Welcome to our game, have you met stronk womyn?

Welcome to our game, have you met stronk womyn?

She's a joyless, smug cunt who exhibits subtle man hating behaviour because the writers think that's what a strong woman is. A man with no penis and a shitty attitude that you'd get the shit kicked out of you for if you didn't possess a vagina. Haha, she's so snarky and tough, she makes demeaning and insulting statements to the player because fuck you for being a white male, don't look at my ass silly boys or I'll cut your throat out, tee hee.

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the most incel post in history

Pic unrelated I reckon?

Get Ciri out of that picture you monster...


Incel zoomers are the worst zoomers.
At least I can laugh at the plebbit neckbeards. seeing kids turn into them, however, is a whole other story.

Not familiar with the rest but neither Aloy or Ciri fit thaf description.

its all so tiresome

You're goin' the right way for a smack bottom.
She's not even smug or demeaning. She makes cheesy jokes and deals honestly with people, even naive on some level. Her visual design is arguable, to be fair but I kinda like it.
If they completely change her characterization in 2, then maybe there's room for complaint there, but in 1 she was just a punk kid in over her head who tried to run with the big dogs (that is, the adults) and had plenty of awkward, humanizing moments. If she turns into Duke Nukem: Vagina Edition in 2, then you can look back on this post and laugh, but I assume they have at least two brain cells to rub together and realize that doing a total 180 on characterization would lose the people who liked her in the first game.

why are white women in games so fake lmao.
they literally look like they are pretending to be serious lol fucking awkward. this is similar shit to wypipo cant dance meme. they look lame

OP, what has your attitude ever brought you in life? or if you're just "pretending" for (You)s, is this really the best use of your free time?

At least Aloy has an excuse. She was raised in a shitty environment around shitty people, and those people aren’t just men either. If anything, she’s the nicest person in the game.

All of these characters are completely different and none of them are like you described them which means you're a cunt with an agenda.

kinda autistic but still i agree with you.

StronK woman is basically a shitty guy with shitty attitude. Not even "badass" attitude because badass guys can be likable.

>At least Aloy has an excuse. She was raised in a shitty environment around shitty people, and those people aren’t just men either. If anything, she’s the nicest person in the game.
Aloy is cool.
i still want to be fucked by her "dad" tho...

Well OP isn't wrong, having just played Rage 2 and Control I'd say I've met 5-7 characters who fit the description. It's weird because that archetype never really was a thing until mid 10s. Especially the smugness, what's with all the smugness.

I honestly think Horizon did it best. Aloy and the other female braves are honestly confident in the ability of their designated gender but they are never shown to be too obnoxiously unrealistic. Throughout the game, Aloy is overpowered and beaten by the stronger sex on numerous occasions but it never deters her determination to keep striving to succeed,
which I found rather inspiring. I quite enjoyed my time playing it.

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If said woman is a warrior or occupying a leader role typically assumed by a man, then it's mostly justifiable. She has to be kind of rough and manly otherwise who would respect her? Would you follow the orders of a female military leader if she's always sweet and proper grace and femininity?

Yeah, stronk womyn are boring as hell. They are always making the same characters, snarky stronk womyn or no-nonsense stronk womyn, and that's pretty much all.

you keep forgetting that every man except 1 in that game is shitty cowardly idiot. So Aloy still is a part of problem in OPs post

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Kassandra is just a big slut

Ciri is none of what you describe

But he's right, Ciri is a horrible character and she has nothing to do with the book character.

Pretty sure Sadie doesn't fit your description at all, and is quite clearly a helpless ranch woman when you first meet her.

A handful yes. But you're forgetting the other powerful and cunning male warriors that are portrayed as heroes that carried tribal history. They're also many female characters that are shown to be dimwitted and incapable as well.

I remember when I honestly thought threads like this were a joke. Taking a complaint a small amount of people have, and taking it to a cartoonish extreme.
I miss being naive, this place was a lot better when it was a big shitty joke

>Pretty sure Sadie doesn't fit your description at all


did you even play the game? aloy is the biggest cunt ive ever played

Male characters get to be smug

this. I still can't believe the amount of wood this women could chop by the end of the game.

