>jap games are catching up with the west

what do you think

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Other urls found in this thread:


>fucking XV

When is the west going to catch up? 2019 has been a dire year for western games. Trash like Control, Gears 5 and Anthem - all the same basic TPS. Wow, very cool western devs

>Astral Chain
>Azur Lane Crosswave
>Animal Crossing Horizons
>Babylon's Fall
>Bayonetta 3
>Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
>Collection of Mana
>Code Vein
>Daemon X Machina
>Deadly Premonition 2
>Dragon Quest XI Definitive Edition
>Dragon Quest Builders 2
>Elden Ring
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Granblue Fantasy Relink
>Granblue Fantasy Versus
>Catherine Full Body
>Death Stranding
>Digimon Survive
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
>Kill la Kill IF
>Hatsune Miku Megamix
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Mary Skelter 2
>Ni Oh 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>Project Sakura Wars
>Project Awakening
>Project Re: Fantasy
>Project Resistance
>Pokemon Sword & Shield
>Rune Factory 4
>Rune Factory 5
>Persona 5 The Royale
>Persona 5 Scramble
>Persona Q2
>Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
>Shenmue III
>Samurai Shodown
>Super Mario Maker 2
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Tales of Arise
>Trials of Mana
>Trails of Cold Steel 3
>Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
>Yo-Kai Watch 4
>Warriors Orochi 4
>Yakuza Like a Dragon
>YS IX Monstrum Nox
>Zelda Link's Awakening
>Zelda Breath of the Wild 2

Better than anything from the west this year.

Attached: westerng madasess.jpg (1286x1018, 125K)

Only one of those games is mainstream tho.

they had to catch up?

>Better than anything from the west this year.
sad but true when some of the worst that Japan has to offer is better than anything the West can shit out

>people get sick of the west pumping out yearly releases of shit
>turn to those wacky japanese
>they just haven't realised they're doing the same yearly kusoge

>catching up
So are soccer moms now gonna hate games because they turn us into school shooters AND cause us to lose our american nationalism?

>jap games are catching up with the west

lol do you still believe the west is superior or something. its already absolutely inferior to japan. whats more, it cant recover anymore.

The west is over. They got a bit of a lead last gen and went full jew milking their success. Now you have every major franchise bastardized, every studio turned to shit.

>they had to catch up?

Around 360/PS3, Japan went to total shit. Capcom nearly went bankrupt for example, and Square started heavily focusing on their western acquisitions, basically abandoning Japanese for development hell (that FF Versus for example). For some reason, the PS4/Xbone generation has been quite lucrative for Japanese games. Like they've learned from all their mistakes in budgeting and developmenet

yeah they are making boring open world games full of ugly girls now, just like the west

Unreal Engine happened

Unironically the entire problem was nip couldn't master PS3 gen software and kept using old tools like the conservative retards they are. Only now did they realize they need to move on

Oh that's no doubt a big part of it. Tekken 7, Soul Calibur 6, Kingdom Hearts 3 and even a Yoshi game were made in UE4 - but UE4 feels like a more recent adoption. Monster Hunter World, Capcom's best selling game ever, for example, is their old MT Framework.

The West has been releasing some pretty rad vidya though.
Most shit the japs have been releasing has been rehashed shit.
Also there's nothing Western about America so you're a fucking retard if you count those SJW-cancer ridden mutt "games" as Western.

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>The West has been releasing some pretty rad vidya though.

Post an example then.

360 wasn't popular at all in japan and ps3 was a pretty shitty system to develop on.

I did, are you blind or do you just have atrocious taste?

>A game that required a sequel, constant patching and had a "DLC plan"

Yeah, I'll stick to my complete at release Japanese games, thanks.

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While I do think Japanese games are currently more interesting than Western games I wouldn't call it a renaissance because I think they've been superior since around 1980 so this is more like continuing a long running trend.

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I can't tell if this is shitposting anymore and if this board ia full of delusional weaboos

>as part of anything renaissance
Either the cunt making this picture was high as a kite, or he's that megaautist who keeps defending this garbage in every FF related thread.

>Most shit the japs have been releasing has been rehashed shit.

you should play japanese games.

