>i'd rather commit sudoku than keep playing this game
>thay is why i give it a 80%
when did you realize that he was a sellout?
>i'd rather commit sudoku than keep playing this game
>thay is why i give it a 80%
when did you realize that he was a sellout?
Other urls found in this thread:
He hasn't been worth a sub in 5 years and his shitty podcast was only good for introducing the world to based Kaya
A long fucking time ago, dude, where the fuck have you been? He was pretty open about it.
>when did you realize that he was a sellout?
Cr1tikal has become the comfort food of YouTube for me. He's not very good anymore, but I never mind when his videos pop up.
2019 Guy was a pleasant surprise, but I know effort like that is gonna be rare.
>always talks about getting his peepee sucked and having loads of sex in his videos
>identity leaks
>hes a generic manlet mutt with bad facial hair
This kid? sounds like he's trying way too hard to pull off the faux monptone and apathetic voice.
It's happening again.
Just go watch stevemre videos. They are comfy and informative, and even better when there's a hiss
2019 Guy was the only content he put out in years that I liked
Spoony is making the movie so cut him some slack off
The game is trash. Any game where I can get an "legendary" item with a 0.5% drop rate, then 5 missions later get common weapons that outclass it in every way is a trash game.
I already do. His upload schedule has big gaps, but I watch all of it when I can.
Kaya is the worst of them. He's an alcoholic and he thinks its funny to have a personality like Yea Forums. The shit we say here is a joke, he seems to think its funny to have Yea Forums as a personality.
MREs are boring as fuck and the more the Yea Forums mentions this fucker the more I dislike him
How come e-celebs just become completely horseshit when they reach their late 20's-early 30's? Is there a word for this phenomenon?
I fucking hate this leftist faggot.
>Let's put this set on to a tray
>Nice, mmm'kay
Just watched it, the reasoning is he personally doesn't care for Borderlands after playing 1 and 2 extensively simply because it was the ideal co-op game with his friends at the time, and that despite that he thinks 3 is good in terms of gameplay, world design etc. The only thing he doesn't like is the writing and humour or anything tied to that (story quests that are dialogue heavy).
OP, please provide meaningful context so that people can discuss the reviewers opinions on the game and not discuss the reviewer themselves.
>tfw realize I've been subbed to him for like four years
>haven't watched a single video since he started making content that wasn't just commentary over shitty bootlegs
It's called growing up. They're people before they were celebrities.
>The shit we say here is a joke
>when did you realize that he was a sellout?
the day he revealed his name and face
>the shit we say here
>when did you realize that he was a sellout?
When he showed his face.
God this game is so fucking hideous.
Been here since 2007, love Yea Forums but no one actually goes around outside screaming "NIGGERS COOMBRAIN ASIAN MASCULINITY ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES NORMALFAGS CONSOLE WAR WOJAAACK"
YEs, Yea Forums isn't a person or an entity, it's a bunch of users posting shit. Just like reply to me or your mum will die in her sleep tonight
No, but they think it.
You know they do.
Why is it that youtubers turn to shit almost immediately after they get a camera?
OnlyUseMeBlade is a hero of the people and the only eceleb that can rival DSP
Sounds like growing up sucks.
His Blockbuster video and 2019 guy were pretty good
Get older, start getting bills to pay/kids to take care of, so what was once something they did for fun becomes something they do for the paycheck.
I live in Orlando and I always wondered if I went to Tampa if I would run into him but it turns out he accidentally doxxed his house address and I could literally just drive there lmao.
This when he stopped using the fish tank it was all over
If I could legally shoot anyone.
Since the face reveal
gotta admit, made me laugh
You're not missing anything. It's all "Me playing with my puppy while my gf records it in my nice house". He was way more entertaining when he was just some depressed guy with a robotic voice playing shitty Russian games who you knew nothing about.
>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
>still has a gf
Bet that stings.
The hi/v/emind is real though. Not everyone is part of it but you see tons of opinions parroted and when you ask them why they think that way they either don't respond or have no arguments
Fellas may you not worry about this man, and his stupid bullshit.
Yep I'm sure I unsubbed shortly after that. His attempts at voice acting also kinda ruined him as he'd force a voice in some videos and it just didn't work for me.
His Soul Calibur streams/clips were pretty good.
>Curse with 100 illusion
The only complaint he had about it was really the dialogue, other than that he said the game was great. that seems like an appropriate score, the meme tier writing isn't the only aspect of the game
thanks for the dolphon porn
Not really, it's the writing, graphics and gameplay that makes it bad shitposter-kun.
t. opens the epic store every week to get free games
>Story dialog and shit is shit
>Makes me personally not wan't to play
>But you can ignore that
>When I ignore it I find fun gameplay
>I give it 8 because gameplay is good
OP you fucking retard it's perfectly explained.
Iirc there's a set quality in the legendary pool. Some are just complete shit from the get go and are nothing more than glorified purples. Some others either scale ridiculously well or do something retarded enough to warrant keeping them around for a good while. I've had several legendaries stick in my inventory for 5+ levels because of that.
What makes it bad is humor and writing from 2009 in 2019 LIKE BROOOOOOOOO COME ON!? YOU TELLING ME YOU ENJOOOOY THIS BROOOO!!! WOOOOWW!!!!! SO RANDOM HUHHHHH
Just watched it, there is nothing outrageous about this review
He like the gameplay, world design, the bosses
Hate the story/writing and the way the main quests work.
80% is fair since it's a game aka the gameplay is the most important part
Pretty much this. Charlie is kind of just not an entertaining person and it's more appropriate to know him as that one guy who never says anything funny on that podcast with Kaya and Andrew. Surprised people still watch his shitty content.
don't lie, he also talked about how the game forces you to wait several minutes until the npcs open the door the for you, he literally makes it sound like pre-sequel 2.0
no you for you you disgusting incel :)
He pretty much died with the face reveal.
Now he just panders to the ironic normalfag crowd.
So it is as good as the last two.
If it didn't have nearly as many technical issues across all platforms, it would honestly be better than 2 and TPS gameplay-wise. I'm just surprised they somehow wrote a shitter, more obnoxious story and set of characters than fucking TPS of all games.
I suppose
He looks so fucking weird wtf is it? He kinda looks like a skinny girl with pubes glued to her face. Does this not bother anyone else?
