What are games that have attractive robots?

What are games that have attractive robots?

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Does Warframe count?

No. Those are biomods/meatgolems

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Ghost 1.0
Gookmoot stops me from posting pictures but Ghost has both robotits and robo belly button.

Medarot has many but only 1 mainline game and two spinoffs made it to English.

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>tomboy in overalls
I gotta get back to watching this.

man this show was the shit

Cave Story

Scorpio a cute

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Ghost is pretty, but her game was above mediocre at best.

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what am i looking at here

A robutt

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Attached: Wildstar robogirl.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)

I fucking love ToQger.

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Portal 2

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I know you guys are like, making a joke, but girls in childish costumes is genuinely my fetish. I need therapy.

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>making a joke

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Imagine her giving you a handjob while in-character.

Haha yeah imagine.

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The dumb fucking lipstick ruins it
Screenface > anything else

this guy gets it

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Spoilers you fuckface

Why are you pricks so eager to stick your dick in everything?

why not

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Just about everything is superior to a human woman

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>Go-on Silver

Attached: Go-Onger 29 who wants RYONA NS.webm (540x302, 2.97M)

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man imagine getting hit so hard that you don't even take helmet damage the thing just flys right the fuck off

haha i want the one with the robot arm to give me a cheeky handjob

Too bad P3 is a boring slog

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>Still haven't started watching ToQger
I have 24 hours of free time a day how the fuck do I never get anything done? There's too much shit to experience.

If you need a schedule to help you work through a backlog, try watching one episode in the morning and one at night.

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>find out your female sidekick is a robot
>marry her

Asimov was so wholesome.

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Literally asking for it

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Mighty Switch Force 2

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Qt π

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Whatever happened to RoboSecksBot?

no idea but I'm thinking about making my own version
seems simple to make except for the animations