>Also there's nothing Western about America so you're a fucking retard if you count those SJW-cancer ridden mutt "games" as Western.

other than slav games, nearly all western games are sjw trash or shitty shooters/open wolrd games that havent changed at all since last gen. thats why casuals dont buy western games now. also cdpr gets sjwd thanks to canacucks.

Name two good western games released in 2019.

>>Most shit the japs have been releasing has been rehashed shit.

Also it's hilarious he says that considering Shitman 2 is ANOTHER rehash of a tired franchise.

I’m not too fond of western games, myself, but you’re fucking delusional if you think FFXV is better than anything the west released this year. FFXV was made with western design philosophy and it was done so in the worst way possible. The trash combat even feels like something one of the really bad western devs shat out.

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>Yeah, I'll stick to my complete at release Japanese games, thanks.
AC7 and DMC5 were just half-assed copy-pasted sequels with re-used assets.
BotW is nothing more than a GOAT tech demo with a bunch of shitty minigames thrown in.

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FF15 is better than Anthem and Control. Sorry if that bothers you.

Western games were never better than Japanese ones, what the fuck are you smoking? If anything, it's the west who will never catch up at this rate.


>AC7 and DMC5 were just half-assed copy-pasted sequels with re-used assets.

I could say the same about Shitman 2. Hell some of the content is just the same missions from the first and pointless iteration transposed into 2.

The reason people are calling it a renaissance is because the video game crash of the PS3 is finally healing

As opposed to Hitman 2 which is a basically just a map pack


2D indie game with a tiny budget


If you're gonna shit on FF15, you can't say the guys that made Bound by Flame or Mars War Log (Spiders) is a good game. Their games are janky as fuck with mediocre combat systems.

I can tell by this post that you didn't even bother playing the game, otherwise you would know it never "required" these things, it was perfectly playable at release and had more then enough content to justify playing full price, all the stuff added post-release was just a bonus. But sure, just let DLC fearmongering dictate what games you should play.

All those games beside Nioh are trash.


Neither are particularly good

With a plethora of content, mechanics and options.

is this what WoW looks like now?

>2D indie game with a tiny budget

Yeah, so? What is the point of asking for an example, if your just gonna shove your thumb up your ass and say it doesn't count? I fucking hate when you people do this, this is the sort of behavior you expect for an 8 years old brat child.

>it was perfectly playable at release

Having one episode is "perfectly playable" at release? And yes I did play it.

Cry more, bitch

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>catching up

West has made nothing but trash for five years now

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>he actually paid money for a singleplayer game that he won't be able to play in 5 years when the servers go offline

3 Chinkdoms

I don't have to dig into the ass crack of the indie game scene of Japan to find good games.

>Not showing BOTW, the biggest Japanese game in the last 5 years

I mean C'mon let's be serious for once.

Murrica isn't west nigger.

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If it wasn't for Japan i would probably quit gaming

I'm not proud of it, but I've been a bigger fan of this franchise than any cuck that would say the new Shitman is a good game.

eurocuckolds are even worse

>m-muh trannypunk

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Whats this meme about america not being a western country?

I never said that the games are bad, just the online only shit around it.

Stay jelly.

It's really not, I'm sorry. I wanna agree with you, I really do. I've tried to enjoy FFXV so many fucking times, but its gameplay is just too abysmal. Anthem and Control may be generic and uninspired, but at least they're playable. You can have fun with their mechanics. FFXV is a barely functioning piece of shit with content chopped up to be sold in pieces a la western games, with gimped, sluggish combat involving holding down a single button and the occasional glorified QTEs. Does this not sound like a western game to you? Why would you accept this same trash philosophy just because it came from the east? You do that and the east will become just like the west and then it'll all be garbage.

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>moving the goalposts
Then what the fuck were you shitposting for.

>I never said that the games are bad

The new ones are

>just the online only shit around it.

Even without it, they'd still be bad

fucking amateurs don't even have a magic rock for their sound system

Because maybe I'm a different user?

Control is good

I wouldn't know. It isn't out yet.

