Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to post in that Elder Scrolls thread

Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to post in that Elder Scrolls thread,
right? Walked right into that Oblivitard ambush, same as us, and that
Daggerfall fan over there.

Attached: hey you.jpg (1000x563, 149K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Damn you casual fags. TES was fine until you came along. The games were nice and comfy. If they hadn't been looking for you, Bethesda could've improved the franchise and be halfway to TES VI: Hammerfell.

We're all Elder Scrolls fans in a dying IP now, Boomer.

Shut up back there

And what's wrong with him?

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>accidentally fall off the cart because there's nothing holding us to it
>run away in the woods because there's nothing tying up our legs

>get shot

>mfw I jump off the cart and serpentine sprint into the woods but the imperial cart driver pulls out his bow and 360s a shot right into my fucking skull within a millisecond through the trees

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Khajiit wonders what the imperials did while she was tied up and unconscious...

Attached: khajiitsurprise.gif (540x236, 1.13M)

Watch your tongue. You're speaking to Todd Howard, creator of the best game of all time and the saviour of videogames.

Mai'q knows alduin is real. But is he the dovahkiins dragon form, I'm not one to argue.

Attached: 0WmSWs4.png (1238x1080, 2.22M)

>arrow misses
>die of a heart attack

>get shot in morrowind
>arrow hits

Mai'q was soul trapped once, you should think about that later.

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Todd Howard? Project leader of Morrowind? You're the Head of Bethesda studios. But if
they shitpost about you you... Oh gods, where are they taking us?

>>accidentally fall off the cart because there's nothing holding us to it
>>run away in the woods because there's nothing tying up our legs
I think you've never tried to run on a mountain with binded arms after falling of a cart
at this point you're pretty much dead

what the fuck was his problem???

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he was just muslim.

I don't know where we're going... but development hell awaits.

No, this can't be happening. This isn't happening to my favorite IP!

Hey, what game are you from, IP thief?

I don't care what anyone says, Oblivion was a fun game with great atmosphere.

Daggerfall, i'm from Daggerfall, why do you care?

I was born in a smal village...

It's sad that so few games make their NPCs with an AI that actually try to go on about their days. There's so much fun in a situation escalating without the player inputs.

A gamer's last thoughts should be of cum.

[spoilers] same goes for Skyrim [spoilers]

average skyrim fan

Good thread.

prove me wrong

If youre a fucking fatass or take a really bad fall yeah you probably won’t make it, but otherwise just take big steps and raise your legs high and you’ll be fine

Please try climbing a slope with your arms tied

Not that user but what is the problem supposed to be? Fucked sense of balance?

Soule, Howard, Kirkbride. Developers, please help me!

One single trip down a steep incline/decline is a death sentence while being chased, and you WILL trip without the use of your arms.

try to run with your hands in your pockets

This is the Creation Club. I used to be a fan of a modder here.
I wonder if Trainwiz still makes mod with Thomas in it.

I'm a slav so I do that when it's cold

Try wearing something heavier than a tracksuit maybe

It's autumn right now, I would get too hot

I'm a nigger, I do that with my pants down.

He needed to get this over with so he could head to Solitude and kill the guard that opened to gate and let Ulfric escape.


He's about to execute the biggest cock gobbling faggot on Nirn and there's nothing that could possibly stop him.

Look at him, Pete Hines the main vicepresident of Bethesda Softworks. And it looks like his writers are with him. Damn casuals, I bet they had something to do with this.


W-Why are we stopping?

Attached: horsed.jpg (640x400, 93K)

The game crashed.

Let's go, shouldn't keep the mods waiting for us.

1. Oblivion
2. Skyrim
3. Online
4. Morrowind
5. Daggerfall
6. Battlespire
7. Arena
8. Redguard

No, I'm not a hacker! You can't do this!

i played skyrim, oblivion and morrowind in that order, i can see why people prefer morrowind but man did it take a while before i got into/appreciated it, although i would like to see them implement things from it into the next installment
>spears/throwing/more weapon types (that play differently hopefully)
>acrobatics/athletics or a speed attribute
>insane OP level an entire village type spells
>ACTUAL difference between the races

Face your death with some courage, gamer.

I completely butchered my first Oblivion playthrough by going straight to the Imperial City and doing the Dark Brotherhood questline immediately. Could never really get into the game after that.

Worse to best?

You're not gonna ban me!


Imagine if Alduin was a dragon with a human soul.

Anyone else wants to try ban-evasion?

what's the problem with that? Doing the guilds before the mq is the way to go.

Kill yourself you underaged casual faggot
Daggerfall aimed for the stars
oblivion/skyrim bethesda aimed for the foothills

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i always do the same routine when i start oblivion and im not sure its good
>go to imperial city
>sell all the loot from the sewers to the orc
>go to jauffre
>pick up assistance stuff
>sell what i dont need
>do the boat inn quest for leather armor and a longsword
>sell the extra sets and weapons
>get bored

>60 posts into this awful thread and not single giant titty has been posted
Nobody here is actually playing shit confirmed. My god. This is a fucking larp thread! GOOD NIGHT!

It felt like the game had already peaked. It's obvious they wanted the Imperial City to be this big, rewarding experience for the player. Just like how New Vegas is supposed to be this faraway, mythical paradise in F:NV. Speedrunning to Vegas ruins the fun a bit, especially if it's your first playthrough of the game.

Wait, you there. Step forward. Who... are you?

Attached: whoareyou.png (671x659, 917K)

I remember seeing daedric armor for the first time at a friends house and thinking it was made from alduin because i hadnt played an elder scrolls game yet

Not with Oblivion. If you level up high enough, the main quest becomes a bitch because all the Oblivion based enemies will be the high end Daedra, which makes trying to keep the NPC's alive much harder.

i never do it unless i plan to finish it, hate how the randomly spawning oblivion gates will ruin any peaceful walks through the forests

that reminds me of a webm of a panther sucking some guy's fingers

I'm applying for janitor.

Attached: Fargoth.jpg (250x350, 30K)

Guide for the best experience with Oblivion:

>join Thieves Guild and finish it
>join Dark Brotherhood and finish it
>keep doing any sidequests you find interesting and all Daedrics in between faction quests
>start Shivering Isles and finish it
>ignore everything else

With Skyrim it's similar, but instead you just play Dragonborn and skip everything else.

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>Being such a defensive bitch when He didnt even insults daggetfall
>Shilling your shitty channel

I liked Dawnguard in Skyrim
I have a vampire fetish tho

Fuck the NPCs, the actual issue is clannfears stunlocking you to death with headbutts the moment you reach level 7.

With Skyrim you completely stop doing the main quest at the point you're supposed to give the magician dude the Dragonstone. That triggers random dragon encounters which are a huge hassle.

That was a good thread.
>that cheetah straddling the guy as it sat down

>hate how the randomly spawning oblivion gates will ruin any peaceful walks through the forests
This. Every time I was walking around and the sky turned red I turn 360º and walked away. On the other hand, I've sometimes toyed with the idea of modding the main quest so, no matter where you are, there's a chance of oblivion weather appearing even if there's no gates around, with the chance increasing as the mq progresses.

