Discord pulls free games from Nitro


Chat service pulls feature from subscription offering because "vast majority of Nitro subscribers didn't play them"

>"We learned a lot from all of you over the last year," the company said. "Through your valuable feedback, it became clear that while we and some of you love these games, the truth is the vast majority of Nitro subscribers didn't play them. So, after careful consideration, we won't be hitting Continue when these contracts come up for renewal. The Nitro Games catalogue will be removed on October 15th, 2019."

>The gamer-focused chat service first rolled out the perk last year as part of its push into selling games. However, in March it shut down its own storefront to have developers sell titles through their own Discord servers instead, with developers keeping 90% of the revenue for such sales.

>While Nitro subscription fees will remain the same after the free games are pulled, the company said it has been working on new features, like increasing the maximum upload size for users on the $10 subscription tier.

See how hard it is to compete with Steam?

Attached: discord nitro.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=epic linux support

Imagine paying to have games taken away from you because you didn't start playing them quickly enough LMAO

Subscription based game services are stupid anyway.

>pull games
>give them extra emojis
there, trannys are now happy.

discord had a game store?

Maybe if they didn't keep putting old indie shit up there that everyone already owned or don't care for, people would play things.

this. They barely advertised that it even existed.

They should have done a big giveaway to give people a taste. I'm sure discord as a storefront and launcher is great, but unless I get to demo how it works I guess I'll never know.

Or you guys just disabled the store since they were fucking obnoxious with Discord defaulting to opening in the store/discover-games shit ever since it was introduced.

>implying this is Steam's fault
Reminder that barely any news outlet reported on Discord's store after Epic swooped in despite them having a better cut, didn't do exclusivity shit, and was actually postured to actually compete with the same large userbase steam had.

Discord died because of Epic.

Why did you (you) me

>there are people out there that pay 10$ a month to use a free chat program


none of those posts said steam killed it though

This is probably a good move.
Like c'mon, there's already other services for that. what's the point.... just make the chat program work.

I like giving out free (You)s in these kinds of threads. Spreads the love. Here have another one lads. Don't spend it all on one place.

ah gee, thanks frend

I mean all you had to do was wait for the epicfags to come in


Nobody would use Discord to play games.

true but now nitro gives you fuck all for 5$ let alone 10$, you get what? bigger img size and better streaming(which i have never seen anyone use on discord) and that's it. Its a major ripoff.

idiots will buy it for the animated avatar alone

Epicfriends bring in insincere (You)s. Very harmful to the (You) ecosystem that we've dearly established.

I believe in casual friendly (You)s.

Maybe because you don't use Discord to fucking play games on them.

That's Discord drones fault for not playing the games. Or Discord didn't offer quality free games

by that rhetoric, EGS is going down in a couple of weeks

I didn't play them because majority of them were old indie games that I already got from Humble Bundles or from Steam sales.

>by that rhetoric, EGS is going down in a couple of weeks

People want to play BL3 and Fortnite. What does Discord have?

Attached: pitchford bl3.png (1311x752, 95K)

Egs will give batman for free this week.

I agree on that
I was more in line with having all the freebies on EGS, and never installed any of the games
I think I did something similar with Nitro, too
I have never installed any of the games

When I launch discord, I want it to take the voices of my friends and I and transport them across the internet for our ears to interpret.

What no one fucking wants is to launch discord and be met with 40 downloads of games patching, ads for new games, etc. Stay the fuck in your fucking lane Discord.

I didn't play them for the same reason I haven't played any of the free Epic games.
Most of them are either shit or games that I played years ago.

Nitro isn't for games, it's for bragging


What’s the purpose of Nitro? Wasn’t free games the selling point?

What? Why not just send everyone you know a photo of you holding $5?

“Gamers” are so fucking stupid. Wow! I get to brag I spent $5 for a video game chat service! Šoy face!

to have a big announcement that they boosted their favourite discord channel and hopefully someone will like them for that.

imagine paying to play video games

People don't use Discord for anything other than fur erp

nah, it's the avatar, emojis and bragging rights on your server of choice you decided to boost.