Another thing, Spiders is a middle-tier European studio that never had access to the same budget and resources most triple A Japanese studios have. You should always expect some jankyness from games made by studios like that, theres a reason "eurojank" became a thing. Comparing FFXV, a game made by one of the biggest japanese studios out there, with Greedfall, is like comparing your average Marvel movie with some of those indie movie made by YouTube channels.

>Control is good

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Now your talking about the first Hitman? I was talking about Hitman 2.

Don't even know why we're talking about FF15 because it's a game that came out in TWENTY FUCKING EIGHTEEN. Look how desperate you guys are to shit on Japanese games when western AAA's have been fucking abysmal, while you have to search for maybe halfway decent indies like Blasphemous and Greedfall to defend the state of western games

Among many other things, an amount of this was caused by Inafune and other types like him insisting the west is the best and the only way for the Japanese industry to proceed was to either hand their IP's over to westerners or try as hard as they could to emulate them. Scores of great franchises left in the dust for "being overly japanese", the lucky ones that didn't get stripped down for repackaging as the new wave of western-japanese fusions. For every Lost Planet you got at least three Bionic Commandos. This generation's most recent large cultural impacts in gaming have all been incredibly japanese games largely based off major franchises being completely unashamed of their nature and it's the best move they could have made.

I hope Inafune fucking kills himself. What a faggot.

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>my peepee doesn't get hard by the female protagonist therefore its bad!

Theres more to videogames than fapbait, user

>Taking a sequel, patches, several DLCs, etc to finally make a good one

Yeah I'm glad all the 2019 zoomers can play a good game.

>>my peepee doesn't get hard by the female protagonist therefore its bad!
>Theres more to videogames than fapbait, user

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Anthem was shit though.

>dude lighting

What lightning, this looks like turd compared to FEAR and that one doesn't have shitty RTX.

And why wouldn't we? When everytime a triple A game os used as an example you insufferable idiots always disregard then "le movie games, le cinematic, le walking simulators"? Its like if you aren't doing backflips every nano second with bloom effects all over the screen while two hundred big eyed fapbaits are presented to your doujin collection it doesn't count as a videogame. Fucking grown up, some people just aren't that interested in japanese games and like the more grounded slow paced approach of western games, jackass.

Inafune's push for western style games resulted in one of the best games of that era, so the hate seems a little unreasonable. Though the general push to turn DMC into DmC is definitely one of the biggest sins of that era.

Lost Planet sucked and Bionic Commando 09 was great you plebasaurus. LP felt like a beta test for BC09 with its terrible grappling hook. Though you have a point with games like Dark Void.

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It was a joke
it's literally nothing special

western gaming was infected and now it's dying off , it could survive executives greed and their ideas about microtransactions and how to milk you

but it couldn't survive socjus. I hope Japan isn't next.

Well, thanks for proving my point, I guess. You people really can't see pass fapbaits.

I seem to notice that a lot of sales for western franchises are falling off and sales of japanese sales are thriving, these games are not as expensive , the sales increase and they even found some new audience on PC/Steam.

There are anomalies in that theory ofc, one of which is Horizon Zero Dawn which apperantly sold millions but it stars some ugly feminist troglodyte and is filled with SJW politics

Why did this game sold so good?

>Dude Anthem is based I can be iron man!!!1 Not like those evil Japanese games with sexy women

PS4 exclusive

Attached: check the archives for this you stupid nigger.png (456x740, 18K)

I love this combination of illiteracy and intelectual dishonest the average Yea Forums user has been showing. I call people out for being unable to judge a game pass fapbait and immediately become a Anthem apologist. How? Fucking hilarious.

So you're saying if it was a multiplat it would sell less?


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Why does the cord need to be that big in the middle if it shortens down to that small of a connector?

>So you're saying if it was a multiplat it would sell less?

Would anyone have cared about Killzone 1 if it was multiplat?

I seem to notice you are only seeing what you want to see.

>>I love this combination of illiteracy and intelectual dishonest the average Yea Forums user has been showing. I call people out for being unable to judge a game pass fapbait and immediately become a Anthem apologist. How? Fucking hilarious.

