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Other urls found in this thread:



show the actual review first

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he's either seething about an update, seething about something the devs did or he left it running for le ebic meme

usually just means the dev did something they didn't like so they're review bombing

Depends on the game, but wouldn't you actually better trust someone who has played the fuck out of a game to tell you it isn't worth it?
Especially nowadays with patches that can vastly change the experience, DLC bullshit, etc.

Sometime an update can actually ruin the game really badly.

Anime game guaranteed

>enjoy game for great length of time
>developer releases some retarded update

no? post the game, you retard normie fuck.

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I have spent way more time on my life and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

>play game for less than X hours
>it only gets good X hours in
>play game for X hours or more
>well you clearly enjoyed it or you'd have quit sooner

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>he didn't stop at 1337

>enjoy 10$ game for 1k hours
>some dev makes a joke about trump
>bad game dont buy it lmao

>game's good
>dev makes some retarded change that makes the game shit
>don't recommend it in current state
feel free to point out a flaw in this reasoning

It's niche.
I have 10 hours on BeamNG Drive. I will play it many more but can't recommend it. There is no game to play.
You just drive and crash with minimum objectives/mission. There are not even drivers in the cars, no 3D models inside.

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common for mmos

If anyone would know, it's the guy with over 2300 hours.

You start.

Would you recommend Yea Forums ?

>the game is addictive but not fun, a timesink, save yourself
>the game got updated and the update broke and ruined everything
>the game was carried by the community, but now the community died or became filled with cancerous chinese hackers, there's nothing left to see here

Totally natural and means nothing. If you don't have an intense love/hate relationship with your favorite game than you're doing it wrong.

>Yea Forums anons complain about people leaving bad reviews without playing the game
>Also Yea Forums anons: "You can only like a game you've played for +500 hours so your opinion doesn't matter."

>play shitty game for 2,000 hours
>give it a negative review because it's shitty
what is so hard to understand?

To be fair, I don't understand what is wrong with "review bombing", meaning leaving a negative review because the devs did something you don't like. Why do so many people think it's a misues of the review system? I think it's perfectly reasonable to leave a negative review to warn people about the shitty stuff they did.

the most valuable type of review
it's not some pleb with 2 hours saying "this game is shit" it's a tortured soul, a veteran that realised in sober horror "holy shit I wasted my life on this garbage" and is selflessly, desperately warding people away from the same path. The heroes of the steam review page.

for me, it was tf2's shitty matchmaking update followed by even shitter jungle inferno update

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>smoke cigarettes for 50 years
>tell your grandchildren you don't recommend it
>"if you don't like it why did you do it so much?"
>"i'm gonna do the exact opposite of what you tell me even though you're more experienced"
This is what you sound like retards.

I have 3k hours in war thunder, but left a negative review as the game became cancer when they started adding in modern technology.

>put 3k+ hours into animal crossing new leaf
>hate it so fucking much now i cant even think of a good thing to say about it

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there's not a single game that has undergone some massive change so late post launch. this is just the logic of some butthurt fag mad their main got nerfed or some strategy or gameplay style they're bad at became the meta

Team Fortress 2.

Because you're supposed to review the product and not the fags behind the product.

Vermintide 2
It started bad and got worse

What the fags did to the product is still part of the product, dipshit.

Damn those consumers voicing their opinion.

>if you play it too long you clearly enjoy it
>if you hardly play it you can't judge it
>you can't judge it from seeing vids
kill yourself

>there's not a single game that has undergone some massive change so late post launch
>97 days
>so late
fucking comedian you are

this thread gave me AIDS

Its not even that hard to think of an example. For instance,

>microtransactions added after launch.

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>there's not a single game that has undergone some massive change so late post launch
It's funny to me that you think that

War thunder, are perhaps retarded?



not always, sometimes it's stupid shit like the sequel is on Epic or they did some controversial announcement about sequel so they shit dump the last few games they did in protest which in turns removes all their creditably

>here's not a single game that has undergone some massive change so late post launch
Okay this is epic

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Hello darkness my old friend

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Ah see I misread your post. When you said did something I thought you meant shit post on Twitter or the forums something.

Yeah if they alter the product it's fair game.

>Very Positive game goes to Mixed in a week thanks to the Chinese


>Leaving a bad review on a good game just because the company did something unrelated to the game.

>It started bad
Yet you stuck around to play it anyway. You are the prime example retard.

