Find. A. Single. Flaw

Find. A. Single. Flaw.

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It sucks.

The 90’s called — they want their stale genre back.

Falls apart at the final stretch as it turns off buttons to make it harder.

>metroidvania clone number 23531
I found you 3

guilt shards on insta-death spikes

>attacking locks you in place
lmao is this 1992

>elevators can bug you and make you soft lock your game unless you quit.
>insta death spikes with shit plataforms that some times have ledges that you can grab on and other times don't
>shit ending
>easy as fuck outside of the shortcut spike room.
>some side quests were left unresolved, mainly the guy that gives you relics.
unfinished game/10

Instant death spikes, THAT FUCKING MOUNTAIN AREA, garbage map. Almost no rewards for exploration,

Hollow Knight still better game.

the dumb floating ghost enemies on the mountain keep glitching and turning invincible while their charge sound rapes my ears


That's the way it should be unless you're airborne or doing a self-projectile. Free-wheeling attacks make melee feel like slippery dogshit

Lots of platforming in a game where the protag sucks at jumping

>Oh, these Yea Forumsirgins expressed discontentment about this game in a few threads.

Most of the moves and items either should have just been given to you from the beginning, or they don't make enough of a difference to mean anything.
The level design is pretty weak whether you're looking at it as a souls game or a metroidvania game or anything else it's being compared to. I'm glad they actually made levels though instead of going for the procedural generation meme.

No mobility upgrades in a metroidvania

Too many instadeath spike traps.

hollow knight is the best metroidvania ever made and it has free movements melee

>Lack of meaningful customization
>Shitty map
>Boring side missions
>Bugs, don't play this shit on the Switch
>Little variety of enemies and mechanics
>Awful narrative
>Basic combat
Bloodstained is much better-

It's just like every other pixel art, side scrolling, metroidvania indie game of the last 5+ years?

Your guys are the retard blasphemous is fantatstic, get good

And the combat is dogshit. Also, it being the best is subjective and I disagree.

>kickback effect for every hit you make or take if you dont equip a charm
>same annoyong strerches between safepoints aka die and stroll half way across the map
>tiresome area maping mechanics
It's the same shit, but atleast blasphemous Is visualy and thematicaly intense

>atleast blasphemous Is visualy and thematicaly intense
This guy gets it. Very few games today go to such lengths and most who try fail. BUT NOT THIS ONE.

Oh there are plenty

>Game doesn't follow the usual Metroidvania progression, you don't feel like a god by the end of the game and the map is not your bitch, you still have to walk around a lot and be careful about the same pit or spike trap, lest you lose a lot of progress

>No variation in combat whatsoever, in fact, most of the big encounters in the game don't even use the basic mechanics at all! Only the humanoid bosses play the game

>Most of the major bosses are just minimally animated skins flying around and firing loads of projectiles, only the very first major boss is properly animated and actually plays the game instead of being a bullet hell section

>Enemies are slow, weak and very easy to avoid, in fact, more than 90% of your deaths in this game are gonna be to spikes because you will eventually get sloopy with the tight jumps while backtracking looking for collectibles

>For all the verbose and how intriguing the story was at the beginning, with all the interesting imagery and dialogue, the ending sucked, it didn't feel like a true climax, you just suddenly got there and the game ended, like they ran out of time or something.

>They tried too hard to make a 2D Dark Souls 1, to the point that they copied all of its flaws, but at the same time, didn't copy any if its best traits.

>input lag
>story and narrative
>regular monster design
>menu system
>upgrade system
>leaps of faith literally everywhere
>level design
>main character complete lack of charisma

>>main character complete lack of charisma
not all mc need to be charismatic

That's not a glitch that's deliberate.
The shit part about it is that it's only indicated by the barely noticable noise they make instead of a visual cue so it looks like they glitched.


Insta death spikes you can't always see and a jump button that decides to not work occasionally

tried too hard

There is no reason to give players a limited number of active relics. It's just an extra step of menu navigation every time you run into a different type of obstacle. The gas cloud one is especially annoying because it doesn't add anything to the gameplay, you just get the ability to ignore them. When the game brings them back later I had no clue why I was taking damage because I forgot they were supposed to be dangerous.

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Gameplay is ass.

