If Kojima is the mastermind behind Metal Gear, how come Metal Gear without Kojima > Metal Gear with Kojima?
If Kojima is the mastermind behind Metal Gear, how come Metal Gear without Kojima > Metal Gear with Kojima?
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Because fuck you you baiting nigger that's why.
Them's just the rules of nature OP.
metal gear rising has to be the most overrated 6/10 game in Yea Forums history
Gameplay wise yeah, but it was just so hilariously over the top that you have to admire it.
>Not enjoying the soundtrack
>Not enjoying the combat that you have to git gud or not advance
>The characters
>The redemption of Raiden
>The boss fights
Yeah, your taste is shit.
~I finally found what I was looking for~
Not even the first time it's happened. And according to most of the people who played Portable Ops, it's not the second time either.
Just like Smash Bros 64 and Melee are Sakurai. And Brawl, 4 and Ultimate are 'Smash Bros Without Sakurai'
Why is the soundtrack so fucking good bros?
>enjoying half assed combat
Jesus what a shit taste
Post your top 3 action games and a clip of you playing them or you're a fraud and an incel.
>>Not enjoying the combat that you have to git gud or not advance
The combat feels good, but is as shallow as a puddle and the game is not even remotely hard.
>Not enjoying the combat that you have to git gud or not advance
Not true. As long as you can occasionally parry and dodge, you can just button mash your way through without getting good. All cuhrayzee games suffer from this with the exception of Sekiro but i don't know if Sekiro is cuhrayzee,
>post clip
Platinumdrone everyone
Why was MGR masterpiece, but all other Platinum's games are garbage?
(Nier automata is Yoko Taro's game)
Based retard
>yfw Armstrong and Raiden shake hands
>Nier automata
>even in Platinum's top 5
the original before the project was dumped to platinum looked more interesting.
>portable ops
at least make the bait believable
Because it's Platinum Games. They only make hits. It's less a lack of Kojima and more the inclusion of Platinum Games.
This game is good but it isn't near as excellent as Metal Gear Solid 3.
Bayonetta was decent
Vanquish was their best game when you got gud
Meh, as much as I love MGR, a 5 hour game cannot be a masterpiece. Not only is is 5 hours long on a first playthrough, all subsequent playthroughs are no more than 2 hours. For this genre I expect at least double that.
>The Mona Lisa isn't big enough to be a masterpiece
It's still hilarious that this "little spinoff" ended up being vastly better than MGSV itself, to the point where it's better to pretend this was the real MGSV
i mean, MGSV still had some good points here and there
Would be cool if e could mix both games
The combat is extremely shallow, I like the game but I would describe it as a high budget version of something like no more heroes and killer is dead, where the actual gameplay is a bland nothing but it's carried by style and soundtrack
I love every metal gear game and there’s nothing you can do about it.
the problem with V is that it's visibly incomplete. that's really what sets it back, so many cool features scraped that ended up harming the game, what was the purpose of building that micro metal gear and not being able to use it?
Embarrassing. You need to play more games.
This is the type of game that only gets better the more you play and unlock the harder difficulties
I think mgr2 should just be a boss rush
i had more fun with portable ops than with peace walker
Like Furi
Transformers: Devastation was fantastic and I will send a wave of inhuman vileness down the cable line to personally slap your shit if you disagree.
You slap like a woman
I tried.
Try and formulate a real opinion instead of regurgitating shit you saw on youtube and infographics. G
It gets praise here because /pol/tards has a hardon for Armstrong. Prove me wrong.
But Kojima worked on MGR....
>won't post a webm cause no skill
>gets mad at words
Incelmaycrydrone everyone
Because Kojima was never the real mastermind behind the Metal Gear series, it was Fukushima. Kojima is a sperg like George Lucas who's a wellspring of ideas - but has absolutely no clue how to actually fit them together or temper them into something entertaining. It takes a master craftsman to sort through the raw materials, be able identify and sort the usable stuff from the mental diarrhea, and then craft them into a product. But because Kojima got credit for everything, he was meme'd into a superstar, and ended up drinking his own Koolaid - just like Lucas. And as a result, everyone who was around him who he needed to tell him to shut the fuck up were replaced with yesmen - and now he doesn't even have a publisher that's willing to kick him in the ass since everyone is bending over backwards to throw money at him to see what he comes out with next. And it's going to end badly, but the fireworks should be fun to watch if you're viewing from a distance.
