Pedoshit will defend this

>pedoshit will defend this

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I'd rather fuck it desu senpai



>play game
>it doesn't have nude children

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she looks like a young adult what's the problem?
or is this another australia thing where flat = pedo

Way too old, get this ugly bitch out of my face. Who knows how many BBCs she's already had.

She's 16 you weebshit

Stop sexuallizing every maid costume you see.
Futaba's under 18

When will you people go away? We had Jetsons and Simpsons porn sites in the 90s and no one gave a shit. If someone didn’t like something then they didn’t go looking for it.

16 is legal in most of the civilized world, amerikeks.
Heck a lot of European countries have their age of consent around 14.

Actually she's 14.
She was supposed to be first year high school.

Sorry I don't know the fictional age of your fictional girl from whatever series she's from. Retards.

it's legal in most of america too, don't lump all americans together on this retardation.

Sorry, can't understand you with all that nigger cum in your ass

In japan the first year of highschool is 10th grade, 15-16 years old.

>calling this Pedo shit
I don't think you retards know what pedoshit is. Not even lolicon is pedoshit either. Pedoshit is pretty disgusting.

It doesn't need to be defended.

Okay pedo

Yeah it's 2D/fictional so overall it doesn't matter. But jailbaits are still technically pedophilia to the masses.

You know no actual pedo would touch this shit, right? It's all about appearance, not age.

She is 16, which means she is not prepubescent.

It's not even sexy. Just just a basic maid outfit.

funny that a bunch of amerimutts dont even know this games actual target audience is actual japanese high school students.

mutts are the pedos, and are beyond stupid and ignorant.

Don't forget your pizza.

Why can't Redditors just learn to understand the actual definition of pedophilia?

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Ok so she's 15 with the mental maturity of a 9 year old and the physical development of a 10 year old.

This cannot be justified

It isn’t jail bait. It’s a video game.