World of Warcraft: BfA

8.2.5 will release in 2 weeks. The war campaign in which the Alliance and Horde rebels prepare to defend Thunder Bluff will be timegated over 4 weeks, with the final part with 2 cinematics releasing the week before Blizzcon.
The attack on Thunder Bluff will be revealed to be a feint and Sylvanas will conquer Stormwind. 8.3 will be presented at Blizzcon, and a short teaser for 9.0 will also be shown.

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Other urls found in this thread:

n'zoth is the final boss and if you think otherwise you're retarded.

>short teaser
Why not a full blown CGI trailer like it's always been?

So can I fuck goblins or not?

BfA's was the exception. Usually the first we see of an expansion is a short features trailer.

There's a bit of a problem this time that 8.3 isn't even out yet and we don't know how BfA ends, so the question is how they'll show anything of 9.0 without massively spoiling 8.3.

>There's a bit of a problem this time that 8.3 isn't even out yet
so the exact same as 7.3

>that one ship in thousend needles that is full of goblin and gnome women
my dick can't possibly be more errect

remove titanforging, artifacts, RNG garbage like benthic gear and I will maybe resub

I was really hoping that Sylvanas;s story will end in this expansion but instead her image on the poster basically says that she will be present and play big role in 9.0 and beyond.
I am so tired of this undead bitch.
I want her to be out for good. Fuck her fans and fuck Danuser. What a shit of a character.
Blizzard is such shit nowdays it is no longer even funny to tell about it.
I want this supid company to burn down along with its 'talented' writers.

7.3 was already released and we knew everything about Argus and Antorus save for the ending cinematic.

Now 8.2.5 will only have just released and they'll be announcing 8.3 at the same time as 9.0.

>tfw having more fun back in classic than I did in all of bfa

Feels kind of sad man

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>attack on Thunder Bluff
Wait what? Quick rundown?

lol seethe more cuck

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I quit partway through Legion, how long would it take me to get my main to cap and geared enough to do whatever event raid to get the anniversary mount?

Baine is a traitor to the Horde of Sylvanas.
He was to be exectued but was saved my rebels and Jaina. They have teleported him back to Thunderbuff, therefore they assume Sylvanas is going to attack Thunderbuff after this.

No time at all, the anniversary raid is LFR so you'll probably be able to queue with ilvl 385 Benthic gear.

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>Garrosh pulls tons of shit and needlessly kills tons of people
>gets tons of hate for it and gets put on trial, drama ensues
>Sylvanas does same thing, but with chemical weapons and MUH DEATH N SHEEIT
>writers jizz themselves over LOL SHE WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG
>she's probably gunna be vindicated
Fucking waifufags

same. 2 fucking expac focused on her on her plot armor. She's going to steal Thrall's spot.

>give a badass mount to everyone

yikes, sums up current retail

>writers jizz themselves over LOL SHE WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG

Fake leak, don't worry about it, OP is a fag etc.

>8.2.5 will release in 2 weeks
and nobody will care

Is that literally fucking deathwing?

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Remember to resub in November for the Obsidian Worldbreaker raid

If the leak is real that's exactly what will happen.


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>tfw Baine will never man up and kill the bitch

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>being able to

Aside from the leak, that's exactly what the 8.2 cutscene and the prequel novel are pointing towards though.

Power to the Forsaken

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>give everyone a badass mount
>they have no one to show it off to because the world is empty

There's already exclusive mounts and stuff from hardmode content, what would be the sense in locking a celebratory reward so the majority of players couldn't get it?

>horde is comprised of 3 alliance dick washers and a former alliance character

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I'll happily play my undead formerly-Forsaken paladin.

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Where in this video are Sylvanas' actions being vindicated?

No, they mentioned Thunder Bluff fucking once and the fake leaker decided to weave this whole load of bullshit out of that one reference. The other half of his fake leak was cribbed from that extra-fake Shadowlands expac "leak". Sylvanas isn't killing everyone, we're not going to fight N'zoth in the Shadowlands, TB isn't getting sieged by a war machine that is currently ill-positioned to siege it. Canonically, the Forsaken are still fighting Night Elfs over the ruins of Darkshore as that warfront has no canon winner yet. Even if they won, which they won't, they wouldn't have the morale or the strength to siege the Southern Barrens, especially since the Alliance are not sitting around with their thumbs up their asses.

Fact is, there are too many holes in the fake leak, it doesn't matter what's been hinted, there are too many problems with the theories presented for them to be believable.

Real leaks will follow 1-2 weeks before Blizzcon.


Wasn't talking about that, was talking about Thunder Bluff being "attacked" but Stormwind being Sylvanas' true end goal.

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I know everything about this expansion ends and the next expansión begins, but I don't know how yo post It here... I really want to share you... :(

Wasn't Darkshore canonically a win for the Alliance, the Horde was losing badly after Dazar'alor as well and were "weeks away from total defeat" before Nathanos lured the Alliance fleet to Nazjatar?

>tfw blizzcon has a sylvanas murloc instead of mount

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Physical attendees always get a murloc don't they?

The mount will be also available through virtual ticket stuff msot likely. Hoping for something undead.

shut up

just say it

virtual ticket always had a murloc, except 2017 when they added those zeppelin mounts

Imagine being alliance player attending blizzcon and they give you Horde based murloc...
Literally, what's the point to go there as an Alliance?
They should give an opportunity to kick it at least.
Holy shit

>Conclusion to the War Campaign
>Enemy leader occupies a city

Do you know what conclusion means?

8.3 is N'zoth and Nya'lotha (and Plunder Isle). no Black Empire expansion, no old god expansion, get the fuck over it.

You deserve it for going to Blizzcon in the first place

Blizzard was always pro-horde

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>being a faction autist
there's a second one anyone so it's probably anduin

2018 they just got shitty capes

She's not going to be a Horde character for much longer. She's about to be the new illidan.

right because that ship mount was pulled out and put in cash shop together with 6 months subscription plan

But I don't know if this is an apropiate thread. I don't want to make lot of spoilers of the game here if there're someone doesn't want it... :S

Sylvanas will be enemy to both Horde and Alliance at that point.

N'zoth will make an appearance, will probably even be the final boss, but it'll be on Sylvanas' stage in Stormwind. Don't forget she holds the dagger that can hold an Old God weak and imprisoned.

Sure buddy

I want out of Sylvanus' Wild Ride

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Imagine paying money to watch a stream.

I just hope we're getting Shadowlands and not boring Black Empire or Dragon isles shit.

I want to hang with Bolvar and my homies again and collect edgy gear and kill spooky ghosts and skellies.

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faction autism is the core of WoW.
They even yell "FOR DA HOOOORDE" in Blizzcon.

It looks like its getting the WoD treatment of "oh fuck the userbase didn't like it, time to cut the expansion short to rush out the next one!".

Its almost like their modern "we are primarily mobile gamers and design games how we want" design ethos sucks shit. I wouldn't be surprised to see world quests get an energy system and gacha followers in the next expansion to continue WoWs descent into mobileshit.

Nobody pays for the stream, they pay for the in-game goodies.

what ride? her and anduin have done jack shit for the past 2 years

She wants Anduin's boipussy that much?
Like what's the goal here?

That's even worse. What was it last time? A cloak?

Absolutely retarded. 8.3 is already confirmed, and even if they cut it it wouldn't make 9.0 come around any faster. Some people understand nothing of how game development works and the timeframes involved.

