
>the game is literally about introducing yourself and doing your job
How did they get away with this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You were supposed to sleep with me green blood, not humiliate me in combat!

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I would have slept with you but you had to go all no homo on me Kurt.

>Vasco is seething throughout the whole sequence after the betrayal
That was amusing.

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>tfw Petrus is not romanceable but Aphra is

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>that exact moment when you realize why lifeless shortcuts exist in Nu Serene

>be fresh coonguard recruit
>suddenly my officer tells me we are doing a coup
>terrified that I have been forced into the role of traitor with my first armed conflict imminent, me and my squad patrol the streets of jew serene
>suddenly a dabber noble and her entourage appear with weapons drawn.
>the sarge yells for us to attack, but my body won't obey, stuck as if time is standing still
>everyone else is the same
>the noble takes out a pepperbox pistol and starts executing my friends one by one, each time announcing her name and title, the sardine, legate of the congregation of merchants, before pulling the trigger

Petrus is for Father figure

Which is exactly why he shpuld be romanceable

So does Kurt leave the party if you don't do his quest before the coup?

the best part is that it is canon because don sardine can stasis your body before smugly telling you her title and name


How racist can I be in this game? Asking for myself

he's the tutorial companion anyway, he's outclassed by pretty much everyone else

>romancing an old man who wanted to fuck your mom

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Renaigse go home

the natives are mostly white so none at all

it's just plain old xenophobia

No you throw his corpse at enemies after the coup

you either execute him or he kills himself

He can fuck a young version now what is the problem.

Exactly. Stasis plus gun is essential just a slow and deliberate mass execution against human opponents and it'd be scary as fuck. I wonder if you can even close your eyes during stasis

Wait, he does that? I like Kurt even more now. Best buds!

That's one way to put it

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Sry Chad, no homo.

Is Petrus your dad?

Kind of a shame you have to miss out on content to get a cool scenario like that.

use spoilers you fucking cunt

>Play game on the hardest difficulty
>Focus on guns
>They decimate everything
>There's always a shortage of ammo
Why do you do this to me?
Also native mage wife, or african scientist wife Yea Forums?

His quests are either finished or not at that point, you only miss out on his last quest & any dialogue he chirps in with. Also noting on how things may or may not be at that moment, getting dicey

No, your dad is ded, but he loved your mom.

>>There's always a shortage of ammo
*unzips 500 rounds*

Also it's about colonialism, so native wife.

Get Science 2, some crude iron & some hoof fungus. Boom, now you're swimming in ammo

Sardet is not a lesbian.

Sailor husband

But that's gay!


>Play on 4th difficulty
>Get 1-2 shot by everything
>Can witcher 3 everyone to death for the most part
>Can gun them down and take off 50% of their health because gun focus
>AI companions die almost instantly so I have to fight the hordes of enemies, that all attack without waiting for turns or anything of the sort, on my own
Anyone having a rough time ? Or is it just me because I took guns and need to conserve ammo.

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Your dad died trying to save your mom from getting snatched

Says you inquisitor.

should I get rifles or pistols are ok for the rest of the game



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Dueling pistol until you get the 100 quality gold Rifle

Stop trying to fuck your waifu's daughter Petrus.

Just get your science to 2 and craft a shitton of ammo. The ingredients for it are pretty common.

Char makes them last longer and you gotta suit em up.
You get unlimited ammo from crafting pretty much, you should still diversify with magic or melee.

Good, because I don't play female characters.
No homo.
Charisma[100%] NO HOMO!

Can't decide if the Inquisitor is based or not

Who do I seek a cure from? Arabs or cavemen??

[Insight 2]I've seen your browser history user


Says who?

>create "tall, dark and handsome" FemSardine to CHArm the celtic princess
>make her too hot and now want to fuck Sardine rather than native puss

>Good, because I don't play female characters.

>Uno reverse card

He has the heart of justice.
He just need to calm down.

>Good, because I don't play female characters.
FemSardine - best Sardine

[Intuition 3] Oh I see, you didn't know it was me, the Legate of the Congregation of Merchants, talking. Let me properly introduce myself.

Nice try heretic, but computers haven't been invented yet!

Is there an int 3 check in the game

He burns a guardian for being a witch and then converts a native by suffocating him to death.

If that isn't being based I don't know what is.

Ah, ha! You didn't try to deny it!
Time to give your pal user a big smoocheroni.

no, it's always 1 and it works 100% of the time

with max charm you will still get 75% chances in some scenarios

[Charisma 3] Say. My. Name.

Reminder to give him a heartattack

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2 are pretty common as well

[Let Kurt speak]


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So do you think they will continue to explore this universe, go back to Mars or try a new thing? Lets just hope the new publisher wont EA/Activision them

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Get stasis if you haven't already and then work your way to healing and shield. The support magic is incredibly useful.

Mars seems to be a dream of theirs to create and keep a RPG setting, they have more stories to tell on the red planet.

>tfw GF's sequel will be most likely sjw-filled rushed piece of shit with reused assets and unpolished everything

If they want to replace Bioware they need to go scifi

It's fairly SJW already, user, your only romance options are a native and a black gril, or being gay.

