from America's.
If Poland really is trying to fund products as samey and mass-appealing as possible, they're fighting a losing battle. It's not like Polish media is going to replace American media on the world stage, no matter what they do.
dunno, I'm not the one complaining about shit
>shitposting and constructive debate are the same things
Why can't anyone argue in good faith nowadays? Everyone just resorts to name-calling on social media nowadays, with a few exceptions.
"inoffensive" cyberpunk lol all thugs are trannypilled there
fucking lame as shit.
Gamergate was an alt-right movement and was the catalyst for everything we see here today.
>gender stuff ruins a game
die dumb incel
That's the society that has fallen user, the virtual one at least. Killing people on the streets is less of an offense than breaking artificial speech-taboos.
>already have video evidence of pronouns being used
>he thinks they will be rerecording audio 7 months before release
I was going to ask if anyone here is actually retarded enough to believe this, then I remembered what board I am on
Where? I want to play as Vivian
well, like all other games that have gender choice? amazing.
Not that long ago that there were subreddits called gasthekikes and coontown. The idea was free speech was paramount and the views were “abhorrent” but it was their right to speak them.
All the stuff people say to justify shutting down speech today is very new and not at all what the internet was founded on and how it was run for the first 2 decades.
muh SJWs
>literally nothing new since many games do this
>used by journos as clickbait
>Yea Forums falls for it every time without fail
is ignored
its all tiresome bros
>he thinks its anywhere near complete
Put in your application, you might get to work on the game still.
It wasn't alt-right it's just dumbasses use it as a scapegoat to hate each other
Cause no one wants to actually argue or debate anything and would rather just talk with people that agree with them, I have no source for this but I blame the advancement of mobile phones and internet.
I'm so tired of these people. I just want to talk about video games. You know when you're trying to sleep, but there's a mosquito in the room? You're just trying to relax under your blanket, but you keep hearing the mosquito somewhere. These threads are like that
4/6 of them are cute as fuck.
why are poles speaking german
OR it's obviously done to save time because they don't want to bother putting he/she in all the thousands of cases required to save time in writing when it's it's much easier with a simple "Hey, you! Yeah you, faggot!"
Stop being so easily manipulated by gaming """journalism""" trannies making a quick buck off baiting your asshurt dur to fake news.
It was alt-right
Dragon Age fans?
>still hiring
Lmao its never coming out
No it was.
Yea Forums, indirectly, created Anita Sarkeesian. And then the rest.
>completely seperate part of the game, independent of actual SP part of the game
Your point is?
>making a game about degeneracy
>come up with a setting-appropriate way to save 50% on voice acting
I am disgusted by trannies as much as the next guy but it's just a video game
But it literally says its part of the lore which means its directly tied to the single player. God i swear everyone here is brain dead holy shit
This is what tinfoil alt-right branlets actually believe
its really funny and even cute that polacks are trying so hard to imitate amerimutts lmao a bunch of ameriboos. absolutely submissive.
>a non government owned message board enforcing their own rules violated my free speech.
oh cool you're just retarded then. guess sjw lost power since I got banned from gamefaqs for typing "s*it" back in 2004
You cry babies seethed over Kingdom Come and that didn't have any politics being shoved down your throat. Face it, snowflake.
they fired all the poles and hired diversity hires I thought
t. pole
I was talking from development standpoint. Development of MP has no effect on SP. And my previous point still stands: If you are 7 months from release, you won't be rerecording god knows how many lines
To be fair, that game actually was racist though
Kojima is unironically still recording lines and that shit comes out in 2 months. You have 0 knowledge of game development and it shows.
i dont really believe that shit. although its true that those poles who have balls made ruiner.
When will /pol/ leave?
Getting sick of this low effort bait.
Absolute retards falling for bait. And tranny jornos using it as an excuse to push their shit.
Of course they wont refer to you by gender, the game was made with the intention of having the player either choose male or female V, it would be stupid to waist time and resources on making voicelines that depended on the player choise of sex...
There are no minorities stupid enough to want to live in the bleak wasteland that is Poland.
Found the kike
remember this?
This is all you guys can say, you monsters don’t even care.
How was it racist? Because it depicted white people in a predominantly white region at that point in history?
Other than the equal-opportunity extermination of human life, Hatred doesn't espouse much of a political message besides "I don't care who I piss off". I wouldn't call it alt-right. And even if it was, most people exclude cheap, lazy, shovelware trash from these sorts of discussions because it doesn't really mean anything when the barrier of entry is so low.