Reminder that we love and respect women here on Yea Forums

Only if you want her to be

grow a pair and learn to use it lol
she doesn't know how to ride cock
bed time sleepyhead
resting biotch mcface
don't help him it makes you weak
all guys are shitty ololol
just don't make it your prerogative and you get to have fun too

RDR2, what did you play?
Don't remember her ever steamrolling over Arthur.


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Just got 10 (You)s lads

You've never played The Last of Us have you?

Wasn't it the other characters that were the problem in horizon rather than the mc

>dare to criticize a female character
>beta orbiters flip their shit
Every time

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Not if they're supposed to be the good guy. If some guy is smug, he's generally a cunt and you're supposed to dislike him.


There's also the damaged stronk womyn who dresses and acts like a whore but is somehow empowering. See Harley Quinn

We should hang all incels desu. Would be funny if the executioner was a woman to make them seethe even harder.

Any man who see's a women as a threat to his masculinity is not truly a man.

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Don't think so. Sometimes you have characters like Simba who are smug but their smugness is portrayed as a character flaw that they overcome over the course of the story. Simba isn't smug anymore by the end of the film

Or maybe I just don't like annoying cunts.

M8, one of the women in the OP is from a game where you can literally choose whether to play through the entire game as a man instead

There's also Nathan Drake, smugness incarnate compared to Ellie, by the same company.

Just off the top of my head

>There's also Nathan Drake, smugness incarnate
Who constantly gets punched in the face and is shown to be a clumsy, bumbling idiot

She even goes hunting for herbs just so an old man can fuck her

He's still the hero you're supposed to sympathise with you goalpost moving piece of excrement

Historical sexism?
Are they talking about males dying in wars while women stay at home? Are they talking about males being the ones who do the most brutal manual jobs? Are they talking about males being the expendable genre?
Of course not. "Inclusive" doesn't include males, specially if they are white. Who cares about their problems, only women are important. Ubisoft doesn't believe that the life or dignity of males have any value, but they will still accept their dirty, masculine money.

>"Inclusive" doesn't include males, specially if they are white.
What do you think "inclusive" means, user

Because you're not using it right

>He's still the hero
Who constantly gets punched in the face and is show to be a clumsy, bumbling idiot.

>Nathan Drake, smugness incarnate
No, he tries to act cool but ends up being a bit of an idiot all the time, women beat him up and tell him what to do all the time. He tries to be cool but fails in a comical fashion. Now Sully is smug but old people get to be smug

if only you could convert them into local currency!

Feminists frequently fantasize about this, but they would genocide ALL males.

Not one person in this thread has ever had sex. Including me

I did. Not sure why I'm supposed to be a feminist because of that though. My opinions really didn't change at all.

The irony is delicious isn’t it? For people who hate women so much, incels constantly talk about them.

They’re so worthless that they’re the only thing you can constantly talk about.

If feminists hate "toxic masculinity" so much then why do they always go out of their way to make their stronk independent womyn characters embody toxic masculinity so much?

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>He's still the hero you're supposed to sympathise
What it even has to do the point being made? The fact is Drake isn't some passive-aggressive cunt who's smug in arrogant way, but rather just a silly clown who constantly gets emasculated

So fucking what? What does that have to do with anything?
>Now Sully is smug but old people get to be smug
What the fuck is wrong with you people

Can't even fucking argue with this shit because I have to guess at the five dozen underlying assumptions and exceptions first

>What does that have to do with anything?
It makes him likeable and not a smug, joyless cunt with a shitty attitude like western video game women.

"Passive-agressive," "smug," and "arrogant" are three different things. Figure out what you want to complain about first. Then also make sure it's actually really there and not just a projection from your insecurity. Then we can commence the conversation.

It makes him likeable but not any less smug, which only goes on to show that "smug" isn't the complaint you thought it was.