You clearly don't know what sjw-filled is.

They have Mars as a setting, just no interstellar travel.

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Yeah, much more post-apoc.

An SJW game would not take place in this setting to begin with and there are shitheads among natives and black people whilst they'd be saints in SJW gayms.

Even worse given what happened to Earth.

That was a good reveal.

Pity it came after such a terrible boss.

I would like a sequel. Taking place on the mainland, with more city and less wilderness

Native qt is too strong, I'm afraid.

did this game sell better than MEH: Andromeda?


Is it not mainly focused around sexuality, gender and race.Which is to say gloryfying all but caucasians "gender conformists" and heterosexuality? Or are those just the more wide spread of the subjects?

Is it ever explained how an isolated island could be so multiethbic without any sort of racial segregation? It doesn't really make sense

Frenches are more human than canadians.

The native is cute though

>I never brought Kurt for any of Vasco's quests

In his 1st one, where you have to put sleeping pills in the Naut's wine it turns out that the guy who runs the Brothel is also a Coin Guard. If you bring Kurt and ask him to intervene, he pulls a Sardine-card (since he is Dieter's superior: Liet vs. Capt.) and solves the situation.

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>in a sequel you eventually become a prince/princess of the congregation

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Bro, you already are

My guess this is what they will do next. Besides Mass Effect, how many sci-fi RPGs are even on the market? It's an almost untapped market.

Don't put your blame on me

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This will continue until de sardet becomes a god.

SJWs literally hate this game because of its problematic setting and they don't get "what greedfall is trying to say" by showing xenophobia and bringing this dark chapter of humanity back into the spotlight.

Andromeda still sold over 3 million copies and was considered a financial success by EA.

What about urban RPG?

No, you're not.

>Eventually De Sardiene will be able to pull the God card on people.

>considered a financial success by EA
Nah that wasn't considered a success. That's why EA dropped all support for the game like hot garbage instantly

I hope that in the sequel the Legate is promoted to Prime Doge of the Merchant Congregation and you can use one of these silly hats

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Google it.
It didn't sell the unrealistic goal of 10 million that EA wanted, but it turned a profit.

Imagine the memes.

>you can only wear these hats because horns

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Still can't get over how great this looks.

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There's like 2 3 checks late in the game

Nah, honestly I'd rather play a new legate. Someone that isn't at the complete top but has near limitless authority would be more interesting in a serene setting. If you were the leader the story could only be about international politics, and honestly coms internal politics seems much more interesting

>It didn't sell the unrealistic goal of 10 million that EA wanted
That means it was not a success. They didn't shut down Bioware Montreal for the fun of it.

I can't decide which class to build towards. What goes well with guns?

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De Sardet "Anonmenawi" of the Merchant Congregation, First of Noname, the Legate, Mal of the Natives and Teer Frade, Fleet Commander of the Great Sea, Breaker of Minds, and Conqueror of Intuition

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RIP best boi
hope you get your native pussy in heaven

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What do you think about this pretty rough sounding language the natives are speaking?
I mean, it's no Tolkien elvish...

They sound pretty funny to me.
Mostly Gaelic, according to plebbit enthusiast.

It's competently done but it's disgusting to listen to. If you put effort into making a fake dialect like this and even decent consistency, why would you make it so unpleasant to listen to?

Fix your taste

The proud people of Teer Fradee aren't here to please you, you... you double renaigse.

dunno if I should replay given that there's fuck all choices or I should try other games (thinking about either ELEX or other spiders titles)

There's honestly very little reason to replay, especially right now.

>tfw not that far in but reaching comfy levels that shouldn't be possible

Also, why did they start out by giving you a cute native girl as a companion. It sucks because I don't give a shit about the natives and would masscare them at every opportunity but then I'd seem like a hypocrite for being friends with one. Shit was obviously planned by the devs.

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Ooi rrrreally sound loyk a spostic when oi tolk loik dis brrrrudda. De ert will soiv us frrom dis axent

I really liked being called anonmenawi tho


EA doesn't consider that a success for their titles anymore. Then there were all the memes and ridicule and they treated it as a shitstain on their name and dropped their support. Much like Anthem has lost a shitton of their support already. EA know no mercy there, gotta hand it to big ones like Ubisoft who don't abandon games that had bad launches

>first playthrough
>annoyed at first sight with constantine
>holy fuck what a pain in the ass

>grew to care about him, he's like a little bro now
>second playthrough
>levels of tolerance towards him increased immensely, he doesn't piss me off in a slightest

What form of sibling magic is this

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>Can't kick Ullan's shit in
Really now?

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*Tir Fradi

>hey we manipulated you and tried to have you killed
>you're our friend now so it's okay

Because constantin is actually a competent character, certain characteristics just makes you initially expect a stereotype that doesn't fit him.

So it's okay to showcase the world wars, but not the british raping america, in a game that's fantasy he he magic nonsense with bears that have shark heads? The black people aren't even being whipped in cotton fields, they're working as guards and stuff, what?

*Tier Freddy

No, it's not okay.

Pretty sure you can end up killing your companions.

>combat music starts during a peaceful stroll

I thought the Congregation was more like the Dutch/Flemish people.

