Steam's Discovery update is making things worse for some indie developers

T-t-thanks Valve for looking out for the little guy haha...

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares about your fake retro pixel shit.

>Still looks like shit nobody wants to buy
Gee I wonder where the problem actually lies

The only faggots getting hit by this are low-tier hipsters that use their status as an indie dev to lord over people on social media and build more incestuous circlejerks with journos and other indie devs.

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Oh no! my pixel walking simulator "game" about my depression and anxiety isn't getting popular!

Now how am I going to find a "retro" pixel sidescroller??

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no shit it's zero sum


Oh fuck indie devs. This cunt's game ain't even out yet.

>Your Steam Discovery Queue is a mix of products that are new, top-selling, and similar to what you play and use on Steam.¨
Yea I don't think it says that it's a mix of literal what pixel shit games

my front page on steam as mostly been the same for plenty of years. its still trying to sell me PUBG

I never got the arguments about biased Steam visibility. It's just supposed to be a storefront, not free fucking marketing; it's the dev's/publisher's job to make people aware of it.

Is postal 2 worth buy for 99 cents


Would be a shame if indie devs had to do marketing on their own

This is what happens when you enter an oversaturated market. "I'm going to do what thousands of other people are doing, and use the same methods other people use (rely on steam for marketing/sales). WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M NOT THE NEXT UNDERTALE? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."
They have nobody to blame but themselves.

Same shit for years here, I had to blacklist the Free-to-Play tag as a whole just to slightly unfuck my recommendations.

If it's a platformer or simulation game, nothing of value is lost.

>pixelshit platformer
I'm not even surprised that I guessed correctly, devs these days are really talentless hacks following the trends of yesteryear

There are 4 indie games out of 6 in that picture.

Maybe if Steam had a "Awful games" tab their game would see some exposure

Every time you go research the people who are bitching, you find out their games are simply shit. Yeah, your bara dating sim and your deep, thoughtful game about an orphan cripple going through war-torn Serbia (a platformer) won't show up in my feed, and I'm glad for it.

isn't there that steam labs thing that allows you to look for niche games? what more do they want?

Preferential treatment.

Oh no, whatever will I do now that I’m not discovering some word blog “game”.
Truly a tragedy

ok nevermind i realize now exactly what they want
they just wanted to take the easiest route to get people give a fuck about their game:
media attention
it's hip to hate steam now i guess so they pretend they're outraged about steam and try to create controversy, and then media outlets report about those poor indie devs who don't get any recognition, the masses see these articles and that gives the devs free publicity
what a bunch of asshats

>Garbage doesn't get showcased in the front page

One of the worst things Valve did was loosen the criteria for putting games on steam. 80% of the store is just indieshit, shovelware and copypaste weeb games.

You mean listening to indie devs that make shitty games that would fail on newgrounds.

>never touched a VR game in my life
>half of my recommendations are now VR trash
>but it's a good update because le indie devs got le rekt XD
this board really feels like a tard preschool sometimes

Still better than epic.

no that rules
what sucks is these people will never acknowledge that they are each other's competitors

filter vr games you low iq monkey

>it still favors game that are popular
Of course it does. Who told these devs the recommendation system was really about marketing their crappy indie games and not about recommending something someone might actually buy? It's a CONSUMER based service, not a hack dev based service.

>Games without a release date lost preference
>Game with a release date which are coming soon gain preference

That's what's happened. Space is a forever limited thing so people will always lose out when any changes are made

>Not curating and personalizing the store yourself for your own needs
>wanting companies to do everything for you
>5 years later
>why is this company invading my privacy reeeeee

Still better than epic will ever be.

Who gives a shit, like really?

just filter that shit by the way it was the indie developers who were angry at these rules so fuck them i have zero sympathy for these indie developers

>game about an orphan cripple going through war-torn Serbia (a platformer)
Hmm, that one goes into the idea box, but it will not be deep and thoughtful but filled with squatting and adidas pants.

from last thread we gathered that indie trannies were just simply lazy and retarded

Omg Valve doesn't want indie games and is making it hard for us to get on the store front!, we need a publisher to get on steam, its too expensive!
>okay heres greenlight just pay $100 and let the users vote on you
>okay we are cancelling greenlight, all indie games can get on steam just pay $100

insufferable pieces of shit, you can't do anything to make them stop whining.