We need to have a little talk user

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I have EASILY over 15k hours clocked in diablo 2: CLOD and I am utterly, completely bored iwth it. Can't recommend this game in good conscience as long as games like GD or mods like MXL exist. Especially since the story is ruined by 3 and the sequel is pure canceraids.

verdicht anno 2019: 1/10 avoid, or play with mods.


i think steam filters "off-topic" reviews these days. If you have the setting on in the preferences

>Enjoy basic gameplay loop of hitting rattos
>Don't enjoy arbitraty RPG mechanics, dumb quasi-gacha loot drop, complete mess of a 'crafting' system, bug-addled mess
>Really don't enjoy even more bugs with every patch, balanced being shifted away from melee even more, being lied to, added MTX and stop playing
Here's your (You) now fuck off

>4.3 hours
>2 lines of review
>2741 hours
>not recommended
>12 pages in full markup of everything wrong with the game
>has several workshop entries for the game

Attached: 1421068953835.jpg (555x545, 72K)

>game is bad
>enjoy basic gameplay
Well damn, you ARE the prime example retard.

>fighting games, mobas, some high skill shooters

This. Hilariously, no one has even acknowledged this. Is it that Yea Forums is just full of resetera fags who don't play video games, looking to shit up a community they don't belong in?

Blue moon managed to make things worse.

>drinking the GG koolaid
user I...

Planet side 2

>tfw that's going to be me

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Garbage from the very start.

I've put more than 3000 hours into league of legends but I wouldn't recommend it.

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Monday morning madness

You aren't playing it properly.

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Some games have addictive properties that make it hard to stop even if you hate every moment.

For example, most MOBA games. Players will be full of rage and hate for every second of every game, win or lose. Yet mysteriously they keep playing.

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It's just a highly competetive game, and it looks like the majority of people have a very hard time dealing with losing.

What game, user? I know you have one!

For me it's Warframe, piece of shit garbage, waste of time!
8k hours

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bad update or going f2p

let me guess, TF2 after going f2p?

What? Hgyhgvcxasawrftyghygvvbhhjnn

>tfw that's been me for the last 4 years

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maybe they ruined the game with an update years after release?


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I like infamous 1 and 2 but I see why people could get bored with it
In total I probably spent like 30 hours on both games.

name one game that didn't

stellaris, right?

Would you rather trust somebody who only clocked 2 hours into the game or somebody who dedicated over 96 days of his life to it?

How are you retards still arguing about this shit?

I can't even imagine being this obsessed, holy shit

As somebody who creates stuff myself I much rather have long and detailed negative reviews then just a super short positive comment like "great job!"
Sure thanks for the compliment but at least with the long negative review I know what he didn't like about the game and how I could improve it.
Unless of course it is technical stuff or all the "tips" are super far fetched things like "game should have been open world" or "game should have had much more enemy types and more units on screen"
Like no shit, if I had unlimited budget and tools I would have probably created something completely different in the first place.
the hard thing about creating isn't coming up with something, it's recreating the thing you thought about the best you could with what you had.

Yeah, it may be that the game is simply deeply flawed, but the reviewer somehow still enjoyed it despite the flaws, but he knows for a fact that the vast majority of players will not be able to look past said flaws as he did.

I understand your point, but that's not a very good analogy considering fags contain very addictive substances



>Update ruins game

End of discussion


>GTA online becoming more and more pay2win over the years and adding stupid scifi bullshit like flying bikes that can spam infinite homing missiles
>robocraft having a really strong start and then shooting itself in both feet by deleting the entire game balance to become pay2win
>r6 siege
>many many more

>there's not a single game that has undergone some massive change so late post launch.

The Culling, War of The Roses, Dota 2. Fuck off faggot

+18 forum kiddo

Not entirely, most of these review bombings come from some dumb rant on twitter or something, which then people get mad at. But while that might be a problem in determining the actual quality of the game, their really is no other place to voice public opinion that could actually really affect the dev. Your not going to get real changes if you spam the dev's twitter but once that review score goes down to mixed they start getting antsy.

>it's been seven years since Tribes Ascend came out

this is why you surf with protection

>literally experienced everything the game has to offer
I would trust this persons opinion over that of any journalist.

That's not true at all. There were some serious asspain about "review bombing" Ace Combat 7 Steam release because they did support flightsticks while the console version did. It's very much part of the product but people were saying it was unfair to review bomb them over it. Like WTF, why.

