7 fucking hours

7 fucking hours.

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what's this? new living world episode?

what a disaster of a game

Prologue of Saga (something more than LW episode) twitter.com/GuildWars2/status/1173623762979303425

literally who cares
post rats

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Horseshit, it'll just be another daily grind zone

i really hope its something shit like fixing signposts again, that was an unexpected treat for their very first update to the story.

>tranny devs

Silence thyself ratfucker and begone from this place.

>charrs are going full WE WUZ
>humans are cucks, trannies and barefoot lesbian twitter feminist queens
>Sylvaris are basically irrelevant now and the mere remnants of bad self-inserting writers
>norns are just a racist caricature of northern people without any depth to their lore
Face it, this game sucks and would be 1000% better if it was all about Asura techno-shenanigan adventures

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Any transcats in this story?

Asura's being a 4/10 race in a world full of 3/10's doesn't make your car crash fetish any more valid

What is that exactly? Like a LS that they are just going to continue for longer than a LS? How are they going to make sagas a unique thing?

Wait for another 5+ horus and find out yourself. Also, Anet says, that they will provide FULL trailer when epilogue hits. Maybe it will explain more.

too bad I can't play as a skritt or frogman

>inb4 allied races in other sagas

you know what's coming out today that'll be better than this icebroog shit? risk of rain 2 update

How the fuck do I get hyped if I need to play and PAY for all the stories to get even a glimpse of what's happening?


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Asura just replaced Sylvari as the bad self-insert characters
>>norns are just a racist caricature of northern people
what does this even mean

Check out this five (5 hours letf)

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