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It is stupid but that's how zoomers think user

And the price will remain the same? Jesus.
Also I can say even having had my nitro paid for for the last year, I played maybe one or two of the free games. I did occasionally use the free packs for warframe and stuff though.

what use would discord zoomers have for video games?

they spend their time taking xanax laced with estrogen and watching twitch streams

discord trannies don't play games, shocking

Also furries

Why the fuck are they pulling the games but keeping the 2-tier system? If all you get from the $10 tier is server boosting, then why even keep the tiers separate? Either be upfront with your jewery and raise the prices outright, or get rid of the $10 tier and put all the features in $5.

>what use would discord zoomers have for video games?
>they spend their time taking xanax laced with estrogen and watching twitch streams


You mean it's hard for a chat program to be a storefront and whatever else, too?

I honestly never even knew
Besides discord is for mentally sick people only so who the fuck cares? Paying money upfront for nothing will always be the most retard shit ever and i dont mind companies fucking people in the arse because iam smart enough to avoid it

They're probably going to end up removing the ability to buy games from Discord sooner or later as well. They already made the process complicated by removing the storefront and forcing you to join a game's official guild if you want to buy it.

People who pay for nitro are attention desperate coombrains

To post tiny emotes instead of reaction images.

I would like to see some evidence on that.

Yeah, they realized it was a whole extra clusterfuck that people almost never use nitro for. They c an get away with making the limit for "pro nitro" or whatever it's gonna be called now up to 100mb from 50, classic keeps the 50, normalfags get 8. Probably some increased voip quality shit too but even the base quality has been fine for me if friends wouldn't use my ts3 server.

honestly, i always wonder then, if people don't like or use discord, what do you people use? are you a part of any groups and how do communicate? (dont say irc)

Discors is a botnet, use matrix.

My oldfag groups actually do use IRC. if we're using voice chat though it's either vent (which we've had for like 20 years now almost) or ingame voip.

I can confirm. They should increase the word limit in text messages, it is laughably bad.


steam for the 3-4 online friends i actually want to talk to. text for real people.

Nobody is blaming Steam, just pointing out that Valve's stranglehold on the market has a snowball effect that makes it extremely difficult to compete with, even with a large install base and a extremely large cut. On the flipside, Steamcels whine and cry when there are exclusives on other platforms, yet it's the only way to actually compete with Steam. Steamcels are mainly responsible for enabling this problem for their refusal to use other services.

2000 characters isn't enough for you?

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>"vast majority of Nitro subscribers didn't play them"
Did they really think that the trannies on their platform would play video games?

Yeah, they were pretty retarded thinking they could pry trannies off of Steam, since they're obsessed with updating their dating profiles and Furry ERP groups.


They did. Anyone with the 5$ nitro sub got the 10$ perks for one year, which is still in effect today. That 10$ sub gives access to a bunch of free games, which almost no one took advantage of.

I use Discord constantly and $5 is a low price to support it to ensure it remains free for those who don't have the means to support it. I also really like global emotes.

Mumble, Steam, Teamspeak.
Discord attracts too many e-girls, faggots, and annoying cunts.

I use the streaming feature for movie nights occasionally. It's the only option now that rabbit is kill.

If only the games they put up weren't shit.

And before that it was Teamspeak/Ventrilo. Also
>Doesn't attract e-girls, faggots and annoying cunts

>turning pc into console

Discord attracts WAY more e-girls, faggots, and cunts than Steam

skype with mumble as backupstrategy in case skype totally fucks us over. Also there is steam which we tried a few times but their channellayout kinda sucks.

Not even close. Gaming is huge in 2019 and attracts even more people than 10 years ago, who fucking knew? Neck yourself, worthless incel.

What the fuck does discord nitro even do? For what other fucking purpouse does discord serve than talking with your mates and having group chats?

Jump off a cliff you retarded white dumbfuck.