>play the third one
>figure out the dwemer invented lorkhan
>the final boss of mainline quest is the reanimated corpse of nerevar.
>The dwemer are trying to build "god,"

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I don't remember that being a problem, all the important npcs are essential. Also you don't want dumb oblivion gates spawning around the place while you're doing the sidequests.

Daggerfall best TES

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I hope you're not implying CP2077 is any better.

Maybe if you have autism

not a retard*

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Why have Daggerfall fags eclipsed oblivitards in screaching their autistic opinions?

this is the patrician order:

sidequests, guilds, daedric quests
>establish yourself as a playa in cyrodil, background events

knights of the nine
>low-key save the world

main quest
>high-key save the world

shivering isles
>sheogorath recognises you as the champion you are rather than some schmuck

You're the only one screeching like an autist lol.

Attached: unknown.png (1920x1080, 288K)

How easy is daggerfall to get into? Is the unity remake done yet?

Whatever you say lol

I mean really, ancient vampire clan wants to block the Sun and needs some Elder Scrolls to do so while being at war with a band of professional vampire hunters. What the fuck could go wrong with such a wonderfully cheesy and great premise?

Basically everything actually. Every single cool idea is executed in the most boring and clumsy way. The faction conflict is never relevant to the plot, Harkon never feels like a threat, the Dawnguard boss guy isn't even mentioned outside the intro. You'd expect shit would get fucking apocalyptical with Harkon being close to blocking Magnus with the player and the waifu-bait barely stopping him with some Elder Scrolls shenanigans or some shit. Nothing. Just dungeon crawling while collecting some water for a snow elf for some fucking reason to kill some random guy you've never heard about. Meanwhile Harkon just sits on his ass doing nothing until you just decide to kill him for the fuck of it while the Dawnguard sends a couple of idiots your way every now and then. Even the lore is wasted. The Soul Cairn is cool but isn't properly integrated into the overall plot and that I saw, I never even heard a mention of what the fuck would happen to magic if Magnus was blocked.

Skyrim was a boring game made of boring ideas but Dawnguard is a boring game made of great ideas and that bothers me so much more.

Attached: dawnguard.jpg (800x450, 70K)

this thread is great

Agreed, i posted this before but i'll say it again but i hate how the dawnguard his handled if you pick the vampires, it could have been unique with every dawnguard member being their own boss
>Isran uses miracles and has a unique hammer
>that nord blacksmith uses armored trolls
>the crossbow lady uses dwarven traps
>that recruit you met at the start has a monologue about betrayal or something in a one on one duel
instead all you get for joining the vampires is a lame sidequest from one of your lackeys
>oh yeah remember the dawnguard
>go kill them i guess since they're a nuisance

All core content is implemented so you can finish every quest in the game and it's more stable than the original Daggerfall so there's no reason not to play the Unity version now. Large HUD is still in the works and bugs are getting fixed you can check the roadmap here.

As far as how easy is Daggerfall to get into depends on whether or not you have any basic navigational skills since dungeons can be massive and they are the main appeal of the game. If you do get into it I recommend getting these two mods for some more variety and they're integrated perfectly into the main game.
And if you want speech skills to be useful I recommend this mod

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Well I didn't expect a lot so I wasn't exactly disappointed, but ye it was pretty shitty. Like with the vampire vs hunters thing the low scale of the game actually makes sense unlike the stormcloaks vs imperials having 10 people shit. I wouldn't say it wasn't good but it wasn't absolute shit either.

It was good*

Dawnguard is an exercise in bad writing and quest design. My favourite part is that the first quest of the vampire hunter questline is to save a vampire and bring her safely back to her vampire daddy, along with her elder scroll.

elder scrolls was always shit

Fuck off

atleast the snow elves were kinda cool to finally encounter after all the things you read about them

Sums up Skyrim and Dawnguard so well. I pretty much love Skyrim only for its atmosphere and ambience - the writing and quests themselves are utter trash so I just invent my own reasons and dialogue for the characters like a fucking autist playing with action figures because the writing is so god awful.

The worst thing to me is just how formulaic Bethesda quests are now. Like how many times do I have to play fetch quest for a character sitting lazily around or who stays in one area waiting for you to do a task for them? How many times do I have to fucking follow an NPC around and wait for them to hit their triggers while they go a speed somewhere between dead slow and two fast for the regular walking speed?

I really think that the most interesting and innovative thing that any RPG maker could do at this point is make a TES-sized open world game where the main questline is not a world-saving stop the most evilest, apocalypse-mongering super baddie "cinematic" experience, but rather a smaller-scale romp as an average adventurer doing quests and grinding from bar-brawler to the King's enforcer or something along those lines. From street urchin to master thief.

I really am fed up with saving the universe in every installment of every series ever.

This. I finished it yesterday for the first time in years and don't remember it being like that. It also has some incredibly fucking strange level design with how it throws you into areas like the Forgotten Vale and Soul Cairn (where the objectvie is incredibly linear) and then has you running around aimlessly to collect things in a side quest that it almost felt like a 3D platformer or something. I did actually enjoy the fight against the Arch Curate though.

What gets me about the voice acting is that it's obvious that there is exactly zero voice direction for any of the voice actors. They hardly ever stress the correct syllables which isn't on them.

Stop the presses, something made by Emil Pagliarulo is garbage.

Lost hard

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That's because bethesda is lazy as fuck and never gives the voice actors context of who they're voicing

it's ok towns in this game are like a 5 minute walk apart

just don't bother. daggerfall is fun for like 5 hours and then you realize just how copy pasted everything is

does it feel like an actual world tho

not really

oh, I thought it would because of the huge map

No. Vast as the ocean, deep as a puddle.

there is nothing but tree sprites out in the wilderness. no npcs, no interesting terrestrial landmarks, no enemies, nothing but hills and tree sprites

sounds pretty realistic then

ESO has the best looking vanilla khajiit, prove me wrong

The huge map is misleading, anything outside of cities is randomly generated sets of 2d sprites, and even the the cities themselves are copypasted.
Daggerfall is first and foremost a dungeon crawler and everything outside of that is superfluous. Unlike the later entries that mix the two.

good fucking laugh guys comedy gold

user there are animals in the wilderness, as well as terrain other than "hill"

I forgot about animals

daggerfall actually has a ridiculous amount of unique assets for a 1996 game, the filesize is over 500MB

there's both of those in daggerfall

Why didn't the Thalmor agents at Helgen try to stop Ulfric's execution?

Attached: pondering.jpg (446x402, 31K)

barely. and wildlife will only exist if you rest and they interrupt you

That's literally what they were trying to do. They were demanding he be handed over into their custody so they could "accidentally" let him escape and keep the civil war going which benefits the Thalmor. Tullius was having none of it.

Why would they give away their position so stupidly? He was a useful tool but they aren't going to risk hostile relation with the Empire before they can weaken them further.

you will encounter wildlife spawns without resting



>redownload skyrim after a nice thread a couple days ago
>mod it all day yesterday
>load up game today to actually play
>jump in game
>forgot how stiff/janky the gameplay was even after animation/combat mods
>stop playing
Seems about right for a TES game these days

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You can't hear the voice files in game but if you get a mod to put them in then Elenwen is demanding that the Empire hands him over.

Because they removed that from the final game, like how they removed the dragon from Whiterun calling you dovahkiin.