>gamergate was alt-right
>because I say it is
we have a lot of ukrainians and some gays also vietnamese but everyone is chill with vietnam guys
Doesn't this make sense because if you can augment yourself to whatever you want doesn't it make whatever sex you are irrelevant
It’s not pol, this is the world
fucking yikes, poe's law
t. didn't play it, just got mad about it
so it's the same thing as saints row, why are people pretending this is something new?
>selling 100 copies=good
Based nicge retard.
They figured out how to cut down the number of voice lines needed for the game by a huge margin and get to virtue signal. Good job spinning being cheap asses CDPR.
But he’s not wrong though
If you cant tell the difference between saints row cheekily joking about calling men women and such, and cdpr being super serious about gender equality, then you are very dumb.
>it confirms my world-view so it must be right
slavs are all the same
You really don’t have to to notice the dog whistling
Just because all of the participants of GG were retards doesn't necessarily mean they were alt-right.
not racist the slightest. self centered stupid amerimutts were trying to preach the czech devs on twatter and failed. thats all.
you are thr only one who is 18+ with the mind of a dipershitter
makes you wonder how much they spent to tell the Voice actors to redo a bunch of lines just to pander to an ultra small minority
I mean witcher was at least based on a polish book series, set in a somewhat slavic environment.
Cyberpunk is some tabletop game set in a generic cyberpunk world.
I think the shitstorm started when CDPR made that reply in pic related.
CDPro is mainstream now.
Pretty much every game is hard to translate for russian translators - they too lazy to put a gendered verbs/adjectives.
what does it mean
what other RPG addressed your gender? its always a 'hey YOU! wanna sidrquest?'
because being a NEET =/= having a job in the industry
CD Project Reddit
lmao hahahaah
not to slavs
Post tfw you didn't fall for this shit game
Nobody even gives a SHIT about Cyberpunk 2020. Why are they adapting this?
*Sips drink*
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesn't need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesn't need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't matter that it has a shit visual style
>it doesn't need to have genders
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
I'm curious how this will work in the various localizations. It seems like it would sound pretty awkward and repetitive in English and that language's already rather malleable.
Man, it sure helps to always keep your expectations low and watch everyone else sperging over the tiniest shit.
Oh wait, Todd Scrolls games and a ton of other games also never refer player's character by gender just to cut the costs.
This is not even something newsworthy.
You literally sperg over nothing.
This webm was intentional, the animator was not left leaning but he knew how to meme against people that were.
>unironically posting tumblr animations
Holy shit, I can smell the absolute seething and sizzling roast beef
seems easier than putting in variables to account for pronouns, op
I knew it would never live up to the hype but never thought they would sink this low.
>No no no is not because creating a single audio file is cheaper and easier is because we are so progressive now give me my good boy points pls
PR today is wining the moral high ground in the cheapest and effortless way possible I cant believe the left eats this bullshit
How often do you think the creator of this cartoon watches his significant other get blown out by strangers? I'm a betting man so I'll say around 2 times a month at a minimum.
>This is not even something newsworthy.
>You literally sperg over nothing.
Do you honestly expect anything else from Yea Forums at this point?
There are only 2 genders.
Based, never let them get away with it and never let the shills forget.
If trans people upset you that much I guess you just don’t have to play it :^)
Is it you FFXV-kun?
it shouldn't be too difficult to do that if it's just the main character
I mean, when characters are talking to you, it would be odd for them to use he/she
and I guess if you never hear anyone or read anything talking about you in the first person, you've done the job already
going beyond this point, like keeping third person conversations, or extending it to every line of dialogue in the game, then creates a weird stilted language that will sound laughably bad
This makes you rage? Have you looked in the mirror lately?
Please off yourselves, you absolute retards
Not really, but this shit still baffles me.
Seems like forced diversity to me. Just playing as a woman is where I draw the line
....games in this nature do this all the time. How is this new?
>don't talk about video games
we'll get right on that chief
Should I know who these people are, or are they just a gaming forum as insignificant as Yea Forums itself?
>If Yea Forums says that something is bad that means it's bad
Yea Forums is never right. never.
Care about what? Brainlet paranoia? No, I really don't care about it. Not my fault others are delusional neither is it my job to change them.
Why everyone in this site wastes so much time talking about things they dislike?
someone must have been really proud of themselves when they made this
Would you say that you dislike that about Yea Forums? Care to talk about that?
based schizo
Whites will go extinct in our lifetime..
didn't this also happen in Saints Row 2?
