FF7R ruined Summons

About summons:

They can be used during difficult battles and boss battles. When a very strong monster appears, you can equip a summon materia to each character. When the right situation comes to where you can use a summon, the summon option will appear on the screen. The summon will only help you if it feels you need help. So the purple bar measures how much the summon beast sympathizes with you. Once the bar is full, or in other words, once the summon beast fully sympathizes with you, you will have the opportunity to call it forth.

Attached: 1568436379636.jpg (1497x845, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So it's just like in FFXV where you have absolutely no control when to actually summon? Game gets worse and worse with every new piece of info we get

Except in FFXV you still need to press buttons to play

Attached: 1568442178243.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Actually in FFXV summons were random as fuck, at least you have some actual idea on when you can summon in FF7R. Plus they work like actual party members on your team and stay on the field.

Did you want to spam them or something?

In FFXV you only needed to hold down a button, what the fuck are you talking about?

They ruined everything, move on.

why do people keep falling for this.
The thumbnail at top left is a looped part from earlier in the stream composited ontop


>literally making shit up

Oh is that right you fucking FF7R shill?




How about just making it like the original?

>The summon will only help you if it feels you need help.

In other words, the summon is RNG.

woah wtf it's true

They're using a spell occasionally so there's no reason to do inputs

I can't believe this shit, what were they thinking??

>Game gets worse and worse with every new piece of info we get

No, You Faggot!!! This will cause an element of surprise in each battle, and make the game more entretaining!!!

>snoy exclusive
>game literally plays itself
You can't make this shit up.

If you hate FF7, go play its rival, Zelda OoT.



Of course this is bullshit

Barry you can say COPE as many times as you like, but it doesnt make for a good counter argument. Especially if you keep posting the same webm of a game mode they included along with the other two active modes. Using a webm of an OPTIONAL mode to criticize the game as a whole makes for a very weak argument as it can be easily dismissed.

Gee it's almost like this was all a mistake to begin with.

>set it to super easy mode
>game becomes super easy
no shit?


>So the purple bar measures how much the summon beast sympathizes with you.


>The summon will only help you if it feels you need help. So the purple bar measures how much the summon beast sympathizes with you. Once the bar is full, or in other words, once the summon beast fully sympathizes with you, you will have the opportunity to call it forth.

So it's RNG

>1/5th of the game
>VA is atrocious
>graphics are downgraded
>gameplay is ruined
>tifa is censored
>summons can only used in boss fights
>new AC like shit is added like wacky wahoo soldier, heartless ghosts and other nomura shenanigans
>game literally plays itself

How did they fuck up a simple fan request to remake their own game in HD graphics so horribly?

Modern square is incapable of delivering anything but pure horseshit and i hope this remake finally breaks their backs for good







Nice to see guys like you are the target audience now

>Yakuza 7 has summons
>character calls up crabs
>looks awesome
>turn based combat in a modern japanese setting
How are all the nerds not getting on to this?

It's so ironic, SE says turn based won't work in modern games, meanwhile yakuza a action oriented series actually shifts over to turn based, Persona 5 is the highest rated JRPG this gen and dragon quest sells as good as ever.

SE simply can't get their shit together they just keep fucking up again and again.

They turned summons into super guide

You gotta be fucking kidding me, now you feel like a retard when you use them

because everyone at square outside Yoshida's and Saitos team is retarded

This game is being developed to have maximum appeal they want to beat GTAV so they have to dumb down absolutely everything and include a game plays itself mode, another bishi fag OC for the women and come back in 4 years for part 2 asshole!
Its all a big joke

We have played the original dozens of time.

Yep, be responsible for your game being so fondly remembered and profitable for over 2 decades, only to be told you're not wanted anymore, and that the things that made it great in the first place aren't welcome either, and changed for those that have never tried it in the first place, feels great knowing we're less than dirt...

In other words players who suck at the game will have summon crutch while we GOOD PLAYERS wont need them

The more I read about this game the more I see them strip away much of the player freedom and choice to costumize from the original gameplay. Materia customization was part of why the battle system was neat.


The turn based battles were pretty braindead if you set up your materia right, so I'm not too mad about basic battles in this game being braindead. But bosses being braindead too is going a bit too far.

I played the original when it released and I still feel I'm the target audience

And what was bad about the way summons there worked?



>Gain new summon materia
>Go into boss battle
>Activate it to see cool animations, and how it fights
>Reload save so you can actually fight the boss without sitting there watching an AI do all the work cause even without the summon the boss is a pushover

I never really used any but Choco/Mog and Hades for Added Effect once I grew past my teens since the summons werent time and cost efficent. The animations had wow-effect, I admit, but they weren't tactical at all


That FFXV guy is mentally hill holy shit.

I hope Yuffie is DLC, Gold Saucer is DLC, Huge materia is DLC, WEAPONs are DLC. I hope the emblematic soundtrack of Junon and Cosmo Canyon are screwed up into oblivion. I hope they shoehorn some uncalled for SJW message into the game.
I hope everything that can go wrong does go wrong and the game still makes a killing for Square and gets rated #1 videogame of all time by all the usual suspects. Nothing will be greater than the nerdrage on this autistic frogposting imageboard.

Attached: dt4ts6K.jpg (600x450, 79K)

Then you're too blinded by nostalgia user.

It's the “A Final Fantasy for Fans and First-Timers" thing all over again and you know how that turned out.

Is this game journo difficulty?

