This is LITERALLY me

This is LITERALLY me

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Are you masturbating during game time?

what else is he suppose to do?

based coomer

So what you're saying is that only spending money makes you happy?

you don't?

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How do I overcome this? I am 21 years old, work a 9-5 wagie job, go to the gym 4 days a week. Yet when I come home, I just can’t bring myself to play video games that I actually WANT to play. I have the Witcher 3 sitting in my library. I have DmC5, I have Monster Hunter World. Yet I haven’t played them for more than two hours. When I am playing them, I just sit there and my mind wanders off thinking about work, what I am going to do tomorrow, do I need to ring that person? Did I remember to do this? etc. I just can’t switch my brain off and play the fucking game. The only games I CAN play are mindless and leave me feeling shit after. On the weekends I spend like 6 hours a day playing Hearts of Iron IV, a literal map simulator, and then I just think “great, I wasted my entire day”

Anyone have a remedy for this feel?

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faggot wojak phone poster

someone post the unedited real version

post it


Where's the "CP time" one?

Unironically smoke some weed after work.

>8-5 job
>690 hours and counting just for witcher 3
You are weak zoomer

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Fuck this hits too close to home

Where's childporn time?

This is me

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Weed ain’t legal here and I don’t wanna buy shit laced with rat poison.
Yes, but what do you do in your spare time apart from play Vidya? When I am playing Vidya, I just feel awful. I feel like I am wasting my time and I feel the ever present spectre of death looming over me.
At least I am not alone in my feelings I suppose.

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fuck your weedle-dee-deed

That shit will make you dumb like Joe Rogan

Find another hobby faggot

True. My problem is I am such a flakey bastard. I have tried Karate, MMA, kickboxing, D&D, language learning, photography and I just lose interest after a month. I can’t justify spending the money for these activities and just get bored. The only thing I have been able to stick with is the gym and that is purely because I get depressed when I don’t do it.

>end at 5
>jog for 45 minutes home
>go down to basement, lift & stretch for one hour
>sit and play until 9pm

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>I don’t wanna buy shit laced with rat poison.
No one laces their bud.
Regardless, weed wouldn't fill the void either.
It's just the wagie struggle. Maybe if wagies collectively asked their bosses to adjust working hours, but most managers and higher-ups would seethe and go "muh work loss, muthafucka"

Remember that most parents see their bosses more often than their own children.

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I just started pirating games instead of buying them. If I enjoy them, I purchase them later. This way I don't waste my money on shit I only touch a little bit and still support the games that I enjoy.

Recently pirated Greedfall and have sunk around 20 hours in it, so I purchased it on Steam. This system works way better than when I was randomly buying shit I never played.

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dopamine detox

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>end at 5
>get to gym at 6
>home at 7
>shower, eat dinner etc. Til 7:45
>rationalise that there is no point in playing an in depth story based game for only an hour
>watch some shitty anime until 9
>go to bed and jerk off
Rinse and repeat.

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I don't get this. I'm 27, work a 10-6, get home, and play video games just fine. You're probably just not used to balancing work and hobbies yet.

I'm feeling this right now with Iceborne.
This shit just ain't clicking with me and I'm incredibly bored and I don't know why because I was hyped as fuck when it was about to come out.

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Meditation. I'm not kidding. Less gym and more actual 'nowness'.

Yeah, weed is fine in a social setting for me, but I wouldn’t smoke it on my own. I can’t remember where I heard it, but someone said that when we are bored, we are most creative and have the biggest drive to improve our lives. The problem with weed is, it makes you content with being bored. When you are high, the most boring fucking TV show could be the most interesting and funny shit ever. It is legit just numbing the problem instead of solving it. I think I am going to stick at this job til 2021, take a career break, go to Australia for a year or two and then maybe come back to do an apprenticeship. I am still young, for now.
What’s that?

My dude the easy answer is to find a position that offers 4 10 hour shifts. You be amazed how nice that extra day off feels. I honesty feel like I have the most free tome I’ve ever had to play games, no school to worry about or homework to do. Your work week feels like it goes by so much quicker too, I eventually want a position that lets me work one 10 hour shift from home, that’ll be maximum comfy.