>Development of MP has no effect on SP
imagine actually believing this kind of bullshit
Not even close. Probably not even in several thousand years.
Why do you care? You don't have blonde hair and blue eyes, you're not even white.
oh no now it will never be realistic like RL where all of us get adressed as 'boy with a penis'
>raise your hand im class
>teacher: 'yes, the one boy with a penis'
>get mugged by thugs
>thugs: 'there, the one boy with a penis!
>buying stuff in the mart
>cashier: 'thanks boy a penis, please come again'
I dont think this leftist propaganda is for me or my wifes son
It isn't, don't interrupt the easily manipulated retards and their outrage culture. It's the only thing in their sad lives to be passionate about.
God, I fucking hope so
All the sjw shit is from a large majority of white people
Because the alt-right are generally stupid people working in food and retail jobs. That's not saying the far left is correct, but they're at least generally educated and not nearly as learning-impaired.
Name five.
So's the FNAF guy. Being conservochristian doesn't sink reputations, being loudmouthed and stupid on social media or within earshot of a microphone does.
>implying this is a political decision and not just an easy way to save money on voice recording
Everyone referring to you as “hey you” or “v” is just so they don’t have to pay all the voice actors to record the same lines for the “he” and “she” options.
It’s just a corporation being stingy and dressing it up as being politically progressive. alt-right retards will still seethe about it though
Yes, boys have a penis.
And Borderlands 2, and Mass Effect, and Huniepop. It's either a nickname or other workaround so you can play either gender. It's not a big deal whatsoever.
>Cyberpunk makes yet another change
Another day gone by.
This game will be a letdown and it'll be the studio's doing.
I hate women.
They hate you too.
There's very few western devs working there owing to low Polish pay rates and famously bad working conditions
good argument
Dangerously based and undeniably redpilled
Probably say some like “Hey civilian!”
“Hey ugly get over here”
This. The game will be casualised easily digestible garbage for normies.
>Todd Scrolls games and a ton of other games also never refer player's character by gender
This is false, based on the fact alone in the scroll games they address you as man or woman
>implying you have any contact with women to hate them
Same, men are truly superior to women in every way
it means the devs are lazy
To ignore them/ log in with an unrelated account and call them a faggot?
m7 it's supposed to be a dystopia
what is more dystopic than a world where trannies and feminists have won?
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
The Wicher 3
Those are the two I know of but I'm certain there's more.
Global minority, murder suicide at an all time high, racemixing at its highest as well. 24/7 anti white propaganda daily, victims of racial homicides higher than ever before.
You’re gonna wish it would take one thousand years.
>The easiest way to flush out shills
Do I have to bring back that image macro of the Architect from the Matrix from its decade-long meme death just for you obsessed cunts?
>will actually do what every other voiced RPG has done in the history of videogames to save budget by not having to record the same voiceline twice
>sells it with a bit of fluff to the journos
>masses eat it, Yea Forums seethes with 500 replies guaranteed every time
You're all niggers.
If it wasn’t political they wouldn’t draw attention to it.
>victims of racial homicides higher than ever before.
You know it's illegal to kill black people now, right?
>m7 it's supposed to be a dystopia
Dystopia for everyone but the trannies who need to feel safe and comfortable even in video game settings.
Don't try to damage control for these former Bioware brony cuckolds.
Remember that FNV was 9 years ago.
>if trannies get rights, I no longer feel safe
>im literally shaking right now
You already have rights you retarded trannoid.
Dilate you mentally ill piece of shit.
Yes, CDPR from Witcher 1 to 2.
>im literally shaking right now
This gaming is going to SUCK and it will sell millions. Fuck gamers.
Holy shit you are fucking retarded, but that's to fucking expected on this piece of shit board these days. I'm not saying don't talk about videogames, I'm specifically calling out THIS FUCKING AUTIST WHO SPAMS LITERALLY THE SAME THREAD EVERY FUCKNG DAY. He doesn't want to talk about VIDEOGAMES, he wants to BAIT PEOPLE into replies. If you are so much of a newfag that you can't see that, just fucking go back to >>>Reddit or either place is better for Tards like you.
There is no such thing as anti white propaganda moron. Not every person you disagree with is out to commit genocide. Seek help.