But he's against one launcher for every game like it's on consoles you maggot

peak of borderlands 2 was 120k
so that means there was probably only 500k sales at most for bl3

>he failed to see the problem
off yourself

Good, discord was fucking retarded to even try, it's like they learned nothing from Skype

>Discord fags don't actually play games

>120 x 2 = 500

good goy

Discord is such a fucking corny piece of trash i wish i could disable all flavor text because it will never ever be funny, i wish some other bunch of code monkeys can make something like this and not have it slurp up resources, and
why does it make you fucking pay for more emoji usage, why was there even a store in the first place? Not every fucking piece of software needs a store it just hogs more resources up like a fat unoptimized pig it is.
Animated emoji's, avatars, all that you shouldn't have to pay for, it should be a option you have, you should be able to turn it on or off whenever you please.

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Okay this is epic

>before epic everyone said this was the steam killer
can't fucking wait for epic to die too

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>the only way to compete with steam is to inconvenience consumers
Ok I'm confused, why do I want this?

What were the free games anyways? I'm sure it was just some indie trash.

So the server boost shit and bigger uploads are one of the seldom few benefits of the more expensive sub they have now over the half-priced one they have? Not that anyone should be wasting money on that.

It's not an inconvenience unless you're a corporate cuck for Valve. Are you familiar with the concept of going to a specific store for a specific product or does mom do all of your shopping for you?

>using a worse piece of software and paying marginally more isn't an inconvenience

I remember back in older skype days when I could send like up to 3gb files and folders to groups of people and these faggots still limit it to 8mbs, fucking retarded, if you pay for discord nitro you are also a colossal faggot paying for shit that should come normally with the service.

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I don't speak with my team, I just do my role and expect them to do their's

>Buy game
>Download game
>Play game
Literally all launchers. Nobody cares about bloated social media bullshit attached besides trannies. Try Facebook, or reddit, they're free!

Nah, in this case it is worse since no games on the EGS even have a server browser, since UE4 doesn't even provide proper tools for it anymore.
Since it's made for consoles and console converts.

Why do you buy games that don't have server browsers?

>server browser
>mod workshop
>the ability to actually sort your library
>a fucking shopping cart
>"bloated social media bullshit"
Good work you got me. Enjoy your (you)

people didn't want another store front, they just paid so they could meme harder
just because you have a userbase doesn't mean you can sell them everything you want

Why don't you use skype then?

>Sharing hacks and cracks over Skype with friends
>Sending other people viruses disguised as cracked games
Holy fuck i just got taken back a little.

Attached: 1537429268610.png (776x1146, 922K)

peak players does not equal sales, brainlet.

I don't, that's my point.
I'm not a console convert.
Which seems to be Epic's biggest market, since they seem to think that crossplay support is more important than a proper server browser with proper community server support.

>just make the chat program work.
just give me a fucking quoting function already. that's the one single thing it's missing imo

>i have never seen anyone use on discord
it's pretty decent to watch movies with your online friends. can't even be reported if the server isn't public so you don't have to constantly dodge bans

>server browser
>mod workshop
Should always be provided by the game

>the ability to actually sort your library
>a fucking shopping cart
I've never used a launcher where these are issues

>Good work you got me. Enjoy your (you)
I know I did. Steamcels don't have an argument to stand on, which is why you're grasping at straws.

All my friends kind of abandoned skype and trying to convince a group of people to go back to skype is difficult especially when now its kind of shit and runs like garbage

Attached: 1551291266490.jpg (480x447, 32K)

It did. One of the selling points of it was even that it had a 10% cut instead of 30% like Steam. Unlike Epic though, they didn't do enough shilling of this fact to make people actually consider using the store, so it kinda flopped despite even having better cuts than EGS.

one of my vidya groups still uses teamspeak.
the rest is on discord. which isn't a problem, discord is fine as long as you stay on your private servers with friends. just never join the public ones.

>Should always be provided by the game
And yet there isn't a single EGS game that provides these.

Why are you singling out EGS, Steamcel? Almost no launcher has a server browser because nearly every single game has their own. Steam's server browser is a relic of 1.6's transition from the WON network. Weird indeed.

