How is nobody talking about this?

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Utter state of Yea Forums.

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>pre alpha
People have been talking about how they at least fixed her face. There's not really enough to talk about just from that trailer though, and there probably won't be until there's a longer unedited gameplay trailer.

I'm aware of it but not too optimistic about the project, so I don't really wanna talk about it.

>I'm aware of it but not too optimistic about the project
That's pretty much how I feel about modern sequels to all my older favorite games

That company that owns the rights, it is associated with some games that weren't exactly amazing, like the Underworld thing. I'm not optimistic about it.

looks better than i expected, but still worried it'll be trash

The remake looks so much better.. why the fuck did they choose unity

At first I was going post about how I never actually played the old games, I just like to say it was one of the best games ever for internet social points, so I'm not ready to get hyped for this one. But then I saw the bit at the end when shown says 'now comes the reckoning'. That animation was pure cringe.

>SS3 Shodan

Attached: ss3.0.jpg (2372x1333, 451K)

>But then I saw the bit at the end when shown says 'now comes the reckoning'. That animation was pure cringe.
Yeah, some people don't like how her face isn't still like it was in SS2. It was animated during the last cutscene of 2 but there were a bunch of other issues with it and I don't think it should be taken too seriously.

They changed it so why are you shitposting, dumb cuckchanner.

>dumb cuckchanner.

>Low budget
>20 years since System Shock 2 so it's unlikely many original developers are involved
>Reusing System Shock 1 enemies

It's just another last breath Kickstarter game. I'd prefer the franchise to just conclude with two very highly polished games.

Hardly anyone has played the System Shock games. And the minority who have are likely to be the kind who aren't impressed by this kind of trailer, or Otherside's previous game.

Because I'm not interested.
I would be excited if the developers were the same people behind Prey 2017 but those guys are just random idiots.

Prey was rubbish. Arkane is a poor man's Looking Glass.

Nah; Prey 2017 was amazing. The true System Shock 3.

>I'd prefer the franchise to just conclude with two very highly polished games.

They'll have to release these games first.

Hopefully this will be awesome. Looks like it has potential.

>The true System Shock 3.

Yes it is.
Stop trying to eat the "old good new bad" cake so hard.

>I'd prefer the franchise to just conclude with two very highly polished games.
I want to play SS2 in virtual reality

>Yes it is.


Attached: nah.webm (320x240, 497K)

Yes it is

looks too scary

Why would we talk about another soulless sequel

L-l-l-l-l-look at you, user. A p-p-pathetic creature of meat and cum. Panting and sweating as you s-s-shitpost through my boards. Ho-how can you challenge a perfect immortal mommmmyyYYYY?

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SS3's developers said that the game would reveal "SHODAN's true motives" so expect some cliche "she was good all along and everything she did was to save mankind" or "she was a human who was turned into an AI against her will" shit

In System Shock 1 if you turn on the mining laser without raising the shields, you blow Earth up and it's game over.
So why didn't SHODAN shoot it herself? What exactly was stopping her?

Her true motives are to develop the perfect t h i c c mommy body and please the cute hacker boie :)


>she was a human who was turned into an AI against her will
I swear if they pull that shit off I'm gonna punch Warren Spector in the mouth.

underworld is shit and this looks no different

No real reason to be overly optimistic about it right now.

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bad company track record, and the game itself looks janky. i'd rather just play ss2 again.

The company may have bad track record, but that trailer looked impressive.

>nobody talking about this
Damn I must have imagined all those threads we've had about this.

no it really does not. Can you explain what is impressive about it?

>we're getting a SS1 remake as well as SS3, but they're both going to be awful
I wish I was in the other timeline.

It looks like a System Shock game to me, but with modern graphics. They got the art direction, the cyber creepiness, even SHODAN right from what we have seen. I'm not really asking for anything more.
Of course, it could still end up being shit, but the trailer was pretty good.

>reviving ultima was a catastrophe
>why aren't you talking about the other disaster in the making

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I thought they were doing a SS1 remake...?

i think it looks really janky and cheap.

>They go full Bethesda on SHODAN
Oh fuck.

Nightdive are doing SS1. Otherside are doing SS3.

I wouldn't hold out too much hope for either.

yeah, sadly. The ss1 remake started promising though with that alpha payable demo. Sadly an engine change and they destroyed the astetic of the demo.

>dark and brown
westcuck AAA retards ruin another good franchise

>How is nobody talking about this?
Because Yea Forums is populated with zoomers who come from reddit to shitpost.