>didn't support flightsticks

>because they didn't support flightsticks
wasn't that was because it did support them, but only the ones they were selling?

some games get really bad after a while
planetside 2 was my favorite fucking game for a very long time but it changed hands over to daybreak from SOE and they fucking ruined as much as they could possibly think to ruin about the game

if i were to review it today, it might get a "not recommended" with like 4000 hours from me, because i know the reasons i enjoyed it and played it for so long are no longer applicable

>play the game until you can no longer enjoy it
>keep playing more to hate the fuck out of it
>torture yourself until you can't take it anymore
>Not Recommended

WInds of Magic update killed that game to me

No, it didn't support even the official AC7 branded flightstick.


Stellaris made pretty big changes in the Megacorp update.

league of legends has patches every 2 fucking weeks you retard, and that game has been out for like 10 years.

That's Mechwarrior Online for me. I love core mechanics, customization and sexy stompy robots, but piggy has been downgrading the game harder and harder over the years while half-assing all the improvements and ignoring core issues. The game in its current form is much less fun and even broken in some regards compared to what it was when I just started playing. So many issues have accumulated over the years that I absolutely hate it now.

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I've been playing World of Tanks for 8 years now. I would not recommend that rigged pay2win garbage to anyone.

That game was dead to me when they removed crossteam chat.

Hitscannigers were in the game since launch. Hi-Rez were just fucking around with the game making some things worse and some things better. Overall it was a great game with some big issues throughout its lifecycle.

I only get discouraged of buying vydia by looking at positive reviews, negative ones don't really add up, most of the time they include 'it runs at 12fps' '180 ping' 'DLC out of season pass'
On the other hand, positive reviews tend to include 'masterpiece' '11/10' 'would lose my life to it again' and way too many people get the game running on background to pump those hours in-game

>8k hours

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Yeah that's why I said "most" not "all" numbnuts

>throughout its lifecycle.
You're a "games as a service fag" aren't you?

Its hilarious just how vile and fucked up games community needs to be to for devs to just remove cross-team chat from the game, and also add option to disable team-chat in team oriented game. They recently removed friendly fire from PC version as well, hell you can't even block arties gun anymore.

EA will never go bankrupt because of cucks like you. Steam reviews aren't metacritic. It's not about the consensus on if the game is good or bad, it's about if the product is worth buying or not. If money go to some cunts who don't deserve any money at all then the product is not worth buying. Old games that are held hostage by literal whos like Duke3D are an example of that.


Games don't have lifecylcles; just because devs strip a game and sell it via dlc doesn't warrant anything.

Maybe played 100+ hours of rocket league when it first came out. Never put in anymore than that for anything.
I like to try a bit of everything, don't know how people can play so much of just 1 thing. What is it about Warframe that makes you go back?

This seems completely reasonable if the game gets ruined, I don't see the issue here

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>game is released
>game exists
>game dies
Literal lifecycle.

world of warcraft

>early access game bought in 2015 had promises and good base to play with
>update after update they dumbed down the stuff and made it even more glitchy than before
>not even ourside of early access they put microtransactions
>then decided to be in beta for marketing reasons
>same when they went out of early acess for marketing reasons aswell despite the game still being technically in alpha
>at this point the game became too shit, but i have 1700 in
>give at bad review because of how shit has become

Thats how.

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Some people just like to complain, I have a friend that it's like this, he play super mario maker 2 everyday for hours but if you ask him he will say that the game is shit because the hitboxes are weird
Everyone here complaining about updates here probably is the same, he makes a negative review but then keep playing it

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I'm not that cunt ("only" 2.5k hours) but Warframe ticks many boxes of a perfect game for me: fast movement, smooth controls, variety of weapons, good combat with different playstyles, customization, interesting setting, thicc biomechanical butts, art direction.
I'd dump a lot of hours in any good sci-fi shooter that has varied playstyles and good movement, but Warframe just stays alive long enough to accumulate that much playtime and gets constantly updated, even though it never introduced anything fundamentally new that drastically improves the game.
It's grindy which increases how much time you'd have to dump in it, but the core gameplay loop is still fun.

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>They recently removed friendly fire from PC version as well, hell you can't even block arties gun anymore.
Good thing i stopped playing, they took all the fun away

what'd they do to it?

Literally me with Warframe

>Play game a lot because it's fun
>Recommend it to everybody
>Devs push an update that fucks everything up
>Can no longer recommend it

thanks for the helpful reviews, steam

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With that much played he must know what he's talking about at least

what game so i can see how many reviews you passed before cherry picking this one

look at the top of the screenshot. listed as the top 2 most helpful overall.


