It's getting worse every day. Just stop, hackeo kojima

It's getting worse every day. Just stop, hackeo kojima.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What did he mean by it?

>mocapped trump is the final boss
All I see is kino...

does he explain in what way it is a metaphor?

>can be understood as
wow it’s fucking nothing


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I really hope Death Stranding fail. His head is way too far up onto this own ass.

man, you cuckservatives sure are easily triggered

Previous threads people were joking about walls, homo demons, and such. I can think of the connection.

You just don't understand him psychologically, mathematically, physically, philosophically. YOU ARE DUMB.

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it should be bannable posting bait this bad

I'm not even referring to this post, I'm just talking in general.

If only you're old enough to remember what they took from us, just saying zoomies.

that's some pretentious shit

>tfw we can dismiss cringe kojimahaters as cuckservatives now

truly mindblowing stuff

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>Hot Coldman
>Skull Face
if Kojima's recent naming trends keep up you'll be able to spot the stand-in easily by his given name Orangeman Bad

Nevermind, it pulled (you)s a-plenty

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It means Trump likes long walks and to lay ladders around the wall to help mexicans?

Illegitimate and homoerotic

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more like Orange Badman

Lord almighty at all the people falling for this bait

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>Thought it was bait
>Look it up
>it's actually real.

>people are actually falling for the sourceless and out of context snips in this thread

Seriously, here's the real fucking interview you mongs

Now is Kojima up his own ass and insane? Yes but he doesn't say shit about American politics

Kojima actually sent me a letter by carrier pigeon and in it he details the secret hot coffee mode involving Mads.

Its obvious it isn't actually a metaphor for any of this shit Kojima is just a pretentious hack and decided to say his retarded walking simulator is a metaphor for [current trending topics]

>shitposters fault he turned out like this

australians truly are evil


Choose one and only one

Kojima's head is so far up his ass he could use a glass window on his chest so he can be able to see again

I pray this is fake. I knew he was a bit far up his own ass, but this is absurd.

The seething's starting up again. Xcucks are waking up.

It's ok when Japan does it.

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fucking lmao

>Talking about the present is a way of talking about the past and future
This is one of the most hollow yet pretentious statements I've ever heard. Does this guy drink his own cum?

Jesus Christ, I hate that I ever looked up to this demented gook.

He's being intentionally vague. he refers to trump but it's actually an indirect reference to power structures.

Trump is a living meme and all, but I highly doubt Kojima knows ANYTHING about him.


Trump AND the EU? Nani?

the biggest communist party in the world is in japan

It's from a gameinformer article thread from yesterday, chill out. Your idol really said that.

To be fair the Death Stranding anti-gay threads about Sam punching you for looking at his crotch get a lot more triggered replies.

All of them are real, Kojimadrone.

>new genre
>literally nothing new

You're an actual drooling retard holy shit, Kojidrones truly are embarassing
Read and weep faggot

This game will be GOTY.
Keep seething incels
I just read the article. I wanted to believe he wasn't too far gone, but after reading that I'm probably not buying Death Stranding. Looks like hanging out with Hollywood faggots ruined him.

Nothing, just throwing buzzwords so people should get more interested in his product.


“When you connect, you can use UCA services, but at the same time, they’re retrieving your information 24 hours a day. It’s like 1984. Some people may not like that, and say ‘I’m not going to connect to UCA, because we’re going to repeat the same thing that we did.’ Like Trump, or the EU, these things. It’s a metaphor.”

He's saying people playing the game might not want to have these connections, and that they may want to isolate themselves instead of having all cities connected, etc.

Literally not saying that the GAME is about Trump or Brexit, but the way in which people are connected in the 21st century: some may want to leave the large political unions, some may want to put up walls and be isolationist, or some may want everything to be interconnected.

Welp, trully sorry for kokimbo

Still going to make millions

To be fair to Kojima he is right about the EU basically becoming 1984.

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Why is being afraid of politics a bad thing?

He didn't say he hates the right wing, he's more scared of the extremes some people on the right will go to, and are going to, to preserve what they see as freedoms.

Why would a Japanese man not be afraid of the shitshow of Politics in Europe and America?

usa is divided politically. in death stranding the divide is literally in 2 separate planes.

Wasn't the game well into development before his joke if an administration?

Yep, and it's obvious he isn't trying to push an 'anti-Trump' or 'anti-Brexit' narrative through this interview. He';s just giving his opinions and saying how the things in his game can relate to what's happening in the real world.

>America is becoming more right wing
>That scares me
He didn't say he's afraid of political extremism or anything like that, he just said that he's afraid that Americans are thinking more right wing. He's a self hating nip fag.

also the divide in Death Stranding seems to stem somewhat from the President?

Or at least the President is involved in the story to some extent

What a pretentious hack

he is just salty that people called his walking simulator boring

“In all aspects, you are correct. Mathematically, psychologically, physically, philosophically.” “What you’re trying to do is correct.”


This edit is dumb. What he really said is "Eraserhead was my most spiritual film".
Which is probably just because he was scared of being a dad.

the second i heard that Sam worked for an organization called BRIDGES i realized exactly where Kojima was going with this game. I'll still play it, i think it'll be kino in some aspects since Kojimbles and Shinkawa have a knack for iconic designs and metaphor. However I'd almost guarantee the game is going to be another hollywood-esque big-budget silicon valley kind of wank. Kojima's clicking with all these spoiled artists that don't understand why America is in the current state it's in. Annoying, but not an indication of Death Stranding being a good experience or not.

Wonder how he teaches his kid that when he's never home


Jes just pissy we havent started any new wars in a few years be can capitalize on with metaphors and parallels for future movies is all.

MGS was a fluke that he rode the coat tails of for decades. That's obvious at this point.

Again, how is this a bad thing?

If suddenly Poltics moved vastly to the left, the retards on here would be scared shitless of it

You'd be stupid to not be afraid of the current political climate

To be fair, he wanted to end that series years ago, but Konami wouldn't let him

That George Miller guy sounds like a total douchebag.

>He just said he's afraid of extremism
>No, he literally just said he's afraid of the right
>Okay, so what's wrong with being afraid of vast right movements?
Listen you little faggot, America isn't extremely right leaning. In fact, as a country it's pretty split down the middle and evenly distributed. Even with the right wing administration, not a whole lot has changed unless you're an illegal immigrant. Now stop pretending he's taking some reasonable stance of apprehension towards widespread political extremism when in reality he's pedaling the same fear mongering bullshit the media trumpets up.

It's not like it's a specific allegory it's a typically broad af kojima metaphor

Now I understand why anons call him pretentious.

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>the article is real and the drones are defending this
kojima drones are one of the biggest cücks in the industry

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Konami dodged a bullet

Konami was probably wise in that regard. He must've been driving them nuts for years.

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What diagram? What was his theory? What the fuck is he talking about?

Why don't the parent and child just live together in the country the parents legally reside in?

>Maybe not people in the game industry, but musicians, directors, and creators. So, that’s why I tend to kind of overlap with musicians and film directors more than the game industry people – because they kind of tend to synthesize with me in that way and click faster.

Even Kojima admits he cares about movie directors more than game directors


Did Kojima actually say this or is this some hack author's inference?

so why isn't this about Obama then?

that's what I call suble.

