PC gaming

What killed PC gaming?

Attached: Global_Games_Market_2012-2021-1024x576.png (1024x576, 99K)

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Shitty games.

What do you mean by killed?
Literally steady growth

People believing propaganda.

imagine not being able to read a graph

I remember being on IRC in the 90s and already hearing "PC gaming is dying"

ice age

PC gaming is doing fine.

Attached: 1566166264113.gif (220x220, 365K)

>PC Games grow 3.1%
>Console Games grow 2.3%
>Mobile Games fucking explodes

The issue is that 'core' gaming doesn't have a lot of growth,but it's not dead

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PC gaming has been dead since the 2000s, it's been on the decline for over a decade now. Console exclusives dominate, eventually there will be no such thing as PC gaming. Steam is making sure of that.

nothing, it's literally growing steadily.

pee pee poo poo haha

As usual, casuals. Any market that becomes relatively mainstream will peak in quality and then rapidly decline as the product or service is keelhauled against capitalism's jagged hull to strip its essence to the point it is palatable for the masses.

ITT: brand-loyal niggers LARPing their wet dreams

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>Ignoring how much consoles have also decreased

>ignoring how little PC had at the start how much more it will die

PC gaming requires a higher investment to get into and maintain.
You buy a console once every generation. Well used to, now you wait halfway through a generation and then get the enhanced version.

yeah, and in the gaming industry steady growth is basically recession, because it is not explosive and untenable growth, the only development that is acceptable.

>i don't know how percentages works. the post

>PC gaming requires a higher investment to get into and maintain.


Chinks. They love spending tons of money on hacks for mobile games

>Buy game
>put the disc into a console

>Buy game
>Spend hours on forums to fix all errors
>Find the DLL and isntall it
>The game crashes
>Spend more hours on forums looking for the solution
>after fixing it the game finally starts
For gaming I'd rather have a console and play on my 4k 65" TV than spend hours trying to even make the game playable.

Attached: 3644737171.jpg (1000x1333, 360K)

This is your brain on consoles. Not that you directly believe this, but most people do. Which is kinda fucked up. Just how share holders want it. Divide and conquer is good if it lets you squeeze the loyal for every nickle and dime they have. In a way platform wars are very profitable, and might actually be bad for these parasites should they come to an end.

>download a DLL.EXE
>install the virus
>more crashing

I actually wish this were true because an idiot like you wouldn't be here with your bricked potato.

nothing, the growing marketshare of consumers are made of mobile based gamers. The markets of other platforms are still as robust. Stop being scared by statistics.

There's almost no change in PC and console popularity. Mobile has exploded because it's for normies who don't actually play games. The two categories aren't even remotely related.

>Seething PC dick sucker

Enjoying those console ports?

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>Lobbies and propagandas

>What killed PC gaming?
You don't understand how percentages work
back to school please

it's still growing though. but no one can keep up with mobile games since they have basically 100% install base.

People won't believe me but it was Graphics cards.

That was the beginning of PC gaming becoming fragmented. Suddenly overnight you couldn't play alot of the new or upcoming releases on your toaster. As PC gaming got more complicated it got more expensive requiring a hire price for entry level. Dont forget all those poor suckers that got scammed by those shit prebuilts that they shelled out like 1500 dollars for that were out dated the moment they dropped. Remember all those people pissed that they got burned. No to mention that alot of kids only PC are laptops so they are fucked off the bat.

Also to make matters worse developers started targeting GC that didnt even release yet. You couldn't enjoy all the features of a game you paid for. MOre powerful hardware also meant developers could be lazy. No need to optimize a stronger GC will come along and run it all just fine.

Thats why people turned to consoles. No need to keep up to get the best quality. No need to worry about developers targeting better hardware.

in the end PC gaming just fragmented and left a lot of people behind.

But PC is outselling consoles?

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This doesn't remotely imply PC is outselling consoles.

ITT: People incapable of critical thinking.
Traditional gaming on both PC and consoles is growing steadily. Mobile is a completely new and completely unrelated market.

PC gaming is ded.

Then consoles must be already a distant memory since no single console earns anywhere close to PC.
Hilarious how consolefags fight each other at every step, but when going against PC they're suddenly adding all their numbers together.

>Then consoles must be already a distant memory since no single console earns anywhere close to PC.


Console sales combined is the same as Epic/steam/gog sales combined.

It only matter to retards who think the system they're using matters. In other words poor fags.

Difference is epic/steam/gog themselves are all free on same one machine.
Maybe it matters to you and maybe not, but it's a FACT that PC is the biggest platform for traditional gaming.

