Is there like a list of must play VNs?

Is there like a list of must play VNs?
So far I've played:
999 and VLR
Ace Attorney
Steins Gate
Fata Morgana

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there's a chart /jp/ try googling it

Try Umineko, most people who like those you posted like it

Katawa Shoujo.


Try Demonbane

people say Ray Romano is pretty good, but it's part SRPG

I really like root letter

So do I read the question arks then the answer arks?


The best translated VN is Subahibi.

Read Muv-Luv

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You shouldn't tell people to read the fan translations given that they were translated poorly and the official releases have much better translations.

song of saya
yume miru kusuri
katawa shoujo

Kara no shojo


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Saya no Uta (song of saya) is still my favorite VN, despite reading 30+ VNs.

It's short, so if you haven't checked it out do yourself a favor.

i actually got really sad after playing ymk and every time i play it i feel guilty if i dont do aekas route

>Lovecraftian horror novel
You have my attention

I like NTR

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How is Chaos;Head and Chaos;Child?

Full Metal Daemon Muramasa

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Saya no Uta is peak Visual Novel
Helps that it's actually short and doesn't pad everything with fillers like most other VNs do, even if they're great.

did you play ZTD?

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It's very good but it's not the best VN at all.

It's okay, massively overrated.

Some people overhyped it but I stand by my post that it's the best translated VN.

More like overhated, I don't see it getting blown out of proportion much.

I've heard not good things about it.

Also saying it's only "okay" is deluded. If you got burned thinking it's some kind of artistic masterpiece (which no VN is) that's your own problem, but it doesn't detract from how good the game is.

it's not good but you should play it
trust me dude

They're both really good, Chaos;Child in particular is kino.

Worth a play.
It's a special kind of stupid I really enjoyed.

Ever17 and Remember11 are must plays if you liked the ZE series, they're from the same writer.

it's about fucking a little girl
quite lovecraftian

It's because of that review by Conjueror, RIP.

It's still good as fuck. Even my mom liked it.

Third for Saya.

VNs are generally predictable and follow the same story structures, much like anime and manga. I don't know why that is. Maybe the asians = drone people meme is actually true. Once you've seen enough of Japanese media, it all becomes reiterations of different tropes. Almost as if it written/directed by the same people over and over again. No depth, no real meaning, just a series of event + tropes (the most common tropes in VNs being the romantic wish-fulfillment kind).

Whereas if I were to take a fantasy novel, like Game of Thrones, and contrast it with a different fantasy series, like Kingkiller Chronicles, while some tropes might share some similarities the writing style is completely different, what the author is trying to convey is completely different, the amount of depth varies, etc. It isn't formulaic. That isn't to say that western media doesn't fall into the same trap of predictability/reuse of tropes, it's just WAY more present in Japanese media.

Saya no Uta is one of the very few VNs that actually TRIES to stand out.

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Dies Irae: Amentes Amentes and Fate/Stay Night if you need a chuuni fix. But you seem like the mystery nigga kind of guy. Go with Kara no Shojo and Umineko. Also Death March. Haven't read that yet, though.

Oh man!
Does anyone else want to have literally ZERO emotional hygiene and absolutely refuse to take control of our own sex drives, so we can be manipulated into some GAY SHIT like men with tits or crossdressers?
Haha we could even pretend to not be gay by insisting that they're women and that their penises are womens' penises! Then we could keep pushing this gay denial on others. That would be super epic

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Likewise, and that was getting the good ending for each route. I can't imagine what it would be like to get the bad endings.
At least Aeka is very cute and if you don't pick her route, her bullying gets stopped without her going through anywhere near as much as she does on her route.


It's on Steam too.

Unironically Higurashi.

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Read Subahibi please.

>Dies Irae
I am still fucking mad at that user who recommended that chunni shit to me. Wish I could punch him in the face.

The rest of your recommendations are all good stuff though.

I do love a good mystery
And sci fi
And then Sci Fi Mysteries are some damn fine good fucking shit

I remember how I used to play action games but then got interested in JRPGs because of the story focus.

And now I'm shifting from those to VNs because more story, gameplay is less relevant.

Soon I'm probably gonna start reading actual books like some kind of nerd.

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Just my opinion. Some of the episodes are great, others not such much. It also comes across as really schlocky when it's constantly trying to causes discomfit.

>And then Sci Fi Mysteries are some damn fine good fucking shit
Read Island. This review should give you some idea what it is, though it's somewhat hyperbolic

Same desu. Used to be a Fifa playing dudebro, to a fighting game autist, now I'm here binging on VNs. I don't know where it all went wrong, or right.

What are some good VNs with horror themes?

Damn, I haven't seen this in years.


Horror, tragedy and black comedy

kara no shoujo

Also bump

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Katawa shoujo
Muv Luv

What's the most obscure VN you've 'played'?
for me it's MYTH, weird thriller/horror thing that's clearly heavily inspired by higurashi and umineko, with a very difficult to follow plot and a bunch of metaverse related shit. it's interesting though

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Started for CD mental illness fantasy, stayed for the immersive plot , feels and dark themes.