Btw "smug, joyless cunt" doesn't describe any of the women in the OP

>any less smug,
He's not smug at all though.
>Btw "smug, joyless cunt" doesn't describe any of the women in the OP
It describes every western female video game character of the pas 10 years.

Why do you defend women on the internet anyway? You know there's no girls here right? You know no woman will fuck you for defending their gender right?

>He's not smug at all though.
could've just told me you don't know the meaning of words and are just throwing random shit at the wall
>Why do you defend women on the internet anyway?
I'm just telling some obviously wrong cunt what he's obviously wrong about, if you want an echo chamber you should make a subreddit.

>I'm just telling some obviously wrong cunt what he's obviously wrong about
But the reality is you, a male, are defending the female gender on the internet despite having no skin in the game. Little bit pathetic bro.

The main goal of the poz cartel is to de-normalize whatever demographic they arbitrarily designate as an oppressor; in this case, the war is against the straight white male, therefore a pozzed character designer will struggle with two opposing forces: one is to make the character repellent to the oppressor demographic, the other is to avoid making the character too repellent for themselves, because a lot of what their dogma assumes is "socially constructed oppressor appeal" is actually just natural human appeal.
The resulting characters tend to fall into these categories:
1-The female "hardass": the idea begins with a female character, but special care is taken to avoid making her overtly attractive, so she tends to be covered up and given mannish features like a wide face, a prominent jaw, a top-heavy muscle body shape, etc. She is also given an aggressive personality in an attempt to make her "intimidating" and further reduce the sex appeal to straight males.
2-The male crybaby: an emotionally unstable male character intended to counter the ideals of stoicism and strenght. The crybaby is usually a subservient white knight who gives emotional support to women and expects nothing in return, he exists to make women look better in comparison to him and, as the name suggests, he cries a lot in melodramatic fashion. The crybaby is made to represent the ideal feminist ally.

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wow user you know a lot

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What's your "skin in the game"?

I'm a man, I play video games, it's annoying to play a game and have these shitty characters shoved in my face

You don't play video games though, because you're clearly bitching about these games without ever having played them.

>You don't play video games though
So now you're telling me what I do?

Take your meds, schizo.

All humans are equal but women are more equal than men...

Memes aside, Ellie didn't really feel forced at all unlike the other characters in your post. Ciri as well.

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And masculine smugness is frequently punished, while women almost always get away with shitty behavior because they are being "strong" and "independent"...

>So now you're telling me what I do?
I'm telling you what the evidence shows. You're either lying about playing the games, or about what's in then.

Incidentally, you know what's annoying? Trying to discuss video games and have your shitty complaints shoved in my face.

I like 2b

Aloy, Kassandra and Ciri are nice girls. No idea who the one with the freckles is. Sadie kinda fits the description but she's actually severely traumatized, rather than being a bitch for the hell of it.

You're seriously denying the trend of smug, obnoxious cunt women in western video games?


>Trying to discuss video games and have your shitty complaints shoved in my face.
There's 100 other threads and you chose THIS one to open.

Incels are so repetetive and tiring

Why are you here if you don't hate women? Go literally anywhere else on the internet faggot.

Kassandra is literally a man they just gender swapped.

But yes it’s hilarious how all these devs are making money writing stronk womyn characters and bleating about how badass (always that word) and great they are and they’re all the fucking same.

How would your Mother, Sister, Girlfriend, Daughter, Aunty, Grandmother, Niece and just basically any female in your life react if they saw you making awful posts like these?

Well, considering there hasn't been a single legitimate example the whole thread and instead it seems to be used as a generic one-size-fits-all complaint for female characters regardless of what they are actually like, I see no reason to acknowledge there is a trend to begin with.
There are many more games than that, you can play those instead.

But I can't call you incels faggot niggers anywhere else without getting banned.


