Sonic has never had a good game.
No, not even 1. Not even 2. Not even Mania.
Sonic has never had a good game.
No, not even 1. Not even 2. Not even Mania.
Neither does Mario
Fallout 1 and 2 might have a great story, but I simply cannot force myself to enjoy the combat. You practically need a spreadsheet to understand it, and savescumming is a necessity to overcome it. This is not good game design.
Half_life 2 is trash and ruined fps games for a good decade
Doom is honestly very overrated as a playing experience. Not in the sense that it was an 'important' game to the industry but just to play for fun
Paper Mario
Fallout 1 is unironically shit from a ton of different directions. 2 was fun though and worked a lot better imo
I think this has slowly become the popular opinion around here. At the very least it should be, I remember hating it when it first came out because of how boring the enemies and guns were compared to 1
I'm actually not going to coom.
Good boy.
Still no good mario games
Sonic does have the first Riders, though.
Generations sucked. Even Unleashed and Colors were better.
>Generations sucked. Even Unleashed and Colors were better.
I hope for your sake you're just shit posting / being contrarian
I don't like Zelda
Mass Effect 3's pre-director's cut endings were perfect.
Nope. Modern Sonic's levels fell apart when not moving in a straight line and classic Sonic's physics were a bit too heavy. Unleashed has better modern Sonic stages and Colors has a better executed side gimmick with the wisps.
You fucking Zoomers can't enjoy a game without checkpoints, so you come up with the term savescumming. Fuck off.
I feel sorry for you.
Platformers are an introductory genre, if you only or even mostly play them you have shitty babby taste.
git gud
>2 was better
>the game that started the downfall of the franchise with "lool so random popculture references"
It didn't start with 3.
The shooting in Mirror's Edge is pretty fun. Even the two-handed guns that everyone hates.
this is just a meme opinion spouted by contrarians. Sonic 1 and 2 are good, you just eat pop culture, fuck off
I could not put up with how mind numbingly slow the combat was,
mario has one of the biggest amounts of great games in gaming history. Even if you hate platformers you'd have to admit enjoying a mario kart game at some point
Dumb honestly confusing logic.
How is any genre of game an introductory one?
1. Metroid doesn't interest me in the least, neither does Megaman
2. Consolefag wars (+ PCfag wars) are retarded and anyone who gets overly defensive is a consumerist dipshit
3. MMORPGs are boring as fuck
4. Battle Royale was a fun genre until it was oversaturated and flooded by cunts looking for a cash grab instead of genuine, soulful attempt at a game
5. Undertale is fucking cancer
6. See above
7. I don't care for most (not all) indie games because they usually give off an air of pretentiousness or something that you play once and never again, but I also heavily dislike the political bullshit hornshoed into AAA games made by larger companies, and the fact that these companies (Save for Nintendo....sometimes) are just looking to push an agenda and patronize their userbase
Oh right, and with that picture:
8. Fuck you guys, V's playstyle is fun
none of these opinions are unpopular
Guns feel good in that game because they’re difficult to get and realistically op. Their sound effects were also surprisingly good. DICE does have some competence I suppose, or did anyway.
As a JRPG fan: Final Fantasy is a trash series.
I've tried many times to get into it and always the game disappoints. Tactics is kino, of course.
Pokemon Gen 3 is the best
Not on Yea Forums or elsewhere, it seems.
the string of games I play doesn't just follow a chain of increasing complexity and never goes back down or I'd be playing those autism simulators mathewmatosis reviews
Most people's first game was a platformer. They're simple as fuck, run and jump. Combat is typically nearly nonexistent. It's fine to keep playing them. But I feel like people who only play platformers have something wrong with them.
Skyrim is the best ES game and anyone who disagrees is just memeing
Agree with that and I started with gen 1. Gen 1 still has the best mons but gen 3 was better overall.
>Just because a game is popular does not mean it is a bad game, Yea Forums likes to be contrarian.
>People have fun differently, there is nothing wrong with "cheating" in single player games
>Being good at games does not make you superior, just like being good at sports doesn't make you superior
>If you dislike a game or think it's pandering to whoever then ignore it, talking about it non-stop just gives it attention and makes you pathetic
>being a blind fanboy is pathetic, just play what you enjoy
>PC is not superior to console or vice versa, both have their strengths and are marketed to different people
>GamerGate may have started due to ethics in video game journalism but it quickly turned into an incel breeding ground that spread racism/sexism completely destroying the main cause
>If you get banned for spamming "nigger" or "retard" in a game then you are an idiot and deserve it. It's childish to rage in a game and there are better ways to get under people's skin without breaking rules
>All mainstream MMOs are pretty much the same, declaring one as superior to the other is idiotic. Just play whichever is fun
>Most people bitching about a game on Yea Forums haven't played it and are just following the hivemind
>Fallout New Vegas had better writing but Fallout 3 had better setting and feel to it. New Vegas is more popular because it's a newer game and has more mods
No they're shit
Oh I forgot
>Japanese games are not superior to Western games, you are just a weeb. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses and appeal to different crowds due to culture.
Fortnite is one of the best game's to come out this decade if not THE best
1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 I agree, disagree with the rest except the last one because I haven't played any Fallout game and intend to keep it that way. Heavily disagree with number 4, do you know where you are mate? Sounding a little s o y there.
Pokemon X and Y were the worst titles out of all the mainline games. I know a lot of people like to shit on Black and White because "MUH CIRCLE" but X and Y was just 2 circles, and they had worse gameplay and bad art direction, less pokemon, less to do, less features, and were overall just worse entries.