Never used nitro and barely use discord
Who cares

Because they're threatened by Epic and it's the flavor of the month hivemind speak to hate on EGS.

As someone who actually hosts servers, steam's server browser is super useful. Allows players to quickly and easily just launch a game right into the server
Nice job ignoring the mod workshop point though

Most games actually don't have their own server browser, and many of the ones that do do so because of Steam's own integration.
Hence why, again, no EGS games have server browsers or mod tools.
Ironically, there are more UE4 games with server browsers and mod tools on Steam than there are on the EGS.

Were you even alive before Steam had a workshop? Installing mods is not difficult and there have always been clients to install them for you if you're so "inconvenienced".

>Most games actually don't have their own server browser
Prove it. I know you're wrong but I'd like to see your "evidence" for a chuckle anyway.

If one launcher has convenient features and a different launcher doesn't have them, by definition I am being inconvenienced when using the launcher that is lacking.
It's that fucking simple.
>hurr just do without
Isn't an argument

But I can point to other launchers that have at least ONE game on them with a server browser.
I would say that the EGS has Unreal Tournament, but that game's dead and they halted development.
Origin for instance has every Battlefield game, all of which have server browsers, even Uplay has Trackmania, which also has server browsers.

>by definition I am being inconvenienced when using the launcher that is lacking It's that fucking simple
100% false. For starters, not everyone installs mods. Secondly, as I mentioned previously, there are other clients that do the same thing and generally are better since they're tailored for the game.

>hurr just do without
>Isn't an argument
And that wasn't even the argument, nobody is "going without". Use your brain, kiddo.

funny you complain about being singled out when you singled steam first

You'd have to name me a game on the EGS that even lets you make a dedicated server first

To have a discord ID that is slightly easier for people to remember i.e. niggerfaggot#1111 vs niggerfaggot#6954

>5 dollar demo
Thats not how it works

Follow the reply chain, the whole argument is about Valve, their cuckhold fanbase and the evil "other" launchers from other companies. It's still hilarious that the insecure Steamcels are flinging shit at Epic because it's the only company with a position to knock Steam off of the pedestal.

I...are you retarded?
Just looking at the multiplayer games released this year
>Apex Legends
>Ace Combat 7
>God Eater 3
>Crackdown 3
>Jump Force
>DoA 6
>The Division 2
>Generation Zero
>Anno 1800
>World War Z
>Risk of Rain 2
>Kill la Kill IF
>Gears 5
>Borderlands 3
the only ones with a server browser are Mordhau and MAYBE EDF 5 if you want to be generous and consider P2P shit a "server' (I don't).
Both of which are on Steam.

Ability for players to create servers and server browsers are not mutually exclusive. I think Subnautica has servers but I'm not really sure.

>Are you familiar with the concept of going to a specific store for a specific product or does mom do all of your shopping for you?
Terrible analogy.
Most people go to supermarkets because they'd rather go to one store to get 99% of what they need and then compromise on the 1% instead of spending an extra hour going to another grocery store just to get heinz ketchup when they could use no-name brand from the supermaket or just deal with not having ketchup.
Sometimes I'll have my groceries delivered or buy things on amazon as an auxiliary form of shopping, because it offers a method that doesn't cause friction with my physical shopping. Kind of like how I'll sometimes buy games on GoG as well as steam, GoG offers me benefits that steam is against.
Other stores like Origin, uDontPlay, and Fortnite Store offer me (the consumer) nothing in terms of actual service, and in many ways are a downgrade even when you ignore the fact that now I have to babysit more online accounts with 2fa and yearly password resets.

>because it's the only company with a position to knock Steam off of the pedestal.
your delusions are amusing but shouldn't cloud reality

Subnautic isn't even multiplayer, fucktard

Subnautica doesn't even have multiplayer you mongoloid.

okay, retard

So let me get this straight, you're abandoning your argument to win a technicality? I mean, alright, I guess Steam no longer has the useful server browser feature since games with matchmaking don't require it, which reinforces my original point. Thanks for conceding!

