>Favorite killer
>Favorite build
>Favorite survivor
>Favorite build
Favorite killer
I cum at once every three days to shadman's drawing of nancy with a dick
Is stranger things the gayest most zoom franchise?
Zoomer Things
What the fuck is wrong with Nancy's face?
Sure if you hate whatever is popular with normies
Haven't played in a few weeks.
>Doc with Distressing, Unnerving Presence, fill last 2 slots depending on what I'm facing
>Ace with China cosmetics, Kindred, Adrenaline, Self Care/Small Game, and fill
>tfw nobody mains the plague but me
Season 1 was actually good, then they ruined it. Season 3 was a comedy with set pieces from Austin Powers
The 80’s part isn’t what I hate, it’s everything else
>Favorite killer
>Favorite build
BBQ & Chili, Iron Maiden, Bitter Murmur, Nurse's Calling.
Both addon slots are used to increase the max range of blinks.
It's a disgusting build.
>Favorite survivor
>Favorite build
Dead Hard, Self-care, Urban Evasion, Iron Will.
I really should replace self-care and urban evasion since they seem like crutches for bad players. Not sure what to replace them with though. Anyone got suggestions?
Fuck the plague. OP piece of shit.
I considered buying the game until this happened
how the fuck is she op? just dont cleanse
she's solid mid tier. Just have to know how to play against her just like Legion, except Legion is garbage tier when played against properly, but Plague is more solid.
Obviously dont heal against The Plague, ever.
If you grant her the power up, she becomes top tier.
She's a loopable m1 killer. run a good exhaustion perk and don't be a scrub
This is my wife
>That cancerous killer build
>Sloppy Butcher, Nurse's Calling, STBFL, Mad Grit
>Feng Min
>We'll Make It, Technician, Bond, Open Handed
>any game without chinks ever
>The Pig
>Ash Williams
Is there a point to playing this on Xbox or would you might as well pass on it if you aren’t part of the PC DbD community?
Play meta perks
currently I use
>decisive strike
>dead hard / balanced landing
>borrowed time
Self Care is a scrub perk. you can tell bad survivors apart from good survivors just by looking at if they run self care or not.
>Self Care is a scrub perk
Yeah that's why I want to switch away from it. Thanks for the suggestions. Probably gonna run with adrenaline instead and then switch away from urban evasion after a while.
np, iron will is really good too. And btw, you could run dead hard and balanced landing together. Dead Hard is very strong overall making a pallet you otherwise wouldnt make, extending chases. Balanced is really good when it works but it removes the fall stagger even if you're exhausted.
I only run Borrowed when no one on the team is running it (I usually play SWF, since randoms blow)
Game is fun, but not 1000h fun. How the hell people play it so much?
And one more thing, getting Inner Strength should be your first priority once the DLC drops. Meta perk for sure.
which means all totems are going to be all gone for most of the game you play at high ranks.
No NOED means Adrenaline just got stronger.(No more m1 instadowns in the endgame)
It's also ridiculous when you have DS activated and have Inner Strength active because the killer WILL have to eat either your DS out of a locker, otherwise you heal.
In short, run Inner Strength, Decisive, Adrenaline, and a exhaustion perk of choice once the DLC drops.
>And btw, you could run dead hard and balanced landing together.
Didn't think this'd be a good idea since they're both exhaustion perks, but I'll definitely try it. Removing the fall stagger could be nice.
Personally probably not gonna be running borrowed time much since I almost exclusively play SWF and let the others deal with saves.
>Inner Strength
Might have to grab that then. It does sound strong when you mention
>It's also ridiculous when you have DS activated and have Inner Strength active because the killer WILL have to eat either your DS out of a locker, otherwise you heal.
Sounds pretty fun.
Here's a question for survivor mains.
>Who is your favorite killer to play against?
>Who is your least favorite to play against?
We'll Make It
Prove Thyself
The Tenacity/Unbreakable combo comes through 20% of the time boys!
>Favorite killer
>Favorite build
Anything that favors her playstyle or abilities. Nurse's Calling, Iron Maiden, BBQ&Chili, Whispers, Shadowborn and any gen-blocking perks are good with her. No add-ons.
>Favorite survivor
>Favorite build
Prove Thyself, Dance With Me, Lithe, We'll Make It. But right now I'm running Ace in the Hole, Plunderer's Instinct, Prove Thyself, and We're Gonna Live Forever because I'm a treasure and bloodpoint whore.