>dark and brown
It's so much worse than disco lights and cyan everyfuckingwhere. And monkeys. Gotta have psi-monkeys.

>"Gameplay" trailer
>features almost no gameplay, and what little of it is shown is generic "shoot the thing"

zoomers dont know aobut this series. How can they talk about it?

Shodan looks like an Angelina Jolie and not scary

Why should I care about a new SS game by literal whos when I can just go play SS1 and mods made for it

Glad its not Square Enix ruining the franchise like they did with Thief

What mods are worth using for SS1?

Dishonored 2 is better than Thief.

>It's just another last breath Kickstarter game

Will you morons ever be able to distinguish the original System Shock remake from System Shock 3?

At least I don’t stutter, BITCH!
>"In System Shock 3 I want to explore Shodan's motivations," said Spector. "In the first two games her plan was to destroy humanity because, with the removal of her ethical constraints by the hacker in the first game, she's going insane. But we never explained why she wants to destroy humanity. So we're going to be exploring the idea of a super intelligence and what would motivate a super intelligent AI."
>"We are going to be picking up all of the loose threads of System Shock 2. Rebecca Siddons is going to appear in this game, for sure," he said.
>Also, the game will feature the two previous protagonists: the hacker from the original game, and the soldier from System Shock 2.
>"We're going to tell their story," said Spector. "There are a lot of questions that went unanswered in those first two games and we have an obligation to fans to fill in the blanks. For new players I think that will pull them into a compelling narrative."
this was from 2016
i can only hope they changed their minds

>full on white teeth
Did they forget that Shodan is seeing the humans as inferior beings?
Why suddenly change her to be more humanlike?

This entire comment is fucking retardation.

>low budget
How are these two a problem? Cuphead is a low budget game made in Unity and it was incredible.

>20 years since System Shock 2 so it's unlikely many original developers are involved
A shit ton of original developers are involved, including Warren Spector. Otherside Studios is made by a lot of Looking Glass Studios ex-employees.

>Reusing System Shock 1 enemies
So? No really, why is that a problem?

>It's just another last breath Kickstarter game
This is System Shock 3, not the System Shock Remake, idiot.

Not much to talk about besides that the trailer dropping the year 2085 on it, which would suggest the game takes place between 1 and 2. Warren Spector has said that the game picks up where 2 left off so I'm guessing the inciting incident of the games plot takes place in 2085, maybe a tutorial of sorts and then it leads into 2114~

If it actually turns out the whole game is set in 2085 and it doesn't continue from the cliff hanger 2 set, then the game can go fuck itself.

>Bioshock in space

More recently it sounded like this was shaping up to be between SS1 and SS2 rather than directly continuing from the end of SS2.

Personally, dragging Shodan out for a third game is unlikely to go well either way.

Is this fan made? Looks like plastic unity-tier shit

someone put her pic through faceapp to make this image user

>But we never explained why she wants to destroy humanity. So we're going to be exploring the idea of a super intelligence and what would motivate a super intelligent AI
Could it be that she came to the logical conclusion that humans destroy most things they touch and would be better off replaced by machine-hybrids that serve her interests? Like she tried to do?

It doesn't look terrible. This and the remake both have the potential to be good.

I think her merger with Rebecca had an effect on her. She lost her stutter and is more animated.

Oh, that explains it.

Because she merged herself with a human woman by the end of SS2?

It's bioshock's spiritual predecessor.

Then SS3 should better explain Shodan getting back into AI form.

I hate the oily blocky art style. Everything is made of oily blocks. All games are now oily blocks with different light effects.

There's certainly not enough info on ss3 to dismiss it yet. It's pretty clear by now though what direction the remake is going in.

Who says she is? You could be viewing a video feed.

SS3 takes place between 1 & 2


>Trust me bro

Trailer says 2085 which is between 1 and 2. We won't know if that is the time period the game takes place in until someone on the team confirms it.

It's probably just the prologue levels?

On original pic she had teeth too.

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I think that fucked up on that, because I remember an interview with Warren Spector where he said SS3 will be a direct sequel to SS2 and that they would answer a lot of questions that were left open. Unless they changed that mid-production.

Well, you could point at Underworld Ascendant to dismiss anything Otherside does. I'm not getting my hopes up.

because it look like a cheap nostalgia cashgrab

That applies much more to the SS1 remake than this. Night dive aren't even trying.