>I want to hang with nu lich king
WoW players have such terrible taste. No wonder why WoW story was always so bad

Blizzard's hustle to force me to like her.


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We know her goal. Becoming a goddess and escaping the torment that awaits her after final death. We just don't know how she's going to go about it.

My guess is waging war and committing genocide to the extent that the veil between the material plane and the Shadowlands becomes weak, then kill Azeroth and merge with the world-soul to become an undead titan.

She already has the biggest plot armor of the dead. She isn't going to die anyway.
Also this shadowland thing sounds so bad. But i guess that once you defeated the biggest cosmic force of the universe, there's nothing much left to do.

Shadowlands is one of the most important elements of the larger lore we haven't explored at all.

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when was it ever said that she wants to become a "goddess"

No it's not. It somehow kills the fact that death is meanigless in WoW even more.
They rez Muradin, Malganis, Illidan, Cenarius, etc. and the story never improved.
If they wanted a bad villain with necro theme so badly, they shouldn't have killed the LK so early in a trash expac.

Yes armchair dev, they literally start work on 9.0 after the current expansions finished. Thats how game dev works.

Before the Storm and the short stories that came with the Collector's Edition.

When touching azerite for the first time she sees herself as a goddess. She also considers Elune a threat, thinking she will try to stop her.

It's bullshit made up by people. Nobody knows what's her ultimage goal. Even the writers. She's just there because she's popular.
Same way we didn't know the LK motivations in wotlk. It was explained 10 years later like "he wanted to destroy the scourge by turning every one undead btw".

>The Larger Lore
You mean the fan fic they got golden to shit out after exhausting the actual lore?
I bet this chode is excited for the void lords as well.

blizzard writes their stories with multiple expansions planned ahead now.

pic related, its the average Battle for Azerite player... now CLASSIC WoW on the other hand... oh my god talk about being based and being a chad if you play that game. Yeah I said game lil bfa zoom zooms, one where you had to actually work for your raid gear, and the community actually mattered. You would be known on the server for being a based tank chad and get hella invites. Now, get this SHIT outta here lmao

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okay old man, go back to your 10 year old game where you get banned for moving to a different layer

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>he attack on Thunder Bluff will be revealed to be a feint and Sylvanas will conquer Stormwind
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard, so I'll believe it.
How the fuck do you "feint" attacking a city and then go for another city halfway across the fucking globe?

You need to be qualified Blizzard writer .

um sylvanas is a military genius sweetie, you wouldn't understand

They'll pull more out of their ass

Who cares? Classic is out. We're home now.

ummm wow, when a strong and brave and strongbrave WOMAN does it its bullshit??? umm??? sweetie?? did you?? know?? you were??? OMEGAYIKES???

I doubt she can even convince the horde solider to attack the cows.
Orcs, cows, and Trolls are the core of the Horde. Not some undead bitch.

Onions of retail

>muh true horde
most of the horde is still with her you autistic sperg

Why is anyone taking orders from Sylvanas again?

Literally the only one is Gallywix, and he'll fuck off the moment it seems she'll lose.

Then why did the PC betray her idiot?
You really think your average Orc soldier would be more loyal to Sylvanas than Thrall or Saurfang and kill the Taurens just like that?

and the majority of troops

Most of the orc troops will defect when they see Thrall is back.

She doesn't lead troops directly, the only ones she can count on are about half of the Forsaken.
The rest will follow their racial leaders, and those are all aligned against her. Again, save Gallywix, and Gazlowe will probably usurp him by promising better payment plans and maybe dental.

That's fucking stupid. Not only the Forsaken being part of the Horde was already really stupid (and they explained that by "muh alliance of convenience" bullshit), so Horde following a Forsaken leader to kill one of the core race, is just impossible.
And iirc the Cows were the ones who brought the Forsaken into Horde.

>tfw no undead Whitemane GF

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Hey how come Saurfang isn't Warchief? Isn't Warchief specifically an orcish term anyway?

your orc warrior on moonguard is not canon
nice headcanon but it's too bad lor'themar explicitly says the majority still follows her and not soifang lol.

This makes no fucking sense when most troops are outland-orcs that Garrosh brought in, which would hate her fucking guts.

>most troops are outland-orcs

Welcome to WoW lore.
>WoW story is garbage and doen't make any sense
More news at 11.
The fact that Lor'themar says that is just another hint that they knew every one would be like "ftw, why do Horde soldiers follow Sylvanas without question and attack the Taurens?"

To be honest, Kel'thuzad is still 'alive' somewhere with his phylactery, so they could just throw him in somewhere and rehash more shit.

Kel'Thuzad only works with Arthas.
Both were terrible characters in WoW.

>short teaser
Top kek. Keep pretending WoW is dead

We're not getting a full cinematic a year early again, especially when it'll spoil the entire upcoming patch.


Because at this point who the fuck cares the story for bfa is fucked anyway it's one of the worst Warcraft stories to date.

>Will never see KT come to the defence of his king again and shoo Sylvanas with ease

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>Horde rebels

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The horde playerbase with its "we are the counter culture underdog #resistance" mentality is the most socjus leaning so it needed a VVymyn leader in current year and "no bad tactics only bad targets" Sylvanas Sarkeesian was all they had to go with.

>Welcome to WoW lore
It didn't have to be this way

The BfA story is ending in two weeks. 8.3 will essentially be a prequel to the new expansion.

Which going by A tier -B tier cycle since WotLK will be good again.

More like morally gay

yes we are.

Why are they trying to force Sylvanas down Horde players' throats?
>inb4 innuendo

>Orc soldier willingly follow generic evil character who only cares about her own ass, and would side with her against Thrall, Saurfang and Beine, and even kill the Taurens, their oldest ally with the trolls, because Queen Bitch tell them so".

10/01/19: 8.2.5 launches
10/08/19: War Campaign Finale Part 1
10/15/19: War Campaign Finale Part 2
10/22/19: War Campaign Finale Part 3
11/01/19: Patch 8.3: The Sleeping City trailer - Nya'lotha, Dragon Isles, N'Zoth
11/01/19: World of Warcraft expansion reveal - world revamp, cross-faction play, level squish, rebranding
11/05/19: 8.3 hits PTR

Excitement grows, boys.

Shadowlands filtration is partially true. This is one of an early stage of development, approximately 1 year old, but it really is the 8.3 patch.
Not everything it says is included in the final version. A part of the content has been divided and it will be used for 9.0. However, new things have been added to 9.0

>we are the counter culture underdog #resistance" mentality
you mean saurfang supporters?

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Only female Horde leader, just like they've been pushing Talanji instead of her dad.

We're getting a short features, zones and logo teaser, same as always. BfA's reveal with the full cinematic was an exception because they'd made plans for more cinematics with reused assets (Old Soldier, Lost Honor, the Thrall one)

She is womyn, hear her roar!
I'd be okay with a mommy Tauren warchief

When does this happen again? The echo isles event or something?

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because she's popular and no one cares about anyone else but thrall?

Its been the horde since the beginning, thats how they shoehorned the forsaken in to begin with, that was just a different time before the "onion"bois colonised shit like a bad mould.

Yeah, Bwonsamdi is the patron deity of the Darkspear and helps them reclaim the Echo Isles.

They push her down all players's throats.
Not hoard only.
Everything Alliance does it for the sake of countering Sylvanas and being played like a fiddle by her 'genius'
Sasuga Blizzard, Sasuga Golden, Sasuga Danuser.

What brings you to old Magatha?

