Borderlands 3


thanks for betatesting buyfags
Ill download the improved cracked version for free when i get home from work ;)

Attached: (1080x2340, 888K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>7 tabs.
>Phone poster.
>literally browsing crack sites for fucking BORDERLANDS
>actually willing to waste bandwidth to download BORDERLANDS
>playing online loot-shooters ALONE.

>didn't even bother to change the date

Nice dolphin porn


Trannys like borderlands

I want to buy and then give back my money.
I saw several dudes that do the same and now playing in this game w/o it in their library.
Is this fake and what if i can't give back my money to card? I fucked up then?


Attached: 1565517237021.png (976x658, 272K)

Spambot thread.

Of course they do, I've lost count of how many gay/lez/apache characters are in this fucking franchise

>7 tabs
what's wrong with this?

Have sex

>Playing Borderlands alone

This, I have around 50 tabs open in my incognito window.

Get a life loser

nothing wrong with that if you have it muted with a podcast on in the background. that's how I got most my BL2 hours

You all got baited pretty hard and should probably just end your lives

>Literally says, in all caps, FULL UNLOCKED
>talks about it being cracked

Jesus fucking Christ. You're a goddamn imbecile.

Attached: 1557350916606.jpg (1080x1241, 140K)

Called that it would be cracked by Friday

Grow up stupid fuck

>wanting to play memelands in the first place
Why? This is like everyone going on about gears 5 being cracked, why would you want to play that trash anyway?

No, whore.

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Hey, you though FULL UNLOCKED meant cracked. If there's a stupid fuck around here, it's definitely not me.

Your mom is the town whore
Everyone has tested her


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I thought summer was over?


It ain't over with all these retards taking the bait

>Borderlands 3 is pretty good if you do something else that's actually interesting while you play it
Why are people like this?

Thank them for Borderlands 4, not betatesting, you tramp

Why would I thank them for yet another piece of le epic gearbox garbage?

Its pretty good. Combat has been polished, story is decent. Some characters are kinda cringe but you don't even really hear the dialogue much when you're playing with 3 other people.

I haven't even touched 3, fix your reading comprehension. I just said that's the only way I find 2 enjoyable because of it's repetitive nature. it's a way for me to wind down and relax

Elves are the purest race!

oh no no no


MMO players have the same mentality, it just satiates their autistic need to see numbers go up.

its not even the real skidrow site.

Also, eww skidrow


>crack wait

Attached: 1433891133553.png (151x109, 12K)

Grow up

grow up

Don't be tempted by thots brother.

Attached: EEfw-_EXkAEjNDc.jpg (1200x1017, 296K)

Why her vagina is talking?

people intelligent enough to know about game piracy aren't the target for that funko pop plebe magnet.

She's a disgusting harlot that's why.

Attached: D3n4QbNWsAAOKf3.jpg (1200x877, 258K)

>75gb download
>horrible writting
>bugs a plenty

I was planning to pirate this but not anymore. Randy can go drown in shit.

Attached: c52~2.jpg (356x218, 8K)

>using fake skidrow website

Attached: cb.png (326x301, 35K)

It's where her previous victim is trapped, trying to warn others away from falling into the same bait he did.

Cross play when

who's the artist

Whats the real?

>He downloaded our crack?
>Activaate ze botnet

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

such is the far future.

You gaggle of fucking morons realize full unlocked isnt cracked, right? It literally says wait for crack in the image

have sex
start a family


Attached: DswoJWvUcAE7Nva.jpg (1200x1046, 166K)

skidrow doesn't have website
just use igg instead of shady websites trying to pretend to be someone else

Ehat is igg?

>7 tabs
Who cares

Attached: Screenshot_20190917_223252.jpg (376x236, 14K)

>wait a year for all dlc to release and all bugs to be fixed, then pirate it

thanks for beta testing buyfags

Attached: 1562419481061.png (723x666, 163K)

there is no real skidrow site

At least the phone's charged.

Don't you afraid you'll loose those tabs when a blackout happens or windows thinks its time for an update and restart? Happened to me all the time... all those cooms, lost.

They won't make it a good game though.

Nigga you just went full retard. Borderlands sucks ass though.

Why are we pirate chads so based?

thanks user

How does it feel knowing that no matter how much you chop and dilate your dick you will never be a real woman and you will never get pregnant?

I always get too comfortable, and then it happens. All those JAVs, lost like tears in rain.

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Look at the date. It's fake.

Based and based

>7 tabs
I wish I had just 7 tabs.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-17-11-17-47.png (720x1280, 210K)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 4chan 2 days.png (1027x273, 23K)

Not him but i legit can have like 150 tabs open at once, its all just filled with stuff i want to watch and read etc, and yes i fell for the 16 gb ram meme

elves are nice

Attached: cute elf.webm (886x910, 319K)

oh no no no nooooooo

>just use igg instead of shady websites


Attached: Dxq0UguVAAA121-.jpg (1200x1038, 230K)

>not buying her two bows

>t. piratebay users


Attached: 114.png (645x729, 116K)

>browsing third party crack sites

Attached: PreDBme.png (300x225, 22K)

>buying a elf anything

Attached: EAi53nVWkAAwlCJ.jpg (2048x1692, 583K)

i only buy female elves things.

Attached: EAi53nTX4AAM2-p.jpg (2048x1692, 636K)

Meh, that game is old news. We are on to new games. Slow poor fags.

unbased but redpilled

I like these pictures.

Attached: The absalute state of V.png (129x24, 4K)

Why is it called FULL UNLOCKED anyways?

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just the game files

It's the game's source code, and all the files it needs to run. Now, you need to implement a crack to get the game to run them
This is the first step. Cracks are made on these, so it wont be long now
That said, I do feel sorry for the crackers, they have to deal with the most invasive version of Denuvo ever, to crack a game that nobody cares about

Cope harder

Attached: 6E1439F6-1024-4E6C-B743-DFD7F3AC6AF0.jpg (600x315, 41K)

>so it wont be long now
it will, unlocked is just the game files, everyone can have them a few minutes after release

>to crack a game the minority of 4channelers don't care about
fixed that for you buddy :^)

Ah yes, the common bug of running poorly in every platform. Just a minor bug.

Attached: Bl3bugs.png (664x1166, 136K)


But it's not cracked, yet?

I only buy female elves