Needs a grenade launcher with multiple ammo types

Needs a grenade launcher with multiple ammo types

Attached: hq720.jpg (686x386, 43K)

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How about a shotgun with special rounds instead?

Needs good gunplay and enemy variety.

lol why
there's plenty of abilities that are dissolve what little difficulty there is, not to mention you get unlimited mana around the mid game

Needs less ammo/resources so you don't become unstoppable so easily.

A SOTFS style pass where enemies move places wouldn't hurt either.

>what little difficulty there is
That difficulty being: On normal with full armor you die in 4 hits.

how do you even get hit in this game? alien powers you can obliterate everything from range and never get hit and human powers you can obliterate everything with gloo gun and wrench or combat focus and literally any weapon and never get hit

Needs 10 more enemy TYPES and like 3 fully fledged guns. Maybe alt modes for all weapons too or something

That's probably the reason you you only have those 4 hearts of health. But I agree. When you take the alien powers you become pretty powerful. And all of the powers are alien powers, even the human ones because they're based on neuromods so better get good at dodging
If there's one way you're going to get hit is if you don't listen carefully enough or if you do anything on the background while playing because mimics are revealed by the ticking sound. So every time you walk past any object you risk losing a quarter or half of your health.

What it needed was more interesting designs. Taking the same basic shadow grunt and simply giving it a different glow and elemental powers is not very interesting.

I also wanted some fun, futuristic prototype weapons. The developers played it too safe in my opinion. Level design and the atmosphere was awesome though.

For my money the grenade launcher in Unreal 2 is still the best one in vidya

need to do more with the mimics effecting the enviroment.

but it was really great.

I haven't seen anything better than the quake one, but I haven't play Unreal 2

>grenade launcher on a space station
That sounds like a terrible idea why would they even have one?

>So every time you walk past any object you risk losing a quarter or half of your health.
or just scan with the scope to find mimics when you walk into a room. there's chipsets to detect both regular and advanced.

Flamethrowers sound like a horrible idea on a space station.

The functional enemy variety of this game is the same as System Shock 2. But because the lore is about black space goo monsters, every enemy that isn't a robot has to look like black space goo. You have goo that jumps, goo that shoots, goo that burns, goo that hides and throws etc. In SS2 you have psy monkey, creeps with pipes, creeps with guns, droids, loader robots, assassin dudes, cyber nightmare ladies, spider mutants, worms, flesh gorillas etc. Similar catalog of enemy behaviors but different aesthetic variety, SS2 having lots and Prey having almost none.

What it needed was a better publisher and more time

Sure, you just won't be able to use anything else with the scope then because you'll have to inject your brain with alien goo to learn how to use multiple scope chips.

It's pretty great - frag grenades for your generic aoe damage, incendiary for brief area denial and extendes DOT, emp to deal with turrets/power suits, smokescreen to blind the AI and let you move, and gas to do horrendous damage in a focused area if you can keep shit pinned in it (e.g. chuck it in a corridoor and shoot whatever tries to advance out of it)

I was waiting for a machine gun or laser something but it never came

Needs to not offer me cool powers and then judge me for using them.

>Unreal 2 multi GL
My nigga. Literally because John Dalton.

Dishonoured (same studio) did this too.
>bro here's 50 cool ways to kill people knock yourself out
>wtf you monster
Bunch of faggots

I decided to go all human all the time and found it pretty limiting. Needed way more gun variety

Also, spoiler alert - being full human and having the turrets scan me a billion times and say "no alien deal detected" and then finding out at the end that I am literally an alien? Doesn't make sense

that actually sounds really cool. I'll add it to my backlog.


I hope they keep doing it just to piss of faggot like you

>like 2 ways to knock someone out
>hey bro let me just stop time, posess a dude, shot him with an arrow, then summon a swarm of rats, resume time, possess the rats and watch them devour the guys body from far away

I'm not sure you understood the plot

No Needles was a heck of a run, and then I did a combo I and It/Awkward Ride Home run afterward.
Certainly was an experience, but I think I’ll stick to my Good Guy runs.