Wait did they remove the materia system?

the game looks pretty good apart from the summons thing

>pre-release gameplay


The original game's sneak peeks showed Midgar era Cloud and co having thousands of HP too.

This is FF7 mystic quest edition

No info how materia system will operate on remake but they have shown Jessie giving materia to Cloud and Cloud's Buster Sword having materias on it


It's basically the same ATB shit as before, just with the characters actually doing shit instead of just standing in a row.

>just have the summon be a short cutscene that does a big burst of damage/maybe a status effect
That's literally worse than what the remake is doing. In the remake they might be mostly AI controlled, but you can at least fight alongside them and you still get the big dick cutscene damage too. You people complain even when it's an objective improvement.

Who cares, the combat looks fun. The original had some of the less impressive combat in the series, this is an improvement.

any game where the characters just do shit you didn't tell them to do is lame

Or how about you just go play the original again.

Yeah, wow, I was really excited to multi-summon Knights of the Round and sit locked in place for 5+ minutes in TWENTY NINETEEN. Some of you wanted it to be a fucking movie-game?

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it's an objective downgrade because you can't use them whenever you want to. god why are there so many people out there who don't know what an rpg is

So don't play on "classic" mode then.

So E. Skills is pretty much a dead and buried concept for this isn't it, especially with the multiple releases format.

And at this point it looks like the best modern Final Fantasy is still going to be the fucking MMO.

So basically 97% of every single game that has ever given you AI controlled teammates...?

Enemy Skills? No word on that or really any of the job-mimicking materia, blue magic might still work fine.

guy is not a teammate, he's the player character.


Most yellow materia at this point given the different combat system are useless anyways

You sound like you'd prefer to play the original game with some graphics mods.


Attached: h665r6.png (674x674, 616K)

>what is deathblow
>what is 4cut
>what is mime
It's like you want some boring auto hack and slash (formerly turn BASED)



Steal is in in

they specifically said 4cut doesn't make any sense in this combat system a few months ago lol


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I only had a summon come up once during my entire run of xv.

They would, wouldn't they?

Attached: uiy.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Not necessarily, if anything loads of them will still be useful. Matra Magic with Enemy Skill might still allow you to ggez huge portions of the game, W-Magic/Dualcast has obvious uses, Manipulate for a free party-member with multiple-enemy fights, the Cut and Slash-All materia, Coin/Gil Toss and Throw. I can see them adding a Jump materia for Cid, and probably including more materia to mimic jobs like Mystic Knight or Dark Knight.

They show up more for bad players. Fitting because only bad players ever used them.

>It's like you want some boring auto hack and slash
It's almost exactly how they're going about making it...

When was in the original you got them? Was it in Midgar or after Midgar? Hmm-hmm. The remake takes place in Midgar so naturally they should find Mime, KotR and 4xCut in Midgar too, by your logic.

That was the best way to play the game just like 95% of final fantasies.

It's almost exactly how they aren't if you're not high off the fumes of your own shitposting. Auto-play is to replicate the actual ATB system and manually playing is more effective.

How much more shitposting around this game is gonna happen?
Seriously do these shitposters never get tired of calling every game with high expectations a "lol it's a flop" "oh nonono it was not suppose to happen bros lol"?

So it's like FF12.

I don't use summons in VII. They all suck besides KotR which is so convoluted to get you could only use it for Sephy and the Weapons realistically and is still wholly unnecessary

What's funny here is that you're comparing FFXV to the retard mode in FFVIIR that's completely optional. Meanwhile, the hold O to win combat is the standard in XV.

That's just how Yea Forums normally operates. Don't give them actual attention.

There've been a great number of people dedicated to shitting up Yea Forums over the years and a lot of them were/are genuinely mentally ill. If it seems like the same threads and the same posts over and over, it probably is.

It theoratically could save your ass on Battle Arena but I dont think it was ever meant to be legit tactic you will be needing in the main game. Instead it's more of a trophy to show off you did all the hoops to obtain it.

considering there is pre-order summons they can have anything as dlc

I've owned the original 5 times now, and replay it every year, it is and will always be my favorite game, but I ain't touching this new shit with a 10 foot pole.

That being said, I would have to be a complete fucking kicked in the head by a goat retard to not know this is gonna sell like crack in the 80s, and probably be at the top of every review sites list, even the ones not being payed to shill.

You can summon wherever you want in FF12.

Except it's a waste of time outside of boss fights. Like a complete waste.

So how the fuck are you supposed to know when to equip your summons? When you see another fuckhuge empty room? That's pretty poor design. I hope you can summon weaker summons like the DLC ones for mooks.

Remake ruins everything. Only blind zoomers fucks can see this as good.

nice grammar

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well so far the scorp boss and aps are fucking identical

huge area
boss jumps away
jumps back

just play the original game with mods
it's literally what you want
how are you retards not getting that

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explain maymay pls

i miss when we could have actual discussion on Yea Forums

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Why exactly? You would prefer that they just sort of stand there while the meter fills?

Bring in the clowns!!!

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Ok boomer

>summon will only help you out of pity for mere mortals


yeah alright

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And you still control what he does when the ATB meter fills. Or you can turn the attacks to manual, hotkey the moves to face buttons, and play it like an action game. It's up to you. I really don't see the problem here.


They've barely shown anything outside the tutorial area, user.

Ok zoomer

This. You just know every single website will give it 10/10 like that other piece of shit game Chrono Cross.

So how the fuck are you supposed to reasonably master that materia or did they do away with the materia grinding?