I know right? Honestly this game has bunch of really good shots in cutscenes and whatnot.

>combat music starts during a peaceful stroll
>can't see any enemies
>combat music stops

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No way, they're full on venecian merchant republic, but with royalty.

I tried to look at the spelling in subtitles and there's no consistency whatsoever.

You can't massacre the natives anyways

>spec entirely into guns and traps
>spend game chucking elemental molotovs and bombs at savages and gut shotting any left standing

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That royalty is just noble merchant families, it's why the leaders are princes.

The natives and the continentals use different spellings.

Natives call it tir fradi
colonizers call it teer fradee

obvious case of romanization

>That thumbnail
OOF, also just to clarify, not all german soldiers were nazis, most german soldiers were just german soldiers. People who probably didn't even want to fight but felt like they had little other choice. The nazis are normally the officers and higher ranking figures and even they may have been salvageable, since not doing your job could have likely resulted in a bullet to the head followed by the order going through regardless.

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>he doesn't magic kung fu outta enemies

Half the time the options refer to women as he pretty sure Spiders is just retarded

Ran past sleeping "bears" probably

>run around from A to B talking to people
>repeat x100
couldnt take it anymore lads, not enough action.

fucking zoomer

me and the squad

But I was literally given the opportunity moments ago to attack or leave the rebels alone and I only left them alone because Siora said she was equally angry about the captured natives.

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>my fair cousin is literally rotting alive
>my options are to either go fraternize with a fucking tree or look into the native panacea
Gee, that's a tough one.

I'm a 25 year old boomer

But there aren't any Romans in this game.

Can we have a game where you throw gay trans people off buildings in the middle east, or choose to not side with them and save them? I just wanna see the reactions, the outrage would probably be huge. People would probably be too scared to do bad guy playthroughs on twitch, while twitch chat spams, OOF THE BUILDING, YEET THE GAY!

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>25 year old
Ahaha oh wow.

Yea okay milenial.
>t. 27 year old millennial

>de sardet is 25
>still not engaged
The fuck?

Killing some rebels isn't slaughtering natives retard it's keeping the status quo with the bridge alliance

No one at her status would want to marry the freak with the neckbeard birthmark, and marrying down would just hurt the dignitas of her family.

is this the end of the game?

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Maybe he's a loner, maybe he'd rather not be tied down to anyone, who knows.

>siora dressed in naut clothing
next up is petrus with a turban

Also the Legate with bridge gear, c'mon user.

Facial tree aids are apparently looked down upon on the mainland.

That and imagine marrying a woman who doesn't stay home taking care of the kids and fixing you dinner. Worse yet imagine she gets involved in politics and leaves the house. Absolute mad woman with a birthmark, crazy forever alone cat lady material confirmed, for that day and age.

Sardine states that love is very rare among the nobility on the continent and that most people get engages very soon for political reasons. No fucking way the prince doesn't have plans for u.
>inb4 forced to marry new high king

But that's the thing, she is ostracized for the birthmark, the prince CAN'T find a politically favorable marriage.

its a he you homo

>Constantin did it all for you
>genuinely wants you to join in on the fun
That was surprisingly hard decision. I'm sorry, cousin.

Com doesn't seem to have a gender bias

No, it isn't, you double homo.

Fuck the mark, second to last Sardine is a top qt

As if nobles care about whether she's cute. If she's ostracized then she's a liability. And the people powerful enough to arrange marriages with the prince might know she's half savage.

It's basically stated prince wanted to use you for negotiations with natives from the very start tho, plus given he well knows your origin i bet he doesn't want to shit up the confederacy lineage.

Shit taste.
>greedfall 2 starts
>you're married to Ullan

It has nothing to do with my taste.

Not yours, carants, the nobles'. Fuck Serene and fuck the continent.

I killed the tiddy demon at the swamp, but I can't for the life of me find where am I supposed to shove the key that you get from that. I even visited the Hikmet camp nearby, to no avail. Send help.

>new single player RPG releases in this day an age
>first time I even hear about it is from Yea Forums
How janky is this game?
Is it "roleplayable"?
Do choices and dialogs matters?
Is it fun?

I love it but most of the choices are pretty short term (avoiding fights etc.).

It's nice
Goddamn yes

So is there any redeeming factors to the Bridge Alliance? Theleme is full of edgelords like the RENOUNCE dude, but there also seems to be plenty level headed people in the faction.

Aside from Aphra, the Bridge Alliance seems to just want to rape and pillage everything in sight.

Not THAT janky, but the budget shows.
Sardine is his /her own character, you're just along for the ride to spend the talent points on charisma and intuition.
No, not until the end they don't.
It kind of is.

It terms of jank
>you must stand still during combat for some ability to work.
>using a dodging ability requires you to double tap the dodge button.
>riposting is
Choices and dialog
>they do matter
>do NOT go a charisma build. You will resolve too many of your problems without making difficult choices
>some quests choices are simply optimal and choosing anything else is a waste
>yes. You can support pretty much any faction you want from the get go but it'll take awhile for you to actually be a part of them
>you must put it on extreme difficulty to have fun though

S-science... and shit...