This guy has somewhat of point even if having to remove certain things is annoying as you never know when you want to broaden the horizon.
But VR-games are probably an easy thing to disable since it is hardware limited.
Sadly it is an oversaturation situation and I don't know if I am missing out on good games because I never find them and browsing the store is a hazzle. In that regard something like GoG is easier to browse, not purely from a matter of volume but by layout, but in the matter of volume people would get shafted harder there too.

Yes there is a lot of shit, excuse me but that kinda is what it is, but how much good stuff am I missing out in the flood of that?

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Greenlight was always a horrible system for everyone involved including the consumers.


You can turn off VR games appearing in your recommendations you mongoloid

Steam just has to reduce the floodgates so there isn't 5000 5 minute unity projects clogging up the store. Also trying to automate curation process is a terrible idea.

easily done by increasing the fee to $1000 or even $2000 to scare off shitters

Right so that takes care of further influx, but what do you do with the current situation? Just toss a bunch of it out the window, it isn't a really nice move at the end of the day.
But I suppose if you begin with something like a year old and sub 300 sales and work your way from there might get you somewhere.
>Also trying to automate curation process is a terrible idea.
I mean to what extent, a small enough store needs none since the catalogue is easy to browse through but we will never get there. But there will always be the question what recommendations are based on, especially in a saturated market.

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Did ou actually read the article you retard?

>some devs saw an increase
>some devs saw a decrease
>some were unaffected
Literally fucking nothing.

No shit, it recommends popular games that people are playing, why would they recommend shit games people don't like, where valve is more likely to have to eat the cost of a refund?

But popular games are also more likely to be known to you as a consumer.


>Steam burying indie faggot shovelware
Based as fuck.

To have gabe personally cater to them.

I'm glad that the experimental recommender has a filter slider to remove indie completely

>Shows Greedfall
K nothing else matters rn anyway

Good, fuck indie devs and there rehashed asset flip games.

>ever relying on steam front page to sell
It's weird how the anti steam have literally always no fucking clue about how the industry work.

Steam discovery is pretty trash in general. It will give me a few decent recommendations and then out of nowhere some ugly anime shit, a footbal game and some early access bullshit

Oh great, another clickbait aritcle screenshot thread. I'd rather have some smash shittery. NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

Is this that guy getting assblasted that his game with no release date isn’t getting wishlisted as much anymore?


in fact, if it really fucked over all indie devs then why hasn't it blown up to be such a big deal?

>inb4 because we can't hear their voices

perhaps they should learn to code

Steam had one of the worst sales ever recently, burying indies for the big name AAA titles like Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty. It was impossible to discover ANYTHING

Yet, Yea Forums will still defend Valve because they're gaben cocksuckers

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Click through your discovery queue and ignore all the trash. Then browse some games of a genre you like and wishlist some. Without your input algorithm will just shill you fotm garbage.

>he didn't join the daily hidden gem rec threads Yea Forums had during the sale
Are you retarded mate?

>You have to rely on a third party forum to find any games

Yikes. Not helping your case here.

Literally the entire sale has had the same exact indie sales that have been going on for the last 3 prior sales, it's not that discovery is hard, is that there was nothing to discover during the sale
Pig Sale had the same exact problem, but there weren't as many AAA titles coming out at that time

>Oh no! my pixel walking simulator "game" about my depression and anxiety isn't getting popular!
Most of them are about their girlfriends who got blacked by Tyrone.

>Literally the entire sale has had the same exact indie sales that have been going on for the last 3 prior sales

I'm sure there are good indies on Steam I've never heard of.

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>No one wants to buy my clickable storybook game about my real-life transition into a wolfkin

Well what else were you expecting? There was a category for indie games but you don't seriously expect hundreds if not thousands of games to get accommodated, did you?
What did he mean by this Yea Forums?

There are 10 times as many "indie titles" on and indiegala. If discovery was your goal, Steam isn't the place you should be looking for in the first place, but it does also have a large fucking library of nearly-complete-assetflips and flash games all the same

Previous sales encouraged people to use the discovery queve by giving you cards

cards were a mistake
They're bot magnets

Indie dev here(hate this label thanks to all these low effort indie fags), the new system is great, it shows the user what they want and sales go up if user give good rating since they get what they want. There is also a thing called banner ads ut all these lazy and cheap faggots are too ebtitled to do some marketing outside their yes men bubble.

They are looking out for the little guy, the customers.

what publisher if any?

>(190,061 results)

Holy fucking shit.

How did your game fare with this update?