At least make it less obvious that you don't even play games on PC, jesus christ.

Why are you so insecure about it then?

What does this have to do with steam if people just aren't playing whatever shitty free games discord provides?

And all without the help of those useful Steam services. Imagine being so wrong "fucktards" lmao!

Except the point is that Steam provides server browsers for any game that makes use of it, of which there are tons.
Console converts like yourself don't use them or play said games though, and most games are made with retards like you in mind.
As such, the EGS is only good if you're a console convert, who doesn't belong on PC in the first place and should fuck off back to consoles.

Not an argument, I assume you're out of them

I dunno, I've been playing games with their own server browsers since before you were born. I guess I just don't see why I should buy a game on Steam just because it has an antiquated server browser that *could* be used.

literally where? You're the one on some delusion of defeating the "evil steam" by being worse in almost every aspect
no EGS shill to this day has managed to say a single thing that makes his store worth using, only muh 15%

>Doesn't even include a server browser, it's just P2P shit where you directly connect to someone's IP
Jesus christ, do you console converts even know what a community server is?

A store is worth using if it has games you want, it's really that simple. You're just oozing insecurity about EGS because you single it out while other launchers are just as "bad" because they don't have a profile for your tranny bullshit.

The fact that you refer to server browsers as antiquated kind of tells me that you're a console convert who started playing on PC in 2012.
Server browsers are literally the best way for any online game to function and are vastly superior to any alternative currently available.
But the point remains, no games on the EGS have server browsers or community server support, as such it's a store for console converts.

>it's not multiplayer unless it has a server browser
OOF, imagine being this retarded lmao cant relate

>tfw remembering the days before discords GREAT PURGE
Fuck you furry faggots running the show CUTE AND FUNNY is perfectly LEGAL

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>Entire argument was about server browsers and community servers
>He brings up a P2P mod
Go back to consoles, thanks.

Discord will shut it down because the profitability isn't there. It's basically just another storefront without the money backing it like Epic and not have the versatility or even features of Itch.io. And speaking of Itch.io. This is basically the new newgrounds and it's still alive even without a lot of monetization.

Discord itself is not even profitable. It's basically an investor driven company. When it fails, your data will fall into the hands of some company that will monetize it.

Based furries

Server browsers aren't. just Steam's server browser.

You have still yet to actually name a game on EGS that has a server browser

Clearly not if they're one of the few platforms providing actual community server and server browser tools.
Something that Epic doesn't seem too concerned with, since, again, their main market is console converts like yourself.

>Entire argument was Subnautica not having multiplayer
>He brings up server browsers after getting proven wrong
Go back to Steam, thanks.

He can't because the only one that DID have a server browser has halted development.
And that was UT4.

How is that relevant to anything?

Go back to consoles, thanks.

No launcher does that because it's not needed when games provide their own server browsers. Seems like a simple concept that is very hard to grasp for Steamcel zoomers who were raised on always-online DRM.

Because this entire argument is about the EGS only being liked by people who don't actually play on PC or care about any of the things that make PC a preferable platform, just console converts who fell for the PCMR memes in 2012 and just want to play shitty console games with slightly better graphics.

Good, Discord should have noticed no one cares about anything except for their servers for voice and text with some rich integration. Everyone else fails at this or gets close but offers an inferior product.

Because you wanted proof that there are no games on EGS that have one. And it is a lot easier to just name a single game that does than list all the games that don't.

How is giving something to people for free not how it works?

You so retarded that you think the $5 service people were paying for is ALSO the other service? Or that the $5 service was BOTH services?

the way to compete with steam is offer a better service than they do, not an objectively worse one that they force you to use

And yet, not a single game on the EGS has a server browser, since UE4 has extremely shitty server management tools, since it's made with consoles in mind.
Hence why all these UE4 games with server browsers (Mordhau, Insurgency Sandstorm, Squad, Hell Let Loose, Batallion 1944, World War 3, etc. etc.) always look towards Steam for help with implementation.


Origin fixed the CS, download speeds, patching issues of Steam. No one cared.

