Pirate games

Alright, looks like I wasn't clear enough;



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Windward if you can get it for free. it's okay for like 2 hours.

I'll drink to that, matey.

It's sad when the last game I actually got to both sail and swashbuckle was a basically dead MMO (Pirates of the Burning Sea).

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Sid Meier's Pirates

Prove to me you aren't going to pirate the game and I might bring it up in the next board meeting.

Sid Meier's?

cutthroats terror on the high seas

When's Skull n Bones btw

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Age of pirates 2:city of abandoned ships

Wouldn't it be poetic, though?

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>Blow The Man Down

Mars 2020, still a long way to go, but I have high hopes for this game

What game

I literally just reinstalled Black Flag

too bad that game didn't inspire some other studios to make copycat ship combat games where you get to play around with bigger ships.

Look up skull and bones

Sea of Thieves can be fun if you have good friends to form a crew with.

yeah I'm not interested in multiplayer

Raven's Cry youtu.be/e4F31dz2ai8?list=PLmkjEUJHDFapGeyX8elathqLvzcpKS_UY

Sea Dogs
Age of Pirates 2 look for Gentelmen mod
Pirates of Caribbean aka Sea Dogs 2 also has MUST mod check moddb for all of it

The Uncharted Waters MMO was my dream game when I first started getting into it, but it's nothing but chinks and whales now.

There's gonna be PVE too user.

Dead Man's Chest for the GBA

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>high hopes
>ship combat, no boarding

But why?

Blood & Gold: Caribbean
Imagine a bad Mount and Blade game set in 1600s Carribean. Its not great but one is the only game of its kind.

on a sort of related note to Black Flag, how is Rebel Galaxy? is it a fun space pirate combat game?

Willing to bet it will have more butt pirates than real pirates.

Rebel Galaxy is ship sailing in space
Outlaw is Freelancer 2019 No-lanes Edition

It's the closest thing we'll get to a black flag remaster with the ability to sail big ships.

Hopefully there will be boarding and normal combat later on

let us remember wasted potential
a brilliant idea, beautifully made, so horribly executed

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Couldn't you do this in the "Pirates of the Carribbean" game which had nothing to do with the film?

Deadfire, ship combat sucks though

because it was supose to be Sea Dogs 2 but I guess Warner gave them rights

>It's sad when the last game I actually got to both sail and swashbuckle was a basically dead MMO (Pirates of the Burning Sea).
That is literally the only MMO I've ever played. Made a QT Female Spanish Officer who specialised in crafting weapons. Unfortunately the Australian server was only just barely populated enough to be active in the evening, and the French didn't even have the bare minimum to properly participate.

Deadfire unironically sated my thirst for piracy.

>Sea of Thieves
the game is empty as fuck. AND when you do find another player, they usually just tunnel vision your ship to the end of the earth.

Skull & Bones but it's in development hell.

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Alpha player here, I still stubbornly play SoT in the hopes that Rare will someday make it decent enough to be discussed here civilly.

Having to read a Code of Conduct in order to be able to play a fucking Pirate game was ridiculous.

Pirates of the Caribbean Online

Tbh they are heading in the wrong direction.
Started played in July of last year, what I liked was the simplicity.
Now the different cannonballs, fruits and buggy ship damage take from it.
They seems to add what look good to showcase and not what is good to play (there was no new type of voyage or Bilge Rat Adventure since October).
Last good update was Shrouded Spoils, and it only expanded on base content.

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that will never happen, the game is terrible at its core, its gameplay loop is incredibly boring and repetitive
I honestly wonder what they were thinking when they made the merchants quest
Also ship battles between two competent crews, is literally a battle of attrition where the "loser" just sails away. No ship will be sunk unless a crew lets their ship sink
its actually borderline impossible to be a pirate in that sense

is battlewake any good

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>Skull & Bones
It's more or less cancelled than in development hell.

Corsairs (2000) and Sea Dogs
You can sail on man o’ war

there's a part in asscreed blackfag in which you pilot a manowar tho

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This is so true it fucking hurts. When that skeleton ship event was happening last year or the year before me and my friend were really hyped. We picked up SoT again and started playing. Turns out you can LITERALLY ram those skeleton ships until they sink and as long as one of you is permabailing water you will never ever sink. With the maximum amount of holes on your ship you can not sink if someone is bailing.

The only risk is if the enemy crew lands a guy on your ship and he successfully 1v2+s your ship.

Pirates of the Caribbean with the new horizons mod

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Naval Action I guess.

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Sunk like 1200 hours into this game but the devs are retarded and made it unfun

I'm hopeful that the reason why they delayed the game until 2020 was to include land exploration and melee combat at least. Perhaps they will add boarding but desu they explained why it's not viable and it made sense, maybe they can work something out.

Is solo viable (or fun) if I just want to fuck around for ships and combat? fleet/crafting?

Sid Meier Pirates

Age of Pirates series, mijnheer.