Posting anime images on Yea Forums should be a banable offense.
>The Wii U had a good library of games
DMC5 is mediocre and offers next to nothing for those who are not combo autists.
dumb reddit tourist
also You don't just greentext your opinion your drooling mongoloid retard at least lurk for 5 seconds
Wrath of Cortex is a fine game
How old are you? I'm guessing under 25? I'm 28 currently and have been browsing Yea Forums on and off since I was 18/19. Back then I cared heavily about games and forced feminism/politics; I even used to right reviews and opinion articles in quite popular magazines and websites.
When GamerGate first happened I was right at the front writing articles about it, I'm not white so used that as a defence against anyone calling me sexist. As the years have gone on though I'm tired and I just don't care anymore. I've seen both sides of the argument and each is just as bad as the other and the only real way to win is to not participate at all.
Dragon Age Inquisition was full of pandering and I wrote articles about it, then realised I just didn't care anymore. Why waste life arguing or discussing about this shit when you can just ignore it. Gender politics isn't as big as the internet would have you believe and in the real world hardly anyone cares, the ones that do you can just ignore. Now when a game comes out that I don't agree with, I'll just ignore it and not buy it.
Give it a few years and you'll be exactly where I am.
Dark Souls 2 is better than 1, 3, or demon souls
I've been here longer than you kid.
Who are you quoting?
You must be an incredible kind of stupid to have lurked for over 12 years without understanding greentext.
How old are you? I'm guessing under 25? I'm 28 currently and have been browsing Yea Forums on and off since I was 18/19. Back then I cared heavily about games and forced feminism/politics; I even used to right reviews and opinion articles in quite popular magazines and websites.
When GamerGate first happened I was right at the front writing articles about it, I'm not white so used that as a defence against anyone calling me sexist. As the years have gone on though I'm tired and I just don't care anymore. I've seen both sides of the argument and each is just as bad as the other and the only real way to win is to not participate at all.
Dragon Age Inquisition was full of pandering and I wrote articles about it, then realised I just didn't care anymore. Why waste life arguing or discussing about this shit when you can just ignore it. Gender politics isn't as big as the internet would have you believe and in the real world hardly anyone cares, the ones that do you can just ignore. Now when a game comes out that I don't agree with, I'll just ignore it and not buy it.
Give it a few years and you'll be exactly where I am.
You do know greentext isn't just for quoting, right?
If you think games should be judged on their gameplay with minimal consideration to everything else involved with them, you're fucking retarded.
user , That is a fact .
All games with subscriptions are automatically terrible even if the subscription is optional.
All games that allow you to spend more money than half the base cost of the game using in game microtransactions are irredeemable shit.
Any game that mentions spending real world money in anyway in game is unplayable trash.
May not be unpopular here but I get a ton of flack from my remaining real world friends because they always want me to play shit like destiny or now WoW classic then get pissy when I say no.
It's one of the best action games of all time.
Objectively wrong but alright
Monster Hunter is trash
I think it's the most important factor by a decent margin for most genres.
Objectively right
I don't like japanese games.
You suck at action games huh?
Shut up dmctranny
Mania is the only great Sonic game.
From pure gameplay perspective it's high on the list, but as a whole package it failed to deliver.
There has never been a good video game
I agree with all of these, those games are fucking shit and their fans are autistic
Souls games have 0 appeal to me
Gameplay is far and away the most important part of an action game. Furthermore cutting out puzzles and platforming is a positive for me not a negative.
Along with NG and Godhand it's the holy trinity of action games.
well if we're talking unpopular/controversial opinions,
skylanders is a fun series with a novel concept
collecting figures that have in-game characters tied to them that can be levelled up is a very cool concept
only problems with it was the MSRP of the products and how the games themselves encouraged you to buy more instead of the content advertising itself
it's much cooler when all the junk is obtained secondhand, gotta love goodwill
MGSV was great, Its really odd to me that people think it is the worst thing ever. I imagine these people watched every trailer on repeat till it came out and were raised to expectations it could never meet. MGS story was always stupid schlock, this was nothing out of the ordinary, I judge games for their gameplay.
The Nu-Xcom games are fantastic, just because they arent a 1 to 1 version of the original games they are considered 0/10 with no merit. Outrage culture is fucking stupid.
Kirby Super Star is the best platformer ever made
I can play FO just fine(just shoot everyone in the eyes lmao) but baldurs gate and the like are too complex for me
Mmorpgs are one of the most boring lame genres of games ever created and people who play them are only looking for a job replacement
It also helps that the figures genuinely look neat, there was some pretty good craftsmanship for that game.
It is a neat concept, where the DLC has a physical presence and doesnt just become worthless when the next game comes out. Having played the games with my younger sister it was a neat concept, but the game was just not made to be played with that many characters and the gameplay itself seems to be above most children now, children do not like platformers anymore, or games aimed specifically at them, they want to play Fortnite and GTA.
I liked this bomb guy, he was OP as fuck in the game from what I played too.
To me, cutting out puzzles and reducing exploration was the worst decision. As much as it makes people screech to read this, but it did turn the main game into glorified Bloody Palace with cutscenes, which just sounds lazy.
i mean i'd say the games had a fairly funky artstyle but the figures themselves were definitely well-made
but given that it was the first truly iconic toys to life game im not sure any quality comparisons can be made at least during its beginning
>children do not like platformers anymore
and that's a fuckin sin
3d platformers were the system sellers of the 5th and 6th console generations and were the veritable cornerstones of many a kid's childhood
forgive me for sounding like an old guy but kids today have no idea what they're missing
It took out the only part of the series I haven't liked since I played the first on release. They could have massively improved it. But removing it is better than keeping it as it was.
unironically using the term "sjw" makes you look like an absolute buffoon
3d platformers were dogshit as someone who grew up in the 90s. Mario 64 was great, we didn't need 100 of them. 2d platformers were always way better.
