Decided to give the Resident Evil series a chance and picked up RE4...

Decided to give the Resident Evil series a chance and picked up RE4, having an extremely fucking good time and the atmosphere is on point. What RE games should I play after this?

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Dunno, because you started with 4 we wont be able to tell if you can enjoy the more survival horror type games. I might as well tell you to play RE5 based on what you have played so far. IF you think you are up to it, play either REmake or REmake 2 after.

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1 then 2 then 3

Don't play this piece of garbage.

>1,2 & 3 are cool
>but REmake is garbage

pretty weird user.

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RE1 remake, then RE2 remake and then just wait for RE3 remake. All the other games are coop and RE7 requires you to know the event of 5 and 6. I haven't played 0 and Revelations so those might be alright

>RE7 requires you to know the event of 5 and 6

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Why wouldn't you play them in release order?

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All of them in order of release

>Starting with 4
For the next game try putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.

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It takes place after 6

I already knew the plots to the former entries due to friends who wouldn't shut up about them on release, otherwise I would have played them in order

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Well he has started now so we should at least advise him best we can. I doubt he is going to drop RE4 to start from the beggining now.

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RE4 Is the best one anyways and it's less dated than RE1 so it's easier to get into. It also has the summary at the beginning

This, also

Yes motherfucker it does, but since when do you need to know ANY game or previous knowledge outside of Chris Redfield being "the dude" to play REVII?

7 or RE2 remake, ignore the rest

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>outside of Chris Redfield being "the dude"
That means he has to at least play 5

Bait thread
OP is a nigger

nah you play in release order to see the evolution of gameplay not for the story

REmake 2 came out after 7 though but actually playing it after 7 makes no sense

The summary that killed off umbrella and 5 retconned because getting rid of the big bad pharmaceutical company in a Resident Evil game is a retarded idea

1, 2, REmake, RE2 remake and 7. After that you can ignore the rest.

Or you know, 1????

you replying to the wrong guy hombre?

Any person jumping in mid franchise should be shot.

You can't play these games in release order.

>play a new series
>start with a random game in the middle
why do GenZ fags always do this?


Revelations on 3DS was pretty neat, but I imagine that ports suffer from the fact that it was originally made for a handheld.

yes you can and you should

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>then RE2 remake and then just wait for RE3 remake
do NOT do this.
DEmake2 ended up being absolutely trash, and DEm3 is never ever.
Just forget the whole series after RE5.

The plot is very secondary. The gameplay of OG trilogy is magnificent.

>it's less dated than RE1
They are just two games of vastly different genre.
Only way to see old RE-games as "dated" is thru' the fact that nobody makes true survival-horror games any more.

absolutely false.
t. did just that between 2016-17.

RE outbreak is masterpiece and have a good soundtrack.

Why? It’s not like there’s an overarching story every game stands by itself, and gameplay is much easier to get into for new players in 4, 7, or RE2 Remake than the older games

Never played that one but I'll take your word for it

>You can't play these games in release order

The fuck you talkin bout? How cant you?

RE 2 original.
RE 3

Stop right there.


RE3 is worse than 7

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Dems fighting words

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Fuck you REmake 2 and 7 are great

It is. 2 went a little board with flooding areas with enemies but 3 took it to a whole new level, with the neat interconnected level design of the first two games being even less prevalent. Yeah yeah, I get it, Jill's outfit and Nemesis were iconic, but the game ain't all that.

The thing you have to know about re4 is that it plays very differently than all the previous re games. If you enjoyed re4, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll like the series as a whole. Go with re5 if you want more re4 type gameplay. If you want to get into the og re games, then start with REmake 1, then work your up. You could start at the absolute beginning with og re1, but I'd only recommend starting with re1 over REmake 1 if your interested in seeing how much they improve upon re1 with the remake.

but 7 is super boring

>3/wait for 3 Remake
>Code Veronica/die waiting for Code Veronica Remake
>watch Degeneration
>watch Damnation
only retards would disagree

Why? It's not quite as well designed as the first game but it comes closest to capturing that same level design.

black noodle monsters ain't scary to me also first person is boring to me

>animated movies
>Revelations games

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>Code Veronica
>any of the movies
Garbage taste have some standards user

Rev2 is easily top-5 RE games.