A better question is why the Altmer are supporting the stormcloak rebellion when their victory means Altmer will never take over


99% of all combat-related animation mods are just screenshots because the combat obviously wasn't designed with 3rd person camera in mind.

Supporting stormcloaks means longer civil war and more pointless deaths for both sides.
And the Thalmor isn't trying to take over the world.

I come from Vardenfell. I've never been in this ass cold hell hole with half the skills and fewer magika varieties. Plus I have a feeling all the bandit caves here fell the same.

They don't support either side, they want the civil war to go on for as long as possible. This mean prevents both Tullius and Ulfric from dying. It means causing as much instability as possible.

Basically what America did to the middle east.

>Plus I have a feeling all the bandit caves here fell the same.
Then you must feel at home here, fetcher.

remember when elder scrolls online was a thing? what happened? I haven't heard anyone talk about anymore it's like it disappeared except it didn't.

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Empire retreats, thus having less to protect so can gather numbers quicker in response to an attack. Stormcloaks all over skyrim feeling invincible and ready to take on anything after such a victory. Thousands of Nords in that state of mind would be a force like no other

Why do they do that though, and why don't they interfere with stormcloaks, just the empire

Its shit, but /vg/ raids occasionally to tell you otherwise

Unironic TES threads are the saddest fucking thing.

Empire is stronger

Because they can easily interfere with the Empire due to their position and the Empire is the stronger force.

Because then the Empire is wasting resources trying to control Skyrim while the Thalmor recover their troops and manpower faster.

It sucks like every MMO but the Lore is actually alright.

In Skyrim? I'd say they are pretty equal

Then go away

how so?

Bah you want to tell me Milk feels the same as Pulk

You're only allowed to like what I like.

Thalmor documents implies that they want to "interfere" with the stormcloaks, but none of this matters because civil war questline got fucked by the meme release date forcing them to rush everything.

take your xanax or whatever faggot

It had a fucking terrible opening that pretty much turned everyone off to it, but some people have said that it fixed a lot of its issues throughout its lifespan, so who knows maybe it's okay now?

Lore is utter trash.

There has never once been an "ironic" TES thread you fat retard

I seen the documents saying they want to support Ulfric because he can help them fuck with the Empire.

They're some of the best threads on Yea Forums.

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Nah. Sotha Sil content was good

Elsweyr expansion was trash


>hurr durr tehre are inifinite dimensions xDDD
Nah. It's utter fucking trash.

Pan kratos word

this is glorious. thanks user

With what?

With, uh, fuck. I dunno


I give up what is it

>Start Skyrim again
>Hunt the monster
>Susanna the Wicked is dead from the butcher
>Can't complete any of the radiant quests anymore


Elsweyr in general is trash. Fuck cats.

Thats life, nothing goes as intended and thats what makes Skyrim great.

>what are console commands

Attached: Apocrypha.jpg (1200x675, 156K)

>What is playing it on a console

And the biggest cope award goes to

brap giant

A waste of time?

Why would anyone play an ES game, or any RPG for that matter, on a console?

Realm of the nerds

A mistake.

Being an actual retard

Help anons. How to achieve that characteristic smug and douchebag-y look of the Altmer?
Or are you just born with it?

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Or any multiplat game desu

ESO/Legends art style was a fucking mistake. Soulless generic tripe.

why does Yea Forums like skyrim now

Hello, newfag.

cause it came out 8 years ago

Speak for yourself. I like to have my elves not looking like yellow aliens but pretty yet arrogant bastards.

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It's almost a decade old so hating it isn't cool any more.

you weren't here when the game released, stop pretending. everyone on this site was shitting on the game because reddit loved it to death and it was a shallow piece of shit that made oblivion look good. people would constantly post the "wide as an ocean shallow as a puddle" shit.
basically, you're a larping faggot and should fuck off back to where you're from

The pankratosword is the sword-singer technique that allegedly nuked all of Yokuda.

They have liked Skyrim for years, they are just extremely tsundere

Attached: Evolution of Elder Scrolls Races.jpg (2403x1886, 612K)

Are there any Redguards capable of sword singing or was that exclusive a Yokudan thing?

The guy in Redguard could sword sing i think

Because Yea Forums is essentially anonymous Reddit now

>that female Nord in Battlespire

Attached: 1543341085093.jpg (384x379, 43K)

reddit hates Skyrim, though.

>dude this suspicious altmer looks super evil
>hey player it's me suspicious altmer, let me at like an evil character in front of you for no reason
>oh no suspicious altmer is doing something evil
>hey player I was evil all along and also stupid fuck for trying to steal a massive ball of magic alone by casting shock spells on it
>thank you player you are the super awesome wizard boss now, even though you just used apprentice spells to open some doors

Attached: anon's favourite pasttime.png (421x323, 286K)

Maybe, but 99.999% of players have no idea how to customize them properly and make ugly abominations.

Sure you do, Reddit

What happened to the Lorkhan's heart after Morrowind?

Attached: Morrowind - Stealing the heart.webm (800x600, 2.92M)

>even though you just used apprentice spells to open some doors
I used a bucket youtube.com/watch?v=84PuKDVb4WY

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I can play skyrim with mods forever.

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Why has no one made a mod that has that ambush they talk about.
It'd be like the alternate start mod for Oblivion.
>start the game off arriving in one of the cities
>do whatever you want, dragons aren't active, main quest/civil war isn't active
>eventually you meet someone on the road who gives you a message to deliver to Ulfric, camped out at Darkwater Crossing
>when you show up at Darkwater, you get ambushed by the imperials in a cutscene, everyone is captured, you get knocked out
>wake up in cart, just like vanilla's intro, main quest/civil war quest is active, etc.

also why has no one rerouted the intro so you actually are coming from that east road instead of the south one. they'd even arrive at the same south entrance. yeah i know that explaination that they were trying to cross to Cyrodil but couldn't so they turned back, but it's just so stupid.

This but unironically.

So that's what Todd meant when he said that you can play forever.
Based Todd.

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What's the matter? Can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?

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needs more beef
way more beef

ESO returning the behavior of Daedra to how they were in Battlespire gives me the biggest nut. Morrowind started it by not giving them many speaking roles, but I'll never forgive Oblivion for turning them into generic evil demons.
there's so fucking much to the behavior of various daedra. basically most are like a race of lawyers or rumplestiltskins.

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Redpill me on Peryite.

What's the best armor for a shout/enchanting/destruction based Khajiit build?

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unity version makes it easier to set up and actually play

If the next TES game doesn't have all the khajiit variations you see in Elsweyr I will be pissed. Those super tall ones are the funniest shit and actually having different body types for NPCs like panther or even housecat khajiits is great.

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I'm about to get an SLI setup and I'm curious how well it works with the original and SE. From some basic googling it looks you need to use a dark souls 2 profile with SE and it's a bit jank while the original has an official profile. Is there anyone that uses SLI that can comment on how well it scales and stability? I'd ideally like to play SE but if it doesn't work well with SLI I suppose oldrim is fine

Why can't we be friends ?

i was mostly speaking of races of daedra, not the princes, but they do get more love in ESO as well.
there really isn't much more too him than keeping natural order, with a bias towards plague. in c0da, he is so good at his job that he will eventually mantle akatosh. peryite is a very good boy.

