Post yfw FUCK YOU

Post yfw FUCK YOU

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Probably the only good part of the story. I couldn't give a shit about another Dante and Vergil conflict, but Nero and Vergil was good

pure zoomer edgy shit.

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I want to do that to Nero

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Given the events of the story it was justified

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>Music fucking slams into the vocals

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this is a great moment.

Better than the edgy reboot that spewed f bombs everywhere

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>DmC says Fuck You
>DMC5 says Fuck You

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Context matters nigga.

it's because when it happened.

Donte said it throughout the game because he's an edgy fuck. Plus the devs said the game was "Shakespearean" which meant it had some standards (it didn't).

Nero says it because Vergil is the mastermind behind this entire game AND he's Nero's dad

>Plus the devs said the game was "Shakespearean"
They never said that. The chick who did the voice for whatever the fuck the girls name was in the game did. Stop posting false information.

They still said it'd have a great story nigga. Not 'aborting babies via sniper rifle'.


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>The chick who did the voice for whatever the fuck the girls name was in the game did

and the devs put it in a developer's diary video. Meaning they endorse that statement


>that devil trigger remix
>giving us the DT from 4
>realizing we get to keep the DT for future playthroughs

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One is Donte saying fuck you to a demon while having a conversation whit it.
Nero literally transforming in to super mode while saying fuck you as loud as possible.

People dont hate the fact that fuck you is being said its the context of it and the way its presented.
Basically in DMCDMC they are taking themselves seriously while DMCV knows its supposed to be edgy over the top garbage.

The difference is context. When Nero says it, he's genuinely pissed at Vergil. When Donte says it, it's just to have a pissing match with Succubus.

how many times are you going to post this?

Contextually, these are all DMC games and that makes it unwarranted

I didn't like the characters being so potty mouth in 5, but the F bomb was based.

I didn't mind the change, however I think the word Dante used to address Morrison was a bit too far

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I can't believe he called him a nigger

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>implying DMC isn't entirely different from where it started off at this point

It was great. I certainly didn’t expect it. The whole story took a hard turn after Vergil came back and, while I was glad to see him, it felt like I was playing a different game story-wise. I also wasn’t buying Nero’s anguish.

But Nero being pissed off about his dad, his arm, and being a deadweight? That totally made sense. The fuck you was well deserved and well earned. My was timed really well too

>Got into DMC just after 5 dropped from a friend daring me to beat the first one
>Became gradually more hype as I played through the series
>Start playing 5
>That Dante vs Vergil fight
>This beautiful victory lap of a fight
I can't fucking imagine how pumped longtime fans of the series must have been, this shit was great.

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