>one of the chillest channels
>face reveal
>he starts shitting on e-celebs and the way they act
>becomes just like them
Games for this feel?
he moment he revealed his face. This always signifies a sharp decline in quality, which he proved when he became just another reaction whore like the rest of YouTube.
>All these charities I was "donating" my YouTube bux to are scams but I swear I'm not using the YouTube money I have no excuse to still be receiving anymore.
It was even worse recently when a bunch of dumbshit Australian shitposters proved to be smarter than him.
>the Yea Forums
who do you work for?
So, attractive?
>caring and shilling for ecelebs
commit suicide OP
It bothers me, which is why I don't know who he is or watch his shit.
Actually its a singer
You tell me faggot
no fuck way those are his legs
I'm buying the game because of him. I don't even like him but he made some good points and now I'm buying the game. Thanks Charlie brotherman I'll see you in the afterlife in the pits of hell my dudes.
I don't watch him either but I see him posted on Yea Forums constantly.
Jesus christ
Well, not all of them
Hahaha what the fuck
Never thought I'd see so much autism over an eceleb in one thread.
>wahhh he not doin the thing I like!
Little vinesauce fella
>fuck poop shit dick cock balls poopy lol
Why do people think he is funny at all?
he's a manchild that has outgrown his ability to live in his parents house and call people out on their bullshit without looking like a hypocrite
Yeah its "as good" as the pre sequel and 2
Yeah he isn't doing the thing that he's most famous for and has become like every other dickhead Youtuber reacting to and reviewing things.
Can one not highly rate a game and still not like it? I don't like Atelier but I still think it's a competent JRPG.
>the shit we say here is a joke
Still hoping that Eggcam isn't gonna start to ruin based Canadian.
And what's wrong with that, faggot?
This is as closed as it gets coming close to the old content.
I mean, when I call you guys incels I don't actually expect you to be virgins. That would be ridiculous haha.
Is this the guy that's going to get dunked on by robots ON STREAM?
Don't mind me. I'll be over here not selling out.
3 whole inch lifts
die teen
well he is also not funny
>he can't enjoy decadent coffee
Look at this fag
This motivated me to shave.
>his channel went from funny obscure short videos to him bitching endlessly
Fuck's sake.
Definitely has the gym rat physique. All upper body and no legs.
Your parents must have given you a double dose of vaccines
No, he's never lost a fight in videogames, ever, okay?
5,4 isn't that small, c-can you not?
>ignore what the entire game throws at you any time you do anything
They may no longer feel comfortable, or have sold out to a metaphorical man by doing what's popular.
Being old news, dated, too much repetition, etc.
so basically play the game blind and deaf and you'll have fun?
cause that story and dialog is shoved down your throat thru the entire game.
You need to shave regularly to get your beard in, or wax it and have gay sex
I'd check out his friends at this point.
>watched him religiously
>looked forwards to his videos every time he would upload every 2 months
>face reveal
>content started derailing
God I wish I was still wondering if he was a fat neck beard
the only eceleb mentioned in this entire thread that i know is spooney
he's kind of sold out in terms of bowing to the demands of his shitty fanbase, but he still seems relatively happy. havent watched his streams in a while though. if i go to long consistently watching people i tend to get permanently ruined on their brand of humor. i felt myself not laughing as hard at his current shit and deduced that since nothing too major has changed in his humor (Except more le funny voices) it's probably burnout.
he started pumping out videos daily
I always imagined him as a 6'10 musclefat (slightly more towards muscle) with blonde hair, a trucker hat, a huge beard, and a thousand yard stare. Needless to say I have never been as disappointed with something completely unintrusive to my life story than that.
Hes a lanklet pale neckbeard
holy shit this
audience burnout is a real thing that happens and if you give people too much of what they want too often they'll get tired of you
not a coincidence the channels that have sustained favorable viewership numbers over years, some even more than a decade, are the ones who usually put out 1 video a week or even less
When will we get an /eceleb/ board so we can drive the zoomers out from Yea Forums?
I mean thats clearly wrong judging by the algorithm
I'm glad Jerma was able to get a camera powerful enough for us to see his small body
is Shammy dead
Have sex
I fucking hate how podcasts became a fad for Youtubers. Every fucking person has a podcast now and nearly all of them fucking suck.
Requires no effort, usually runs out of steam quickly and is so easy to make that you'll have nearly 200+ episodes to deal with.
gonna have to stop you right there
people have been making e-celeb threads since Yea Forums was created. Take your uneducated ass out of here.
Ross from freeman's mind became arguably better after the face reveal, but mostly because he shows his face only when it is necessary.
he went to shit at about when he started with that podcast puke and face reveal
podcasts are shitty talk shows that are made shitter by not having any direction or keeping to a time table
Both of you, stop. This isn't Yea Forums, lets be better than that turd of a board.
Never compare my darling Ross to sh1tical again
I'm forever irked by a moment from the podcast where Charlie and Andrew were talking really condescending to Jackson for thinking dinosaurs are cool.
They were trying to argue the objective definition of "cool" and explaining that dinosaurs don't fit their description therefore you are wrong for thinking dinosaurs are cool.
That was irritating to listen to, dinosaurs are rad af btw, and it made me notice how much Andrew tries to be funny and ends up being a prick
its not. take danisnotonfire. at most, he would sometimes put out a video once a week. he doesnt get the highest views, but his viewerbase is still as big as it was in 2013. he still gets the same numbers. meanwhile guys like uberhaxornova used to get high views but gets hardly anything now despite him constantly putting videos out, and nothing's changed.
getting the same 200,000 people to come back and watch your videos every 2 weeks for 10 years is way better than having 3 million people watch your videos for a year and that number dropping to under 50k 2 years later
Who the fuck doesn't think dinosaurs are cool? Fucking gaylords, that's who.
Can you skip the dialogue in 3? Bad humor is 9999x shittier when it's rubbed in your face over and over and refuses to be ignored
Reminds me of when yahtzee and gabe had that autistic argument about the definition of game of the year
This. He sold out years ago by advertising on tumblr/reddit and then later having the channel split and moving to twitch, killing off the chatango, and being flooded by kids who just parrot memes back at him 24/7.
Yes, just ignore it and play the fucking game.
You can do this in many games.