This, the limit is only there for you to forget to equip it or to have to check if you have the correct relic equipped before jumping into a hole or traversing a poison cloud, adds nothing to the game.

Also the sword oils, they are mostly useless and don't really change how you play the game. Heck, the rosary beads are the most influential pieces of equipment and they also only influence parameters such as defense, attack or HP.

It is like a lot of this game's challenge was supposed to come from things like impatience, boredon and frustration taking away from your focus.

hollow knight is a 5/10

Most of the bosses are pretty lame. Only memorable one is that fire sword guy in the prison. The baby boss in particular is just atrocious.

oh yeah that boss is garbage tier, but also one of the easiest.

>outdated backtracking model
>shitty upgrades
>shitty non-gamechanging abilities
>no sense of character progression as you play
>one-dimensional, one-trick enemies
>repetitive boss mechanics
>obtuse naming conventions for key items
>obscure telegraphing of side quests and requirements (just because Dark Souls did it doesn't make it good, or replayable for different genres with different goals)
>Poor region planning and lack of synergy
>sluggish travel with shitty shortcut planning
It's fucking awful. And I didn't even get into the weakness of the plot.

Hi. What's the name of the marketing firm you work for?
We have a small budget single-A title looking for a boost on media channels with a similar campaign like this, Dead Cells, and Hollow Knight had. Thanks!

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>all of the people bitching about getting their guilt bugged on spikes
just alt+f4 the moment you fall in spikes
your stats save up and you just return to your last save point and skip the death

Since you brought up the rosary, I also didn't like how they handled unlocking new slots. I just happened to choose to explore in a different direction when I could have reached the NPC for the upgrades, and because of that choice I went most of the game with only two beads available. I eventually had to stop and look up where the NPC was because I was sitting on all of these items I couldn't use. One wrong turn shouldn't cut you off from an entire set of upgrades. Either put the NPC inside the hub area, on the main path, or get rid of them all together.

This so much.

I've fixed this by plunge attacking into the spikes and spamming the button to pick it up. Still have to run back but the game will pick it up and move it to normal ground

I simply paid the toll in the Sin room after I suffered through the spike area. Not all that expensive.

Who are you quoting?

I never had that bug, but I generally never went out of my way to recover guilt since I hardly ever used magic except to hit switches and baby cages.

I already broke all those statues when it happened to me. I wouldnt have cared but I needed full magic to open a room in the library

Yeah, but you might not have any statues left.

Speaking of magic I can't believe I spent most of the game not knowing that you can refill your magic at anytime by sacrificing health. I must have missed the tutorial on that like a retard.

This but unironically.

I dont think its ever mentioned. It also costs 10 currency when you do it even though that amount is pointless

>all the people complaining about the mountain
it's just a filter for impatient people

is there any reason to play this if I already own bloodstained and hollow knight?

>hollow knight is the best metroidvania ever made

Attached: 1565717340374.jpg (1024x683, 53K)

no, its shit

>Implying the wind gave me trouble
>Implying the bell ghosts weren't cancer

I found out about it by accident when I got the sword projectile upgrade. After that I kept on doing it by accident almost every time I closed the menu screen.

We're talking about Blasphemous, not Bloodstained.

The art direction is ass but the game is great. Don't bother changing anons opinion on Yea Forums though, he's a filthy zoomer casual.

If you don't believe me just listen to all the complaints about insta-death spikes, like these fags never played a Classicvania.

>tfw its possible to cheese boss with sword projectile without taking a single hit

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I literally don't give a fuck about any game that fits those 3.

>Comparing the masterpiece of level design that is Classicvania to this.

hollow knight is zoomer trash for people who've never played SotN properly

There are several rooms where if you maintain your momentum of movement while entering them you will immediately fall onto spikes or into a pit.
This is a game design flaw, specifically an issue with level design.

None /ourguy/ loved it

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>The art direction is as-

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Hollow Knight is zoomer trash, but it's still leagues better than SotN.

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Does each boss grotesque appearance reflects Miracle's influence?

And what's the generation after 2010 called?

>tank everything until it dies simulator

Fuck off with your unbalanced gay shit zoomer.


Hat looks stupid.



Why is it that the only boss that was given care and attention while being made was the one that would be in the demo?

Even the FINAL FUCKING BOSS is an immobile background object.