Fuck OP's shitflinging bait, post your builds idea
>Corpo background
>Handgun and melee
>A little bit of netrunner
>As close as possible to pic related
They want to kill all cis people. I'm not being ironic, this is literally a saying they spread on social media outlets under the guise of being a "joke"
I see black people on tv and interacial couples on the street, how is that not white genocide?
Yeah, this site is full of retards in case you haven't noticed.
Why is there cum dripping from Banjos nose?
>instead of waiting for autistic neets to bitch about their laziness in a forum they got out in front of it and called it political to win brownie points
It’s almost like corporations are unfeeling amalgams whose every action is intended to make money some how
Blacks kill more whites than they do in any other group besides their own, and more whites are killed by non-whites globally
Im not going to play the game whatsoever.
We don't pick our pronouns in reality either. we just want media to follow realism unless another good reason is given.
man what the fuck happened to media that makes you uncomfortable using its themes and presentation
these are the retards that would give bad reviews to trainspotting or clockwork orange just for making them feel like shit
How is it? You get to decide who people want to date? It's also still far more common for people to date in their own skin color. Seek help.
That's okay user, I hope you'll enjoy the games you're looking forward to this year.
Good fucking luck with various translations, then.
90% of civilized languages are gendered. Including Polish. Either someone in CDPR is retarded or the article is lying.
>give them more rights
>put them in positions of power
>pic related happens
Good job you just killed off humanity
It's interesting seeing how feminists actually perceive the world
>Horrible dystopic future
>Mass poverty
>Gang wars
>Everyone out for themselves, horrible to eachother
>Somehow everyone cares enough to check their pronouns
Isn't this what you're trying to do and seething because it isn't working here in this thread?
>winning RPG award in the same year than FFVIIR
>winning GOTY award in the same year than TLOU2
>article is lying
Everyone is going full retard thinking "non-gendered" means use of they instead of he/she, when in reality it will be like in any other game: nickname or words with no inherent gender
not that it matters since we already saw gendered dialogue in the Deep Dive video
>"She's ready" at 0:31
>"Who will protect her?" at 0:15
i'm buying 10 copies to spite all of you. I fucking tired of this shit. Why treat every fucking release like a fucking battle ground from people you've never, never will interact with. Why is it when anything that isn't catered to your taste a sign of the down fall of a company, franchise, industry. why are do your fucking faggots obsess so much over trans people so much. You obsessive so much about the minor shit yet ignore the real fucking problem plaguing the industry. Microtranactions getting progressively worse and seeping into every genre everyone laughed at horse armor yet you have whales buying skins for their moba waifu, retard gambling skin for their csgo guns, kids stealing their parents credit card so their fortnite character can do a new dance. Stupid ass currency systems designed to leave you with change so you feel compelled to buy more with real money. Companies that give reviewers, e-celebs modded copies of games so they cant have a better expereince with the game allowing for better review praise. Review and e-celebs being nutless to call game devs on their bullshit because they dont want to lose out on their easymode copies of games.
But no, npc wont refer to you by gender. this is the real fucking problem here.
in the future where everyone is robots you could easily become the anime waifu you wanted to fugg
at which point, does gender still matter?
I know no human being would post this, but is it an agent provocateur or just satire?
I dont see the problem here since Ive played a lot of games where you choose a gender but no one acknowledges it ever. Monster hunter, pokemon, terraria, most MMOs, etc.
u retard
Lol most of the classes have already been removed. Not that any normalfaggies have ever read the CP sourcebooks
based jesus
I know bro, that's why I haven't mentionned classes.
Imagine bombing the shit out of every non-white country there is and then saying whites are the ones dying
for most people it doesn't really matter that much already, only conservacucks still care about gender
why are alt right kids always so buttflustered? How's that altright political agenda game coming along incels?
Hell a lot of games if you kill someone plot centric whos not meant to be killed by you just respawn them.
Many games did this. Using gender neutral language allows to minimize costs for voice acting. How is this a big deal?
Who the fuck cares? Jesus you guys need to get out more.
but "conservacucks" are a thing of our time
by the future politics would be way different
who the fuck cares guys
Based id software is going against the grain with doom eternal making numerous references to demons being immigrants. And desu who the fuck cares if characters don't refer to you by pronoun, unless it drastically damages the writing and story or gameplay, who the fuck cares. Are you that autistic that you need the game world to refer to your female character (because I know you disgusting fucks always roll female toons to live out weird fantasies
>inb4 "would you rather stare at man ass all game or a girls ass"
Literal retard excuse.)
jesus christ you guys are such faggots it makes me so fucking mad holy shit
But that's the problem with translations - in a gendered language you have to know the gender of a person you are talking to, otherwise the sentence makes no sense. And it doesn't matter if someone is talking to V directly - in gendered language you have to use either masculine or feminine declinations anyway.