Before you call me a zoomer I'm likely older than you.
related, so does "dilate"
a pretty big percentage of trans women dont even get srs
There has been and there likely never will be a good MMO, DELETE THE MMOs, REMOVE, THEM, ALL OF THEM, NO EXCEPTION, IN TO THE TRASH THEY GO!
>literally outing yourself as a tranny
No you retard drone
Don't you dare to compare ninja gaiden and god hand to your trash series
if not 3d platformers then platformers in general
the simple gameplay allowed them to be great first games
and that includes stuff on the gamecube and ps2 like ratchet and clank, sonic adventure 2 battle, the spongebob collectathons, and so on
also, dude, you're arguing that an older subgenre of games is better than a newer one
you should be defending yourself from boomer accusations, not zoomer
I just did. Suck my cock.
Yep, literally no other possible reason.
Its a coin toss. Immersion breaking cutscenes were everywhere, but theyre still useful. Theres no shooter that moves and plays like hl2 unless its on the source engine. Long winded opening cinematics for every game is a nightmare, and so is pausing the game for stupid dialogue.
But This is all like saying that silent hill 2 ruined silent hill franchise.
Oh i guess that leads to my unpopular opinion. Fuck shattered memories, objectively the worst silent hill. "Muh pyschology" isnt scary or interesting.
Homecoming at least kept the aesthetic, origins actualy had great lore, and downpour was a really interesting concept with mediocre enemy designs.
Silent hill isnt ruined by combat, it just needs good moody atmosphere and story.
>but just to play for fun
Personally I dont see it, i still play doom.
It needs more though, but not in the brutal doom cram useless weapons in more.
>I'm not white so used that as a defence against anyone calling me sexist
What the fuck does this even mean
But half life 2 had worse movement than quake
Yes it was fine to have a couple, but I'm glad they died off. 3d collectathon is one of the worst FOTM genres I can remember. They all felt like the exact same game to me. I preferred the RTS and RPG booms.
I enjoyed the first two 3d platformers I played then pretty much no more. Ratchet didn't get good until Deadlocked because it just because a coop shooter.
Hl2 did, but source engine controls great.
I cant put my finger on it, but theres something flat and stale about sources movement, but it somehow works in its favor.
Its like the opposite of modern warefare where it takes five seconds to jump, and you have garbage air control.
Play them at their own game, it's usually middle class white women that disagree with people and call them sexist. I just say they're trying to shut me down and silence me because I'm a PoC (even though PoC is a racist term).
-The only good Zelda games are the top downs with the exception of 2, Wind Waker and Skyward Sword
-TLOZ BOTW is babbys first open world. I see 0 reason why it's the best 3D zelda game out there let alone the best open world ever.
-The Witcher 1&2 combat system sucks. It's the reason why I skipped it to 3 even though the combat is bland there
-The best racing game that isn't a kart racer is F-Zero GX
-The best kart racer is CTR (NF)
-I don't have a problem with 1st person platforming. I thought Mirror's Edge 1 was good.
-The only way for FPS game to not shit the bed in console is gyro aiming (if you can't use kb+m in the first place)
-Hardware wise, the PSVita is the best handheld console so far
-The necks in (3)DS and the GBA SP is terrible in the long run because those things tends to be brittle later on
-Overwatch is terrible. If it weren't for fap baits the game would be gone a long time ago
-I find DS 3's mechanics to be better than 1. I especially like how each weapon has their own special abilities and there's a separate bar for magic and stuff
-The Switch is awful especially the joycon. The only good thing I can think of is that it can play recent games on the go though not all of them runs decently.
-At least 50-60% of Smash players (at least the new one) aren't exactly dedicated fans. Like OW, they're pretty much bandwagoners
-If possible, I prefer playing on a console. Aside from not having to worry about specs, I tend to focus more when playing there as compared to playing with the PC
-Dark Soul's 2 method of healing is interesting and should've expanded more on the sequels.
-I can't stand MH's combat. It feels too slow. Granted, I haven't played the new one.
-Things like loot chest is only fine if the game's free and doesn't affect gameplay (heavily).
-If you want to collect old consoles, I suggest finding a way to load games on them via SD cards and such if possible.
-I can't find a MMO with a fun action packed gameplay
Quake had best movement followed closely by unreal source is about the 20th for fps movement it's not terrible but there are better out there
different strokes for different folks, i guess
to me uncomplicated, whimsical yet lively games were the defining pictures of vidya
it's honestly hard to see how genres as focused on numbers and calculations as RTSs and RPGs were managed to get some younger fans
Yknow i play quake and source interchangably and the movement doesnt feel vastly different.
But i feel like this is subjective bias on my part.
Ok, so you're just a fucking capcom drone
Do a favor and gas yourself capkek
I played Megaman X as a young kid. Some boring ass no mechanical depth game had no chance of keeping me entertained. I played Castlevania when I was like 2 or 3, how am I gonna enjoy some basic ass banjo game after that?
>literally no other possible reason
The series being garbage is not enough reason for you?
They're unironically the best dev of all time.
Capcom is doing really good lately, you must really hate video games.
Capcom is improving again user.
You likely died on the first monster. Sad really.
Fuck no, they were good 20 years ago and that's it
For combo autists, sure. As an actual game it's worse than DmC.
Viewtiful joe was good.