It's ass because it's inconsistent. For each well drawn and animated boss, there's two floating jpg bosses.

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The dodge roll is highly inconsistent and unreliable and feels like the game arbitrarily lets you avoid damage sometimes.

I bought this game expecting every boss to have the same quality as this one, while also being a tad harder.

But not only none of them came close, but also they were mostly even easier. I feel kinda cheated.

max dodge roll attack is the best ability tho

>It's ass because it's inconsistent.
>doesn't even know what this word means
>favorite youtuber tells him this and must repeat it everywhere
>has no fucking brain of his own

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a)trailer bait
b)they probably realised that animating all that pixel shit takes more time and effort than expected

>Baby and centipede boss
>When the centipede shoots a fireball, it also stabs you from underneath the arena at the same time, while you're paying attention to it firing a projectile

The boss was easy, but that cheapshoot made me seethe with rage, when a move is clearly meant to be unnavoidable at the first time the boss uses it, then it is clearly bad design.

What did /pol/ teach him?

The fire boss also had a problem that if he hit you with the pounce, the only way you could dodge the next one is by dashing. Thus, if he managed to hit you and you were facing the wall, he'd combo for all three pounces because you can't dodge away from that. That made me very annoyed but the boss ended up being easy because this game can't balance difficulty for shit.

Blasphemous is full of shit like that, I can't believe people are honestly comparing this with Hollow Knight. Their bosses are not even on the same league.

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This picture fills me with dread and hopelessness way more than this so called "anti-christian game" ever could.

Because this is something that actually happened, an entire damn lost generation.

>Thus, if he managed to hit you and you were facing the wall, he'd combo for all three pounces because you can't dodge away from that
you dont even need to face the wall. i was standing in the middle of room and i get caught by the first pounce and then the rest.

zoomer souls gameplay

>Fire dude gets ready to do his trusting attack
>Duck under it
>Aha! Got you now...*Boss farts a burst of flame and hits you as you stand up*

And he is one of the game's best bosses, mind you.

>Warps are too far apart and if you don't know the exact layout and where to go starting off you will repeat a lot of tedious areas.
>Platforming feels responsive but there is a over focus on areas where it feels like enemies just exist to be hassles that try to push you to your death instead of combative threats.
>Shit like your body being on spikes which is a glitch but happens far too often and means you cannot recover those without payment or boss killan.
>A lot of check points/save points close to each other but then even at the start of the game too many stretches of areas with the opposite including a few near instant death areas at the last 3rd or so.

Its a good game. But some of the glitches a jank I had it freeze on me after beating a boss twice and some stuff like bosses attacking post death when you cannot move and such. I also just don't care for the same platforming segment on repeat with the same distance for a long jump but if you barely miss it and tape the edge you're Ikd by the spikes.

But its a decent game with amazing art and there are far worse games to bitch about.

Hollow Knight beats the shit out of blasphemous in every regard. Better world, story, combat, magic, balance, bosses, visuals.
Blasphemous could have had something special going on but it's a mess.
Still it's not an awful game, just a disappointing one.

Anyone that thinks games with good melee combat allow you to walk forward and mash attack are literally retarded.

>It's not a souls like!

I can't believe some people are saying that. Especially considering it is directly inspired from Dark Souls 2.

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It's not necessarily anti Christian as much as it is against the catholic church, and more specifically the old catholic church that sucked the life out of its believers. Like this game has absolutely nothing to do with greek orthodox for example.

That's some blurry ass jpg-converted png right there. Sort yourself out mate.

This, if they had to do platforming, which i don't mind why is there no way to control your vertical distance?

>Hollow Knight beats the shit out of blasphemous in every regard.

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Its better then a lot of Metroidvania games atleast
>Shitty map
Agreed shit should be specified too if its not a key thing it should have its own icon.
>boring side missions
That also glitch a lot and you won't even know it before consulting a board
Sorta agree for the price tag its around 10-12 hours which is pretty acceptable and it sorta has replay value.
Yeah like the side quest shit I agree
>Enemy variety
Super agree it feels like there were some unique enemies were we barely saw and then you had recolored loin cloth men same candle stick men even the fucking dudes on high chairs who were just the same but in later areas.
>Awful narrative
What narrative its just insert religious buzzwords repeatedly
>basic combat
Id say its on par with most 2d side scrollers so I let it pass.