I really like the cuck class. I thought it was pretty interesting how this was the first game (to my knowledge) that gives you stat buffs for watching white women fuck men of color. I’m glad that it stayed pure to the source material.
Thank you for visiting our homely thread, Mr. Famous Coomer.
Hillbilly. I usually run BBQ, agitation, pop goes the weasel, and thanatophobia. It does ok.
I don’t enjoy playing survivor as much, but I play Jane for DAT ASS with self-care, adrenaline, dance with me, and iron will. I’m a full on shitter as survivor though. I can’t loop for the life of me
>Favorite Killer
BBQ&Chili, NOED, Play With Your Food, Shadowborn
Quick&Quiet, Head On, Dance With Me, Fourth perk changes depending on mood
Spirit is my wife
>Devour Hope
>Thrill of the Hunt
>Save the Best for Last
>Netflix and chill
When it works, it works. When it doesn’t work, you’re still playing as a cute ghost.
I'm honestly surprised a character like Jane got in the game in today's climate. She has huge jiggling honkers regardless what action she takes. It's like fucking Sonic Adventure 2 Rogue the Bat tier.
I'm almost certain she was designed by a woman too.
BRUH... same
>Favorite Killer
>Favorite Build
Freddy w/ Devour Hope, Make Your Choice, Pop Goes The Weasel, and Surveillance
>Favorite Survivor
>Favorite Build
Object of Obsession, Sprint Burst, Lightweight, and the new Fixated perk.
Honorable mentions to Ghost Face slugging builds and Dark Devotion Doctor.
spirit with bbq, nurses, sloppy and surveillance
kate with q&q, iron will, balanced and lightweight
You wear the school girl outfit, rigth?
How the fuck so I git gud with Spirit?
use your ears
>Steve "The Hair" Harrington cut his hair
It's just not fair bros
he looks funny now
For me, it's Nancy.
>Franklin's / Devour Hope
>Haunted Ground
>Borrowed Time
>Dead Hard
Survivor perks really don't matter, you can just run whatever the fuck and do well desu.
She looks like the bobblehead merch version of someone attractive
Probably Mike Myers, I generally like playing against the stalking type killers.
>Least favorite
Freddy. I'm such a fucking scrub and I can't deal with him.
Bill and Tapp bros in the house.
Looks like she's a lab product.
My too old for this shit nigga
Anyone actually play on consoles? When will they ever allow you to type words after post-game chat
Last time I tried, the framerates was unbearable on Xbox. I can't imagine how the switch port will run.
Where are her tits?
Why are survivors cancer
Yeah I play on PS4 with my buddies. It runs okay but finding a room can be a pain sometimes. I like not having the chat though honestly, communicating in game with stupid things like teabagging is fun.
I have no idea. I just want to play as killer and have fun. Survivors all go after the alternative meta objection. Piss the killer off by teabagging and taking shit post game chat.
>horror game
>survivors aren’t scared by killer
I'm terrified of Michael, Hag, Nurse, Ghostface and Trapper
man this series went from fresh to franchise hella fast.
I still haven't played this game but I really want to. Is it actually good?
The code gameplay is addicting despite all the other issues surrounding the game. There are a lot of people that think the only thing there is to do in the game is hold M1 on a generator and find it boring. Those people don't get it and it's fine to move on it isn't for them.
The game is essentially an intense game of tag and hide and go seek.
for me? It's Ace.
don't even play anymore, Survivors are unfun to play against.
i was referring to stranger things but thank you for the informative post
You get essentially get two games in one. You can play as the "Its" or "Not Iters" in a game of tag with a horror coating. If you don't like one side, you may like the other. I know a lot of people that loathe playing survivor and find it boring but have fun hunting people down as killer. The same for survivors who hate killer and find it stressful, but get their rocks off from being chased or hiding in bushes. Survivor players tend to be girl gamers. They love to be abused and be the center of attention.
this game is so repetitive i don't understand how people play it for hundreds of hours
>When your friend is having fun teabagging and looping the killer and has his decisive strike ready
>and then he dies
Honestly Stranger Things Season 1 was pretty solid as far as being a love letter to the era and the works of John Carpenter, every season since however has been a soulless cash grab.
Literally so easy to counter, just do not heal with the fountains and the bitch has nothing on you.
It's how most things go. Thing gets popular? Squeeze all the life out of it while we can.