We've got another six months of "This game looks like shit", then it'll switch over to "This game IS shit", then when the next one comes out the cycle will start over, only people will start saying that this one isn't THAT bad by comparison to the next one.

Ok pee pee poo poo head.

Oh gee, did you know 6 months before the original game released how to be overpowered in the game?


You sound upset Barry.

Wow that is fucking stupid. Why did they have to fuck with materia? Jesus fucking christ Square.

Kill yourself in a fire off a bridge you demented little faggot, the adults are talking about something that actually matters for the game.

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Can you drink some bleach please? No one is saying it needs to be exactly the same to be good. All it needs is to not be identical to goddamn XV.

Or you know it could perhaps be a good game.

One of the more recent crazes I've seen is that the later episodes will take just as long to come out, from the time 7R started (and was scrapped/remade several times) to now, completely ignoring that episode 1 is a template game and they've already done 60% of the work just by pushing ep.1 out.

They literally fucking copied XV in nearly every regard.

Square are such inbelievable hacks.
Tabata did nothing wrong.


there you go, faggots. now you can have the game you want and stop bitching.

Man I was hoping for something a little bit better but I'll take it.


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>hombre de shad

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>No girls allowed
This is wise user.

>just have the summon be a short cutscene that does a big burst of damage/maybe a status effect
>That's literally worse than what the remake is doing.

You see Ifrit do his main attack just before he leaves the battlefield. That attack is the only thing that matters. Get rid of the other garbage.

So 7R summons can only be used during bosses AND they are RNG?

Lmao based XV dabbing on 7R again

Attached: ifrit summon ffxv ep ardyn.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

Yeah, I'm saying probably 2-3 years until the next one, but no more than that. A lot of it's going to be asset flips from here, and like you said, most of the heavy lifting is done already, now that they've got the core gameplay design and engine shit figured out.

XV lets you summon in any battle, 7R is only during bosses
Also Ifrit can be used whenever you want in ep ardyn

No they are random in 7R while they have set conditions in XV and can be summoned in any battle

7r requires less button inputs than just popping items in XV

Attached: ff7r playing itself.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

This will never beat the original

Is XV actually going to be a better game than this FF7R shovelware?
Please say it isn't so....bros, i watched MAximilian_DOOD and holy SHIT he was so fucken HYPE for this epic remake my dude, in turn i naturally replicated his influence and was super hype too.
Now i'm skeptical.
Are you a super cool person like Max? All the cool dudes are saying this game gon be litty my famalam.

The original's gameplay was neat and all but it was unbalanced dogshit, c'mon dude.

It's the intended method of play


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actually the encounter rate was just lower at launch
they increased it in a patch over a year ago, I got ramuh and garuda 3 fights in a row then leviathan right after

based tabata dabata on cuckmura

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Barry is here, abandon thread

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That’s because the summons in this game are OP and not having any limitations would make the game too easy


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>, once the summon beast fully sympathizes with you
Summons in FF7 weren't sentient in my memory. They never spoke like they do in other FF games like 4 and 8.

It already is

7r has plays itself mode
7r has hold to attack by default, and Clouds hold attack has higher DPS than his tap attack
7r has no jump button
7r has only 3 party members per battle
7r summons can only be used against bosses and even then only SOME bosses, and are RNG

Even at least playing as Prompto requires manual aim on the reticle and then pressing R1 to shoot where you have only 100 SMG bulletw before a reload, and tapping R1 to use bazooka which has only 3 rounds before reload, grenades too manual aim and tap to throw, and the pistol shoots single rounds so holding or tapping for that is identical

Playing as Barret is just holding while it auto targets and auto hits, or on plays itself mode he'll attack automatically for you.

Attached: ff7r hold to attack.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

Not in my opinion, being less in your favour X= gameplay down-grade

Barry I've got more of the trophies in FFXV than you and I still think it's shit, what now?


and they said Nomura is better than Tabata.

Maximillion dood loves FFXV and he said literally 2 days ago his top 3 FFs are FF7, FF6 and FFXV, and tactics too.

Attached: gtuvme.jpg (1080x878, 379K)

>doomfag is still keeping it up

Fans: can we have ff7 with updated graphics?

SE: We hear you so here's a FFXV mod

who care....

The combat in this game is so soulless. You can tell the faggots making aren't committed to anything, they just want to maximize the potential audience thus maximize profits. They only care about attracting as many people as possible to the game.
>action fans buy our game we have action mode!
>turnbased fans buy our game we have turnbased mode!
Meanwhile to anyone with a brain, you can see that the only difference between these modes is you mash attack to fill your ATB instead of just waiting.

It's a turnbased game with some stupid "filler action" to either watch while you wait or mash a button and pretend you are doing something that matters. It's so degrading and insulting.

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>he said literally 2 days ago his top 3 FFs are FF7, FF6 and FFXV, and tactics too.
Honestly comes across as wanting to be liked by everyone, not really sincere.


>Kitase: This is one button action.

>Fans: can we have ff7 with updated graphics?
>SE: We hear you so here's a FFXV mod
Cuck enix strikes again with there lack luster watered down AAA garbage! let's have a party for the next half ass rapeD and butchered version of a good game! Cuck enix really does listen right RIGHT? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NAAAAAAAAAA THEY DON'T!

Attached: Nope.webm (540x304, 2.9M)

fuck summons. Never gave a fuck about them ever.


How did summons work in FF15? I didn't play that shit.