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>In 8.3, we defeat N'Zoth and during the questing experience in Nya'lotha, we see Murozond's transformation.
>Launch day of 9.0 hits.
>You log in and are thrown back into a scenario where you remember your fight with N'Zoth.
>This time, it ends with Murozond telling you you'll never threaten the master's plans again - locking you in a time bubble.
>Everything goes black.

>You're awoken by Chromie who informs you it took her and the Bronze Dragonflight 50 years to locate you.
>You are now level 1 again and marked for PvP - but you're alone in this scenario.
>Chromie tells you your muscles have atrophied and you have minor to severe brain damage. She walks you through your now revamped class's spells.
>As you complete the scenario, you gain levels until you finally hit 60 (the new level cap is 70).
>She tells you she's thankful you were able to recover so swiftly, though you still have a long way to being fully recovered.
>Chromie hesitates before telling you you won't need this anymore.
>Your PvP banner goes away.
>You walk out of the cave you were found in with Chromie.
>You are in Feralas - completely revamped with HD Val'sharah textures and assets.
>The world is reborn.
>A great night elven imperial city can be seen in the distance; It's Dire Maul - the city of Eldre'thalas.
>Chromie leaves saying you have a lot to catch up on.

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Good thing I exclusively play a human male hunter like any God-fearing man would.

>thats how they shoehorned the forsaken in to begin with
>because of muh sjws
Get off Yea Forums for a bit you autist.

You are going to like me.

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They were shoe horned in as unwanted underdogs you poorly read mongoloid.


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I wonder if Blizzard for once learned their lesson after everybody gave them shit in the first months of BFA. I doubt it.

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>immediately queue for dungeon

Who the fuck is this?

>orc soldier willingly following 3 cuckolds who suck alliance cock and are too pussy to initiate mak'gora

>Blizzard for once learned their lesson
user, time and again they have shown they just won't learn from their mistakes. It wont be any different now even though they'll probably claim that they'll REALLY listen this time!

Thrall baby when?

Calia Menethil, Arthas' sister, rightful heir to Lordaeron and now conveniently a light-aspected undead.

Umm mak'gora is very problematic in the current year

Bitch the reason Horde exists is because of Thrall.
Thrall gave Kalimdor to the Horde. What did your rotten corpse did? Oh yea pissed off the Night Elves when we were invading their territory slowly and nicely.

Have you not seen the interview with the writers?
They basically said that yeah they've heard that people don't like it but they write the story in their 'dojo' and no negative allowed over there. People can say whatever they want, it won't affect the writing. They like how the story goes and how they write character. They will continue to write the story as they like. Basically deal with it, your opinion doesn't matter plebs.
As for the game mechanics Ion said something resembling of them fucking up in his law speech but they are unable to fix it.
So yet again deal with it.
That's why they try so hard nowdays to push for return of older players who were absent for more than 2 years and may not realize what pile of shit modern WOW is as recent players do, who no longer want to pay subscription for such lower than mediocre game experience.

No way. They obviously know better than the players, so they will never stray from their perfect vision for the game.

>Thrilling conclusion to the war campaign.
Shit should have been a week-long event.
I fucking hate shizzard.

WOW should be a singleplayer game with DLC content.

To be fair, invading Night Elf territory is a Horde tradition started by Grommash Hellscream, may he rest in pieces.

>this shitty english
>bitch bitch
go back to fapping to orc x nelf porn, glug'tar

>Sister of the person who mass murdered basically everyone who is currently a Forsaken is put in charge of them after Sylvanas dies


>muh grammar
Nice argument waifufag.
And yes, i RP an Orc who's capturing Night Elves in Ashenvale, problem with that?

It already is

So much better than joining Sylvanas who is basically killed you herself or with her troops only to resurrect you as forsaken for some reason.

>light-aspected undead
How does that even?

Sylvanas won't die. Not yet at least.
And blaming Calia for her brothers' actions would be a tad hypocritical for a Forsaken to do. Keep in mind the Forsaken still respect Terenas as evidenced by his tomb, even after his son's actions.

>no playable fat goblins
no sub

argument against what? thrall didn't "give kalimdor to the horde" anymore than sylvanas gave the eastern kingdoms to the horde. you are literally an autistic ESL orc roleplayer crying about others being waifufags lmao not even worth talking to.

"The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all"

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Doubt simply because it's gonna be built entirely on the idea that sylvanas did no wrong.

> thrall didn't "give kalimdor to the horde"
But he absolutely did.

>How does that even?
Light using undead has been a thing since vanilla

Hopefully we get a twist where the dagger was a joke to trick the silly mortals and Syl gets btfo trynna be the hero.

No they have not, lore wise undead are all shadow priests. The horsman was the exception not the rule. Light weildiny undead would be rediculous painful for them to do, so the text blizzard is going this way shows they forgot their own lore.

Also reminder, it is still Canon that harpees abduct and rape their victims to breed

Yes he did. He's literally Moses. He saved the Orcs from the Humans, and recreated the Horde. While he lead them to Kalimdor, he saved a Troll tribe and later helped the Taurens against the Centaurs.

Of course it's canon, that's the whole point of harpies existing.

And yet it's filled with alliance and contested.

who cares if your BF is gay

Yes, and?

Look at Night Elf territory before and after Thrall.

And therefore he did not "give kalimdor to the horde" as if the horde owns it.

You're kinda dumb.

the same minus some lumber camps in ashenvale?

Great, Blizzard is going to make Sylvannas an Admiral Holdo.

WoW RPG lore has been retconned so many times it can hardly be regarded canon.

Undead can use the light but it causes them pain, Alonsus Faol is one such instance.

Not tilted enough to be real

Considering gods play a much bigger role in the warcraft universe wouldn't it be possible whatever the god of light is to take pity and make certain undead not get hurt using light powers?

>Every territory is contested except Darkshore
>Azshara fully conquered during cata

As for Ashenvale, it's not just "some lumber camps", it's actually the whole production of wood for the Orcs at the expense of the most sacred trees of the night elves. And that's just during vanilla.
In cata they have half of Ashenvale.

That's what they're currently building Elune up as. I expect her to finally be revealed in the next expac, same with the god of death.

>peak creativity is cycling through horde leaders doing dumb shit except voljin who does nothing and just dies
>can't decide between muh conflict and muh common enemy
ffs I don't even care that it's shit because I don't expect more anyway but why is it just corrupt horde leaders like come on

>Raid version of stormwind

This is the wackest shit ever.

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>death knights turn more characters into "me edgy and dead btw"
no thanks dude honestly just keep it to yourself

>Every territory is contested except Darkshore
you said look at night elf territory before and after. the night elves did not lose much land at all except parts of ashenvale whereas other contested areas like stonetalon they had little presence in to begin with.
>Azshara fully conquered during cata
by garrosh
>In cata they have half of Ashenvale
and are also pushed back during alliance questing.

As opposed to "me noble savage also honor btw" or "me righteous also muh light"

Orc consider Kalimdor as their home, and they have settlement almost in every region. They will keep growing.
There's a reason why Thrall had his wedding in Hyjal.

>by garrosh
Who was chosen by Thrall. Also Thrall saved the Goblins before that.

>and are also pushed back during alliance questing.
Never reflected by the game. Zoram'gar Outpost (which was used to conquer Darkshore) or Silverwind Refuge are still Horde.

>it doesn't count because I didn't vote for Garrosh
the mental gymnastics are embarrassing

>thrall gets credit because he appointed garrosh
yea, no.
>Never reflected by the game
fucking irrelevant.
> Silverwind Refuge
only post BFA

Same user, class design and general system design in BFA is awful and pretty much all of the new features failed miserably.