>get hooked because of the devs' gross abuse of brain chemistry
>snap out of it and realize you're wasted thousands of hours of your life to a shitty, unfun, exploitative trash
>try to warn others
Nothing wrong with this.

the damn game never started up for me unless i opened the game through the install directory and throiugh a lot of bullshit. steam refused to refund the game even though it DOESN'T WORK because i had 3 hours in it from opening the game trying to get it working.

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Monster hunter franchise

>review bombing is always about the devs


Gee I wonder where your problem is? You spastic

Depends. If I buy a game and it gets a major change that fucks it up then it'll look like this. I only do reviews sometimes out of boredom and to kinda show my friends my favorite games and why I ike them, there are two cases where I changed it to a negative because of changes midway through. Payday2 and The Hunt: Showdown

>and to kinda show my friends my favorite games and why I ike them
Dude... do you run a special needs daycare or something?

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No but we enjoy exchanging our opinions on games, and why not type it to the review section. Maybe someone some day reads it and gets the information they need on the game, or not. Like I said, I don't do them often because I don't really care if some stranger reads it or not and what they think of it

Absolutely nothing wrong with it and it's actually by far the most effective way to get your voice heard and call out shitty companies which is why the shill media brainwashed kids into thinking it's wrong.

>Buy a painting
>it's pretty nice, I like looking at this painting
>it has nice colors and plenty of details
>one day, the painter of said painting comes and smears shit all over the painting
>Now the painting looks like shit and vaguelly smells like it
>it's the paintings fault and not the painters

I play gacha games and I'd never recommend that to anyone.

Most likely a MOBA, talk to anyone who has played MOBA for a long time and they all will tell you they hate the game and yet keep playing it.

There is no context, how are we meant to discuss such a vague uninteresting image? But fine, I shall indulge you OP. The premise of the image appears to be a fellow "GAMER" thumbing down a video game on the "STEAM" platform due to a unknown reason. While the reasons may appear to be infinite with our well earned insight due to our own experience as "GAMERS" from "4CHANNEL" we'll bring that infinite number to a hopefully finite three. I believe that the "GAMER" from the "20190917_112624.jpg" IMAGE had three possible reasons for his "THUMBS-DOWN" or "BAD" review after so, very many, hours spent on the unknown video game. Surely it's either a epic "TROLL" trying to get a few UPVOTES and get a dopamine rush from recieveing some sort of social input from others. Or it just might be that he's unhappy with a update that the game might've recieved, that's poorly affecting his gameplay. And the last but not least, it might be the fact that the gentleman took 2000 hours to come to the conclusion that he wasn't enjoying himself and was using his time unwisely. Which of the three is it? Who knows, we can only guess. Thanks for the post OP, sadly it was very unamusing and dare I say it shit. Have a good evening!

>do drugs for years
>not recommended

you don't play vidya games

Dead By Daylight
Killing Floor

Most games these days are early access for 5+ years


what happened to those?

Nothing bad, but Factorio today is nothing like it was a year ago. It's being worked on constantly factorio.com/blog/

I mean, that guy would know what he was talking about

ah ok, misread the chain

Factorio is still being updated (version 0,16 something last time I checked)
Rimworld came out and the mods are somewhat keeping it alive.


I still feel ashamed about having this in my games history because of how the game changed 7 years ago after I stopped playing, this shit's entirely justified sometimes.

Attached: rotmg.png (507x87, 29K)

usually means the game has issues that don't make themselves apparent until you're fully invested enough into the game to understand complex/high level mechanics. i'd rather listen to someone with 2k hours and probably plays at a top 1% level than some 2 hour bronze tier dipshit

This. I if don't immidietly like the game at all then I just refund it, why bother leaving a review anyways. But lets say that there is a game that offers many different playstyles, but only one of them is viable and it's basically impossible to use other playstyles due to whatever, you might realise this only after playing alot. This is just one example, sometimes the devs might change things too

>Dota 2
I'm still mad about 7.0

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jesus fucking christ, dude. he never once mentioned politics, he only talked about patches and dlc.

The Secret World


I invite you to look into the world of Dino Beatdown, I mean ORION: Dino Horde. Oops, I actually meant ORION: Prelude.

> I've made a mistake. don't make the same mistake.