>do NOT go a charisma build. You will resolve too many of your problems without making difficult choices

he's right tho
t. charismachad

"Haha okay bro, glad we could resolve this, well, i gotta move on"
what the fuck was wrong with him, Yea Forums?

[CHA] is the best part of the game

He was abandoned by most of his clan.

>I must leave you
Some of these savages are alright at bants.

wait,so this game is actually good?the trailer was so bad i didnt even wanted to give it a chance

So this game has a bunch of Native American type people, right?
Do they have a campaign / quest line? Is it good?

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statis is the best combo with pistol/musket

The ending is really disappointing.

Fuck those Landshark boar things, they creep me the fuck out, I understand people with gaming arachnophobia better now

I don't like how you essentially peak in strength almost at the beginning of the game. Everything after getting a rifle is just for spicing up things, and honestly, a pepper pistol is arguably better than any rifle.

>Native American type people, right?
Wrong. They're goofy Celts.

They're celts, not native american, they're involved in most questlines, including the main ones.

meh, I still have nightmares about DA2
the expanse kind of RPG I would give a lot for though

>Native American type
They're celts and are one of the best depictions of any "native" peoples in vidya. They're involved in most main quests.

Can you side with them or play as them? I find them much more interesting than the other groups


>not finding com the most interesting
I mean you're just wrong user.
But you start as a set character from a set faction. It's not that simple.

Gun chads where ya at

Yes and yes.

>multishot guns fire faster outside of battle
Fucking why

You can side with a few quests over the others, as for joining them...

Your character is de Sarde, Legate of the Congregation of Merchants and that doesn't change.
he finds out he's secretly half native later


>half native
You mean full 100%


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No need for spoiler, I mean seriously who the fuck didn't see that coming?

Mars is essentially a wrapped up and done deal with The Technomancer.
The only part that is left unexplored are the other guilds, but it likely wouldn't be enticing enough.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I am de Sardet, Legate of the Merchant Congregation, cousin to the fucking governor and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Bridge Alliance, and I have over 300 confirmed diplomatic successes.
I am trained in sabre combat and I’m the top stasis user in the entire Congregation delegation. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this island, mark my fucking words, I insist.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the pidgeon mail? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of nauts across New Serene and your address is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.

Not only am I extensively trained in magic combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Coin Guard and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the island, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.

You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


The game just came out, nerd.

>he plays female characters

Why the fuck does everyone keep saying half?

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For some reason people assume that the Princess was his actual mother and she banged a native while on a past expedition.

>she plays male characters
Cringe and dykepilled.
Indeed, sardet is 100% naut

But your aunt clearly says your dad died attempting to rescue your mom with the rest of the village's warriors


Has anyone found a unique / legendary armor set for Bridge Alliance yet? I like to theme my companions and myself with armors from their own faction for max roleplay.

1. Merchant Set - Congregation faction - gave to my de Sardet
2. Ceremonial Mattheus Set - Theleme faction set - Petrus
3. Commander Set - Coin Guard faction - Kurt

i haven't found any lion uniques yet. im missing a robe for the unique natives set.

Also for weapons, it seems that modded purple > yellows pretty much right? All yellow weaps are unmoddable except that scimitar, the hammer and the flamberge.

Kurt a cute. I'm gonna play as a female next run and have him breed my de Sardine.

She gave birth on the ship, retard

Attached: 1t-zDjCGhvM.jpg (811x1080, 116K)

I love that dude.
I buy something even though i pretty much dismantle it two second laters.

So Theleme is the best faction, right?

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Robe is in the 2nd to last unlocked area, way to the east guarded by a Nedeig or whatever they're called

I, at first, assumed some native qt got raped by a happy merchant and then tossed into prison forever. Man that was way darker than what actually happened.

Ok what the fuck does that have to do with this? Point is daddy was also from that village nigger so Sardine is 100 native

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It means shes naut, seagiven, not native.

No one cares about Piratenigger nonsense

>Has anyone found a unique / legendary armor set for Bridge Alliance yet?
There's one in the crazy nigger scientists lab.
Talking about him did anyone here actually spare him? and if so does he reveal more about why he poisons Constantine?

Wait a minute is the sardine a sardine because he was born at sea?

If you spare him you get to frame him and watch his head being cut off. Also no.

I spared him. Then had him fucking executed after a "fair" (nothing is fair when De Sardine picks a side) trial.

Is this a side quest I have to find or is this part of the main story?


You literally know the """""twist""""" 5 minutes into the game retard.

Speaking of which, is it possible to save the naut if you are fast enough?

Alba? No.

Dude, you look like exactly like the natives.
Is not that crazy.

user, "naut" isn't a genetic thing.

>there is no set ethnicity on the island and desardet has a wide range of possible features
>wow u look just like them xddd

The bark, faglord.

De Sardine was named Sardine even before people knew that. Now it's just a kino

Yes it is, but you gotta progress far enough in the main quest before progressing in that quest. If you've progressed far enough, you've already dealt with the monster in the cave and can find her in there.

Which naut?

Why do you even mention Alba?