He had so much fun with the game that he didn't find the cringe dialog enough of a downside to put the score below 8, and as we know in with today's standards, anything below 8 is unplayable.
I played borderlands 2 and didn't even know what the fuck was going on, because I didn't care and it was ok.
Personally I don't like borderlands and I will not play it, but I understand why people like it, pretty much what he said in the video.
What else do you wan't, because you get triggered when you hear shit dialog he should give it a 5?
yeah straight up
their definition of cool is like, smoking cigarettes, and doing gnarly skateboard tricks, it was a fucking retarded argument probably meant as filler to get to the first sponsored segment
he was 100 percent better when he was suffering from depresjon
It was all downhill after his face reveal. I guess it was pretty funny to see him devolve into other e-celebs he disliked.
>people point out his new content is shit
>puts out a whole video saying I'M HAPPY NOW I'M NOT DEPRESSED FUCK YOU IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT
I mean, he basically said if you like his older content then fuck you. Dunno how this msssive flag went under yalls radar.
>Borderlands humor is shit
I actually agree with him. Only people who laugh at this shit is fucking teenagers
So is nick just done with the nlss crew or what? He's not even following them on twitter anymore
>fuck you if you like my older content
>older content is more funny
>no shitty cam
>no pumping out shitty videos everyday
Wow Charlie it’s almost like you’re exactly like the people you made fun of
die zoomer
Of course not, they barely do anything outside at all. The personality they show off when they are forced to interact with normies is the mask and what they spout off on here is their true selves.
We don't have normal lives, our 'real lives' are in this inescapable hellpit.
when he stopped playing shitty games and gre his hair out
>when his videos pop up
you make this sound like it's unexpected but he puts out like 3 videos a day
Ross looks like a weirdo, and so I relate to him more than I ever did with any other Youtuber.
so who the fuck is this penguinz0 guy? is he like a role-model for discord lurking zoomers with anime profile pics?
Those Royal Rumble videos or whatever it was that he used to do with Cow Man and Beef Testosterone were pretty comfy.
When he became the faggot youtubers that he claims to be hate. Every moist meter can be boiled down to "if people like it, it gets a good score." Also him being on the secret City of Heroes server and acting like the game was lost to time was a really gay thing to do.
Watch Jerma Rumble
Nah that would be that demo-whatever his name is guy.
At least that shit was at least entertaining.
God, I miss LDO.
Oh, another e-celeb thread.
take your eceleb bullshit to reddit
kill yourself randy
how does anyone tolerate this retard past the age of 11? legitimate question. i refuse to believe the "adults" on this board haven't outgrown his humor yet.
comment on the piss video
>2011 Cr1tikal: I don't feel comfortable showing my face on camera
>2019 Cr1tikal: here's a video of me taking a piss
..and that's pretty true
I was disappointed when he moved from goodhearted nerdy stuff to trashy..
>"Im inappropriate = im fun"
>let's talk about penises and the joys of my rectum
Kill yourself incel, you have a higher probability of getting tricked by your incel "friends" to play the game together than I, a smart smarty pants, ever would. It's because you are weak and unable to be objective and make your own decisions.
Reading is hard for you, but imagine being so stupid that even understanding what happens in a video is too hard for you.
Fucking trash human being, don't play BL, please, oh wait, you are stupid so it doesn't matter. You are the audience.
Paid shill
>Is there a word for this phenomenon?
Yes, the "not being Ross Scott" phenomenon.
All the people sucking his dick saying how sexy and good looking he was got to his head
Holy fuck i thought my legs were bad and i barely leave the house already i would be fucking scared they break
Is there any reason to play Borderlands 2 for the gun play over Remnant: From the Ashes?
Why must you guys always move to extremes. Just like Dunkey they're guys that can be funny, but they're mostly normies who love normie crap. Talk to any normal gamer and ask them what they think of Borderlands and they'll say "It's fun with friends" or something like that and that's essentially the meat and potatoes of their ability to dissect the game when you remove the fluff like "the graphics look good and the gameplay is solid" or whatever.
you can always go back to r*ddit
burnout + realization they're shit they usually lose their old userbase aswell because they move on. at that point we can wait and get some /cow/miking going
This can't be real. I am auschwitz mode, don't go to the gym and even my legs aren't that skinny
preach brother
Where were you when you realized people put videos on youtube for money and not for the love of lets plays?
He was never funny.
and? retard argument next
>when did you realize that he was a sellout?
when he showed his face, oddly.
he's handsome like markiplier, but he's such a fucking retard. Has he been growing in popularity?
everybody was paid to talk wonders about this shit a la black ops
Kaya is a fucking drain. When John Wick 3 was coming out Charlie and Andrew were skeptical about the quality while Kaya just REEE'd over how it's feminist trash now because Halle Barry was in it for 15 minutes based on a photo.
>Spends most of his DMC5 video going "CHARACTERS BAD, WRITING BAD"
>Defends the reboot at the beginning by saying "It's a good game, and you shouldn't take it seriously, because if you don't, it's good"
>make funny video
>confuse the fact its funny and popular with YOU being funny and popular
>take yourself too seriously
>end game is a lot of bored and disinterested people who wasted their money and an idiot with a self inflated sense of importance
Why does he sound as if he is suffering from brain damage?
Shitty penisfart cumball humor youtuber disapproves of shitty cockshit assblast humor, cool man.
Also, top meme about him saying he never got into borderlands and then immediately talks about how much he likes and all his clips are >level 20.
Maybe he should go back to saying verb+genitalia jokes over buggy games
I don't, because I'm not a fucking spastic.
Cr1TiKaL is such a faggot holy shit
also ugly
Its not Cr1tiKaL its ProZD
>I make baseless assumptions on a film's quality based on one pic of a femoid
I'm of the opinion that in order to browse this site, you have to be completely contrarian and skeptical of everything you see otherwise you'll end up like the scum that repeat the same joke ad nausem for months on end
Games that make me think bad! fun games good!
why is this tho, i literally avoid my legs and they are massive, more so than upper body. always have been, always will be. compensated by working upper body for years and yeah I look good but my legs are still huuuge. genetics are a bitch... i fucking hate em
i'm still mad he dropped youtube for twitch but he's still funny
Big legs and thighs are a blessing from the Gods and a sign that you were meant for dick
i don't even know the context t.bh just shitposting with what google is giving me
He didn't sell out, he is just a pussy, too afraid to voice any controversial opinion, given the current climate, I kinda understand him tho.