Do you not get an overwhelming sense of existential dread when playing Video games? Like you only have a limited amount of time on this Earth and instead of doing something worthwhile, you are wasting time on something that is a literal net negative? That is all I think about. That I am hurtling towards oblivion a second at a time, and instead of doing something worthwhile, a video game would just waste my time. But then instead of doing something, I just spend time trying to figure out something to do. It’s really fun.
The gym is sort of a form of meditation for me. When I don’t do it, I feel agitated. I should probably look into mindfulness or something.

I reserve my animu for weekends but hang around the weekly threads so i don't miss the stitches

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Why you sleeping 11 hours a day nigger.
Aim for 7:30 and you'll have way more time and be way happier.
I work 12 hour days, and have an >2 hour commute both ways, and still find time to do stuff. I have tons of money from overtime and live a genuinely happy life. You are just another zoomer that thinks more sleep = more happy.

Today I played sniper in Splatoon 2 for the first time after 200 hours and I had fun.

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That does sound like a good idea. I am thinking of doing an apprenticeship. You work a maximum of 40 hours a week, but do it in 12 hour shifts, so you have a few days off each week. I think the monotonous grind of 9-5 is my problem. I only have 5 hours in the day to fit in exercise, entertainment, food and social activities. I have to be asleep by 11 or else I will be too tired to function the next morning. Shit is soul crushing.

Well, I get into bed at 9, but it takes me until about 11:30 to go to sleep. I then have to wake up at 7:15-7:30 each morning and be in work for 8:45. I think I am just messed up mentally and can’t justify doing anything other than working.

This is internalized wagie.
Be a man, fuck your boss in the arse to establish a line of STDs

Your job doesn't fulfill you. Change and find something you actually like.
You don't enjoy games because uncosciously you feel you have already wasted 6-8 hours of your life "working".
It is also why you enjoy or feel sharp when you look for games and buy them- because those are actual choices where you 'build' something for yourself.
If you felt what you did professionally actually mattered to you, you would enjoy the 'wasting time' that is vidya.

Do you actually work a fufiling job or something? I can't imagine working hours that retarded and being happy unless I'm working for something Im personally invested in

>get into bed at 9, but it takes me until about 11:30

the fuck? Get some sleep aid

29 here do nothing 24/7 for the last 2 years neet no gf no job no life yet even I can't be fucked.
It's either locked down mp games no mods or fun allowed or cookie cutter sp shit with bad ai




Gonna have to think.

Never done it?

Nobody is giving you extra drugs for free, laced weed is a meme started by cops to scare kids

Yea I did 9-5 when I first started my job and it fucking sucks. If you go for the apprenticeship or not see if you can swing a pm shift schedule. Working 12-10pm or 2-10pm will also drastically improve your mood. You can go to the gym before work, go hang out with friends after, and the best part is you can still wake up early on your days off and not feel like shit. I guess the only downside to my schedule is that it’s Fri-Mon but honestly I love it, no traffic, not as many people in your way when you have stuff to do on your days off, practically have the gym to yourself, etc... Might be a slight schedule issue when I start dating again but I can always trade someone a shift or use PTO for a date night if my girl doesn’t want to go out at 11pm on the weekend.

>What’s that?
Don't do anything fun a while.

you are saturated with dopamine and therefore burned out on any and all conventional pleasure
google it fucker

There is absolutely nothing you can do that has any real meaning. You'll die someday, there's nothing you can do about it and there's no reason to worry about it. In the meantime, as long as you're enjoying the time you have, nothing else matters. You are nothing. You will amount to nothing, no matter what you do. Everything is pointless, so do whatever makes you happy. Only then, will your life have meaning.

Why are filipinos so cringe.

>quit job and become a part time English teacher
>tfw everything's perfect
it's actually too perfect and I'm worried that losing it will destroy me


Lol. I suggest you stop posting about things you have absolutely no idea about, you utter retard

What's its name again?

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Just make sure not to molest anyone.