Stop being bigoted, racist

At first it seems like there's nothing out of the ordinary, a crying child looking for attention from her mom, in front of a poster of the POTUS. However, there's actually a hidden meaning in this picture but I'll let you guys figure it out yourself, that way it hits you hardest. Brace yourselves though, it's heavy stuff

But why would the hand shadow be more pronounced than the arm shadow all of a sudden?

George Lucas is your mentor huh? I guess he really is like the George of games, retard.

>He's saying people playing the game might not want to have these connections, and that they may want to isolate themselves instead of having all cities connected, etc.
>Literally not saying that the GAME is about Trump or Brexit, but the way in which people are connected in the 21st century: some may want to leave the large political unions, some may want to put up walls and be isolationist, or some may want everything to be interconnected.
Why are you injecting facts and reasonable arguments into Yea Forums's autism trendy kojima hatefest user? Don't you know Kojima is very problematic right now?

Because the parents knowingly and willingly violated the law and shat the kid out on the US side solely to exploit birth citizenship laws and use their child as leverage to stay in the US. Thankfully we are not falling for this dumb ploy anymore and justice is being served. It's unfortunate that their children are being put through such undue hardships, but they have only their parents to blame for that. We are not at fault for strictly enforcing immigration laws, nor are we at fault for their parent's stupid decisions.

why do they always draw him with such nice hair?

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And even those games were actually written by Hiroshima.

Every country is divided politically. It's called disagreeing


>Dragon's Dogma, Souls games, Journey and even Nier Automata all had indirect online mechanics that served to unify the players for some single cause (defeating Ur-Dragon collectively, helping out other players indirectly by placing messages, etc)
>here comes Kojima with his half assed political commentary about disunion of american society and claims that he is the one creating a new genre even if he's just using mechanics present in last 2 generations of video games

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Kojima can literally do no wrong. Shut your fucking mouth.

its leftist politics I find are the only politics being pushed. and its leftist politics that restrict "artists" the most, which is what they are always complaining about. its just backwards thinking

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>a metaphor for America
>the game literally takes place in the United States
I hope this is his last game.

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To symbolize their shit skin.

And his cultists will lap it up

because then 1. they dont get free shit 2. dems dont get votes for giving them free shit

I don't care.

why would he? he made games about war economies, pmcs and proxy wars during his terms because they were more topical.

that explains why they were all about nukes

It's called democracy*
And it proves that democracy serves no real purpose.

Really tired of Foreigners and their superiority complex commentary on American culture.

>souls is just p2p
>only Dogma has the real proper connection across all players (per console)
>itsuno cucked Kojima on the race to his own genre
FUCKING AMAZING. Can someone spam both of them with this revelation?

dont forget his package surfing too

Stopped getting involved literally everywhere and we'll gladly stop talking about you.

Well American “culture” is a joke.

Rent free

That's what hack frauds do, take credit for someone's elses ideas.

Why does he even fucking make video games? It's clear as day he wants to direct movies.

Did you guys think Kojima was right wing or something? Metal Gear Solid always had this very obvious left wing subtext to it

No just fuck off
Are you American?

Not very creative, but then again, neither is your culture altogether.

>George Miller
The guy who directed these? Truly an inspiration.

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Actually no, DaS is pretty 'connected' with world statuses and all that jazz. That's TWO that smashed it before him.

>George Miller
It's the Mad Max director, you cretins. He's an extremely unpretentious director.

Welp, I knew hollyjews would get to him eventually.

I mean, didn't trump win due to the division Obama created? your way works too, I guess

I got more free shit when i lived in Mexico you mong, the American welfare state is a joke

>Babe is bad because it's for kids and I'm a grown up adult man

then why does every country ape it?

Why won't all the taco people leave then?

Souls games had plenty of interesting indirect mechanics, some even were purely used for atmosphere like hearing the bells rang in other worlds to know that you're not alone here.

Babe is kino you pleb.

The game shows a dysfunctional world where people have no confidence in each other and built walls to cause isolation. I mean... it's not even a metaphor, it's as if a teenager who never wrote was trying to make a "smart critique" about geopolitics or something, and to do that reproduced exactly what he is reading in the news.

Konami did nothing wrong.

theres a difference from being "left-wing" and "politically influenced by the guardian and buzzfeed". or at least, there was

user, we have tangible proof right there that he is a pretentious cunt.

>George Miller said something good about Kojima
>now the fanatic cultists must hate George Miller

Happy Feet was ok but the Babe movies are legitimate kino. Not even memeing.

watch a bts with him. he drank his own kool-aid

Why aren't they just using drones or something to deliver packages? Is delivery man Sam just a symbolic gesture?

That epilogue of Nier Automata is still the best usage of indirect online to unify people
Kojima won't even get close to the emotional impact.

>pawn trading
>Ur Dragon
>world tendency
They're all more impactful (in terms of unifying a playerbase) than any of the souls mechanics, desu. The closest they got was miracles leaving charges

He directed Babe? Holy shit.
Because of this, the movie is very, very good. Not amazing, but it's much better than has the right to be, the premisse is silly but the execution is surprisingly very solid.

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>Noby Noby Boy (2009)
>Demon's Souls (2009)
>Peace Walker (2010)
>Journey (2012)
>Dragon's Dogma (2012)
>Nier: Automata (2017)
As you can see, he got in early and did it before most of the examples you gave.

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He was probably just playing along and entertaining Kojima’s bullshit so he could go away.

what a casual you are. you gotta play all mgs games and metal wolf chaos.

Dude, you can tell everybody to fuck off but all the eyes focused on USA right now is really the aftereffect of USA winning and dominating over the other countries in the first place. In other words, your country EARNED this and not the other way around.


>a dysfunctional world where people have no confidence in each other and built walls to cause isolation
sounds based

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Because we have more opportunities to work and get by here.
I seriously don’t get the free stuff meme right wingers push. Illegals are simultaneously lazy and stealing your jobs. They attribute some insane welfare system to democrats when America’s incredibly conservative when it comes to social programs.

I got paid like 700 dollars just for performing well in a math test in Mexican high school, got free healthcare, tons of freebies and social programs from the state, just for being a young student. Here you pay and work for everything. Like, where are the Mexicans just showing up and getting free stuff?

Justify peace walker's inclusion.

Quick, post the article about that lil beaner crying while dinnering Pizza and Mountain Dew while his parents are being deported lol

Good point, I've given up arguing with these /pol/ wannabes

Trump won due to the division caused by digitization

He also made fury road.

This guy is a fucking hack. Good thing he stayed away from Silent Hill

>muh kojima is a genius
Rip Fukushima, hopefully you’ll get the credit you deserve one day.

>game makes sense to boomer film makers who has never played a game before
>wonder why people who actually care about video games find it boring
and here I thought japs were supposed to be smart


Finally a vidya worth playing
Fuck Trump
Even Metal Gear agrees

>A lot of preppers just sign a contract to be connected to Bridges. The network is there, but there’s no communication or other actions – that’s why they can’t use the chiral printers and things like that. If they say they will join the UCA, then you can use the chiral network, the chiral printers, things like that. In the game, the mission is to really reconnect America again – but I haven’t said whether that is correct or not.

As I said before, and as I expected, the UCA aren't necessarily the "good guys" and the Homo Demens aren't necessarily the "bad guys".

kojima is such a fucking hack, holy shit

No just fuck off with your pretentious shit already. Those cunts that write the gta games would never make such a contemptuous protrayal of england even if they know there's plenty to be mad fun of. You're all hypocrites, all the political powers in the world are playing the same game, they happily work with each other.

