Seems to be that way coming into next gen too. And everyone and their mother loved it.
Pic absolutely related. What went so wrong?
Entirety of this gen were filled with rehashes and remakes
>food analogy
What's the difference between a rehash and a remake?
no more original ideas
Doesn't matter, being reductive allows you to shit on multiple things at once without even putting any thought into it.
majority of new stuff is shit, this entire gen has been an endless hassle of companies monetising every little thing.
Rehash is usually just a bare minimum port or "sequel" with no changes.
Remake is port of old game with actual effort like making 2D background into 3D.
Nostalgia sells, plain and simple. Also, new ways for gaming to move forward like VR are failures, so it’s no surprise we’re sticking with the familiar.
No difference, just different labels publisher use to get morons to buy the same game again.
Ok, faggot.
This is one of the main reasons why so much attention and emphasis is being put on indie devs and the games they make. Being separate from a corporate entity allows total creative freedom to the developers, and they often publish their own games, so they don't have to go through any censorship BS outside of their platform's rules and country laws. I have no fucking idea why people are this gullible, but for now I'm sticking to a handful of games that I find to have plenty of replay value, or are just real good to come back to every couple weeks.
TL;DR: Play indie games that fit your tastes. You'll feel less shit about the state of the videogame industry for it.
>held hostage on 2 dead consoles
That game was fucked from the get-go. Sony's intrusion on the development interrupted the entire fucking plot so it could be released in time with the PS Vita. Here's hoping it gets a proper sequel that comes available on PC.
hoping for that as well, the games look cool and i don't want to buy a ps4 to play them
people make me cringe like crazy when the say that this gen was better than the 360 ps3 gen. this gen has literally ZERO new major trends started other than Battle royale.
Lets just take a quick recap of last gen, and how they ran it into the ground. Last gen had these new trends start:
-Rockband, Guitar hero
-call of duty 4, changing Console shooter standards for online
-Darksouls, which is still spawning knock offs
-Assassins creed, Which started ubisoft towers as far as i can tell
-Motion controllers
For better or for worse, last gen actually came up with new things. this gen took those things, and ran them into the ground.
I don't think I've bought a single game that's come out this year.
Uncharted 4 is a rehash. It's just another uncharted game that plays it very safe.
Links awakening is a remake.
Not a big fan of Uncharted, but didn't 4 add the swinging rope that mixes up the gameplay a bit?
Rockband-style games have stopped coming out before this gen, console online shooters and ubisoft open worlds have been the object of mockery even in last gen, motion controllers are done better now than they were back then. DLC doesn't seem particularly worse than the shit they pulled 10 years ago (anyone remember fucking horse armour?).
I agree with you that this gen didn't do anything new, but saying it ruined the things last gen did is just wrong. Last gen ruined what last gen did.
I thought you boomer fucks loved the 'good old days'
What happened, fossils?
Gaming was a fucking mistake.
>What went so wrong?
Same thing that has been happening at Hollywood: creative bankruptcy and corporate meddling. Creators tarnished and fired from their jobs while longtime running series are being picked up by literal hacks who don't get what made that thing popular so in the attempt at replicating that success it results in more soulless titles.