FUCK SALT!!! Never gave a fuck about them

>implying 8x counter mimic kotr wasn hilarious
only beaten by using the setup for omnislash and just killing everything dead in arena

he played xv on livestream and got teary eyed at the end and at the end of episode ignis too

he said when he played it at launch he wasn't feeling it but then he replayed it on PC edition and loved in, in fact the longest he's ever streamed in 1 sitting was his FFXV stream.

>It's a turnbased game with some stupid "filler action" to either watch while you wait or mash a button and pretend you are doing something that matters. It's so degrading and insulting.

>Is XV actually going to be a better game than this FF7R shovelware?
No, both are shit.



Attached: cloud omnislash ff7r.webm (960x540, 1.29M)

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imagine actually looking forward to modern final fantasy games

That's the bad part of classic mode, it actually makes everything slower because it's literally
>oh so you don't like spamming for flippy shit?
>ok press one button and AAAALL the flippy shit will execute itself

they could easily shove her in this game
there's mention of the party's "role" in something involving Wutai, and Yuffie never had an official entry point in the original

>All these zoomers

Attached: 785.jpg (491x657, 67K)

Nothing beats your first FF, first love or the music and the tv shows you consumed when you were teenager

>muh barry

Zoomer votes are automatically useless. I read tons of comments like
>glad I never played the original so I can enjoy the story in the remake

>despair but also an errection

>only 21k votes

This is not original we are discussing but a remake of it. Get on with the times.

I can't wait for this Advent Children game. No, I'm not being sarcastic.

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My first FF was 7.
My top 3 are 4, 8 and 14.

my first FF was 4.

All of the FF games are highly overrated and you can easily find superior JRPGs from the same respective generations.

You're making it too obvious barry

That doesn't make them bad. FF games (up to 13) are "safe" bets basically. You can rely on them to be solid games.

It's "classic" mode where it's supposed to simulate a turn based game.

Ramuh, Titan, Leviathan, Shiva and Garuda will get summoned when certain conditions are met based on how the parties condition is and the location on the map

near water will summon leviathan, inside dungeons will summon ramuh, garuda or shiva, in duscae rocky area and mear volcano titan will summon and also against adamantoise
if you're party is getting rekd ramuh will show up, if you're getting status ailments you'll get others and so on
Bahamut will always be summoned against Ifrit and so will Shiva at the end, all of them will do a big cutscene attack
Ifrit is summonable in ep Ardyn and he's physically there on the field dealing damage and you can issue technique commands to him whenever you want which costs ATB tech bar meter

Carbuncle will only be summoned in easy mode when you're KO'd

Attached: ifrit sum1.webm (700x394, 2.98M)


This is what MUH REALISM does to games.

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haha that ifrit summon reminds me of the ifrit/bahamut fight from XV with that PS2 era mocap

Literally looks like Lestallum

Attached: Lestallum-Energy-Plant-FFXV.jpg (3500x1347, 1.71M)

lol wtf

they're probably using left over assets

>remake of one of the most popular/"overrated" games ever
>SE game
Even without Barry around it'd get shitposted to death.

It has better mocap than the ps1 tier FF7R mocap

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why are we acting like Max crying is something of relevance. he cried when he said that niggerdagger shit during his For Honor stream. streams of tears down his face.

rent free

who fucking cares what some eceleb faggot thinks anyway how low did the shitposting bar sink

Because he was apologizing for accidentally saying n word in a tongue twister
while for XV he was emotionally moved to tears

based xv dabbing on 7r again

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Who cares? I only play video games for the graphics and story. I'm more than happy to mindlessly hold 1 button for the entire game so long as i get to see those amazing HD graphics and quality voice acted dialogue where i no longer have to imagine the demeanour/personality of character.
Ah, how gaming has evolved. I am so enlightened.

Don't like it? Leave.

I love video games and I find threads to discuss them here all the time. I gladly shit on garbage like FF 7 Remake because it is a cash grab turd no better than shit from EA.

>no homo sfm of the gang
Even then XV disappoints, how sad.

Since when is /v fucking promoting Max like he has good taste in games? Dude liked Marvel Infinty, MK11, FFXV and cried when he by accident said a word that sounded like nigger or niggerdagger or some shit during a FH stream. He's legit zoomer tier pretending to be a boomer

the absolute cope of NeithOf the faggot

Attached: Cindy-SFW-SFM.jpg (1547x1091, 768K)

>XV is shit
>Lunafreya as a character is shit
>her model is great
>her SFM makes my kokoro get a boner
Possible good waifu wasted in shitty game

So he has good taste? based max

Hi Max

she's based and XV is based

Attached: 20180406_022626.jpg (755x1047, 308K)

Max doesn't like MK11 though.
He cried because twitter mobs relentlessly attacked him, he's a sensitive guy used to his hugbox audience.

Yeah, just like cohhcarnage.
Gotta love them all those games so they don't get blacklisted from shilling them.


Hi Max



It really doesn't.

>clinging to some old poll
must be hard to be a XVfag

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not even RNG just scripted

Summons are haraam (first you summon unrighteous ifreeti from Jahannam in video games, then you do it in real life). The only way to play RPG games without committing a sin is to not utilize summons at all.

>they want to beat GTAV
You need to be a special kind of retard to think dudebros, underage, and normalfag boomers will purchase fucking FF7 of all games.

SE still wants to recreate this in a video game form youtube.com/watch?v=3ws7BeK6DS0

Attached: 1542319294451.jpg (1000x1000, 447K)

who care...