So either someone is lying, CDPR does not intend to localize it, or someone in CDPR is fucking retarded and does not understand how language works.
CDPR probably said "there will be no gendered pronouns" when they meant "there will be no gendered pronouns in the English version". Less likely is that they actually said "there will be no gendered pronouns in the English version" and Isaiah Mayersen cut it down either deliberately for their English-reading audience or accidentally because, on a subconscious level, they not aware of other languages at all.
man ass is nowhere near as good looking as girl butt
>Even Oblivion
tes games was always shit.
The future is so bleak
yes, dystopia is terrible for everyone but the evil people
It's literally the most manufactured drama ever. Nobody actually cares, and they'll buy and enjoy it anyway
>Based id software is going against the grain with doom eternal making numerous references to demons being immigrants.
Except it isn't, its a mockery of big corporations feigning wokeness to getting people on board with it whatever their selling.
ok, I can't think of a lot of games where npcs do refer to you by gender. game journalism is fucking shit.
I’m going to share this shit with /pol/, hopefully they can change some minds in this thread.
Political correctness is always fake. when you point out the dishonesty in companies doing it,the rest naturally follows.
But I thought every rpg the mc is genderless because it's easier to make?
>ashen one
and now V
All this tells me is that the ending will reveal you to be a robot. Yawn.
If anyone who points out how stupid you are is alt right, you're gonna have to either stop talking, or be surrounded by the alt right
CDPR have never made a good game. How else could they have "fallen"?
>complete game vs episodic´´game´´
>TLOU2 is ok to winnning despite jewing and sjw
Snoytard spotted.
This is nothing fucking new for an RPG where you make a character. Elder Scrolls has always done this since they were voice acted.
its shit journalism and a bunch of retards reacting to it with out actually thinking.
This honestly just seems like a clever way to reduce the number of voice lines needed.
Because they’re too busy getting MIGA cummies from the Zognald
>also we're totally not being lazy so that we only have one line of dialogue for every single scene and not two per gender or so forth
TLOU2 has inevitable 'fridging' and 'bury your queers' controversies to contend with, though.
Also, FFVIIR looks like shit
6/6 the more you age.
I'm sure the game will be fine in the end, but why is the PR so bad? Did they hire the DOA6 marketing team?
So they are going to change the whole game in 7 months or this is another click bait article?
Remember to report this bitch.
they are bussy having families and real jobs
Looks like It
All I hear nowadays is about white SJW problems left and right when it comes to this game
It actually detracts from the actual useful information
Their marketing have been so fucking inconsistent and weak so far
Morrowind gave you a message that you fucked up, Oblivion was full of invincible NPCs that could only be knocked down for a minute
pubg sold 50 million copies so it must be the best game in existence. Right?
the souls series
goddamnit, I really want to get The Witcher 3 for Switch, but the more SJW bullshit these fags pull, it makes me not want to waste the money.
wonder if they are talking about me lol. I made a few deadfire threads a year back.
some of us aren't here every day to see all the threads go by, champ
so while it's baitposting to you, it's actual discussion to us
maybe you should go outside a little more :)
If you'd knew some geography, you'd realise that Poland borders on Germany, so there's a big chance a lot of them speak German if they live near the border.
Also, it could be the German page.
most of the time you will be referred to as V ("hey V, you're alright?" johnny in the opening deep dive video)
but gendered pronouns are still in
shut the fuck up you dumb cunt, its not a discussion if its just your retarded ass spewing out the same autistic shit every day
Skyrim and Mass Effect kept using his/her pronouns with regards to main character. And Dark Souls doesn't have third person dialogue anyway.
So, bad example.
>indocrination of children
>the game is rated 18+ M for mature
then why are you in this thread? besides to shitpost your prime years away?
>not SquareEnix
>Skyrim and Mass Effect kept using his/her pronouns with regards to main character
so like cyberpunk?
>a few lines of dialog
>the whole game
they probably didn't write that many he/she lines to begin with because it's extra voice over work
WAAAAHHH WAAAAAAH I'm not the sole target of this electronic toy anymore
Also nice bait, cyberpunk is all about the degeneracy and decadence of society and body modification
Imagine actually choosing male V instead of cute female V with Cherami Leigh voice, disgusting.
