Death Stranding

>Open World were the environment actually massively affects the gameplay, have the pay attention not only to enemies but to the climate and the terrain as well

Will it be the next Breath of the Wild?

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>Will it be the next Breath of the Wild?
stop trying to summon nintendies if you want a actual discussion about the game at all.

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Imagine making a game where the gameplay mechanics are based around what is second nature to every able person on the planet. He may as well have made a game based around breathing. Do we know if it has the usual Kojima absolutely clusterfuck of an awkward control scheme too yet? Am I going to have to hold three buttons simultaneously and slowly push the thumbstick forward but not too slowly in order to take a step?

Weirdly enough I'm getting some massive Shadow of the Colossus vibes from this game.

>He may as well have made a game based around breathing.

The game actually has a lung capacity stat kek.

Oh fuck off already

Last night I had a dream about this game.

It will be the greatest delivery game with MGSV bases and indirect souls multiplayer.
I still think we should call it Piss Standing.

That's because most of the environment is empty.

Kojima is the biggest hack on the planet. He literally admitted that it's a movie, not a game.

Not sure. The game has a lot of potential but I feel like it will be buried by linear and scripted open world since Kojima wants to make it movie like. In botw you can go wherever you want.

Tell me about the protagonist. Why does he wear the box?

Yeah I love the weight management stuff but it seems he’s going a bit overboard

I really don’t want another game where stat management overtakes the gameplay

>Kojima is the biggest hack on the planet.
But all of his games are masterpieces. Based on history this may be his best work yet

>Tell me about the protagonist. Why does he wear the box?

Delivery and weight management is a massive part of the game, its essentially a risk/reward mechanic were you can choose to carry more stuff for possible greater gain but there is a bigger chance for failure.

>Open World were the environment actually massively affects the gameplay, have the pay attention not only to enemies but to the climate and the terrain as well
You mean like Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead have been doing for years now?

He's said you can go wherever you want and completely ignore the story if you wish. There will obviously be some linear story missions but that's not the whole game.

I thought the Open World in Death Stranding was supposed to be sort of wide-linear?

You can backtrack but for the main story you are always pushing forward on the map.

i can't hate kojima

>Will it be the next Breath of the Wild?
Yes. In both its greatness and its capacity to make Yea Forums seethe endlessly. I don't Yea Forums has managed to go an hour without seething about either.

>Will it be the next Breath of the Wild?
Yes, i'm saying this for a while, it's a realistic BotW. So it's gonna be GOTY and Game of generation with BotW

>He literally admitted that it's a movie
I’m sure he did nigga

Kojima is a fucking genius and the only one that can change the future of this medium.

You're going from east to west and reconnecting specific locations on the way for the story but that seems like all the linearity there is. You've got all the equipment you need to scale anything in the environment and exploring seems to be encouraged for side quests and shit, so I doubt they're gonna prevent you from going in certain directions. It sounds similar to BotW in the sense that there's an end goal but how and when you get there is up to you.

>literally the most basic elements of traversal in any third person shooter or open world game
>actually massively affects the gameplay
you people are incredible how delusional can you get over a FEDEX sim

>The catcher in The TGS footage is The weakest of all the enemies
That's when I knew it was gonna be kino

Are those suppose to be mountain tops?

Anyway, should preorder this game soon.
It will be the second major release game I buy on release this year.

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why is Yea Forums so depressed and pessimistic

It looks like it will be an interesting and comfy delivery game

It'll either be terrible or amazing but it won't be boring

The game has a bunch of autistic details like being able to get swept up in streams and shit that will cause feet damage.

Its gonna be great.

And idorts will dab on the two console war seething groups.

I thought Yea Forums loved games with TECHNOLOGY

or is that only with nintendo games, I am pretty damn certain you would all be praising this if it wasn't a Kojima game

A half-assed open-world tech demo/walking simulator with a bunch of shitty minigames?
But this time with even less content?
Looks like it.

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>if more people keep going down the same path with time a dirt road gets created

seriously how can you hate this game?

it looks great, Yea Forums is just full of fucking redditors who try to one up each other by shitting on anything that comes out which is popular

I love how people complain about "no gameplay" when in reality it seems like Death Stranding might actually have too much gameplay.

Theres literally fucking mechanics upon mechanics for even the smallest shit, its like MGSV taken to an even more extreme level. You have to pay atteniton to your goddamn shoe HP for fucks sake.

>Normalfags love Open World Survival games
>Kojima makes Open World Survival game with an objective other than just surviving, which is more or less just "deliver these packages"
>"What the fuck what is this game what do you do fucking walking simulator zero point"

Why are people so stupid?

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