Based new generations

Luna is not for lewds. Only pure procreation.

Attached: FFXV Luna 01.webm (742x580, 2.88M)

>shitskin xv-kun is shitting up another a thread with his schizo ramblings
But not just that he's posting cropped fucking porn.

Least it's not random shit but why limit it to fucking bosses

lots of people are like that right now. They hear about the remake and figure they'll wait for it to come out instead of playing the original. I was kinda like that like 5 years ago but I actually played the original because I figured it was good enough to get a fully fledged remake

didn't mean to quote that post

No summons in midgar you retard. I 100% expect this to change in part 2

Ahh i see zoomer votes...sorry but your kind do not count. Pleas exit this life by blowing your head off.

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>they didn't expect it to just be a FFXV reskin with FF7 stuff

>just a FFXV skin
It wishes it was.



>i-it's old so doesn't count
actually it's from June 2018
also practically every poll in 2018 and 2019 regarding FF series has XV in top 5
hell even the Heisei era best games of the last 30 years had Japan vote in FFXV into the top 20 best games with it being the 3rd highest ranked FF

For the same reason Lightning was voted most popular: again, zoomers.
If you didn't play the old ones, your opinion is automatically disqualified.


>still talking about a poll that's over a year old

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is this was seeth looks like?


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RPGsite best FF poll with over 10k votes, XV in top 5
1: Final Fantasy VII
2: Final Fantasy IX
3: Final Fantasy VI
4: Final Fantasy X
5: Final Fantasy XV
6: Final Fantasy VIII
7: Final Fantasy XIV
8: Final Fantasy XII
9: Final Fantasy IV
10: Final Fantasy XIII
11: Final Fantasy V
12: Final Fantasy XI
13: Final Fantasy III
14: Final Fantasy II
15: Final Fantasy


Gameinformers top 300 games poll with XV in the top 5 FF games listed
270. Final Fantasy XIII (#12 ranked FF)
244. Final Fantasy III (#11 ranked FF)
235. Final Fantasy XII (#10 ranked FF)
164. Final Fantasy XIV (#9th ranked FF)
146. Final Fantasy IV (#8th ranked FF)
128. Final Fantasy XI (#7th ranked FF)
97. Final Fantasy VIII (#6th ranked FF)
51. Final Fantasy XV (#5th ranked FF)
49. Final Fantasy IX (#4th ranked FF)
33. Final Fantasy X (#3rd ranked FF)
13. Final Fantasy VI (#2nd ranked FF)
7. Final Fantasy VII (#1st ranked FF)

Game informer top 5 best games in series, XV in top 5.
>Final Fantasy
>1. Final Fantasy X
>2. Final Fantasy VII
>3. Final Fantasy VI
>4. Final Fantasy VIII
>5. Final Fantasy XV


Shirrako FF poll with 21k+ votes had XV in 1st place and top 5

Famitsu best games of Heisei era, XV again in top 5 for the FFs listed
1. Chrono Trigger
2. The Legend of Zelda: BOTW
3. NieR: Automata
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. Okami
6. The Legend of Zelda: OoT
7. Final Fantasy X
8. Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow
9. Dragon Quest V
10. Xenogears
11. Vainglory
12. Suikoden II
13. Mother 2
14. Splatoon 2
15. Tactics Ogre
16. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G
17. Kingdom Hearts
17. Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
19. Final Fantasy XV
20. Final Fantasy XI
20. Pokémon D/P

Barry is here, again.
Thread is over, see you in the next one.

Yeah it's based

Attached: EAhHjrOX4AA6TEG.jpg large.jpg (2048x1152, 325K)

Wow haven't we got down hill fast. No wonder everything past 10 is shit LOL i mean is cuck enix even trying? and hell look at all the zoom zooms trying to defend there shit sandwich they been given. For fucks sake zooms are you even trying? It's like all the zooms were giving a choice to take the shit sandwich or a pissed on taco with shit laced on it both are bad and you take both! awww it makes me laugh so hard that my taste is far superior than all the zooms.

Attached: 1555973411762.png (640x401, 571K)

Imagine being such a brain dead individual that you have to rely on some imaginary virtual numbers

>see you in the next one
>implying there'll be a FF7 Re thread without him
You're quite the optimist.

Why can't they just make it so that it costs mp or whatever? This "realistic" help you whenever they feel like it is bullshit. Same goes for XV

Leave my wife out of this insanity.

>xv not once number one
>it already had its peak
>now it's popularity is declining more and more
>till there is nobody left, but one lone autist on Yea Forums

Attached: 1564867820955.jpg (563x491, 68K)


It's in 1st place on the Shirrako poll which had over 21k votes with over 50% of those votes going to XV

It's in top 5 in all those other polls, which you were in denial about and now are moving the goalposts

It has a narrative purpose in XV because summons are gods and they are bestowing you their blessing by even giving a shit about you enough to let you summon them

In 7R they aren't anything, they're just random monsters inside materia with no story relevance so it's actually worse that 7R has RNG summons that you can only use against bosses/mini bosses

>couldn't find a rebuttal to xv losing popularity more and more
>didn't even denial he will be the last autist standing
>maybe it already has happened

Daily reminder!
Final fantasy is dead and will continue to to be dead with the name final fantasy slapped on them for sales. they rely on the final fantasy name to sell anything and zoomers are to brain dead to think otherwise. You're series is dead people! With 8 remastered they truly show they do not give a flying fuck about there own IP cuck enix is cucking you hard and catering to trash half dead beat degenerate zoomers. Another reminder is to hope and pray japan gets nuked again and zoomers go off to war for me so i can jack off and watch game shows all day while they get fucked and have there heads sent to there loved ones in a box.