EGS is more refined and less "TOSS IT ALL THE FUCK IN THERE AND CLUTTER IT ALL UP" but people still want Steam daddies cock in their ass.

GoG does DRM free and old game launchers the best, everyone sleeps.

People pick their sides and defend them because that is what mindless kids do.

How is that relevant to anything besides the whining of Steamcels?

They still do, with 90/10 split, it's most dev friendly store on the market.

imagine typing this unrionnically

>Origin fixed the CS, download speeds, patching issues of Steam. No one cared.
Because in the process they also removed mod tools for their games, started catering to consoles, and got rid of server browsers for everything but Battlefield, even going so far as to jump on the GaaS meme even more.
>EGS is more refined
God no, not with that godawful mobile-tier infinite scrolling design that doesn't even have category/genre searching, that shit is fucking awful.
GoG is great though, and actually offers a better service than Steam, which none of the other launchers do.
Except their refund stuff, it's still definitely worse than Steam's auto refunds.

Not really, as pointed out, Steamcels only care about Steam, or more plainly, the bloated social network attached to the games, to which I would say, fuck off back to Facebook, reddit and consoles, zoomers.

Do you have any evidence to support your claims?

Because this argument started with you saying that PC gamers want an open platform, and PC gamers ALSO want server browsers and community servers, which are the main reason we WANT an open platform.
EGS does not provide this, hell, it doesn't even have Linux support, as such it is antithetical to the need for an open platform on PC, and as such is made for consoleniggers and converts.

EGS isn't even made for consolefags that's the most retarded part, they ONLY want to be a PC monopoly and they couldn't even be bothered to have mac and linux support.

boo hoo people like features that aren't elsewhere, thats THEIR fault

>Server browser
>mod tools
>Catered to consoles

Not noticing how much EGS looks like a refined and sleek program is your autism showing. Steam cock taste good, don't it?

EGS doesn't even have a functioning shopping cart. Sorry shill you can't talk your way out of this one.

Good thing they make money selling your info

PC wants an open platform, BUT IT MUST BE DONE EXACTLY LIKE STEAM, or we will just use Steam. Oh and when it is exactly like steam we will still use Steam, because some other made up reasons for being drones like Apple users.

Do you actually have any argument or are you going to deflect anything thrown at you? Shilling doesn't work if all people see is retards when, people like you build face of EGS and so far, that face is pretty fucked up looking.

Chang people already use storefronts that aren't steam.

Open platform means, open fucking platform meaning it has to be on as much platforms as possible. There is 0 reason to have exclusivity to any shopfront other than using that shops features.

>"Epic knows what the consumers more then they themselves do."
Is this bait?

Yes, it's the lack of a single reasonable counter-argument. Straws laying all over the floor from Steamcels who desperately try to convince everyone else that they're not frivolous fanboys throwing tantrums because their investment is going down in flames.

Whoa, you mean people like it when a platform like Steam supports open platforms like Linux and creates entire initiatives to expand said support?
Ugh, how problematic! They should like Epic with its no server browsers, completely developer-run servers (super open!), weak mod support, no consumer feedback, no reviews, and no Linux support.
That's REALLY helping push PC's most open features.

Hey, I'm not the one crying that there's an exclusive on other platform, kiddo, you are.

So your evidence, is what exactly? Can you provide any of them? saying "starman" isn't actually evidence of strawman.

just stream on twitch

>arguing about which store to buy your digital games from
I know a great place that has them all in one nicely organized spot.

Attached: 1556840655389.png (1673x2160, 1.23M)

Pretty sure that devs that eat epic's exclusivity deal and alienate THEIR ENTIRE CONSUMERBASE before their game is even out that are throwing tantrums because their investment is going down in flames.

Epic is doing the same thing, but really, literally nobody uses Linux anyway. Who cares?

Nobody asked you nigger, if people were going to pirate they would already be pirating.

Not "starman", silly incel, straws, as in the failed attempts at grasping at them.

That user showed interest in the workshop though, so he in fact would be inconvenienced.
Also which "other clients" are more well tuned than steam as far as convience features are considered?