Attached: this-is-thomas-he-is-actually-getting-shit-done-an-evil-motherfucker.jpg (735x720, 108K)

>he will eventually mantle akatosh.
Absolutely based. Peryite DLC when?

They mention jygalad?

no, he is the only prince to have never come up in a serious plot point yet

I didn't like how the main quest hurry you up to complete it so I became gladiator told Martin to fuck off

It's not even out yet, you mongoloid.
You fell for the nu-Yea Forums shenanigans.

I want to do this main quest once I reach level 15, is this recommend?
I am playing for the first time


Absolute cope.

The core gameplay looks solid. Your point?

Oblivion is the greatest elder scrolls game ever made.

The core gameplay looks like a generic asset swap cowadoody FPS mate.

If Cowadoodies looked like that I would actually play them.
You're a blind nigger, "mate".

Oblivion is the worst nu-ES game.

>If Cowadoodies looked like that I would actually play them
Check out Advanced Warfare or Blops 3. Exact same mechanics.

No need to get triggered, kurwaken.

Like any type of TES game, it's not rocket science if you play the other games

I know I'm definately a latecomer to this, but is it only me that doesn't understand why the Empire accepted to sign such an unfair agreement that was the White-Gold Concordat? Didn't they destroy all the invading Dominion forces at the Red Ring? How the hell would they then go up and initiate themselves such a deal?

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What will Mai'q's line be for TES 6?

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>I just invent my own reasons and dialogue for the characters like a fucking autist playing with action figures because the writing is so god awful.
Same, I even made my own rules to integrate some rpg elements back into the game

The emperor is a cuck, simple as. TES Legends confirms it.

what is this daggerfall was actually good meme?
daggerfall didn't aim for shit.
there is a reason why they moved from that procedurally generated crap and to morrowind.

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What are some obligatory quests in Skyrim? I did the main quest, civil war quest and college quests.

The main quest was decent, civil war was alright, the college one was shit. It really took me a while to appreciate this game because I was hating it at first, but I gotta admit that the atmosphere and sheer scope makes the game worth playing just for its inmmersiveness.

Actually, Julian Lefay wanted the series to go more in the direction of Daggerfall with the subsequent entries, but /ourguy/ obviously scrapped that approach.

ESO has the best designed girls of the series

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He does call you dovahkiin after you kill him he says
>Dovahkiin? Awwww shieeet

Do the Daedric ones. Most of them are really good.

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he was a thalmor.
of course he is evil the game never pretends he isn't. just you can't do anything about it.

Could it be because /ourguy/ likes to keep it simple and casual?

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They are playing both sides , they want the war to continue so both skyrim and the empire waste their resources on the war while the aldmeri dominion recovers and trains new soldiers.
Divide et impera

Not when Mjoll exists.

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Too bad they're all CGI, and the actual in-game models are dumpy and boring.

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ESO isn't in the series and ESO girls still look like goblins in the actual game.

I thought the dragon at the whiterun tower always calls you dovahkiin?

She cute

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Dude you fuck up

would fill to the brim with my virile argonian seed

quiet, lizard!

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Accession War game when?

Attached: Accession War.jpg (1200x1200, 417K)

Argonians are cute.

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I'm just an old man with a skooma problem

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Is that a minotaur to the right?

They are walking killing machines with a hive mind tied to a fuckin' tree.

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Skyrim 2 when?

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>Be Nord
>Get Shot

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>Zora got a brain disease and now she won't leave the inn in Riverwood at the start of her quest, she just follows me around starting dialogue without me pressing anything, if I go outside she doesn't follow me
Should I put her down or just leave her there all broken?

this is getting sad

Attached: Untitled.png (1040x531, 85K)

the epic music accompanying some silly glitch of him flying on a bucket is what always gets me

Cute feet and pits

You gave me an idea with that concept art i'll install the brutish argonian mod.

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I’m the dude

Oh massa, please don't whup me, I's be good...

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It's bizarre how Legends artist is drawing more Brutish Argonians than the actual vanilla Argonians.

Attached: arg.png (512x512, 267K)

Same reason of why female argonians have breast.
Bethesda laziness I think.

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That's a minotaur from Bruma/Creatures of Falkreath right? Or is it some separate follower mod?

I still have no idea what the hist are

>brutish argonian mod

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It's not laziness. They have nipples because their tits are hist sacks. To feed their young when they're away from the Hist Trees of Black Marsh.

Timeline/dimension/worldskin traveling sentient tree species.

The Hist bestowed upon them tities and nipps so the other races will breed them

I never play argonians but i always feel inclined to help them for some reason

Legends artist is just another bara fag.

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They wuz slaves n shit.

Yeah. At least the one who also draws the orcs is.
But I just find it funny how he made the Brutish Argonian mod semi-canon. He also sometimes draws dark/reddish/brownish orcs.

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Ohdaviing is cute. CUTE

they're friendly in most cases and i like their voices, better than the constant Hurr i hate all elves because im a nord muh axe type people or all the dark elves that go woe is me

Also Argonian hair. Fuck knows how that works.

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Based and blackpilled.

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my headcanon is that's they're mixed with humans or elves.

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>tfw no female argonian brute who breaks your pelvis

They can't be so that's not it. Maybe those pirates are just wearing human scalps as trophy.

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No proof they can't breed with other races. Racial Phylogeny book doesn't count

More proof that evil girls are always best.

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I really like Apocrypha's design.

see Daedric are alright too if you're into the lore.

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Physical manifestations of Anu's memory. That's why they collectively know everything and don't perceive reality like the mortal races.

We had the gray prince who was an orc but was pale because his dad was a vampire so who knows

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its hard to not feel sorry for them. they just want to be left alone but they keep getting invaded by the imperials. then there's the slave trade.

Where did you know that? eso?

That's all I have, please feel free to contribute.

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Sorry user, your scalie fetish shit is even less canon than the in-game book which dispells all other racial mixing let alone interbeast which was even stated that it can't occur. Especially because Argonians do not breed like that. They need the hist.

If it makes you feel better the ambiguous lore of Morrowind's character creator blurb and TESO behemoths implies that mutation of Argonians depends on the amount of hist they intake. This would explain why they looked humanoid in Arena.

Read Racial Phylogeny. The child always takes the race of a mother with some smaller traits from the father. And Orcs are still elves which are much closer to humans than the beastkin.

Shouldn't Boethiah/Mephala/Azura have a dotted line pointed towards the Chimer. Boethiah in particular was very influential over the course of the Psijic Endeavor

Attached: BoethiahStatue.jpg (1920x1768, 383K)

Orcs are a type of mer, and it's well documented that mer and men can interbreed.
On the otherhand in universe sources have no evidence that man and beastfolk can interbreed.

They're notorious pirates.

Based MH player.

i thought the argonians in arena were implied to be dunmer-argonian hybrids created to be spies

I like the reaction in the bottom panel. It's just so perfect.

Nope, they weren't.

Even if you take the book as canon it doesn't outright say it's not possible. Only there have been reports but not well documented. Does not mean it couldn't have happened.
As other user said Grey Prince was confirmed a mix of Orc and something else. The book implied it wasn't possible.

>smaller traits from the father
i wanna see the results of all of this now

Would you bully a level 10 dragon?