I will be sitting comfortably on my couch with my tendies in 2025 while PC gamers struggle to find other people to play Overwatch with because they all switched to consoles.


>all free on same one machine.
I'll concede the point towards you but also throw out that the majority of PC players are so retarded they couldn't download a free trial of winrar without getting a copywrite strike from their ISP.

I stopped playing Overwatch years ago because I had many much better games to play.

>resident evil 4
I heard the remaster was shit, is it true ?
the original is still decent on the wii U gamepad, and I'm afraid shitty texture (even with good resolution) on my big ass TV

>Buy game
>Install Porn Mods

Piracy killed triple A development on Pc and now they all it gets are console ports and indies all the super popular games are online only rainbow6 csgo etc. Also the mobile market will eventually kill everything anyway

Mobile propaganda, fuck chinks.

I like how most of that mobile income is from abusing mentally ill people who have no self control when it comes to gambling.

bad b8

PC is """killed""" because you don't have to pay for your internet connection that you're already paying for..

No, it comes from the fact that audience for PC/console is "people who like games", while audience for mobile is "everyone with a pulse"

>Also the mobile market will eventually kill everything anyway

you faggots said this a decade ago

nothing? PC gaming is still doing just fine according to your growth rates graph.

op can't into graphs
girls are 50% of "gamers" only because of mobile games
people who play phone games should be put to death
PC makes as much doosh as basically all the consoles put together (put le gold man here)
thanks for coming to my TED talk

Attached: Global_Games_Market_2018.png (4000x2250, 180K)

steam is unironically great

>PC gets a few ports
>console games dominate PC

Attached: 1554905891551.png (478x523, 168K)

fuck off false flaging Xbox nigger

I swear you brainlets ITT cant read a graph. All three sectors are showing growth but the percentage of total revenue is increasing in mobile gaming. No doubt from pay2win addicted whales making micro purchases every 5 seconds like imbeciles.

shut up stupid sonyggger

Is this that same negro that had 130 games in one picture that would have cost him over 5,000 dollars

Hell, if anything Xbox is bringing PC gaming back

Attached: gp2.png (1492x980, 907K)

>Load up console
>Update available
>Spend 2 hours downloading and installing update on slow console hardware
>Update finishes, start up game
>Game has update
>Spend another 15 minutes downloading update

>Boot PC up, gets into OS in 12 seconds
>Wait 20 seconds for all background processes to finish
>Open steam
>Double click game

Attached: 30 - 1F2q2kp.jpg (720x708, 30K)

This doesnt happen anymore.


Attached: 1567184941869.jpg (618x679, 30K)

>update console
>Buy game
>put the disc into a console
>download 20gb update
>play after 3 hours of downloading a gazillion of updates
>can't play online because you didn't paid the online subscription
>overheats and shutdown the game to prevent damage
>play again
>"An error has occurred in the following application"
>game files got corrupted
>nothing you can do about it
>can't go online or even use YouTube because there's a new update you didn't install
>storage is now full due to updates
>disc is now scratched and you lost $60
>Buy game
>Second result on Google is the fix
>Find the DLL and install* it
>The game crashes
>look at the game's crash log and find what's going on
>fix it

Attached: 1460325006557.jpg (720x1280, 290K)

> another Multiplat
>Weeb garbage
>Weeb garbage 2: electric boogaloo
>PS4 exclusive
>wow a Multiplat
>Shit duke nukem game
>oh look a Multiplat
>one more Multiplat
>is that a Multiplat
>Multiplat weeb shit
>some Multiplat
>PS Exclusive
>PS4 exclusive
>huh? another Multiplat
>PS4 exclusive
>Multiplat v1
>Multiplat v2
>Multiplat v3
>Multiplat v4
>Weeb shit one piece garbo
>This retard actually bought Might No9
>PS4 Exclusive
>More weeb shit one piece garbo

Damn, you roodypoos really have shit taste

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I have a pretty decent PC and a 144hz monitor but I would be lying if I said I use it for anything but console ports and emulation. That's just what PC gaming is now. And normalfags don't give a shit and will not be paying $1000+ to play the same games they can play for $300 with an Xbone or PS4.

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That graph shows that PC gaming grew more than console gaming, though? ~8.3 billion to console's ~8.1 billion. So more like "what killed console gaming", even if that too is inaccurate.

u mad

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>Piracy killed triple A development on Pc
lol this is just totally false. AAA kept consolidating and growing bigger and bigger to the point where the PC market could no longer meet the sales demands these companies needed so they had to bleed over into multi-platforming with PC. And console porting is a nice way of saying console baby specs.