Fukushima worked on MGS1, MGS2, and MGS3, but hasn't worked on a proper mainline game since MGS3. After MGS3 and Koji-cult was in full swing, they didn't have any room for people who would stand up to Kojima. So they had him work on a MGS card game and then quietly removed him from the series.
It wasn't bad but like all Platinum Games it completely lacks any real depth or challenge and movement just feels clunky. I had more fun playing Raiden in MGSV.
sounds like you pay a lot of attention to those yourself, buddy. bet you do it just to be contrarian against Yea Forums
lmao you're fucking pathetic
If suplexing a Metal Gear and cutting it's arm off isn't hype as fuck you may have terminal autism.
I have a few liberal borderline SJW friends that absolutely love MGR AND Armstrong. You have to be an absolute tranny to have a problem with the game.
that rex wasn't a metal gear
This is probably the shortest post I've ever seen that is retarded in exactly three ways.
>He cares what this board thinks and want to formulate his opinions so they match this boards
>unironically calls it "Yea Forums"
Stop trying so hard.
yeah bro, i read your post. look, you're too cool for the 4channels, an absolute rebel that doesn't conform and has xir own opinion unlike the rest of the sheeple.
come back when you can legally browse this website, k? have fun on reddit!
but I am right
metal gear ray is technically not a metal gear despite being called that
You seem super excited to be posting on this board. 1st time?
also to develop on this a little, it's because ray models don't have nuclear power, which is the entire point of metal gears: being a mobile nuclear powerhouse
the fact it can stand on two legs just makes it LOOK like a metal gear
ah, you must be the famed "4channel regular". I can tell because of how unique and contrarian your opinions are. do i have your permission to post on your board, during your watch, xir?
Man, I love Shinkawa's work.
The RAY never had the ability to launch nukes. It was designed specifically as deterrent against the REX as a form of asymmetrical warfare, and it's considered a Metal Gear because it's part of the nuclear deterrence strategy.
>make anti metal gear weapon
>call it a metal gear because it contributes against metal gears
>buy dog to hunt rabbits
>call it a rabbit
Cry to the writers about it, my dude. The RAY is a Metal Gear..
it's cute that you're trying this hard to gain my approval
and by cute I mean pathetic
You type like a 3rd worlder.
you sound irrationally angry
want a hug? (:
I'm thinking of picking up this game soon. Ignoring the PC port (I don't have a PC strong enough to run it), which is the better version to own? 360 or PS3?
There's literally no multiplat game that didn't run better overall on the 360. That said, you really need a new PC.
That jobber didn't deserve a theme so cool
Rising on PS3 is 20gb. On 360 it's crushed to fit 5gb and suffers accordingly.
barely, he didn't direct or write it
not him but can i have a hug
>tfw want a MGR2
>but MGRR writer want to do MGSR again
You're actually fucking stupid considering Armstrong is a complete anarchist.
then again, Armstrong isn't a left guy, this is more Raiden case.
retard detected, the strong will rule in his world
user, be happy, if a MGR2 happen we probably will have to kill Raiden, you don't want that do you?
>muh /pol/
your obsession is unhealthy. he's just a great, memorable and quotable antagonist
MGRR thread? youtube.com
That's anarchism m8.
Top fucking lel
If killing Raiden is really fucking badass, sure. I'm down. Part of me wishes he lost to Armstrong desu. He had all the right ideas. They just just couldn't let it slide though so they make him say silly shit like "PURGE THE WEAK, FOR NO REASON AT ALL!! HAAHAH" just to drive home the point he is indeed the "badguy" incase you were confused why you were supposed to care about Raiden and his quest to protect the profits of companies like walmart and taco bell.
sounds more like an extreme version of dictatorship to me
Raiden after the end of MGRR is a weird character , using memes from Solidus, Snake, Armstrong and probably some of his own.