But it's in the top 5 in all of those, and the most recent one has it in the top 20 best games of all time from the Heisei era with it being the 3rd highest ranked FF among the FFs even listed

that's some first class doom posting right there

Attached: 1565962305637.jpg (400x400, 39K)

This, Kingdom Hearts is the future! The only Final Fantasy that's better than KH3 in the last decade was Shadowbringers, how sad is that?!

Nah XV sold over 9 million in under 3 years

FF7 took 5 years to hit 9 million

>no new content
>nothing at E3
>nothing at TGS

Attached: 1564887251376.jpg (417x417, 25K)

KH3 bombed and hasn't even sold it's initial launch shipment yet, it's still as of August 2019 at 5 million shipped which is the same figure they gave a week after it launched. XV also has higher reviews than KH3 and higher userscore than KH3 and Shadowbringers too, it also sold more than both of them combined

Thanks for the laugh bro cry me a river you loser LOL

Attached: 1557462172120.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

But XV came out in 2016 and the last planned post launch DLC was Episode Ignis which came out in December 2017, any DLC that came out in 2018 onward was entirley bonus content made because of fan demand and they did 2 years of extra content and ended it with Episode Ardyn which came out in 2019 as the last canon DLC

There's no new FF9, FF6, FF10, FF12 or OG FF7 content at E3 or TGS either

Nice cope and seethe

10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit

Attached: 1558761249318.jpg (640x539, 44K)

So it's dying than? Thanks for making that clear, user

t. zoomer

KH still has a lot of stuff (DLC coming this winter and the franchise is alive and well with sequels already being planned) and Shadowbringers was one of the best FF storylines in general, being above XV was a low bar either way. Thank god XV died once and for all so no more money is spent on that trash pile desune.

nice down syndrome

So this is the power of autism, huh

It came out and finished and had 1 year of planned DLC post launch and 2 extra years of bonus post launch DLC that then ended in March 2019 with Episode Ardyn, are you dense? Is FF9 or FF10 or FF6 or FF12 whatever dying because they aren't getting any new content?

Keep on dreaming zoomey zooms.

Attached: 1552813024349.png (1000x970, 157K)

Says the seething autist

FF7 Remake is not OG FF7.

Pick one

damn cant believe kh2fm is dead

>still talking about his dead game
bro, let it go, it's over...

Says the zoomer seething while trying to shill FF7R

The absolute cope of you

Attached: EESY15AXkAMzZhN.jpg (640x453, 54K)

10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit

Attached: 1556275695062.jpg (303x299, 27K)

Wow FF9 is a dead game?

That shit about MLP seems more a boomer thing

>he seriously talks about some phone trash designed for bugmen
I'm starting to feel sad

Sera ahn on suicide watch. Die, you moonfaced ugly bitch


Attached: 15885592251.png (196x226, 52K)

what happened to us xv bros...

This whole game ruined raped and butchered 7. It's a disgrace and people should wake the fuck up but they won't enjoy being willfully ignorant you morons!!!
*internal laughing*

It literally increases every time you do damage you blind cucks

>XIV on the other hand is getting ton of new content and its popularity exploded

Nah, same bullshit. Fulfilling arbitrary conditions to summon isn't better. No one cares about "narrative purpose" if its just restricting options for you in a game.

>XIV on the other hand is getting ton of new content and its popularity exploded
I need a doctor because i'm gonna die...

Attached: 1557439959320.png (324x313, 235K)


Daily reminder that not all of us went in a downward spiral during adolescence and that you should honestly kill yourself unironically


Attached: Clowned.jpg (508x630, 84K)

You get 1 but only because you made me laugh at how much of a failure and loser you and your family are.

Attached: 1561465597342.jpg (680x598, 72K)

Literally seething and samefagging

your samefagging is so obvious

He likes Infinite's gameplay. That is literally it. He hates everything else about it like everybody else. He had made videos concerning his opinions on how bad it is and how Capcom could have fixed it like three times. He even helped Matt with his Wha Happun video on it as a guest. Max doesn't praise it as some sort of masterpiece like you people keep insisting he does.

That's all 15 is good for on your knees whore!

Attached: 1553986266124.png (256x256, 26K)

It isn't, one is narrative purpose integrating narrative into gameplay, the other is just doing it for no reason. Everyone cares about narrative purpose especially in an RPG.


Attached: D-CiEeaU0AA0E5p.png_large.png (900x675, 277K)

I pissed myself laughing.

Attached: Laughing4.png (750x1000, 1.02M)

Well yeah you're samefagging aside you're also seething in denial

Keep crying nigger i love drinking the sweet sweet tears of zoomer trash.

Attached: LAUGHING.png (750x1000, 1.23M)

based xv wins again

Attached: laughing meth cooks.jpg (435x351, 29K)

Well time for work just one more reminder your game is trash anything past 10 is shit your all huge gaping vaginas and loser for supporting a company who cucks you daily. Go fuck yourselves and have a bad day please die of aids and cancer.