I've loved you since WC3 you fool.

Do you know who high inquisitor Fairbanks is?

Azshara was conquered by the Horde, for the use by the Horde, and was never given back, even after Garrosh was dethroned. You have no point to make.

The new expansion will be announced at Blizzcon, with the usual trailer and features display. Mostly the Shadowlands/old god/death expansion that has been leaked over the past few months. Not every leak is fully true, but they hold some truth in them. They announce an expansion for example in 2017 (bfa) and then release it the following year (2018) then they announce the next expansion (2019) and will be released the following year (2020), theyve done this with every expansion, so expect more to be announced at blizzcon than just 8.3.

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>Azshara was conquered by the Horde
by garrosh
> You have no point to make.
you're a moron.

next we'll raid ironforge and every other major city because why make new content

It's still horde territory you dense retard, are you pretending to be braindead for the sake of getting (You)'s at this point?

>implying Sylvanas wanting to be a Death Goddess and bullying shota Arthas isn't her ultimate goal

I play both classic and retail

Arthas being a scared little baby in some super hell is so fucking stupid. The writers have no restraint

Get a life! Loser!

good, the only thing I wait for is the new worgen model, then I'll burn my last token before removing wow from my computer for good

But retail is so fucking boring.

See you in 9.0.

>With Party Sync, you can choose to have your level temporarily adjusted, making it so higher-level players can quest and experience outdoor content with lower-level friends as they level up.
>Levels will be scaled down to the cap of the expansion content your lowest-level party member qualifies for. As an example, if your lowest-level player is level 83 your level will be scaled down to level 90. However if they’re level 21, your character will be scaled down to level 60.

..Or you could just one shot everything for your friend to get him out faster from early level crap. There isn't much reward for the high level player other than quest rewards from replay.

>lewd murkanas
Oh my

not after bfa, at least with wod I could level my alts and have some kind of mild fun while brainlessly clear old raids and reaping fat stacks of gold to trade for tokens, I also wanted to switch horde and play zandalari, except they were implemented 8 months after release and tightly gatekeeped behind a reputation.
so fuck blizzard

Imagine if she burns down another alliance city. God the butthurt would be amazing

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I could understand alliancebabies seething
but why would these "horde" cucks ever cry about war attrocities with the expansion's name

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Go back to sleep malfurion

Imagine if she conquers Kalimdor and the Alliance is still fucking struggling to take over the EK

sir zeliek nigga

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Sylvanas needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine

Fuck lads, there is nothing that I want to do more than to bloat a femGoblin with my semen.

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>wouldnt have the morale or strength
They pull it out their ass like they always do user, this setting doesnt give a fuck about stuff like that

>lets go defend thunder buff and leave stormwind completely undefended
What retarded beta males are writing this?

I play neither because MMOs barely count as video games

I am enjoying classic with my GF and a group of friends. There are 5 of us so everything up to raid level is set up for us to do as a team. It's comfy as fuck. Also nothing like having a Paladin GF that keeps you safe.

this game is already dead to me in more than one ways. this shit is non- canon.

>Blizzcon in ten months
>only one major patch until then
>going to have to wait another half year for another mediocre expansion

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I want this :(

>alliance leaves everything unguarded while they go defend thunder bluff

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Blizzard better not fuck with Stormwind again I swear to God

So Teldrassil is gone, and apparently Tyrande and Malfurion are just dicking around somewhere. Did the writers just forget about all that?

Wish I had one.


>Anti sylvanas horde have no reason to rejoin her at the drop of a hat
>The “leak” mentions people having physical form in the shadowlands when using the machine, which means neither the pc’s nor anyone else “recruited” thus far have physical form since they just died
>There’s no mention of vol’jin’s plot
Blizz clearly isn’t above fucking retarded stories but I’m calling this one fake
Also, no one else has been able to find that variant of the ship beyond a pic on Twitter

the writers are massive retards yes

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Who the fuck are Tyrande and Malfurion?

how can they portray sylvanas as an absolute all mighty overgod of strategy if there's something out there to challenge her ?
pretty much all of BfA was to show how BADASS and she no need no man


You mean daily World Quest Zone #7?

>another feint and the Alliance falling for it AGAIN
If that is actually true people are gonna have a fit over it

I think the cinematic still and the map are real, but the leaker made up his own speculation to go along with it.

Same thing happened with FF XIV leaks.

>Entire expansion dark and gloomy
Fuck this. I'm sick of the whole game feeling weirdly edgy and grim these days.
The main thing I liked about vanilla is how bright colourful hopeful and cartoony everything felt. Old Gods and all that shit didn't matter as much, and you had to deal with relatively worldly issues.
Everything being THE VOID END OF THE UNIVERSE MEGA HELL TEN THOUSAND feels fucking boring.
I'm sick of this LOVECRAFTIAN meme in every fucking game

Hopefully in BfA the Orcs and the Humans go into a relative ceasefire and start making DEEP and PLUNGEFUL negotiations.

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And the Warfront and the war campaign quests taking place there yes.

Even Lovecraft mostly focused on small-scale stuff.

It's still WoW user. We get campy silly stuff all the time.

god the writers are insufferable. Can Sylvanus make at least ONE mistake?

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They went and attacked Darkshore, at which point two or the oldest anf strongest mortals on the planet were tactically beaten by a single Dark Ranger who left halfway through the fight.

man i really need that new mount for my death knight

With where they went in Legion the entire war craft series should've ended. It's been put to such extremes

>playing modern when classic is a thing

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That was Pandaria, user. We've been edgemode for a while now.
Weirdly even WoD as an expansion was pretty aesthetically cheerful. Something about Legion and onwards just feels offputting to me, and I don't know how else to put it.

Oh and to add on to this; this is on their own home turf AND after Tyrande got a 'massive' power up.
But lul Nathanos wins.

What would make it even better if it happened is Jaina would probably be there. The chick who has already teleported a small army and who they’ve been jerking off all expansion

This image makes me cringe every single time I see it.

Remember when the writers said that Tyrande and the Night Elves got their cathartic moment when they, what, killed a random ass Valk'yr that wasn't really plot relevant at all?
And this was equivalent to Sylvanas genociding their race and burning down their home, apparently?
And this was all a supposed "victory" for the Night Elves when Tyrande powered up to supposed godmode all while Nathanos somehow fended her off without even trying and quipping all the way?

I can't fucking stand Nathanos holy fucking shit this is one of the most insufferable characters I've ever seen.

the older expansions had such better zones. I know it's a meme but I really feel like everything since MoP has been cancer

the absolute state of retail...

That’s because Legion felt like an endgame meant to be the end of the story. Everything that happens after feels like the whole world is being on life support with everything being asspulled for the sake of continuation of bringing in profit.

She's such a joke. Her powerlevel spikes all over the place

Legion was bleak, I'll give you that. But something like Zandalar is pretty colorful and bright. The music is great too.

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Oh yeah? Then why did they have no way to write in the Vindicaar for the Alliance. They admitted they ignored that because it was inconvenient for the story they wanted to tell

That speaks of NOT writing story in advance, or if they are they are bad at doing so.

That’s Jaina “warbringer” Proudmoore for you
It’s so obvious there were some last minute rewrites to BfA and I can’t imagine who thought this garbage was better

they don't even write with the next quest planned ahead

>Entire expansion in the world of death where everythings shadow and grey
>Black Forest
>Screaming Valley
>Shadowguard Breach
>Death's Vanguard
>Soulless abyss
>Obligatory Old God Area
>These are all different zones
Seriously who the fuck would think it'd be a good idea to have an entire expansion with the lights turned off?

