Final Fantasy VII on the cover with no subtitle

>Final Fantasy VII on the cover with no subtitle
>no disclosure whatsoever that it's just episode one

I already see a massive outrage coming from normies after release

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are you stupid

They probably make it seem like full game anyway, so I doubt it. It won't just cut down middle of everything and say insert second disc.

it's gonna end on a cliff hanger, it won't feel like a full game even if you never heard of ff7 before

None of the vocal FF7 kids have actually played it so they won't notice anything is missing

You just know it's going to be disappointing when you get to the end of Midgar and the credits start rolling.

A lot of games have cliffhangers, it's pretty normal. Sometimes the sequels get canned and it's cliffhangers forever.
But I don't know, I don't even like ff7

>played FFVII until completion
Pick one

if they extend it to at least 20 hours that would be acceptable imo, still, waiting for part 2 will suck ass, it could take years again

>People still talking about this XV clone shit heap that probably wont even be done until 2030 and if sooner will just feel rushed

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VII is the most popular one. If a normie finished a FF, good chance it's VII.

Fuck 'em. They ruin everything anyway.

The real fans know what they're getting and that's what matters which is why I ain't getting it.

They're saying it's a full length JRPG. It's probably gonna be like 30-40 hours, or 60+ if you want to do everything, although I have no idea how they're going to stretch Midgar into that unless the areas are like 10x the size of what they were in the original.

Let's emphasize this so OP can understand.

Doesn't in the latest trailer in the fight vs. Ruda are they outdoors? Maybe Midgar exterior suburbs.

>It's probably gonna be like 30-40 hours, or 60+ if you want to do everything
they are not obliged to make it that big, they could make it only 10 hours long and get away with it, people will still buy that shit because it's fucking FF7

They said it's going to be as long as a full Final Fantasy though. So it'll be 30 at the very least. I know Square hasn't been known for its honesty and fantastic products for a while, but I doubt they'd say that and then have it be only slightly longer than the Midgar part of the original.

>when did game developers ever lie?

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Maybe in the 90s.

It's not a 5 hour game. We've know they've intended to flesh out each act of the game to a full-sized game. Normies will still get 40 hours out of the first part of the remake. Whether it specifically says part 1 or not doesn't matter. It's still a full game. It's like being mad that Trails of Cold Steel isn't called Trails of Cold Steel 1 because it has multiple parts.

You give the intelligence of normalfags too much credit. As long as it's shiny and flashy and cool things happen on the screen when they press a button, they will be satisfied.