I said that it's moved vastly to the right

Proof: Obama had 332 votes in 2012, Romney had 206
In 2016, Trump had 306, Clinton had 227. How is that not a vast shift?
'Conservatives continue to outnumber liberals, 35% to 26%'

But please, tell me how I'm a faggot and that I'm falling for Kojimas fear mongering.

how dare trump taking away children from human smugglers who sell sex slaves

>and here I thought japs were supposed to be smart
Why are you making a generalization? This case right here is pretty specific on Kojima alone, jeez.

Congratulations on figuring out Geopolitics.

Go deal with your caliphate or some shit, eurotrash.

Stop shitting up the middle east and we can start thinking about it.

>Over 3 years of nothing but a strange E3 trailer and a few news articles of Kojima traveling
>Gameplay is you being a delivery boy in Scotland if Scotland was in Newyork and there is an obvious last minute comparison to Trump and current political climate here.

>the electoral college represents the entire population
Literally not what it's meant to do.

>ell me how I'm a faggot and that I'm falling for Kojimas fear mongering.
You're a faggot and you're falling for fear mongering. What specifically are you afraid? In the years since Trump got elected, how did life for American citizens get worse? Be specific and give examples, because vague nothing statements would be baseless fear mongering.

Kojima is not leaning towards either side, he is just putting the stuff out like he see it.

He is making a metaphor to how people behave as a society today, but he is leaving to the player to decide what course of action suits him more, the player mission is to connect the country, build "bridges", but the protagonist, Sam, doesn't like the idea, it is up to the player to decide if it is the right thing to do or not.

this, kojima hangs exclusively with hollyweirdos now. pretty pathetic actually

but those people are the villains of the game and you get rewarded for violently killing them
this game is a globalists wildest dream
getting to destroy small communities who believe in small government

The Trump comparisons were obvious since the moment we've learned about the whole garbage about building bridges and unifying USA which i think got leaked a few years back.

Trump is a scary thing for the rest of the world, the united state has stood as a beacon of anti fascist and anti authoritarian governments for years and most thought it was something America would never fall into themselves, yet here we are with trump pulling the right in to fascism and pushing the left into authoritarianism

>Kojima is not leaning towards either side
He literally said he's afraid of the American right wing. In no ambiguous terms.

Just close your fucking borders, how about that cuck. Ahh but I know you'll happily let Muslim hordes rape all of Europe before you take responsibility for anything.

Reviewers are going to slurp this up so fucking hard. Smart.

>kojima defense force will actually spin this as good

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>close your borders
How's that working out for you, by the way?

"liberalism" is no longer "liberal" though. theyre going down a very dark rabbit hole

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Kojima has always been anti war and anti jingoistic rhetoric. Why are MAGAtards just now seeing this?

>and even the EU

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Shut the fuck up you poor baity cunt, before some poor zoomer sap believes you. With Trump as president, literally nothing has happened other than extreme media outrage at nothing. The status quo of a politician doing fuck-all remains the same.

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What? Take your medicine, user, it's not my intention to attack you at all, I was just saying that all these people who are currently giving their hot takes on USA did this in the first place because they acknowledge USA's influence on their own lives, it's a reasonable decision to meddle with matters of your country with that reasoning alone.

>No just fuck off with your pretentious shit already.
I'm not even a Kojimadrone, relax.

Like I said you can't take responsibility Mohammed. Better than you, much much better. Don't get acid thrown in your face on your way to get your jackoff loicense. And if you're not English whatever fuck you too.

Btw are Japanese communist?

lel. I don't give a fuck about Trump he's a spineless weasel. I would have been fucking furious if Hildawgs had gotten in though. She is a fucking psychopath and very close to being unironically evil.
t. rest of the world

He has no fucking idea of what he is trying to do.


First off, the people who voted Trump did so because they didn't want war with Russia and wanted America out of the middle east. Second off, what the fuck does that have to do with me pointing out that the user I quoted was wrong?

Thats a lot of people you are speaking for there user.

Ehh whatever Mohammed etc

How is that wanting out of the Middle East working for you?

>kojima has always been obsessed with US politics
>all metal gear games are heavily influenced by politics
>he has always had a strong stance against fascism and endless war
>be surprised when his new game is political

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They're a criminal state run by Yakuza

Exactly. That other loser talking about muh american antifashy beacon shit can fuck off. That twig doesn't speak for me.

Funny you should mention responsibility, when you are the reason why the middle east is such a shitshow to begin with (you and Bongs, too, but hey). Start taking responsibility for that instead of telling people how to run their countries.

People are hoping he wasn't just another crazy social justice lefty.

good, except for the dems and the neo-con screeching

Don't get ahead of yourself. You fucking simp.

>with politics moving to the right, I'm afraid of this kind of movement in America

Someone show this to that user who keeps editing a MAGA hat on Norman Reedus.


Bet you'll stop watching the second something you disagree with is said.

That user made a blanket statement you proclaimed to the the voice of the world. You should just fuck off and keep your mouth shut.

This man is just pulling shit put of his ass at this point.

>against fascism and endless war
literally trump. its unhinged LEFTIST politics that are a problem

Stay in topic, fags. The main issue here is that Kojima Is a fucking pretentious con man

They are delusional than. He has always been like that.

the political commentary in the 7 minute story clip was infantile. Dropped

Slower than I'd like it to be, but at least it's moving in the right direction.

If America isn't bulldozing a certain area it will just be Russia or china or england or germany blah blah you guys will have to actually have an honest cultural introspective eventually once you stop smelling your own farts.

>Trump is a scary thing for the rest of the world
>rest of the world
>proclaimed to be* the voice of the world
>rest of the world
>voice of the world
Hm yeah. He wasn't speaking for anyone. Kill yourself.

>6 minutes
Won't lie, I didn't make it past 0:01 second an all he said was good mor-

>he has always had a strong stance against fascism and endless war
The right wing voters didn't want war with Russia or the middle east. Why would Kojima be afraid of them if he's anti-war? Be specific.

But it’s not. Trump has maintained the military levels in the Middle East just most shifting them around.

this. we're all just fighting for no reason. the game looks like a fucking hot mess though

I'm more surprised how desperate he's trying to make his walking sim seem any deeper than it really is.
Yes, Kojima, people are indeed divided. Well observed, This isn't anything new.

this thread is full of falseflaggers. trannies and r*ddit westacucks are trying to pretend that they are /pol/acks to shit on a popular japanese series.

mgs games are literally consistently all about american politics and militarism. it focuses on american politics/geopolitics, and thats what makes mgs. these falseflagging fags are even embarrassing.

Mgs has always had lefty politics. Every fucking media besides Fox news is lefty politics. You want to know why? Because alt right faggots are incapable of producing anything, they just consume and bitch.

Well, making excuses is certainly a step in the right direction, but it's not exactly the "taking responsibility" you were hammering about two posts ago.

lmao you sounded like a cornered prey animal, so cute.

Trump fans are retards and traitors.

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So has every executive puppet.
>muh president
Fucking slave mindset. You are unironically cattle people for caring about your farcical political system.

>But it’s not.
Moving out less than planned still means they're moving troops out.

This CAN'T be real.

kojima just listens to the celebrities he runs around with now, and then parrots them in his movies

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>Mgs has always had lefty politics
I disagree, but this isn't really the board or thread to go deeper. An not wanting to die in a war isn't inherently leftist, its just not wanting to fucking die period which isn't even political. Every living creature would agree.