I'm surprised how this is the first time someone talks about the floating snow mountain on the top of the village.

It is. How about you engage with the argument instead of posting cringy shit?

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Yes. Sub 70IQ is considered retarded.

Anyone got this image except with SA Yea Forums and newgrounds?
I know it exists somewhere.

Took like 9 years to come out and the Souls-like hype is gone.

It took around 2 years.

The most ridiculous thing about it is that there's a perfectly fine and logical diagonal elevator/lift to that area near the end.

Go back.

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This. Well I think SoTN is a fucking fantastic game its very very easy. From the fact outside of using Richter it has a leveling system you can abuse if you want , platforming that rarely is difficult and weapons that can flat out break the game as well as over abundance of ways to heal its just so easy.

Its an amazing game but I feel like if it was harder a lot of shitters would turn on it.

Jondo was the most interesting area

You first.

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>Fight this boss
>Die like 20-25 times
>Died like 5-7 times versus the dude/tri fire women because I was getting good and suck at 2d action games and kept over thinking them
>Realize I can literally just position myself under it half the time and double it with an up attack and kill it super fast

I died like 20 times trying to learn how to hit it in the face which was doing like no god damn damage and it kept fucking jittering around. Hell that boss was dumb as fuck I had 2 attempts where it got locked onto the ceiling which i have to assume is a glitch because otherwise it never even when that high to the ceiling.

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that would require me buying and playing it which i shan't

That guy is talking out of his fucking ass

>Its better then a lot of Metroidvania games atleast


How so? The relics barely change the game. You unlock some skills I guess but there are no other weapons that could change your moveset. Maybe it's better than something like Metroid but just barely.

>Sorta agree for the price tag its around 10-12 hours which is pretty acceptable and it sorta has replay value.

It's fucking not. Took me 8 hours to finish with around 85% and I felt like I should have been hitting half of the game at that point. It's specially jarring since my last metroidvania was Bloodstained which is sorta long.

>Yeah like the side quest shit I agree

It's way more than that. Soft locks, enemies phasing out, etc. The game was rushed out.

>basic combat
>Id say its on par with most 2d side scrollers so I let it pass.

Bullshit it is. If you take the movement and attack options at face value it might seem that way, but if the things you interact with, ie the enemies and the world don't take the most out of that then the entire thing falls flat. Take the charging skill for example, where the fuck was it supposed to be used at? It's fucking useless. Then you have the bosses that are barely engaging. It's all and all a very mediocre experience.

It's only flaw is that I followed it since it's infancy, back when 3 people cared about it, and then it suddenly blew up and everyone's talking about it now.
On one hand, it feels good because the devs made a success with it, but it also feels invasive, as if someone stole my toys and gave them to everyone else.

It was made by spanish

Best designed I feel, the layout was good and the idea of an upside bell was cool and original. And then it ended without even a boss fight.


Yeah they should have been focused on taking religious concept and amping them up to 40k tier. The giant inverted bell and the giant censer were greats.

How you died more than twice to any boss is beyond me. The game is fucking easy.

Worse, it led to the green theme area of the bell ghosts, toxic clouds and spooky rapier ladies.

Really want to see a pic of the guy that made this edit lol.

>Why yes, I am the creator of that image. What made it so obvious?

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At least the rapier ghosts were hot

>amazing art
>shitty pillow shading

He's right about everything.

>Especially considering it is directly inspired from Dark Souls 2.
No wonder it's shit, then.

Absolutely based.

save points should replenish mana. It doesn't make sense to heal, hurt yourself to recharge mana and then heal up again every fucking time

map should have customizable markers or at least show npc and vendors/doors

sword hearts are useless and you can't even swap them outside of save points anyway

rosary/health upgrades should happen when you find them, you shouldn't have to find npcs/statues to unlock them

Will this game run on a toaster? It looks fun but my only pc right now is a 7 year old laptop

This game has too many things that take extra steps for the sole purpose of wasting time.

It is a decent game, but has too many glaring flaws.

It's a 2D indie pixelated platformer, user. You do the math.

>The joke

>Your head

Yeah that's more or less what I thought when I downloaded hollow knight but it turned out to be unplayable for me, so I wanna make sure.

This. Also relics should be permanent upgrades. I mean right now you can just swap them out whenever you need.