>male or female V
Not possible. Just body type.
I agree, her voice is disgusting.
I suck nigger dicks and my taste is shit.
please get help
>Not making a playthrough for both
When did penis and vagina become a main priority in video games?
When they hired Canucks and started listening to twitter trannies.
>excuse me xir
why are they doing this? they're literally sabotaging their shit. they might as well just keep quiet till release
do these really look like humans to you?
You mean like any tes or mass effect?
This. Pure lazyness.
>me smart you dumb
wew, glad I'm not easily intimidated by my superior intellect.
Not in the west but there's people like Hashino and Koichi Sugiyama pushing their beliefs
>we strive to be more like bioware or bethesda
Thats a bad thing. And heres why.
I literally don't use gendered pronouns in my daily life anyway, and it's not even because I'm being inclusive of anything. You'd be surprised how easy it is to just replace everything with "they".
Hell, I can't even remember the last time I spoke someone's actual name. When I see someone or need their attention, I just say "Hey".
Imagine taking in every garbage title sensationalist journalism pisses out as fact.
Wow, they used to be one of the few who would fight against the bullshit. Sadly they have fallen and should not be supported until they change
I doubt this will be true lol
>you must silence yourself
It will take quite a while, but will eventually happen. Just look at Paradox and Bethesda to show that even classics will not be enough to last in high regard forever.
Why dont they just shut the fuck up and stop talking to fans on social media. Jesus christ stop engaging with these people.
reminder that CDPR literally confirmed that this is bullshit and you will obviously still be referred to by gender
also reminder that OP's dad jerks off in the closet while i fuck his mom in the ass
Within the last day? Because this article is 2 days old.
He did?
check the 6th reply to OP.
Show me where it says the date
Isn't that normal in a game where you can change you gender?
So anyway guys.....
Death stranding am I right?
Pretty good game!
how about you suck my fucking cock and stop believing every sensationalist piece of shit article on the internet.
So no proof. Got it.
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>far cry rage 2
>life is strange 2
>Mortal kombat 11
>Tekken 7
>Kingdom come deliverance
>SOON - Doom ethernal
Every game where NPCs refer t
You to by gender is alt right
Nope. I preordered Cyberpunk 2077 and i am yet to see anything that will make me pull my money back.
Also Kojima is a hack and all his games suck ass.
>went from first day buy to wait until its cracked
Meh really, if anything they saved me a bit of money.
threads like these are proof that all the high minded talk about being anti-censorship and really concerned about free speech in regards to vidya devs are just complete bullshit and a mask for reactionary political views. Why are you fucking faggots so afraid to admit that yuou dont give a bout about morals or ideals and just want the world to confirm to your personal feelings
>this game violates my feefees!
So we're all just going to pretend ResetEra didn't flip their shit over a dickgirl that one time?
Would you like them to record every line twice just to change pronouns?
>this game is sexists homofobic, transphobic, videophocic. yellowphobic, phobicphobic, shut it down
And your proof? A literal who journalist on a literal who website discerning it as fact that you'll never be called gendered pronouns when the CDPR representative he's interviewing never stated anything of the sort.
LMFAO kill yourself, resetera faggot. This is why western games will fall and thankfully niggers like you have no influence in Japan.
Wow, so they say
>Hey you
instead of
>Hey man
When will this meme end?
we would probably have a moon base and soon to be colonizing mars
Don't shoot up any schools now, incel
Stop projecting
>the 11th on the second row
She's cute, what did she do?
Do you not know how the FBI classifies a mass shooting? Reminder, a mass shooting can include friendly fire and the suicide of the individual.
There's a difference between presenting an opposing viewpoint and having Tourette's.
thats how it works user
1> kill
2> double kill
3> tripple kill
>4+ mass shooting
The game can't make you mad if you don't play it. It's what I will be doing with 2077.
Then whites and east asians would be clashing with each other. Physical differences will always be the easiest to discriminate against.
when resetrannies stop raiding
Only Nintendo during Reggie's Reign-of-Terror at Nintendo of America. Thankfully Nintendo of Japan got sick of his bullshit with how he was single handedly destroying the Nintendo brand and started world-wide simul-releases to mitigate his influence/halt his assholery until they could force the flaming faggot fucker out in a nicely PR "amicable resignation".
>all of this is according to my personal research
I've never seen a game or company try so hard to ponder to the SJW community. good lord. They're going all out to not offend anyone at all. If anything they're building the game to appeal more to transgender and feminists.