Ok so you have no arguments at all so you have to make shit up
It seems this month you won't get your capcom defense force paycheck
I give leeway to dmc but this is just way too contrarian, even for Yea Forums
Viewtiful Joe came out 16 years ago.
They've only had a few bad years in their whole history. Name a better dev I dare you.
Sucks to suck.
I attempt to use it as little as possible, but cant think of a term to describe someome that needs to change something to suit their progressive agenda.
monster hunter is most overrated boring game
Which is less than 20...
>name a better dev
Monolith soft, Rockstar, Drunk polacs projekt red...
Now go and sit down, you're embarrasing everyone
If you brag about beating single player games as some form of accomplishment, you're just a casual in denial.
And that user probably didn't mean 20 years ago as exact number, but rather as rounded up figure.
Save for Monster Hunter, Capcom these days seems to have more misses than hits.
Rockstar fucking sucks. They've made the same game for 15 years and it got old around vice city.
Monolith soft has like 3 good games so they can't compete. CDPR has 2 good games.
RE DMC MH Dragon's Dogma.
Turn based combat is an archaic form of combat that people only cling to for pure nostalgic purposes. I didn't like it 20 years ago, and I still don't like it today.
If turn based combat was not a thing up until recently, everyone an their mothers would look down on it rightfully. Not every hame needs to be some dmc tier action fest, but that doesn't mean it needs to be turn based trash
Rockstar has like one genre, and cdproyekt is at the edge of the abyss.
I wont say anything mean about monolith cause i haven't touched their games. And rockstar isnt that bad I suppose.
Not him btw.
PC gaming was never worth getting into consoles have all the games and more
Rune Factory 4 was not fun. My main hitch was the combat. Not at all fun.
And Crash Team Racing NF is a game for tryhards. I've never ragequit something more in my life. I spend most of the race struggling to maintain 4th or 5th, and after one uncontrollable mistake I'm locked in 8th. Mario Kart seems like a dream compared to it.
New megaman, resident evil, devil may cry, and dragons dogma are pretty good.
In fact there was something else before re7 came out that had me excited for capcoms turn around, but i forgot.
Cant emulate or play a bunch of indies or old pc games desu. But really it depends on your backlog.
It would honestly be 100% fine if the animations could be drastically sped up or even turned off. I remember some hobo witnessing a fight and "running" the fuck away. He moved like some disabled cunt, but still had plenty AP ganeplay-wise, so his turn took like a fucking minute and I had to sit through it. It was unbearable
>Rune Factory 4 was not fun. My main hitch was the combat. Not at all fun.
My main problem with RF4 was that you start off in a mansion with everyone thinking you're a prince. What's the point of farming? It's ridiculous.
The main draw for me is to start off as a nobody in a shack and grind your way to success. Also the characters are the worst of any Rune Factory game even 1 had better characters.
Breath of the Wild was nothing special and didn't offer anything new. The only reason it's praised is due to nostalgia and handheld mode.
Casual game design is fun.
Tf2 is superior for it, and so is smash bros and mario cart.
Aim assist allows games to be faster and actually improves games.
Casual gamers are killing the industry more than anything else. In my day you cunts weren't welcome on Yea Forums and we're worse for allowing you to think you're people.
Actually Mania is really mediocre at Best. Yeah it has good music, for the most part, but that doesnt save the game from being a borring piece of shit.
The zone selection its okay, the new levels are okay with the exception of Studiopolis and Mirage Saloon 2 that I fucking love, the multiplayer its borring, the special stages became borring after the 2 one, music as I say is good but the fucking restrain Tee lopes, these remixes are fucking souless with the exception of maybe Stardust but that is still only okay.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK I wanted to loved that game but I can't, is so fucking borring
The truth that most of Yea Forums doesn't seem to comprehend is that there's room for both casual and "hardcore" games and you can enjoy both types for different reasons
Savescumming is basically personalized checkpoints and is even more casual.
That's gonna be a no for me, dog.
Turn based combat is fine. It's built around planning and strategy. Not everyone wants to worry about I-frames, reaction time, and off-screen enemies and hazards.
Strategy games are borrowing from the idea of chess, the way I figure. There are multiple ways that come to mind for turn based combat to be engaging.
If shit like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, or the Sims gets a pass when you're literally just doing chores, turn based games have plenty of right to exist.
Need for Speed Underground was pure fucking garbage and so was almost every single NFS after that. The nigger soundtrack only ruined it more, NFS was better when it had metal and trance as its soundtrack.
Half Life is a trash series aside for Opposing Force which wasn't even made by valve.
Team Fortress 2 is also absolute fucking garbage.
From Software should stop with the souls games, they were never good, they should make more Armored Core instead, but souls shit sells and they want money so it's understandable they'll keep shitting out horrible garbage to make easy money.
This is an old childish thought process of elitism that "skill" validated you.
>Platinum has never made a game better than a 6/10.
>Gen 4 was the worst Pokemon has ever been. DP are the worst Pokemon games and Pt isn't really significantly better.
>Raichu is the worst design of its line.
>Doom is better than Quake.
>Shadow Warrior > Duke > Blood in terms of gameplay
>The only good Unreal is the first one
>Capcom hasn't made a fighting game that was better than "subpar" since vs Tatsunoko
>Mega Man X is the worst of the platforming Mega Man series, and all the post SNES ones are crap
>Soldier is the only overpowered class in TF2 and the only one that needs a nerf
>Mother/Earthbound is probably the most overrated series of all time
>Undertale does everything LISA attempts better and is far and away the superior game
>Delirium is a better boss than the Witness
>Toon Link is a sure indicator of a mediocre to bad Zelda game. Minish Cap is the best one he's in and even that is pretty meh compared to the other Capcom Zeldas.