Cuckservatives are all mindless consumers, and they have the gall to complain about people shitting on them when they've shown time and time again that they'll buy and consume regardless of how much they get shit on.

What HASN'T Kojimbo lied through his teeth this game would be? A game?

>Right wing voters dont want war in the middle east
>start a war in Afganistan
>start a war in Iraq
>desperately trying to start a war with Iran

>Every fucking media besides Fox news is lefty politics
stopped reading right there because youre fucking retarded

Hasn't he been trying to get fired for years now because they won't let him retire? Or am I thinking of someone else?

I'm still of the mindset Americans arent really "more right wing". My views havent changed since I voted for Obama. I am tired of all this tranny and political correctness shit abaolutely blanketing every interaction online and off, which makes me "alt-right" according to the media. Which makes it look like everybody suddenly became an "incel terrorist".

Don't rationalise with cuckservatives. They are poor people with poor mentalities.

So when are we going to get a mixed race character in a Kojima game that bombs Libya and gets away with it.

nice moving goalposts. its current year, sweetie

Both candidates like most American politicians were jew loving faggots. Nothing we can do against that.

Correct answer.

>Neocons that voted for Bush are the same people that voted in Trump

It's a fact. If America didn't exist something else would fill the void immediately, it's practically arbitrary.

I didn't say things are perfect over here but America has been the cultural punching bag since forever, when Europe is completely full of shit hypocritical, take back john Oliver at the very least.


>taking GTA seriously
Lmao calm down fatty

((( Right wingers)))

yes it is. thus them desperately trying to start a war Iran.
For Saudi Arabia

literal Nazi speak. get help

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That it is a Sci-Fi Game that deals with our current problems in society. Alt right assholes like Trump splitting the people with their polemic and aggressive language and actions. Also, new emerging Borders, like in Europe, people fleeing from hazardous environments etc.

It's like alot of Soviet Sci Fi literature from the 60-70s, see Strugatzki Brothers

>I'm still of the mindset Americans arent really "more right wing".
Never said they were, and Kojima is a retarded faggot for thinking so. I've always been a slightly right leaning Libertarian, but Gary Johnson made a fucking mockery of the party, and the Randlet hasn't nutted up to fill his dad's shoes yet. Trump was the only candidate to vote for, because while he's not perfect, there's nothing that scares me more than another Clinton in the white house save maybe Bernie winning and giving away everyone's money.

>trump runs on border wall
>kojima's game is about reconnecting different areas and making bridges (opposite of walls)
>he even said 'make bridges not walls' as a tagline for death stranding.
>female president to please hillary supporters
He's gone full FUCK DRUMPF.

Satire is commentary you fucking retard.

Hey, the Babe movies are legit good


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Right. My vote wasnt so much for Trump as it was against Clinton.

all I see are other countries (and politicians who are anti-trump) trying to drag America into war.

>Not Tulsi
oof, shameful and draftdodger pilled.

>Bernie wants to make sure fat cats/corporations are paying their fair share
You know they aint gonna make you rich right? get real nigga. stop white knighting.

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America is a somewhat competent hegemon. It needs to reassert control over the contenders however.
As a country that doesn't posses vast economic, martial political or productive power I cannot be happy about serving as a client state and must always advocate for the furthering of my own states independence. I'm sure you understand.

Hahahahaha, further proof that movie game directors just want to be acknowledged by actual artists

The void used to be filled by European colonial powers and the Ottoman Empire before that. That's over five centuries of relative peace. US turned the ME into a pandemonium in 50 years.
>America has been the cultural punching bag since forever
Nah, intra-European punching has been a staple of the continent for millenia. You've never heard a Frenchman and a Brit argue if you think otherwise.

>Alt right assholes like Trump
please, please be joking...

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Stay seetheing incel



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America's ego is as big as its victim complex

>only now realizing that Kojima is desperate to get into movie industry
what took you so long?

>Bernie wants to make sure fat cats/corporations are paying their fair share
you really didn't buy that, did you?

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That's what happens when you become #1 before you could forge a true cultural identity.

Says some nobody that would immediately cry for America's help if something happened

I will now buy your game.

Syria is not the middle east

>drumpf said a thing
I cant believe you guys live on his every tweet

I wonder who is behind this post

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Bernie was unemployed until he was 40

Extend your horizon

Well he is the president and the most powerful person in the world.

>no stop pointing out him saying he is ready to send our troops to die for Saudi Arabia and all that he is waiting for is his marching orders!!!

pay off your useless degree first, I think bernies gonna take the bribe again...


So he would have for right in on Yea Forums

I thought this was fucking obvious when the President in Death Stranding is blatantly Hillary Clinton, Sam is blatantly a vehicle character to represent progressives (only WE can bridge the borders between divided or shattered nations, via a guy literally named Bridges), and the strands / BTs represent our umbilical-tier attachments to the internet / smartphones, where online drama looms over our real world (represented as invisible phantoms you can barely detect, that can attack you but you can't really fight back, almost exactly like how a twitter user can hurt your wellbeing/career in the real world but there is no way for you to retaliate).

you could say the gigantic cthulhu all the strands are coming from represents trump because so many people seem dependent on their support or hatred of him as a source of identity and have become reliant on trump to fuel their Id (something Ted Cruz was just saying about the dems the other day)

>he says, for the third time this week

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>We're waiting on Saudi Arabia to tell us what to do.
Yeah that sounds about right.

Only because my nation refuses to properly defend itself which is partial because to do so without America reeeeeeing the fuck out we have to do it the expensive way when we can and should be a nuclear power.
Mutts have too smooth a brain to understand how the interactions their masters have with out nations affect us.

>Extend your horizon

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>only now
Been saying it for years

Ah, another term that 'progressives' took from the right and then shitted up with "cuck" to try and make a weak and pathetic countermeme.

Pretty sad you admit you're a cuck and that's why you're mad

Muslims and Jews are two sides of the same coin.


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Dilate tranny bitch

wow it's almost like, as every single person has been saying for decades, he should just go make films with the rest of those hollywood faggots

i bet kojima would get along fantastically with fellow leftie music elitist, Anthony Fantano

>look a comic!!! that means i'm right!!!
why do you kids only know how to communicate through cartoons?

>Bernie's plan would fuck over individual investors the hardest
>Not companies like Apple or Google or Microsoft
I actually read what he wanted to do, and as someone who invest their money because I'm not retarded, I hated all the shit he was selling. I went to a small state school I could afford for undergrad then got scholarships and stipends for grad school. Why the fuck would I want my money going to pay for other people's schooling?

>Syria is not the middle east
Are you okay?

Also, Unteralterbach is a metaphor for Merkel. Unteralterbach can be understood as a metaphor for Germany, Merkel, and even the EU,

Mossad was a crucial part of 911

Yeah wow, who gives a damn?

spotted the cuckold lmao

Just fucking take John Oliver back please.

It’s part of the Middle East it’s not the whole Middle East and while yes trump has moved troops out of Syria he didn’t bring them home he just moved them to other Middle East countries like SA and Afghanistan

Bro, we're desperately trying, but lefty faggots say Nationalism is secretly white supremacy apparently, and they push hard for globalist bullshit all the time.

It also doesn't help the EU can't defend their own shit and are constantly nagging us for military assistance while stroking their own cocks about how their able to pay for socialist programs despite having a shit military that relies on another country to do the legwork for them.

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He's dead in the water anyway.

