are there paid shills on Yea Forums?
Are there paid shills on Yea Forums?
Yes, this happened with every borderlands game
Absolutely, considering Yea Forums gets the second most traffic of all boards, iirc.
Doesn't take much effort to have your shills pop on by and do that. Equally so, some fags are really just that dedicated and others are just fervent shitposters who wish the worst on everyone.
No, just autists destroying the entire website with ironic shitposting.
it's just autistic kids starving for (you)'s that do it for free
Could be paid shills. Could be some highly autistic faggot. They are functionally the same.
Yes, but there is also ironic shilling. Really not possible to tell the difference.
Similar to janitors and mods, one can at least claim they are getting paid.
This is the 2nd biggest gaming forum on the internet after reddit. I've seen shills from nintendo, ubisoft EA myself.
Paid shills everywhere, but I'm having fun times with gearbox's latest hit smash borderlands 3, remember to hit that like button and subscribe
>River city girls was spammed to death
>Now that the sales are done, the latest thread today got PRUNED. Not auto-saged, no bump limit, but PRUNED
>Cube world is currently being spammed to death by shills
>Borderlands too
What do you think OP?
Another good example for a heavily shilled game on Yea Forums is Yiik. I swear there were more people posting about it than ever played it.
If russian government can spam thousand of masturbation related wojaks on Yea Forums without any trouble what do you think profit motivated companies will do?
>are there paid shills on Yea Forums?
I think they're dedicated trolls who tease the mentally ill like you OP.
Wojaks should be insta-bans
It got so bad at one point I had to filter that shit.
Of course, Yea Forums almost all boarda in general are constantly being raided by different groups or something being shilled on it, for example:
>journalists makes a shitty article
>screenshots it and posts it on a relevant board to generate clicks and outrage, same thing with blue checkmark twitter fags
>daily raids on /pol/ by a pro yang discord
And of course the infamous discord trannies
Thanks for proving my point, newfag.
There are shills, but they're usually for independent games (Subverse got shilled hard but fell off when people found out what FOW's meaning of "waifu") but when it comes to AAA games it's either actual shills which is a possibility or just several dedicated and extremely autistic shitposters. It always seems to be games that are super controversial on Yea Forums
>Far Cry games especially and New Dawn
>Dishonored DLC
>Assassin's Creed
I think it's shitposters trying to troll it's always the same threads and games that piss off the worst parts of this site
probably half of these come from the Yea Forums shilling.
Whether it's actual shilling or ironic shilling the result is the same and it ends up getting filtered.
It was so fucking lackluster too, no way actual humans liked it that much
Just bug people.
>fell off when people found out what FOW's meaning of "waifu"
Wat? I am quite hyped about that game.
I made some threads about w3 expansions back in the day and people kept calling me a paid shill because I made threads about a game I was excited about and had the audacity to use the same images of the marketing material that was available to me.
Calling other shills is such a pointless exercise, people have no way to tell the difference so they're just shitposting.
t.filtered by False Knight
The fucking issue is that the mods are obviously paid too, they do jackshit
I kinda miss q&a's, they happen only so rarely now
Never even played it. Metroidvanias aren't my jam anymore.
Yes, they also have Russian military as janitors on certain boards.
>noooo you must've been terrible at the game if you didnt like it it's a masterpiece
Or maybe the game was just not that good user, let it go
he didnt prove your point at all retard
dont misuse meme phrases
No, it's just Randy.
Easiest way to see if they are a shill is ask them to type profanity.
Only Rockstar shills can do that.
I remember that yellow shit
And how it basically didn’t work and porn posting went up 2000%
Loli chad were working overtime
There are Paid Shills/Influencers, Genuine Autists, Kids, Trolls andd Nutters all over the website as a whole.
Just low effort shilling like this actually hurts, man
I liked playing the other borderlands, I played them in both offline and online through tunngle and I probably would've actually bought 3 if it wasnt for the out-of-game practices
Borderlands is the first actual case of shilling here
I think CDPR shills got here first but yeah Borderlands is one of the first cases where shilling occurred without a doubt.
why did you repeat the thread I made less than two hours ago?
I don't think the people on Yea Forums these days even remember when Gearbox shilled here for the first Borderlands, wasn't that proven or something
Not by a long shot.
Moot should prob be put to jail and Yea Forums be force auctioned off for his incompetence at managing the site.
I used to shill for resetera
it don't work like dat mr trollposter
I doubt it, reset era is very new and shilling for a forum is a strange concept.
I think he means he was part of some antifa discord and partook in their raids of posting unfunny edits of stonetoss.
Borderlands is great though
How is the stuttering caused by denuvo tho?
no, they are unpaid shills
CDPR is nowhere near the first
Its real fucking mediocre on its own. Its saving grace is the amount of content, making it good for having something to do with your friends.
Yes, but there's also a ot of people who do it for easy (You)s and even worse, people who give them to these people instead of ignoring their retarded antics
If I had the money to buy this site from Hiro that would literally be my 1st action.