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ugly retard!

Try Umineko No Naku Koro Ni

For me it's 2236 A.D, a weird surreal sci-fi thriller-ish story that eventually goes off the rails and becomes really good

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>Luka's ending is the shittiest one where nothing gets solved and everybody dies
She REALLY deserved better, fucking hell
A continuation of her route where her child went back in time instead of/with Suzuha would've been so much better than the dogshit we got that is S;G0

Aiyoku no Eustia
ef - a fairy tale of the two
Doki Doki Literature Club

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>Aiyoku no Eustia
Partial TL, no point.
I'll give you this one.
>ef - a fairy tale of the two
Boring, tries too hard. Minori is garbage.
>Doki Doki Literature Club

FSN isn't chuuni. Dies Irae is though and is absolute garbage. The most fake deep stuff I've ever read.

Judging by your taste you should read Remember11.

>FSN isn't chuuni.
Imagine being this deluded.

Chaos;Head has an amazing first half. 10/10 for atmosphere.

The second half is lol magic sword fights.

>FSN isn't chuuni
Also what don't you like about Dies Irae? The VN world on Yea Forums is small so I probably heard it before, though.

Try Underwater Ray Romano

Not him but Dies Irae is chuuni on sterioids. If you want something that genuinely feels like it was written by a fedora-tipping 15 year-old then Dies Irae is for you.

It's not something I can really explain without a massive post but basically Dies Irae is just a bunch of shit the author sounded cool thrown together haphazardly and it tries to appeal to all audiences at once and all you get is a completely unbelievable schizophrenic mess. It's just awful, it's pure tropes from start to finish and yet it clearly takes itself so fucking seriously which makes it even more unbearable.


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Seconding. The GOAT.

The protagonist only fights in one of the three routes with the exception of the very end of 2 which are the only things I'd say are remotely chuuni. Most of the content isn't even combat. Beyond that it's just standard shounen shit.

not him but
>how seriously the story takes some stuff
>the terrible drama
>the terrible heroines
>the fucking boring MC that ruins any scene that focuses too much on him and his motivations
>most fights are actually pretty whatever
If the entier VN had focused on the cool shit and characters without taking itself very seriously it would have been fantastic
The only good parts of the were
>any Reinhard/Mercurius scene
>Shirou's scenes
>the finale of each route
>that one part where Trifas and 2 oither bad guys team up aganist the rest, sadly the writer forces them to job
>the absolute peak of CHUUNI that is the finale of both Rea's routes
>the Marie route ending and post credits scene
>also that one sidestory that is a prequel about how the order was formed

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You don't know what chuuni is. Shirou is an obvious chuuni character. For example he fits the most blatant chuuni character trope, which is having a thing inside of your body that gives you special powers. It's not even debatable. You're retarded.

That's what makes it so good.
There's a lot of autistic symbolism which can be overwhelming, but it all ties together. It's like what the other user said, it's like it is written by a fedora-tipper, shit even the game itself makes a point of that. The climax of Dies Irae is severely autistic with its prose and endgame power levels, and the pretentious symbolism compliments why things the way they are. I'm not sure about the trope part, I'll say though that the waifus are fucking boring and the fights are extremely one-sided. Especially when the protagonist has a god damn weapon that bypasses immortality while being able to stop time.

Is Your Smile Beyond Twilight any good?

Yu-No The Girl Who Chants Love at the Boundary of This World

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This is very good, I recommend this as well although it crosses into adventure game rather than pure VN

A bit of wasted potential due to different writers and shitty ending, but this is still my favourite chuunige (and even keyge).

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Things that are chuuni that fit Shirou (that I can remember)
--Parents are dead
--Dark traumatic past
--Has an object in his body that gives him powers (sheath)
--Uses knives/swords/blade weapons
--Has some kind of magic symbol thing on his hand (command spell)
--Wants to protect muh everyday life from thing intruding on it
[Note how all of this shit also applies to Dies Irae since they're the same kind of game]

I can agree with this, but what's wrong with what the story takes too seriously? I thought everything was fine.

>Partial TL, no point.
That's the final h-scene, everything except for some post-game h-scenes has been translated

I mostly mean with that how between all intersting scenes you are forced to read at least an hour of the MC going "muh comfy moment that I wish lasted forever" and going very in depth about an incredibly simple character
Then the scene ends and a scene begins with Wilhelm and Shirou shitposting or Reinhard and Mercurious being absurdly powerful and taking nothing very seriously at all while they banter
It's just such a huge change in tone that it makes every single scene about Ren incredibly boring

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Aeka is glad that you care about her user

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Yeah, the MC's motivations are pretty barebones. Good thing Shirou literally exists to slap the autism out of him.

Play Hanachirasu.

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And also play Kikokugai.
They're superb.

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