Close enough.

I died two times from jumping off a cliff towards a cloudy hole because I forgot to equip the correct relic.

i thought that mea culpas were not that good. i ended up only using one and never switching it.

Pitfall deaths in a Metroidvania.

not on vita

good thing remoteplay exists

It's a very good game, but it feels like the devs were holding back. There could be so much more here.

The "upgrade prayers while also increasing MP cost" one is the only worthwhile one imo, because you rarely use prayers anyway but some, like the pillar of light one, are good vs certain bosses that are a hitbox high up in the sky, like, the final boss itself.

Guilt gets stuck in spikes that legit makes them impossible to get.

And quite frankly the scene that plays out randomly towards the end caused my fucking chalice to empty pissed me off.

Other than that fun game.

I only used the one which gave more attack the less hp you have. were there any flask enchantments? they gave so little hp.

The one generating fevor but making blood attacks less is honestly the one I would only use

I only ever used the "increases parry window" one since it felt like it was the only one with no real drawback.

It makes the post animation lock you in place for longer, the one with no drawback is the "increase damage while on low HP" one, but it also doesn't do anything when your HP is full.

Still, all of the are pretty insignificant and you don't need to pay much attention to them.

>reward for collecting all the bones
massive disappointment.

what's the reward? i couldn't find the last 4


Character skin if you get all of them

>collect bones
>get skin

I think there's some irony hidden in here somewhere

After finding out how lame a lot of the rewards are for exploration I dropped the game.

The art style and atmosphere is really interesting and it's pretty satisfying to slash up the badguys, but the backtracking is extremely tedious especially because the rewards for doing so are so disappointing.

I spent ~18 hours on it and got my fill of it. It's a solid 7.5/10, but man the crappy items and rewards are just a real bummer.

that is pretty lame. i was honestly expecting the bones to form together into some kind of resurrected boss creature to fight

>Release sidescroller than doesn't really add anything new to an already stale genre
>Add all the edge to try to draw ppl in

That's gonna be a yikes from me

>zoomers correlate dark fantasy aesthetic with edge

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>havent saved in a while.

forgot image

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But these souls-like games, and especially indie games are 100% for zoomers.

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jet fuel does not melt steel beams

No, that's what boomers do.

I believe the game autosaves if you quit through menu

the bell ghost are easy, unless theyget below you you can kill the by spamming the high attack and wait them to run into it.
this, when it happened, was annoying.
I'd add the fact that you can be locked out of the content if you choose a different order of doing things while exploring, like Gemino turning into a tree. Also, Perpetua single-shot encounter.

Liking this game a lot, but this boss in particular bugged the fuck out and did not attack me for 80% of its life bar, then it went apeshit at the end but it was too late

i had already died a couple of times to it so i don't feel like i missed but still, game has a few problems

I can kill them, but they usually hover just out of reach or there are multiple of them charging at me

Sorrowful be the heart, Penitent one

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>one hit from death
>successfully traverse room full of enemies
>last enemy lunges at me from off-screen in the exit
Guess I should have been parrying at every screen transition.

this really it's my only complain


overdone (cringe) premise and ugly main character. everything else is great

I hate Quirce so much Yea Forumsros

Try the method. It worked fine for me. Might need a little bit of tuning on the positioning but i'm sure you can make it work for you.

>Gemino turning into a tree
I thought something was fucked. I went up first and met Gemino, decided to come back later after clearing the other two bosses, Gemino had become the tree and the oil meant he could only hear the cracking of his bones - then nothing happens. Guess I fucked it.

why? the only one that I found easier than him was Crisanta.

Art looks like shit.

Come back later and there should be an item there.

Oh, I'm saying that I can kill them easily, but there are often those that get knocked into the environment or charge at me before I can reach them.

I didn't even talk to him. I just found him turned into a tree. I went to Jondo after Ten Piedad

Can you elaborate on how it is against the Catholic Church of old?

Ledge grab mechanics are finnicky and get you in trouble sometimes. It would have been better if ledge grabs were a button input instead of automatic. Boss fights are too easy, especially considering that this is so clearly inspired by the Souls games. Plot is convoluted for the sake of seeming deep and mysterious, like far too many stories nowadays.

But it plays well for the most part and the art is fucking gorgeous. Music is nice, as well.