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>They need the hist.
there's a book in ESO that says this is not the case, there was an argonian born in Morrowind who never received the hist, though it made him different from other argonians (like he couldn't recognize argonian social cues)
it's all over the place basically

>people were greentexting before Yea Forums existed

So the bretons are the result of a whole bunch of human women fucking elves?

maybe it's that, the fact that they just wanna chill and drink hist sap in peace, that and i love reptiles in general

Yes, the Direnni male elf slaveowners raped their female Nede (human) slaves

yeah, it just makes it so they have lizard autism if theyre born away from the hist. they cant instinctively pick up on social and animalistic queues without it. they might not even have a desire to mate

>Even if you take the book as canon
Why wouldn't I? It's in-game, written by developers and an in-universe explanation of the interracial offsprings. Of course it's canon. Much, much more canon than your wishful thinking of human x furry/scalie porn.

>As other user said Grey Prince was confirmed a mix of Orc and something else
I literally mentioned that in the same post you replied to. Read it again. No. The book didn't "imply" it wasn't possible to breed mer with men. The books literally states it's possible and that the race is always of the mother. Which is why the Grey Prince was an orc. Because his mother was a fucking orc.

The book states of no such occurrences between the beast shits.

Again, you're just pushing your furry impregnation fetish here for no reason.

Bretons. Look like humans but are more talented with magic.

They're Direnni rape babies, yeah. They eventually outbred their masters with each other and took back High Rock.

if i remember right, it was basically a bunch of rich aldmer or descendants of them living in high rock sleeping with the human women, this should be around the time the ayleids controlled cyrodiil

>brutish argonian mod
Do it.
That mod makes Argonians looks the same as their Online/Legends counterparts. I can also say the same about Ethereal Elven Overhaul the now semi-canon appearance of TES Mers.

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Reminder ESO is canon

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It's not. It even retcons itself with the retarded Sotha dialogue.

water is wet. and also memory.

found the book
and I mean he married a dunmer so I wouldn't say his mating instincts are off, but he does seem to have autism (though this is implied towards his fellow argonians, it doesn't specify if he still has it to nonargonians save for the author's speculation)

the bretons seemed to have taken up some cultural aspects of the elves too, since they're often described as knights and rich lords, though that could just be bethesda since theyre also based on the anglo saxon/norman english/french


uh projecting much? All i said was the book never outright says 'not possible' to beasts and men/mer procreating.

Yes even their pantheon has some elven gods.

The fact that he married a dunmer is exactly why his mating instincts are off.

Will we see them next game?

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I keep imagining this is what the histjuiced up Argonians looked like before they took on Dagon/the Dunmer

i hope so

tfw no autistic imperial grunt gf

>"w-we're canon!" said zenimax online studios which were never the ones to decide
>e-celeb cocksucker reading the tweet and making a ten minute adsense video about it

And again, that was before the retarded handawave Sotha dialogue.

wonder how they feel about modern high elves, since the only racial relations i know off them is that they tend to hate orcs


>The fact that he married a dunmer is exactly why his mating instincts are off.
unless you're implying anyone who fucks outside their species has a screw loose

Which am I more likely to take as a fact: what official developers from Zenimax has mentioned multiple times without anyone from Bethesda stepping in, or a random butthurt user in a Taiwanese sewing board? It's canon, deal with it.

I wanna see that giant cat from akavir that supposedly turned into a dragon, and hopefully some other races like the akavir themselves (who would probably just be asians with similar skills/bonuses to redguards or nords) and sea elves

Skyrim was already a shitty action-adventure game pretending to be an RPG so I can only wonder what TESVI will be

>official developers from Zenimax
So literally nobody.

Skyrim's an RPG though. It may be a better or worse RPG, but an RPG nonetheless. You don't get to change a game's genre, user.

I know a great new feature to next TES game! Everytime you want to start a new game, you must buy the game again. Its a brand new experience after all so its practically a different unbought game!

Humans from Akaviri all got snake'd.

>So literally nobody.
No, official developers from Zenimax. Learn to read, user.

>Tsaeci appear in 6
>they're just normal humans with asian features
how mad would you be?

Attached: OB-npc-Akaviri_Commander_Mishaxhi.jpg (1000x1000, 81K)

You're confusing the Tsaeci with humans from Akavir my dudelad.

It's all canon, whether the fans whine about it or not. Bethesda and ZOS have both said so.

isn't that literally what the akaviri would be, just the elder scrolls variants of asians

You're telling me not one made it off the island, we have akaviri temples in cyrodiil and skyrim, surely some people have akaviri genes as well

I think this is how Bethesda says "I'm sorry" to their bara fan base because Argonians since Morrowind looked like weak lizard but now they are on roids.

Attached: HMHkRLZ.png (850x850, 1.77M)

>Bethesda said so

>Skyrim downloaded again
>hundred of mods installed with conflicts resolved
>now time to patch my leveled lists
>Wrye Bash is retarded and fuck up the tags
>Mator Smash is a pain to use with 255+ mods and fuck up my NPCs replacer mods because I can't deal with its tag system
>forced to lose hours correcting the generated patch no matter which tool I'm using
Fuck that shit, how do you guys manage that part?

Why they removed the ability of deleting spells on oblivion?

that's literally what they've always been. asians. this is from 2 games before Oblivion, and Oblivion itself establishes that they eventually bred into the general Imperial populace over time.
however, there are still pure-blooded Akaviri alive and well in lore in ESO's time, and you can visit their settlements near Rimmen. they have extremely asian features and accents. if you visit the old tombs from the Potentate's times, you can occasionally find their suits of armor with multiple gloves instead of 1, implying that Tsaesci may sometimes have 4 arms total. it is also implied they are shapeshifters, as Reman's old bodyguard will tell you if asked.

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>You're telling me not one made it off the island
Well they did. In the invasion. Then they joined Reman. Sure some genes "survived" but you won't notice them since most soldiers are men and male genes don't pass down as much as female ones.
So what you see in the game is what you get. They had knight orders in High Rock and the Blades throughout Tamriel and in the actual games neither of these organizations had any Asian looking people in them anymore.

Nobody's ever released a statement refuting or revoking it's canon status. It's not like it needs re-certification.

came here to agree with

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>Ethereal Elven Overhaul
Yup. Based Bethesda/Zenimax.

Attached: The-Elder-Scrolls-Legends-The-Elder-Scrolls-фэндомы-dunmer-4772353.jpg (1920x1934, 402K)

Find me a single official statement about its non canonicity

why is everyone in skyrim covered in dirt

milk and nipples predate mammals

How big is the chance we'll ever see more ancient races like the nedes, atmorans, ayleids, chimer. We know the Maormer have been stuck on their island since their fleet was destroyed, do they all just stay there and follow their king, do they not have free will, you'd think one would like to explore a bit atleast

Back up your source first:
>Bethesda said so
They didn't.

Also that's not how it works, when a random nobody writes a work without the oversight of the original writers it's not canon by default unless official accepted.
This is why for example Star Wars comic books were never canon despite being licensed. It's just an outsourced trash for the mass consumption of the cuckolds.

Zero, bethesda is creatively bankrupt.

I hope they use all those ESO cinematic trailers as concept for TES VI.