Oh, you must be new
here, take this

Why are indie trannies so entitled?

Thanks I'm not playing a 20 minute game with a "flat polygon" artstyle.

I never actually looked at itch so I didn't realize it had so much trash on there.

Crist. I hope he is paid for this.


I could screencap tweets from 100 different indie devs and as long as I hid the ID, you'd swear it was the same person. Hiveminds deserve to be destroyed.

>It was impossible to discover ANYTHING

Yeah it's a shame you can't discover things using the rest of the internet rather than a storefront. Do you go to the supermarket with no idea what you want to buy, just wandering around hoping to 'discover' shit?

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Yeah well, that's indie for you. The things you see on steam are at least sorta-kinda vetted, minus the east european asset flipper tide

The world doesn't need this much indie trash. This is the market telling these brats that the market is oversaturated, yet the little commies have nowhere to go except bitch and vote for bernie sanders because their 30k game development degree became useless

The only publisher I fully trust these days is Devolver but it is always about money with everyone of course. I don't use any at the moment.
Nothing crazy happened. More positive ratings it seems. I will be releasing something new soon and then it will be really interesting.


Yeah, what a shame the indie-scene evolved and got more competitive. You can't just expect your uninspired, artsy and "quirky" shit to sell anymore without putting any effort into the game or it's marketing.
Remember that faggot who spent thousands on hiring Sting to voice a chracter in his shitty game and invested nothing in actually promoting his shitty game only to complain about sales afterwards?

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Do you or any of the other indie devs you know have any idea what exactly changed in this update? Do they just have a more particular bias to games releasing soon/have release dates or something?

ITT: indie shitters complaining that their "retro" nintendo-ripoff that they are trying to sell for a ludicrous markup isn't advertised like AC Odyssey

oh no fellow trannies! indies rise the fr*ck up!!!!!!

All indie developers are loser faggots and the most creative thing they ever make is usually found in their toilet every morning.

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Heres an idea stupid socialist, pay for advertising, that's how this shit works.

They also always want like 20€ for like 3,50 hours of their "emotional experience walking sim etc.". I sell my shit for like 5€ maybe 10. A good game sold digital should not be more than about 30 when new.

Only a theory:
The algorithm seems to detect reviews, genre and tags and uses it to create some sort of taste profile for you by checking games bought,wishlisted or ignored. It definitely seems to filter out asset flip trash pretty good for me.



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Thanks for the answers indie friend. Hope your game, assuming it's not utter fucking garbage, does well enough.

Based, fuck (((indie))) """""devs"""""!

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What's the deal with pixie shit platformers anyway? The genre has been oversaturated since the 80s, why the fuck do indie devs keep doing that shot?

Thx I am trying. Gamers™ deserve real games.

What is this shit where is my retro sidescroller

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>users make sure to ignore and block bullshit they don't want
>the people who make that bullshit get mad it's not shoved in the faces of people who clearly don't want it
Whining self-entitled gits.


I don't care about that - they can make as many as they want.
I just wish these fuckers would get a clue about not oversaturating colors. Half the games that get made clash so fucking bad it's amazing even the dev can tell what's going on.

Good fuck indieshit.

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they really should be doing anything to keep pixelshitters happy because by the time tim is done, there won't be anything else left on steam.

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Why are you following no name indie devs?

Showing customers what they are more likely to want to buy?! PRO CONSUMER PRACTICES? Absolutely disgusting.

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I have nothing against indie games, its the shovelware trash and same visual novels that get on my nerves

They've always had the same old discovery queue, you stupid spoonfed baby. If you want to bitch about the stupid corgi race imbalance, fine whatever. But that has nothing to do with what you are claiming it does.

Fun fact: producers actually PAY supermarkets for a prominent place on the shop floor.
These indie devs want marketing for free.

>Steam killing the developers
Just another day on earth.

The irony is they put it up there with the "AAA" titles despite it being made by a team of 30 people

>ScourgeBringer is a fast-paced free-moving roguelite platformer. Help Kyhra to explore the unknown and slash her way through ancient machines guarding the seal of her past, and maybe the redemption of humanity.

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Good. Fuck indie games.

Just make a game that doesn't fucking suck or actually advertise it yourself

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Thx for cleaning up Steam Tim.