>this is the kind of man who posts wojak memes
explains a lot

Switch faces for game time and cunny time.

Honestly sounds like the dream, aside from having to prove your chops and getting assigned to a ghetto

Post the CP edit.

uh oh


Wagie Cagie. Alias the future of wage-slaves.

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You are depressed user. Seek help and get your shit sorted out.

Good for you user, trying weapons you are not familiar with its pretty fun.
I tried the hydra and got my ass prolapsed

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Play Warframe, its wagie kino. People will say its shit and grindy but it is the perfect game for a mind raped wagie such as yourself
t. put into 200 hours in two months of walmart work


The original comic is great. Studying is for gayass faggots.

I have generalised anxiety disorder and even medication and cognitive behavioural therapy doesn’t stop my mind racing at 200 miles an hour the second my head hits the pillow and I don’t have a stimulus keeping my thoughts at bay ha ha
Honestly. The only games I have been playing is Squad and Hearts of Iron IV. Literal timesinks.

There’s your problem. Play a real map painter like Darkest Hour.

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I don’t know man. In Ireland we have a lot of cases of kids dying from ecstasy that was laced with dodgy stuff.
Well, playing games doesn’t make me happy anymore, and I can’t find anything that does, so all I got is existential dread.
I downloaded Warframe and got depressed after 8 hours. Legit the most mindless grindfest ever. Feel like a robot just clicking on a screen.

literally me lads

>Avoid adderall for years because of "haha millennials"
>Tell doc about motivation/attention issues
>Says adderall will fix almost all of my problems
>Yeah ok sure Mr.Pharma
>Still try it because why not
>Feel 1000% better and play a bunch of games
Well hot damn

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I mean yeah, meth makes everything better

Any harmful side effects from Adderall? I have been taking Escitalopram for years and am slowly weaning myself off. Shit has fucked up my sex drive to the point where it’s non-existent.

You won't fall asleep if you take it close to night and your appetite will decrease. But I consider those positives

,male,married,1 kid
>>work Mon-Fri 7am-4pm
>>come home,do laundry when needed,cook 4 days out of 7 (other 2 days are the wife's cooking days when she doesn't work)
>>hit the gym for 1-2 hours 3-6 times a week
>>play vidya before bed
>>go to bed anywhere from 11pm to 3am and get up at 6 am everyday

How long do I have before my body gives out?
I've been doing this for years now without a single side effect.

It's not about your body, it's about your spirit
If it's a lifestyle you continue to strive for, your body will acclimate


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I've been stuck on Yea Forums for the past 3 hours. I keep telling myself "I'll play in a minute."

if you want to do it; you'll do it.
simple as that.

Stop the gay ass gym and do some actual sport, outdoor if possible

Does that mean my spirit is maximum? Cool,I'm an invulnerable monster.

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What do you even do that long in the game? I finished the game with both DLC on Deathmarch and explored 100% of the map and that took me around 80 Hours.

only you can help you. we don't exist for that.

You gotta get outside more. We're still animals and need nature to feel at home. Get in the habit of meditating as well, and dopamine fasting. It all sounds like memes but you literally cannot be happy sitting inside all day staring at screens. Going to the gym doesn't count either because you're still inside. Go running on a trail or bodyweight exercise at a park. Get a more physically and emotionally stimulating job if you can as well.

Nah, it's been proven that sleep deprivation can shorten your lifespan and mental acuity significantly. You probably just dont notice cause thats your new normal. I got out, you should too.

>literally cannot be happy sitting inside all day staring at screens
Where did all of these casuals come from?

>rationalise that there is no point in playing an in depth story based game for only an hour

That's where you're wrong, idiot.

I took escitalopram as well, couldn't come for one week straight despite trying, had one mental wet dream (actually came during my sleep) and after I got normal. Took it for over a year but I quit cold turkey a month back and the feeling in my dick is so intense it feels like I can only imagine girls must feel. some say you're a one-pump-chump when you quit but you just gotta edge better.
escitalopram gave me gyno in my left nipple though, about to sort that out with my MD

Don't play games. they're not real.