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Normies just realized that jap games are better.
Also something about HD production costs being much cheaper nowadays

Did I hit a nerve? Sure looks like. :)

The recent push of ugly as fuck women in recent games should be a sign that there's something rotten in Denmark. If you don't push for the excellence of attractive female characters, you're probably also not pushing for the excellence of good gameplay (see Anthem and Control)

There's a reason RE2 remake sells 4.5 million while Microsoft has to hope people buy into their stupid Game Pass program as Gears 5 is clearly a flop.

Attached: gears 5.jpg (1658x711, 157K)

>2017 comes along
>is mostly dominated by japanese games
>2018 comes along
>its heavily dominated by western games
>weebs: "[crickets]"
>2019 comes along
>is mostly dominated by japanese games

Attached: its-all-so-tiresome-34354344.png (500x380, 96K)

user, just get out of Yea Forums more often, alright? I think I'm done here.

I'm just happy that there is a general return of good japanese games with japanese design in mind.

comes along
>>its heavily dominated by western games


>Mountains’ Florence is a twee look at love and heartbreak, and how both can permanently change a person for the better. It follows Florence Yeoh, a 20-something who puts her everyday routine on pause when she falls for a bearded cellist named Krish. Florence's story, told through a beautiful interactive puzzler, is wordless, swipe-friendly, and full of minigames that recall the golden days of WarioWare, but the way in which it unfolds and uses its aesthetic to carve relatable moments into your heart is second to none. Interactive art really can sweep you off your feet.

Or maybe 2018 was just a shit year?

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No. It's not. Japan is being based as always. That's all.

People would have to care about Killzone 1 in the first place.

>while Microsoft has to hope people buy into their stupid Game Pass program as Gears 5 is clearly a flop.
Gears 5 was exactly made to push the Game Pass, which is doing greatly.

The game could sell 4 copies outside of Gamepass and it would still be a success

>>user, just get out of Yea Forums more often, alright? I think I'm done here.

Attached: 1563896859809.png (344x971, 214K)

>18% increase in game sales in 2018 compared to 2017

Yes, user. It was such a shit year that people purchased MORE games than in 2017. Of course you think 2018 was shit, it wasn't dominatedby your average blackfliping corky simulator.

>Jap renaissance
ok, retard

You could have used this image, but you didn't use because deep down you know that you are way more mad than I'm.

Attached: 2f7.jpg (601x508, 31K)

And people wonder why people say Yea Forums has gone to shit

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Is this WoW Classic?

>so the hate seems a little unreasonable
Oh boy, ONE (1) game! But even that ended up turning to shit in the end. Guess it was worth killing Ninja Gaiden and giving us Mighty No.9, right?

lost planet 1 didnt suck. the world was well built and the characters were decent. it was more of an action gun shooting game with some analog mechas like mega man. a game for everyone, not for shooter fanatics.

>AC7 and DMC5 were just half-assed copy-pasted sequels with re-used assets.
>source: my ass

Nobody wonders that. Anyone not a newfag knows exactly why.

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You retard, weebs aren't saying this! It's the narrow-minded game journalists who'd never give Japan a second glance outside Nintendo.

Japan had been dominating for a clear almost 20 years, then they rested on their laurels to a point the West got back to its usual arrogance until the Japanese companies pulled their heads out and started seeing that going for EA's practices is gonna sink them in the long run, and now you see places like SE and Capcom giving the reins back to the good people they had without the corporate baloney, and look, it works. Well no wonder.

Hopefully Square stops giving a shit about Eidos and Capcom never lets an American studio make a game of theirs ever again

yes but only cause we've cucked ourselves into oblivion with the sjw tranny pill. If we ever get back to a place where it isn't mandatory to shoe horn some retarded woke message into every story we'll be back on top.

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Yes but why the fuck is FFXV there? Much less front and center.

>Luigis Mansion 3
That was made by a canadian dev team you retard.
>BOTW 2, SMTV, Bayonetta 3, Animal Crossing
Not releasing in 2019

>First post gave a list of 20+ games
>Nitpicking 3 of them

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>Princess 1/1

How does one "catch up" with another that is far behind them?

That said

>jap games are catching up

what year were you born? Japanese games have been superior in all aspects unless youre a normie zoomer who grew up playing games like GTA, FIFA, COD, Battlefield, etc.