Just how afraid is Yea Forums of the PS5?

Are PCkeks and nincels be on seething mode next gen as well?

The PS5 is about to make everyone on this board his bitch.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>assuming pronouns
Playstation isn't for you white male bigots anymore.

PCkeks will still play on PC tho, no matter what console comes out at the market

im not white though?

I'm just hopeful that I can run shit at 60 fps, ssd for load times will be nice as well

It will be another ball chain around the ankle of video game innovation, all done for the sake of capitalism and braindead brand loyalty. Consoledrones are such good, little consumers, though, so it still pays to hold back everyone else's potential enjoyment.

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There has never been a console gen to be afraid of for PC gamers. Consoles always come with outdated hardware on release. So far with each new console gen PC receives more exclusives compared to previous gen. A new gen is also nice because it leads to improved multiplatform graphics.

PS2 says hi

I'm nearing 30 now and I learned with the PS3 how things worked.

Did PS2 change anything for PC?

I wonder what kind of evil anti consumer things sony will come up this time.
I thought controller DRM is the peak but who knows?

to be perfectly honest I'm excited about next gen, both ps5 and xbox scarlett gonna have a custom made ryzen 3000 chip, games are gonna go from the 4~ core optimisation we have now to 8 - 12, it will be mint

and the fact that the GPU is rumoured to be about rx580 level means GPUs won't be the sole focus of the tech when developing games for these consoles

it's only really a problem towards the end of the console's life cycle, also with the newer gens becoming closer and closer to actual desktop PCs, the parallelism for coding will be easier, hopefully everyone picks up Vulkan too

They are not banning used games

up until the last gen, consoles were generally on par or better than pc upon release.


Wrong generation there bud. Sony sticking with their $400 price. Look a microsoft with those high prices.

>literally has radio buttons
>everyone uses pic for "ps5"
are you that dumb?

>controller DRM

>solid state drive drive

It's gonna make me a bitch by being a $600 machine that my PC from 4 years ago is still stronger than? Damn, that's almost as impressive as having your hand for a gf. Hell it might even run at 60fps too for once.

>ssd buttons
my fucking sides

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Im very afraid of technology and graphics from 2010 PCs.

You got the wrong company there bud, thats microsoft you're thinking about.

you cant use other controllers or ps3 pads on the ps4, and its not just because they didnt include the drivers.
when people started making adapters to use old peripherals on the ps4 sony started pushing out firmware updates to block those. they did that several times.

Proof? Never heard of this. As far as being able to use old equipment, security protocols change thats why you can't use old equipment. My g27 wouldn't work on x1 or ps4. This isn't so much sony's fault its the manufacturer not wanting to update these things or the game dev wanting to add support.

This sounds ridiculous.

Its so they can get more money, forcing you to buy new controllers.

TF lmao sony doesn't make money off shit like that you idiot. I literally explained to you whos fault it is. Also you still haven't posted proof of sony doing this.

no literally sony. Ms didnt do that. nintendo didnt do that either. they might not allow old peripherals initially but they never actually broke adapter support on purpose.

stop defending sony you shiteating nigger.

well its true. they did that multiple times.

>PS3 had no games for 3 years
>PS4 has 1 game after 6 years
I estimate it will take 9 years for PS5 to get its first game.

>Sony general
>OP contains autistic fanboyism and
Always trust snoys to do this.

>machine for THAT one game
Just like it's predecessor

Sony are cancerous as fuck

I google searched more on this information and it just seems to be isolated to that one situation where the controller was timing out after a few and it was fixed the same day with an update. So where's actual proof of all this you claimed?

We did it bros

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It will take several years for the ps5 or the xbox 2 to get anything interesting, if at all judging by the current generation.
No matter how much better the graphics are, it won't make the games themselves better.
I'll wait a few years until a few interesting niche games are on the thing before buying it. PS3, PS4, PC, etc. will keep me occupied until then.

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>implying OP wasn't a whore all his life already

you dont store games in the same place as clothing you savage.

Can't wait for another gen of blurry creatively-bankrupt games

It doesn't matter how great the console itself is, if Sony doesn't make some actually FUN exclusives there won't be a point in buying it.

>sony releases firmware update
>causes time-out issue on random third party device
>patch for device was released same day and fixed
What even

why does a negro need air freshener? i wonder

>Seething white boy

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I'm white and I use oil diffusers to keep my house fresh smelling. Good on him for wanting his place to smell good. More than what all the other nigger's houses I've been into have done. (I own 28 rentals)

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>Comes out next year, already outdated last year.

Oh yeah, can't wait user.

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Im sitting on a 'rig decked out with a RVII and a 3800x. No shitty fucking console can even come close to the power sitting under my hood.