I think searching for the Cherubs and the Bones was unsatisfied rewarded
Still a good game though

I still have two questions though
There are two rooms I didn't know what they do
First room had three book stands in it, with books on it talking about parts of a skeleton
Is there anything to it?

And second room had three paintings
Red Wax, Blue Wax and a cut in a hand
I guess you maybe had to equip the both waxes and something else and than something would happen?

Is there porn already?

This post reminded me of the bullshit lightning the final boss spews that´s faster than your recovery time so you get stun-locked until you die.

Haven't done them myself, but from what I understand the bones one wants you to look at your collectibles and read the descriptions for clues. Solution should be to unequip all items and have max magic.

For the paintings, you need to get all the candle upgrades so the paintings are unlit, then use an ability to cut yourself.

Read the descriptions of the said bones that you collected.
Cutting hand refers to some action

I'm not gonna start the game back up again

Mind telling me what happens in these rooms when you do the steps?

do I to remove the Mea Culpa upgrade too?

"What is this edgy grimdark shit? Looks like a 13-year-old made it."

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>Zoomers think anything with a dark fantasy aesthetic is edgy

It's boomers who think that.

But I'm 35.

Nah its good, worth a pirate.

>Pirating ludo

*have to

You armor and sword change colors too?

Literally none of you faggots would give a fuck about it if it weren't for the edgy theme and art style.


DS had estus shards

A door opens. You get either a prayer or sword heart.

Jesus Christ the baby fight is really tough. I've died several times to it and i keep hearing that its the easiest boss fight. What the fuck? I defeated the guy held on hands faster

>noooooo, a game is not allowed to have it's theme and art style as selling points

Attached: hollow knight.jpg (460x215, 44K)

The amount of backtracking in this game is ridiculous.

Yeah but bloodstained is fucking ugly to look at sooooo,

I love the idea of this boss though. The fact that it's actually the crowd underneath him doing everything.

thanks for beta testing it for me user

Why were they doing that though.

I mean after I cut up a couple arms you would think they would've figured the gig was up.

deja vu

Because they worshiped the old bishop I suppose.

I was hoping for something a bit more elaborate, like a stringed up puppet like bug corpse here. I liked the concept, but I couldn't help but laugh at those big dumb hands.

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Man after all these years SotN is still the best one out there. Nothing comes even remotely close.

>Bloodstained looks like shi-

Attached: bloodstained-ritual-of-the-night-wallpaper-5.jpg (1920x1080, 558K)

I'd agree, if the gameplay wasn't trash.

How is this not proving his point ?

So is this game pro-christianity or anti-christianity because so far all I understand is we are killing the demons plaguing the world and they are killing me waaaaay more than I'd like to admit

More anti-fanatisism than anything. From what I gather the country is fucked because the locals are just that addicted to punishing themselves and others.


Seriously. They didn't even try to make those gold pillars fit with the rest of the room. They look like they were added in last minute and nobody bothered to fix the textures or shadows or anything.

why just one? combat is mediocre, no double jump to counter the insta-death spikes and annoying platforming, no impressive boss, the story and ending, soundtrack is okish at best.

>we are killing the demons plaguing the world
They're not demons, they're people afflicted by the Miracle which is physically manifesting their own sins as self-torment.

why does he wear that stupid hat?


How do I pick the different endings? I think it has something to do with the thorn and the arena fights

Which Chinese PS2 bootleg platformer is this?


>If you pray for bad shit to happen to you, bad shit happens to you
>If you pray for good shit to happen to you, you're shit out of luck

Is that the one with the centipede? Cause that was just a huge letdown. I wanted to fight the fucking baby.

Every enemy has only like one single attack.

Find pure bead, equip it, die three times. Now you have black pearl of true guilt, destroy every guilt statue and clear the zones.

Fuck yeah!

Who is this guy?

Attached: blasphemous-review-screen-4-1567815843767.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

That's from the pre-release version.
The final version of that room has completely different lighting, environment models and backround design.

do I stil get to pick the ending à la DS3 or if i do this then i get locked out of the other ending?

I'm enjoying it a lot
There are some bugs and I'm not used to that akward spaniard speech from 500 years ago but so far it's a good game

I don't like it.

Fuck off back to plebbit you piece of shit

Not today.