Been a PC gamer since the 90's, I've tried console many times especially during the 7th gen when I was broke af and I only had a Pentium 4. I absolutely hate the console experience, it's not for me and it will never be.

>mobile is the biggest market
Projection discarded

You're mixing up an enthusiast always wanting the absolute best and someone just wanting a modestly better than console experience.

pc literally sells less game copies than xbone. graph is fake and probably overestimating indieshit and subscription games like wow, club penguin, etc

Sure showed us with your random image of decade old games!

Attached: random game boxes so relevant.jpg (1536x2560, 687K)

>pc literally sells less game copies than xbone
That's not true at all. In some cases PC version outsells even the PS4 version let alone Xboner.

100% false, unless its indie games

Nope, 100% right.

Awful games

Awful taste.

>Find the dll and install it

Attached: 1541786672864.png (641x538, 811K)

Not being able to sense sarcasm is a sign of both autism and a need to read a dictionary.

>showcasing plastic boxes
I don't get this, is it supposed to be something to be proud of? I get it when people show their rigs cause it's actually functional shit, but a bunch of plastic boxes that gamestop will buy for a total of $2 is nothing.

nothing yet.

The dude who played games on his Packard Bell switched to playing fortnite on his galaxy s4

Shut up shitskin.

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Are mobile games still even a thing? I havn't seen a similar phenomena to Candy Crush, Angry Birds, Pokemon Go or Clash of Clans in years it seems. Nobody talks about mobile games like they used to. I don't see people idly playing mobile games at work or in public areas. It really feels like people have gotten their fill of freemium games purporting to be 'free' but then charging out the ass for pay-to-win microtransactions.

mobile gaming = not gaming

Attached: drooling_neanderthal_brainlet_by_bubychub_dcwqvmf-250t.jpg (379x250, 13K)

>increase total amount of people playing video games
>newcomers play on platforms other than pc
>total % of pc players shows a decline
woooooooow math

>As of 2016

It was back then though. Almost died in jewish physical store hands.

The funny part is that consoles are getting PC ports all the time now.


Attached: Console Peasant Bingo.jpg (686x707, 136K)

>buy game
>download it
>install it

>come out of your mother's womb
>grow up
>get an education
>get a job
>find an apartament to rent that you can afford with your shitty pay
>buy some furniture
>buy tv
>buy console
>buy videogame
>put disc into console
>wait for the installation to finish
>remember you don't have an internet connection
>get an internet connection
>connect console to the internet
>download 30GB day one patch
>play at 24 fps for a more cinematic experience
>say bad word in a multiplayer match
>get your money stolen

consolekeks will defend this though

If all you play is console games and emulation I'm sad to announce to you that you're one of those normalfags.

And especially Nintendo players cream themselves over those every time.

Xbone is now more dead than ever while Steam is bigger than ever. So things are even worse for your shitskin shitbox right now. Especially because console games sales die in a week. DS3 alone is now tripled in owners steamspy.com/app/374320 while nobody even knows about the Xboner version.

Eat. Shit. Shitskin.

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I don't understand 12 year old screeching sorry.


Fake incel stats by kikes on Steam.

Cope harder shitskin.

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PC gamers:

>never get chicks
>losers at life
>no job NEETs
>get their moms to buy them chicken tendies
>fat neckbeards
>suicidal and depressed

the fact that its a platform for 12 year olds playing their favorite mobas, csgo, early access garbage, BR and indies which their favorite streamer play. Just look at the absolute state of steam most played charts. That 37% in 2012 were actually games not like the absolute garbage that is the 19% now. Not even talking about pc gaming 10 years ago when it was actually still alive and actually got good exclusives that werent just indie garbage.

>only 12 million
Proof pc is dead

18.5 people isn't millions, that's 18 people and half of a person. What the fuck are you think you're reading?

You guys realize that 19% of $180B is more than 37% of $70B, right? The market is still growing, that's a good sign.
Just because mobileniggers entered the scene and make a hell of a lot more money doesn't mean you're magically doing worse now.

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this is a bait thread in case you hadn't noticed

Not a single game worth playing has launched on PC this year.

This. Give me ONE fucking exclusive PC game that is worth playing PC incels.

Your mom's interactive sex tape.

>Anno 1800

3, compare that to the amount of console exclusives coming up.

