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Angel Harris
Sebastian Wilson
Gavin Bell
William Ward
Jackson Flores
What does the B stand for?
Liam Reed
Jacob Brown
Samuel Scott
Big boobs
Adrian Campbell
Big Bully
Jackson Williams
Who is this anyway?
Juan Parker
i prefer the fox (jackal)
this one doesn't have them
Adrian Lee
>FGO CCC event
Fate died with Extra. FGO just was the nail in the coffin.
Isaiah Rivera
how do you know if CCC is soulless when it's not in english
Liam Brooks
BB is shit
Jacob Wright
like all saberface, they're all the same and thus have worms
Jose Young
Parker Edwards
Neroggers not welcome
Jose Roberts
English in 2028?... r-right?...
Dominic Young
he probably watched all of that one youtuber's translation, so he's just a falseflagging fatefag
Xavier Nelson
Reminder that Nero is literally everything wrong with Fate wrapped up in a neat little bow. Other servants may or may not display some of the traits that I will now mention, but none of them embody the full package of bullshit like Nero does:
>Hey you see that famous male historical figure? Well "he" was actually a "she!" And now that we've established that this servant is actually a cute girl you are OBLIGATED to love her! Now shut up and roll!
>Hey you see that famously evil historical figure? Well they dindu nuffin wrong! All of their evil deeds were literally fake news and she feels terrible about them! It's very moe! You are now OBLIGATED to feel sorry for her and love her! Love her! Spend money and roll!
>And she loves (you)! For literally no other reason than (you) being a faceless cardboard cutout MC, she gives you her unconditional love except for all the harems she keeps trying to set up behind your back!
>Just in case you didn't get the picture about loving her, the game will remind you of this duty at every possible moment. All the other characters love her, why don't you? In fact, they will insist on reminding you. Whenever this character is on-screen the only topic of discussion is about how CUTE and PERFECT she is. This includes the MC. This includes the MC in other girl's routes.
>And she's also, like, super weak! You need to feel sorry for her because she's the perpetual underdog! It's very moe and CUTE and PERFECT!
>But she's not actually weak, though! She has a kit full of HA HA I WIN NOW powers that let her regularly beat up the strongest people in the universe! But she's still the underdog, love her!
Jayden Fisher
Stay mad umu
Elijah Sanchez
I got a white and red umu in 2 tickets so I guess she alright in my book
Kevin Gomez
Connor Smith
>be italian
>get dumbass shitty saber clone instead of some other cute waifu from other countries
Nero a shit
Bentley Long
Where my kiaracultists at?
Caleb Miller
Why is she so smug?
Liam Moore
Saved for whenever I need to remind myself about the parts of Fate I don't like.
Jordan Gomez
Angel Baker
>Fate CCC translation officially halted in favor of other projects
Not that it was going anywhere, being in the hands of a group that was handling like 5+ other projects and never releases anything.
Leo Roberts
Fuck off worst fox
Luis Barnes
she looks like she chews cum
Luis Turner
Reminds me of the faggots who were in charge of SMT: if... translation.
Oliver Flores
>literally who from gachashit
Bentley Morales
What did they do to Sakura?
Gatchashit was a mistake
Tyler Cooper
>No Julius Caesar
>No Marcus Aurelius
>No Dante Alighieri
>No da Vinci
>No Mussolini
Too bad huh
Luis Gray
I want mommy to step/sit on me and call me pathetic.
Jack King
B.B is unironically 10x times better then wormwhore
Juan Ortiz
>No da Vinci
I forgot about her to be honest, but she looks like she fucks French people
Samuel Morris
She predates GO. Look up Fate/Extra.
Christopher Carter
>type moon announces a new game studio
>literally named after BB
Extra/CCC remasters should be announced within a year or so
Landon Lee
Based secondary retard
Anthony Rogers
It's exactly the same people in charge of SMT:if, actually. They dropped everything in order to work with another team to finish the work on the first Sakura Wars. The other team is doing Saturn version and they are doing the PC port.
John Mitchell
I want mo-san to amazon press me
Asher Robinson
>Now shut up and roll!
Nero predates that phase by like a decade, mate.
Isaiah Morales
I just came off FSN and HA, I was looking up videos of Extra to decide if it was worth the time investment to play, is it normal to think that it looks like a shitty AU fanfiction? Did Nasu really write this? It looks honestly like something I'd find on AO3 or
Jack Murphy
Nobody gives a shit about Nero's games or anime. She's only relevant because of FGO.
Hunter Turner
Every Fate spin off is "AU fanfiction". Same for Apocrypha and Grand Order. Doesn't stop them being fun.
David Lopez
Extraverse is terrible garbage. Everything decent about the setting and premise of FSN is thrown out and only the dumbass high school tier drama is kept.
One day I would love to see a Fate/ title where 7 competent mages are chosen as masters and summon 7 servants and 6 of them die at regular intervals throughout an anime season while showcasing the complex rules and hierarchy of magics and sorceries.
Hudson Diaz
Don't mind me, just posting best extraverse character with objectively best route.
Thomas Young
It's not worth your time. FSN, HA, and Zero are all you need, everything after them is hot garbage.
Henry Russell
If you want to learn about the setting, watch Case Files.
If you want the most straightforward, boring Grail War possible then tough shit. The entire point is that shit gets fucked up.
Thomas Rivera
>dude what if Attila the Hun was a cute girl and also an ayylmao and also had absolutely nothing to do with Attila the Hun in the slightest this is a donut steel masquerading as Attila the Hun
Complete waste of a historical figure
Cooper Harris
I want to see an OVA on how badly Marisbilly fucked everyone up with Solomon in his grail war
Bentley Garcia
Nero has been absurdly popular since the release of Extra. She's gotten loads of fanart and shit for years before FGO was even a thing.
Justin Sanchez
Whore of Babylon
Landon Lewis
Alexander Brown
you should play it just to laugh at how fucking retarded the main villian is and how he comes out of nowhere, infodumps for 30 minutes and then dies
Seriously, anyone who thinks Extra is in any way close to SN and HA quality is retarded
Don't bother, CCC is an even worse extra with worse characters and story
All servants except Karna and Gawain are ignored in favor of Sakurafaces which are all shit characters
All male masters are killed off so your selfinsert MC can have an even bigger harem
Most of the characters in the game are in love with the selfinsert, and I'm talking around 70%
William Hernandez
>straightforward is boring
There is more than enough room for interesting strategy and cool fight scenes without breaking all the rules and tropes, which aren't even really rules since they are never ever the rule and always marred by exception.
Ryan Roberts
>donut steel masquerading as
So literally every servant except actual OC like Emiya?
Hudson Evans
based umuchads
Ryan Rivera
Her "character" is being a moe kuudere.
Jayden Sullivan
I've been reading Foxtail lately, and I gotta say that it's fucking stupid as shit. Even by Fate standards it's fucking stupid as shit. Is the original CCC really like this?
Alexander Collins
Please BB-sama laugh at my small dick!
Ryan Ramirez
I like it.
Charles Gomez
No. Foxtail is just JK masturbation. Everything in it exists to make Suzaku look amazing and beautiful and all powerful. It gets really boring after a while.
CCC is easily the most depressing one of all the Extraverse entries. It makes you feel like the entire situation is absolutely hopeless, as if nothing you do can even change anything, and even in the end all you can really hope for is a very bittersweet conclusion
Blake Rodriguez
Elijah Myers
I want bb to bb me
Lucas Flores
I have the best test out of everyone in this thread and you cannot prove otherwise
Joshua Cook
It's worse