You sure are offended, incel snowflake
Go to wikipedia right now and look up mass shootings and be sure to click the hyperlink
I heard that there's going to women depicted in this game that aren't in a cyber kitchen.
This is unacceptable.
We must stop this game at all costs.
Anything presented without sources can be instantly dismissed. Maybe you should save some time and research how to have sex, instead
pretty sure he meant fallen as in fallen from being based to being cringe.
I used those terms so you would understand btw
Your welcome :)
Whatever you say tranny
Notice how they're all in nigger infested shitholes?
>"devout Christian"
fuck off, I like doug but he's just another bible belt boomer
Have sex
this but unironically.
western society secured it's downfall the moment women were lawfully allowed to vote.
so they're removing features that don't add much to allow them to fill the game with far more content?
why are you all whining so much, go play The Witcher 3 again or something
>cyberpunk will sell gangbusters and there's nothing assblasted drumpftards can do about it
>all these incel tears of impotent rage
Absolutely delicious
>Defending SJWism and feminism garbage
Ask me how I know you're from resetera and reddit
Cdpr is literally a puppet of the polish government. They unironically get money from them to make games.
Try harder next time, might I suggest more anime avataring
have sex
>make lazy design choice
>pretend you did it for wokeness
This, many people don't know but the Polish government acted as their PR team when they were having trouble getting Witcher 3 out the door.
Yeah, they'll just all call you V so that CDProjekt doesn't have to record a bazillion hours of VO twice over for both male and female characters. This is just a repackaging of that cost-saving measure to get in front of any Internet criticism you might see before the game's release.
You've always been able to choose M or F in games though, I don't understand why this even exists.
>this matters at all
show me some fucking gameplay where this would matter. Or rather some gameplay that looks interesting for once I've yet to see any out of cheese pizza 2077
Are you really complaining about a AAA gaming having to have VO to be taken seriously?
No it wasn't, it was some slut sucking dick for review scores getting exposed and calling media attention to people calling her a slut.
Full stop.
Everything else is revisionism made either by Sarkeesian herself or tourists who only came to Yea Forums to discuss it.
Its crazy how many of you just roll over and take it.
Aren't those the same things?
This, it was during the craze when everybody was jumping on IGN and the like for giving every AAA game a 9/10 or higher and when people started putting their hopes into indie gaming. Little did they know it was going to be revealed that sucking cock in the indie world was enough to make a living.
You need to stop smoking that shit user and get a hobby
>Fighting back results in the same consequences, except with the added bonus of potential prison time
if you're alone or in a small group, sure. if you've got millions of angry people with you ready to go to war, you will face no real consequences unless you do some really bad shit. look at muslim or black ghettos. the governments are terrified of them and let them do anything they want, because they know if they try to go and enforce their policies they'll start a shitstorm so large it may turn into a civil war.
sharia? no problem. rape gangs? okay. slavery? whatever. child sex rings? they don't care. daily murders? whatever. street shitting? didn't see it. that's how the governments treat this. they're powerless against millions of people ready to go to war and they know it, so they just get as much money as they can and skip the country before shit hits the fan. if it was another country they could just bomb it, but this happens right in the middle of their own place. vietnam proved that organized military sucks absolute ass against guerilla warfare, and they can't just carpet bomb their own cities without sending the entire country into a civil war.
>pick your pronoun
False choice. There is no such thing as gender. Gender is a used to describe words. Like in spanish with the word Latina used to describe a woman from Latin America. There are only 2 sexes; male and female. You're born one or the other and don't get to choose. Humans don't have "genders". They have sexes. Words have genders you fucking retarded tranny. No amount of "nu-education" brainwashing will change these indomitable facts.
Yes, it's not like California is a looking glass into the future. Did you know they have one of the worst standards of living for any first world western country?
California is based just for how the mere mention of it sends conservatives into a frothing rage
It's funny how no one would care if they say anything. Would've just been how the game was. Instead they're pandering to a minority that probably won't buy Cyberpunk if they weren't already uninterested.
Rage? You think societal collapse makes us angry? 80% of the people I meet moving into my state are from california. When that bitch goes we're all fucked.
The game is going to be shit so they need as many retards buying this game for any other reason then the quality of it as they can get.