He's wrong, they wrote with expansions planned ahead before but that was only during the Cata to Legion period. BFA onwards is just being slapped together by two of the most incompetent writers possible, and it's hilarious becauae the lead Horde writer hates Anduin and has Sylvanas as his waifu, while the main Alliance writer hates Sylvanas and has Anduin as her stand-in son.

It's a shame the Zandalari Empire was so poorly done in BFA, though. They did a great job with Kul Tiras and showing how it actually worked as a self-sustained kingdom. Meanwhile the Zandalari live on an island called "Zandalar" yet they barely control one zone out of the three. They have no real holdings, maybe one village besides Zuldazar, barely any farms or shipyards, no industry, nothing. It was a huge suspension of disbelief that we're supposed to consider them a naval superpower. I've loved the Zandalari since the start and I hate how weak and pathetic they seem in BFA. If they couldn't do their empire justice I wish Blizzard hadn't even tried.

we've known for awhile that they have the big points planned out ages in advance. Then they sorta just fill in the spots in between with whatever they think fits as they do them.

Hey at least you weren't an Emerald Dream fan banking on an expansion

"Shadow" in WoW means bright purple, green and some colors in-between.

>I can't fucking stand Nathanos holy fucking shit this is one of the most insufferable characters I've ever seen.
he's some faggot neck beard's self insert

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I remember some cinematic about saurfang and thrall right about when I quit for different games. Did anything come of that?

More to the point, how are people not exhausted with Old Gods shit already?

To be fair they made northrend well and it was pretty much only snow everywhere. The problem is that the new team is going to pull a legion and just vomit the same aesthetic all over the place except for the random comfy zone

>and has Nathanos as his waifu
fixed that for you

Nah, Sylvanas is his waifu and Nathanos is his self insert.

Weren't they too busy getting fucked by blood trolls

you're talking about the fanbase to the game that jacked off about orcs for almost every expansion

I want an orc female to forcefully negotiate with me

Imagine unironically playing bfa holy shit lmao

How can such a big company manage to hire so many mediocre and below writers?

Does your bros fuck your girlfriend for you classiccuck?

I genuinely liked the Orcs in WoD. They weren't green dindus who tried to justify their actions, they were straight up conquerors. Meanwhile Alliance got to hear more about how the Draenei were so nice and awesome and better than everybody else at everything.
I went into Legion genuinely happy that there wouldn't be any more Draenei shit to deal with, and then fucking Argus came out.

dunno, ask disney

California culture

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>tfw used to hate on metzens writing
>tfw didn't know what would happen once he was gone

>and then fucking Argus came out.
but I liked my scifi adventure, I got something unexpected from WoW

the differences between the writing in xiv and wow are hilarious. Not really a fan of xiv but the writing is much better from what I've heard.

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just like with the gaming journalists (and other fields in the industry) they got there by failing at what they really want to do.

What a fucking joke.

Metzen might have been the most mediocre writer possible but he wasn't childhood fanfiction tier
It never get's old that the main characters are all fair skinned humans i.e. white/asians. Like the main squad especially.

Like they made a fantasy world of basically only humans but when white and asian only

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I'm completely new to WoW. Classic was fun getting to 60, but I'm not gonna do raiding with that balance. Might do some more pvp at a later time. BfA is fun okay while levelling too, but I can see how it's treated as an obstical. I'm actually pretty hype for 110-120, story, and finding some bros looking for a Shaman to raid with. The only thing that looks bad immediately from my limited view is the new zone flying grind.

Yeah but going from "Here's this alien race of goat people who are better at everything than everyone" to "Here's this alien race of goat people who are EVEN BETTER than the blue ones and they're way cooler than everyone and fight demons 10x better."
God, Draenei were nearly as insufferable as Asari at that point.

And that's A-okay

>alisaie's thighs
i love that it's canon that she's got a huge crush on the protagonist, she's been dreaming of riding him since forever

>Like they made a fantasy world of basically only humans but when white and asian only
Except Ala Mhigo. Fuck Mhiggers.

I love their bullshit in the Mag'har allied race quests where they claim the Draenei are the ones that started the war, as if orcs are capable of peace in any capacity

but they slot and their world burned.

>5 of the 7 have white hair
>one blonde
>black hair has deep blue eyes

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>Night Elves got their cathartic moment when they, what, killed a random ass Valk'yr that wasn't really plot relevant at all?
Then got shoo'd away by Sylvanas' zombie cuck
So cathartic

>Draenei are now also the best at summoning demons too

>tfw the Alliance gcounterpart is gnomes with robot limbs

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there's a rumor going around that that race is going to be a microtransaction you have to buy

Because writing ultimately doesn't matter. As user said, look at Disney. Mediocre story doesn't keep a franchise from earning millions. WoW is the same. Settling for bare minimum instead of spending more money on writers for a coherent storyline is the most profitable, they will get money any way. So good story is redundant

They'll save him for the """epic twist"" that he's going to be next expac's big bad, which """nobody saw coming""".

it'll be for pre-ordering the next expansion pack after its announced at blizzcon.

That'll never fly. It'll be in 8.3.5 along with holy undead and something else introduced in 8.3, to keep people subbed until 9.0 in August 2020.

I wouldn't be surprised but I also don't believe that for a second.

nobody would care if the game wasn't in the worst state since wod

>gnomes with robot limbs
Nobody could possibly want this. I just will not believe that.

>holy undead
wait, what?

>everyone going on and on about how they want this stupid race
>they'll be one of the last popular races if actually released

People can go on and on about furry pandering or whatever, but there are two historical constants when it comes to WoW races - people HATE small races and people HATE furry races. They're always the least popular and least played. These fags would be even less popular than Pandaren.

Post yfw they announce Sylvanas as the protagonist of the next expac just to have everyone in the crowd boo them
They already got revealed.

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they will keep the normal way of earning it with rep grind, but you can also outright buy it too
I can see that happening.

I don't have the pic but it's been leaked, its so bad

I love worgen and only play as them.
I would also mention that they were 4th most popular race on cap for the Alliance not so long ago.

Sylvanas is love, no one is going to boo her

Then again, only cucks go to Blizzcon...

Still happening.


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What, you wanted those cool gnomes from Wrath with updated models? Nah, you get this.

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>tfw you finally get called in to do voice work and the world you spent so long crafting is butchered

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>Post yfw they announce Sylvanas as the protagonist of the next expac just to have everyone in the crowd boo them
Yeah sure
I mean I wish I could be there to do just that exactly but I suppose there are tons of fanboys of Sylvanas out there.
I personally just want this bitch to get out of the franchise for good.

She's going to pull a "I was fighting the true enemy all along!" and be the big hero of next expansion.

Remember all the panic changes they had to make when 8.1 went onto PTR and people fucking hated it. Things like Maiev calling Tyrande queen of the night elves and nameless forsaken npcs just being stunned instead of killed?
I'm so mad that classic is such a success because I was really hoping to see blizzard dissolve and Ion committing suicide.

so, holy undead is just pale humans?

Legion had so little to do with her though, just a single zone and some throwaway lines for PvP dailies. Only angry cucks like you made it the focus

it keeps getting worse
i hope i live to see this company go under

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Don't forget the glowing silver eyes.

I'd play it.

