Times when Yea Forums was wrong

Attached: bl3 crack.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

I'm playing it cracked right now.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (5120x1440, 2.72M)

Kill yourself shill

Said the Valve shill

Keep posting it childfucker, anyone with jailbreak console palys it right now, Keep seething randy

Rent. Free.

Attached: 1568139769093.jpg (1349x1018, 437K)

A furry steam drone? Typical

A chinese robot is not better


>your game sucks faggot
>crack when


open picture in browser
print screen

Buy it, open once, refund it. Game stays installed and works fine.

I'm not falling for your weird schemes Randy.

who plays cracked games in 2019
i got a million legal games in my steam and gog backlogs
im not buying bl3 because it wants to establish exclusives on pc, thats all there is to it

>screenshotting your own post

I'm a 450 pound man who can barely walk
I haven't seen my penis in years

>refund it
Haha yeah I get it ;) the trick here is that you can't refund games on Epic store haha oh you what a troll

>game is already forgotten
>suckers who paid 60+ for it have to remind others it still exists
>but nobody cares

1000 Yuan has been deposited into your account

This crazy shit still not fixed yet?
Jesus Christ...