But they imply it's two separate things. It's stupid

Speak to the chief nigger of the nottomans.
He gives a quest which ends up leading to it

she's alive in my game

Getting intuition up to 3 just so you can be freed from the preorder hat
yay or nay?

Alba dies only if you started that quest BEFORE getting native doc.

There are no genetics in greedfall, how else could the races on three fiddy be so diverse without any interracial stigma? They'd all just be a brown mixed race.

I did it so I could ignore Vasco and wear other funny hats.

The word is "yea"
yay means hip-hio-hooray

Just install a mod for capes

t. bridge alliance nigger

>tfw have intuiton 3 AND still use the feather hat
not my fault if it's the ebst looking one

>the preorder hat
Why would you not want to wear it? It's the most /fa/ hat in the game

the (((merchants)))tried to colonize before
some nogs may have intermingled with the natives
there's also a qt that looks suspiciously asian

The one you bail out out of mengele laboratory. When you try to get her testimoty she gets attacked by assassins in hikmet and killed. Haven't tried to reload there, but wondering if you can keep her alive somehow. Or was it him, not sure.
Not talking about Alba at all.

Dude that native looks exactly like you.
She even has the same shit that you have in your face, you are like sisters.
Is not that crazy.

It feels a little off having a legate out-effay the prince

oh, that one can be saved too

Yes, you can. Just git gud in that fight

jesus, what resolution are you playing? 720?

Does it? You are essentially a career socialite ambassador, while your cousin has to look stately and dignified.

I see, i was on extreme and bitch got oneshoted right away. Will try if i replay.

wait what? isn't Alba the Naut who got framed by his own captain?

Am I doing something wrong or can you actually not support the based Inquisition

*her. Yep, that girl.


ohh.. my problem was I did side quests first.. also is Vasco the least usable companion? he's very weak at least Kurt can tank desu

Is it possible to miss it? I think I'm nearing the end of the game and all I can do is have a normal conversation with him.

>he doesn't take the companions based on the factions involved in the quest

Yeah, I had this problem as well.
>also is Vasco the least usable companion?
Give him a good rapier and a gun, niggah.

Why am i not allowed to cut morange down in the street like a dog the moment she is being a nuisance?

Which quest are you on right now?

Because this game is for mature audience.

Well never fucking mind, I just had to start the conversation with him three times and suddenly he gave it to me.

I do that all the time tho? Specially anything involving natives > Siora. I tried pairing Petrus and Aphra but they dont interact alot sadly.

They need more companion banters. Is there anyway to trigger some of them?

>do this
>end up hanging out with Siora and Petrus for 70% of the game
Not that I'm complaining.

Stately dignity is for modern day British royals who still have their princes larp in Regency era miltiary uniforms, a modest trend set by ur-dandy Beau Brummel.
Age of Sail royalty were flamboyant as fuck and would have been furious to be upstaged by a sardine.

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I really like being called "Your Excellency" and variations of that phrase

But sardine IS loyalty

I don't think aphra even has dialogue for the bridge quests, except maybe a couple of lines in the mengele questline, it's like she was an afterthought and not even the devs gave a damn not complaining
petrus has plenty of interactions with theleme

>Kurt calls you Sweet Excellency if romanced
Kinda lame

what's a good way to mix up a 2 handed sword/heavy armor build? magic or guns?
I know going pure tech/magic would be more efficient but I like being a fashionable landsknecht sort of guy

But sardine IS royalty

Because that is for savages.
Civilized people shoot at each other.

He still wouldn't be upstaging a prince willy-nilly.

You DID give her the hat right user? No, not Sardine, HER



So what. Morange is obviously trying to cause shit and there are no real diplomatic consequence for killing her, so sardine should just do it. Especially when her fair cousin is in such a state

elex is kinda trash in every regard outside of quest design, you should give Risen 1 a try if you haven't, it's the true sequel to Gothic 2

World building? Epex has amazing attention to deatil, everything is individually designed and placed, while all buildings in greedfall are copypastes, even the palaces.

What? Morange is only ever helpful. She just sits in her house enjoying retirement.

Regarding your fair cousin, can you actually get a Theleme healer to help him? I went to Catasach without thinking twice about it, but I am curious. Does it change anything?

The moment the prince is gone she gathers all the nobles and draws attention to his disappearance, acting melodramatically concerned. Don't be naive, that was obviously a powerplay. Bitch wanted her throne back.

Stop being a paranoid piece of shit, Sardine

No, you just get both doctors from other factions, companions say it's a waste of time, and then the game forces you to go get ungabunga healer. And then Constantine gets an additional line saying that other doctors couldn't help him.

guns / technical. poison your blades craft your potions throw bombs.

Wow. Makes sense, though.

lmao user nobody let's power go away that easily

>getting rid of the best hat in the game

shaking my head

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2 turbans have been deposited into your stash.

Honestly this. Even if she was legitimately concerned it was such a shitty pr move that if it was genuine incompetence she should still at least be banished.

Ok so I'm doing this natives Ordo Luminis side quest but apparently after reloading you can only pick one to help you.

Do I pick
1. Eseld'/Siora's sisters warriors
2. Barracks of Theleme?