Hey man, it's just an observation. I'm still gonna buy this game in April
besides obese people, these are all dumb minorities, you're blowing things out of proportion, get out more and stop feeding yourself with negative news every day
>don't get to choose
It must drive you fucking crazy that trannies choose every day lmao
>just ignore it
It makes me sad that sick people are being led down a path of false choices and illusion that leads to a very hard life by people that don't care about them.
>video game only records 1 set of lines for NPCs, news at 11.
Don't worry, they'll just die of cancer
It makes me sad that they care so much
Learn a little history, while our forefathers were out fighting communism the lefties were here blowing shit up and rioting.
Wtf does alt-right even mean anymore
It makes me laugh that it makes you so angry
because rich jews control every form of media
gee, you think it's made harder by people telling them choice doesn't exist? fuck off with your sheep's clothing, you're incapable of compassion.
Drumpf-voting incels who hate women, minorities, gays and trannies
>ff7r looks like shit
Yes, and so do TLOU2 and Cyberpunk. Won't stop one of them from being the official GOTY, though. Being good has little to do with winning awards or making money.
of course they care about their own gender, what's perplexing is why do you care so much, cry more lol
Imagine being so mentally ill you can't even figure out which sex you are (even though all the evidence is there) and you then further confuse yourself by thinking gender applies to human anatomy and psychology.
Anybody who isn't voting democrat this time around
You are a very shallow person who doesn't look into things very much.
The choice exists as much as the tooth fairy exists. Sane people don't lose their minds when they find out santa isn't coming down the chimney to give them presents every year let alone start trying to do it themselves.
Gender is a social construct
I don't understand the butthurt over this. This sort of thing has been common practice ever since Knights of the Old Republic on the OG Xbox.
I swear gamers are such a pathetic, sensitive bunch.
>you know it's the future because no one knows the difference between men and women anymore
Is this really the future we wanted?
yeah but why would you go advertising it as a cool new inclusive feature?
>gender applies to human anatomy
you're the one confusing yourself lil bitch lol dil8
Silly me, I forgot you're some grand revolutionary fighting some secret government agenda to destroy your white way of life. Truly the unsung hero of our time.
seethe tranny
Reminder that most people who call you an incel here look like pic related
It's almost like giving welfare to illegals is the antitheses of a white way of life.
>of course they care about their own gender,
But why? Is it really so terrible to just accept yourself as one thing and move on?
Gender applies to words not humans. It wasn't until the 60's that some kike sociologist decided he was going to change the definition then mentally ill people and malicious psychiatrists glomed onto it. But you already knew since you're so educated.
upboated and gilded
thread over
Because the alt right is too stupid to do anything expect flail around and hurt people.
>Gender applies to words not humans
Says who?
Fucking this. Burgers don't know how bad EU immigration policies are
if the choice doesn't exist then how are they still doing it i just can't figure it out lmao!?!?
NPC's will call you V instead of he or her since then they dont need to record some lines double. But since we have this retarded social climate they used it as a statement,and those idiots are eating it up
And so is Yea Forums
>i'm a shiny new helicopter
That's how retarded the choice sounds to anyone that isn't insane.
Earthworm Jim has about as much to do with devout christianity as my cat has to do with egyptial myhology.
>personal incredulity fallacy
>Gender applies to words not humans
sorry but we're speaking English lmao i hope you figure out how retarded your argument is. we don't say chairo and spoona here, so what do you think gender refers to in the English language?
btw im screencapping this so i can laugh at you once this game comes out
No, cyberpunk does not use his/her pronouns with regards to main character. The OP article states it clearly
>Hey I saw V, V ran that way. I think V went to V's apartament. If you hurry you may yet catch V.
So, that's what we can expect.
literally only Yea Forums and /pol/, this isn't some big social justice victory, no one is celebrating it, it's just kind of like meh yeah that's how it should be.
PEOPLE don't have genders. How hard is this for trannies to understand?
He is masculine
She is feminie
They is neutral.
You can call yourself the masculine gender word all you want. It doesn't change your sex which is the biological classification someone is physically born with.
Good thing that's what a transgender person does, choose a different gender than their assigned sex.
A transsexual is somebody who alters their sex to match their chosen gender.
>alters their sex
Thats not what is happening.
I suppose this is a cat then?
oh my god baby we were arguing all this time and I didn't realize you were confused about this lol
I already explained it to you, user. If someone believes themselves to be a different gender than their asssigned sex, then they are transgender. That would be a dude referring to himself with female pronouns. If that person decides to get a sex change operation, then they become transsexual.
Gender and Sex are different things.