He's like a more heroic version of Big Boss. (heroic in the sense, less evil), but still on a dark parth.
You don't really understand what dictatorship is then. Dictatorship is just a political system organized in such a way that there is one person atop of the pyramid that has the ultimate sovereignty over the rest of the system. He could be a weak manlet soiboi and his political position would still be "strong" simply because of his position atop of the "pyramid".
Armstrong is proposing a world where every man is basically free to fight for what he believes in, which in turn would lead to a strong rule over the weak kind of situation, aka anarchy.
I genuinely believe they wrote themselves into a pigeon hole near the end, they all sat down and realized Armstrong's argument and justifications was too sound, too convincing, and held far too much water(who only wanted peace) in the face of Raiden, who only really represented the combined interest of mega-corporations, their final line of defense to protect the bottom line in the most extreme way..(by continuing war)
Wait a minute, this character makes too much sense. Okay. Well. Fuck it, sprinkle some fanfic hitler shit in there, something completely silly and asinine that nobody with two braincells could agree with.
They thought, but not really. Yeah, if you ask me, Raiden's motivations were entirely brainless, a real dog-tier, go fetch boy slave. The fact he acts unquestionably makes his path seem far more dark the longer traveled than anything Armstrong was cooking up. Had Armstrong not uttered the words "an purge the weak" there would have been zero reason for siding with Raiden or even wanting him to win.
Raiden symbolized the status quo, the continuation of the old world, and all that comes with it. The bad guys won.
>they all sat down and realized Armstrong's argument and justifications was too sound, too convincing, and held far too much water
at the end of Rising, it seem Raiden want to go in war against the institution, or the society itself. similar to what big boss did, but alone and with more moral. even if Raiden still is a bloodthirsty killer at the end.
there's a reason of why Sunny is worried in her last codec, or that his whole codec support tell him he's not fine.
Raiden can't live his next game if it's after MGRR storywise. he's too deep in it.
I genuinely can't even tell what it is you are trying to convey here. I don't follow the joker memes, or understand them very well.
All I'm saying is, rather he knew it or not. Raiden sided with perpetual war for profit. Perpetual suffering and subjugation.
Armstrong at least was willing to shoot an arrow into the dark for a chance at peace, but it simply made too much sense. So fuck that. He wants to gas people who don't visit the gym! Kill his ass! Like really? Com'on. They build a beautiful bridge, that led to a burning landfill that smelled like shit.
>tfw we have to play as Raiden son and kill his father, continuing the curse of the Snakes.
George is the cyborg of this game, fighting like jetstream sam. George ideals are very similar to DLC Sam and both are partially human partially cyborg.
>tfw seriously hoped for Raiden to team up with Armstrong after saying "maybe i was wrong about you"
>Armstrong in a genuine way take him up and brush the dust off him, and then give him a hug
Armstrong did nothing wrong.
>this thread
George is that spic child?
Fuck him.
>tfw he call Sunny hot and get away with it because he's a kid
You know he will fuck her the day she is 18.
I did not agree to this.
MGR2 never is wrong
MGR2 will happen one day.
1 year or 6, it will happen
Get cucked Huey.
Otacon is a chad so he would be okay with it, he already fuck different girls every weeks according to MGRR but can't settle on because he's too scared and too depressed after Snake death.
He genuinely disgusts me. I dunno why. Mixed people generally just disgust me I guess.
>Sundowner in shit tier
You clearly don't want THE GOOD OL DAYS RIGHT AFTER 9/11
where is Khamsin aka the ultimate jobber in this?
I mean. Nothing against them as people but their looks are just repulsive. Most of them are manlets they have exact same blocky faces black hair and are unbearably loud when speaking.
Now that's a pretty meme! EXQUISITE.
Did he even have a cause to fight for?
So was jetstream sam a vampire or not. I thought he was? But then he isn't? Then you fight him, and he is again, maybe?