>ban all frogposters and wojackposters
>they think they are sticking it to the man and are cool when they evade bans and miss the point as always
I'll still allow it
>3/4s of the site gone in an instant
Think of Hiromoot wallet user!
The difference between an actual social media marketing specialist and some retard talking like a cultist is so slim these days.
Well FOW thought "waifu" just meant "anime girl I want to fuck" without actually going into how autistic waifu fags can be and the actual subtext of calling something a waifu. When it was revealed the girls weren't gonna fuck just the MC and the MC only it pissed off a lot of people who were expecting dating sim tier faithfulness (or at least the girls not fucking other guys only the MC can fuck everyone). They should have just sold the game on fucking a bunch of hot sluts in a giant roving orgy with occasional space battles and not trying to court waifufaggotry
brothers, many shill threads die if one of the first posts is a troll line
take this and use it wisely
You should have mixed up the images, have you seen how shitposters will post the same picture of a controversial game over and over again to fuck with people. Learn the tools of the troll so you can actively avoid the shit that sets people off so you can actually have a thread which will be drowned out by Smash threads
shut up janny
the river city girls shills who have been spamming multiple daily threads for three months straight now
kys omega male sissy
Would it be more effective to shill or false flag or a combination of both?
Like, if I make a game, I'll pay a few people to make threads about it and some generic praise they should make about it, then I'll pay a few other people to make threads complaining about it and participate in other threads saying vague bad things about it.
Thanks moot for allowing these posts to exist.
Truly enriching the human race.
the fact that everyone thinks saying “u fagot” will make a difference is the reason bait is so prevalent these days
>the river city girls shills who have been spamming multiple daily threads for three months straight now
Looks like those are dying now, can't even reach bump limit.
There are hundreds of shills here any given moment. One of the many reasons why every threadin Yea Forums except offtopic suck so goddamn much.
was the purity thing manufactured for (You)s?
A rule of thumb for you: if something on this site seems insincere and annoying, there's a 1000% chance that it's being done on purpose just to be obnoxious.
No shill would be desperate enough to genuinely try to market something on this site. Meanwhile roughly 80% of the "population" would definitely pretend to be shilling just to get on somebody's nerves.
>russian government can spam thousand of masturbation related wojaks
What the fuck? Seriously, what are logic steps from w*jaks to Russian government? This is most bizarre post I've seen today.
It happens pretty often. Wait until the next Far Cry game and they come out of the woodwork to shill like 3 days before the games release
>wow they included X in this game, this is the last straw Yea Forums I'm mad! don't you want to just get mad and get people talking about the game?
>couple days pass
>literally not a single thread left about it
I don't know why companies prefer to shill here, but they certainly do
just bots trying to keep this dead board alive
Absolutely correct. No wojakpost has ever been a good post.
norf and grugposting excluded but they're good in spite of being wojaks
i don't think it's that they prefer to, it's just that it's very cheap advertising.
No way, man!
You mean with them having boyfriends which turned out to be false?
I think even the anons shilling it didn't know about the ending.
Russia has been making forum accounts for decades spreading demotivationals and such as a form of internet terrorism against the west. They've done it on all western internet platforms.
For example the masturbation stuff they made hundreds of edits of the pictures, spammed them on all boards 24/7 and then swapped to different set of edits/texts after everyone knows what the image references.
yeah that’s what I meant, probably a lot of manufactured outrage in Yea Forums
Yes, the shilling was so bad that we were screaming "VIRAL MARKETING" at every borderlands thread, so much so Moot literally filtered the word viral. The forceful marketing on Yea Forums is as responsible for ruining this board as >implying and Tortanic mentality.
>go to user image sharing site
>complain about images offending you
>complain about user posts offending you
>appeal to authority to save your sissy ass
Reality defies fiction.
are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
the biggest marketing campaign I have seen here was during the RE7 launch days
there was some dude posting the same image and shilling the game constantly, but always trying to look like he was just casually discussing the game around
same picture
same stupid questions
same faux bump friendly opinions like ranking RE6 as the best of the series
something similar happens now with Hitman 2 threads: some dev or shill takes the threads and start asking stupid questions, and what edition he needs to buy... on.every.single.thread
Yes and those words "offend/ridicule the user" "ban/censor/appeal to authority"+ ad hominen is another pattern they use as to imply its just a regular user because not getting any response would be suspicious.
Good thing the russians dont speak english very well so they wont make any complex response.
one thing I think I’ve noticed with the borderlands and epic shill threads is when the thread is nearing page 10 someone will reply to the OP directly in agreement and also say something inflammatory, I’ve seen this happen more than once in the same thread
Theres anti-shills in every Cyberpunk thread.
No, there aren't. Why would we pay people for shilling on Yea Forums anyway?
As a Russian I’m proud we also own a piece of Mongolian basket weaving discussion board.
What a stupid question op.
here they come