Mooncrash was pretty fun for an extra mode.

You're not technically alien or human, you're a hybrid. Gaining more powers pushes you close to the threshold that identify you as alien, rather than human.
It's all a simulation anyway.

Probably not, I stopped giving a shit pretty fast

There’s no real penalty for using alien powers. You can still get the “good ending” with them.

Dishonored becomes insanely easy if you kill people.

>see guy possessed by typhoon locked in medical ward
>ok I'll leave him be
>later Nullwave Transmitter hidden away somewhere
>200 iq Jimmy Neutron brainblast moment
>go back to medical and lob it at the possessed character
>he just stays unconscious

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Powers need to be more varied, all the offensive ones were pretty much the same. Fire/Lightning/Kinetic blasts felt the same, with Psychoshock acting like Silence + Damage.

Attached: thisisnttheone.webm (1280x720, 2.31M)

You know for once I would like to be able to go around a fully functional space station not being attacked by aliens staffed by normal people just doing their job.

Levitate was great, as it worked as a mobility plus an enemy locking down ability. The others were real similar though, it was nice that fire basically acted like a mine though.


Attached: dean_hall_1.jpg (416x416, 38K)

Yeah as far as what the enemies do, I would say the variety is better than most games. So I guess people just don't like how they look

it's not worth unless you can find servers for this
U2 sucks lmao. Just has some cool stuff here and there

>he thinks that getting the bad ending is wrong
I'm afraid it's you who's the faggot here. The game is about consequences, and how an evil god entertains himself by letting mortals induce different consequences. The consequence of mass murder is a deadly plague. The consequence of less murder is a curable plague. Both are something you do that causes something, and neither is the incorrect way to play.

This but any hyper clean setting.


I mean he's more wrong just because he shouldn't care what ending he gets if he's caring about the gameplay
it's not like you should be going for a good ending after you get it once or see it on youtube

I don't understand either of these posts. Just fuck off.

>alright guys lets be sure
>the glass is made of sugar
>we made it impossible to jump off the edge with fenses
>the safety razor is dull
>all the power outlets are baby proofed
>is there ANYTHING we're forgetting?
>Okay someone bring in the helicopter



>he doesn't get it
>inb4 I'm an old fag


were you expecting him to be a bullet sponge?

Dean's made a game that he said is based on space station13 that plays more like a small scale space engineers about getting a space station up and running with you and a few other people

You're obviously near or fully upgraded with neoromods, health gives it away. I mean the nightmare shouldn't be that much of a pushover but that's near the end of the game.

Almost completely everyone who complains about difficulty in immersive sims such as Deus Ex, Prey and Dishonored, are the type of people who refuse to explore the levels and find / manage supplies.

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Are you referring to SPUF, Reddit or normies in general? Because what seems like all of the complaints concerning difficulty in this thread are saying or suggesting the game was way too easy.

Which it was.


Needs a SEQUEL

Right. Not near the end of the game. Past it. Newgame+. He's literally carrying thousands of rounds of ammunition, has double health and has upgraded all damage and weapon quality. The hardest creature of Newgame can't do shit about the most overleveled creature of Newgame+ because unlike bad games this game has no level scaling.

>I hope they keep doing it just to piss of faggot like you
>please keep making shit ideas for games because some don't like them!

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It needed better combat in general. Cool game, cool concepts, but it burned itself out combat-wise before even halfway through. The enemies were unthreatening and the weapons were rote.

The nightmare is a piss easy enemy, but you are being helped by the electrical arcs.

Do people complain about the difficulty in prey? You're a god before the halfway point, anything after that is just sprinkles.

Overall good game but that clunky weapon switching delay totally kills gunplay for me.

That’s sort of my overarching issue with Prey. I was really invested in the beginning, but not long after Nightmare shows up I started to get bored. By the time that abysmal third act hit, I could barely stand the game. I’m pretty baffled people on Yea Forums defend it so vehemently. I like my fair share of bad games, but I’m not about to sit here and tell you Dragon’s Dogma is perfect

Needs horror elements.