I thought we had passed the everyone that doesn't agree with me is a sellout thing
Based ngl
His best content was always him playing horror games and not taking them seriously
I want him to come inside me
Yea Forums lives in extremes
not sure how you're aiming that but i'm a dude. struggling to accept what you say, thanks for the comment anyway
>Makes fun of people for wearing baseball caps to appear younger
>Grows his hair out and wears hats every single video now
Just be glad you arent
because we have standards that must be upheld, we dont want to end up like reddit casual normalfags thatt like and shill shit for vague non-reasons like "its good" "its fun" "its fun with friends" or the classic "i enjoyed it"
>le rebbit boggey-man
Cr1tikal has been an unfunny virtue signalling Redditcore faggot for quite a while now. Every so often he throws him some shit about climate change or gun control just to make his unfunny rants less entertaining. He's quite literally just bearded Leafy nowadays.
>because we have standards that must be upheld
do you walk everywhere?
He's everything he made fun of in the past, knows it, and gets upset and tries to make his fans feel bad when they point it out. I love how he said he always didn't give a fuck and that his good content was shat out with no effort put into it, but now thinks that uploading Twitch clips of him watching videos on YouTube without any effort is quality content. No Charlie, not every channel that covers something is a reaction channel. They put time and effort into things, and despite what you think you did in fact put both into content previously.
lmao what. he's a manlet babyface with messy hair and eyebrows.
Mad cunt.
>Almost all the classic gaming and animation YouTube channels go down the same path of doing shitty reaction videos and streaming videos
>All except for Chuggaconroy, who still does planned let’s plays with each episode being something informal about the game he’s playing
What went so right for chugga?
>completly wrong reaction pic
>lot's of babbeling no substance
yup shill
ross is wholesome and makes content for everyone to enjoy never compare him to these fucks again
And he does manchild things with his dad like converting chairs to race cars like the suburban normalfag he is.
>because we have standards that must be upheld
>feeling the need to defend another website
just leave
A boring, trite opinion that hasn't been thought out in any way shouldnt be getting 500k views
Words have meanings, retard. You don't just use them to label people you dislike
>hahaha he said moist what a gross and wild word look at how he talks about random obscenities like they're a common thing!
He is literally "lul so randumb xD" the youtuber
>He's quite literally just bearded Leafy nowadays.
thats a pretty good descriptor
He very clearly just hops on whatever is deemed the popular or correct theory like every other bandwagon leftist without doing any research
>that period of time when people were unironically leaving comments about how impressively broad his vocabulary is
>Get rekt
Still no argument, yep, retard
>when did you realize that he was a sellout?
When he had a campaign against Twitch and generic "douchetubers", then continued to stream on Twitch and became a generic "douchetuber".
>it's real
He probably shouldn't wear shorts. Also is he quarter-asian or something?
People over 20 who wear hats constantly are balding. He's covering a receding hairline.
>shouldnt be getting 500k views
That's exactly WHY it's getting 500k views buddy. It's boring, trite and safe. People like safe.
Those Mexican genes have not been kind
What upper body?
He's done - dude can barely keep his own streaming schedule for longer than a month or two letting alone start showing up for the NLSS again. I doubt he'll ever make it official because the dude clearly hates confrontation (remember when it was just 'taking a break' from the show?).
he'll get views no matter what he does but i really did prefer his old stuff. i hate when he mocks people who liked his old vids saying "i put no effort into those, i didn't script them, i was just stringing words together to get videos out regularly" yadda yadda, meanwhile his new videos are not even funny, it's like twitch clips mixed with awful facecam he puts less than zero effort into
I am so sick of that exact room, unchanged, at that exact angle, and he's always wearing the same fucking clothes even. there is nothing to chew on visually, there is no production value whatsoever
If his old videos were supposedly "no effort" then he's putting in even less effort than that now.
It's possible, he is also wearing his hair down, showing bangs instead of pulling it back. I sometimes do this when I don't want to show my receeding hairline.
seriously pretty much all he has going for him is that people like his voice and because he's young his fans want to have sex with him
Nope. Cant skip anything. And the banter is constant
no more than the regular joe. sit on ass all day thinking legs would get smaller. tried boxing due to meme legs they have, can't figure it out.
sometimes it's fun, pullin shorts up to nipples for a laugh n shit
Lets be fair here, the scene when he is in the shower is distorted and stretched vertically
>why I don't play shit games anymore
>plays bazingalands
was gonna say, i've been following jerma more recently and it's like night and day between these two.
jerma never seems to do the same thing twice. he somehow does funny and entertaining 12 hour streams and still puts out well-edited videos on youtube at the same time. he's one of the most committed and active creators as far as i can tell.
meanwhile critikal hasn't evolved his content AT ALL despite having a ton of subs. moist meter is so shallow as a review show, his scores don't even make sense half the time and he never reviews anything non-mainstream. i guess depression made him funnier back then, which is weird.
pretty much only subbed to him at this point to watch for new parody dubs of infomercials, in the rare blue moon occasion he even bothers anymore
>The shit we say here is a joke, he seems to think its funny to have Yea Forums as a personality.
he doesn't know
>tfw you sound like cr1tikal
I've gotten mistaken for being him many times
He said he liked the game overall. He just hated the dialogue. Not saying I agree with him but his score seems to be consistent with how he feels about the game. Stay mad, faggot
his second channel is basically the same as what his 1st channel used to be. theres very little twitch faggotry in those videos
the dubbed infomercial videos are extremely funny, his kickstarter mocking vids were also good. it was as soon as he became reliant on people just looking at his facecam instead of needing to do editing or scripting that his channel became kinda pointless.
i preferred when all i had was his voice, when you put a face to it his voice stops being funny, which was his main asset
When projared btfo and he had to hide his video in shame also should never talked about it in the first place since they had ross on the podcast bad taste
>critikal podcasts put me to sleep because they're so boring and low energy
>supermega podcasts constantly talking about dicks and piss
i just want a podcast that i wouldn't mind playing with friends around
NGL I expected him to give it like a 60% at most since his praise for the game was such a small part of the video. he goes on about the shit writing and how agonizing it was to suffer through it for the whole game, then gives it 80?? he's basically implying the BL3 gunplay is SO FUN that it puts the game in the 80% range despite the characters, story, and writing all making him want to eat a shotgun
He was funnier when he was depressed
What high standard do you have? I bet you are kid who barely goes outside.