>black noodle monsters ain't scary
Most enemies in RE aren't scary. The Baker's rank near the top of the most threatening.
>first person is boring to me

First person>third person>fixed cameras
The first person camera really adds to the horror for me I hope 8 does it again

It's low budget jank

I haven't got a preference because I think all three styles have been implemented well before, but I agree that I'd like to see at least 8 get the same treatment

It’s okay, 2-4, the remakes, and 7 are all better

RE7 is literally one of the worst games in the entire series, while 3 is in the top-3.

Get fucked.

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t. filtered by the first person camera
7 is a great return to form after 4-6

I would bump outbreak to C and 6 to D because leon's campaign was enjoyable to me.

7 changed public perception of the series back to being positive

>t. filtered by the first person camera
Lemme guess, you thought that 7 was the first FP-camera RE game?

>return to form
Sorry, but no.
Classic RE was nothing like Outlast.

You mean it attracted the Pewdiepie audiences to the IP, ruining it completely? I agree.

How is 7 anything like Outlast except for the camera?

I think he's more talking about the return to puzzlebox gameplay which RE4-6 had abandoned

The gameplay and map design.
Overall visual style and pacing.

The puzzles are few and pathetic, and you are always funneled towards them, with the solution available right from the get go. Even RE4 had some more puzzle-like sections.

So Outlast has
>weapons and combat
>enemies you can actually kill
>level design built around puzzles and finding keys with backtracking
>an inventory system
>hidden collectibles
>safe rooms

>The gameplay and map design.
you know that Outlast had no open areas and was linear experience locking you out of previous areas every 3 minutes? It also had no weapons, crafting and it was pretty much barebones hide-under-the-bed simulator


The first game isn't always the best place to start in a series.
In cases like Dragon Quest, its the worst place to start.

Good thing RE is not Dragon quest then.

Thank you for confirming that 7-fags don't understand jack shit about game design, and will never acknowledge that their favorite game is just a re-named tech demo.

None, it's all downhill from there.

Still, RE1 isn't the best place to start.
I think 4 works better as a starting point since its the best game, and it makes the tank controls easier to adapt to when going into the fixed camera games, since you'll already have experience with tank controls from an over the shoulder perspective.
Personally I played in this order
6 > 4 > 1 > 2

Please explain how I’m wrong
I just listed 7’s gameplay features which Outlast has none of
Your only argument that 7 is like Outlast is because of the first person camera and some scripted moments near the beginning

Not him but 7 feels like this weird amalgamation of ideas. It's like the game doesn't know if it wants to be an action shooter or a spooky hide and seek survival horror and it fails as both. The rednecks are too over the top to be scary and while there is crafting, the gun variety is too poor to work as action.

By your definition, Silent Hill is totally not a RE-ripoff, because it has a handful of superficial alterations.

I disagree it feels like the most Resident Evil game since 3
After the first hour which is mostly scripted the game really opens up it only goes full action during boss fights and the mines at the end besides that it was very slow paced
The Bakers are great in a campy horror kind of way which RE has always been like and sneaking around them feels like Mr. X or Nemesis it adds some actual horror to the game

>starting with 4

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??? by my definition RE7 is nothing like Outlast like you retardedly claim it is
The gameplay features I listed all belong to classic RE games as well the only difference is presentation of first person vs fixed cameras and some scripted moments

you see, you're bringing up all these legit superficial details, exaggerating their role and implying that they'd be well implemented in 7, all while completely ignoring the blatant plagiarism of modern "horror game" tropes and designs.

RE7's world is very linear. You just sort of turn that linearity into pointless sets of circles in the end. Automatic saves ensure that there's never a risk in your actions, and the gameplay relies on chasing mega-enemies and first-person cinematics.

Like said, we have had FP-RE games in the past, that have translated RE's gameplay and style near perfectly to the new view point.
RE7 does not do that. You can quite literally get pretty much the same experience by WATCHING it on Youtube, as you would by "playing" it.

So you can’t explain

I can. You just keep circling back to your "arguments" about herbs and shotgun puzzles.

How are they not well implemented?
Every feature it has is on par or better than the classic games except for level design which I agree is a bit more linear
Combat in particular is a massive improvement thanks to the new camera
Outside of the first hour there’s barely any scripted sections
Auto saves aren’t a big deal they just save you time and are only useful for boss battles
What first person games have done it better? Survivor? lol

re1make is made on the assumption you played the original re1 as it plays with your expectations (like whether or a jump scare from re1 is absent from re1make)

I hope you enjoy tank controls.

Well he clearly does he is playing RE4

Re 5 with a friend

>die waiting for Code Veronica Remake

I don’t even need it remade. I just wanna know if they’d even consider doing it.