Spends 100 million dollars on creating a new engine then asks for more before MGSV is even finish

>Spends 100 million dollars on creating a new engine then asks for more before MGSV is even finish

>Wouldn't let others at Konami use it despite them paying for it

>Would talk shit about the younger up and comers at Konami despite being their mentor and Vice President

>Was promoted several times up to vice president then wouldn't attend meetings

How are Konami the bad guys again?

Attached: https___hypebeast.com_image_2019_05_hideo-kojima-talks-konami-closure-death-stranding-001-1.jpg (800x534, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>How are Konami the bad guys again?
The made Castlevania into a mobile phone game.

He's going senile. Give him a break

MGSV is the best game on PS4 so I don’t care what he did

Death Stranding won't reach 10 million sales.

>How is Konami the bad guys
They cancelled Silent Hills, I couldn't care less about how much it would cost.

But they made s PACHINKO

>releases an unfinished game
>it still sells 6 millions copies
>nearly 150 millions in the first 9 months
>35% boost to that year's (2016) fiscal budget
>doesn't repeat that success since
you keep seething and be uninformed, normie

Attached: na na na na na na nan a na, batman.png (1632x951, 1.23M)

>product still gets made, made well, and makes money
>Waaaaaah why doesn't he do all this ancillary shit?

Post yfw you didn't buy Death Walking

Konami are the bad guys regardless

Yeah OP sucking so much Konami cock must have rotted his brain

Good reasoning faggot.

So he gave them a 1.5:1 ROI? That's not good, you retard.

they had exceeded the budget by the end of september, you tardie. imagine what would they achieve with more time.
but, I guess, folk who only care about sinking crypto don't think about the nice things they could have if they listened to reason and pulled out before DOW. fuck off, biz tardie. you don't even know how to do good business, which is why you always sink.

>I'm going to buy a shit game because I want to show the "toxic" people that it can be done! Spending money on shit is the thing to do!
the pleddit reasoning will save the world, for sure

Attached: 1560544781526.png (226x287, 135K)

Maybe the actual matter of the fact that you play stupid English when around westerners but look badass when speaking chin Chan about games. But who am I? I’m just a hair stylist, thats all I know!


Listen, retard, for the time and money invested that's a fucking terrible performance. There's no other way to frame it. It's so fucking terrible they fired his ass. He's not the goose laying the golden egg, he's the guy taking nearly a decade to barely make anyone any money because he's so incompetent and self indulgent. He never should have been promoted to management. He's just an "ideas guy" and he needs to be kept on a very short leash.

>>Wouldn't let others at Konami use it despite them paying for it
PES uses it though

Try harder, Konami shill.

why are you emotionay invested in this conversation


Nice projection, buddy. I'm monitoring several threads right now. This isn't the most interesting one. My "emotional investment" begins and ends with thinking "Fanboys are always so retarded."

yeah sure, buddy.

okay, pal

sorry you triggered my reddit alarm with yiur dialog and saynof speaking son.v i dnt care to make a response just colied urs hope you didkt mind lol skrry

>35% boost to that year's (2016) fiscal budget
Well gee any profit after the years of him draining the company would be noted as positive you retard.

roger that, friend

>How are Konami the bad guys again?
By fucking up fucking everything. That doesn't make Kojima a good guy though and letting him go was a good thing.


When will Konami chink shills learn to let go?

How people can trust Death Stranding after the massive deception of MGSV and massive lies about MGSV themes and story ?

Attached: TPPstory.jpg (2560x9163, 1.7M)

Don't forget
>ruined Castlevania


This is the dumbest image I've ever seen on this board and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Only incels get this fucking mad over the coom meme holy shit

That's a source of pride, retard.

After he drained all their money


The engine and the game were in development for years. 150 million for that is nothing.

PES used it the same year V came out too
Imagine being OP and seeking attention like this. Either seek help or kill yourself; you're no good to anyone in this state

Ashamed ? No, because that would mean I know I do something wrong.

Attached: Boldly.png (1211x654, 852K)


you are very unoriginalbbn jsut like redditor im seriously curious are you fromt here kf so you shi ould go back because yiu dok nt belong here i thimk they will appreciate tok urnuncrestivity and copynpasr ememe spiuting much more fogey

>mobile lead asked him if he can use snake in a gacha game
>rudely told him to fuck off
>gacha game becomes super successful and the guy is promoted vice president
>kojima is ousted by him for being an asshole
Its really all his fault tbqh.


>150 million in the first 9 months

Are you crazy? Only multiplayer focused videogames can achieve these numbers. MGSV sold 5 million copies and that after heavy discounts.

> He almost ruined Silent Hill with all His pretentious celeb bullshit
We dodged a bullet, SHbros

>Konami ass licker calling himself SHbro

I heard that Kojima would force everyone on his team to eat hamburgers to "sample the game's culture." Another time, he wore chaps and a cowboy hat and would challenge the interns to fingergun duels. If they lost, they were fired.

>lying on the internet
80 million total, including the game and the engine and marketing.

Better dead than a walking simulator with pissing mechanics and Hollywood shit

Mmmm, pachinko logic

Were the chaps assless?

THats poorly described.

Kojima was Vice President but was then replaced by some guy who created some gacha phone game because gacha games were big in Japan and Konami was making tons of money by selling shit.
Kojima wasnt making money he was wasting money.
The guy who replaced him as VC actually demoted Kojimas position to something worse than Video game dorector or some shit like that and cut the budget for MGSV.
After that The new VC made sure Konami would focus their geme development into phone games.

That is why you dont see any Konami console games anymore

I'm convinced he actually speaks perfect English but pretends not to.