Hideo Kojima & George Miller

If you're not on par with George Miller to be able to understand Hideo Kojima's GOTYAY Death Stranding psychologically, mathematically, physically, philosophically you're not worthy of any consideration for legitimate discussion in the first place, YOU ARE DUMB and just couldn't take the fact that your existence is extremely insignificant in comparison to what Kojima has achieved.

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How high on his own farts is he currently?

another kojima thread died for this

hes making a video game but watches films and talks with film directors about it i doubt he has recently played a video game

We're in a memetic war and the Kojima anti-meme has been accumulating momentum for some time.

what a load of pretentious horse shit. the last kojima game ive played was mgs3 and Im going to keep it that way

what meme are we in war with?

>Filthy Frank aka George Miller approves Kojima

And? Both suck.

>Kojima cucking brainlet mutts into buying his "2deep4u" movie
Don't fall for it Yea Forumsiggers.

Attached: 67b.jpg (650x488, 32K)


Eurasia. We have always been at peace with Eurasia. Death to the Eurasians

Attached: Hideo-Kojima-and-George-Miller-2.jpg (981x708, 141K)

And yet he's counting on all the "dumb" people to buy his stupid game, such irony.

Truth to be told you kind of need to be a very high IQ person to get the hidden meaning behind Millers Happy Feet as well.

Finally I am taken seriousry by rear director.

So I should make a memo to upscale my pro-Kojima memes. Will do.


Memetic war is all about successful replication of behavior, if you could make it happen then it's good, Yea Forums, however is a ripe breeding ground for anti-memes.


>pollution bad
>high IQ