>The Gamecube had the worst entries in many classic Nintendo franchises, ex Mario Sunshine, Double Dash, Wind Waker. This will be commonly accepted knowledge when Gamecube kiddies stop being the main segment of those fanbases.
>3D Metroid > 2D Metroid
>Mario 3 > World
>MonHun is the COD of Japan and has roughly the same mechanical depth and skill required
>Ratchet and Clank are the last good IP Sony have
>mainline FF games have never been better than decent and have sucked outright since they left the NES
>Dragon Quest is equally mediocre
>SotN is the least good of the Metroid style Castlevanias (though it's not bad)
>Castlevania 64 is actually kino
>Superstar Saga > Paper Mario > TTYD > SMRPG
>Pokken's roster is immaculate
>only fatties hate motion controls
>the Dualshock is a terrible controller
>VR is a meme but the 3D on the 3DS was pretty good
>modern Mortal Kombat games are better than contemporary nip fightan
There, that list should contain enough of my opinions that any reader will find something triggering.
Elitism is a good thing. It has nothing to do with validation. Casual games bore me and my happiness and enjoyment matters more than yours.
Turn based combat isnt bad, but there isnt a single unique or puzzling game outside of a pokemon esque counter system, or a weak gimmicks.
There rarely are any interesting encounters.
All Japanese games are trash, and all east Asian cultures are trash too.
>Elitism is a good thing
Not if its false and misguided by an echo chamber.
>Unpopular opinions
>States one of the most meme opinions
Soldier isnt op hes well rounded.
Stating unpopular opinions without backing them up is a sign of no arguement.
Zoomers are actually improving the board, it's millenials and boomers who murdered it, while zoomers are resurrecting real chan culture.
Videogames should be banned for adults who need to do productive things with their lives.
Epic quality zoomer post.
I feel like you might just be thinking purely turn based RPGs. Look at Fire Emblem for example.
>Player Turn vs Enemy Turn
>Sometimes there are multiple factions at war, so there are two enemy turns
>Maps play a big role in how you can approach or defend against the enemy
>different win conditions change how you want to play the map
>Combat mechanics change how each interaction plays
>having to deal with stage hazards like fire tiles, or getting in range of a ballasta
>tense moments from where your units are put in compromising conditions
And that's just one mainstream example. There's so much more to turn based than just Pokemon and Dragon Quest.
Ultimately, I do understand your point, and I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
Copyright Laws shouldn’t exist and the UK is retarded for inventing them
While i can perfectly understand why some people dislike Fallout 4, it did a considerable amount of things better than the previous games.
>power armor than can be modified
>overall better crafting system with a few exeptions
>while baysitting the dumb npcs is kinda gay, building up your own personal lair isn't
>companions feel more humane for you can interact with them better and they react to your choices.
Didnt consider turn based to blanket games like that and xcom. Thats true then, but i still think theyre squandering their potential, and rarely make interesting encounters.
Sooo basically for everyone but children?
>companions feel more humane for you can interact with them better and they react to your choices
Have you not played New Vegas?
you can turn up the speed, i always did
It's still too slow, it should be like 4x at the very least
Usually pretty good desu. Valuing those who excel at the hobby over those who don't leads to good communities.
>Aim assist allows games to be faster
Then why have FPS only become slower since the focus shifted to consoles?
Opinion is not a fact, it's a thought made from personal experience, therefore it doesn't have to have anything backing it up.
It's another thing that many people think their opinion is the only one that matters.
I did though. Care to explain? Boone shooting legion soldiers on sight because he said he would isn't the same thing as companions actually taking part in a random conversation with an npc for example.
1. Nintendo owe's the Switch's success entirely to BoTW and actually competent marketing (unlike the Wii U). Otherwise it's trash
2. Final Fantasy XIII is an excellent game and no worse than the previous titles. Every modern FF game has been experimental and XIII was an unprecedented technological leap that still holds up against current year releases.
3. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is an insult to life itself
They haven't, Doom was fast as hell and it has heavy aim assist AND appears on basically every console.
They have weak aim assist and controllers need it even more.
There are way too many videogames
Just because it appears on consoles doesn't mean consoles were the focus. And Doom is slow as hell when not played with a mouse or similar. Even when played with proper input devices it isn't as fast as some PC focused games that came later, Quake being the obvious example.
>Just because it appears on consoles doesn't mean consoles were the focus.
They were though
>And Doom is slow as hell when not played with a mouse or similar.
False, I play any Doom wad I can get away with using the arrow keys and I go fast just fine
>Even when played with proper input devices it isn't as fast as some PC focused games that came later, Quake being the obvious example.
False, Quake is designed slow as hell in terms of gameplay thanks to its retarded bullet sponge enemies. The multiplayer is fast of course but so is Doom's.
>The only thing going for Mario Odyssey for me is the ability to control the opponent gimmick. The rest is meh. I prefer the Galaxy games when it comes to this kind of 3D gameplay
>Every game that isn't free should have a game demo.
>Digimon has more ways to expand different types of gameplay when compared to Pokemon. Unfortunately, Bandai isn't creative enough or just plain lazy.
>While it's annoying to swap discs to change games, the only good way to own games is through physical copy and not digital only.
>If a game has mediocre gameplay, the only saving grace it has to redeem itself for me is the soundtrack
>I like the tablet aspect of the Wii U. It can be expanded with different games.
>If a kid wants to play a videogame, it's best to introduce them to old classics first before making them explore the new ones.