Theleme is more diplomatic

It's honestly kinda shabby.

huh didnt know you could actually do a sneak attack by being near and pressing F..

I kinda hate how stealth is so easy in this game. They should've made it so that you still get detected when you wear a disguise. Also the fact that only de Sardine needs to not be seen is kinda lame lol.

>kurt says you need to hide your facebark as part of your disguise in the nort docks
>no one ever actually notices the facebark

Does warning nauts or avoiding the question changes anything in Ruben's quest?

What's the point of the difference of weapon types?

I thought dagger would be faster than rapiers but it does not seem to be the case.

Plant Trees

can you remind me which part? is this the traitor quest?

the combat is lackluster but the writing is EXCELLENT. IT's 100x times better than the labooorious dragonage neo blackisle writing. You tell them what's up, you take notes, take names, and considering the whole game is made under 5 million, the story so far is mkay! (I've just entered the mines/ruins)

Plant seeds

Yeah, that one. Then you ask sailors what they think of him and you can say "yeah, he's fucking shady" or "hey, he probably has his reasons"

Give ME Aphra wife! Do NOT worry anons I WAS banned FOR a while anons BUT it IS okay anons SO do NOT worry anons! (Do not! Do not!)

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Top jej. What for? Shitposting?

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What! It WAS for avatar user BUT I do NOT avatar user I am NOT my wifes user I am male!

>It's fairly SJW
if by SJW you mean non-psychotic, then yes, you are right.
Although it would be cool if it had truly evil dialogue options where you could be a true slaver, 16th century style, like the dutch or the portuguese, acting like abomination. Showing all the pain and suffering you'd cause as well.

destroying the branding of such a billion dollar franchise isn't a 'success' user.

the last guy / the one who drinks a bottle right?
i outright told him the truth i wonder if that changed anything.. either way my alba was dead when i found her lol -2 rep for nauts but who cares i got their unique faction reward already lol

Yeah, I told him the truth as well. During this pt I'm keeping my suspicions for myself, we'll see how it turns out.

Allow me to introduce myself.

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What! Why ARE you sardine user! What! What DO you mean BY sardine user! What IS sardine user! (What is! What is!)



I want to plant some seed in Siora

>Siora is a chestlet
That ass though

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What's wrong with you.

Is there new game plus after finishing main quest? I only have 1 main quest (Panacea Quest) and 2 side quest (The professor and campsites) left.

Can anyone who finished the professore note quest tell me whats the reward?

>Egon was just some random leftenant all along
I... don't know what I expected, but I can't help but feel let down.

I think all the female characters have the same model

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I honestly thought it was either Morange or the quartermaster lmao..

I am NOT wrong user I am male!

250G. Don't bother

I suspected it was Sieglinde, after not seeing her on Egon's shitlist. Guess she just... knew less than the quartermaster.

she was probably known to be so lawful nobody even said a word around her


This game actually getting support is a fucking embarrassment after the amount of shilling that has gone on here.
And still fucking happens! Look at this shit

They are my wives you mean.

Each user DOES get their OWN wifes user! (They do! They do!)

the beauty of 2d

I pirated it like a good coin guard.

Is it physically possible to die to melee humans? Parry window is so huge. Even in the arena you can (very slowly) Parry that mob to death in challenge 5.

Parry is op as fuck. There is nothing as far i know that can't be parried.

making your teacher proud

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!

What's the difference between Loot Chance and bonus from Intuition talent?

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they stack

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Wait, can you Parry bullets?

>tfw best companions aren't homos

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Give ME Siora wife!

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Combat is a joke honestly.. i've gotten to a point where i can just throw bombs and i've got all the money to spend crafting those shit.

my average battle looks like :
1.get close to enemy to aggro clump them
2.spam bombs that the enemy is weakest w/
3.loot all the resins

sometimes i use fury pots to use that special bomb move. against bosses i just shoot them to death lol.

yes and magic missiles

Magic and bullets.
I lied you can't parry some magic AOE's.

Nothing personal, but I'm going to erase Ullan from the face of Earth.

>want some eurojank rpg
>get a colonial diplomat simulator
>haven't killed anyone other than the monsters which you could even sneak around
goddamn it /Yea Forums

Oh, I assumed a sword wouldn't stop bullets so I didn't try it.
Wish you could get her sister.

is that the sneaky smuggy diplomatic nigglet native?

Petrus makes a side comment about him if he's in your group.. saying he's too eager to please others and reminds him of himself when he was younger

Her sister DOES give me GREAT soreness user!

But Siora is super gay for Sardine.

can i just have a moment to say that your character's first name is De? that's it, sardine is your family name, de is also gender neutral apparently because both the female and male versions have the same name

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wrong retard

Pretty sure your first name is just never brought up. Ever. Because lmao Bioware.

How far am i from finishing the game? i went and talked to the huge tree about sardines cousin then realised i hadn't gotten the bridge up to friendly yet and started doing that

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Its madame de sardet.

it literally is de

During the Panacea Quest, is it possible to avoid the -2 natives reputation hit and the fight against the woman and man inside?

Then why is your mother also called de sardet?

idfk you both have the same name or something

"de" is a particle. it means "of" and in French names typically means a landed family who owns the lands in their name.
de Sardine's adoptive family in all likelyhood owns a place called Sardine.