Because it makes their point without them having to put effort in their dialog.

>attempt independence
>get embargoed or if that doesn't succeed invaded
Um yeah man we're cucks. Our existence is at the whim of other nuclear powers and our strength is in our bonds and alliances between those powers. This is called most of the known world.
Your empire is crumbling. My Kingdom isn't. We'll just swear fealty to the new hegemon while you losers get completely gutted by the slavs or the insects
>literally losing to robotic rice farmers
>literally losing to poor dunk slavs
>relying on compliance from EU and Israel to hold power
>other people are cucks
Funny thing about the fall of Rome. Those states that struggled enough to be client states rather than intergrated into proper Roman structures? They were fine. Same thing after Greece before Rome. Same thing after Macedonia. Same thing after the British Empire and so on and so forth.
Yeah it's cool to have the silver spoon in your mouth and I won't pretend I wouldn't take it if I had the chance but you HAVE to know that the same spoon is destined to end lodged in your ass.

>it's real
I play video games as an escape from the real shitty world. I don't want messages and I don't want to have to think about the real world in my games. I just want to have fun, It's the only time I really get for that. Why are game devs forcing me to face reality in my time to relax?

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How did any of you morons actually think war with russia was going to happen?

Maybe if you said something worthwhile instead of pissing your pants we'd put more effort in

insanely, shamefully underrated comment. This is literally a journalist telling his personal theory to Kojima and saying "lol yeah that might be possible"

Keep blaming the US for all your problems

Nah, he's all yours, m8.

Hillary wanted to take over Ukraine

>most powerful person in the world
Most of his staff probably straight up ignores what he says, and reports directly to either Rep or Dem party leaders/donors.
Probably the same with most presidents, but this time around he is not in line with the "establishment", so it becomes apparent.


remember SNOY flew him to every big game studio around the world and he told them about death stranding, imagine what kind of hack retard that saw Kojima as

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>Won't even take responsibility for John Oliver
not cool.

So what you meant to say was that Syria was not the whole middle east.

>he didn’t bring them home he just moved them to other Middle East countries like SA and Afghanistan
I sure hope you have a source that accounts for all of the troops just being moved around and not brought home, because otherwise that would make you objectively wrong about none of the troops leaving the middle east.

Bro, drop the fucking soi and go for a 2 mile run for AT LEAST one day...

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>trump funnels money to his businesses and gives tax cuts on ultra rich
>Bernie takes no PAC money
>Cuckservatives still afraid of Bernie
Brainless faggots lmao. You deserve to stay poor.

The Hegemon sets the pace. You wanna be mad when people don't like it? You can always cede hegemony. I would prefer you give it to russia. They'll leave me alone - probably.

How do you type this shit with a straight face?

As an musician I can say I don't agree with this. I think first and foremost your art should be fun. As in, it has to engage interest in the person playing/listening. Then once you've shown you understand how the human thinks in terms of interests, then that's when you hit them with your philosophy or whatever. It's actually the only way for them to pay attention. It looks like he's going the opposite direction.

The thick jizzy irony. Yea Forums, a board dedicated to videogames, a pantheon of mindless consumption, is calling out conservatives for such behavior. A group mostly comprised of rural middle aged boomers who work trade jobs.

Did you not watch a single debate? Are you not aware of the relationship between the US, Russia and Syria and what Hillary wanted to do? How can someone so ignorant be so arrogant?

this quote is out of context

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You do know we effectively took over Ukraine financially right? We were ready for pretty decent proxy war

are you upset because the british tv man said something you don't agree with? cheer up snowflake

>that last quote
Isn't that basically what happened during the battle of the Bulge? What with Patton who didn't want to help Montgomery because he hated his guts, and Bradley who was too proud to ask Eisenhower for help. Then Patton comes out of the blue to shove a 76mm shell in Rundstet's ass, taking everyone by surprise.

Literally right under your source faggot.

>opposite of walls
Stopped reading there. The opposite of a wall is a doorway.

Can you really blame anyone for refusing to take responsibility for that guy existing?

Get fucked eurobitch. You guys would probably lose your minds if Colbert was on the bbc talking shit everyday.

You're a real moron


>Looks like hanging out with Hollywood faggots ruined him.
I guess you never played any Metal Gear Solid game.

I guess that's fair enough.

Nah, we'd just turn it off, probably.

Trump is trying to bring america together but the homo demons keep trying to stop him

Kojima's work has always been critical of the West and particularly America.

Individuals are heroic and good but the institutions around them are invariably flawed, corrupt, and self-perpetuating, and those institutions are coded in American terms. The U.S. government basically betrays you in every mainline MGS game. For all the reverence the Boss shows her country, she's incredibly disposable to them, as is Big Boss, as is Snake (and Raiden).

I don't know how you could miss this shit unless you're in Dan Ryckert-tier denial.

Think long and hard about the last phrase in your post lol
the conflict in ukraine is already a proxy war

>right starts using cuck as an insult to leftists
>suddenly there is this massive societal push to normalize cuckolding as a fetish
>articles saying to let your woman cheat on you
>leftists announcing that they are proud of being cuckolds
>they start repeatedly saying "cuckservative" in an extremely shallow attempt to 'meme'
why are leftists literally the most embarrassing flavor of people on this planet?

Attached: leftists.png (348x302, 21K)

Yeah yeah whatever


Haven't seen Happy Feet, but Babe was really good.

>Peace Walker
How and why? The PSP original didn't even have proper online multiplayer, only adhoc party.

You don't have to watch it.
Also lol, i watch john oliver every week with my gf while we have lnch since i'm not a triggered /pol/ bitch.

Numbers, chucklefuck. Pastebin the article that's behind a paywall and show the part with the actual numbers. If all you read is the top cutoff part, that's not going to do any favors for your pretend arguments.

Ok, so we were going to ramp it up to 10. We've been boxing in Russia with missile bases for the late decade user


I don't watch tv, dilate tranny.

Try the last 50 years, rather.

>Are you familiar with the proxy war and each candidates' position on it?
>lol ur dumb
Great fucking post.

Demonstrate even a semblance of understanding of the situation in Syria and the relation between the US and Russia at the time of the debates, as well as Hillary Clinton's stance on the subject.

Should be just call you cucks then?

I'm sorry, they are so fucking obnoxious and overrepresented in all forms of media now that I cannot escape them anywhere I go. Twitch is basically the only social site left on the internet where I don't have to hear about what leftists are outraged about on the daily.

>Trump, and even the EU
Wow, this game has it all. If Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy came out today, rather than getting 42 out of the supercomputer, we'd get Death Stranding.
It's like the answer to everything.

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Sure they did.
Dont fallow the money infidel.
It's not like the majority of the terrorists from 9/11 were Saudi Nationals. It's not like the kingdom throws a shit fit and threaten to raise prices on oil every time the 28 pages are even talked about being declassified.

Friendly reminder: Trump sucks

How is that any different from them blaming literally every single fucking problem on one person, day in and day out? What, they're allowed to constantly point fingers and it's fine but not for us?

Remember all those planes getting shot down? Probably false flags

Imagine being this deranged, I hate that the election made me have to share a website with lunatics and fantasists. At least you'll hopefully grow out of this before you turn 18.

>genetically modified clones aren't real humans with emotions
So Kojima is the retard and Taro is the smart one.

tfw too dumb to comprehend

Maybe get a life outside of the internet.