How does "not raiden" even compete in a future future continuation without entirely being a borg with a brain attached to the side of it.
grunt tier, does whatever he is told
>game without Kojima
Kojima was still the man behind the original Metal Gear Rising prototype before the project was handed over to Platinum and turned into Revengance
platinum did a great job with the overthetop action and presentation, but the base ideas of the game were still designed by Kojima
He literally orchestrated the assassination of an innocent African leader that seemed to genuinely want peace and literally was planning to murder the president of the United States on live TV. These were not afterthoughts, these were fundamental parts of his plan. Not to mention that you only learn about the final part of his plan while he's giving Raiden the beating of his life, up to that point he was pretending to be just a regular warmonger..
His plan didn't really make sense either. He never proposed a mechanism to end the war business, all he did was list the "benefits" of the utopia that he'd build after getting the money and power he needed.
George isn't a spic, he's indian.
He believed the fight was for freedom, and knew nothing about Armstrong plan. he wasn't even really part of the winds, just self proclaimed. and even Mistral hated him for being a fucking retard.
getting killed by basic bladewolf also shows he was weak as fuck.
Wait being nuclear powered is the requirement? I thought what made it special was that it could swim, walk and fly, and fire nuclear missiles. Not that it was nuclear powered. Everything is nuclear powered these days, is everything a metal gear now?
So he's a spic.
when the fuck was it ever implied he was a vampire
meanwhile i got my ass handed to by both bladewolf fights
Should we have MGSR revived on the fox engine and shit, or a MGR2?
both game would have the same writer and producer. just a different director.
Except that's not true at all. Metal Gear Solid: Rising was KP's attempt at making a game without Kojima. The game was in development hell because the team had zero fucking clue what they were doing without him.
>Metal Gear without Kojima
>A 4 hour Bayonetta clone with MGS skin
>Metal Gear Survive
say what again
MGR looks good even today.
Give me something new with the soundtrack.
Was the plan always to kill the president(was he even the president)? I'm can't quite remember. I'm pretty sure he was just a fucking hostage they planned on using and then sundowner was just like "I'm fucking evil! harhar! *stab him in the chest for no reason* and then flew away in a helicopter.
that's not the whole story.
the game wasn't made by the whole team, just a small part of it only composed of young and new member.
the team nowadays is a mix of old and, well, young guys at the time.
and the whole story was done considered the game got cancelled during the localization phase according to the MGRR localizer.
They killed him to bring back some chaos i suppose.
>Implying he'll wait that long.
Sorry kiddo, she's already BROWNED.
can't user, she have Bladewolf to protect her.
Raiden didn't take him, he's doing his new plan in solo.
Africa was just getting a bit too peaceful
All we're saying is... GIVE WAR A CHANCE!
What i like in sundwoner is that he's truly evil, unlike most MG character beside Volgin and the serial killer from Ghost Babel.
the game that was done without Kojima was actually the prototype of the prototype of MGR, the game wasn't even about Raiden back then, and the team didn't know what to do with the whole project. Later Kojima turned into the tech demo, but it was cancelled because they weren't experienced with making swordfights enough, then years later it was handed to Platinum when Kojima met with one of the devs who asked about the possibility of working on MGR himself.
Not really, Kojima didn't do much for MGSR and even less with MGRR.
in fact, he wasn't even the producer of both. the producer of MGRR right now is the actual MG producer.
Just the perfect age, a thin balance of cuteness and funniness
He's not evil, he's just an honest warmonger.
Armstrong was praised during the games release.
What's great about MGRR is that when it comes to story and themes, it's the perfect sequel that could be made for MGS2 after what happened with Raiden in MGS4. It's got it all, Memes, Child Soldiers, Jack having to confront his true self, The manipulation of information, the American military-industrial complex, The villain reflecting the protagonist in some way, etc.
>Kojima didn't do much for MGSR
>look at this post only talking about MGRR proving this
I still remember watching some stream linked to a thread about the game here on Yea Forums when it was released, and how everyone went fucking mad with hype when Armstrong stepped out of the little ball thing he was piloting the giant robot from.
I don't know. I guess I've been living a lie, some real incurable head cannon. I had ALWAYS thought Sam/Vamp were the same asshole, but the director says he isn't? Well fuck him, I don't believe that guy. They are in my book. An I won't be convinced otherwise. Lots of the concept art is basically the same fucking guy, coat and everything.