The skill tree looks retarded. Those same, sad boring 3 colours for fighter, thief and mage. Pathetic and unimaginative.

Nope, nice try

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I'm nearing the end of the game, what is the best ending? I've been told I can steal the Gods powers and want to go for that but I don't know how to make that happen

i wanna suck your cock cute user

What's the replayability factor like? I can't bring myself to roleplay an asshole...

If it outsells Andromeda that would be absolutely insane. I mean Andromeda was shit but its still an AAA game with I think 3 million or so sales.
Greedfall was made on a budget of 3-5 million.
If they keep 30 bucks after steam and tax, then 100-200k forms their break even range.

If Greedfall were to sell 3 million they would be able to increase the budget by a factor of 18 - 30.
Of course all rough estimates.

That's the bad ending. You can get that no matter what you do.

This game looks pretty interesting, I'll probably pick it up during the christmas sale. Most importantly though what's the modding scene like right now? Is there official mod support or is it just going to be retextures and minor balance tweaks?

What's so bad about wanting to be a god?

Non-existent. And you can't be an asshole, Sardine is a good boy /girl.

Someone made a mod that lets you use every head in the game at character creation.
Most people use it to pick Siora's head so you can be her sister for real.

You have to fuck your cousin, and fucking your cousin is wrong.

>think malichor is some evil ancient curse by mister fuckmeman.
>its just people exploiting their land
>absolutelty no deeper magic, nothing
>can just be fixed by planting a bunch of trees and shit

It's the ultimate oppressive male power fantasy, sweetie.

You have to take it up the arse from Constantin every single day

You're all wrong. It's Legate De Sardet.

user, greed is bad.

>gay incest
This "bad" ending is sounding better and better. What's the good ending? NotCelts get to keep their gay little island, get to hear some spiel about muh ebul renaigse and De Sardine has to die of old age?

>it's unironically a 'Noble Natives Teach The White Man To Nurture The Earth' episode

Its technically not incest.


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Everyone works together but it's kinda implied the natives go the way of the ones irl.

And what about it?

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Doubtful. 3 million copies isn't exactly a success for EA, especially for a game with troubled, on-and-off production and developed for 4-5 years

>it's kinda implied the natives go the way of the ones irl
How is that good?

Did they have like 5000 people work on it for 5 years or how did they not make a decent bunch of money with 3 million sales.

>save cera from bridgies
>let them go
>cera shows me cave of knowledge
>cera locks me in and tries to intercept me on vinnbars trail, is pissy and engages combat
>Stasis the shit out of them
>run away
>chuck haze potion
>sneak past
>go to entrance of sacred place
>hmm, we need to find this "cera"
>get quest line to go find cera in the village
I'm playing a dangerous game, but I will not take a -3 to my rep by killing her, even if I have to groundhog this quest.

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Well it's good for the colonists.

>NotCelts get to keep their gay little island
Depends on various factors like who you made High King.
Duncass makes peace and Continentals and Natives live together on Tir Fradi.
I didnt play the other ones, but I suppose madwoman chases the continentals off the island.
What happens with Ullan? He outjews the congregation of merchants and the coin guard (together) and forms the ultimate jewpire?


Tell me if you find a successful way of dodging her kill.

he sells the island

I think it's implied that you have to do so, and that is exactly the reason why the game gives you so much approval points with the natives.

So which faction's outfits do you guys like the best? I'm having trouble deciding between CoM's great looking coats and Theleme's conquistador style armor, the others don't really appeal as much to me.

I don't think so after all, the quest marker I got was empty. I was looking forward to multiple timeline hijinks.

A fucking jew nigger. What a man.

Stop polluting

What a fucking DOUBLE RENAIGSE in disguise.

The unique Merchant set is the best looking and best fitting imo.

CoM. Always.

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What is this meme with double renaigse?

Hmm wish they had taken a look at D:OS when they made Greedfall.

>tfw savages burned down their forests all the time

It could also be the continent has it's own god who's weakened/got corrupted due to all the pollution.

Where do you find it? Is it in a 3 Lockpick chest somewhere?

I like this suit

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Yeah, but you can get a key from the treeman guardian at Wenshaveye.

So, what is our status post-game? Is Sardine like Constantine now? Or someone else sits on the throne?

The game doesn't really explain what happens to you.

Them not mentioning sardines fate is a strong indicator for Spiders having considerations of making a Greedfall 2.

>tfw respecced into heavy weapons just so that I could use the unique heavy katana

I wonder what they're gonna do with companions and all this togetha foreva stuff.

how many respec crystals can you get anyway?

Plenty. I think I had 3 left at the end.

Is it the beach one?

I think I had 6 or so by the end.

No, the one near the river.

I had like 6 at the end of the game. Used only one early in game and that's it

the one near the camp top left i think?

Would rather play as someone else in a greedfall 2, maybe a minor noble, and meet sardine who is a powerplayer at that point.

What are you even gonna do? Insist the Prince back on the mainland?

imagine constantin going to meet his dad
Hi dad Im a tree now

I'm gonna kill that faggot. Nothing would've happen in the first place if he didn't treat his son like shit.