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>It's not canon.
>because I said so.
>but the develope-
>they sai-
>are you...?

Attached: numi-chan.png (540x677, 389K)

Doesn't look like EEO. Missing the retarded ridges.
Honestly looks more like Mer Ladies Need Love Too.

Find me a single official statement about its non canonicity
>Also that's not how it works
It is though, unless you're retarded enough to compare a bunch of random writers in the 80s with Zenimax

you can see all of these in ESO besides Atmorans. if you mean by Skyrim's time then:
Nedes: all dead now
Atmorans: dead
Ayleids: there is great potential here from their supposed sightings in Oblivion's times, and that ESO establishes those arches everywhere as being doors. there could likely still be some chilling in pocket dimensions.
chimer: dead with almalexia
maormer: too weak to ever get off their island again

But they aren't Bethesda Game Studios developers. Read

I hope so.
I fucking HATE the yellow skinned Altmers but thanks to ESO you can create an altmer with normal skin also the Altmer gurl called Tauriel looks like this.

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It's like faggots can't accept facts.

Their kings an immortal wizard, speculated to be a God, you're telling me he can't atleast teleport like one diplomat or peace treaty type guy across the ocean to cyrodiil

it must get really boring in pocket realms

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Altmers will always canonically be yellow. Sorry ESOcuck.

It looks the same as some modded elf from skyrim using EEO as base.

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I know right, dunno why they keep bringing up irrelevant tweets.

lmao keep seething, there's literally nothing you can do about it

I've always speculated that with how many insanely powerful wizards there are, there has to be atleast one who went back in time, saved a bunch of races on the verge of extinction (dwemer, falmer, nedes, all the other types of elves, akavir) and is keeping them safe somewhere

god I wish that were me

I don't need to do anything since it's literally not canon.

Is what a literal faggot says in Yea Forums relevant then?


No which is why you should keep quiet.

Hey user
You're a literal faggot in Yea Forums too

Because it's a filthy backwoods.


It is though

I noticed how almost every single Bosmer in Legend have little horns.
So Bosmers have horns now, Dunmers are no longer ugly and Altmers are no longer yellow.

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Been a while since I last played it, should go back to it

ESO devs stated they're just glued on for cosmetics.
Altmer are still yellow though since Legends artists are just random Chinese guys from Artstation.

Nice thanks user.
mod with cute dragongirls fucking when?

Lore wise, Bosmer were always supposed to be a lot more fae like in appearance then they've ever been in the games. Their men were supposed to be a diverse array of weird little grumpkins while the women were all Sylvan beauties.

It's awesome! They added MtF trannies in Summerset Isles!

Women are also gremlins but they appeared beautiful since the glamour charm still worked on them.
Just another MK idea that went unused.

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They are called bosmeri antlers but yeah Bethesda is changing the mers and following some kind of LOTR aesthetic or all the new concept artist inside Bethesda/ZeniMax used to be Skyrim modders so they are following the aesthethic of the average modded Skyrim.

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While nothing's actually changing, you can't really be mad if something would change. TES races have gone through lots of aesthetic changes throughout history.

New to Daggerfall.
Daggerfall Unity makes the game a billion times better.
Can't play anything else other than Daggerfall and Morrowind just cause Morrowind is very strange otherwise I would play only Daggerfall.

best girl

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every tes games are bad
every fallout games are bad

Good. It's a stupid idea.

The Hist are a race of trees that collectively form the Tower that solidifies the space and culture of Black Marsh. Much like how Towers in other regions religiously/culturally uplift the peoples of their lands by granting them the first step into civilization, the Hist do the same for the creatures that drink their sap, the Argonian race.

it is one of the only game settings where throwing that sort of thing in actually holds any weight. take the recent Baldur's Gate DLC for example. it is a universe where there are gender-changing potions and enchantments in every shop, and despite that, there's a tranny using our own barbaric methods of transitioning that may as well be an equivalent to leeches.

while in the TES universe, this person makes use of Thaumaturgy, an actual school of magic that's always been extremely prevalent in the Summerset Isles (manipulating appearances should come as no surprise there, as every inch of the island is domesticated and hand-crafted to look exactly as they want). you can get a glimpse of this practice for yourself in Skyrim, where an Altmer can mold your appearance at will. for a fee. it is a flawless, magical transition that i cant imagine having qualms about because it is actually grounded in pre-established rules of the setting.

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How useful would you guys say the acrobatic and athletics skills were, running faster seems useful but i've never seen the point of jumping higher

>Bethesda is changing the mers
No they aren't. Bethesda Game Studios didn't work on TESO and Legends. Zenimax Online Studios worked on TESO and Dire Wolf Digital/Sparkypants Studios with some outsourced Artstation freelancers worked on Legends.
Bethesda Game Studios are working on Starfield and TES6.

I get that this might be confusing to you but you shouldn't push false narratives just because you're a secondary who doesn't like TES aesthetics. Oh and by the way, some Bosmer had tiny horns in Morrowind.

>all the new concept artist inside Bethesda/ZeniMax used to be Skyrim modders

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Holy shit, my sides

dilate 15-30 pts in 1 ft for 45 seconds on Self

The forbidden art of sword singing that is too destructive for most ansei to attempt. It's believed that a group of angry ones used it and it caused yokuda to split.


Acrobatics can be great once you get it really high as it allows you to skip large portions of certain dungeons and lets you basically ignore most falls you'll have to deal with. In Morrowind it's not as great because it's easy to get several daggers of Levitation that recharge faster than you can use them, so you don't really need to jump much. In Oblivion it's pretty great, though, especially because of how absurdly fast you can get in that game in general.

That doesn't make any sense. Adamantia was the only pre-existing tower, the other's were built by the Region's inhabitants as a mean's of reflecting the Divine's dwelling place. The Ayleids built White Gold and then later devolved into Daedra worshiping psychopaths.

Not that guy but Hist are from the previous kalpa.

The Hist are from outside the Kalpa cycle entirely.

Wouldn't mind since we finally get asians in an elder scrolls game

can we just talk about how bad the collage of winterhold was for a quick second

skyrim wasnt a finished game. theres really not much to discuss

The Hist are independent from Anu's dream entirely.

oh I know but the actual state of Skyrim's 'mage' guild
There were some mods that had books floating around and just that tiny ass thing made everything feel more magical
I wasn't expecting god damn harry potter but the collage is small as shit and it's questline is actually retarded

What the FUCK was his problem?

Attached: Miraak.png (600x1000, 1002K)

As someone who has been playing the original Daggerfall on and off since May and have reached max rank in four guilds I can 100% confirm the pic. The game starts out good with one of the best chargens ever, and char progression is pretty good too but due to the MMO-like random generated quests that all send you to some dungeon, some even to the same dungeon it gets incredibly repetitive and boring fast. I know the term is generally used on Yea Forumsas a buzzword and as bait, but DF lacks soul, unironically.

>Mai'q: told u so
>Player just sees a khajit run towards a tree while going paralyzed afterwards.

Attached: paralyze.png (409x663, 93K)


attempted to mantle the dreamer
theres an explanation floating around somewhere

Ladies and Gentlemen I have an announcement

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

The Towers are the metaphysical, mythopoetic archstones of Tamriel. Adamantia is the first example of "order" in the world, and everything solidifies around it. The Towers are built to give each region its own distinctive civilizing force, while also maintaining the solidity of the world. All of this works because the structure of Nirn and the surrounding cosmos is a Tower itself, the archetypal fantasy representation of monarchic power in the land.