How do you figure? Do you have an actual argument or are you just calling me 'deranged' because I don't like the left's methods of propagating their shitty dysfunctional ideology?

It wasn't just mossad I know, were a big part tho. I wonder what would happen if everyone knew. I guess it would be too much with the cia being part of it also.

Funny you should say that when 25% of people get their news from Twitter

>I don't watch tv, i'm just so incredibly mad about a tv show on a subscription channel that i demand its host be deported
is this the famous incel rage?

The conservatives of America were the classic liberals of like a decade ago. It's the slow boiling frog technique. I'd consider conservatives to be left-centered. Media has been moving everything more and more left, socially speaking, slowly since the late 50s. But since Trump won that means it's going to be a shift back a decade. So the left is turning all their media and their megaphones into propaganda X100. I can't believe it's actually working on Kojima lol it's like he's never actually paid attention to history.

Unironically how? Refrain from saying he's mean, because I frankly don't care.

You can get banned on Twitch pretty easily for inflammatory comments, from what I hear.

Umm recessive and dominant...uhhh snake!!

Bernie would have killed this country as well. He's saying far left rhetoric now. He never had any morals.

>watching tv in this day and age

Dilate dumb tranny.

You mean when Bush Sr trained and supplied the mujahideen with weapons to fight the reds?

I host large parties on the regular and then have to hear loud circle discussions from uninformed people IRL who are like ten controversies behind and just want to guffaw at the primitive sentiment "TRUMP R DUM LOL"

it's funny to me that his critics always seem to be people who don't actually know anything about politics or current events. most of them get their political 'understanding' from reading twitter and facebook. one side bleeds into the other

Depends, if you're female you have to literally flash your vag on screen to get banned but can otherwise be as vulgar as you want. if you are black you can say nigger and whatever else you want. if you're a white male streamer you have to watch your mouth at all times and NEVER bring up politics

Bernie thinks sinking California this decade and not over the next 50 years would help

>25% of people get their news from Twitter
Even would be a better "source" than that.
Also, I don't believe that number, fucking no one I know personally uses Twitter.
I did for a while like 10 years ago, but it wasn't worth it.

Not that poster, but he's accomplished absolutely nothing except giving the rich the biggest tax cuts in history, running up the deficit to record highs.

You're a fantasist, so I don't think it's possible to convince you that not everything is a leftist plot. Your entire post is make believe, I can't even be bothered to explain it to you since you're probably too young to know that cuck porn has been infesting the internet since forever, ever get porn off limewire? doubt it.

pffffft ahahahahahaha imagine getting this upset over being called a cuckold, what a whiny faggot

>no one I know personally uses Twitter.
It's mostly liberals believe it or not.

>main character wearing maga hat
>president hillary is on a hospital bed
>first woman president floods country with homo demons
>stronk womyn needs men to save the country for her
>punch gay camera man back into the closet

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Our trusted allies

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Lol what a stupid pandering faggot

All I can think is how other games clam to be redefining a genre, and how this game is claiming to make a new genre entirely despite seeming like a fairly run of the mill game. At one point No Mans Sky was the industry changer, look how that turned out, it claimed to be the first galaxy scale game, but it turned out be just another random seed map generator and nothing noone hadnt seen before, just on a larger scale.

I just want to know what the actual "strand game" genre entails, I have no interest till then, for all we know this means everything is empty and must be made by players, there is no content, people have to make it all in game for other players, and we have seen every cutscene in the trailers. What is the fucking game. For that I will just be watching a playthrough on youtube, I dont know what Im playing and they wont fucking explain it. Theyve shown the character fucking around in a base, but how is that anything indicative of a new genre? Not that my loss of a sale matters, this is going to make a killing based on hype alone even if it gets bad reviews. Kojimas head is so far up his own ass its come out the other end. Metal Gear is good but my fuck is the writing overrated.

>defending what Trump did to 'murka
kys whitetrash

Make sure you deleted your account, I logged in after years of inactivity some time ago, only to find that someone has hacked it and used it to shill some internet software.

How did kojima feel about this?

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Where did you get the impression I was upset? The part where my perspective differed from yours, triggering your deep insecurities about the validity of your fragile world view? I'm legit sitting here in my underwear since I just woke up, doing a bit of early morning posting before I make my coffee and breakfast.

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Who are you quoting here?

God that is so pretentious and retarded holy fuck I hope this is all bullshit and Kojima didn't say shit or something. Only truly stupid empty people who stand to lose nothing or are just beyond ignorant thing border security is a bad thing.

This enemy of the people should not be allowed into the countries he criticises.

Sedition is a crime.

America was never anti fascist. We joined the war because of Pearl Harbor, long after we allowed Germany to take over Europe.

Aay I could get behind that. They need to hurry up and turn into an island already.

All of the dem candidates are this.

>Your entire post is make believe
chew you havisfaction a single factilicious to snack that up?

It's not associated with anything relating to me, so it makes no difference.
Think I even used some throw-away mail address.
Mostly used it to keep track of some doujinshi circles.

Trump is the most anti-war president America had in a long, long time.

Friendly reminder that Obama doomed Trump with his hyper aggressive deportations

Thank you for proving my point you pathetic faggot lmao

Cuckold porn existing isn't the same as it being normalized and pushed in the mainstream you fucking goon.

>George Miller

Speaking Spanish in the dem debates. Some have even gone to Mexico to have their rallies

>they used words i don't understand, that makes me afraid, i-i'll just say he's mad q___q

enjoy another four years you troglodytes

i can't wait for some rabid leftist retard to literally run up and kill trump and then see your psychotic political party start to normalize murdering people with different views as morally valid.

Good instinct, I learned the hard way not to use my real email address for anything but work related stuff.

Friendly reminder Obama is literally a nigger faggot and had his gay lover killed.

Jesus Christ you dumb cunts fall so easily for fake news

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The left can’t meme.

It's mind blowing they're getting away with this stuff.

your definition of doomed is very odd

i'm sure you're excited for Ol' Bern to abolish the entire deportation system

>interview with Itsuno
>keeps talking about gameplay and characters
>enthusiastically explains little details they put in the game so it feels good to the players
>"We want to make the best action game of Heisei era"

>interview with Kojima
>keeps talking about actors and movies
>boasts about inventing stealth games (when games such as Castle Wolfenstein were released years prior to MG), predicting the shape of the world and now about inventing yet another genre
>politics politics politics, I want more Hollywood good boy points
>"Even I don't understand what the game is about"

Thank you for proving that you are infact a triggered cuckold lmao

Fucking newfags, this isn't the first time he met George Miller.

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Ok retard.

Doomed is having no breathing room for political discussion because of something your predecessor did

Yes, the inmortal ghostlady president and the dude with a skull for a face are 100% good guys, they totally won't betray the player in the end just like Snake kept getting betrayed on MGS

Twitter traffic represents like, 1-2% of the US population but accounts for the main news source of 1/4th of the entire country. That's how lopsided shit is

>Clearly in a mirror
>Bridges is mirrored
>Hat isn't mirrored

You mean Barry?

>ywn be an idea man with unlimited access to a multi billion dollar corporation's wallet

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But you're the cuck tho, btfo. Don't kys over being blown out this hard tho sweetie/kid

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Because that dude is no longer president, and because the orange man divided and isolated murika a lot more than the black man did, putting up walls, giving bigger taxes to international partners and getting fabrics out of other countries and back into the natuon were his literal campaign promises

>People shocked by this
>Nearly every candidate with a hope of using them has shot for the paddy vote, to the point of Clinton basically endorsing the IRA at one point.
Not even getting into the other "special interest nation" that immediately upsets everyone whenever you bring it up.