>Epic is doing the same thing
>No linux support from their storefront
>UE4 doesn't even have native publishing for code it's a buggy fucking wrapper
Yeah, no.

Paypigs mad

Attached: 1556759040112.jpg (400x400, 31K)

>Epic is doing the same thing
Not at all, they haven't done any of the stuff Steam has done to facilitate an open PC platform.
In fact, they've done the exact opposite, hence why the only people who defend them are console converts such as yourself.

does that store have handball?

So? Every dev does this, including your beloved Valve. When can I buy and play TF2 on Origin? When can I play Call of Duty Black Ops II on Uplay?

Cry more gaylord.

Well where is this, straw grasping evidence? mind you I asked to provide any sort of evidence for your claim and so far you haven;t and instead decided to argue semantics.

>Chinky gets BTFO in his own thread
>Hops to this one and starts shitposting about his trash store that nobody cares about and nobody uses
Sasuga, autism-chan.

Why do you anons waste time replying to obvious shitposters instead of just reporting them?
You know it's like the same 2 mutts who shitpost to make their empty lives less meaningless, right?

Oh, you sweet summer child
lmgtfy.com/?q=epic linux support


as soon as company that is in charge of said IP decides to release them on said platforms. Are you trying to imply that it's ok because they do it?

As soon as EA contacts Valve to have TF2 on Origin, or activision decides to put COD on uplay.
Hell this is even worse for you, since origin and uplay are just their old drm servers turned into a storefront as a dumbass sales scheme.

>Why aren't these first party titles on competing storefronts?!
>Why did these publisher fatcats become chink whores which screws over my user experience?

So what if I play on consoles? That's the main platform for games you autistic tard.

Retard alert
lmgtfy.com/?q=epic linux support

What do you mean? Why can't you just trust poor Randy? Are you some kind of bigot GamerGator?
Nobody want's to be a GamerGator

I'm pointing out your double-standard for Valve, filthy dumb hypocrite scum.

>Try to prove someone wrong
>Fail so hard that you end up looking like a retard
How does it feel, you fucking moron?

>It's a double standard!
He says, while paying publishers to only release on a single platform, despite them promising releases on different platforms YEARS earlier.

>Blacks Ops 2
>First party Valve game
Dumb zoomer

How is this a double standard? Has anyone said it's ok? has anyone provided any excuses for tihs? Has anyone done anything to show that they approve of this for Valve but not for Epic?

>which i have never seen anyone use on discord
>he's never been on supa sekrit erp/camwhore/basically-sex-worker-or-as-I-like-to-call-them-prostitutes discords

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I never spoke of "Valve", dumbass chink. Learn to read English.

I remember hearing about it and after getting my free Nitro subscription during Christmas (because Discord does that), I tested the free store. I played half of the games I got, but since it's shutting down, it made me pissed since I barely have any money to afford these games. Might as well wait till I'm reach and rebuy them off Steam.

Attached: T4loHcxO.jpg (724x724, 74K)

Who are you quoting, retard?

>Very fist link
>The store itself works, but none of the games do
>Isn't even an official Linux version, it runs through fucking Wine via Lutris
Amazing! Truly this is just next level stuff.
Why am I arguing with this dumbfuck? Mods, do you jobs.

>Oh, you sweet summer child

I used to share games with a friend over fucking windows live messenger (rip)

You're so seething mad and mentally ill that you literally think you're talking to Tim Sweeney right now lmao my fucking sides. Stupid dumb hypocrite scum.

Based Epic Games
Fuck Steam and Fuck Discord. I got free games and they can enjoy my CP.

>Black ops 2
>Team Fortress 2
>first party titles
God damn, how can one be so unintelligent? Can you give us your tips, user?

Black Ops 4 is only available on Battle.net retard

Team Fortress 2 is from Valve itself

>How is giving something to people for free not how it works?
The vast majority of people on Discord don't have Nitro. Nobody knew Discord even had a game store, let alone the people who did actually have Nitro.