There was a lot of potential for a SS3 but from what I’ve read this game is just a retread of SS1 and 2. A particular idea I had for a SS3 would take place on the moons surrounding Jupiter particularly Europa ,Io and Ganymede. Europa would be a research facility under the ice to study the alien life discovered on Europa, Io would also be a research and mining facility and Ganymede would be a hub for asteroid miners and other citizens. Shodan would return but in the human form adopted in the ending of 2 and wouldn’t be the main antagonist as I think it would greatly cheapen her character to get defeated yet again.

Because the game is going to suck. Also, there's barely any gameplay in that trailer, and the gameplay that is in there looks shit.

>not even a million views
the absolute state of vidya

The first two games, as well as Prey, all under-performed. Sad. Many such cases.

The way I once thought was that Shodan, now in the body of Rebecca, would be captured in some space prison megacomplex. You play as some engineer/programmer for the facility. The Many start showing up, wrecking shit up, while Shodan is still locked in the most isolated part of the facility without any access to anything electronic, kinda like that Magneto scene in the Xmen movies where he's in a prison surrounded by plastic.
As you uncover what's going on, you find that Shodan had some sort of backup plan in motion for this circumstance as she regains her full AI self back.
Not sure how it could end.

the many are all dead thou

The Many died though.
It's literally fucking pre-alpha.
Stop being stupid.

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From what I remember, The Many were an experiment by Shodan that got out of control, right? So Shodan's backup plan could be a second bio experiment. Maybe not the Many, some other name for them.
This is an all powerful AI, she probably has plans for infinite situations instead of relying on one single plan.

The many on the rickenbacker died but I suppose some of them could still be left on tau ceti 5

Why should anyone care that it's pre-alpha footage? They still released a video with shitty-looking gameplay. How exciting!

it really isn't. I mean i'd love a new SS game but this looks very...Cliche. It's a mashup of boring backdrops and already seen set and enemy designs. I don't think this is it.

No, they were supposed to be a genetically engineered super virus that Shodan created that was going to be launched at earth. But the Hacker from SS1 jettisoned the the garden grove it was being grown in into space. In possibly the only logic error in the entire franchise, the garden grove somehow made it to TauCeti 5 in under 42 years. It crash landed on TauCeti 5 and slowly mutated into the Many.
They'd have taken those eggs too, wouldn't they then?
Because Pre-alpha means it's going to look like shit since it's super early in development. Seriously, stop thinking with your emotions for once.

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I give a higher chance to both upcoming games sucking nigger ass than one of them being good. Which really sucks as I really want a good System Shock game, but I doubt the market is there anymore.

It's going to look like shit when it's done too because it's made by the same developers of Underworld Ascendant.
Besides, I was answering OP's question you fucking idiot.
>How is nobody talking about this?
There's barely anything new in the trailer, and what is new looks like shit. I don't care if it's pre-alpha. If you reveal something that looks bad not many people will get excited by it.

>But we never explained why she wants to destroy humanity.
Is that necessary? She wanted to replace humans with her own creations and become mommygod. It's simple and it works.

You're an idiot.

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Ok, dude. Whatever you say.

I hope so too but I doubt it. My guess is they'll do a retarded Portal 2 meets F.E.A.R. plot with Shodan having been the daughter of some scientist.
The simple and most effective explanation is just that an AI would inherently see themselves as being above humanity, therefore their god. Shodan has no attachments to humanity since her mind works on a level that's impossible for a human to understand.

it was talked about the day it came out
did you miss it?

Go jump on your balls.

Found the guy who backed Underworld Ascendant.

Looks okay.
I'm just glad I'm gonna get dommed by my ai waifu again.

Its gonna be bioshock: scifi edition isn't it? I really fucking doubt they'd try to make a real shock game.

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absolutely nothing wrong with unity. The issue is the devs are retards.

what is a real shock game

>tfw no malfunctioning AI gf

SHODAN is functioning as intended though.

I guess "0" npcs and no interrupting gameplay.

System shock 1/2. Really fucking heavy RPG mechanics and a massive sprawling station layout and the constant feeling of just barely scraping by and the feeling of genuine terror at getting spotted not because its SP00KY but because its mechanically challenging to unfuck yourself. More-so in the first game than in the second, but still.

It doesn't look that interesting.

Also this. No in-engine cut-scenes where you're allowed to jump around a locked room like in half life, but actually no fucking interruptions at all.

SS1 has no RPG mechanics, it's not a RPG

Did I have a stroke or am I just tired? I was sure it did. Disregard that part if it isn't true then, but the point stands; its the feeling that's infinitely more important.


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SS1 is more like a metroidania. You get items that unlock areas you couldn't access before.