What's his name again? I remember seeing some videos of his

This guy said the engine isn't the problem when it clearly is showing its age

Has Oblivion and Morrowind aged horribly or am i just a pleb?

Attached: 1555568116886.jpg (5312x2988, 3.48M)

Oblivion aged badly, but Morrowind is still kino.

Attached: Morrowind God Mode.webm (1280x960, 2M)

Please don't put your ignorance on display like this.

The most interesting part of the expansion (
The Snow Elves and the Forgotten Vale) is the one that is only tangentially related to the main plot kek.

I can still enjoy both for what they are but i understand why people would prefer to mod them to hell

>running faster seems useful but i've never seen the point of jumping higher
Acrobatics was the shit in Morrowind. It's almost always my first skill to max out. Without even any special enchantments or potions, just having 100 acrobatics and high speed is enough to jump over buildings and even makes you move faster horizontally by jumping than by running. Great when paired with a strong two handed weapon to knock enemies down as you leap over them so they can't retaliate. Again, that's all just with the natural skill: if you DID buff it and/or pair it with a jump spell then you go from leaping over buildings to leaping over mountains.

The guy who said it's not great because you can levitate must not have played an acrobatic character because jumping is so much faster and more satisfying than flying. In terms of mobility has a greater impact from 1-100 in Morrowind than it does in Oblivion (where it is still also great and the most fun skill in both games in my opinion). Levitation is pretty slow in Morrowind unless you're using really high magnitudes, while Jump is in the same spell school and gives so much more speed for comparatively little cost. Coupled with slowfall it's the best 'manual' fast travel method next to windwalker scrolls or potion chugging.

Honestly anyone who isn't jumping literally everywhere in Morrowind and Oblivion is playing the game wrong.

Very interesting video. I won't see the rest because they are hours long and I've got the meaning.
And yes, Todd and his crew want to casualize the games as much as possible. The only thing they care about is the $.

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How good is spellmaking in Morrowind? The whole Miss chance on melee hits paints the game in a bad way but for what I hear magic its strong as fuck.
Its viable to make atronarch builds for the first playthrough

Morrowind is one of three games that has done magic right, you can do pretty much anything you want.

Attached: Morrowind Gaenor.webm (960x540, 2.14M)

but deliverance is a better version of the elder scrolls series lmao

Have you heard of the land called skyrim? You owe it to yourself to travel there. Multiple times

No it's not. It's trash and it's already dead in the water.

>I have no idea what "game engine" means
The post

>It's tras-

Attached: Kingdom Come Deliverance.webm (1920x1080, 1.47M)

Yes and using EFF he is a functional follower now.
Didn't work on my modded argonian follower because the mod only edits vanilla argonians.

Attached: -.jpg (952x960, 41K)


MtF is ok as long as they're your clones and have sex with them

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>the virgin modded follower vs the chad vanilla npc

What about atronarch builds? Can I go full magic and avoid melee combat? Also everytime I see someone walk in Morrowind it looks like someone trying to copy the McMahon power strut

>How do we improve things that didn't work in the previous game...
>Todd: cut it out.
Problem is, the more I think about, the less he's I find it wrong. After all "perfection" is when there are no unnecessary elements.
But then I remember Skyrim and Fallout 4 and only "billion flies" analogy comes to mind.

>"You are persistent, Dovahkiin. Pruzah ol aar. A fine slave you would have made."
Yeah imagine that whole scene with a wip in her hand

Miraak wanted want anyone stuck in a permanent Medieval Era would want: out. Fuck kings, fuck towers, fuck dragons, fuck the gods themselves. By binding the powers of the All-Maker Stones, the region's equivalents of towers, he hoped to build a world where he would never be a slave to dragon gods or daedric princes ever again.

Gaming developers nowadays don't want to take risks and "reach for the stars". Because they might fail.
They seek to find a formula that works and move around it, never leaving their developing safespace.

Yes, you can go full magic.

>oh you're the new guy thank akatosh you're here I can retire now

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The Niger killed the based white conservative ationalist in solitude. This gentleman, ridding the world of shitty player-selfinserts, is clearly fulfilling the Nord man's burden

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So just install the game and use the unofficial patch then its ready to rumble? Nothing else to fix serious problems or any other broken stuff?



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>tfw some faggot got my isp rangebanned from posting images again

>wanting the altmer to be humans with pointy ears
Shit taste, you are killing the unique their look for waifuism.
The altmer are piss colored tall cunts with weird faces deal with it

Atronach builds are not just viable but the strongest in the game due to the permanent 50% spell absorption, though you might find it annoying to have to restore your magicka through absorbs/potions instead of being able to just rest. It's much less of a problem once you are familiar with everything.
The biggest thing to understand starting off is that you want a bigger magicka pool. These come from the Breton/High Elf races and the Mage/Apprentice/Atronach signs. The racial and birthsign bonuses stack. You want at least +1x magicka at the minimum, which you would get by being a Breton (+0.5) with at least the Mage (+0.5) sign, a High Elf (+1.5) regardless of sign, or taking the Apprentice (+1.5) or Atronach (+2.0) sign regardless of race.

Different elements of damage have different costs and different types of enemies that resist them. Note that cost also determines cast chance, and you want to mainly cast spells that have a 100% chance so it's best to stick to cheap spells at first until your skills are higher. Frost and Fire are tied for the lowest cost and between the two you have good coverage for most NPCs and creatures, just make sure to avoid using Fire on Dark Elves (75% resistance) or Frost on Nords (immune).

Super spells like in that webm will need really high stats, you'll notice the first few spells he casts are just buffs to make it even possible to cast the final nuke at all. This is mainly determined by your magic skill levels, but Willpower helps too and if you do alchemy on the side you'll like having a few Fortify Willpower potions on hand to let you cast stronger spells than normal. Restore Magicka requires some expensive and rare ingredients that drop from high level Daedra, but with good quality tools and a good alchemy skill it'll be worth it. Instead of buying restore magicka potions from an alchemist you can use that money to buy frost or void salts to mix with comberry to turn them into potions that restore much more overall.

>"Oh so you're dovahkiin now awesome,"
>"Silent type huh, great so you can learn the 'kill all dwemer shout,'
>"Kill all the dwemer for me ty,"
>"There's this massive dwemer robot shooting lazers n shit around morrowind and yeah its kind of a problem,"
>"Yeah they also caused the oblivion crisis for sacrificing another emperor to dagon,"
>"If you do this, I can go to bed,"
>"Ill give you a magical elf sword made to control dwemer shit,"
>"Ty dovahkun,"
He probably hasnt ever slept.

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>beyond reach 4 released
>flesh status: released
It's a shame that the voices for the witchmen are still silly because it feels like razorkid did a lot more world expansion than he lets on in the changelog

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Ok so I just started and I got a genuine question: why in the fuck the sound effects are so fucking bad? Did I pirated a crappy copy of the game or the super stock sound effects are the default ones? Genuine takes me out of the game
I see thanks for the info

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Zyka Cigar

>"The dwemer suck,"-this guy june 6th 2016

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what are some good questline mods for skyrim? stuff like falkskaar or whatever its called

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Vigilant I think it's called


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Yeah a lot of the sound effects are low quality, a few of them were even in Daggerfall from six years prior.