C'mon guys I have my own incredibly hostile view on what is essentially a false appeal to get easy votes but they all fucking do it every goddamn time.

Dios mio

Probably not, actually. Even in their current position, they still have obvious expansionist intentions, as indicated by their invasion of ukraine and continued presence in the mid east. To be fair, though, basically every state has expansionist intentions, while most don’t have the practical power needed to apply them. You just lack perspective because you’re an idiot.

I dunno, Trump seems to be getting plenty done, but because The News won't report on it or accurately convey his actions with any modicum of good faith, it's no surprise none of his detractors have a fucking clue about his policies or what he actually believes in.

You have like, two sites left out there that can still keep sponsors while discussing republican/rightwing news (which is basically like a kazoo in your ear in terms of volume) and then the leftwing which is The Entire Mainstream Media And The Banks And California all shrieking into a microphone at max volume in your other ear.

Obama literally got cops killed and started riots because he said black people "dindu nothin"

(((Special interest nation)))

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Think of the tacos tho guys

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Yeah man the jews just get kicked out of every single place they live because they're actually so healthy for any culture they live in right

Yeah but I don't want the social climate to shift to that perspective. Eventually a candidate will capitalize on that (if a dem takes the presidency) and make a deal to merge Mexico, South America, and Canada, into one super-state. It's what Hilary actually wanted if I recall.

>and even the EU
Fuck off, Kojimbo. I don't want anything to do with you or the mutts.

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>he's afraid that Americans are thinking more right wing
They aren't. "Americans" in major media, news and the Democrat party are going absurdly far left, militantly so, skewing things horribly.
Meanwhile the "right" are still exactly where they've been for the past several decades (actually trending more moderate in recent years), as are the dead-center moderates. The big thing the right and middle have in common right now is their growing hatred of the vocal minority that is the outright socialist far left having seized control of the Democrat platform.

"Republican" and "Democrat" mean nothing in the USA anymore. Both platforms are shells that exist in name only. The former is being used by a shitposter billionaire, while the ones controlling the latter party, media and big tech are going insane because their surefire plan to control everything blew up in 2016.

It's been a common trend that every two to three generations (or 36-40 years) in the US, the paradigm shift flips the mindset of the greater general public between liberal and conservative, and different major population hubs flip to opposing sides, both ways. The last shift was in the mid 80s, when California was red and Texas was blue. We are in the middle of the next shift, and it's always chaos.
Just sit back and relax for another fifteen or so months. The "civil war" will be over quickly when 2021 hits. Then we can go back to calling one another retards instead of you retards throwing "cuck" and "incel" at one another.

If Kojima is being vague as he states in the interview, any political metaphors will be generalized towards most of the world being split in such a way that the two major mindsets are completely incapable of understanding one another, and their conflict basically fractures everyone else into isolated groups. That's it. Infer anything more than that and you're a retard.

>serious mature gamer dude hating on movies because they are made for kids

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>They aren't.
I'm aware.

So like, if I don't have PS+ does the game just not work or something?

>he befriended some own I don't like, that turns my bullshit into fact!

Did you reply to the wrong post?

To all the teens reading this: if you want to be very successful in life, get into the meat or oil industries. Environmentalism is for making people poor. If the environment was really that bad, people outside of the government would be doing something about it.

Hack walking simulator pretentious etc.

You may disagree but you're mistaken, you clearly didn't play the games if you deny the fact that MGS bows to the left

Congenital mental illness. They literally can't help it.

Phew, I mean I happen to agree though I suspect for entirely different reasons, but I also think that concerns of a grossamerica isn't actually at the forefront of most objections to this. If it is or it isn't, that doesn't detract from my point that "Nobody should be surprised by a candidate trying to secure votes from groups of people who if you asked them on the street what nationality they were, it'd be 50% I'm actually notamerican 50% I'm american/nation.

How did you see through my clever disguise? But you got to admit if I'd written the name I'd have like six more (yous) focused entirely on that. If anything, this goes some way to describing one of my many issues with the mentality of focusing on particular groups versus a general core. However, it works, and its worked for some time, and its not remotely new or limited to the USA.

Why play a Kojima game then? Stick to mine craft if you hate using your brain

he also directly ordered dozens of drone strikes that killed thousands of people

if trump has any kind of "innocents" kill count it's in the double digits from bystanders near yemen strikes

>using your brain
>Kojima game

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>complaining about the electoral college to deflect my factually based argument

How am 'I' falling for fear mongering?

I lean right politically, I voted to leave the European Union.

Even I'm not fuckings stupid enough to see that there has been a huge shift in the past 4 years in people being openly conservative, people being more openly xenophobic/racist, and people wanting to isolate their nation from others.

Kojima is a JAPANESE man, why wouldn't he make connections to foreign politics in his games? Crazy how he's been doing that for years


He's going to redpill a fuckload of normies with his 'shocking twist' that the skull/spider/shackle motif military-state run by a tiny cabal of unelected and bloodline 'elites' for whom 'unifying' as many things as they possibly can under their rule is an end unto itself, that demands literal blood payment for the privilege of existing under their rule, who forces the protagonist into working for them at the start of the game, etc., who are the players support-staff in a fucking hideo kojima game, are actually the bad-guys who just lied to you about how bad everyone else was. Just like IRL with the fucking self-appointed 'Gods Chosen Master Race' and all their machinations.

It's unsurprising that most of the media is "left wing" when you define "right wing" as "pandering precisely to my paranoid delusions" and "left wing" as "anything else". What's really surprising is that there are still two sites catering to the mass schizophrenia of a diseased nation.

>It's unsurprising that most of the media is "left wing" when you define "right wing" as "pandering precisely to my paranoid delusions" and "left wing" as "anything else"
You have it completely backwards.

This is one of those threads where you feel your IQ dropping as you read it

lol, Trump ramped up the drone strikes compared to Obama and that's saying something.

Babe is better than any Mad Max desu

This response is also unsurprising.

if trump were provably killing innocents you'd think the media would be pushing that rather than constantly bringing up his thinning hairline, small looking hands, and that orange tan he had several years ago.

>Okay,news doesn't have to be news all the time, sometimes it can be entertainment that's fine.
Jesus christ that act might have sounded good at the time but it really is just painful now.

Nice ""rebuttal"" with """facts""".

wtf is a clitoris

it's not about hating using my brain you tard, it's specifically I don't want "ORANGE MAN BAD" in my video games. I already get that enough from every possible form of media in the real world. I don't need or want video games to tell me what a piece of shit trump is.

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I'm in complete agreement to you, he's literally just saying it how it is. People in this thread be dumb

We are the baby, and Trump is walking away with us towards Europe.

10/10 Beautiful and Deep game Kojima!! All games should strive for gameplay and no cutscenes aaaaa~~!!

Kojima's games have been a metaphor for the politics of every president that's been in power during the time the games were made. Everything from Bush and 9/11 to even back during the MSX days where he made commentary about the Cold War in the days of the MSX with the original Metal Gear and Snatcher

He's lampooned every US administration by now

>Implying the neo-liberal media gives a shit about brown kids getting blown up in the name of American imperialism
What's fucking sad is that the media are actually complicit in this shit but you think they're opposed to it because they say Trump should have some more decorum whilst ordering the deaths of innocents.