>Half-Life 1 is a lot better than 2. From weapons to locations, 1 has the better "oomph" if you know what I mean.
>You don't judge a game with mods. You should judge them as is unless that's their entire point like GMod.
>Unless it really affects the game in one way or another, I don't care about the FPS. As long as it runs fine it's good enough for me
>One way for me to have good 1st impressions of a game is to check if it has a decent amount of R34 of characters I like via appearance.
People don't share my opinion which must mean that my opinion is correct.
>bullet sponge enemies
opinion discarded
>I play any Doom wad I can get away with using the arrow keys and I go fast just fine
Post me a demo or a video.
>They were though
Yeah, that's why Doom was originally released on PC and later ported to consoles.
Truth is always harsher than lies
>>not bullet sponge enemies
Absolute delusion
>Post me a demo or a video.
>Yeah, that's why Doom was originally released on PC and later ported to consoles.
And it was ported basically 1:1 which tells you everything you need to know
I think TP ZeLink is cute
Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012 is the greatest fighting game ever to exist, and I genuinely don't think anything will ever top it.
As a Street Fighter game sure
No - the entire fighting game genre.
IMO Nah senpai
>Sonic has never had a good game
>Not even Mania
When people say shit like this, what they really mean is "I don't know how to play 2D Sonic"
>Pokemon Gen 4 is peak Pokemon
>The only good thing about FF Versus XIII was the Neo-Gothic art-style and the Insomnia raid intro, everything was going to be bound to be shit like FFXV and there's no denying it
>The MySims series had a good art-style and okay characters despite the gameplay and plot being elementary school tier childish
>X-Com Enemy Unknown was a good game
>Costume/Cosmetic DLCs aren't a bad thing and are preferable to content being locked out.
>I don't like the Silent Hill games except maybe 1 and I think that the psychological horror they depict is far too in-your-face
>Everything after the original Phoenix Wright Trilogy (except for investigations) is garbage.
>I think Quake 1 and 2 are overrated and that Quake 3 is better.
>Witcher 1 and 2 would've been interesting with the open world of Witcher 3 (but without retarded Witcher sense and instead more subtle investigation mechanics), likewise Witcher 3 would've been a good game if it had the autism combat and atmosphere of Witcher 1
>Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided are garbage and the only redeeming thing about them is Faridah Malik (based tomboy waifu), the Stealth Takedowns and the idea of a Deus Ex set in Prague and Detroit. The pseudo-rennaisance art-sale doesn't fit a Deus Ex sequel and the shooting feels CoD/GoW and the plot feels like garbage and fuck that faggot Pritchard
>Half-Life 2 should've either been a separate IP or it should've had the American dystopia art style form the beta
>The last good MGS game was MGS1, MGS2's story went too far into pure sci-fi despite the fact I loved the gameplay and MGS3 felt more like a pulpy comedy and had that stupid Modern Warfare yellowish filter that I fucking detest to this day
>I think Twilight Princess was when Zelda peaked. Skyward Sword is a shit and BoTW is meh as hell
>Sonic would be better if they inserted some Archie and some Sonic X canon into it and went back to being edgy like the mid-2000s
Anime loving incels should be taken out back and have two rounds put in their head for good measure.
Oh and I forgot a few more
>KCD should've been dubbed in Czech with English subtitles so we could've had the hilarious Czech dub like Mafia 1
>Lovecraft's Eldritch God Pantheon should be beatable, enough of this "y-you can't beat them" bullshit.
That's all my unpopular opinions (I think), out of all of them, I think only half of them are actually controversial.
You literally post on Yea Forums
Yea Forums is the video game board, moron.
Playing PvP games is stupid. Like csgo or pubg or any other when it depends on you if others are having fun or not. It's like doing work. Also they are full with annoying toxic people like >> there are better ways to get under people's skin without breaking rules
I played my share of those and had fun in some of them but I can't imagine how someone can play these extensively without going insane.
>No game in the bioshock series is good and represent everything bad with modern FPS
>Halo put FPS in such a rut that decades later we're still trying to climb out
>Suda 51 has never made a good game
>Proper racing games take more skill than any fighter
>Ace combat 7 wasn't very good because almost each mission was tainted by some sort of bullshit clause
>Nintendo is the apple of gaming, in that all the good they may have done is vastly outweighed by all the bullshit protectionism and culture fuckulation they've done over the years
If you compare every PC exclusive to every console exclusive since consoles were born, Consoles win time and time each year by year stacked. It's just reality.
I enjoyed Pokemon Sun
Assault rifles are the cancer killing FPS games:
>cover too many functions by themselves, forcing the rest of the weapons to be pigeonholed into overly specific niches
>no interesting strengths or weaknesses to play around, making player interactions really boring
>no interesting use of physics or movement, if anything they shut down fun movement (see: titanfall 2, tribes ascend)
>puts a hamper on map design because the mapper has to account for players being able to damage each other at all times
Photorealistic cars aren't visually impressive anymore and more racing game developers should experiment with their art styles
what about megaman was boring?
and what made rts and rpgs so entertaining over it?
just trying to get a bead on your take
Three was alright.
>consoles have more exclusives
>and thats a good thing
spotted the sokneeger
dumbass he knows thats a dumb opinion, welcome to this thread.
>If you compare every PC exclusive to every console exclusive
You realize that PC doesn't have different companies fighting over one specific hardware to be purchased. If something is PC exclusive it has to be because of hardware requirements or needing very specific controls like simulators using your whole keyboard while there is a full control pad attached.
Your argument is inherently stupid.