Yea Forums has always been worse than Yea Forums. Yea Forums is the worst board on 4channel by far.
>I've gotten mistaken for being him many times
No you haven't.
milk it, make people pay you for some voicelines or some shit
>Yea Forums has always been worse than Yea Forums
Fuck maybe I'm not a lanklet after all, I'm tall and slim but I have way more meat on my legs than this skeletor looking motherfucker. I can't imagine a worse curse than being a nitro manlet and also not even stocky.
nigga looks like crash from crash of the titans
what i dont like about borderlands 3 and borderlands in general is how uneventful levelling up feels. it takes a long time before you start feeling the difference in gameplay with your build in my experience. its really easy to tune out the dialogue, and its easier to just laugh at its expense. borderlands 3 is borderlands at its most cliche. how can you not roll your eyes at lilith's character intro?
>listen to his podcast just so I have something to listen to while at work
>realise real quick that the euro sounding dude and the brit are the only real tolerable dudes
>Charlie and the other guy are just both massive attention whores
Anyone have some podcast recommendations so I can replace them over Charlie's boring shit
>A board that posts actual risque images of real life little girls and has threads about wanting to fuck cunny daily
>Better than any other board on this website except Yea Forums
kys pedo
listen to redlettermedia's stuff. it's not a podcast but it's really fucking good background noise
half in the bag is great, and best of the worst is real good too
everyone is genuinely funny with the exception of jack and josh, but they're at least tolerable
>The shit we say here is a joke
Yeah, that's what I tell my friends too.
Yeah, fuck you. All he does these days is spout memes and play meme games to cater his
retarded underage audience.
Andrew's a pretty funny dude, especially when it comes to improvisation.
is this what people think Yea Forums is
wait until you...
in all fairness it apparently helped him get over is OCD
i don't like him either but i can at least sit through his garble
everyone else can compensate for him at least. episodes with both jack and josh i can't fucking deal with though
Funnily enough, I had used their Black Spine episode as some white noise towards the end of my shift yesterday. Thanks, user
if you do best of the worst go through them chronologically, otherwise you'll miss references to previous episodes
plus it's fun to see how the series evolves as time goes on.
Yes I have faggot
No mic, plus I'm lazy
>Actually enjoy the SoulCalibur 6 shit a lot
>his fans make some cool shit and it's a good time even if I don't know what they made is referencing
>he makes like 4 characters in the span of a few months compared to fans making shit nearly every week, going so far as to mod the game
>he cancels it because "creations were getting too obscure" and there was "too much weeb shit"
>keeps saying shit like "Jojo is an obscure weeb show, nobody will understand if you make the characters"
I actually like the dude but come the fuck on
>converting chairs to race cars
that sounds awesome
>reddit letter memedia
>has never visited /ck/
>used to like his short low effort videos
>find out he streams on twitch and go check it out
>literally just watches whatever shitty youtube vids chat tells him too
Is there a more creatively bankrupt person?
how bad is /ck/ besides the ja/ck/ posting?
I have too, it's fucking ridiculous, anyone with a low monotone voice gets mistaken for that fuckface.
For all the people who ripped on leafy it's funny how they all turned into leafy
Except legendaries drop every 2 seconds now and last way longer.
because he only turns on the camera for an actual reason. he actually finds it weird people want to look at someone's face when they play video games. he does it for skits.
Yea Forums is the actual worst.
Fuck you, /ck/ is a godsend of a board.
I wish Ross didn't spend 2-3h every week talking about nonsense when he could be making game dungeons instead.
This guy is good but his stream mods are the worst gaggle of literal trannies possible. If his channel goes down it's going to be because of them.
It's funny because he wanted to be a VA and in a couple of videos he's tried to do voices for examples or something and he's just awful.
>the worst gaggle of literal trannies
They sound like me.
>Steamcels are seething that the game is doing well
Based Randy does it again
That's right about when I unsubbed too
I think it has less to do with age and more to do with how long they'e been doing it.
I remember him saying he wanted to be a VA.
It's like yes dude there's totally a huge demand for people who can do a single voice.
>asked him on a stream if he ever did any practice for being a VA
>says no as if that was a ridiculous question
Based dino chad
It's just that e-celebs aren't real celebrities, and most of their character is not just a person playing a role but as a genuine friend of the audience. Depending on your investment in them they will appear to be either:
>That friend that never grew up
>That friend that changed so much that you don't like them anymore
>That friend that's your best friend because you like the same stuff and "hang out" all the time and have similar opinions
And any celebs you like will be the third but will slowly turn into one of the first two since your lives aren't actually influenced by each other's company.
my voice get mistaken for KSI at times
>tfw I stream every other day or so
>no facecam, just mic and the game
>interact very well with the extremely few people who may or may not watch
>try to remain informed on the game (unless its my first time playing it)
I don't mind the low viewercount. Sure I wish I had more people talking and asking stuff but overall, if I can net one or two viewers per stream, that's good. It means someone might care, or it means bots are following me for no good reason.
This week I finished Alpha Protocol. I'm doing Stellaris later today.
I would be offended, I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a nigger
Yea Forums is fine outside of autistic rwbyfags and SU shit
How hard is it to pop a hundred squats a day.
Why did they get worse?
>most of their character is not just a person playing a role but as a genuine friend of the audienc
wew, zoomers here actually think the people you're watching are your friend? lmao
Don't ask anything regarding cooking something different or having different taste.
They were never good
i don't know who kaya is but anyone whose personality boils down to "i use Yea Forums" is a complete faggot. go >imply my dick, fags
I mean how different is that from the radio casters or TV stars of old? They were always people you relate to or people you want to fuck.
so you're a faggot right?
sounds like Yea Forums gamerfuel threads
You cant get worse than garbage
How long has it been, 4 years?
I didn't believe the people I've never interacted with and only view on TV or hear on Radio are my friends you fucking gay retard
much worse.
Saying you like steak well done with sauce still sets the place on fire.