The fuck did PS2 do except flood the market with shitter and shittier games and let every mouthbreathing simpleton make a game. For every good game for the PS2 there was 150 clearance bin shitters getting through. It was like a flood of shit that eventually flooded itself over to the PC market an smeared that with shit too. PS2 ruined gaming.

Why does it have a giant V carved into the top of it? Is it some heat management method I dont know about?

>flood the market with shitter and shittier games and let every mouthbreathing simpleton make a game
Steam says hello

I don't know how people think the PS5 won't cost an arm and a leg.

i dont undestand why make a console only 400 dollars
rather pay 600 for a powerful console

>unironically saying this in the age of steam

Yea except console retards actually bought those games. Nobody above the IQ of a chimpanzee touches the asset-flip garbage on steam.

Why would I be afraid? It's gonna have raytracing and short loading times, which means it'll be expensive as fuck. No game on it will have 4K/60fps and they'll have to release an even more expensive PS5 Pro to make that happen.

PS4 released 25% more powerful than the x1 and cost $100 less while sony was still banking $20 profit on each sold.

PC and consoles are the hands of the same clock, and this gets VERY apparent on the PS5 hardware.
The consoles dictate when the next generation come, while the PCs slowly but surely build the next next generation, little by little.
Wish the end of any, and watch the shit break.

Normies won't bother to pay more for their vidya. Xbone X costs less and people aren't interested.

>t-t-that doesn't count!
Ok user lmao

go fuck yourself

not every adapter has these patch capabilities. brook is literally developed for that. tons of other adapters stopped working forever.

You and the other 20 people that can afford it.

No, they base their consoles on outdated hardware. Multiplatform games show this well by running on average worse on consoles even shortly after release.
It's even worse with SSDs. They are years behind with their switch but at least they do it now.

One of the ways I know this board is full of underage is that every time a new console gen approaches there's still a bunch of retards who believe every outlandish claim made about how powerful the new consoles will be.

consolefags be like "pc is bad because troubleshooting" then say shit like this

Feels like the PS4 isn't really over yet

>not every adapter has these patch capabilities. brook is literally developed for that. tons of other adapters stopped working forever.
Proof? You've literally only posted 1 that was fixed the same day. If sony was trying to block third-party devices I don't think a 5 minute patch would've broken sony's security. My guess is sony was updating their device controller for new devices releasing and a code was changed that just messed up that device and made it time-out after a few. Yet you're still here screaming sony is trying to steal your money and freedom.

Looks like that gantz gun that they get in later arcs

kill yourself

No, they were outdated hardware on release. And the gap has only been widened. Now games cripple themselves for PS4 and Xboxes just to run somewhat smoothly at 30fps.

I have the means and money to buy any new console that comes in the market and still have enough money to upgrade my gaming pc along with the usual daily essentials.

So, no. Not at all.

looks like a fucking toilet.

Alright you fucking idiot. Keep crying and making up shit.

Even a slow PC can outperform the PS5 at running good games, because it can run all games.

>The PS5 is about to make everyone on this board his bitch.
Don't say that unless you want to doom the PS5 to failure.

no way thats the confirmed console design
why go from a series of sleek and slim designs to something that looks ridiculously bulky

Sony patented it.
But i bet the plan is just to distract people from the real design.

The Consoomer

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>pre PS4 release
>it's a supercharged PC architecture
>PS4 release
>multi games run worse
>j-just wait 2-3 years until games are properly optimized
>3 years later
>PC went far past consoles
>hey look we got a upgraded and its called PlayStation 4 Pro

Why would anyone be scared of yet another gimped and underpowered computer?
>B-but Sony said its powerful!
They said that about the PS3 and that think sucked too.

This also stops people using modded controllers to cheat. This still happens though, a lot of MLG pro elite streamers use little dongle they plug their controller into to secretly cheat and make themsleves look good.

Ok? Why are you quoting me

Are they finally getting rid of the disc drive or are we going to have to wait another generation?

Kill yourself. Physical media is the only redeeming quality consoles still have.

So since Sony want less games on PS5 than PS4, does that mean we will get 1 or less games on it?
>2020 Release, no games for it, but can play most PS4 games
>2023 1 game is released
>2025 DLC for the game is released
>2026 PS6 release...cycle continues

Digital is the future stupid boomer you can’t delay it forever


Why should I celebrate getting an objectively inferior product? Even if it's inevitable the least I can do is be pissed off about it.

>Horizon 2
>Spiderman 2
>God of War 2
It’s going to be an entire generation of sequels

ah yes I do love cheap plastic cases and a 2 page "manual"

I really don't care. If it has good exclusives I'll buy it, if not I won't.

