>god is evil
God is evil
Other urls found in this thread:
why do westerners get so triggered about this trope?
god is evil
Oh boy, I can't wait for a thread full of teenagers who have religion all figured out.
It's overdone
>god is good and she's a super competent older girl that the MC crushes hard for
It was done in maybe 3 JRPGs in total, and I can only list Xenogears. It's as far from being overdone as possible, and the fact that westerners think it's overdone is pretty much proof that they are triggered beyond belief. Question is, why?
God is evil, or incompetent.
>Muh test of faith bro
Yeah Im sure that dead baby had a chance to pronounce his love to God
Go to bed, Illya.
This site is 18+ there are no teenagers here
>God is actually a bro
>cute girl is funny
it's actually almost never done, 90% of the time the "evil god" isn't actually "god" at all, just some powerful being with a god complex.
>god is dead
>disliking shitty trope means they're triggered
Can I have this image set so i can have it all and not just stumble upon it every so often
With me.
What is there to figure out?
>god isn't evil
is infinitely more overdone
Thanks for confirming you are triggered at least. Now tell us why.
Where is the like/dislike button ?
It's just menhera chan. If you aren't fucking retarded you'll be able to find a gallery of it easily.
That's exactly what you are doing, yes, now tell us why you are triggered by the trope.
God is not evil because he's not real
It's disabled on this sub
Yeah and what ur gonna do about that, buddy?
>god is bored to death
fucking troll ,enjoy your divine punishment
Well its hard to look for shit without a name so thaanks
Cope harder reddit
>funny girl is also cute
Oh, it's broken!
You're broken redditfag
>Doesn't realize she's a actually a trap
So gay
Hahahaha, you are hereby defeated. I rest my case.
Christianity is one of the first thing kikes created to keep the goyim in check.
Finally coped enough?
>God is uncaring of his creations due to thousands of years of watching us destroying each other ad nauseam
A jaded God is best God.
>God is distracted because he's busy repeating our process on distant planets
"Oh shit, EARTH? I forgot all about them!"
>buddha is evil
Just Imagine, living to infinity years? God should be on constant dopamine or it existence will break god.
Reminds me of my favorite smbc.
Animay is cancer
Monotheism means they take it personally
what created us if not god?
>A being that demands absolute servitude and enforces that demand with the threat of ETERNAL SUFFERING
>Not evil
It isn't a trope. It is fact. Any being that is omnipotent is capable of anything and is not limited to being only good.
No Illya, seriously, go the fuck to sleep.
Yes, and?
Your parents made you
He is
He could’ve made me anything but he decided to make me a male and a shitskin with no personality and no redeeming qualities
>game has difficult moral choices
>God is completely indifferent
based incel
That's on you.
p-pls sauce
This one is my favorite
>cute girl is funny
The truth is that God doesn't even know we exist in the first place. He made us without realizing it.
That's the grand plan
didn't god destroy the life of some dude just to prove satan they guy was dumb enough to still follow him or something?
Old testament but yeah, god also got his shit kicked in by some dude in a wrestle match and is weak to iron chariots or something, he was a little more earthly back then
god never said that
Yes (just replace "dumb" with "enlightened") and that's a good thing. It only sounds bad to you because you're still stuck in your secular mindset where "the life" you're living here is all that matters.
>lolicon is pedo
Book of Job. God let Satan take the wheel and wreck the guy's life to win a bet
I'm just going to say this once.
atheists are fucking retarded
Liking lolicons is not a crime!
>god also got his shit kicked in by some dude in a wrestle match
Still not the dumbest angle WWE ever pulled.
>arguing theology with enlightened teenagerss on Yea Forums when you could be jerking off to Illya instead
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Shimakaze is such a good girl
>jerking off
enjoy hell
that was a joke btw you won't enjoy hell because hell is literally impossible to enjoy
Criminals deserve punishment. Oh it means everyone get the punishment.
Not mentally ill so I'm attracted to women not kids, sorry bub.
What if you get enjoyment from everything. Only God can pull that.
reminder that Hell is simply the absence (rejection) of God and is entirely self-inflicted
>attracted to 3DPD
>not mentally ill
That can't be real
>polytheism, some gods are evil, some are good, all of them above mortal matters
Sometimes you just get really, really bored.
Why god did that anyway? If God is perfect and almighty his creation has no flaws and should not be trialed.
Well, nobody's perfect
God is OBJECTIVELY evil if it exists. You better wish it doesn't exist.
A being that could have made life any way it wanted made all life in a way that forces creatures to fight, kill and eat each other to survive. This is our nature and the nature of every living thing. I am thrilled to hear how a god that made life that way by design is not evil and sadistic. Your move, user.