I see. Just took me a while to realise they were garbage
But a lot of people did. You've never listened to a radio show with frequent callers or a host that constantly talks about how much he cares for his audience? Modern e-celebs are an extension of that.
I don't mean (you) retard, I mean the general audience. Think how many movie mags there are of people obsessing over the lives of whatever movie star, or hell just some random people on Instagram. It's always been like this
no, you
>Super Mega
More like "Super Boring" I watched one episode of them playing Mario 64 and they were the most unengaging uncharismatic normalfags ever.
It's like a Reddit cooking board except nobody there can cook and everyone is a Applebee's slop cook posing as Gordon Ramsey. It's the fucking worst but I still visit it.
He was only good for playing shitty games with a monotone, deadpan delivery. Everything else he does is garbage, especially moist meter.
usually a board's quality is inversely related to its speed, /ck/ stands out as being a trash quality board like Yea Forums except it's not even that fast. it's pretty impressive
>Yes I have faggot
I seriously doubt it. How many people irl do you even know who watch him? I had one friend who showed me his videos years ago. Even my roommate who browses reddit and knows all the hot youtube gaming stuff didn't know who he was until I asked.
I can't accept that he is 16-17 in this video
He's had one before in the early nlss days and it was fine.
>Looks like a skinny girl
All the anime you consumed has turned you gay
/m/ is the only board worth visiting anymore imho. It's slow and comfy, the userbase seems older, or at least more knowledgable about it's medium than the rest of this site, and blatant shitposts usually get ignored unless somebody needs to reeee over TTGL.
He mainly streams then takes clips from his streams. He not really a youtuber anymore.
I was referring to playing online dumbass, not in real life. I would play a game like TF2 and people would ask me if I'm Cr1tikal and usually I would fuck with them for a bit until I told them I wasn't
wow! nice youtube comment bro!
>Upper body
You need your fucking eyes checked.
Dude stop fucking shilling this dead man, I’m not gonna watch a video of some dude eating old food and acting like it’s enjoyable to watch. Get a life and make some friends and watch them eat shitty food you dumb faggot
lmao just lmao as they on that cancer board
There is no “we” on Yea Forums dumbass redditor
Sadly he blames it on his anxiety, he was a cool guy but i heard he kinda snapped at Ryabs fans or something along the lines of that
>mfw every person i watch is someone Yea Forums hates
>don't listen to the podcast because I don't care
>his vids and streams are still entertaining
I just don't care about moist meter anymore because he started doing more mainstream shit when it used to be obscure shit that he'd review.
Iv'e been meaning to make my own critical analysis of random games. What are my chances of getting an audience? (im gonna make long videos discussing if a game is objectivity high or low quality) I already have the assets for an intro and outro
Critikal is in his mid 20’s. He just turned 25 last month I think.
>Dude stop fucking shilling this dead man, I’m not gonna watch a video of some dude eating old food and acting like it’s enjoyable to watch. Get a life and make some friends and watch them eat shitty food you dumb faggot
Not a girl but an absolute twink.
>streams are still entertaining
yeah super entertaining watching a dude watching shitty bottom of the barrel youtube vids.
as soon as he started dating tiana he became a pseudo-macho faggot. surprise surprise
Yes, I think it is very entertaining. They're fun to watch.
he basically knocked 20 points off purely because of the dialog and mission structure. that's a pretty big hit considering he really didn't complain about anything else in the game.
>game is fun but the dialogue sucks
seems like a reasonable scoring to me
furry ross?
Are you 12 or mentally underdeveloped? Serious question.
never post hot sauce s*y memes
Those are the only ones I don't care about. When he plays games, they're fun.
Show stream and timestamp
He has been for years now, ever since the face reveal
Neither, I just have a different sense of humor than you do, thus I may enjoy things you don't.
How black are you?
Well CatGhost makes it pretty clear he never did any practice.
I liked Charlie because he seemed nice and genuine. Then the City of Heroes thing happened, and it showed his true self. He's just as fake and shallow as all the other YouTubers, I haven't watched a single video of his since then.
I'm still subscribed to him, so I would be able to see how lower quality his content can become.
Haven't watched him for ages.
I know, you have a similar sense of humour to children and autistic people.
You can head back to R*ddit any time now nigger.
>I was referring to playing online dumbass
Glad you waited until I doubted it to say that, but I still don't believe you. Also
>voice chat
Talk about a mega yikes.
>the City of Heroes thing happened
What happened?
I get the feeling you only say that because you have a large ego and you believe that if people like things you don't, they must be autistic or underage.
who the fuck is we sperg
First day on Yea Forums kiddo?
Real life Flanderization
Nah I just don't understand this specific thing: getting enjoyment out of a bored, boring man watching awful youtube videos.
Back before 2015 using memes irl was considered to be the most embarrassing shit you could do. Now a lot of people here see no problem wearing a fucking pepe shirt out in public. It’s moral decay
>this comment
>Charlie’s Legs: I don’t know how much longer I can support you Charlie , I’m feeling like I can’t take much more .... I feel weak
holy fuck my sides
He's the reason the podcast sucks
I don't find him boring. The videos he watches are fun to make fun of, and the commentary he makes is great for a YouTube video in the background while I work or play a game. It's just entertaining.
Sometimes I like to turn my brain off and just watch dumb shit. What's so wrong with that?
Yeah, what happened?
Ya, Kaya stinks of incel. He's so obsessed with pedophiles, I am starting to think he is one
he's 50/50 for me. when hes in his reactive autism mood he's intolerable, but he can have his moments.
andrew is the only one who hasnt turned into a money grubbing faggot.
Oh, I see, the H3H3 effect
>The thing I hate the most in this world is corruption
>Becomes corrupted himself
What are some games with tragic heroes?
remember when this nigger said he was giving all the donations to charity. lmao
every human
He more like a potty mouth Ethan Klein with 2015 internet humour
Kaya strikes me as a Turkish version of those creepy Indian guys who demand sex on the internet
>completely unrelated reaction image
>incels in less than first 5 words
wow unironically kill yourself, randy
there's a difference between watching dumb shit and watching someone else watch dumb shit 24/7 for a living. You are literally a giggling brainlet if you get enjoyment out of something so mind numbing and lazy.
Those are some weak ass calves.
This hairy neanderthal round face faggot needs to stop appearing in my recommended lists i swear to fucking god.