Is DBD worth getting? Seems like fun. It having a shitty community doesn't bother me much.
Love for the horror genre drives it forward. For whatever reason, classic horror games just dont happen or are terrible. ALA Friday The 13th for example was a buggy broken mess but a good concept.
A good concept with terrible execution on several ideas. Jason doesn't need to teleports, the melee combat system is completely pointless and useless as well as the stealth mechanics because Jason has heat vision that activates in the early game pretty damn quickly. You can't do any Stealth kills as Jason because the music is always blaring. By the time you get stalk, the game is most likely over, and if you stalk and teleport into a survivor, they still get a notification.
I can keep going on, but the game should have been way better than it turned out to be. It had promise and the dev team were too busy jerking off to address any of the major issues like bugs and exploits. The frogs may suck, but at least they do make changes to the game when shit gets retarded or stale.
>Michel Myers
>Ruin, Enduring, Brutal Strength and Spirit Fury
>DS, Adrenaline, Balance and Borrowed time
Doctor right now since he's the most unique and easiest to jump into.
>Iron Maiden
>Unnerving Presence
Kate since she's a hot blonde.
>Self heal ofc
>Borrowed Time
>Stake Out maybe? Changes.
I want to impregnate Kate. I bought all her DLC costumes. Just her, no one else.
What's the verdict, is Surge trash?
Doesn't exist
The /ss/ one however
Only good for M1 Killers.
If only she didn't have any shitty tattoos
Myers - Spirit's Fury, Enduring, Ruin, BBQ
Ace - Balanced Landing, Borrowed Time, Adrenaline, Iron Will
>Urban Evasion
>And a claudette player
Just stop.
Put about 400 hours into this shit on PC, dropped it until the Switch version launches.
>popular thing bad
Season 1 was great. Season 2 was fine aside from that one filler episode that even the die-hards hate. Season 3 was weak but far from the worst thing on Netflix.
>Only 400
I really want to get into this game but my friends shittalk it nonstop and don't play it with me.
Is it possible to get gud solo?
Yeah it's easy. Although I play on console. PC is toxic as fuck.
>$12 when every other DLC is like half that at best
Fuck that. I was excited, but I'm not paying double the cost for the same content.
I really like the sound effects that the demogorgon makes for the heartbeat sound. I just wished when you get neat his portals it would do that upside down effect.
But there's an extra survivor tf you on about?
Ruin, Thanatophobia, Infectious Fright, Whispers
Meg (only one i have levelled, fairly new + shes cute)
I only have Sprint Burst, Deja Vu, Spine Chill unlocked
>Myers and Ghostface
>Quentin Smith
>Not enough teachable perks to make anything good
What is it about DBD that attracts a large female playerbase?
But she also starts with adrenaline and quick and quiet tho?
It allows 3 beta white knights to carry her while getting twitch attention.
Holy fuck that’s true
Post franchises that deserve a killer and survivor
Pic related
Simple controls and being "scary"
It's not really a competitive game, low as fuck skill ceiling.
Girls tend to stick to games where you can mash button rotations (MMOs) or shit like this. Casual shit.
oh thats the one i use adrenaline too
Just play Killer. Survivor is gay anyway.
I came up with a perk system and everything
Best build for Myers?
Myers and Ghostface are the only killers who can get genuine scares
Going against 4 zoomers with 100+hours each sounds awful.
Yeah I saw it in an old Dbd thread was pretty cool, any business/suited killer would be really cool
So one extra survivor means it's twice as expensive? That's bullshit. I'll probably just buy the fucking cells, I only want Nancy anyway.
If you aren't playing scratched mirror or tombstone you are playing wrong
This one
>and the bitch has nothing on you
Except everybody's broken and puking on everything, which I guess is nothing assuming nobody ever takes a hit.
she's a tall as fuck killer with one of the worst lunges in the game. you take away her power and she's an M1 killer
you do not, under any circumstances cleanse against a plague, her improved power is the best in the game.
if you cant get 5 gens done in the time it takes for her to make you all sick, then M1, hook and kill you up to like 9 times, you fucking suck dick at the game
More like 3 thots and 1 beta pet
I'm not a beta. I don't even orbit these girls. I have a GF. No one else on my friends list plays this game as much as I do outside of women.
She's only really tough in solo queues where there is a guarantee that one person doesn't know how to play against her and immediately goes for a cleanse.