>Every game that isn't free should have a game demo.
nobody outside of publishers disagrees with this
>Half-Life is shit and did a huge damage to fps genre that we are only just starting to recover from
>Dead or Alive 6 is best in the series
>Lightning Returns has best gameplay in Final Fantasy franchise
>Odyssey is the only good 3D Mario
>Resident Evil Revelations is shit
>Resident Evil Revelations 2 is great
>Sillent Hill Downpoor is janky, but good
>Tales of Symphonia isn't even in top 3 Tales
Here comes the big one
>The second vidya industry crash already happened. All western and some japanese big publishers no longer make video games, they make shit clowning as video games to fool you out of money. In a few years there will be a huge visible divide between AAA and actual vidya. AAA shit will have some other official name, rather then "video games".
Half-Life is the only Valve game worth a damn
TF2 used to be too until Meet Your Match
Well you're right, but mostly because of the combination of a couple of them that implies that MK9/X/11 are better than Marvel 3. If you want a western fighting game that shits on modern Japanese offerings that's Killer Instinct 2013.
>If a game has mediocre gameplay, the only saving grace it has to redeem itself for me is the soundtrack
This & the thing about demos are 100% correct. Good shit Warioposter.
All this thread has shown me is that most of Yea Forums doesn't like video games and should move to a different board for shit posting
I view it as a boss game, like Alien Soldier.
I can understand not enjoying Sonic games, but by what rationale would anyone ever actually think that none of the Genesis games are good platformers in any regard? The level design alone places it leagues above 80% of the genre.
Final Fantasy 2 was a better game than Final Fantasy 4. Also Starfox Assault is way better than it has any right to be given its development history.
>In a few years there will be a huge visible divide between AAA and actual vidya
This is already a thing
Good one
Go ahead and tell me how I'm wrong.
FF4 is as bitch basic as it gets and offers barely any player choice due to the way it rotates your party around for you based on the story and what the area is designed around. You don't get to really experiment at all until the last chunk of the game. The story doesn't carry it either, because everyone except Cecil and Rydia is a block of wood.
I hope you're not implying that 2 doesn't do all that stuff as well only worse cause the combat system is just straight busted.
Have you even played 2?
Yeah, the famicom verison is a buggy piece of shit.
Later ports fixed the actual problems and left you with a strangely freeform RPG where you decided your party's makeup and what your strengths and weaknesses are by your actions. At no point does 2 ever pull a 4 and haul off your entire party because muh plot, it just has a rotating guest member slot. You're able to experiment plenty the whole way through, and while the characters are simpler than Cecil and Rydia they're consistently better than most of the rest of 4's cast and the plot itself is better in structure.
Sorry about your nostalgia, but 4 < 2 < 4 (3D remake)
At last, someone with reasonable opinions.
There's so much wrong here that I don't know where to start. It's blatantly obvious that you're just being contrarian so you can have an unpopular opinion though so i'm just going to call you a faggot and we can both move on with our lives.
Have a nice afternoon.
it's Yea Forums fundamentally misunderstanding everything again. You can easily be sexist without being white. No, "le evil SJWs" don't see someone being black as secret magic cheat codes that totally makes them ignore when you are being a fucking ass.
There is little purpose to a game without a sense of progression from a pure gameplay perspective: If your options were & remain as shallow as they were in the beginning, the game is probably doomed. Even moreso if it's slow, which reduces its potential even further.
>There's so much wrong!
>Can't list a single thing
Tell me how 2D FF4 gives me the ability to experiment in the early game more than the one that let's you go all mages or all tanks if you like. I'm all ears.
rating games on a numerical scale is ultimately meaningless and only serves to pander to children who want to believe that there is some objective measure of a games worth in order to fuel playground arguments over whether or not the games one likes are "better" than the games someone else likes. These people will never actually think critically about the experiential qualities of any game.
>he actually liked shit like this
Age of Empires 3 is a perfectly fine game and it explores an are otherwise left untouched by vidya (and it was before Assassin's Creed III or Rogue)
How is user being contrarian when they're saying the first version of the less popular game is the worst and the most recent version of the more popular game is the best?
you're mentally retarded
I love Halo but the gameplay actually has never been good outside a few moments of brilliance in the first game. It really is just an introduction to shooters on console with functioning aiming controls and doesn't offer much past that.
Music and worldbuilding is fucking 10/10 though
I think you need to re-read what he wrote if that's what you got with it.
I try not to waste too much time overly thinking about bait.
>I think you need to re-read what he wrote if that's what you got with it.
>Yeah, the famicom verison is a buggy piece of shit.
>Later ports fixed the actual problems
>4 < 2 < 4 (3D remake)
How is this not saying that the Famicom version of 2 blows and 3D FF 4 is better than FF 2?
>How is this not saying that the Famicom version of 2 blows and 3D FF 4 is better than FF 2?
Because of the part where in every post before this he was 2 was straight up better?
If he had straight up said that the later versions of 2 was better then the first version of 4 then okay sure but he didn't imply that at all until right there which makes me think he'd rank the last version of 2 over the last version of 4
Also he seems to think that more expermination makes a better game which is fair but saying the story and characters in 2 rea better is laughably dumb. Not saying 4 has a great story at all but it's way better then 2.
For the record I consider 4 a firmly middle of the road FF so this isn't fanboyism or anything. Though I will say the only version of 2 that I've played is the GBA one which had a whole host of issues still
I love TW3
The map is a wonder to explore, riding slowly trough a forest is peak comfiness, turning the map off and following signpost to little villages gives a great sense of exploration, and Novigrad is my 2nd favorite vidya city after Khorinis
Combat is meh and i'm not really into the action rpg aspect of it, but the world, writing and characters are enough to carry the whole thing
I remember playing it when it released. In terms of setpieces there wasn't much going for it. There was the initial escape from the city, that awkward airboat ride through the canals, zombietown and then I was in some beach area on a buggy fighting off a helicopter when the game crashed. I was getting bored anyway so I just went back to playing more war3.