I'm sorry I watch videos you don't like, user. Hopefully you can find some enjoyment from your hobbies like I can.
why are you even in this thread if you're not going to try and shill for MoistCritikal TM
I like posting on Yea Forums and sharing my opinions with others. Don't you?
I think he's an alright guy actually.
get the video blocker extension on >chrome
i think it's on firefox too but i'm not actually sure. regardless, it's worth looking into because i fucking hate seeing his shit.
plus it's nice to block niggers like prosafiagaming who spoil shit in their thumbnails.
the only youtuber I actually watch and enjoy.
shut up charlie
Imagine trying to deny it
His reviews are really shit.
>all those people hating on podcasts
Not all of us can be full time streamers or letsplayers, bros. Sometimes what matters is recording your thoughts to help you remember all the vidya you've played and anime you've seen.
Please don't be hating.
sowwy charlie
Remember when this fucker lied in front of his entire audience telling everyone he didn't have any idea about the CoH server when it exploded, and when everything was discovered he was "oh yeah...I was actually playing this server a long time ago".
I never watched this fucking greedy sellout ever again.
his movie reviews are embarrassing
>”this movie is dumb but fun I give it 70%”
every time
I'm not charlie, my podcast is not even in english. I'm just saying that sometimes doing at least one-two hours of simple recordings every week is the only thing that gives your life purpose, because it's the only stable part of your it that you can physically control. It's not about entertainment, but anchoring yourself in the world in a way that makes you think "at least I did "
I don't get this complaint, I don't know much about cr1tikal but I looked into it and from what I saw he kept it secret because the people running it told him to and he didn't want the server to be forced to shut down.
Shut up faggot and kill yourself, like the world needs more podcasts
You rambled into a microphone you fucking retard, go get a hobby that doesn't revolve around sitting infront of a screen.
Your chance of getting an audience is based on two things: Consistency and luck
Post enough shit and eventually one random thing will spark.
You probably won't get a massive following, but I've had several content-creator friends and that strategy (if you can even call it that) has worked for all of them
Why are you angry about something that you will literally never encounter?
Why are you, anonymous poster on a basket weaving korean forum is angry about something so petty to begin with?
Did you happen to look at one of the badly censored street signs in one of his IRL videos?
Tell me why they are cool.
>used to mock leafy
>is now leafy but even more pathetic somehow
jesus fuck what went SO fucking wrong
Oh cry me a river faggot
A lot of men look like shit with facial hair but refuse to shave their face because they're insecure about their jaw/chin or they think it makes them look more masculine and less feminine. It's one reason I don't grow facial hair. If people think I look weird clean shaven then I look triple weird with facial hair. I pick the lesser of two evils.
Also facial hair itches like a bitch, is sticky and uncomfortable when you get hot and start to sweat, also looks messy and unkempt unless you learn to groom it. It's not worth it. It's almost like the equivalent of a guy growing his hair long. It's a pain in the ass to manage it and style it. Hair gets everywhere. It heats up the back of your neck. It makes you look homeless, etc.
Clean shaven and short hair is the superior combo. That's why you see so many normalfags with that combo and why girls love it because it's the norm in society. Only emo girls, hipsters, and weebs like long hair. Granted some of those girls are cute if you cn find them. I love me a hot emo chick or weeb chick.
Jesus Christ. His legs are like toothpicks, like he has zero muscle on his legs. It looks like you could snap them in half with no force. I wouldn't wear shorts EVER if my legs were this pathetic looking.
He's a one trick pony. Nipple dick jokes are only good for a minute
>that awful 2000s pop punk hair
Bottom line is - it's better to do something than nothing, even if it's pointless. Time can't be wasted if you've actually enjoyed wasting it, be it through angry comments on a chinese sex doll bbs or by recording something. But it doesn't look like you enjoy being angry.
kill yourself unironically, not a joke btw
what's the one quote about acting like retards will attract retards thinking they're in good company? Its fucking over man the joke stopped being a joke circa 2013 at the absolute latest.
>Eceleb cancer
Fuck off.
He's passively aggressively commented on reddit and twitter before that he thinks NL's fanbase/twitch chat is toxic and needs "heavy moderation" even though NL's chat is about a thousand times better when compared to any other streamer of his size. What Nick does is he'll ignore 99 nice comments about him, latch on to one bad one, and then use that to say that people treat him like trash even though for months and months after he left everyone would ask where Nick was and how he was doing and all that shit. I really liked the guy's dynamic on the show but he has an enormous need to play the victim even though the vast majority of the fanbase loved the dude.
A few months ago a guy named DestroyerStroyer leaked that a fully functional CoH private server has been running since the game closed down. This was huge news since the person who was running it had claimed that it was impossible for private servers to be made of the game since reverse engineering the server code was extremely difficult. The sever was kept secret from the community and not a select few people were allowed to get in. The community felt betrayed when this server was leaked and it nearly tore the community apart.
Turns out that Charlie was a member of this server the whole time.
Jackson > Kaya >>> Andrew >>>>>> Charlie
I don't hate Andrew, I think he's just an autismo trying to fake being normal which is endearing but he needs to improve, Kaya I'm 50/50 on. He seems to take shit a bit seriously. Jackson just seems like a decent enough guy.
Demolition d? That guy's been dead for years
Do something that actually improves you, filling the void with something pointless is a complete waste of time, no matter how delusional you want to be.
man the fuck up dude, whiny faggots like you are the worst.
>Only emo girls, hipsters, and weebs like long hair
I'm only into emos and weebs.
Tell that to the hundreds of posts in this thread, bitch. You're the minority.
>Red sky’s at night, clouds delight
>no mic
>TF2 Voice Chat
epic meme
>man the fuck up dude, whiny faggots like you are the worst.
Silly user, girls don't use Yea Forums.
Remember to buy your cr1tikal figurine, Yea Forums
I thought he was a normalfag why can't he hold a conversation
I thought this was a pop figure
>when did you realize that he was a sellout?
when every single one of his videos became a facecam video
they might as well be honestly
>tons of jewtubers who just repost from /gif/ and post Yea Forums memes
>they all swim in the easiest cash while you wallow n shit
What's your excuse
I don't want easy cash, that sounds like a horrible way to live.
