Why haven't you bought VR yet?

Why haven't you bought VR yet?

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I don't have to justify "not" buying something.

Remember VR is something that makes pirates seethe since they can't pirate the hardware for it.


Sold. What game is that?

Are there sensors for your dick yet?

Had my Oculus Rift CV1 since November, the experience feels like a lucid dream. Also sometimes I play certain games and get to an area that feels very nostalgic to me though I can't pinpoint what exactly it's reminding me of.

To any of you who've been to Disney World around the late 90s or early 2000s, do you recall some indoor Lion King attraction with animatronics?


delicious brown

Couldn't he at least look up for a couple seconds before being a foot degenerate?

>watching a playthrough of a porn game
>with commentary

Mods shut down the last giantess thread.
Asking again, what are good sites to find giantess art?
Pixiv, and giantess boorus are pretty good, but anywhere else?

what does it cost and what are the requirements? my pc is old and i'm kind of a poorfag

its expensive and needs a good computer, an oculus quest is a kind of "watered" down headset but its all in one, doesn't need a computer, I think its like $400? im too lazy to check.
I hear the graphics and games are kinda limited though.
The headset I have is an HTC vive and i managed to get it for $320 ($500 for a new one) and I like it. but its definitely a gimmick right now, worth trying out though.

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I have, it's cool and surprisingly physically intense sometimes. Also managing maids is fun. Fuck vrcuck btw.

Yes pirates can pirate a GPU

why are devs so lazy. Literally no reason to use teleporting in vr in 2019. That would be like using teleporting in a non vr game.

Because vertigo is insane when you move visually but stay in place. Have you tried Sairento VR?

Does this game have non teleporting movement as well (op game)? No reason to not have both though vertigo really feels like a meme. I wish I could get vertigo on demand desu so I can see what it feels like.

its not about developer limitations its about user limitations. teleporting reduces ammount of people who blow chunks

Oh shit

Oh shit




Then make it a option for people that aren't total pussies.

I dunno, haven't played that one. But I assure you, VRtigo is not fun or meme, it fucking sucks.

>basic human physiology
Stop being underage. Just because you have an abnormal vestibular system doesn't mean everybody should.

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retard alert, there is no reason to not, at a minimum, have smooth locomotion as an option, i'm not a weak stomached fuck and i can take anything in VR. let me play in the most fun way possible.

>can't compensate his motion sickness so the devs have to censor the game for him
>calling others underage for it
Ok snowflake

Post it

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I don’t have the space to use it comfortably.

I thought he was gonna rip her toenail off

Is that the Chara Studio in VR?

I just came into some money and am planning on buying one. What's the currently recomended headset? also is there any decent mech games I can play with a flightstick for a full cockpit experience? bonus points if they mechs are cute

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Because it's a shitty overpriced gimmick with no good games.

valve's headset is the best high end one, but you may wanna wait ancd check out the upcoming htc vive thing

How's the Oculus Rift S?

Sairento has dash teleport, it actually makes sense in-game, you're a fucking weeb ninja.

Best entry level headset.

cause vr headset is expensive af and no good vr games. i could try if it was 100$ tho.

its literally an eroge/ecchi machine like that. i dont expect anything else from it.

Not good to decent

what's the name of the dude who made these/where can I find the rest of these clips?

Waiting for it to be cracked

Because it doesn't have any games I care about. It just has indie shovelware, rhythm shit, and porn like your webm.

I don't know foot finger fetish

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Is koikatsu VR still running like shit?

>focusing on feet

cute feet

Really, the vertigo is really a case of a potential problem with VR being blown way out of a proportion. The only time I've ever started to feel ill during VR is when the framerate isn't stable and you are locomoting.

Valve Index is the only one worth getting.

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works on my vestibular system :)

I don't have physical space and hardware for it. otherwise I would be in VR all day long.

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over, and if you wanna convince someone to get VR don't use such an ugly girl in the webm.