Cops aren't people

Wasn't Obama using cellphones to triangulate and indiscriminately blowing up terrorists and their families?

t. a nigger

Thank you for the laugh dude.

>you made a walking simulator
>fuck you, it's a new genre
>what is it about?
Kojima just hacked so hard he broke through the bottom and came on top again. Based.

Sorry I'm a bit sleepy, I said "MSX" twice in that sentence but you know what I mean

Neither are niggers

>complaining about the electoral college
I didn't complain about it, I told you that its purpose is not to reflect the population 1:1 which is what your argument was based on. Why are you so fucking stupid?

> I voted to leave the European Union.
Ah, you're a European who doesn't understand American politics commenting on them, That's why you're so stupid.

>accuse distinguished man with friends and reputation of rape
>drag him into the spotlight and demand he refute it, as if that's on him and not on the accuser
>find a single frame of his defense where he is angry
>use this single frame of his defense to paint all white men as angry and insecure and 'full of rage'
>rinse repeat for every single white person the leftwing wants to push out of the sandbox
gee i wonder why people are getting angry and insecure

It's hilarious to watch brainlets realise just now that Hideo 'no race or ideology' and 'genes don't define you' Kojima isn't right leaning

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liberals aren't leftists

t. a bootlicker

he was literally carpet bombing entire villages indiscriminately to smoke out osama.

But they were just dirty Muslims right? The people Trump is killing are doctors and lawyers

No problem.

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Back to kikebook you go

>genes don't define you
Why does he directly contradict himself?

Kojima did the same shit with Bush and Obama. Play Metal Gear Solid again and pay attention.

My problem is that criticism of Trump is wrong though. We finally elected one of our own, a guy who isn't a politician but one of us and he's getting treated like a career politician like Obama. It's really pathetic to see people try to do that and those who actually believe the media are fucking idiots

I got the feeling it was gonna be this sort of bullshit after seeing that cringy as fuck story trailer about “America needs to be united again” or whatever the fuck.

I like Kojima, and I wanna support his work, but taking a political side in this whole matter makes it difficult to do so. I think I’ll be passing on DS.

>Hollywood dicksucker
>being red pilled

Underrated post. Though I disagree on shit ending in 2021. I wish.

People like you are the ones who are truly hateful, spiteful asshole that are generating all of our problems. The “Alt Right assholes” are merely a reaction to your extreme nonsense.

Why does Trump live rent free in leftist heads?

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which is why in death stranding the president whos responsible for the division is a hillary insert. if hillary had won the militant trumptards would had declared a civil war.

your thread died ):

The bottom line for most candidates are for making more money through donations. They don't really understand or care about what made America's dollar worth it (middle Americans) so long as they can capitalize on the current dollar. Most donations are done through companies that want either cheaper labor, destroying outside competition, cheaper taxes from imports/exports, etc. Although they play the racist/emotional arguments on middle America, they have different interests in mind which can be pointed out through their actions and laws they implement. The dems and most repubs are all bought out already. It's not about securing votes from the perspective of the company paying everyone to do their bidding. The left and right arguments are skin deep. Grossamerica is also skin deep. It's... literally about enslavement lol

It is more about PRISM and the transhuman technocapital society of control. It is an interesting premise because Death Stranding as some cataclysm restarted north american soil to square one, and you have to make the choice about if you want to push the species to that surveillance system. Maybe this game does really going to talk about something.

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Yeah, so? You think Trump stopped doing that for some reason?

>Trying to explain just how triggered you aren’t and thinking it works

That's not a contradiction. Genetically, clones are identical to the source. He's making some sort of metaphysical argument.

Alright not videogames but I'm very sick of the world being half extreme left and half extreme right at this point and I just want some fucking stability or sanity in the world but then the powers at be are trying to push everybody apart so maybe Kojima's game is actually trying to say something on that. Either way I'm gonna go full isolationist in the game, out of fear they're gonna fuck me over in the long run

>happy feet
Fucking degenerate.

Attached: boobs-butt-and-feet-comic.png (1000x1000, 67K)

>Proceeds to screech about liberals, SJWs, Jews, trannies and Resetera

Trump has his own money. This is why smears against him by the media are bullshit and more people should be supporting him. He isn't bought out by political "donations"

>Genetically, clones are identical to the source
What the fuck does that have to do with him saying that a clone isn't a real person with real emotions? that directly contradicts the idea that genes don't define you. Are you retarded?

Kojima makes the same game every time. Beat for beat. There's always a torture scene. Always an escape. Mechanics change depending on what's worked (usually popularized by other AAA companies first). He's just not actually creative

>All these people saying Pig in the City is good
Is it really? I only watched the first 20 minutes or so of the film when I was ~9 or so, but even back then I remember thinking it was a bit shit in comparison to the first one.

>muh trump
how does one man make the left seethe so much

>support terrorists
>not a terrorist


Last time Japan went full right wing they almost got nuked out of existence

Nice strawman.

>alt right assholes like Trump


Only when you faggots continue to make threads crying about orange man

No, it's the exact opposite. On a genetic level, the distinction that Kojima is making does not exist. Snake is not defined by his genes but by his inherent "clone-ness".

>alt-right assholes like trump

i wish

Oh man I hope that's correct. But that's much too bold for him to actually do. He's the kinda guy that THINKS he's being bold though.

To be fair, so are liberals

>game mocks trump
>cuckservatives: REEEEEE

>game has a gay joke/is politically incorrect
>libtards: REEEEEEEE

The richer they are, the bigger whores they are, user.

It’s ironic too, considering Japan is significantly right leaning.

Kojima reveals that you were death stranding all along.

The kind of selective memory and projection Japanese creators have when it comes to war and Japan's history is always astounding.

This comic is funny because stonetoss has literally never had any sort of sexual contact with a woman in his entire life.

>the distinction that Kojima is making does not exist. Snake is not defined by his genes but by his inherent "clone-ness".
>He's not defined by his genes, he's just defined by the fact that he's a clone (which means his genes are copied)

>muh gronald grumpf
mgs has some of the worst writing of any game, and ds won't be any better

It's the copying that's relevant, not the genes.

Had Hillary won, the world be significantly much worse off right now. Hell, we’d probably be at war right now with Russia. East Asia would have fallen into disarray as well. The #metoo ing and virtue signalling would be 100x worse than it is now with a radical feminist in power. And that’s not to mention all the corrupt bullshit and backdooring she’d be doing for her corporate overlords. Yes, I would be scared of a world like that. You may not like it, but Trump was a necessary stopping point.

>It's the copying that's relevant
The copying of what? Why is it relevant? Why would it mean that the clone doesn't have real feelings? What makes them any different than a normal person?

He flip flops all the time. Meaning he sees what's true on both sides. But, he also doesn't know how to categorize all the truths together. He doesn't see the narrative at hand. So to me he's just gathering raw info from every direction and can't conjure the thoughts on his own.

If Hillary had won Illegals would have been legalized and we wouldn't have won another election until the end of time

Artist here. I agree.

I don't fucking know, ask Kojima. The point is if Kojima thought genes determined what sort of person you are, he would've said the exact opposite thing from what he did.

I was born a Kojima fan

>The point is if Kojima thought genes determined what sort of person you are
But he literally said a clone, someone who's only difference from a normal human is that their genes are copied, doesn't have real feelings and isn't a real person.

Outrage culture: The thread

>a Hollywood phony told him what he's doing is correct
It's over lads