Female gamers don't exi-

>female gamers don't exi-

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fucking idiot, you're suppose to write your thoughts in your manifesto and publish it online then quietly go in for the kill, this is why the gender pay gap exists

She’s cute. Anybody got pics of her feminine penis?

A cute hapa girl points a gun at your temple. What do you do, Yea Forums?

>would-be female
so a tranny? we already have a ton of those

I'd give her a dickin'

Retard, you are meant to threaten right wingers.

They don't.
That girl could have guys making line to give her the D if she wanted.

>would-be female
What did they mean by this?

I would

Eat all of the eggs

Why'd she do it? She could have a bf easy.

annnnnnnnnd........ KEK

My bet on a 1-2 years sentence in jail with probation.

His standards are so low that he'd date anyone, so his opinion doesn't matter.
She'd never date someone like him anyways

She looks like an IRL version of Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim


fire away, i'm not religious

kys faggot

Did you know women school shooters only make 0 kills for every male killer?

This needs to end.

I'd let her shoot me if it cheered her up. Land of the free lies again. Let me get shot by her dammit.


>would-be female

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ba dum tsss

>No friends
>Family didn't like she was indoors all day playing videogames
>Watched movies and Netflix all day
>Never left room aside from getting snacks and school
>No job
>Only went to college for a few classes and went straight home
>Never talked to anyone
>Always in back of the room doodling while listening to music
>Decides to talk to some guy she likes
>He rejects her
>She threatens everyone

What an idiot.

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I think the would be is implying she was stopped before accomplishing her goals but I love how intent is enough to land you a headline these days

Hers are probably way too high as well.

>No school shooter gf

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Her punishment should be 400 creampies

Sounds just like Yea Forums

by blacks

I can't believe Yea Forums was a girl

He said punishment not reward. 40p creampies by tiny white dicks would be a punishment.

I'd rape her

yasss queen slayyyy!!!

Alright, guess what games she played Yea Forums

She'd rape you.

guys do the same thing. the only strange thing about her, based on that one picture of her, is that she is not a fatass girl (which most girls seem to be who are interested in this stuff based on my personal observations). she is actually attractive (in the picture in the OP), and it wouldnt have surprised me if other guys tried to talk to her at somepoint. she could have had the same interests as any other school shooter or any one of us deliquents here and yet she could still get a date much much easier just because she is (assuming it really is a she) a girl who isnt a single mom or super fat. then again, i hope the guy she asked out wasnt super chad or something

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See, this is why women can't be real gamers. They're just stupid attention whores, if she really wanted to do it, she wouldn't say anything about it

She's not attractive at all man what are you smoking. She's like between a landwale and an average girl.

Wow that's almost 100% me, except talking to a girl I liked. Shit, I was that close to shooting up a school too!

female gamers don't, but femcels definitely exist. Most of them end up joining the SJWs to pretend the reason they don't get laid is because they hate men. And partly it is, but mostly they are mentally ill.

everyone knows that guys and girls always have higher standards but dating up is much more common and seen in girls. of course the girl in the OP wouldnt ever date any of the losers here unless he was the best looking and most successful one of the nerds (there is always 1 or 2 at every community college who gets all the female girls there, if he even wants them). even if her standards were so low, she would never go for one of us (so it isnt THAT low, remember, getting a dicking is not a limited resource, unlike getting pussy)

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I want to fuck her.

>400 people
fucking delusional roasties lol

got real r/asianmasculinity in here all of a sudden

Of course they exist, they simply never talk or leave the house, making them impossible to find or date.

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it'd cheer me up

>white shooter

Every time.

This is why you’ll never meet your waifu, she’s busy doing the same shut in hobbies as you.

Jk, I met my wife through vidya. Good luck to you all.

>I'd let her shoot me if it cheered her up.
Men are treated like shit because you put pussy on a pedestal.

Last one should be RPG maker eroge.

That’s an awfully Jewish nose for somebody who is clearly 100% chinaman

He said creampies, not shitpies LOL

Except most of the time.

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typical Yea Forums girl

Oh no, she's cute.

>women can't even do the ultimate act of failing at life right

fuck you, racist piece of shit

Would've lowered it to 3+ if you didn't get the results you wanted right?

>Every mass shooter the media reports on
Remember, reporting black crimes like that would be racist

If only all mass shooters had the decency to announce they were about to go on a killing spree.

Moving goal posts while you accuse him of it

It's funny when you think about it. When a black man gets mad he shoots the one guy who pissed him off.

When a white boy gets mad he shoots up the whole godamn school. Talk about crazy.

FBI's and Congressional Research Service's definition, retard.

>didn't even get onto the scorecard
Sounds about right

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>male gamer
>shoots up the place

>girl gamer

She/he just like me

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That's because a black man is incredibly short-sighted and chimps out in the here and now while a white man takes his time and thinks out a plan to maximize efficiency.

even if she wasn't caught she wouldn't follow through

Yea Forums guy had nothing to do with anime. just looks like a generic weeb circa mid-00s.