PS3 graphics were gorgeous at release. It didn't last long, but it was very impressive at launch. Too bad they gimped RAM by dedicating half for CPU and half for GPU. Or not outright doing the jump to 768 MB or 1 GB. That was one complaint from devs - the Xbox 360 was more flexible in regards to RAM and adapted to the application. With PS3, you were SOL.

That said, which other console can you name that has been used in clusters for supercomputing?

Still better than a revocable license.


Horizon was nearly a great game. A sequel which iterates on it would actually be excellent. Not sure if I'd buy a console for that, but I'd keep an eye out.

>Layden said he's more willing to delay games to ensure they meet an ever higher quality bar.
Sounds good to me pham, keep all that trash like gears5 away

Which happens to less than 1% of games

I too can't wait for videogames to be even more homogenized! Design by committee is a great way to make games.

6 years dev time to be fully endorsed and approved by the feminist metoo criteria

>implying mustards won't be playing ps5 next gen over psnow

Enjoy your disc rot pal

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literally only happens to recordable cds, pressed dvds and blu rays will last far longer than any playstation server will.

>still need to download updates
>can be damaged
>takes up space
>might lose access to your entire collection if you move to another city or country if carrying all this shit around isn't an option

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Anyone know the watts number of 3700x at 3.0GHz???

yes lets cripple input devices for thousands because of some homo streamers.

Imagine the graphical disparity between PS5 and pc.
PC hasn't even caught up with ps4, 6 years old, 200$ hardware.
It's gonna be slaughter.
Also, can't wait for nshidia to promote their gamewerks perks just to be blow the fuck out by ps5 graphics.

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Only if they bring back Sly Cooper

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how are you so fucking poor that you're actually worried about having space for your video games? do you live in a ditch?

PS3 was an exception. It actually was quite powerful when it launched.

You can tell this was written by a Japanese guy

pc gaming is dead since 10 years. Its only exclusives are garbage early access, mobile, indies, f2p MP games, played by 13 year olds. If you want to play actual good games there is no way to get around a playstation

No not after how shit 4 was let it stay dead

you mean those pc exclusive indies and early access MP garbage titles? That push the graphics and look like PS2 games?

The GPU was a straight downgrade over the one in the 360 and the CPU wasn't all they claimed it was. 90% of the time the two extra cores in the 360 were more useful than the 6 vector units in the PS3.

Why are sony fans incapable of discussing anything without bringing up console wars?

Implying it's Sony fan and not just a general shit poster that doesn't find fun in games anymore so they try to ruin it for everyone...

I liked it a lot. Don't know why it gets so much shit outside the story, but the gameplay felt like a mix of Sly 1 and 3. There's a lot of mini games that are hit and miss, and adding gyroscope doesn't help. There's soul in this game.

video games are not area restricted anymore and even if they were you would still be able to play it on the console you got in your original are after moving.
and they are also not required to download updates. at least all xboxes work in pure offline mode and you can play games without internet.

>PS2 ruined gaming.
This is the most boomer shit i have read on Yea Forums. Get laid gramps.

fuck off fur fag.


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what's the difference?

so all sonyfags then

This. Wrinkling, balding Boomers need to fuck off

just a reminder of how dumb Snoy fans are
>mention how stupid it would be to announce a remaster of a game before the base game is out
>snoy nigger instantly deflects to nintendo and lists ports that were announced years later the first release
>doesn't even get most names right

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Thats because ports and lazyness. When devs actually put time into the games it showed what PS3 was actually capable of. Even in the end GTAV favored on the ps3 since time was put into console individually. I'm not saying what they did with the ps3 was smart, it was a stupid move and made the whole generation complicated and ultimately fucked over BC, but at least we got some amazing games from it with hardware that was complete ass.

PS4 to PS5 (and x1 to whatever next console will be) will be natively BC. There won't be "remasters" because all they will literally have to do is change graphics settings like on PC. The x86 architecture is going to be the standard from now on. This wasn't the case for the wiiu to switch so that user was correct. All those games were remasters.


It's a great timeline for PC.

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Listen here you pskiddie, just my ram is more expensive than your plastic sony toy

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The One X is already roughly comparable to a rx580 in practice. The new Navi GPU will much more likely be more comparable to at least a RX 5700 than any GCN-based Polaris GPU. In Nvidia terms rumors suggest it's about on par with a 2070~ 2070S. If it really only matches an RX580 it'll hardly even be an incremental upgrade from the One X.

>launching with a remaster of The Last of Us

>marketing terms
it's what new console releases are all about. if you've been around long enough to see a number of them you'd stop hyping yourself up over nothing

>making up false shit because you hate a company