Attached: Black.png (750x1000, 1.78M)



>this is what he is telling himself everyday
>but deep down he knows
who care...

everyone does

Barry you need to listen to me, listen to us.
We’re the closest thing you have to friends and while we all want you to die it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t head our warning.
XV is shit. It was shit at launch, it’s shit now after the fucktouple patches and it will always go down as one of the worst Final Fantasy games ever created.
You can enjoy it all you want but you can’t just spam the same 3 webms and reply “cope” to every instance of criticism.
This path, this autistic path of revenge for your dead game, will only lead to suffering and disappointment.
Square Enix doesn’t care about you or XV, the DLCs are cancelled and it’s never coming back.
Just please, for the love of god, stop this. For your sake as well as ours...

Attached: F757F0C7-DFF5-4AD1-95A8-00634268217A.png (507x378, 541K)

it lives rent free in your head

Attached: jcouTube.jpg (1317x875, 350K)

Nice cope but XV was god tier at launch, elder god tier now and is among the best FFs ever made, which is why it's constasntly ranked in top 5 best FFs and why it sold more than any other FF when comparing release timespans, and why it has higher userscores than any other recent FFs

Ep gladio came out in 2017
Ep prompto came out in 2017
Ep ignis came out in 2017
Comrades came out in 2017
Assassin fest and Chocomog fest both came in 2017
The season pass finished in 2017 and DLC was supposed to end here after ep ignis came in December 2017
Because of how well it did they greenlit royal edition and episode ardyn as dlc which previously was only going to be anime

then later in 2018 greenlit extra BONUS the non canon alt timeline/ sidestory dlc for noctis, luna and aranea

Then march 2018 royal edition released

they announced that in April 2018 then only cancelled the non canon alt timeline/ sidestory dlc in September 2018 to move those devs to a new AAA IP for PS5 while Ep Ardyn still released as planned as the last canon DLC
And they added other free dlc like the terra wars quests and ff14 crossover plus comrades updates too

The only thing canceled were non canon alt timeline bonus DLC for the 3RD YEAR of extra DLC that wasn't even originally planned, all 2017 DLC released as intended and that was to be the end, it did so well and there was demand for more so they did royal edition and greenlit ep ardyn based on fan demand and that was the 2018 and 2019 bonus years of DLC alongside all the new free updates and crossover events

only 3 non canon alt timeline bonus dlc that were only in script phase when cancelled were cancelled

literally all DLC for XV after December 2017 was purely extra bonus DLC, not originally planned content.

Also cope

Attached: FFMC5.jpg (1395x1729, 736K)

I want to wsummon kotr and mime it indefinitely, yes

Barry please, you need to stop
No one’s listening to that, we’ve heard it all before.
We didn’t believe you when you made up KH-kun and we don’t believe you now.
Just stop.

You just want to defend XV huh. Oh well, take care and kys barry.

Nathan give up, you lost

Attached: 1551618299421.jpg (3266x2180, 2.59M)


The absolute state of NeithOf

Attached: Neithoff posting on v proof again.png (3052x1270, 358K)

Keep seething at facts

Who the fuck is Nathan?
Is that the name of your supposed KH-kun? He’s not real, he never was.
I really hope you’re just shitposting at this point, I really do


Attached: neith aka nathan.jpg (810x1314, 455K)


Nice try Nathan

Attached: fuhzme.jpg (809x2451, 808K)

You can show us pictures all you want man, doesn’t mean we’re gonna believe a word you say.
You’re mentally ill, you could’ve just as easily made an account and took a pic to present as “evidence”.
Are they paying you? Do they have your family locked in a bunker? Or do you just genuinely love the game that much?

You guys will fall for anything, jesus christ.

Ok nathan

Attached: neithof5e.jpg (1080x1690, 571K)

Who the fuck is NeithOf !? Stop making pretend boogeymen.

Just let them have fun

>still talking about xv

Ok Nathan
Here are some other terms and common posts You aka Nathan make that will help identify You aka Nathan aka NeithOf here, you frequently say these here and on gamefaqs
>Take your meds, variants of this
>Calm down, kid.
>Get help
>You're XV-kun, said to various different people both on Yea Forums and on gamefaqs
>repeatedly spamming old 2014 mistranslated and misinterpreted interview
>repeatedly spamming "hold O" webm from supereyepatchwolf furry vid even though R1+O is being held and its against some of the weakest grunts in the game while using durandal
>Calling everyone barry
>posting a list of other shitposters and namefags with himself included to try and distract from himself coming under fire, ignores they are all proven shitposters including himself and his various aliases
>Will try and hide behind other games just to attack XV and to try and turn fans of other games against XV by falseflagging as a fake XV fan shitting on other games then blaming it on "barry"
>Has done this with DMC, FF14, Persona, Xenoblade, Nier Automata, Sekiro and countless others
>The biggest Nomura defender in existence
>A huge KH shill and also a FF13 defender
>Defends FF7R nonstop and has been up for 56 hours straight defending it on Yea Forums and gamefaqs

Attached: Neithof posting here on v proof.png (3480x2752, 589K)


When Barry’s in a thread that’s ALL he’ll talk about, I don’t think he’s ever played another game in his life

so 7r is do nothing to win? fuck nomura is a hack
and people thought he could have made versus good

Why'd you samefag?


I’m done. You win I’m Nether Region 666 or whoever the fuck.

You can’t be helped. I’ll just say one more time that XV is the worst FF game. Hold O, Random Summons, Lunafreya is boring dogshit and even you can’t defend the dumb ring shit. I don’t care if they patched it out that is just inexcusable game design. But whatever, you keep on doing what you’re doing Barry.

