Kanna thread

Kanna thread

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What is this thing?

My wife.

I don’t know but I like her

No way fag


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Just go look at porn of her you pathetic faggot. This is the lowest test shit.

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I didn't like Zero 2 much and didn't finish it.
That said I'm happy for the people who do like it - I guess the game just isn't for me.
I'd have prefered a game that stays closer to the original Blaster Master or emphasised the Metroidvania elements more I guess.
Didn't really like that falling recharge mechanic much.

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>mfw no potted plant gf with obscenely large breasts

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melon milkers

Playing BMZ 1 and kinda bored of it, does it ever get better ? I just reached the ice level.

She is a characther and boss from Blaster Master Zero 2, never played the game, I think people mostly paid for the big titties plant

If you're that far in and you still don't like it, no, it won't, sorry user.

I don't hate it, the characters are lovable enough, it's just like, everything is so easy, and a bit dull, I dunno, how many times are they going to recycle the wave / acid pool gimmick of having to wait to progress ?

It's a fairly faithful recreation of a short NES game. That's why many of the mechanics are underdeveloped and shallow.

is this good character design?

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the best one

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Queen of Yea Forums you nigger.

Pothead thread

Absolutely. Her inevitable dlc will make it even better.

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They announce her DLC after LAiX comes out, right?

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would "deflowering" her be literal?

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She has a little flower where her Hymen id so probably.

fuck I'm gonna cooooom

Here's chapter 2 incase any of you fags missed it.

What's Kanna's endgame?