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>Things like Maiev calling Tyrande queen of the night elves
This was so fucking bad. Literally Tyrande's entire character is "I am not queen I do not want to be compared to Azshara" and somehow Blizz STILL had a character calling her queen. It wasn't like Maiev doing it sarcastically, it was completely sincere dialog. How do you misunderstand your own characters THAT badly?

I just got into WoW from classic and i really like the lore from what i've seen.

How the fuck am i meant to proceed from here? everyone else has experienced the story over a decade and i'm just starting now. is it too late?

>"Haha, I was secretly the good guy and you just didn't know!"
how many times have they done this?

It's about time you faggots got yours, I only hope Anduin stays permadead for my niggas Garry H and Vol'jin

Imagine if you took off the limbs of one of those female mechagomes, they'd be like an onahole haha

Classic Lore =/ Retail lore
Get out while you can.

>lore wise undead are all shadow priests
There have been holy-using Forsaken NPCs and mobs since Classic, so no.

>3 Blizzcons worth of BfA shit
imagine still playing this garbage

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I think there has been a case of this literally every expansion, even if some were more minor.

>see this company go under
they are too big too fall.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

don't, you can play through TBC=> WOTLk though
don't bother with anything cata and later.

Blizzcons worth of BfA shit
holy shit I never realized that

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God the difference in fidelity and lighting and shit between the flesh and the metal is so jarring
literally just fucking close blizzard


Nobody fucking visits shitty out of the way night elf zones while the Undercity was a major congregation point as the only real way into the Eastern Kingdoms with a fairly popular set of dungeons right outside, you got the long end of the stick

Finish Classic, go to retail and free boost to 110, play every through Outland, then WotLK, then go back to the vanilla zones that got revamped in Cata, then Cata max zones, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA.

From a retail player's perspective classic is great because we finally can do the whole journey without timeline fuckery because the original classic quests were removed in Cata.

It'll take you a long time, there's a lod of shit to sift through but some real pearls along the way still, even now, no matter what the doomsayers say.

Also you might want to get the Chronicle books.

Tyrande and Maiev are not THEIR characters, OG blizzard is gone and the pedestrian mouthbreathers at the helm now have no business being there.

If you really want, they’ve come out with 3 chronicle books that have summarized the Warcraft universe. Otherwise just do the quests and check out wowpedia on anything you’re interested in
As you can probably tell from the thread, lore’s not doing too great right now

>>tfw you finally get called in to do voice work and the world you spent so long crafting is butchered
>Dude let’s add a questline where I... I mean Thrall gets married and force the players to watch the ceremony. Yes, even the Alliance players.

Is the main world changing lore just told through cinematics or are there questlines that follow the direct canon?

Play Warcraft 3 and be disappointed at how WoW butchers the whole thing. Just like I did.

I quit WoW for good back in WoD but I've been following loosely. I'm glad I haven't missed much. Seems like Blizzard made a mess of things

Don't do what said, just watch lore videos from Nobbel on yt.

>first attempt at a expansion spanning character plot
>spend 15 minutes with Thrall before spending months with malfurion
>jaina and Anduin are worse than Thrall ever was but they’re not horde so they don’t get the same vitriol

Questlines are important, but if you're now illing to commit the time you can just read the Chronicle books and watch Nobbel Lore videos.

the majority of lore is in books outside the game you have to buy

Why get the story second hand? If he’s playing classic then he can play retail. In fact getting to 60 on classic gets him BfA and the boost

I thought it was a nice send off for a wc3 character and since thrall was pretty neutral and alliance players probably played wc3 too its not unthinkable he would invite the alliance

Well at least Malfurion wasn’t dubbed Aspect of Earth out of nowhere and didn’t kill Deathwing with the golden penny of McGuffinery.

>tfw this meme might become real

Holld me anons I'm scared.

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I agree on Jaina being a bad character but there’s literally nothing wrong with Anduin.

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Thanks guys, i'll try all of it out and see how i go.

>Didn't get to burn down Dazar'alor and kill civilians
It was kind of bullshit. They should've added yellow npcs fleeing you can choose to kill

What’s the issue there?

>To be fair they made northrend well and it was pretty much only snow everywhere

You are a fucking retard

Can literally not make wrong/bad choices because magical ability where he feels pain when he does?

>book uses the most common word in the english language
lmoa fuckin hacks

I wasn’t talking strictly quality, but more prevalence in the story. Thrall appeared in like 3 quests that were essentially cameos in 4.0 and people were already complaining. Anduin gets faction specific quests in jade forest, neutral quests in krasarang, gets both factions into the vale, and scripted dialogue with wrathion every patch and the only complaint is he doesn’t think the horde is entirely monstrous

>Updated Character Models
Is this joke? looks awful. This can't be real

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The worgen look great though. No more angry chihuahuas.

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Blizzard intentionally leaked Shadowlands so they could show the trailer.

There’s no "magical ability". You’re reading this a bit too literally.
It’s just a throwback to when he almost got killed because of a bad judgment so whenever he feels he’s about to fuck up he remembers that moment which translates into feeling the pain again.

I can forgive all BFA's faults because it gave me Dark Iron waifus.

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since when

This year they will present us WOW version of Pokemon GO for mobile phones.
Besides Xiaomi started to sell WOW themed smartphones in China recently.

this. in legion we literally defeated the fucking burning legion and sargeras himself. sargeras, the strongest being in the universe.

>single most worthless racials in the game unless you're an arena junkie

>all of nelfkind accomplished what one nigga with a gun did years ago

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We don't do shit to Sargeras, it's the rest of the pantheon that imprisons him after we free them while Sargeras is distracted.

Sargeras is still way out of our league, dude is the size of a planet.

Concept of mechagnomes sounds great but they looks like fuckign Stroggs. In bad way

>caring about gameplay minmaxing in WoW anno 2019

WoW i only good for memes, art, music and playing transmog dressup and you know it.

I was going off of
But it looks like there was an update where it had been posted on a Brazilian wow page but was then removed

Probably wasn't meant to be announced until Blizzcon/the anniversary.

If fake, you have to admire this guy though, it's pretty good, especially the cinematic still.
Just the right amount of blur Blizzard uses for those.

we beat his avatar, and since he's imprisoned, he's pretty much out of the picture permanently

Honestly I remember the story being bad from TBC onward but if I knew how bad it could get I would have never bothered playing WC 2-3 all those years ago and saved myself the investment

Because the game has never been about the writing, ultimately, and how they've been shoving it down our throats since WoD only magnifies how mediocre and sometimes completely awful the game's writing actually is.

I don't see why that bothers you. If anything, it should be a breath of fresh air in the current industry climate where every game needs several token ethnic characters.

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Down with Sylvanas
The United Horde Front shall rise up and protect Azeroth from this evil!

>getting rid of something permanently
If Warcraft lasts long enough, he’ll be back

Worst character in the franchise.

>still no pistols and gunslinger spec


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Isn't it in like two months.

Isn't Outlaw Rogue close enough?

Now it's an ugly mongrel

He probably meant ten weeks

>5000 people online
>20000 people online

>not Nathanos Blightcuck

They ruined it with the stupid pirate and RNG buff theme. It should have been entirely ranged pistol spec. Build up combo points with shots, have a "headshot" mechanic that deals a lot of damage on like 3 repeated crits.

CD could have been like RDR deadeye and guarantee a headshot for double the usual damage.

But no, we get fucking RNG: The spec.