Oh I already killed that one apparently, don't remember getting a key off of him. Now I just have to find the chest I guess.

No please let's not play as the same person twice. This kills the setting. When every damn event in a setting revolves around the same person it ends up feeling so self referential and small

user, they aren't going to make bad ending a canon ending.

>This kills the setting

Every sequel needs to have the same MC as the original game.

What if he has like 50 sons and that was like his 46th in line? We have no idea what the top principes scale of operation is, or if his priorities are reasonable. Serene could be a 50 million people fantasy city, who knows

Children aren't your resources.

If you're a sovereign they certainly are.

I'm the one you responded to. It's a great game. I like eurojank. I pirated this, ill buy when its 10-20 euro range.

Whenever someone likes a game, it isn't some magical plot of glowniggers or jews, that's just you being a retarded kid.

They're people. And childhood traumas always strike back.

Dude during his rule Atilla used to poison and assassinate his own sons if they got too uppity about their rights to rule

It's the way of rulers. Pic related had 850+ children.
And again, we don't know the mainlands scale, maybe the love and care he could have given to constantin would have caused even more disaster at some other junction in his rulership.

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>Native Merchant in Siora's village
>"Look, I have beautiful things to exchange!"
>mfw his stock worth more than every merchant's in Serene / New Serene combined
>mfw literally couldn't equip any of his weapons / necklaces due to the Attribute reqs

And that's how I encountered with my first (4) purple stuff at level 6 or 7. Astonishingly, the "beautiful things" part was not a hyperbole.

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Good luck killing a god lmao

Constantine was his second son from second wife. The first son died.

Does he have any more children? We can easily become the next in line if no.

i love the way that guy speaks

Do you wish to trrrrade?

>casts stasis
>casts gun
Heh, nothing personell

*ignores stasis*'
*blocks a bullet*

Codex in game only mentioned that info. So who knows.

Yeah, just checked it. It seems Constantine is the only son after all. Fucking hell.

[Insist 100%] you died.
What now you fucking Renaigse?


why no redheads?

>tfw your Midas touched and Genius first son dies (from cancer, I bet) and you're left with a shitty Naive Appeaser, permanently Stressed and Depressed younger son
>mostly because you're a shit father and didn't spent enough time teaching you son cool virtues
>but he dies too and your wife is busy plotting against random npcs

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renaigse mean essentially baka gajin or nigger
you double renaigse

Seriously though, I haven't visited either major cities yet but the disparity in stock was shocking compared to New Selene. Granted, I gained 2-3 levels here but still. Is this exclusive to this Merchant or quite typical in bigger settlements?

I know what renaigse means you renaigse. I asked about that double part.

Opportunity cost.
In EA's eyes that money a) could have been used to fund a more profitable game b) led to some reputational damage including c) harming the interests in a sequal of what was a very profitable series.

A and C being the worst.

Lurk two years before posting.

>complete game
>already want to play it again
I wonder if I should do it now and play mage this time or just wait for mods.

>"gold" attire of all factions is gold/black

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>like Ubisoft who don't abandon games that had bad launches
I sometimes wish they did

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Too bad I'm wasting my life here for to 10 years already.

Is cooooom a democracy? Maybe the princes are elected merchant princes, with no rights of inheritance. Grooming constantin might not be viable if the prince want gonna live long

you are actually new here
oh my bad summer child

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Ah, retarded dead maymays. Should've guess.

If you were here ten years ago you would damned well know what "double nigger" is and wouldn't need to ask.
Lurk two years before posting.

Sure, mate. Sure.


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I hope you've learned your lesson and won't post ever again

Hold out bro and replay later.
I bet they will be doing patches and mod scene is already looking active.

To my health....

489 posts
83 posters

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Of course. And I won't ever reply to you. Promise.

>finish the game with the best ending
>decide to do the bad endings
>mfw all the outcomes of your companions

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i like how "secret laboratory" gets marked in your map automatically

>your waifu's outcome

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Post it.

De Sardet D'Serene

i actually almost missed this quest
after the battle with the spy i went to do other stuff and never went back to poo governor
the resulting conversation was a little weird since it triggered the end of one quest and the start of the lab one

can't be bothered but basically Petrus and Aphra die together, Vasco fucks off back to the naut island and never leaves it again, Kurt leaves the coinguard and dies in some random battle and Siora tries to rebel until eventually submiting to you and Constantin's god power like everyone on the island. everyone gets kicked off the island as well and all the factions try to murder each other on the mainland

I named my character Chad de Sardet, "de" stands for "son of"


>get a whole set of Cardinal's ceremonial gear
>it fits none of the companions

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I sure hope Kurt's quest didn't break. Finished ghost camp and the resulting dialogue said to talk to Constantin about it, but no quest for it.

I think that happens off-screen.

Awesome, heard of a few quests breaking so got kind of worried.

Do you guys know that if you fail and don't take weapon cargo from tutorial city to new serene coup don't happen?

No way

replace her asap with vasco/petrus, petrus more because he really hates both arabia and native pagans

One of the many sekrit possibilities of the game.

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