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You picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim, kinsmen.
Mod, what do we do? He's not on the banlist.

stealth archer

What's the real life equivalent of sleeping tree sap? Codeine lean? A Strong drink?

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what you thought keyboards had meme arrows only because of Yea Forums? stupid zoomer

>sleep tight inordil miirak

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>It's real
What the ACTUAL FUCK? I did not know he worked at LGS.

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What a shitty afterlife for this guy

Not really.

stuff like falkskaar mean new lands to explore with new questlines my dude

didnt mean its good


My faves are:

The Dreamborne Isles
Beyond Reach
Beyond Skyrim Bruma
The Forgotten City
Moon and Star
Moonpath to Elsweyr
The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal
ThirteenOranges mods
The Wheels of Lull
Shadow of Meresis
Helgen Reborn
Project AHO
Carved Brink

World of Rudra and Haven from the Cold and Dark don't have quests but are comfy worlds to explore.

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>I just invent my own reasons and dialogue for the characters like a fucking autist playing with action figures because the writing is so god awful.
Fuck sake I do this so goddamn much in Bethsoft games, and other psuedo-RPGs. Such is the life of a roleplay-fag.

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double posting.
>I really think that the most interesting and innovative thing that any RPG maker could do at this point is make a TES-sized open world game where the main questline is not a world-saving stop the most evilest, apocalypse-mongering super baddie "cinematic" experience, but rather a smaller-scale romp as an average adventurer doing quests and grinding from bar-brawler to the King's enforcer or something along those lines. From street urchin to master thief.
Mount and Blade, I suppose?

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That's normal.

>"50% of roleplaying is in the player's head" t. New Vegas main writer dude

goddammit im such a sucker for cool skyboxes

Yeah in fact that was actually part of the design philosophy for Skyrim, especially for radiant quests and events.


>Looking a bit deeper, the design implementation of this particular event is pretty small. We created an assassin NPC, a note that dynamically fills in the player name, and set up the Story Manager event. That’s not much authored story, but any assassination attempt is a loaded question, rife with inherent mystery. Players were comparing this blip of authored story we provided against their personal history, and drawing their own conclusions. Perhaps they had married an NPC another character was interested in, or it was a case of mistaken identity. Maybe their criminal record or meddling in regional politics had caught up with them – or maybe it was a clear cut case of revenge for somebody the player had wronged.

>One interesting sidebar for those who have played Skyrim – many players will be familiar with an NPC named Lydia. Lydia is assigned to follow the player at a relatively early stage of the game’s Main Quest, and will dutifully tag along on whatever adventures the player undertakes. Lydia became a surprise hit with players – not long after launch, we began hearing stories about Lydia and the emotions and personality that were projected upon her. The bittersweet fact about Lydia is that she’s a stock NPC with no unique attributes or dialogue of her own, save her name and face. She’s just one member of a small group of standardized “housecarl” characters - one per city in the game - who will follow the player as a reward for attaining status with that city.

>This simply goes to show that we must never underestimate the power of player imagination. The fact that the stories and personality players project onto Lydia doesn’t technically exist in the game data is irrelevant. In fact, it makes those stories all the more important.

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That's the point of Skyrim you just invent your own backstory and headcanon most of the time. It's leaves a lot more open than Fallout 4 did.

>following the tuco guide for skyrim for that sweet 220+ mods with no issues, auto pilot installing everything
>playing the game and clear out those two Towers over the river with bandits
>There's a buxom nude woman with her hands tied and a bag over her head on top of one of the towers
>can't figure out which mod added that cause my girlfriend plays this game too when I'm at work and she is petty enough to get bitchy about it


>daggerfall is fun for like 5 hours

4 more hours more fun than Skyrim then.

He needed to have sex and/or dilate.


you're soo cool

If you know that your gf is that shit why do you keep her around, are you a cuck?

More Informative Console (SE) or MFG Console (LE), they are a must-have for people with +100 mods.

Pros out weigh the cons for the most part

that's the wench mod

Immersive Wenches adds radiant wench in distress quests.
I don't thin they're supposed to be naked though.

Thanks helpful anons

And I honestly much rather have that than to have developers flesh out what's supposed to be -my- character by giving them their generic backstory and voice acting. This murders my connection to the character and it renders repeat playthroughs obsolete by removing the RP aspect. This is the reason why I didn't even bother pirating FO4.

I love the vague and random story telling that's reliant on player's interpretations. This is why I really enjoy the immersion/RP boosting Skyrim mods that add new radiant quests, spawns/patrols, dialogue options, alternative quest ending choices etc. such as Skyrim Unbound, Skyrim Unlocked, Missives, Notice Board, Jobs of Skyrm, Qaxe's Questorium, The Choice is Yours, Timing is Everything, Immersive Speechcraft, Immersive Player Dialogue, RDO, Skyrim Reputation, Religion, Immersive Patrols, Epic Restoration, Paarthurnax Bypass, Guild Starter, Multiple Adoptions, Improved Adoptions, Immersive Patrols, Immersive World Encounters, Extended Encounters, Encounter Zones, Graduate at the Bards College, Become a Bard, College Days, Immersive College of Winterhold, Dark Brotherhood Destruction Quest For The Good Guys plus Penitus Oculatus Overhaul (with Adoptions), Thieves Guild Destruction Quest For The Good Guys, Stendarr's Beacon, Enhanced Ruh-mastered - VIGILANT compatible, Keeper Carcette Survives, Faction Vigilant of Stendarr, Campfire, Tentapalooza, Real Names, Touring Carriages, Old Dusty travels again, Skyrim Wayshrines, Even Better Quest Objective, Hunterborn, Hunting in Skyrim, Scrimshaw Expanded, Art of the Catch, Your Market Stall/Awning, Scarcity, Trade and Barter, Honed Metal etc.

More or less helps you with making up your own stories as you go along.

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>no Morrowloot

I think the fact that you can make Skyrim into a "whatever-the-fuck-you-want" game seals the deal for me, modding is its own game seeing how much you can change the game from its original visions is pretty darn __fun__

the animal dongs mods I installed attach great floppy balsacks to everything but no dongs
What am I doing wrong?

I didn't include loot, combat and build mods. Character limit.
But I don't use Morrowloot anyway. Because I don't use Requiem either. These two de-leveling mods are static and once you figured out the progression and hidden loot it won't be as fun on repeat playthroughs.
My mod profiles are mostly focusing on randomness. Random encounters, random spawns, random drops etc. This is why I also have perma death mod for me and my companions. I also add armor, weapon, spells, enchantments, consumable loot mods to leveled lists myself.

Yeah I basically treat it as a HD Daggerfall or a fantasy Mount & Blade on a smaller, more concentrated scale.

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>What am I doing wrong?

Also Frostfall and iNeed

I'm fairly sure that morrowloot only delevels bosses and sets higher minimum levels for certain dungeons and encounter multipliers.
But now I understand that you appreciate randomness over a static world, morrowloot can't really offer that as you reach higher levels.