Steam threads seem to attract bugs so here's some bugspray:

Free Tibet
The Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989
The Tiananmen Square Massacre
The Anti-Rightist Struggle
The Great Leap Forward
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Human Rights
Multi-Party System
Taiwan Formosa
Republic of China
Dalai Lama
Falun Dafa
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Nobel Peace Prize
Liu Xiaobo

Good, I fucking hate games that are never actually released. It pisses me off. Fuck Indie devs, they're the same cancer as normal devs.

What games/devs does the article mention?

>game is not even out yet
>Steam is screwing me over!
You just know this guy is signalling to Tim to reach out to him with a deal
Its kind of like that woman who drops her handkerchief in front of a man in the hopes that he'll pick it up and give it to her. Except this woman is a warty smelly whale and her hanky is covered in snot and vomit

Most of the pixelshitters complaining would never get their game put on EGS anyway, dogface Tim is picky

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If that ooblets or whatever the fuck can then anything can.


That's the only one?
Writer is probably friends with the dev then lmao

Nah, they refused a couple of games, some of them weren't even half bad

>Steam recommends random indie game
>Indie devs complain that their stuff is getting drowned out by shovelware
>Steam stops recommending shovelware
>Indie devs complain that their stuff sin;t getting recommended

Epic literally uses steam to see what games are getting popular attention then snatch them up for epic deals.

Yeah but those other games wanted to be on multiple storefronts so Tim chewed their remote and said no.

>EGS picks up most wishlisted games with exclusivity deals
>Waaaah nobody is wishlisting my unreleased game!
It makes perfect sense now

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Indies deserve no sympathy.

just set games and genres you don't like on ignore.

>indie dev cries about shovelware
>valve filters shovelware
>that indie dev's game is so shit it's considered shovelware
>the indie dev cries even more
How about make better games you fucking retards

he's describing an existing game; The War of Mine

>meanwhile Tim pays indies and promotes their stuff to fortnite zoomers.
wtf Yea Forums you told me tim was the bad guy?

Why Canada?

Is this fake reddit outrage #255336576?

Oh right, the "I DON'T WANT PEOPLE LIKE YOU BUYING MY GAME" doofus. Fun times.

Who cares? When's the last time a good indie game was released?

Yo are there any good in depth c++ tutorials you'd recommend bruh

shopping cart

What was the game even about? Furries playing guitar?

Is steam secretly racist?

>Hahah fuck indie devs for trying to make money on steam!
>"ok I guess we're an epic exclusive now"

Indieshit walking sim and pixelshit devs on suicide watch.

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the only good egg game is tetris effect

I don't think anyone goes to the steam store to find games anymore, doing the youtube and hiding everything even more won't make that much difference at this point

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Top lel. Outside of fake outrage shitposting and callilng devs out for being fags for no reason other than to kill time, I really dont give a fuck about pixelshit metroidvania roguelike whatever-the-fuck-is-the-most-popular-tag-now game getting taken by EGS. And the fact is nobody else does either

>Steam's Discovery update is making things worse for some indie developers...
>... and much better for literally everyone else
>(especially those who aren't assclowns making post-ironic RPG Maker shovel wäre about the struggles of being a polygender gay fictionkin)
>and here's why that's awful...

You have to refine it. Just go through your queue a couple times and the algorithm will learn

>some indie developers

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Not him but I'm also a dev, I'd recommend you start by reading Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel.

Never forget.. Indie devs and journos are samefags, and you should never care about their constant and deceptive whining.

Why is Final Fantasy XI in the "top sellers" list today?

The same reason why I watch Youtube drama videos despite not knowing or watching any of the people involved, I'm nosy and I get bored.

They pay 30% of their sales for that reason.

good thing i give zero fucks about indie devs as a CUSTOMER on my PLATFORM of CHOSING

>accidentally looked at Rabi-Ribi's store page once from a miss-click
>now steam is convinced I'm a total weeb and shoves an endless flow of h-games in my face
It's been like this for well over a year. I don't even know what is going on anymore. Everything is just anime, 24/7. I want to die.

use the tag filter or click the not interest button on a few of those. I just filter everything "lgbt" and degenerate and only get good shit now.

>Supposed to show people what they want
>Shows people less indie garbage no one wants
Sounds like it's working perfectly

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The only indies that hate this update are the shit kind. When I'm browsing games now I actually see good random shit and not just the top sellers or some shitty game.


>SOME indie developers
i wonder what kind of games are they selling

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EGS is not picky in the quality sense, the launcher is just junk so they literally can't add many games without breaking something.

who cares

Indie devs killed a man.

wtf? why so many triple a bootlickers here?