>Nathanos was really popular in Vanilla let's make him a main character
>What's his personality like?
>Completely insufferable

Nathanos is a cunt. Jaina is a terrible character. They're not the same thing.

where the fuck is Elune

>What were his traits in Vanilla?
>Fiercely independent, a bit broodish, dark sense of humor.
>So he's basically Sylvanas' lapdog with no free will of his own and a no-nonsense attitude?

We don't know. She has aspects of Light, Life, Death, possibly even Void.

As far as I’m concerned it’s a totally different character.

Nathanos is annoying but he’s basically a failure
>feigns death to escape alliance pc’s
>gets mauled by Genn
>gets trounced by Tyrande the raising is more the Valkyr than him
In fact that’s largely why he’s annoying. He hasn’t done anything to back up his bravado, especially compared to a seasoned adventurer like the PC

Why not just replace stealth spec with your theoretical gun spec, drop outlaw and bring back combat?

why is her hairline so high up

I dont give a fuck

classic is better

>only 7 levels left to have fun on my hybrid

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Her father, and her grandfather on her mother's side both had male pattern baldness and she got her mother's tainted X instead of the healthy one.

She's like 40.

retail is just beyond all help at this point. Thank Christ they rebooted classic

>Sylvanas will conquer Stormwind
what about goldshire! will the inn stay in alliance hand?

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Is alextraza being forced to breed orc mounts still canon?

Druid is still fun at 60 unless you're being forced to heal for raids.
But who the fuck wants to raid in Vanilla? I'm just here for the World PVP

Why did Voljin name her warchief again? Aren't the loa supposed to fucking hate undead people?

The spirits told him to.

>Tfw I like both classic and retail

They're basically 2 entirely different games at this point. Retail Hunter and Classic Hunter play completely different.

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They're in the process of retconning it that Vol'jin was deceived (probably by N'zoth)
Basically it's the same shit as always where Blizzard has no plan so the story swerves every which way

This is actually asked in game, and there's a questline where the player goes to most of the known gods of death (Bwonsamdi, Bolvar, the valkyrie chick in Halls of Valor) asking why the fuck they would do that.
None of them know.

>waiting 2 years for content
>ff14 releases full story on day1
wowtards are literal shiteating brainlets

Pointing out how stupid the plot is...well it's not quite a plot hole, but it's still stupid writing.
In good writing, we'd have a sense of what Sylvanas' motives could be. Some would be uncertain, while at least one theory would convince a few people trying to predict the outcome. In order for that to happen, the writers themselves would have to know their end goal, and weave that into the character and/or the events.

They don't know, though, do they? They had the idea with Sylvanas, wrote that first, and figured they'd make up the rest as they went along.

Nothing I mentioned is some secret trick, it's writing 101. Why can't Blizzard hire people who know that to write their main stories? Why?

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The final boss will be:

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>The war campaign in which the Alliance and Horde rebels prepare to defend Thunder Bluff will be timegated over 4 weeks

and gone is my interest

>Azshara Warfront: Launch a massive Naval assault on the home of Gallywix. Bilgewater will burn.

Well done Rotten corpse.
You ruined all the work of the Horde in Kalimdor.
We were subjugating the Night Elves slowly, annexing progressively their land and taking their trees to build glorious Orgrimmar.
And now, because of your ego, our breeding slaves are rebelling against us.

FF14 accidentally had a great story in Shadowbringers that was largely carried by a villain that is now dead. Now it's going back to garbage Nabriales so who fucking cares.


Who plays this shit game? Fucking trannies and sunk cost pussies, all of you. Just admit that all of it was wasted time and that all your daily chores in game will never pay off to where you are genuinely having fun like back in the old days. Move on.

The Forsaken should have never been in the Horde, the Nelves should have never been in the Alliance.
The Forsaken's inclusion has made the story messy since Day 1 since they've always been in the Horde for temporary gain with every intention of betraying it.
15 years later we're still dealing with the same plotlines of the Forsaken being assholes and there being no way to oust them because they're a PC race.

You're supposed to act like he didn't just pull this out of his ass and be outraged, c'mon, remember your twitter screencap training.


and they're surprised bfa failed?

Yeah you really can’t pull this shit when portals and mass teleportation canonically exist but I guess we can just conveniently forget about those things

Ugly undead elf was jealous of pretty purple elves.
Ruined Saurfang plan by burning our captive broodmares.
Now pretty purple elves rebel and not only won in Darkshore, but they want to take Azshara as well.
Our goblins friendos are in danger because of ugly undead slut.

Can the alliance at least lose some shit too? the Zandalari fleet is literally gone while the alliance lost nothing

Image is a little dishonest tbqh, the obese Tauren in the middle of the Kul Tirans is a mod created by that coldsteelj guy on Deviantart.
Never understood this place's obsession with Kul Tirans. Holy shit, there's a completely optional race that's fat. It's the end of the fucking world.

The amount of things the Alliance has lost over the years is staggering compared to the Horde

>ff14 releases full story on day1

No it doesnt you literal shiteating brainlet, there's as much shit, filler story as can possibly fit between each expansion, the only thing that comes out day 1 is a single arc. Also a big difference is that the shitty FF story is compulsory

Alliance was losing at every turn until they destroyed Zandalari fleet and killed Rastakhan

WOW had cute girls with the human females ever since dawn but people forgot them somehow

>Zandalar Empire and playable Zandalari Troll Paladins got available during one of the most disliked MMO expansion
I hate this timeline.

9.0 better have some actual mechanical changes that matter, otherwise everyone except for raidlogging autists really will leave for Classic.


At least demon hunters came at a good time

The guy who’s literal job was talking to spirits was deceived into thinking he was talking to spirits
This way, they don’t even have to try and think of some reason she had to be warchief

>like he didn't just pull this out of his ass

Barrens Warfront: Attack the Southern Barrens and break through the Great Gates of Mulgore.
Silvermoon Warfront: Assault the final Horde bastion on the Eastern Kingdoms, and cleanse our land of their filth.
Azshara Warfront: Launch a massive Naval assault on the home of Gallywix. Bilgewater will burn.
Battle for Stromgarde: Donate supplies to the war effort as the impending battle over Arathi Highlands nears.

Wow music is dogshit

>in 2019

Wake me when they update the boring ass combat.

TBC is worst. Look at what they did to the Amanis.

The horde is changing Warchiefs almost every single expansion ever since MOP while the alliance is all cool and only lost Varian in legion
The fleet and Rastakhan are bigger than the losses they had before, the fleet was literally the reason to go after the Zandalari

>The attack on Thunder Bluff will be revealed to be a feint and Sylvanas will conquer Stormwind
The curse of Golden continues.

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Seriously who gives a fuck about retail?? Can they just release Warcraft 3 already. At least part of that game was made by good blizzard

If you knew how much i give a shit about the cringe leaders of the Alliance. Varian's dead was the best moment of WoW story.

The Horde and Alliance gather at Goldshire to mount a counterattack.

That village in Stonetalon that got nuked
Dalaran when they randomly decided to go neutral after being the target of Horde Quests

That's what immediately comes to mind anyway. The Horde has been the favorites in story since the beginning, and this is coming from a Horde fanboy.

>Silvermoon anything when it's part of an outdated zone that's locked in a separate instance with no flying
Yes, your 4 lines of random datamined text have totally convinced me it's legit.

>The curse of Golden
the curse of waifu fanfic writers being put in charge

Those are all just places. The Horde has been having it's characters purged and thrown under the bus as villains for fucking years.

>just places
Bitch it's the entire point of the game and why faction exist.
No one gives a fuck about the cringe characters of WoW. Horde always have the cake and eat it.