>Barry accusing anyone else of samefagging
Prove it

Now its Nathan? Whatever keeps you shitposting then.

Keep seething retard.
XV is the best FF.

FF7R is hold to win or press nothing to win, FF7R has summon RNG and only can summon against bosses/mini bosses, Luna is based and the ring is kino, FF7R plays itself and aerith has no personality or emotional range, FF7R has no jump button and its episodic trash. Keep seething NeithOf.

It's pathetic how hard you samefag

Attached: lmao banned.png (1248x406, 51K)


His name was discovered only recently because he signed up to the FF7 fan forum and had his real name on display

Attached: neithof aka nathan.jpg (1080x929, 291K)

>XV is the best FF.

Attached: 1568483954539.jpg (640x661, 38K)

If you keep giving him the attention he craves he will keep doing it.

Just let him talk to himself like he does every thread.

>literally using what's mentioned here

t. NeithOf

It is

>another autobattle game like 13 and 15
>it will sell
>it will get 9/10
Journos and Zoomers don't even like playing video games.

Attached: 1279660458549.png (375x355, 14K)

It's objectively a top 5 best FF.

You are actually insane, get help or even better end your life.

So he makes a thread, replies to himself, argues with himself with screenshots and webms, then just calls anyone baited NeithOf/Nathan?

I mean at least 15 requires button inputs.

You are literally obsessed with this Nathan guy who probably doesn't even post here. Extremely sad and pathetic. You are a manchild.

Keep coping

Why'd are you pretending you aren't Nathan? See We know it's you.

You are literally obsessed with this made up barry boogeyman that you invented Nathan

Attached: neithofautism.png (2098x872, 363K)

NeithOf on suicide watch.

>Nathan still coping
Your posts are incredibly obvious.

Attached: FF7R-kun.jpg (1920x1080, 944K)



Attached: FF fans shit on XV.jpg (1920x1080, 582K)

>all this anger just because xv is shit

On no Nathan on suicide watch

Attached: people hate kh3 01.jpg (2000x1557, 656K)

>all this seething because xv is kino

what the fuck is going on here

You’re a faggot

Keep coping

Barry, have you ever in your life experienced people agreeing with you or just not finding you obnoxious?

>mods eating chicken tendies again

Summons were just more fancy "firaja/thundaja" spells anyways. Who cares.

Do I even need to check to see if over 50% of the posts ITT are Barry?

Apparently "barry" and "nathan" are arguing

>once the summon beast fully sympathizes with you, you will have the opportunity to call it forth.
FFXIII influence, I see. This game is shaping up to be some sort of collage of all the good stuff from FFXII thereafter.

>FFVIII GF affinity but actually enforced
Awful. Also, source?

Coping with what?
That you're actually insane?


There is no nathan, there is just barry and everyone else, and he calls everyone else nathan. Don't be dumb enough to fall for the least intelligent troll on all of Yea Forums.

That sounds much more thought out than the original game.
It keeps summon animations from getting old fast without being entirely random (or hidden) like in XV

I’ve got him trapped for now in another thread, no telling how long that’ll last though

Coping retard
did you lie about saying you were heading off?

Who? Are you ok Nathan? Are you mad everyone hates you even on gamefaqs?

its just an endless chain of seething and coping being thrown around
jesus how low did the bar for shitposting go
why is Yea Forums more of an insane asylum than arkham

Only manchildren post on gamefags, good job outing yourself.

yes there is nathan

Nice cope

Attached: neithof being a cuck.png (1356x680, 85K)

Yeah and it’s you Barry, he’s your alter ego

>barry is still holding O

if you guys want a game with a blonde guy as main character that you need to press buttons to fight, go play Zelda OoT.

damn 2020 is coming and nathan is gonna be just holding square i mean not even pressing anything

cope nate

FF7 and FF7R are RPG games. You have to watch the combat, since it's turn based essentialy. Zelda OoT is an action adventure game, you have to press buttons, dodge, defend, all in real time, because it's an action game. Simple.

If you guys prefer action, and not RPG, go play Zelda OoT. And not FF7 or FF7R.

ff7r doesn't require buttons

>posting screencaps from gamefaqs

You really post on that site for 13 year olds huh

Attached: 5793539.jpg (267x189, 6K)

Ruined? Are you a fucking idiot? Summons were one of the worst parts of OG FFVII; you had to watch a long, boring cutscene. Now they're more than a superficially different magic attack.

yeah your post

>2 days ago
barry literally searching the internet like a madman to find shit on neithof daily, rent free

Isn't it funny how Barry has a boogeyman when he's the only legit boogeyman on Yea Forums? What a sperg.

The original VII never does really explain summons though. I mean, sure, materia is made from mako, which is exrtacted from the life of the planet so they are basically sentient materia or something... but there was really little development or interaction with that concept. I always felt they mostly keep that system because it was a FF so it had to have summons. VIII rationalized it a tad better on paper as you at least had to fight some of them but they never actually feel as part of the world or the plot either, not like on IX or X at least.

In any case, does anyone actually ever uses summons? The damage/cost always seems off to me. On VII they cost too much MP for the damage they do, on VIII they are only useful because of the junction system, on IX one of your summoners is a cripple and fails 70% of the time. On X they are kind of fun because you can actually subtitute your party for a summon beast with other skills and whatnot but they are actually a handicap because they don´t really make up for the damage of 3 characters.

FF7 Remake is Action RPG

And why would you have that post if you didn't post there yourself, hmm? Are you an obsessed teenage stalker, perhaps?