Sounds dope, to be honest
You’re telling me that the guy who wouldn’t stop verbally masturbating Halle Berry did a heel turn?
Sounds like shit. I'd rather do a job that makes me feel good and pays consistently. They say there YouTubers make lots of money but I've only ever seen like 2-3 of them show off houses that look more impressive than your average wagie, and that's homos like le pewds, ricegum the gay faggot, and dr disrespect my wife. I wouldn't want any of their lives
We truly don't deserve him.
user my life goal is to be an animator in Nipland, I clearly don't want to make easy money.
>check some slime farm minecraft tutorial
>theres fucking Cr1tikal voicing it
you clearly want to be a homeless man in LA
>this faggot was running around with some retarded monstrosity hero that was probably named 'Moistnips' or something similar for years
What a fucking vagina, I'm so glad the ringleader had his life threatened until he finally gave up the source doe
I'll kill myself before I move to LA
When he revealed live on stream that he had been on the secret City of Heroes private server for years, and knew the guy running it personally, all despite making that pathetic obituary video for it.
Dinosaurs are very cool that podcast made me cranky
I draw porn for individuals like myself
>waste of time
>man the fuck up
Aren't you the one having all these preconcieved notions here? You do realize that every one of these concepts are purely subjective, right? Besides you're the only one being negative in this exchange, user, could it be that you've got some of your own issues bottled up? Do you subconsciously project your fears onto me? What part of recording yourself is bad exactly? It's a nice way to gain confidence, get over some speech impediments, learn how to be more expressive and sociable, even if you're talking to yourself.
I actually do say nigger and women are whores in real life.
Does 3 finally have skippable cutscenes and dialog? Never replayed any of them because of that.
I miss when he would just talk over things. I hate seeing his face in every vid. Why the fuck did he start doing that?
people like his face
Can's stand him anymore, he's kind of a bitter asshole
Kaya is a fucking faggot along with Andrew
>People actually buy YouTuber figs
I thought this was just something for the kids that liked MineCraft YTers
if by people you mean trannies and fags, yes
Kaya is the reason I don't listen to the podcast
>That one story about how he met a fan while drunk, asked if he wanted a photo, and then while they were posing for the photo he was rubbing the fan's waistline while grinning
Where did his autism go? Did his college roommates really take it all away?
I unsubscribed when he's content started to get stale after his face reveal and bringing in his cringey friends
Too bad since he's used to be my favorite youtuber
>The shit we say here is a joke
Ah yes, the infinitychan argument
Giant ass lizards
alcohol removes autism. t. autist.
I can't belive people still watch this guy, he stopped being funny years ago.
Ironically during his depression phase where he was the least happy was when he made funny videos, but as soon as he said he was finally happy with his life that's when his videos went to shit.
Well that's why you never skip leg day, what the fuck.
>The shit we say here is a joke
Kaya was good until his personality turned into him being a pseudo red pilled Yea Forums speaking asshole
kaya was good until he discovered r/incels
>hurr durr anything is fun with friends
No it isn't. Fun things are even MORE fun with friends.
>it's not a selling point to a game
He has no friends confirmed. It IS, because all those single player games that I've been playing could have been more fun with the inclusion of my friends, but weren't because they were single player only.
Also, lol I didn't expect that dude to look like that.
Him reading Finnegan's Wake is one of my favourite videos.
And now when he puts effort into his shit he just whines about youtube drama of the week.
Regardless as to whether it is said ironically or not user. It's a joke. If you try to say anything seriously while being anonymous, then lmao you're a pathetic little faggot.
Couldn't be worse than Vinny's SolCal streams.
>Characters must be related to Vinesauce memes and culture
>No anime, OC, or any pop culture references outside of Vinesauce or else Vinny gets confused
Post a link faggot
I was subscribed to him quite early on in my early teens. There was a point where he said all of his money from YouTube would go to charity. A few videos later half of his money would go to charity. I wonder how much of it either still goes to charity or actually ever went.
Also, he's very bitter it's hard to watch. I unsubscribed a while ago.
So you unsubscribed because his money doesn't go to charity?
Kaya told him every charity he donated to was a scam and little of the money actually went to the causes they wanted to support so he stopped.
8gags front page use to say embrace infamy, they were serious bidness its why it was no fun
No I unsubscribed because I find it difficult to listen to negative and bitter people.
I don't know who Kaya is, I only recognise the person in the thumbnail because I was subscribed to him on YouTube. I don't care that he changed his mind, I would too if I made cash from YouTube, I regret some of the things I said too.
negative people drain me
>I find it difficult to listen to negative and bitter people
>he says while posting on Yea Forums
Being on Yea Forums must ruin you.
Reminder that Cr1tikal is scum for colluding with a private server that his City of Heroes for 7 years that is now known for blackmail, gaslighting and misinformation. He is genuine human refuse and is unforgivable for helping enable these actions.
remember to subscribe to mositcricitcal
I started off my Yea Forums career on r9k, which is a fucking shithole, i don't even play video games but this place is funny. Anytime I'm here now I just shitpost on sp.
Negative environments are bad for your health man
He's been calling out Twitch for making mistakes for a while and has outright said Mixer will be better if they fix a few things. He never even said Twitch was great he just said it was better than YouTube and he had a talk with Twitch staff about
the issues he had.
>i don't even play video games but this place is funny
I fucking hate this board why do I visit it
>I started off my Yea Forums career on r9k
>i don't even play video games but this place is funny
Then why mention the charities? Who the fuck cares.
>give him chinkeyes
The fuck?
We can't leave user, no matter how much we want to.
Did people really get that angry just cause some fag didn't want to share
I dont even know why anyone would even watch this guy for the past couple years.
The videos he used to do at the start were becoming less and less funny and more tripe which is why he did the face reveal in the first place. He literally ran out of ideas so he defaulted to becoming a "personality" like every other hack retard with a dying channel on YouTube does.
There is not a bigger red flag.
I unsubbed when I saw that pathetic excuse of an apology for jumping on the cancel projared bandwagon.
Stupid tranny-looking midget.
Charlie didn't change, you did.
Gotta say his Soul Calibur 6 cideos haveen quite fun.
But yes, he's gotten stale and became a hypocrite normie youtuber. He constantly complains about other Youtuber being douchebags while being one himself, it's like one of the gajillion gossip channels pretending to be insightful.