Generation 2 of Pokemon is dogshit. People will continue spouting that the first two games had the best monster-like designs but ignore GSC's notable amount of round toy looking Pokemon that they hate so much nowadays. Level-curve is also awful and /vp/ is retarded for thinking pointing this out means you can't beat the game.
>objectively the worst silent hill
You can't say this when book of memories exist.
Though Shat Memz completely loses any illusion of being half way interesting when you replay it a few times (or really just the intro) and realize how fucking shallow it really is.
I wouldn't mind the core concepts being reused in much much more expanded detail though
>I try not to waste too much time overly thinking
Yeah I can tell. user got it spot on but you're telling them they're wrong because you're busy shitposting. Final Fantasy 2 Famicom/NES is nearly unplayable due to bugs, but the Origins/Dawn of Souls/PSP versions are free from that horseshit and outshine Final Fantasy 4. The 3D remake of 4 adds way more (and better) writing and flashes out its cast, gives you the Augment system for customization, ramps up difficulty and is generally a far superior game to its original incarnation.
2 as a whole was a better game in design that was trumped by a remake of 4 that essentially made it an entirely different game telling a rewrite of its story. I was talking about them in general and then gave you the concession that 4's remake is better, but instead of discussing you're too busy with going LOLSHITPOSTBAAAAIIIT like a fucking retard.
Or maybe I'm just overreacting.
I'm hyped for Death Stranding
see I would actually agree with him (and you) that the first version of 4 is meh but I don't think that was the point he was making.
4 DS is legit though. No version of 2 comes close to beating it and I love it a lot for what it did.
Also if that was his point then it seems dumb to compare a later version of one game to an early version of another when that second game has a remake that makes it still better then the first anyways.
>you lived long enough to see sanic become a casual filter
I like 1 just as much but for different reasons. 3 was a creative disaster, probably the most unimpressive game in the entire soulsborne series. Demon's souls is a masterpiece but I don't want to replay it.
You're getting all mixed up, user.
I'm the one who made the claim. I made the concession that nobody should play the original release of 2 because it's a mess (same goes for 1, honestly), but as a whole 2 is a better game than 4. I also conceded that 4 3D is better than 2, but it's so different from every other version of 4 that I have a hard time considering that the same game. It's not just a bug fix and facelift, the very way it plays is different.
2 isn't as bad as people meme it being but also it's not as good as the fans hype it up.
Also here's an unpopular opinion. Demon's Souls is vastly overrated and not as good as people claim it is. Not that it's bad but anyone who claims it's better then DS 1 are full of bullshit
Savescumming comes from backing up your character in roguelikes from the 80s though, retard.
I always thought it was from saving right before a bit choice or a gambling bit.
It's not better but it's the first implementation of many ideas dark souls used and improved upon. And that will always hold a higher standard amongst fans that played it first. Ranking the games is useless subjectivity anyways. Especially without going in depth about which aspects you prefer since for example some things in 2 are improved from 1 and some are worse.
Also a lot of idiots parrot outdated opinions they got from some eceleb about the original ds2 release which aren't relevant now.
It evolved into that, but I'm in my 30's and my dad used the term while teaching me Nethack on a DOS machine. The term is older than 99% of Yea Forums
How is not liking Sonic unpopular?
Yea Forums has irredeemably shit taste in everything, especially games.
I like battle network 4. the double souls system was more fun than 2 and 3's style change, and the bass fight was far better too.
Most games discussed here are trash.
>pokemon gsc is awful; johtoddlers always have to rely on the "soul/soulless" maymay because they can't defend it on its own merits
>"open-world pokemon" would be even worse than the current shovelware
>persona 3 is by far the worst game in the series and one of the worst jrpgs i've ever played
>the snes, gamecube, and ds are the only good nintendo consoles, the wii u and 3ds are okay, everything else has been shit
>microsoft has never made a good console and never will, since they don't truly care about the medium at all
>both steam and epic are bloatware; "launchers" shouldn't exist on pc
>indie games are mostly garbage and often bigger cash grabs than western aaa
>mobile gacha shit is no better than lootboxes; nobody will ever believe gacha whales when they claim they've never spent a dime on these "games"
>monolith is the most overrated studio on Yea Forums, every game they've made has been trash
>normal cutscenes are preferable to the tricks that western developers use to artificially lower their cutscene-to-gameplay ratio (such as "interactive cutscenes," forced walk-and-talk segments, and long exposition dumps through text boxes)
don't forget about how it suffers from the exact same nostalgia-pandering bullshit that everyone complains about with the 3ds games. finding a johto pokemon in johto is like finding a needle in a haystack. gym leaders mostly use kanto pokemon instead of johto ones. johto itself is basically half a region with no identity of its own because they had to make room for KANTOOOOOO in the postgame. even the fanbase tries to ride genwunners' coattails and shit on the rest of the games despite the fact that genwunners hate their games too.
which sonic 1?
wao holy shit
reboots and remakes that change the source material have no reason to exist
>persona 3 is by far the worst game in the series
It's not one of the worst JRPGs I've ever played, but it's definitely one of my least liked MegaTen games. It's a chore to play through and has few redeeming features. For me, it mostly got by on having good ideas, even if it couldn't execute any of them well.