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Be nice.


From what I've seen you'd be locked out. I think that once you finish the game you simply get back at the last savepoint, so maybe do the bad ending first.

I still managed to get Gemino to respond to me after being a tree. I completed the oil quest.

SJW infested game with anti-Trump politics thrown in """subtlely"""


It's actually great in a lot of ways. But the spikes resetting you to your last checkpoint gets very tiresome.


Attached: Untitled.jpg (665x304, 238K)

Now, I'm going to take the bait, and not call you any names, but just ask you plainly: What is "Anti-Trump" about the game? Or SJW for that matter? Genuinely curious how you see it.

>All those votes from reddit
Cope from what you faggot?
I've never said blasphemous is the best metroidvania ever, only said you're a piece of shit because you think hollow knight is the best metroidvania ever, I thought it was very clear

>Cope from what you faggot?
just cope

Following that criteria shower with your dad is a masterpiece

as in you started it with him already in tree form or did you just came back with the oil and he had turned into the tree? Because I'd need a way to do #1
i'll just win 6/7 arena fights and leave the one near the teleport in the monastery. I'll duplicate the save data and do it the same way i did DS3.

>I don't care from what, I just want you to cope
Will it make you sleep better at night or what you sick aussie?

shower with your dad is a meme game made to attract ironic reviews
blasphemous and hollow knight are not

Thematically they're different enough to stand apart from each other, making this a non-argument. However, from a TECHNICAL perspective, Hollow Knight beats the shit out of Blasphemous. However, I'm close to beating Blasphemous and didn't finish hollow knight because the aesthetic doesn't do much for me and gameplay didn't hold me by itself. Take that as you will.

No, you cope


Did Grievous Miracle made them so big?

The only good bosses in the entire game were the small, humanoid ones (Faggot with bad voice acting and 2nd to last boss). Every large boss had objectively horrible design.

Attached: 1566499206169.jpg (680x680, 83K)

i liked the floating head guy and the sword guy in the cage

No story in either game
Mechanically yes, visually fuck no

But combat was shit-tier in HK

>Enter the chamber where Socorro is being whipped for eternity
>Suddenly nursing a semi

Attached: EEWGQRuXoAE8Jhs.jpg large.jpg (1000x1000, 195K)

>No one would care about this game if it wasn't doing something unique to set itself apart from all the generic schlock flooding the market!

im stuck i dont know what to do
i killed the floating head nigga what do i do now

You find a part of the map you haven't been to and you go there

>find a flaw

how about almost every single fucking platforming segment

it fucking does. it fucking plays like shit, too.

Just fought the baby boss. What the fuck man?

The 80s called, they want their joke back.

Some of the platforming was far too precise like I hated when I missed a jump by a fucking dickhair just to fall into spikes that shit was so fucking annoying

>Faggots on Yea Forums who keep spamming threads like its the new aids instead of smash.
That is definitely a flaw.
There is 3 more for you.

Cristana is fast.

And you know you would have been just fine if the spikes were just slightly lowered since you could just ledge grab on jumps of the same size.

> no female protagonist
> gay shit

None of those are bad unless you're a c*mbrain autist

only half of it is good and it's too easy.

99.75% complete and I can't get 100% because I'm locked out of the tree guy quest

>hates gay shit
>wants a female protagonist

the tree guy died on me when i went exploring around the castle instead of going back to the ice area so i would have to start over to get his dialogue and im not doing that so i dropped this

If you really think this game is pixelshit, then you don't have real opinions and anything you say is irrelevant
Go back

>the only way you wouldnt want to play more derivative, uninspired shit thats a clone of a clone of a reference to a dead genre is if youre autistic and masturbate too much
Fucking incredible criticism. How could anyone even hope to refute such a sound argument?

The world is a nonsensical clusterfuck, both games do have a story, visuals are almost irrelevant when it comes to how good a boss is, and I can absolutely understand the argument that HK does more visually than this game, you only have to compare the way the two games do cutscenes to see where each succeeds and fails at

You've only made half of an argument against one of those three points
Try harder, you dumb nigger

no it really shouldn't be that way,
have you ever held a weapon? you would know then.

>go to menu every time I want to go back to the bonfire as my fast travel

Eat shit game if you think I'm gonna jump over those fucking spikes even one more time than I have to