An his death was never even truly confirmed. They went oops last minute and changed the flag of his origin and called it a day. Raiden kills him and is like "what that the fuck this is just a guy in a suit of armor what was this bullshit" How did he do it? He was a vampire!
God, i want to watch this.
i remember also being hype. Armstrong is one of the best MG Antagonist and he was literally introduced just 30 minutes before the end.
user, Sam have a clear backstory, it's just a conincidence.
Its a shit backstory, maybe its not even real. Everyone lies to you in the MG franchise. I won't believe it because it makes too much sense.
Should I get Metal Gear Survive for it's singleplayer?
I want more MGSV and from what little I've played it was kinda fun
If you got it cheap, like , 10 bucks, then yeah. it even have some MGRR shit in it. item wise and storywise, but not a lot of people saw it.
Yeah because sundowner 9/11 wasnt getting spammed, fuck outta here revisionist scum.
I just want to fuck Mistral
reminder that her boobs are real according to Doktor.
the codec in MGRR is really facinating. 6 hours and a half of it. way better than V tapes.
Are you one of those that think anarchism means going to the streets on hoodies, burning cars and beating up cops?
wait i never saw this thread, was it during american hours?
A whole wide day of 9/11
Survive is a solid pickup. It in bunch of ways, it's an improvement over 5. I genuinely enjoyed it's singleplayer.
It's also worth mentioning that the multiplayer is virtually non-existent because of some mistakes they made and never fixed - they catastrophically fragmented the matchmaking to the point it's basically impossible to get games outside of manually grouping up with people on discords or steam groups. And that was back in the months after it's release, it's almost certainly harder now.
matchmaking was dead because the playerbase already was small. i didn't played MP a lot and mostly did salvage missions in solo, but the only time i did was with japanese players because most of the players were japanese.
playerbase wise it's PS4 > ONE > Steam. but PS4 already is very small.
Playerbase size didn't cause the problem, it just made it worse and they never compensated
Matchmaking was split into something bonkers like 20 different possible queues when you take into account that it was split by region, game type, difficulty, and a modifier or two beyond that
He was working on the Project (see early version being playtested in the FOX engine) before passing it to Platinum then supervising it.
So he was kinda in the development sorta.
MGSR wasn't made by Kojima. producer was a literal who, director was an artist. He was already working on PW and V with his senior staff members.
for MGRR, producer is Korekado and director is a plat guy
Sekiro isn't even close to the genre and you even mentioning it brings into question your understanding of what cuhrayzee games are.
And try getting through a DMC game on DMD with just button mashing. Unlike platinum games you have pretty specific move inputs and pause combos rather than any of the 3.5 million combinations in a 10 combo string that all produce some kind of result.
Daily reminder Platinum worked with Konami again recently.
MGR2 baby.
real question is : MGR2 before MGRR or after?
Kojima never worked on MGSR, he was always just an oversight position on it. The entire point of it was handing off Metal Gear to his new generation of people at KP to take it over when he moved on from it
It collapsed because the people directing it couldn't lock down a working concept - they wanted it to be a fast paced action game, very high detail cutting physics and destructible environments while also a traditional stealth game despite the ideas ultimately not being very compatible. If you look back at the demonstrations they made of it, you can see where they were just spitballing things in prototypes. It was all scripted cutting events and nothing real going on. I believe they eventually admitted that as far as something playable it never got past a prototype that took place in an empty white box.
>And try getting through a DMC game on DMD with just button mashing.
You don't button mash but you do just spam the same attacks. DMC games are completely braindead and poorly designed, it's just that the way you can put combos in and the specific timings allow it to be optimized a great deal by autists.
NG2 blows them all out of the water.
the worse is that they actually did the story and it was apparently REALLY good. the localizer of MGRR said the story of MGSR was a masterpiece and one of the best MG story ever.
But the game probably was too ahead of it's time on the old gen.
but Etsu, the writer, did say he want to do this story one day. it was even referenced a little during some codec in MGRR.
Ninja gaiden are still part of the same genre so... yeah, whatever. I mean if you actually think about it "dodge/parry then punish with a simple repeatable combo" describes 99% of action games out there, "cuhrazyy" or not.