Any man who sees feminism as a threat to masculinity in general has just been paying attention to what feminists themselves openly state as their goal.
Feminism is not women, feminism is an ideology that doesn't represent the interest of any gender, instead, it represents only and exclusively the interests of dogmatic feminists themselves.
Feminism is happy to hate women nearly as much as it despises men, because feminism does the exact opposite of challenging gender stereotypes.
The classic gender stereotype paints the woman as the vulnerable, soft victim of every ill, as the treasure with inherent value to be kept safe; and it paints the man as the sole agent, the only gender with capacity and responsibility to act upon the woman, so he is both the villain to protect women from, and the guardian with a moral responsibility to better protect and provide for the woman. Feminism does the exact opposite of challenging this dynamic, instead, feminism promotes and exploits this dynamic to concentrate unaccountable political power in its institutions and figureheads.
No feminist movement in history has promoted women's agency and responsibility to society, all feminism is a cult of women's victimhood and entitlements, placing the blame and responsibility on men.


I liked Aloy as a character but the entire game is basically Idiot Man Fucks Up And Needs Stronk Womyn going back to Ted Faro and Dr Sobeck.

>How would your Mother, Sister, Girlfriend, Daughter, Aunty, Grandmother, Niece and just basically any female in your life react if they saw you making awful posts like these?
I don't care how they'd react. I don't like any of them moron.

All bitches

See you in 3 days, racism outside Yea Forums is illegal

Why not? I'm sure they love you

kill yourself volcel

>There are many more games than that, you can play those instead.
I'll complain about whatever I want to complain about, suck my dick.
>Well, considering there hasn't been a single legitimate example
So you're just going to lie? Ok faggot.

>Why not?
Because women are subhuman and incapable of rational thought, logic, fair play, compassion, honour, loyalty or morality.

I gave every woman in my family a fair shake and they have all in their own unique way proven themselves to be evil, vindictive, manipulative whores.

Now you see I don't think that's very fair

>I'll complain about whatever I want to complain about, suck my dick.
Then why are you asking me to justify my complaints?
>So you're just going to lie?
Bold move after I have already repeatedly pointed out that you're lying.

The best thing about shit like this is the fact that people dont get why so many dislike this """""""strong female lead""""" bullshit. There is a difference between an actual good female lead and female leads who ended up as maincharacters because of someones political agenda. There are plenty of good written female maincharacters and the best thing about it is the fact that these games, ironically enough, come from Japan of all places.

Fair? Fair doesn't exist, it's a human concept. Reality is reality and the truth is women are evil cunts.

>Then why are you asking me to justify my complaints?
Because I'm complaining about something that actually happened to me, you just went LOOKING for something to complain about.

No, you obviously didn't play these games, and even if you had, there are plenty of others you could play instead. It's really no different from me happening upon this thread, seeing some retarded bitching, and calling it what it is. This is a really pathetic attempt to gain some perceived moral high ground in a way that's not even relevant to the conversation.

>Work with women in a workplace
>Higher ups will always believe her distress calls even if they are small rumors NO MATTER HOW SILLY

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So is announcing reports, sweaty.

Why are incels so intimidated by average women? They're just people who fart and poop like the rest of us

>No, you obviously didn't play these games
I did, which is why I and others in this thread are aware of the trend of smug, sarcastic cunt woman.
>there are plenty of others you could play instead
And I play them, but I'm not just going to not complain about something annoying. Why should I?
>It's really no different from me happening upon this thread, getting triggered that you would dare to insult m'lady and being a white knight in the hopes of getting laid

That's just plain not true I know a lot of great women in my life and I'm sure you do too

I didn't announce shit all, I said I'd see you in 3 days and reminded you of the rules. Bye bye kid, behave yourself when you come back.

They're not people, they're annoying subhumans I don't want to deal with
>I know a lot of great women in my life
Being ignorant of their true nature doesn't make them great

Aloy can be a dork and it is not a muh strong independant woman who need no man. She was raised like an animal, and it shows.

The rest ehhh... I agree with you.

