Try to learn how to play

>try to learn how to play
>if I get launched I auto lose 40-50% health
how do you even get good at this

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Learn to launch the other guy for 50% of their health.

>blog post about being bad
kill your self op

You get your shit pushed in over and over and over until you learn little bits and pieces on how not to get your shit pushed in over and over and over and you get your shit pushed in a little less until it's YOU who pushes people's shit in over and over and over.

Just listen to all the 'you just have to' people in this thread with 100% winrate

Learn to do whatever bullshit you're losing to.

>spam unsafe move
>Wtf why do I get punished

How is my girl Josie doing?

Don't talk to me
And thanks

>Rolling Cradles in your path
>Punishes you with Bryan in your path
>dropkick stumbles you with Dragunov in your path
>Drunkenly slaps your shit up with Miguel
nothing personnel, kid :)
nothing personnel, kid :)

Block, most launchers are punishable on block.
Or move around, make them whiff and whiff punish.

Is this your first fighting game OP? If yes then you made a terrible mistake. Tekken is a game where massive majority of "getting gud" is to memorizing 40x12 blockstrings so as you said
>you dont lose 50% of health to a move you havent seen before

Your first step in this game is googling youtube guide for your char. You need to learn which move is safe on block and spam it. Or just pick different game.

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Nigger other dan ranks very likely dont know 50% health killing launcher combos

Honestly, the best part about fighting games. Overcoming weaknesses and being rewarded by your hard work.

Learn to block and poke dumbass. Literally what you need to prevent your shit getting pushed in.

Explain what's stopping me from spamming safe mid launchers literally the entire match.

They're probably sidestepabble and takes long to come out

Unless it's positive on block it's their turn after they block it.

just SC and MK. I was originally gonna learn GG but its dead online I couldn't find anyone to play with. and yeah Im looking up guides but imo most aren't that noob friendly so its hard to follow along

Go to /tekgen/ in /vg/ their OP has all you need

Her new string gives her great wall carry. And she does way more damage like everyone else who got buffed.

Did they buff Yoshi yet

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Be very patient, learn your matchups and frame data.

>noob friendly
Tekken is overall as much anti-noob as possible. You gonna have a hard time.

But getting gud at low ranks is all about learning how to block and how to punish whiffed launchers.

Don’t worry thats normal for new players, most of things players in those ranks do is gimmicky and easy to stop or punish.
Listen to
Some people in the general might even answer questions, but be warned, like most other generals, /tekgen/ can be
a cesspool.

Tekken has an interesting difficulty curve where you can get pretty far by just mashing but when you actually try to gitgud it might take years to get over the hump to become a mediocre player

tekken also has extremely easy comboes and generally relient inputs on every character + not many weird values on moves
What you see is what you get

Louchers are unsafe on block for most of the cast.
Just use your fastest move to punish them or use your + on block moves if punish is not possible.
I recently discovered i win most of my matches vs people who focus exclusively on louchers and combos just by having a better neutral.
Hell i can even win matches while doing like one if any combos or the most basic combos vs people who spent several hours in training mode learning optimal combos just by outplaying them at the fundamentals.

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This was me but Destiny 1 crucible. Actual sense of growth I got from it. When I became the pusher instead of the pushed is what I look for in games.


>GG Is dead online
Use player lobbies you fucking mong, I'm euro and find full lobbies any time I want to play

>how do you even get good at this
You don't. It's not worth learning fighting games if you didn't grow up playing them. By the time you get passably good at the game someone else is already that much better than you. You will never ever catch up to them.

Stop pressing buttons.

Or maybe good doesnt mean I'll win evo tomorrow tier and it's about not losing every match and having fun tier

You can have fun by just being shit with your friends.

If you are gonna put some effort into learning fighting games, why do that and NOT want to compete

>everyone is evo tier but me and my friends who do not even play it
Oh yes everything consist only of the great ranks of retarded chipmunk and god of all gods, there are no other skill levels and nobody else plays the game