Let me try one of these:
Sylvanas Warfront: Fuck the Warchiefess' pussy until she does a double victory sign ahegao and Valkyrs come in to cast a spell on your semen that allows you to impregnate her barren pussy.


Based Glimmy

Imagine being so fucking wrong.

Just show features like the new class. Mythic+ raiding or w/e.

Undercity was cooler than Darnassus if we go that way, the only bad one without a equivalent was Theramore

>ignoring the basic story just to pretend it doesnt exist so your argument is right

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That's because the Alliance has no fucking characters outside of Jaina and Tyrande in Vanilla. Every other character had to be invented and thrown into WoW and they had no effort put into them. The few that show up later from WC2-3 have no personality or presence in the story.
Varian was just a Human Thrall, even voiced by the same hack.

If only she actually looked undead instead of the blue extra covered up barbie nu-blizz redesigned her into

But it was a win for Sylvanas as the plan was to make destroy it. Meanwhile they genocided the Night Elves just like that.
Oh and the Night Elves lost an entire territory to the Horde (Azshara).

New class for 9.0 will either be Tinker, or they'll cheap out and do a bunch of ""Prestige Classes", reskins of existing classes like Necromancer for Warlock, Shadowhunter for Rogue, Dark Ranger for Hunter etc.

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Anduin isn't gonna die since we know he's alive when he's an old man because of that blizzard story of him in the future where he's old and grey.

It's going to be a cancerous rep grind like every other allied race, and they'll start selling allied race unlocks, calling it now.

>tfw no dragon aspect class and have hot model like Ysera

they can easily retcon this since it was Velen's vision and everything he sees is just a 'possible variation' of the future

If they didn't learn their lesson after WoD, why would they learn from BFA? Legion was absolute ass.

How in bloody fucking hell does Sylvanas have even remotely enough manpower to not only siege but also occupy the most fortified city in all of Azeroth? The horde is shattered, their war production crippled and the chain of command is broken. What manner of asspull is this.

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A lot of people like Legion user.

>or they'll cheap out and do a bunch of ""Prestige Classes", reskins of existing classes like Necromancer for Warlock, Shadowhunter for Rogue, Dark Ranger for Hunter etc.
Nono nooooooooooo! Necro needs to be a full class! Don't copy FF14 with it's bullshit "we wanted to add the class but it would be difficult to balance so here's your gutted class that you cant use anywhere lol"

The difference is that Blizzard has been adding Alliance characters for years while killing Horde ones. They literally left the Orcs and Trolls without leaders for years.

Shouldn't Shadow Hunters be Shamans of some kind? It always felt like Rokhan was a Shaman to me.

Yeah one is a mindless diablo-like and the other is an actual mmo

Pic related probably.

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They aren't killing Jaina and Tyrande because they are characters for fap, therefore very popular.
It's not like WoW killed all of the great characters to replace them with shit ones just in 2 expac.

Every sylvanas supporter is based. The saurfang supporters are the cucks in this. Jesus christ I hope you only typed that out ironically. If you believe that shit kys.

It'll be a full class. It'll just play exactly like a warlock, only with skellies instead of imps and blue magic instead of green/red/purple.

Shamans don't have stealth last I checked.

theres a cinematic specifically made to show that the alliance has literally nothing left and are using farmers in bucket helmets as guards

the most recent events destroyed the entirety of the alliance fleet, the second one that they got for free from kul tiras cause the first was already destroyed, and they have literally nothing left

Do Rogues have Serpent Wards?

>talking about demographics
>in wow
the entire story falls apart if you start thinking like that.
Like friendly reminder it's only been like 30 years since the First War, think about that


>I want muh evil Horde

The Horde's identity crisis of getting stuck with genocidal warchiefs to keep the stale blue vs red going is the worst mistake the writers ever made.
The Horde hasn't been evil since WC3.

niggers like you said the same thing about BfA, give up engineering is a profession not a class

>It'll be a full class. It'll just play exactly like a warlock, only with skellies instead of imps and blue magic instead of green/red/purple.
Nah fuck that give me a real necro. A real necro would be the most hype class they could add for their fanbase. It would be like a groundbreaking smash reveal level of hype.

I've always felt they saved the necro as a get out of jail free card.


So is alchemy but assasination rogues still use poisons. "Engineering is already in" is a retarded argument, especially since everyone became an engineer in Mechagon.

considering d3 necro and the absolute state of warlocks I doubt they can pull anything off that isn't shit

Full necro would have them gut Unholy DK like they took metamorphosis from locks to make DH, so no thanks.

rogues can only make poisons, they're not alchemists. a tinker that cant make a copper tube would be retarded like you

$5 says Classic+, if it happens, winds up with more classes than Retail because they're far easier to implement without destroying the precious 3v3 and raid balance

Do race drivers all design and work on their own cars? Do fighter pilots on their planes?

Because Gunslinger specs are too good for shit like WoW. They should have created that instead of the pirate garbage that is Outlaw.

It's probably more likely they just regut Unholy into a ranged plate dps necromancer like they forced Survival Hunter into melee dps in Legion.

>theres a cinematic specifically made to show that the alliance has literally nothing left and are using farmers in bucket helmets as guards
I love how people misinterpret that line so badly. Imagine being such an ESL that you think a faction needing to START recruiting means they're out of soldiers.

so its not a tinker, its a pilot?

There are many complaints about WoW, but let's not get too crazy. The music is consistently well done.

I love my wife Minfilia and her weird napkin shirt thing. Also her ass cheek cleavage.

They've given out stuff like that with every event, though.
Even the BC launch event.

It would just end up being a Warlock with more pets.
That's about it, maybe some Death Coil healing or some shit.

There's a limit to how much one is willing to suspend disbelief. The horde in its entirety weren't able to fight a defensive war, and now suddenly Sylvanas can muster a major desicive offensive? It doesn't add up.

Semantics don't matter, people have been asking steampunk mech piloting gnomes and goblins and that's what we'll probably get in 9.0.

I mean, what other options are there? Bard?

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It's never added up. How was Sylvanas able to get from Teldrassil to Undercity to lead the defense?

>Kicking murlocs.
That's bad though.

Runelord was a scrapped class in Vanilla.

>There's a limit to how much one is willing to suspend disbelief.
if you're trying to be logical about demographics than the entire game falls apart.
It has been under 30 years since Stormwind and the kingdom in general were sacked by the Orcs, only 30 years since the Orcs lost much of their population to multiple wars and the destruction of Draenor, yet somehow these two groups have been fighting multiple new wars with seemingly endless forces for countless expansions?
that's not even getting into the gnomes/worgen/blood elves/draenei/etc.
>The horde in its entirety weren't able to fight a defensive war, and now suddenly Sylvanas can muster a major desicive offensive?
BFAs plot is a gigantic fucking mess, like how druids and the Tauren in general went along with burning a fucking world tree

>it's only been like 30 years since the First War,
When the fuck did that happen? Like, I remember quite a bit of time taking place between Warcraft 2 and 3.

There's a ton of shit they could add, the problem is they're all very specific niches. Like Dark Rangers, Necromancers, Wardens, Shadow Hunters, Chronomancers, Battle Mages.

Most of them work better as a fourth spec for existing classes than classes on their own.

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They should absolutely add more specs in Classic. They'd be easy to implement too since the goal of Vanilla is not balance
technically I was wrong, it was only 25 years from Warcraft 1 to Classic, now we're at 33 years or something