You have control over how she talks to people, user. Maybe YOU are the cunt

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>I did, which is why I and others in this thread are aware of the trend of smug, sarcastic cunt woman.
You're seeing things that aren't there and frankly if you have played these games I'm somewhat impressed at the strength of your delusions managing to hold out in the face of overwhelming evidence. At least if you hadn't played them you could easily maintain that you're right and choose not to play them for that reason.
>And I play them, but I'm not just going to not complain about something annoying. Why should I?
So again, why are you asking me to justify my complaints?
What's sad is that you think no one could possibly disagree with your incel delusions without an ulterior motive. Speaking of triggers: learn to cope with female characters existing.

I did and it sucked.

I wish I didn't.

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>You're seeing things that aren't there
You're blind, deaf and dumb.


You are objectively wrong, though. All the examples from the OP are completely off the mark and you haven't provided any others. It's a made-up problem.

More complete fabrications you have to delude yourself into believing to protect your frail ego. You are fundamentally not up to having a rational discussion about this.

Holy shit, a silly amount of people in this thread active shooter risks. So sad.

Why are you even here?

Go to reddit if you don't root for the school shooter.

Every single one of these characters are superior to literally every weeb female MC

Wow so edgy XD

No, I'm 100% serious. Go to reddit if you don't like racism, misogyny, homophobia or school shooters. Fuck off.

Nigga that man doesn't even know WHY he's here. He just comes to this place out of habit despite not relating to the core userbase.

>get out of m-m-my secret incel club
The fuck you going to do faggot? Can't school shoot me through the computer.

This tbqh. All incel freaks should get the rope.

>get out of m-m-my secret incel club
Why would you come to a place where you don't hold the same general views as the native population?

Go to reddit.

Why do you come to the one place on the internet that hates women and then complain about how they hate women? Just leave.

Kass is cute tho

Because this place is great for vidya discussion when in*Els are gone.

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Ciri is a Mary Sue, but it's a book's fault.

What, can't deal with a different opinion? Sad. Instead of telling other people to leave when you feel the need to flee a conversation you can always turn off the computer. Maybe do some self reflecting and think about what you can do to get yourself out of the pathetic state you're in.


Nah OP u gay I'd worship foot to pussy every one of these girls besides nuEellie.

Say nigger or get out

>not wanting that sweaty dyke pusy

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Ummm racism outside of Yea Forums is a bannable offence. Go back there incel freak.

Dont feed this troll

I don't think I'll be doing either. Feel free to cry even more about it though.

It is weird that people will call me Reddit or tell me to go there and then turn around and post this Reddit classic. Incels, man.

I was the core userbase, once...

Unsurprisingly, Aristotle never said this.

>Too scared to say nigger
What a pair of fucking pussies

>whiny incels are the core userbase
Unironically kill yourself.

>I take pride in saying nigger on an anonymous anime imageboard
I can't even imagine how fucking pathetic you are.

wow user how can I be as cool as you??

Really? That's all you got? Just some school ground "you're too chicken" bullshit? Jesus Christ. Why do I post in threads I don't share a worldview with? To have my worldview challenged. Maybe you guys knew something I didn't. Maybe my worldview was wrong. I see now that you guys only have feelings and no facts, so I guess I was right. Bunch of incel losers. Keep making your parents proud.

Good thing that all of those female heroes will be dying in reality, just like males who become an hero (sacrifice themselves). Hegelian dialectics, bitches - video games are an antithesis to reality.

Aloy is the worst """female""" character in the history of gaming

Is this the gamer club where I can say nigger without my mom hearing about it?

Why, yes good sir. We also cry about how mean girls are too because we afraid of people we can physically dominate. Remember, you gotta do both or we'll cry until you to go away.

...and put nuLara in her place

That's the problem with western female characters, they are only meant to be feminist role models. People who love them always talk about how strong and independent they are because that's the only point of these characters. That's why they are so repetitive and boring.


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>not nuLara


>all these repies from buttblasted incels


Roast beef sandwiches can talk now? Unappetizing

>You have control over how she talks to people
Not really, and everything she says is cunty

>Ciri in books
>watch as her friends from band gets murdered, can't do shit

>Ciri in game
>watch as Vesemir gets killed, can't do shit

Woman hating post from an ugly incel.... Give me something new Yea Forums