Pcs became more and more complex so they need to use majority of their processing power on other stuff than gaming but consoles can use 99% of their power on games, thus you get same or better performance on consoles for a fraction of the cost

>Not a single game
>Haha 3 isn't a lot

Attached: 1539490420625.jpg (300x168, 11K)

4, you forgot:

Oh so on PC we only count games "worth playing" while on console we count every dudebro shitfest that comes out?

Consoles always get the best ones.

Why would anyone pay a dime for gacha? Just download the jpgs, silly.

>Consoles always get the best ones.
That's rig-

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As a chink myself, I exclusively game on PC in order to hack the games myself because 1) don’t have to pay money for the hacks, and 2) figuring out how to hack adds a fun extra meta-game layer on top of the original game.

I have no idea what the hell all my mobile gaming cousins are doing. I thought we were supposed to be cheapskate penny-pinchers.

more like gays done lmao

Basically anything because everything is better on pc

Attached: Epic.jpg (774x522, 241K)

Name a recent PS4/Xbox exclusive that's not 3rd person action or a JRPG.

>3rd person act


>What killed PC gaming?
its still a growing market dude.. learn to read a graph

Then by all means play on consoles. But for people who don't like those genres PS4 is absolutely barren.

PC gamers won't be able to play FFVII remake.

wow classic

Barrier to entry raised by stupid hardware feature creep and bloat
Prices going insane in the last 6 years 70-100usd+ games early access streamer of the month monopoly
Windows ecosystem shitting itself consoles/pc not having exclusives and basically failing to do anything new

Freemium is a good pleb filter at least and the pc market shrinking relatively means less garbage shovel ware now that steam is Imploding is a good thing

T. Pirate

lmao no pc games that arent trash ass strategy games or dumbed down strategy games aka moba games

there is only a handful of games allowed in china and those are heavily censored.

maybe mobile games dont get the same scrutiny from the party?

>People won't believe me but it was Graphics cards.
Damn right
Aibs also used to be amazing and cheap now it's all the same reference garbage and reused triple fan dual slot coolers with leds on them we've had for the past decade or so with yearly updates on cosmetics only
Wish noctura made gpu coolers
>That was the beginning of PC gaming becoming fragmented. Suddenly overnight you couldn't play alot of the new or upcoming releases on your toaster. As PC gaming got more complicated it got more expensive requiring a hire price for entry level. Dont forget all those poor suckers that got scammed by those shit prebuilts that they shelled out like 1500 dollars for that were out dated the moment they dropped. Remember all those people pissed that they got burned. No to mention that alot of kids only PC are laptops so they are fucked off the bat.
>Also to make matters worse developers started targeting GC that didnt even release yet. You couldn't enjoy all the features of a game you paid for. MOre powerful hardware also meant developers could be lazy. No need to optimize a stronger GC will come along and run it all just fine.
>Thats why people turned to consoles. No need to keep up to get the best quality. No need to worry about developers targeting better hardware.
>in the end PC gaming just fragmented and left a lot of people behind.
Consoles are in a worse state gonna be funny as fuck seeing console cucks gen 9+ stuck with a Oct core zen2 and 57xt trying to to raytracing when a card 2x faster than it struggles to do 2k 30fps

>PC is bigger every year WITHOUT FAIL
>what killed PC gaming?§§??

Attached: 1545266981023.png (551x847, 75K)

2080ti fag here for those wondering the gpu is worth every dollar of your money
But rtx is shit 4k 30fps is off the table and your lucky to get 1080p-1440p 30fps+


You say that as if a 486 wasn't expensive as shit in its day. Graphics cards lowered the price of entry for PC gaming because you no longer needed an absolutely insane CPU to play games at decent framerates and a Vodoo II was $250 for the 8 meg version($300 for 16).
Compare that to like a thousand bucks for a 33Mhz i486, though that did eventually drop to "only" 650ish for the later 50Mhz version.

All faggy nerd crap, lmao nigga I just need to buy a PS4 get it load it up nigga put game it like easy as nigga.

simple as that

Cringe,low IQ and blue pilled

>Acive steam users is at 125 million
>Playstation in total has 110 million
How is PC gaming dead??

My dick is probably bigger then yours so it dont make a matter faggot.

Oohhh nooo im sooo scared man.

show me your dick nigga bitch

>show me your dick
No,this board is about games nigger

That's not what I mean i Imean like for a faggot like you to be like nigga fuckin sarcasitc shit I would make you scared with my dick. Yours probably tiny as fuck nigga most PC gamers are just like that.

>literally more people than ever before are playing PC games
>as profitable as its ever been
>more releases in the past year than the combined three preceding it
Yep! PC gaming sure is dead!

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