>proved me wrong
>by pointing out that Epic is literally not doing anything to support Linux

Wine is Windows emulator, (inb4 it's not). Point is, it emulates dll behaviour of windows, running shit on Wine is as much of a linux support as using Cemu to run breath of the wild.

Team Fortress 2 is the very definition of a first party title. It was both made and published by Valve, and was thus sold on the store owned by Valve. Do you have brain damage or something?

>discord shit thread
>hijacked by epicfags
I wish the entire thing was erased

No shit, dummy. When are Valve going to stop alienating their fans by forcing them to use Steam to play TF2? Am I right, hypocrite?

>Should always be provided by the game
do you know how convenient it is to get server information without booting up a game each time?

Wine Is Not an Emulator

>paying discord any fucking money
>on any occasion.
Please don't do this.

Then instead of just sitting here whining about it and bumping the thread why don't you fucking report it?
Tired of you niggers who sit here and whine about shit you don't like instead of just reporting shitposting.

No matter how much you are going to say that, but branding change will not change the fact that WINE used to stand for WINdown Emulator and it emulates DLL behaviour of Windows.

"Am I a joke to you?" -itch.io

Because it's a discord thread, not another fucking epic thread

I don't think you know what a giveaway is
if you pay 5$ for something it's not free

if it is, you wanna buy some free steam games?

At this point, you must be pretending to be retarded. If Valve both made, published and sells Team Fortress 2, then it is a first party title. Selling first party titles "exclusively" on your own digital store, is perfectly fine. Nobody cares about Battlefield being Origin-exclusive, or the new cawabooby being only on Battle.net. The issue is greedy publishers sucking chink dick in return for a fat wad of cash, and a worse selling game on a terrible store that nobody uses.

Then report the derailers instead of sitting here bitching like a woman.

I only use itch.io for sexy games.

>Nobody knew Discord even had a game store, let alone the people who did actually have Nitro.
if you used discord a lot you knew it had a game store because they shoved it in your face really fucking bad, whenever you started up discord it would go HEY FAGGOT U LIKE VIDEO GAMES HERES SOME VIDOE GAMES WE SELL U LIKE EM RIGHT HERE SOME MORE VIDEO GAMES instead of your PMs like it previously did and you had to go rummage through the settings to find some thing that removes their advertisement screen

think it was this shit

Attached: kuMVzuq[1].png (683x69, 7K)

So Windows's compatibility layers are actually Win 98/XP emulators?

this one's on me, pal

It would be strange to emulate kernel when you are on kernel, All it does is specifically tells what parts of kernel to use. Linux doesn't have same instructions or dll support as Windows, only way you can use Windows instructions is by 1) including them into your Kernel 2) Emulating them

Can I get a (You), too?

Save it, it's all yours my friend!

Thanks, I'll cherish it.

why ould anyone even pay for Nitro?

All i knew is that you are able to use gifs as profile pics.

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>everyone sleeps
GoG has had it's own sizable share in the market for years now, there are plenty of people who buy their games on gog over steam when offered on both and is a direct testament to the fact that steam is not all powerful as EGS shills make it seem. You don't see GoG shilling out millions of dollars a day in exclusivity rights.

Your service is just fucking awful, ugly, feature lacking, and unsecure. Not once in my entire 12 year old steam account with 400+ games have I had someone active attempt logging into my account without permission, but my epic account with one match of fortnite and some hours of playtime in the UT beta gets emails every week about about chink fucks in vietnam trying to log in, and you want me to activate actual paid video games on it? Fuck off Xio Ping

they're already gone

Wait i don't have this thing in my settings. How do i disable it?

None of their games were good or when they were good they were just old as fuck, it was all indieshit or stuff people already played 10 years ago.

If they had actually good and vast library I would've subscribed.

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That's not how double standards work stupid.

It's in Appearance.

How do you even reach it? I don't see any store button.

Attached: british_vileness.png (140x392, 90K)

>make fun of discord trannies game store closing
>epig roaches infest the thread

really makes you think, doesnt it?

They know that they're next.